August 26, 2024

Washington High Defense Class, Chapter 14, Parts 4 and 5

 Chapter 14, part 4 - Carl and his Entourage Head to the Studio

“I didn’t know you were coming with, Miss H,” Carl said, grabbing his singlet to cover himself and delighted to see she was wearing her tight pink leggings and white, long sleeve crop top that she had on at school. She looked amazing as usual.

“Yeah, Katie thought it would be better for her to meet your mother if I came along. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh, no. Not at all,” Carl said with glee.

Miss H offered her hand to help Carl up off the living room floor, catching a glimpse of his huge nuts as he stood up.

“You’re going to be a great model,” she whispered in his ear, sending a shiver down Carl’s spine.

The young man sheepishly nodded saying, “I hope so.”

Barb was sitting next to Katie on the sofa when she asked to clear up how much her son would be compensated for modeling the swimsuits.

“Well, to start, we pay $500 each session,” Katie said. “I’m hoping we can get through a photo session and a TV spot tonight, so Carl and Emma will each earn $1000, just for tonight.”

“Wow, really?” Barb said, excitedly sitting up higher on the couch.

“Yes, and they can earn even more should the ads do well,” Katie said. “And with Carl’s - um - talents, I think he’ll be a shoo-in to have multiple shoots.”

“Did you hear that honey?” Barb said to her son with a huge grin.

“Maybe we should get going to the studio. The sooner we start, the sooner we can make this young man a star!” Katie said to the group.

“Do you want me to follow you in our car?” Barb asked.

“Oh, that won’t be necessary,” Katie said, “Look out there,” she said pointing out the front window.

Lucy ran to the front of the living room to look out the window. “Wow! Look at the size of that limo! Do you think there’s room for me to come along?”

“I think that would be just fine. It will be nice for Carl to have the support.” “Yay! Thank you! I’ve never been in a limo before!” Lucy exclaimed. “Mom, are you coming?”

Barb looked over to Katie, looking for approval.

“I would hope your mother is coming,” Katie said, putting her hand on her back.

“It’s settled, then,” Bard said standing up. “Carl, honey, why don’t you go get changed and we’ll head out.”

Carl gingerly walked across the living room floor and then slowly made his way upstairs to his bedroom. Seeing how difficult it was for him, Barb made her way up the stairs to check on her son.

When she got to his room she noticed the door was open and Carl had his back to the door and was bending over to put on some basketball shorts. She could see his two enormous orbs dangling between his legs and felt a little twitch of excitement over how much money they could earn for the family. As Carl pulled up his shorts, Barb knocked on the open door.

“Hey honey, how are you feeling?”

Carl jumped at hearing his mother’s voice and turned to face her.

“I’m good. I can’t believe they want me to be a model! Isn't that cool?!” Carl said.

“That's wonderful. But I meant, how are your nuts doing?” Barb asked. “They’ve taken quite a beating lately."

“They’re still pretty sore, I guess” he said.

“Yeah, that Hickory Nut Crunch can be a doozy, can’t it? You going to be okay for the modeling tonight?”

“I think so, yeah.”

“Good, we promised the school that you’d be there for the demonstration on Friday so let’s be sure to keep those things healthy!” Barb said.

“Yes, ma’am,” Carl respectfully agreed.

“You’re not going to wear those basketball shorts to the shoot, are you?” She asked.

“What? Why not?” Carl asked in return.

Barb crossed the room, put her arm around her son and said, “Did you hear how much they’re going to pay us, I mean, you?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And you know why they’re paying you to model, right?” She said, pulling him in tight.

“Because of my nuts?”

“Precisely. Because of your nuts, honey. Now, why don’t you put on those pants I got you for Christmas last year - you know, the ones with the pouch in front.”

“Those?” Carl said indignantly. “But they make my junk stick out so much.”

“Exactly,” Barb said as she patted her son on the butt. “It’s those nuts that are going to make us a lot of money. Showing them off a little will only help you. You might consider wearing those to school from now on. You know, to promote the brand. Now go put those on and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

Barb made her way downstairs where she was met by her daughter, Lucy, the Phy Ed teacher, Miss H, Emma, and Katie. A moment later, Carl slowly plopped his way down the stairs. Every woman had their eyes glued to his package as it protruded from his body and bounced with every step he took. The pants looked like someone had sewn a large bean bag to the front and stuffed it with two very large objects. The room was silent as the spectacle unfolded. Then Katie finally broke the tension.

