Aversion Therapy, by squeezednuts
Mrs Payne, who was independently wealthy, had set up a small mail order business on her farm selling environmentally friendly products. Any profits went to her women's shelter program. She hired a young man from the neighborhood to run it for her in a small building at the end of her property. Ed was pretty much on his own after Mrs Payne had shown him what was required. Ed would get the day's orders which came in by mail, fax and computer and then pull and pack the orders and have them ready for a courier pick up. He ran credit cards and did a bank deposit as required. Also, he kept a close eye on inventory levels and re-ordered as needed.
Ed missed Mrs Payne since she rarely came around after teaching Ed how to run things. She was older than Ed, in her late thirties. She was a beautiful woman, slim and barely five feet tall. She had huge breasts that people on first meeting her would think were artificial. Local people knew they were real. They saw them develop on Mrs Payne in her teens. She didn't flaunt them but she also didn't hide them. She was well aware of her effect on men. She was invited to join the important boards in town, initially for her looks but eventually for her good business sense. When Mr Payne passed away he left a sizable fortune to his wife and she has been very charitable towards the town. She liked to help people and she was well liked.
The volume at the mail order business was picking up and Ed went up to the main house to see Mrs Payne and he told her that he needed some help to keep up with the volume. She said she would think about it and let him know in a few days. About a week later she came down to the mail order building with two young women. She said "Ed, I would like you to meet Sue and Sandra. You will be working as equals and I would like you to train Sue and Sandra. Just so there is no misunderstanding, you will all be paid the same and report to me. I hope you can all get along." Sue and Susan said they were sure they could all get along. Ed thought it was unfair that he would be training the girls. He was angry but he didn't want to quit so he kept quiet.
At first it went well. The girls were differential towards Ed but after a couple of weeks they knew as much as he did and their attitude towards him changed. Mrs Payne had provided lightweight coats, like lab coats. Ed wore one and the girls did whenever Mrs Payne came by. Otherwise they wore tight jeans and tee shirts with no bras. Ed had an erection all day. The girls would laugh at him and say" Hey, jerk-off, how's the hard-on. Why don't you go out back and take matters into your own hands" Then they would burst out laughing and laugh even harder as Ed would go out back. Out back was an old lean to behind the building where they kept packing supplies and boxes. Poor Ed would jerk-off out back since it was the only relief he would get all day. After about a week of jerking off out back the girls told Ed to look on the computer. They had surreptitiously recorded him jerking off and had it on the computer. They told him that if he was a good boy they wouldn't release it. Otherwise they would send it to everyone in town with a computer. They also told him there would be no more jerking off out back unless they said he could. For laughs the girls would whack him in the nuts every chance they got.
The girls started sitting outside drinking pop and reading movie magazines. Ed had to do his work and theirs as well. They would usually reward Ed every couple of days by telling him he could go out back and jerk off. Their warehouse was way down the end of a lane on the farm and they could hear and see Mrs Payne whenever she came down to see them. Then they would get up, go inside, put on their work coats and look busy.
One day Mrs Payne phoned "Sue, I am concerned that there is quite a backlog in order shipping. I'm coming by in an hour. Please get some figures ready and I would like to sit down with the three of you to see what can be done."
After the call the two girls went to work on Ed. They thrust their nipples into his face and Susan did a bump and grind dance, pushing her pelvis back and forth. Ed begged to be allowed to go out back. Susan said "Not now but maybe later" After about an hour they could see Mrs Payne driving towards them. Susan went up to Ed, unzipped him and put his stiff erection in his hand and told him he could go out back but he was not allowed to come until they said it was OK. The girls had done this in the past to torment Ed and they had him well trained. He would stroke himself slower and slower because he knew that if he came he would get a kick in the balls.
Mrs Payne came in "Where's Ed. I want to go over this right now". Susan said "Mrs Payne, the problem is with Ed. He is not doing his work. I know we should have brought this up with you earlier but we are so embarrassed and don't know what to do. He doesn't work, he spends his whole day out back in the lean to. Maybe you could go out there and talk to him - but be prepared for a shock." Mrs Payne said " Shock, what shock. I'll have a talk with him and straighten him out". She opened the door to the lean to and stepped in. She was shocked. There was Ed, just a few steps away from her leaning against the wall with his pants down, a stiff erection in his hand that he was slowly stroking, moaning with his eyes closed. Mrs Payne backed up into the main warehouse and closed the door saying "How long has he been acting like this'' Sue said "Right from the start but it has gotten worse in the last few days. Now he spends all day in there doing that. We tried talking to him about it but it is pretty difficult to talk to a guy who has his pants down with an erection that he is masturbating" Mrs Payne apologized to the two girls and said she should fire Ed or call the police on him for exposure in the workplace. This was something the girls did not want. Sue said "Isn't there something we could do to help him? Firing him won't help him cure this dreadful habit he has." Mrs Payne agreed "Yes, but what can we possibly do?". Susan said " I have heard of a revolutionary treatment called Aversion Therapy. For instance, if someone can't quit smoking they give the person a cigarette and when he inhales they administer a painful electric shock. Pretty soon he associates smoking with the painfull shock and develops an aversion to smoking. Maybe we could do the same with Ed and his dreadful habit." Mrs Payne liked the idea of helping Ed and he sure needed help. Susan went on "In Ed's case we shouldn't use an electric shock, it should be something else. I think the best thing would be to squeeze his testicles when he masturbates. That would cause a dreadful pain and develop an aversion." Mrs Payne was startled by the suggestion but the more she thought about it the more it appealed to her - it was simple and straightforward with no complicated and expensive equipment - just a squeeze to his balls.
