My Aunt's Sexy Feet
By Caligula
For as long as I could remember I had been interested in my aunt's feet, and in fact, the very first sexual urges I had involved my Aunt Melanie's size eight and a half feet. My Aunt Melanie was seventeen years older than me and we had always been very close, probably because she used to babysit me all the time. I clearly recall having my very first erections while playing with her feet and being dominated by her. She used to lay on her stomach on the living room floor, slightly dirty soles facing up and her denim blue jeans draping slightly over her smooth bare heels. I used to then sit astride her legs, facing her feet, tickle her pretty soles, and stare in utter fascination at the way the creamy flesh would wrinkle as she twitched with laughter. Oh, how I remember the way her toes would flex and then bunch up again, giving me quick glimpses of her unpainted toenails peeking slightly over the tops of each sweet digit. The balls of her feet were like little cushions, the smooth pads reminding me of pillows and they were just as soft. And her heels...oh those heels!!! Her feet were always just a bit dirty as she walked barefoot around the house, and her bare heels seemed to shine like new leather. They were so tender and soft, not what you'd expect from a woman's heels. Just thinking about them is almost enough to make me cream my pants right now.
I mentioned domination. I'm not talking about the whips and chains brand of domination here, but a subtle verbal sort of femdom. My aunt was always a very sexual person, and never felt embarrassed talking about body parts.....mainly MALE body parts. She always cracked jokes about guys getting castrated or hit in the balls, and would always look me in the eyes as she told her joke and laugh really loud. The combination of my aunt's feet and her lighthearted humiliation of me (and how much she enjoyed making me blush!) trapped me for life in her web.
Well, here I am, 27 years old and sitting across from my aunt as she reclines on her sofa, bare feet resting crossed on the coffee table. I'm visiting her here in her condo in Florida while I'm on vacation. I have such a great view of her soles and I'm hard as a rock in my sweatpants. I know my aunt has noticed my erection, but she hasn't said anything, just keeps looking at me and smiling and laughing. She must think I am staring at her D-size breasts, and I am stealing glances at her braless melons to tell the truth. She has huge nipples, like pencil erasers, that seem to be erect and trying to rip their way through the front of her semi-transparent white cotton t-shirt. I let my eyes travel down from her heavenly globes and admire how shapely her legs are in her skin-tight denim jeans, the pants ending where her gorgeous feet begin. My breath catches in my throat when she wriggles her pretty toes, trying to catch my attention. I look up quickly at my aunt's mocking face and blush, knowing I have been caught. Now as I've already stated, my aunt is VERY flirtatious with me, and I don't think I would have minded being caught staring at her ass or tits, but drooling over her feet was another matter entirely. To have my aunt know I was so interested in such an odd body part could be the cause of endless embarrassment for me. Apparently, she was thinking the same thing.
"Are you staring at my feet, John?" she asks me in a sly seductive tone.
What could I say? My face must be beet red. "! I mean you moved them and they caught my attention, that was all." I hope I have covered up my fetish, although I don't think my aunt entirely believes my story.
"Oh.......I see. Are you sure you weren't staring?" She is obviously enjoying this a great deal.
"Nope." I have recovered my composure a bit, "not staring at all." I smile back at her.
"Because I thought maybe you had a foot fetish or something. That would have to be so embarrassing for be caught getting hard over my feet." She lifts her right foot in the air and points it at my crotch, flexing her toes. "I mean that IS an erection you're sporting there, isn't it?"
I can't believe she is actually pointing out my erection to me! I grow red in the face all over again.
She continues, "It must be a real kick in the balls to get so hard and not have anywhere to go to jerk off!" She kicks her right leg up as if kicking an imaginary man in the groin.
I need to say something quick as I don't want to get trapped into admitting my fetish. "Your boobs! I was staring at your boobs!" I guess I figure this is the lesser of two evils. Are you more of a pervert for staring at your aunt's chest, or her feet?
"Oh, you were staring at my boobs, NOT my feet." She places her right foot back on the coffee table and I do my best not to look down at her soles again. "So you like these big tits, huh?" Aunt Melanie stands up and stretches her arms high over her head, thrusting her enormous jugs out into space. I wonder what it would be like to place my lips over one of those luscious nipples and gently suck. She notices my lingering gaze and laughs in my face. "I'm going to get ready for bed so you have a few minutes to beat that thing back down to a normal size if you want." She indicates my penis by lifting her foot like a ballet dancer and placing it on the chair between my legs. Her big toe acts like a pointer as she wiggles it in the direction of my member. She quickly draws her leg back and makes as if to kick me in the nuts but just laughs as I involuntarily cover my jewels.