“Those things are amazing,” she said and the room burst out in laughter.

“I wouldn’t go to the gym in that outfit,” his sister Lucy said laughing, “someone might think you were trying to steal a couple of basketballs!” More laughter erupted.

When Carl finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, Katie put her arm around him and said, “You ready to be a star?” Carl nodded. “Well, then, let’s go!”

They all made their way outside to the limo where a female driver was waiting outside the back door with it open.

“Wow, we even have our own driver!” Lucy yelled. “This is so cool!”

One by one the group filed into the car until only Carl remained outside.

“May I take your fanny pack?” The driver asked.

“My what?” Carl asked confused.

Without waiting for approval, the driver decided to show initiative and simply reached out and grabbed the bulge sticking out from Carl’s waist, assuming it was a fanny pack. Carl stood frozen in fear. By this time all of the ladies in the car saw what was happening and not one of them tried to stop the driver. Instead they all giggled uncontrollably as the poor driver pulled harder and harder on Carl’s sack. It was like watching a tug-o-war competition.

“Sir, I can take this up front with me if you would just unfasten it from your waist,” the driver said as she pulled even harder.

“Just let her bring that up front!” Lucy yelled to her brother. "Don't be rude!"

“You guys!” Carl yelled back, “This isn’t funny.”

The driver, now more determined than ever, grabbed the sack with both hands, placed her right foot up on Carl’s thigh, and started tugging with all her might.

The ladies in the car were now in hysterics at the sight. Emma even took out her phone and took a few pics. Not wanting her meal ticket too damaged, Katie finally exited the car, gently placed her right hand on the driver’s hands that still had Carl’s nuts in a death-grip, and she whispered something to the driver. Stunned, the driver looked down at what was in her hands, she gave one more tug to be sure, then gritted her teeth, let go of the sack and softly said, “I’m soooo sorry, sir. I thought… I mean, I didn’t know that was your, ah. I have ice in the car if you want some.”

“It’s okay,” Carl said with a slightly higher voice. “It was an honest mistake. I’ll be okay.”

The driver, with a red face, slowly back-peddled away from Carl, turned and briskly walked back to the driver’s seat not knowing how she’ll ever live this down.

The ladies didn’t know what to say when Carl entered the car. Most had their hands over their mouths to keep from exploding in laughter when Barb spoke up. “I guess she really wanted to take that fanny pack from you!” Instantly igniting another round of laughter.

The ride into the city took about 30 minutes. Katie stared in awe as Carl’s nuts bounced up and down with every pot hole or bump they hit. Her mouth started to go dry so she reached for a bottle of water.

“Honey, you know, I was thinking,” Barb said to Carl. “With this extra money you’ll have coming in, you can probably take up horse riding lessons again.”

Katie spit her water out onto the floor. All of the ladies paused and looked over at her.

“He takes…horse riding lessons?” Katie said, amused by the thought.

“Yes. He has since he was 8,” Barb said. “But we had to stop a few months ago because of the expense.”

Katie had a hard time disguising her laughter. “You mean to tell me, with THOSE nuts, Carl got onto the back of a horse and would ride it?”

The women looked at each other and once again started giggling.

“You have to admit,” Miss H said, “That would be quite a sight!” Carl dropped his head in embarrassment. Sensing his discomfort, she added, “Carl, you poor dear. That just had to be so uncomfortable for you.”

“I got used to it,” he mumbled.

“That’s probably how your nuts got so tough,” Miss H said confidently.

“Yeah, the first couple times he tried it I could see how badly he limped after each session,” Barb said, “but I encouraged him to keep going. I mean, it couldn’t have hurt that bad. Plus, he looked so cute in his little riding outfit.”

Lucy let out a loud laugh.

“What?” Barb said, “he was quite handsome in that outfit.”

“Sure, but those pants were so tight both of his nuts stuck WAY out,” Lucy said holding back her laughter. “And it didn’t help that by the end of each practice his nuts swelled up so bad you could see them from space!”

“Oh, no!” Miss H said covering her mouth, “that’s awful, you poor dear!”