Susan said that since Mrs Payne was the boss she would have to administer the therapy. Mrs Payne expressed her reluctance but realized that it was up to her. Tentatively she opened the door. Ed was barely moving his hand, it was clear he was on the verge of a climax. Mrs Payne went and stood before Ed and grabbed a testicle in each hand and lightly squeezed. Startled, Ed opened his eyes. He continued to masturbate and Mrs Payne increased the pressure on his balls. Ed had been leaning against the wall but he slid down the wall and was now sitting on the floor with his legs spread, leaning against the wall. Mrs Payne had moved down with Ed and she was sitting cross legged between Ed's legs. She continued to hold a testicle in each hand and was telling Ed that what she was doing was for his own good. She was smiling. Mrs Payne loved to be helping people and here she was helping Ed. She called Sue and Susan over and asked Susan to take over squeezing Ed's balls. Susan readily agreed, telling Mrs Payne that she also liked to be helping people and helping Ed filled her with pleasure. Mrs Payne told them " This Aversion Therapy is an excellent program. Lets make it a daily routine with Ed. Tell him it is either the therapy or the police and public humiliation. Do you girls have a problem applying the therapy? I think you both deserve a raise and since the business is going so well I will arrange for another person, this time reporting to you." Sue said "I realize we had a problem with Ed but if we hire another person it should also be a male, we have a lot of heavy boxes and a big strong male would be best." Mrs Payne asked if they had concern about another male with the masturbation habit which seems to be so prevalent. Sue said "Oh no! In fact we would welcome it. We would like any chance we have to help people. If he has a masturbation habit we would apply the Aversion Therapy" Mrs Payne drove away from the warehouse thinking how lucky she was to have employees who love helping people as much as she does. She smiled contentedly as she heard Ed wail in agony.
Part 2
Mrs Payne got a phone call from the woman who ran a company Mrs Payne owned manufacturing and selling custom designed home heaters. The main reason for the company was to provide employment and work experience to young women entering the workforce. All 20 employees were young women except for Bob Lane, who was a licenced electrical engineer. He was required to sign off on all heaters both before and after production. Mrs Payne couldn't pay him the going rate for a qualified electrical engineer but she offered him a title as Senior Vice President and gave him a fancy office and a secretary. Those things meant more to him than salary. Also, he loved it when the women had to come and see him for design and production sign-off. He made it difficult for them and the chair they sat in enabled Bob a chance to look up their skirts. Also, he would get up and walk behind them and look down their tops. After he excused the woman he would lock his door for 5 minutes. The girls called him the 5 minute wonder. The women universally couldn't stand him, especially Jill Stewart, his secretary.
One day she decided she had had enough. She spoke with Nancy Palmer, who just hated Bob and his condescending manner, and they came up with a plan. Nancy had to go in to see Bob and get design approval. She made sure he got a real eye full and then left his office. She and Jill gave him a couple of minutes and then using a spare key Jill got from maintenance they went back into his office. There he was standing beside his desk with his pants around his ankles jerking off. The startled look on his face was priceless. Jill laughed as she quickly walked up to him and grabbed him by his nuts and hauled him out of his office. Bob was wailing in agony and taking small steps due to his pants around his ankles. She led him through the general office and into the company managers office. Along the way all the women staff saw Bob and all were laughing. Jill hauled him into the manager's office by his nuts. Holding him by his nuts she shouted "This bastard had Nancy in his office She had to step back into his office to pick up her purse which she had left under her seat. Evidently the moment she left he dropped his pants and started masturbating. Nancy was so shocked she screamed and I came in and found him just like this. We should call the police. There must be some sort of law against jerking off at work." Jill was squeezing Bob's nuts tighter and tighter. Bob started to plead to Jill to release his nuts. She just laughed and squeezed tighter still. Bob was wailing in pain.
Sally Barnes, the manager didn't know what to do. She phoned Mrs Payne "Mrs Payne, I have a real problem here. Could you come over right away. It's an emergency. I don't want to get into it on the phone but I need you here right away" Mrs Payne said she was on her way and would see her in about ten minutes.
Sally told Jill that Mrs Payne was on her way over and in the meantime Jill should let go of Bob's nuts. Jill argued "If I let him go he will start jerking off, right here in your office. Bob, if I let you go you'll start jerking off again, won't you?" Bob was in so much pain he would agree to anything Jill asked him. He said "Yes, yes, yes." Jill turned to Sally and said she would hold him outside her office until Mrs Payne arrived and she would keep him under control. She said it would be best, to make sure he didn't escape, to take away his pants, socks and shoes.
When Mrs Payne arrived a few minutes later she immediately noticed that the staff seemed excited, happy and distracted. It felt like she had walked in on a party. She walked through the general office and was shocked to see, just outside Sally Barnes's office, Jill sitting down holding Bob Lane with one hand holding his nuts and her other hand holding his large erection. Bob was leaning against the wall and had his pants down. He looked to be in extreme agony. Jill looked to be extremely amused.
"What in the name of heavens is going on here?" exclaimed Mrs Payne. Sally Barnes was flustered. She called Jill into her office. Jill came in, dragging Bob by his nuts. She explained to Mrs Payne what had happened, calling Bob a pervert and said the police should be called. Mrs Payne conceded that things were serious but she wasn't sure if calling the police was the best approach. Mrs Payne had a problem - she was paying Bob Lane considerably less than what a replacement electrical engineer would want. She asked if all the staff had seen Bob with his pants down. When both Jill and Sally said they had Mrs Payne suggested that all the staff should have a say in what they should do. She asked Sally to get the staff together right away and they should meet down the hall in the boardroom. It would be a tight fit but they should all be able to get in there.
They reconvened to the boardroom. Jill got there first and she still had Bob by his nuts. She had him laying flat on his back on the boardroom table when the rest of the staff came in. There he was, a man universally despised throughout the office, with no pants, socks or shoes, sporting a throbbing erection and being held by Jill gripping his balls. Actually Jill was using both hands, one squeezing his nuts and the other hand holding his erection and slowly stroking him. Most of the women were giggling with a few outright laughing. Sally said this wasn't a laughing matter and asked Mrs Payne what they should do. Mrs Payne said "Whatever we decide should be up to all of us, not just management, since we have to work with Bob. The easy thing would be to call the police and turn the problem over to them" She looked down at Bob and asked him if that was what he wanted. Bob was so wrapped up in agony and desire that he couldn't think straight. He just moaned. Mrs Payne said that masturbation amongst men seemed to be at epidemic proportions and something should be done. She explained that she had recently had a case in another of her businesses where a man was masturbating constantly.. They were helping him shake his vile habit with Aversion Therapy. She went on to explain how it worked by providing a painful reaction which created an aversion to the action they wanted stopped. She said that in her other business the women there took turns providing therapy by squeezing the man's nuts whenever he masturbated. She said it would only work if all the women wanted to help Bob. She turned to Jill and Nancy and said that they were most affected by Bob's behavior. She asked if they could help Bob. She said it would require work on their part by squeezing his nuts on a regular basis. Both Jill and Nancy agreed that they would be happy to help Bob by squeezing his nuts. All the other women agreed that they would like to help also.