"Chicken shit!" she smirks and walks sexily off to the bedroom we share. Share? Yep, we share a room, and even share the same bed. All very platonic, of course, but as I said...we are VERY close. It's not like any of her teasing ever went beyond teasing, and I'm sure it amused her to share a bed with her horny nephew.
I don't jack myself off, but after I walk into our bedroom and see my aunt's night clothes I wish I had. She is still wearing the t-shirt but has removed her pants. The t-shirt doesn't reach down very far and her ass and pussy are covered by a pair of silk red panties...small panties. She gets onto her side of the twin bed and pats the empty spot beside her. Now I always sleep in my briefs and my aunt knows this, so to climb into bed with my sweatpants still on would be cause for more jibes from her. So I stand before her bravely and lower and step out of my pants, my erection still pointing painfully in my underwear for all the world to see. I turn the lights out and join her in the bed. We always sleep head to toe for modesty's sake and are doing the same tonight. My aunt turns onto her stomach and is asleep within a few minutes. After my eyes adjust to the darkness I decide to take a chance and indulge my fetish to a small extent. I slowly pull the sheets back revealing my aunt's bare feet. Being a twin bed, we sleep very close to each other and so I don't have to stretch far to get my nose close to those pretty tootsies. I hold my breath and let my face hover for a few moments over those deliciously wrinkled soles. Then I inhale through my nose, very slowly, and savor the heady aroma of my aunt's sweet feet. They are especially fragrant since they haven't been washed since morning and she had gone out jogging a few hours before. They talk about how certain tastes and smells can arouse people. Well, I wonder if anyone ever thought to test the odor of the female foot for its sexual effect on the human male? How I wish I could bottle that scent so I could always have my aunt's feet near me. Maybe I could use this as a cheap alternative to Viagra.
I spend the next few hours studying every crevice and wrinkle of Aunt Melanie's feet in the moonlight streaming through the window and sniffing their pungent perfume. Every so often she wiggles her toes while struggling in some dream of her own. Perhaps she is dreaming of the two of us together, and of my erection from earlier this evening. I'd give my left nut to wrap my lips around those toes and suck, or to tickle her soles with my tongue. I fall asleep with my face lying as close to her feet as I can get, close enough that I can still smell their aroma.
When I awake the next morning I am surprised to find I am having difficulty breathing and I panic. I pull my face up from what I think is my pillow, only to find that I must have rolled off my pillow onto my stomach and have landed face down right into my aunt's soles! I slept all night with Aunt Melanie's feet shoved into my nose! My face is wet with the perspiration of her feet and I lick my lips to wipe away the sweat. I can taste her feet on my lips! Oh, this is better than I thought! I decide to play possum and eagerly lower my face back onto her soft soles, nuzzling my nose deep in between them. I am hard again as my aunt awakes from her slumber and flexes her soles with my face still sandwiched in tightly. I hear her grunt in surprise as she realizes what is going on, and my deception is apparently working. She thinks I am still asleep!
"Well, we'll see if he has a foot fetish or not," I hear her say.
Although my face is buried in her feet, I have turned the rest of my body slightly to the side to ease the pain of laying on my erection. I would never think my aunt would carry things as far as she is about to, but the next thing I know I feel her hand against my bare leg. I move slightly out of surprise and pretend I am tossing slightly in my sleep. Her hand travels up my thigh and I feel her fingernails probe my scrotal sack, finally cupping my balls in her palm and obviously gauging their size and weight. Then her nails trace their way up the length of my shaft and squeeze my engorged head before tickling my glans with her fingers. I hear her laugh quietly and then I am blinded with pain as she backhands me in the nuts! I immediately throw my head back, gritting my teeth against the agony and completely forgetting about the perfect feet inches below me.
"Oops!" says my aunt. "I'm sorry, John, but it was an accident. When I woke up your face was in between my feet and it frightened me and I threw my arm out. I guess I nailed you in the balls, huh?"
She grins and laughs devilishly as I moan out a yes.
"So how do my feet smell? Look, your face is all wet from my sweaty soles." She takes her feet and rubs them in my face as I lay on my back clutching my injured gonads. "So you don't like feet, huh? Then this must be absolutely awful for you! Well, you got to smell them all night, but I wonder how they taste after sweating for eight hours?"