“Yeah, his instructor once asked me why he was wearing so much padding in his pants,” Barb chimed in. “I didn’t know what she was talking about at the time. And one day she pulled me aside and said that if he planned on participating in any competitions that he’d have to lose the padding.”

“Oh, no. What did you do?” Katie asked.

“Well, I had no idea what she was talking about so I just kept saying he wouldn’t wear any padding once competitions started,” Barb said. “Then when the first competition came his instructor and three judges pulled us aside and…” Barb paused and looked at Carl. “Is it okay if I tell them, honey?”

“I’d rather you not,” Carl said quietly.

“I haven’t even heard this!” Lucy said, her eyes perking up.

“Honey, you are about to model your nuts for all of these ladies - and for the WORLD to see - I think it will be okay if I tell them this one little story,” Barb said. Carl mumbled something that seemed like compliance.

“Mom, tell us!” Lucy said.

“Well, you know how his practice pants were really tight?” Barb said leaning forward in her seat, the other four females now listening with rapt attention. “Well, the ones they sell you for competitions are even tighter than those. I mean, it’s like he’s wearing tights.”

“What color were they?” An entranced Emma asked.

“Tan!” Barb said. “So they were kind of see-through. Carl came out of his bedroom wearing his boxers underneath and I immediately told him had had to take those off - you could totally see his boxers!”

“So what did he wear underneath this pants?” Emma asked.

“We tried a couple different things - even one of my thongs. Because, you know, no panty lines,” Barb said.

“Mom!” Carl said annoyed.

“Well, I’m sorry but it’s true,” she said. “But none of those worked so he just went commando.”

“Oh, no, really?” Katie said kind of laughing.

“It was the only thing that worked,” Barb said, then she leaned in to whisper to the others, “Although, you could kind of see some of the veins in his nuts through the pants. But just the prominent ones.”

All of the ladies brought their hands up to their mouths that were wide in astonishment.

“Anyway, so they brought us into this room under the bleachers and the head judge just came right out and said, ‘Young man, you will be disqualified if you don’t remove the padding from your riding trousers immediately,’ and I just started laughing and told them that he wasn’t wearing any padding, that I was sure to inspect the pants before I gave them to him.”

“What did they say?” Miss H asked.

“Oh, they were all like, ‘Ma’am, it is quite obvious to all of us that this young man is wearing padding down there,’ and I assured them that he was not. So the head judge, who was starting to get irritated, took out a riding crop and slammed it up between poor Carl’s legs, saying, ‘so what is THIS?’ and we all heard a loud crunch.” Barb paused and looked at all of the ladies. “I mean, it was loud. I thought for sure she ruptured one of his nuts, and possibly both.”

Miss H, brought her hand to her mouth and winced. “Oh, no! Carl, you poor guy. Did that hurt?”

Carl, who was now staring at the floor of the limo, looked up at his teacher and nodded.

“So what happened?” Katie asked.

“Well, he passed out and his left nut started expanding like a balloon,” Barb said among many gasps. “And I think it was at that moment that they started to realize that what Carl had in his pants wasn’t padding after all.”

“What did they do?” Miss H asked.

“Well, we all stood there in silence for a while as we watched his nut get bigger and bigger,” Barb said. “So I finally asked if they had a doctor on site and I think it finally set in for them that what they thought was padding was actually Carl’s nuts.”

“Oh my God!” Lucy said, not holding back her laughter.

“That’s crazy,” Miss H said. “Did they find a doctor?”

“Was his nut ruptured?” Emma asked with some concern.

“They did find a doctor,” Barb explained, “But she was really young and hadn’t really dealt with this sort of injury before - remember honey?” She said as she looked at her son.

“Oh, oh, what did she do?” Miss H asked.

“Well, first, when she pulled down Carl’s pants, she freaked out when she saw how huge his nut had gotten,” Barb said. “She thought for sure it had ruptured and started screaming, ‘we need to cut this off, right away! Get him to the hospital!’” “No way!” Emma said dismayed.

“Well, luckily, I calmed her down and told her that his nuts would get that big when struck. She didn’t really believe me at first, but I told her to look at the size of his right nut to give her a reference of where his injured one started.”

“Did she believe you? Or did she cut off his nut?” The ever-so-curious Emma asked.