It was agreed that as soon as Bob got to work he would report to the woman responsible for him that day. She would go to his office and he would remove his pants. The woman would lay him down on the floor, get comfortable between his legs and give his testicles a vigorous and painful massage while Bob masturbated. Just before he could come the session would end. He would then work during the day, naked from the waist down so all staff could keep an eye on him. If he started to masturbate whoever saw him should shout to other staff to help and then give Bob a forceful kick to his nuts. Also, if Bob was not differential enough a blow should be delivered to his nuts. At the end of the day he would again report to the woman responsible for him that day. She would again give his testicles a firm massage, working each testicle between her fingertips and digging in her thumbs. She should allow him to masturbate, stopping just before climax. She would then give him back his pants and send him home.
The staff thought this was an acceptable way to help Bob. Mrs Payne was proud of her staff and how each woman wanted to be the first to be responsible for Bob. She was very happy to be able to help a staff member but she was concerned about the prevalence of masturbation amongst the men in her area. She made a note to be especially vigilant. She was concerned about the young man from the local college who was her gardener. She noticed how he stares at her breasts and then disappears for a while. Mrs Payne made a mental note that the next time that happens she would follow him and try to surprise him and take matters into her own hands. Yes, she would love to help her gardener, he was such a good looking muscular young man that it would be unfortunate if she couldn't help him.
Aversion Therapy - #3
Mrs Payne was appalled at the apparent rampant spread of the habit of masturbation amongst the local men. First it was Ted at her mail order business and then Bob at her electrical company. Luckily she had excellent staff who are dedicated to helping their fellow man. Through aversion therapy Mrs Payne was sure that both Bob and Ted could be helped to break their vile habit. The therapy works by applying a negative stimulus whenever the patient engages in an undesirable action. In the case of Ted and Bob, their coworkers squeeze their balls when they masturbate.
Mrs Payne suspected that John, her part time gardener, would go and masturbate after speaking with her. He was in university and since he needed the job she was surprised that the habit was so ingrained that he would jeopardise his job. She wanted to be sure and if he had the habit she wanted to be able to help him. She asked Susan, the young woman who had first told her about aversion therapy to come out to her house. She told Susan about her suspicions regarding John and asked Susan to follow her at a discrete distance.
Mrs Payne had dressed carefully. She went looking for John. She found him in the greenhouse. Mrs Payne walked up to John and bent over some pansies and asked him what he thought of them. When she bent forward the blouse she was wearing fell open and Mrs Payne's magnificent breasts were hanging there, right in front of John. He groaned. Bending over and looking at the pansies Mrs Payne said "Have you ever seen such beauties, John?" John stammered that they were definitely beautiful, the most beautiful he had ever seen. Mrs Payne said " They are very healthy. Go on John, feel them." As Mrs Payne straightened up she glanced at John and saw his erection straining against the material of his pants. She was surprised by the size of it. She straightened up beside John and the back of her hand brushed against his erection. John looked like he was about to faint. Mrs Payne didn't mind the thought of John fantasizing about her but not masturbating. Such behavior had to be discouraged in the most forceful way.
Mrs Payne thanked John and turned away. After leaving the greenhouse she quickly came back in to see John slip into a storage closet at the back of the greenhouse. She signalled Susan to join her and then waited a couple of minutes and then silently walked to the back and pulled open the storage closet door. Mrs Payne and Susan both knew what to expect and that was what they saw but it was still somewhat of a shock. John was standing there with his pants down and a huge erection that he was madly pumping. The stunned look on his face and the huge size of his erection was so unexpected that Susan burst out laughing and Mrs Payne struggled to keep a straight face.
John was well over 6 feet and was a bodybuilder. He had a magnificent physique and was very strong. Susan knew just how to get him under control. She did just what she had done to Bob. She reached out, grabbed his left ball with one hand and squeezed. With her other hand she pulled some twine from her pocket and asked Mrs Payne to tie John's hands behind his back. Mrs Payne was surprised but, considering the size and strength of John, she realized it was a wise precaution and secured John's hands behind his back. Then Susan pulled a pair of clamps out. They were quite small, alligator style clamps. Susan said "We have started using them on Ted. It lets us get on with filling orders and at the same time squeezes Ted's balls. They are real time savers. June found them at a hardware store. They are designed for clamping pieces of wood together when gluing them. You can adjust the clamp pressure and they have a variety of clamp jaws. The best ones have a slight curvature which lets the ball rest inside the clamp and then you release the jaw. Very effective"
Susan handed them to Mrs Payne. Mrs Payne looked them over and opened and closed the jaws a few times. She then turned to John and snapped them on his balls. Both women stepped back and watched the reaction of John. He took a deep breath and let out a low groan. He clamped his legs together and sank to his knees before Mrs Payne. "My balls, my balls. Please Mrs Payne, my balls". Mrs Payne beamed with happiness. She smiled at Susan and patted John's head. " I'm impressed. These work extremely well. I have been worried about applying too much or not enough pressure. These can be adjusted to exactly the maximum pressure before permanent damage. We want to help and cure these young men, not damage them." While talking with Susan Mrs Payne had reached out and had taken John's erection in her hand and was slowly stroking it.
With John on his knees he was face to face with Mrs Payne. She was smiling at John. "John, you need help with your masturbation problem. Susan and I will provide you with aversion therapy to rid you of this compulsion. Do you want to be helped?" The clamps were squeezing his balls and Mrs Payne was stroking him. John's brain was on overload. He just nodded dumbly.
Mrs Payne spoke with Susan for a few minutes and then Susan released a clamp and took John's left ball in her hand and got him to his feet. He towered over Susan but meekly shuffled along beside her as she led him to the house, squeezing his ball. She laid him down in the family room on the floor and provided therapy for a full hour. She then released the clamps, helped him to his feet and sent him home with aching balls and a throbbing erection. She told him to return tomorrow afternoon for more therapy.
Mrs Payne got great pleasure helping people. Susan got great pleasure inflicting pain and controlling men. Both women were happy. John shuffled off, bent over, with a stiff erection, clutching his balls and moaning.
Aversion Therapy - #4
It seemed that wherever Mrs Payne turned, she was finding men obsessed with masturbation. Women in her companies were currently providing aversion therapy to three men. (Refer to prior postings for details on the therapy) Mrs Payne was very pleased to be able to help these men but she feared that many more men needed the therapy.