Suddenly Aunt Melanie takes the toes from her right foot and shoves them past my lips and into my warm mouth. Of course, I have to pretend to gag even though I am in ecstasy, and have completely forgotten about the fire between my legs. She pulls her toes out of my mouth with a wet and messy 'PLOP' sound and rests the ball of her foot on my nose.
"Lick my feet clean or I'll KICK you in the balls this time!" She laughs as she says it but this was my opportunity to get some foot worship in.
"Oh please no, not the balls again! I'll lick, I'll lick!" I stick out my tongue and proceed to fulfil my fantasy by licking every inch of her beautiful bare feet. The taste is better than I could ever have imagined. It is very salty and just a bit sour, and is wonderfully complimented by the odor which still clings to her soles and invades my nostrils. Needless to say, I am hard again.
"Well, it's time for me to get in the shower!" Aunt Melanie says playfully as she pulls her feet away and leaps off the bed and heads off to the bathroom. She picks up her jar of hand lotion on the way out and holds it up for me to see. "Here, you might want to take care of yourself with this!" And with that she tosses it in my direction, hitting me square in the balls once again. "Oops! I intended for that lotion to get rid of your erection, but not like THAT!" I can hear her laughing even over my moaning up until she puts the shower on and gets herself cleaned up for the day.
I am sitting at the kitchen table when Aunt Melanie comes out of the bathroom wearing absolutely nothing but a terrycloth robe, lightly tied at the front. I stare in awe at her magnificent body, her hair still shimmering with wetness as it cascades around her shoulders. She pours herself a bowl of cereal and sits down at the chair next to me to eat, propping her bare feet on the table facing me. I quickly steal a look at her pale soles and notice how they are puckered and pink from the water and have to fight my desire to bathe them with my eager mouth. Aunt Melanie must sense my longing as she arches her left eyebrow and looks from me to her feet.
"Um, I suggest you get back to sucking my toes or you know what I'll do to your balls," she says between mouthfuls of cereal. While I am more than willing to submit to toe-licking without the threat, I'm not so sure anymore that she is kidding. I pull my chair closer to her and lovingly hold her still moist foot in my trembling hands. I know I must be blushing but don't care as I lower my open mouth to her toes. I suck the big toe on her right foot into my mouth and pretend to make love to it. Loud slurping and sucking noises escape my lips as I stretch them to accommodate the other four toes on her wriggling foot. She teases me continuously by slowly pulling her foot back and making me fight to maintain my lip lock on her tootsies, and then thrusting forward and deep-throating me with as much of her foot that would fit down my gullet. She enjoys seeing me choke on the object of my affections and at the same time struggle not to let go of my prize. Finally, she pulls her foot free and lowers her gams to the ground.
"You sure do suck a mean toe!"
"Well, it was either do a good job or I'd end up paying with my balls, right?" I blush as I say it.
My aunt eyes me up and down and comes to a decision. "You suck toe so well, let's see what you can do with these." She smiles sexily at me and unties the front of her robe, letting it fall open. She laughs at the look on my face and it is only then that I realize my mouth is hanging open while I stare at her glistening breasts and HUGE nipples! She takes the spoon she is holding and dribbles milk down her chest, the white substance looking like twin rivers travelling to her nipples where it falls like a tiny waterfall to land on her thighs. I fall to my knees before this goddess I thought to be my aunt and place my head between her legs and begin to lap up the milk. I lift my face and lick up past her bellybutton and approach her glowing globes with my mouth. I eye up my targets and guide one of her king-size nipples into my mouth with my tongue. I circle the hard plump nugget with my talented tongue and suck on it like I was sucking on a baby bottle. I am in heaven until my aunt's left foot, which is resting between my spread knees, shoots up like a pistol going off right into my nutsack.
"OOOOMMMPPPHHH!" I lean over with my mouth hanging open partly in pain and partly in shock that she has kicked me.
"On second thought, you're not so good with these," she twists her own nipples, "you better stick with toes!" She raises her left foot, the foot that has just smashed my jewels and inserts her toes into my open mouth, pumping it in and out. It's like she is fucking my mouth with her foot, although this time I am getting no pleasure from tasting her foot flavor. My balls are on fire and Aunt Melanie is laughing at me while she secures her robe about her waist once more. "Why are pool tables green?" she asks me through her loud chortles. "You'd be green too if someone kept racking YOUR balls!" She breaks down in fits of laughter after telling me her favorite joke for the millionth time.