“Yes, she did eventually,” Barb said, “But it took some convincing.”

“You saved your son’s nut! What a great mother!” Emma said while Lucy rolled her eyes at the hyperbole.

“I guess you could say that,” Barb replied.

“That’s not even the best part,” Lucy chimed in. “Tell them about his performance in the competition.”

“Wait, he went out and competed after that kind of trauma to his nuts?” Katie asked. “He wanted to try it,” Barb said, “and I wasn’t going to deter such determination. Carl is pretty special that way. He never gives up.”

“So what happened?” Miss H asked.

“Is it okay if I tell them, honey?” Barb asked Carl who nodded yes, but buried his face in his hands.

“So, he was doing great,” Barb said. “I couldn’t believe how well it was going. I mean, that could not have been comfortable riding that horse. With every gallop his nuts would slam into the saddle. And those saddles aren’t exactly soft.”

Emma winced a bit at that description and asked, “Was he okay? He didn’t pop his nut did he?”

“He was riding along just fine, making jump after jump with his horse when, at the last fence, something spooked his horse and it came to an abrupt stop sending Carl flying forward and landing directly on the top pole of the fence - both legs straddling each side.”

All four ladies drew in a breath and brought their hands to their faces in sympathy. “Oh my god!” Emma said, “Did THAT pop a nut? And what did the crowd do?”

“Everyone was pretty much cracking up,” Lucy said as Barb gave her a stern look.

“What? You saw it, too, mom. Don’t deny it. That whole crowd was laughing. I heard one girl yell, ‘well there goes his sex life!’ It was hilarious!”

“Carl, I bet that wasn’t fun, huh?” Miss H said with love in her voice. Carl shook his head, no. “So did he withdraw from the competition?”

“Like I said, he’s a tough cookie,” Barb said, “And no, Emma, he didn't pop a nut. But get this, not only did he get back up on his horse, he finished the entire competition and placed third! I was so proud of him.”

“Wow, good job, big guy!” Miss H said to her student. “And you took third, you must have been so happy.”

Lucy started laughing again, saying, “He was happy until the girl who got fourth place accused him of wearing padding in his crotch and they made him pull down his pants!”

“Lucy!” Her mom admonished, “They didn’t need to know that part of the story.” “What? You just spent five minutes talking about him wracking his nuts and I can’t tell the best part of the story?” Lucy said with a smirk.

“Why did he have to pull down his pants?” Emma asked innocently.

“So when that girl complained, they made Carl go into a room with all of the judges and a few competitors who lost to him and they made him pull down his pants,” Lucy said.

“Why?” Emma asked.

“The competitors were convinced that he was wearing padding in his pants. And even though the judges knew it was just his nuts - to convince all of the others that it wasn’t padding - they made him drop his drawers and prove it. And he wasn’t wearing underwear!”

Emma’s face grew red. “I’m sorry they did that to you, Carl,” she said. “That was mean. Did your nuts make it through all of that?”

Carl was slow to answer so his mother spoke up. “They were a little swollen for a few days,” Barb said, “But they survived his first competition intact.”

“Oh, good,” Emma said with a sigh. “He’ll still be intact after tonight, right?” Emma said, looking over at Katie, showing concern for her new friend.

“Hahaha!” Katie laughed, “Of course honey. Hurting Carl’s nuts is NOT in our plans tonight. Do you think I want to hurt our new star?”

“That’s good to hear,” Barb said, “As I’ll remind you, Carl has volunteered to help with the big school demonstration this Friday and we don’t want him to miss that.” “I can assure you, Carl's nuts will not be harmed tonight. Oh, hey, we’re here!” Katie said, excited to show the crew her studios.

The driver went around to the back door and opened the door. They filed out, and as Carl exited, the driver was a bit embarrassed, so to break the tension, she took his hand and helped him out of the car and said, “Don't let anyone take your fanny pack in there.”

Carl smiled at her as she winked and closed the door.

Chapter 14, part 5 - Carl and Emma get fitted for Suits

The Speedo studios were in a beautiful downtown high-rise, up on the 25th floor. Yes, the entire 25th floor. There were numerous photography studios for print and online ads, and there were two very large TV studios where they shot commercials. Katie was excited to show everyone around.