With a couple of exceptions all her employees were women. She called a multi company staff meeting to discuss this apparent epidemic. Mrs Payne had a few companies and many employees and the meeting was held in an auditorium. There was a general consensus that masturbation was on the rise amongst men. In those companies where the staff were providing therapy there was understanding and appreciation of aversion therapy. In other companies the staff expressed skepticism and misunderstanding. The comments ranged from "Kick every man in the nuts to start his day" to those who suggested that women just ignore it and put up with the huge loss in productivity while men were off in hiding, jerking off. The comments from staff where aversion therapy was being provided was more positive. They felt that men with the problem needed to be identified and then helped. Mrs Payne felt that all her female employees needed to understand aversion therapy. She announced that the next day there would be a further multi company meeting where there would be a demonstration of the therapy being applied. She said it could be too graphic for some staff members and it would be understandable if staff chose not to attend.
At the meeting the following day there was a 100% female staff turnout. There was a party atmosphere as women from different companies introduced themselves to each other. There was a lot of giggling and laughter about the subject of the meeting. The staff were seated in rows and at the front there was a stage. Mrs Payne went to the front and addressed the meeting. She said "Many of you are unfamiliar with aversion therapy. It has proven to be very effective and I felt it best to demonstrate application of the therapy. As I mentioned yesterday this is graphic and if anyone wants to leave now they should do so." No-one left.
Susan came out, leading John by his erection. There was a loud eruption of laughter from the staff. John was naked from the waist down. Jill was with Susan and Jill had a firm grip on John's balls. While John loomed over both women he was bent at the waist with his arms at his sides, obviously subservient to both women who were about half his side. Susan led John over to a table right at the front of the stage and ordered him to lay down on the table on his back. She locked his wrists above his head and using the straps on the table, attached his ankles to the corners with his legs spread wide.
Susan pressed his erection down and then let it go. It sprang upright much to the amusement of the audience. She took his erection in her hand and began to slowly stroke it. She spoke to the audience "The best way to administer the therapy is when the masturbation experience is strong. The problem is that most men will stroke quickly and reach a climax. By taking over and going slow you can extend the feeling and extend the aversion. Once they are enjoying the sensation, squeeze their balls like this." Susan nodded at Jill who grabbed a ball in each hand and squeezed. John screamed and arched his back but was securely held down. He was writhing in agony and begging Jill not to squeeze his balls again. Susan pulled out a pair of ball clamps and said"These are great. You can buy them at any hardware store and ask for carpenters clamps. You can adjust the pressure and interchange the jaws. Go with the ones with the slight depression. A testicle fits in there and when you clip the jaw shut it produces a constant pain. You don't have to bother with it again until you decide to remove the pain. It's an excellent aversion technique. Would anyone in the audience like to put them on John and then stroke his erection? Remember, by applying the aversion therapy you will be helping him. John has a bad case of masturbation compulsion so you will be doing him a lot of good."
There was a god bit of discussion and giggling in the audience. Two junior secretaries from one of the companies walked up front and asked if they could do it together - giving each other moral support. They said they would each like to install a ball clamp, both at the same time. They laughed and said that would make him jump. Susan reminded them that they would have to stroke his erection for the therapy to be effective and were they OK with that. They laughed and nodded. Susan asked them why, out of the entire audience were they the first to volunteer. They said that John lived just down the street and they had both had a crush on him for years. Susan told them to go to it.
They stood over John on the table and asked him how he was. John blushed and stammered "Fine". That bought a large laugh from the audience. The girls each picked up their ball clamp and together they clamped them onto his balls. John let out a wail of agony. They laughed at John and told him it was for his own good. One of them slowly stroked his hard-on. The girl stroking John's hard-on turned to the audience and urged them to seek out the masturbators and treat them. Susan told the women not to think of themselves as a ballbuster but rather as a helper to all men who have a compulsion to masturbate.
The two girls continued to work on John while Mrs Payne went to the podium. She said "Now you can see how well the therapy works. If you think a man is a compulsive masturbator talk it over with your coworkers and see if you can get him by the balls. Since virtually all men are compulsive masturbators it may be best to just assume they are masturbators in need of therapy. Once you have a man by his balls you have control. Once you have control you can start helping him by administering the aversion therapy. I really like to help so I would really appreciate it if you could call me and let me help. Nothing feels better than to squeeze a guy's balls and know that you are helping him." The women all arose and gave Mrs Payne a standing ovation.
Aversion Therapy - #5
Mrs Payne was not overly religious but she recognized that the local churches did a lot of good in the community. She was a member of the largest local church and she was active in the Ladies Auxiliary. The auxiliary was dedicated to helping women in the community, not just church members but all women. The auxiliary met weekly. Attendance was small and Mrs Payne had to admit the meetings were not very interesting. Meetings were held in the church addition. Mrs Payne usually got there early to make sure the meeting room was open and there were sufficient chairs. Sometimes there was a boy scout meeting in the basement earlier in the week and the boys would come upstairs and borrow the chairs.
The evening of the weekly meeting Mrs Payne got there a few minutes early and , sure enough, a few of the chairs were gone. She went to the basement stairs and just before she turned on the light she heard a noise and a cough in the basement. With all the cases of male masturbation she had recently come across she thought that one of the boys was downstairs in the dark playing with himself. She realized that he should be broken of the vile masturbation habit before it became too deeply ingrained. She found the flashlight kept in case of a power failure and crept down the stairs. She intended to sneak up on the boy and grab his nuts and give them a good squeezing. She had found that an excellent way to subdue a male and make him receptive to changing his habits. Mrs Payne's whole way of life was dedicated to helping people and she wanted to help the boy downstairs who was jerking off in the dark. She wanted to help him change his ways.
Mrs Payne quietly got to the bottom of the stairs and as her eyes grew accustomed to the dim light she could see someone standing near the stairs, with his pants down around his ankles, masturbating. He was leaning against the wall with his head back and it looked like he had his eyes closed. He was slowly stroking his large erection and moaning with pleasure.
Mrs Payne was incensed. She quickly strode across the floor shouting "What in the name of God do you think you are doing?" With one hand she grabbed his balls and with the other she flicked on the flashlight. She was shocked to see that she didn't have a boy scout by the balls, she had Mr Bob Wacker, the church administrator. He was even more shocked than Mrs Payne. She had caught him jerking off and she had him by the balls. Mrs Payne did what she had always done when she had a man by the balls - she squeezed. Mr Wacker screamed and fell down. Mrs Payne didn't let go of his balls. She went down with him. It ended up with Mr Wacker flat on his back with Mrs Payne sitting on his stomach with a nut firmly grasped in each hand. Mrs Payne , rightly so, considered she was in charge. She said"I'll repeat my question - What in the name of God do you think you are doing?" Mr Wacker was terrified, mortified and in extreme pain. He couldn't think straight. He said "Nothing, I was doing nothing". It was so unexpected that Mrs Payne laughed. She shouted "Nothing! You were doing nothing! Do you call standing in the dark with your pants down masturbating doing nothing? And what about this?" She let go of one of his nuts and grabbed his still stiff erection. She slowly stroked it as she lectured him on the evils of masturbation. Poor Mr Wacker was losing contact with reality. He was losing his mind. The shock, the pain and the unbelievable pleasure was pushing him over the edge.