"Well John, you're looking a bit green right now. What is that, three times I've busted your balls today? Hahahahahaha!!!"
I'm having a hard time holding back the vomit and my face is drooping closer to the floor where I get a close-up of my aunt's unpainted toenails. I'm clutching my manhood; afraid my nuts might fall off if I let go and keeping a watchful eye on my sweet aunt's lethal feet. Suddenly, and without warning, I see her right foot, or is it her left, swing up and she kicks me hard in the nose with the flat top of her foot! Oh damn, it fucking hurts! It stings horribly and I wonder if maybe my nose is broken as my hands reflexively go to cover this new injury. My aunt is still laughing and I hear her say, "Two points for Auntie!!!" Too late I realize what she means as she kicks me with her toes, right in the ballsack again! "OUCH!" she yells.
I don't remember when it happened, but I must have momentarily blacked out because I'm now lying on my side and hear a high-pitched whining noise coming from somewhere. Wait.....that's ME making those noises! I can vaguely see, through eyes made blurry with tears, Aunt Melanie sitting in her chair and rubbing her toes. She notices me looking up at her and she grimaces in pain. "I hurt my toes on your balls, you little fucker! So I KNOW it must have hurt you! Hahahahahaha!" Oh she is such a delightfully sadistic bitch! I love her so much!
"Why?" I squeak out feebly.
"Oh come on! I know you're turned on by me! I just didn't realize it was because of my feet. I mean I always figured you were drooling over my huge tits or sexy legs, or wanted to stick your little dick inside my nice warm pussy, but all along you wanted to stick that useless little thing in between my smelly soles!" I can only lie there and try not to puke. "I know ALOT about sex, and know if you're THAT into feet, that you've got to be submissive. I'm a natural dominant, as you just painfully found out, and knew I could kick those big balls of yours and you'd let me get away with it. Hahaha! I LOVE kicking balls! I bet you never guessed your Aunt was as big as a pervert as you are!" I nod my head 'no' and slowly wipe the dribble of spittle from the corner of my mouth. "Well, how about a little deal, nephew? I'll indulge your foot fetish for the rest of the week, if you'll indulge my ball-busting fetish for the same. Well?"
I am still finding it difficult to speak and aren't too sure about carrying this pervert-fest any further. Aunt Melanie apparently isn't about to let me forget my fetish and raises her feet off the floor and positions her bare soles inches from my face. "Come on, John. How can you resist these DELICIOUS feet? You know I'm going jogging again today and my feet are going to need a massage. They'll be SO sweaty and stinky! Haha! Have you ever had a footjob, John? I'm an EXPERT footjob giver. And all you have to do to get to bust a nut, is let ME bust a nut! Hahaha! You can smell my feet all night tonight, and lick them too, if you want. All night! What do you say?"
She's rubbing her big toes sensually over my lips and I place a kiss of defeat on the toe which she hurt while kicking my gonads. "I'd give my left nut for you, Auntie Melanie...Auntie Ballbreaker."
We both smile at each other. "I'd be careful about offering such a sweet prize...I might actually take you up on that!"
Aunt Melanie swings her feet to the floor and goes about getting ready to spend her day watching television, barefoot of course. "Your first duty as my slave is to rub my feet while I watch my talk shows...and be gentle, or else!" I sit on the floor with my back to the couch and my aunt drapes her legs over my shoulders, the balls of her feet hitting me square in the crotch.
"OUCH!" I shout.
"Oops! Did I do any damage to the twins? Hahahaha!"
I blush slightly and gently take hold of her feet. "The only thing damaged is my ego," I reply while faking a high-pitched voice. Aunt Melanie is amused by my 'playing' the part of the stereotypical 'just turned into a soprano' guy and grinds her feet into my balls a bit more. I wince slightly but otherwise endure the pain bravely. Finally, Aunt Melanie relents and eases up the pressure enough for me to cup her soles in my hands. Oh, they are soft! As this is my first opportunity to actually feel her feet with my hands, I make sure to take my time. I caress her tender soles, toughened only slightly by the years, and run my fingers between her cute toes, making my Aunt giggle and flex her feet.