Mrs Payne asked Mr Wacker if he wanted to be broken of his vile masturbation habit. He said "Yes". The poor man would agree to anything Mrs Payne asked. She got up off him but still held him by his erection and his left nut. She told him to step out of his pants which were still around his ankles. She then marched him upstairs to the Ladies Auxiliary meeting.
Most of the usual twenty women were there. There was a gasp of shock and a nervous titter of laughter as Mrs Payne marched Mr Wacker to the front of the room. They had never seen anything like it. Mrs Payne said "I found Bob Wacker at the bottom of the stairs, in the dark, with his pants down and a large erection. Tell the women what you were doing down there Bob." He was no longer Mr Wacker, now he was just Bob. Bob didn't say anything. Mrs Payne started to really squeeze his left nut and Bob shouted "I was jerking off." Mrs Payne said "Bob realizes that is bad and he wants to change his ways, isn't that right Bob?" Mrs Payne was still slowly stroking him and severely squeezing his left nut. Bob shouted "Yes, right, change my ways. Oh, my nuts, they hurt. Change my ways. Anything you say Mrs Payne."
Mrs Payne asked Susan Jones to take control of Bob while she addressed the meeting. Susan was the youngest member. She went to the local college and was an ardent feminist. She smiled and said she would love to help. She came up front. Mrs Payne instructed Susan to stand behind Bob and hold his nuts from behind with her hand between his legs. She asked her to reach around Bob, grasp his erection and slowly stroke it. Mrs Payne told the meeting about aversion therapy where you apply a painful stimulus at the same time as the patient is experiencing the thing you want to break them of doing. She said that in her companies they are treating four men with masturbation habits. She said they had considered electric shock to the testicles but found that a good squeeze worked just as well and was far simpler. She turned to Bob "Bob, do you want aversion therapy? Just nod your head if you do." Bob wasn't sure what was going on so he just nodded his head.
Mrs Payne instructed Susan to squeeze Bob's nuts. Bob started to wail in agony. Mrs Payne told the meeting that it was for Bob's own good. She told them to be on the lookout for other men in need of therapy. She set up a daily treatment schedule for Bob and asked for volunteers, two women per session. She was very gratified that most of the women volunteered and Mrs Wacker, Bob's wife, put her name down for three sessions and as an alternative if any of the other ladies could not make it. She made it clear that she was looking forward to helping her husband by providing therapy. Mrs Wacker had the local jeweller make her a broach that said "Ballbuster". She was really taking her community charity work to heart.
Mrs Payne sent a newsletter to all church members saying that a church member had been caught with his pants down abusing himself in the church basement. She wrote that some would just ignore it or cover it up but she felt it best to bring it out into the open. The best thing was to help your fellow man and they were helping the masturbator with aversion therapy which was being applied daily and would be applied at the next meeting, Tuesday evening. She briefly explained aversion therapy. She went on to write that the Ladies Auxiliary was engaged in a variety of good works throughout the community and they were always looking for new members and she encouraged all women of the community to attend, church members or not. The only qualification for membership was a desire to help people in the community. She went on to say that if seeing a naked man have his testicles squeezed would be offensive they should not attend the next few meetings.
Next Tuesday was unbelievable. The church parking lot was full, there was a traffic jam out front. They moved the meeting from the small meeting room into the gym. They eventually had to close the doors. It seemed that every woman in town wanted to join the Ladies Auxiliary.
Mrs Payne started the meeting and a few members reported on projects they were responsible for such as the upcoming bake sale and the garden show. Susan Jones went up front to report on the progress with the masturbator. She said early indications were that the therapy was very helpful but they had to maintain therapy for some time. There had been no official notification as to the identity of the masturbator but there was a wide spread rumor that it was Mr Wacker. Susan said she would now demonstrate how the therapy was applied. She went to a room off the gym and came back with Mr Wacker. He didn't have any pants or undershorts but he did have a large erection that he was stroking as he walked. Susan was walking right behind him with her hand between his legs holding his nuts. Susan got Mr Wacker to lay down on a table. She strapped him to the table but left one arm free so he could continue to masturbate. Susan said "Now I will begin the therapy. It's really pretty simple, you make sure he is playing with himself then grab a testicle in each hand and squeeze. Not too much, we don't want to cause permanent damage and for Mr Wacker to pass out, we want him to feel this. Mr Wacker, are you feeling this?" Mr Wacker screamed and the women laughed and cheered.
Susan then asked if anyone else at the meeting would like to help Mr Wacker. One of the first to volunteer was Miss Green, the church organist. Although she had been an unpaid church volunteer for many years Mr Wacker was her supervisor and he had always treated her in a disdainful, patronizing manner. Miss Green was an accomplished organist and she loved playing the organ. As much as she loved playing the organ she despised Mr Wacker. She almost ran to the front and said she would love to help Mr Wacker. She didn't wait for any approval or additional instruction. There was Mr Wacker, tied down, naked and vulnerable. Miss Green took her time - this was something to savor and enjoy. She looked at his erection and his balls. She called his name and he looked at her. She smiled malevolently and said "Don't worry Mr Wacker, I'm going to help you even if it means crushing your nuts. Don't think of me as the church organist, think of me as your own personal ballbuster, nutcrusher, testicle squeezer and castrating bitch, dedicated to help you overcome your vile compulsion. " Then she went to work.
Aversion Therapy - #6
Mrs Payne had a toothache. A real humdinger of a toothache. She called her dentist and asked if he could see her right away. His assistant said he was very busy but she would bump the last patient of the day who only had a regular check up appointment and squeeze her in. By five o'clock Mrs Payne was sitting in the dentist chair. She had chipped a tooth and he said he could fill it. He and his dental assistant went to work.
Mrs Payne had not planned on visiting the dentist. She had a scoop necked dress on which was quite modest from viewed straight on but looking down it bowed out. Mrs Payne wore a low cut bra and the dentist had a perfect view of her breasts. He was sitting close to her and slightly higher. She glanced to the side and couldn't help but notice he had quite an erection. Well, she thought, as long as he concentrated on her chipped tooth she could put up with an erection a few inches from her face. Dr Taft said he had finished the filling and suddenly he stood up and left the room saying he would be back shortly. Mrs Payne was surprised and asked the assistant where the dentist had gone and did she think he would be back soon. Carla said he had gone to his office and would be back in about five minutes. Mrs Payne asked if she knew what he was doing. Carla just rolled her eyes.
Mrs Payne could see that Carla was upset and after a few questions Carla said "I really used to like working here and I greatly respected Dr Taft but I got very suspicious about his behavior. Often when working on women, he would go and lock himself in his office. When I asked him about it he said he was checking some reference material. I felt a bit guilty about spying on Dr Taft but hoping to put my suspicions to rest I purchased a small monitoring camera and put it in his office. It is hidden in a pencil sharpener beside his desk and has a transmitter and I can view his office from my computer. Rather than allaying my suspicions, it confirmed them. He has finished the filling and all you need to do is rinse so if you want I can show you what he is doing. He will be at it for another couple of minutes"
Carla and Mrs Payne went into the reception area and Carla called up the program she had installed which came with the camera. There was Dr Taft, laying on the floor with his pants around his ankles jerking off. Carla said she couldn't work there any longer and would have to quit. Mrs Payne asked Carla if Dr Taft could be broken of his masturbation compulsion would she then like to continue working there and Carla said yes. Mrs Payne then told Carla about aversion therapy and how successful it has been. the basic theory is to apply a strong unpleasant experience at the same time as the negative behavior. In their case, the man receiving therapy is laying down masturbating while the therapist squeezes his testicles. She said that in her various companies she and her aversion therapists are helping six men. All six say the therapy is very helpful and most have asked for the therapy to be doubled to two sessions per day. She said that male masturbation compulsion had become quite prevalent and rather than just quitting she should try and help Dr Taft.
Carla looked at the monitor and said he was about to come. Mrs Payne asked Carla if he had a key to the office. Carla gave it to her and Mrs Payne went over and unlocked the door. She stepped over to Dr Taft, bent over, grabbed his balls and gave them a yank and squeeze. Dr Taft's look of utter surprise changed to one of utter agony. He wailed and begged Mrs Payne to let go of his balls. Mrs Payne told him she couldn't do that and that what she was doing was for his own good. She told him to continue to masturbate but she would rip his nuts off if he climaxed. Mrs Payne then told Carla to get a cushion from the reception room sofa and bring it in. She told Carla to position it between Dr Taft's legs, sit on it and get comfortable and then start applying the aversion therapy. Carla said she could never do that. Mrs Payne told her that she had a moral duty to help her fellow human being and Dr Taft needed help. Carla got comfortable and began squeezing the doctors nuts. Dr Taft maintained a stiff hard-on which he was very slowly stroking. He was groaning in a combination of desire and agony. Carla began telling him that the therapy was for his own good and she was helping him overcome his compulsion.
Carla provided therapy to the doctor for an hour. Then she and Mrs Payne helped him up, pulled up his pants and helped him out to his car. Mrs Payne told the doctor that Carla was going to eliminate the last appointment of the day from now on and use it for aversion therapy until he was cured. After he left Carla locked up the office and told Mrs Payne that providing the therapy was the most enjoyable time she had ever had at work. She said she didn't realize what a great feeling it was to really help someone in a major way. She said she was really looking forward to tomorrow.
Six months later Mrs Payne came in and while she was in the dentist chair she asked Carla and the doctor how the therapy was coming. Dr Taft said it was really helping him control his compulsion and both he and Carla had decided to increase the therapy to two sessions a day, pushing the first appointment back an hour for more therapy. Carla smiled and said she just loved her job and helping the doctor. Mrs Payne said that since her appointment was the last of the day she would stay and help Carla. A few minutes later as Mrs Paynes fingers wrapped around the doctors' nuts both she and Carla smiled at his scream and erection, knowing that they were helping him.
Aversion Therapy - #7
Mrs Payne had recently purchased an expensive German car. The car was great, the local dealer's service wasn't. After a couple of trips to the dealer she still had an annoying hesitation on acceleration. She heard about a young local mechanic with a one man shop who specialized in German cars. She thought it was worth a try. She phoned and arranged an appointment.
The next morning she drove over to drop off her car. Mrs Payne had found that at a mechanic shop nothing worked better for good service than a low cut dress and a push up bra. Fritz sat down with Mrs Payne as she explained the problem with her car. He couldn't take his eyes away from her boobs. Mrs Payne leaned forward to provide Fritz with a great view. He was spellbound and Mrs Payne was enjoying the effect she was having on the young man. She wanted to devastate him by letting him see her nipples and she leaned still further forward. She was leaning so far forward that she slipped from the chair. By reflex Fritz reached out and caught Mrs Payne and the both fell to the floor tangled in each other. When she fell her hands had reached out to break her fall. She felt something in her right hand and realized it was Fritz's erection. They were both a little stunned by the fall and he asked Mrs Payne if she was OK. She said she thought she was OK but maybe they should just take a moment to check themselves before trying to stand up. Mrs Payne had Fritz by his erection and she didn't want to let go. She shook his hard-on and asked him what was it he just slipped into her hand. Then, her voice raising in indignation, she shouted that it was an erection, he had put his hard-on into her hand. Still holding him by his erection she asked him to explain himself. Fritz didn 't know what to say. He started off by denying he had an erection. Mrs Payne shook it back and forth and asked him what that was. When he said it was nothing, Mrs Payne reached over with her other hand, unzipped him, pulled out his hard-on and waving it back and forth asked him what that was if not an erection. She turned the waving motion into a stroking motion with one hand and with her other hand she cupped his nuts and started to squeeze them.
Mrs Payne got as comfortable as she could on the concrete floor and told Fritz he had to learn a few things about customer service. For the next half hour she slowly stroked his erection and massaged his nuts. Just when she though he was about to come she pulled him to his feet by his nuts, told him to get a grip on himself and service her car and she would be back at the end of the day to pick it up. She left him standing in his shop with a stunned look on his face and his hard-on sticking out of his pants.