Suddenly the phone rings and my aunt's kindness at letting me play with her feet turns to cruelness as she stands up to answer the ringing telephone. She slams her bare heel down onto my nutsack, grinding it two or three times and putting what seems like her whole weight onto that single point. My mouth opens in a silent scream and my hands pull feebly at her foot. Then the pressure is gone as auntie runs to the phone, leaving me rolling on the floor in the worst agony of my life. I'm only vaguely aware of her voice in the background seeing that I'm in my own private hell, but through my tear-filled eyes I see her feet as she sits in a chair and plays with the phone cord with her dexterous toes.
"Well that IS a surprise, Peggy!" says Aunt Melanie. "Yeah well he just pulled a groin muscle and I don't know if he's much in the mood for talking but I'll let you tell him the surprise. Here, John, it's your mom on the phone!" Aunt Melanie leans down with an evil grin and hands me the receiver, which I hold to my ear with trembling hands.
"Mom?" I ask in a REAL high-pitched voice this time. "Yeah, I pulled it a few minutes ago helping Auntie Melanie with some self-defense practice." I lie as best as my pain-racked mind will let me. "Coming here? At the airport right now? Getting a cab? Oh...okay...yeah..." Auntie takes this opportunity to pull her leg back and kick me square in the nuts again. "AIYEEEEEE!!!!!" I yell into the phone, dropping it as my Aunt picks it up.
"Oh yeah, another ball spasm just hit him! Hahaha! He'll be fine, don't worry. Okay, we'll see you here in a bit!"
Aunt Melanie hangs up the phone and smiles at me. "How exciting! Your mom is coming to visit and should be here in about 30 minutes! Don't think we're going to stop playing our little games, though, because we've only just started. The arrival of my sister, your mother, only makes the game more interesting. And your little self-defense remark may have given me a great idea! Ever had a thing for your mom's feet, John? Hahahahaha!" The humiliation is awful! Almost as bad as the pain in my balls. "But I think you deserve a little treat for being such a good sport...take your pants and underwear off!" I do as my aunt says, albeit slowly, in anticipation of a delicious footjob!
Aunt Melanie sits on the sofa again but this time gently places her feet in my lap and starts to work my cock into a stiff hardness. I remember her toes and how skillfully they twisted and pulled on the phone cord and it doesn't take long before I am rock hard and ignoring the hurt still aching in my full balls. Auntie isn't even watching what she is doing but paying strict attention to a soap opera on the television. The fact that she doesn't even care about what she's doing to my cock, and that she's only toying with my meat as an afterthought or just an idle distraction to her turns me on all the more. She's rubbing me up and down and squeezing hard with the balls of her feet, kneading my glans with her bare heels and poking my pee-hole with her big toes. She's only been jerking me off for about ten minutes and already I feel my balls start to tighten and raise in my sack. Another ten minutes and I think I've died and gone to heaven. Suddenly there's a knock at the door and I hear my mother's voice from the other side call out.
"Hey everybody, I'm here!" calls out Mom from the other side of the door.
I look from the door to my aunt in panic but she just stands up and prepares to open the door with a grin on her face. The bitch! That's why she took so long with the damn footjob! I pull up my underwear and pants quickly but realize that my erection is WAY too noticeable! What am I going to do? I can't let my mother see me like this! There's only one thing I can think of to make this hard-on go away instantly.
"Auntie Melanie, wait!" I whisper. "I can't let Mom see my dick hard like this."
"What do you want ME to do about it?" she asks coyly.
"Kick me in the balls. It will make it go away!"
"Now John, with your mother standing on the other side of the door?"
"Please!!! Kick me in the balls!"
"Well, since you asked so nicely!"
Aunt Melanie walks up to me, grabs me by the shoulders and rams her knee into my nuts...twice! I bend over but remain standing, noticing that my erection is indeed gone. The door swings open and my mom jumps into the room, hugging my aunt furiously and then laughing as she sees me bending over and grabbing my balls.
"Groin thing still hurt, huh John?" asks Mom.
"Uh-huh," I moan.
Mom closes her eyes and hugs me as I straighten out a bit. Then my aunt comes in between us and starts hugging my mother. I'm glad for the break from having my balls busted when Auntie Melanie lifts her leg up behind her and back-kicks me right in the balls with her bare heel. I go down with a yell holding my scrotum and close my eyes against the pain.
"Damn those pulled groin muscles!" says Mom.
"Maybe he has testicular torsion. You know, where one of his balls gets twisted. I hear it's very painful for a guy. Maybe you should check, sis!" my Aunt suggests helpfully. "Drop'em, nephew!"
This is going to be a long week!
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