Mrs Payne waited outside his shop for a few moments and then quietly slipped back in. She found Fritz down the back, in his office, standing with his pants down around his ankles, vigorously jerking off. Mrs Payne felt a great surge of satisfaction and a desire to help - here was someone with an uncontrollable compulsion who need aversion therapy. She silently moved behind him, reached up between his legs, grabbed his nuts and gave them a vicious squeeze. With Fritz bent over and moaning in pain, Mrs Payne phoned one of her companies and asked Ms Wilson, the manager there to send someone over to deliver some aversion therapy. Knowing how highly Mrs Payne thought of aversion therapy, Ms Wilson said she would be happy to come over herself and lend a hand.
Within half an hour Ms Wilson had Fritz firmly in hand, actually in two hands with a nut in each. She instructed Fritz to slowly masturbate without coming. Ms Wilson was experienced in delivering aversion therapy and provided expert therapy to Fritz for an hour while Mrs Payne contentedly looked on. Ms Wilson had Fritz wailing in agony and nothing pleased Mrs Payne more than seeing someone being helped by aversion therapy.
After the therapy the women helped Fritz back into his pants. Fritz still had an erection but was bent over, clutching his nuts and moaning, a sure sign of a helpful therapy session. Mrs Payne told him to rest for a while after his therapy and then work on her car. She asked Fritz if he thought the therapy was helpful. He just looked confused. She asked him if he wanted the therapy again. He nodded and added "Please".
At the end of the day Mrs Payne came back to the shop. Fritz had her car ready and said it was no charge. He begged Mrs Payne for another aversion therapy session but she just smiled and said that Ms Wilson would be by to see him tomorrow for some therapy.
Mrs Payne drove away thinking how great it was now that she had a dentist and a mechanic on call. She began thinking how helpful it would be if she could just find a compulsive masturbating lawyer, accountant, plumber and electrician. She knew they were out there - it was just a matter of finding them and getting them by the nuts.
A few days later Mrs Payne had a meeting with her accountant regarding her taxes. She had scheduled it late in the day so his receptionist/assistant would be gone for the day. Before the meeting she was thinking just how great it would be if she could do the same thing to Mr Tubbs as she had done to Fritz. She dressed the same way and went to Mr Tubbs office. She sat down beside him at his conference table and leaned forward in her low cut dress. Mr Tubbs, who was quite short, sat with his bald head down, peering through his spectacles at her tax return and mumbling about depreciated assets. She concluded it was hopeless in getting his attention as he droned on about liability reserves. Then with delight she realized that he was peeking at her breasts over the top of his glasses. Wasting no time Mrs Payne leaned forward to give Mr Tubbs a spectacular view of her nipples. Then, the same as with Fritz, she slipped forward off her chair and reached out to Mr Tubbs and with a tug, pulled him from his chair and the two of them landed on the floor. Also, the same as with Fritz, her hand landed in his crotch, on top of his erection. He asked if she was OK and she said she was and then asked him if he was OK to which she replied she was OK but a bit shaken up. She suggested they stay where they were on the floor until she had a chance to catch her breath. All the time she kept a firm grip on his throbbing erection.
She almost laughed out loud as she thought that for such a small man he sure had a big one. Then she gripped his erection tightly, shook it and shouted in indignation what did he think he was doing, slipping his erection into her hand. Mr Tubbs was clearly flustered and said he was sorry. Mrs Payne said she would make sure he was sorry as she slid her other hand down inside his pants. She wrapped her fingers around his testicles and squeezed. At the same time she started sliding her other hand up and down his erection. Mr Tubbs was groaning in a combination of pleasure and pain. She called him a dirty bastard and asked him if he masturbated. He denied it but as she tightened her squeeze on his nuts he shouted that he masturbated. She asked if it was every chance he got and as he wailed in agony he confessed it was every chance he got. Mrs Payne was delighted. Mr Tubbs was going get the full treatment of her aversion therapy. Here was a chance to help a fellow human being and get herself an accountant at her beck and call.
Mrs Payne had gotten herself into a sitting position on the floor between Mr Tubbs legs. She asked him if he knew what aversion therapy was but he just groaned. She managed to pull his phone off his desk and phoned Ms Wilson and apologized for phoning her so late in the day but could she please come to her accountants office in an hour or so and help her with some aversion therapy. Mrs Payne pulled down Mr Tubbs pants and went to work on his nuts. She put his hand on his erection and he was slowly masturbating. She told him that if he came she would rip his nuts right off. He believed her. After an hour Ms Wilson showed up. She was very accomplished at delivering aversion therapy and like all good therapists, she enjoyed providing therapy. She realized that squeezing men's nuts was for their own good. Ms Wilson squeezed his nuts for another hour and by then Mr Tubbs was like a babbling idiot, an idiot with a large erection and very painful nuts. Mrs Payne and Ms Wilson helped him get his pants up and helped him out to his car. As he sat behind the wheel Mrs Payne leaned over into the open car window to smile at Mr Tubbs and flash a view of her nipples. She asked him if he wanted more aversion therapy to cure him of his masturbation habit. He just nodded his head so she told him she would call him tomorrow and set up a time for him to come to her office for an hour of aversion therapy. Mrs Payne drove home very contented that she was going to cure a masturbator of his vile habit and also contented that she had now an accountant to go with her mechanic and dentist, all receiving aversion therapy. All she had to find now was a good attorney, a plumber and an electrician with masturbation compulsions.
Aversion Therapy - #7
It has been a few years since we last looked in on Mrs Payne and her aversion therapy. Mrs Payne runs a number of companies where the aim is profitability but also public good. She is a strong believer in equality for women and most of the supervisory positions are held by women.
Business was good and in a large conference room Mrs Payne was addressing a group new hires, mainly young women graduates who were beginning a management training program but also some young men hired for manual labour jobs.
The young women were looking at Mrs Payne with respect, here was a woman who had competed in the male dominated business community and had won. The young men were looking at Mrs Payne with lust and stiff erections, here was a woman dressed in a short skirt and a tight blouse which showcased her large breasts. Mrs Payne outlined the aims of the companies and their philanthropic endeavours. She asked if there were any questions. Emma Jenkins stood up and said she had heard about the Aversion Therapy program and she thought it was an excellent idea and could Mrs Payne talk about it.
Mrs Payne said the Aversion Therapy was one of her favourite programs to help people. She said they have a program to break smokers of their habit where they attend regular sessions and sit in a special chair and light up a cigarette. Each time they inhale smoke they receive a strong electrical shock. They develop an aversion to smoking due to receiving a shock each time they smoke. Mrs Payne said that the first program they developed was to break men of the habit of masturbation. She said she developed the program because it seemed that all the men she hired spent most of their time playing with themselves instead of doing their jobs. This bought forth a titter of amusement from the women. Mrs Payne said it was a serious matter but she didn't want any of the young women to feel uncomfortable about it. She said that tomorrow morning there would be a full explanation and demonstration of the therapy and any woman who felt uncomfortable about it didn't have to attend. She told the young men that their attendance was compulsory. She said that in her desire to help the community they had a screening and had only hired men with a masturbation habit. She said that the more men they could break of constant masturbation the community would be better off.
The next morning Mrs Payne confirmed that all the men and women from the prior day were in attendance. She explained that Aversion Therapy for masturbation was simple and effective. Instead of elaborate and expensive shock equipment the easiest and simplest method was to grip a man by his balls and squeeze them. The man would be monitored by a woman who would hold a man by his balls and let him masturbate and at the appropriate time she would squeeze his testicles. She explained that skill was required on the part of the woman to apply sufficient squeeze to cause excruciating pain but not enough for the patient to pass out. This way the man would associate masturbation with extreme pain and cause an aversion. The young women were smiling and nodding their heads. The young men were crossing their legs and looking nervous.
Mrs Payne said that the first man she had helped was Ted, a long time employee, who used to spend all his time in a shed masturbating. The two women who worked with him had to do their work and his also. Under the Aversion Therapy program they have been able to administer therapy to Ted on an ongoing basis. Ted's habit was so ingrained that they have not eliminated the habit but they have it under control and Ted is an employee doing his share of work. Both of the women have been promoted to senior positions but they are so committed to helping other less fortunate staff members that they have made it a personal commitment to continue providing therapy to Ted until he is cured. Mrs Payne said that Sue has agreed to provide a demonstration of the therapy as Sue led Ted to the front of the room. All in attendance were seated around the wall or at the conference table and had a clear view of the front of the room.
Sue introduced herself and Ted and explained that she had been administering therapy to Ted for some time and he follows her every command. She smiled and said it is easy to train a man when you have him by the balls. All the women laughed.
Sue told Ted to strip. He did. The women gasped and broke out onto laughter. Ted was sporting a large erection which was encased in a clear plastic devise strapped to his body. Sue said that the devise didn't hamper normal bodily functions and stays on during a shower and at all other times and is only removed by the therapy administrator, in this case herself. She said it was very helpful in that it stops Ted from masturbating. Sue had a special key and unlocked and removed the devise. She told Ted he could masturbate, which he immediately did. Sue and Mrs Payne and all the women looked at Ted, some laughing and some in shock and Sue and Mrs Payne with amusement. Sue reached out and grabbed Ted's balls in her right hand and with her left hand squeezed them. Ted screamed and shook all over but continued to madly pump away on his hard-on. Sue smiled tolerantly at Ted and told him to slow done and if he comes she will crush his balls. Still wailing in agony Ted slowed down and was very slowly stroking himself. Sue said that she liked to administer therapy for an hour, anything longer and Ted became like a drooling idiot, crying in agony, slowly jerking off and babbling when not crying.
Sue smiled and said there was almost an hour and would any of the women like to have a turn with Ted's nuts. They all did and in the hour they had all given Ted's nuts a good squeeze. After the hour, Sue reattached the chastity device and led Ted back to his work station. Poor Ted could barely walk, bent over, clutching his nuts and moaning to himself. That was a common sight at Mrs Payne's companies since they were administering Aversion Therapy to quite a few male employees.
Mrs Payne went to the front of the room and asked if any women wanted to excuse themselves from being administrators in the Aversion Therapy program. All stayed. Mrs Payne said that the next step was to match each of the women with each of the young men, men who required aversion therapy. As management trainees the women were assigned two to a small office and it was expected that they would administer the therapy in their offices. Mrs Payne read out the young women and their assigned patient. Emma Jenkins was assigned Matt Hudson. She called out his name and Matt appeared and stood before Emma. He was big, good looking and very embarrassed. He looked so ashamed that Emma immediately got over her insecurity, she thought that this would be fun and led him back to the office she shared. Her new room mate - Jane Scott, had met her patient and she had told him to report to their office later in the afternoon.
Emma led Matt into their office and introduced him to Jane and told him to strip. Matt just stood there, with a red face, embarrassed. Mrs Payne had covered the eventuality of this happening so Emma followed Mrs Payne's advise. She kicked Matt in the balls as hard as she could. Matt had a stunned look on his face as his knees came together, his hands clamped over his nuts, he let out a scream and fell face forward onto the floor. Jane burst out laughing and Emma joined her. Both women sat down in their chairs and watched Matt roll around in agony. the women told each other about themselves, where they were from and what the were hoping for from their job. They agreed that so far it was unconventional and a real hoot.
Matt had calmed down and was quietly moaning. Emma told him to stand up and strip, or get another kick in the nuts. Matt got to his feet and stripped. Like Ted earlier, he had a big erection. Emma and Jane both laughed and Emma asked, what was it about these guys, all with hard-ons.
Emma decided that it was best to show who was in charge. She grabbed Matt by his balls, told him to put his hands on top of his head and spread his legs. She grabbed a testicle in each hand and told Matt to tell her about his masturbation compulsion. Jane laughed and said "Yeah Matt, tell us all about it". Emma smiled encouragingly as she started to squeeze his nuts. Matt begged Emma not to squeeze his nuts and blurted out that he jerks off every chance he gets - he just can't help it. Emma was slowly massaging his nuts with her finger tips, rolling them around and stroking her finger tips back and forth over them. She asked him if he wanted her to help him, provide Aversion Therapy and brake him of his vile habit of stroking himself. She asked him if he wanted her to help him stop doing this as she moved one of her hands to his erection and slowly stroked him. Poor Matt was going out of his mind. Emma and Jane were laughing at him. Matt ejaculated and came all over Emma's new dress. Emma didn't get angry. She looked at Matt and told him he definitely needed Therapy and for the next hour both she and Jane worked on his nuts. Then she locked on his chastity devise, kissed him on the cheek and told him she would see him tomorrow morning.
The next morning Matt was waiting outside her and Jane's office. Emma saw him, laughed and asked him if he hadn't been able to jerk off. She then asked if he had a big hard-on. Matt nodded that he had, Emma laughed and told him to come in and she would see what she could do about it. She told him that if he was a good boy during his testicle punishment she would let him jerk off for a bit. Wow, Emma sure loved corporate life!
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