Once on the 25th floor, the first thing they saw as they got off the elevator were several very large portraits of men and women modeling Speedo swimsuits. Emma and Lucy immediately walked toward a giant portrait of a young man in a skimpy swimsuit. “Look at this guy, Carl, his nuts are way smaller than yours,” his sister Lucy joked pointing at the portrait. “Maybe you’ll end up on this wall someday.” Carl blushed at the thought. “And look at that chick, Emma. You’re much prettier than her! Maybe you’ll end up here, too!”

Emma looked at the woman in the photo and noticed how much larger her chest was. “That’s nice of you to say, Lucy, but she’s got way bigger boobs than me,” Emma said, bringing both of her hands up to her breasts.

“Your boobs are just fine, my dear,” Miss H chimed in, putting her arm around her student. “Katie loves your look, or you wouldn’t be here.”

That gave Emma’s confidence a big boost. Miss H always knew how to say the right thing at the right time with her students - and at this moment, Emma was quite grateful for that.

As they walked down the hall, they saw a group of five guys coming out of a door wearing tiny swimsuits and robes. Lucy elbowed Emma in the ribs and whispered, “Take a look at those guys.” Emma leaned into Lucy and got right up to her ear and whispered back, “I think this is going to be a lot of fun tonight.”

Noticing even more people coming out of the room, Barb asked Katie if there were always this many people here at this time of night.

“Oh, yes,” Katie replied. “This is actually our busiest time. We found that models look too tired in the morning so we shoot mostly in the afternoon and evening. This floor is actually open 24-hours a day. And that door they just came out of is our busiest photography studio. I’m not sure who’s on duty right now, but let’s go inside and talk to the photographer.”

“Katie!” The photographer yelled as she welcomed her boss.

“Cherise!” Katie returned the greeting. “How are you doing, my love?”

“It’s been a busy evening, but…” Then she caught a glimpse of Carl’s pouch sticking out from his pants. “And who do we have here?” Cherise asked.

“This guy is going to bring us to the next level,” Katie said. “Cherise, meet Carl. Carl, meet Cherise. And this is his mother, Barb, and his sister, Lucy.”

Still staring at Carl’s pouch, the photographer reached out her hand and shook Carl’s. “My, oh, my. Where did you ever find this one?” She said to her boss.

“Funny you ask,” Katie said. “Meet my dear friend, and former college roommate, Holly Hartel.” The two ladies shook hands. “Holly, here, is a teacher at Washington High School and Carl is one of her students and when I was at their school today delivering our new suits I was introduced to this fine young man.”

“And you were complaining about going there today,” Cherise teased her boss. “And now look, you probably just discovered a new star!”

“Oh, and let me introduce you to Emma,” Barb said, “I met her at the high school as well and she’ll be joining Carl in this shoot. Will you be set-up in the next half hour or so? Can you shoot for me?”

“Of course,” Cherise said with a smile. “This could be an interesting shoot!”

“Good, I’ll show these two to the dressing rooms, have them meet with the hair and make-up crew and we’ll be back in 30,” Katie said with excitement.

The whole crew followed Katie back out into the hall where they passed a door that said “Nurse’s Office.” “Wow, you even have your own nurses here?” Barb said to Katie.

“Yeah, our creative staff likes to push things pretty far sometimes,” Katie explained. “So for liability purposes we just decided it would be best to have at least one nurse on duty at all times.”

Further down the hall they ran into one of the make-up gals. “Hey, Charolette,” Katie said with a smile, “I’d like you to meet Carl and Emma. You will be working with them for tonight’s shoot in studio 4-B.”

Charolette extended her hand and greeted both guests. Catching a glimpse of Carl’s package, she turned to Katie and said, “I see you found a winner! He will be fun to work with.”

Katie laughed and put both arms around her two new models. “You take good care of these two. I think I’d like to start with the white suits with the matching blue accents. Can you take them into the dressing rooms and get them fitted? Oh, and Emma, did you get a hold of your mother? Is she coming?”

“Yeah, she just texted me back, she should be here soon,” Emma said.

“Great. I look forward to meeting her,” Katie said. “I’ll call security on the main floor and let them know to expect her. Sorry, Charolette, they’re all yours.”

“No problem. Follow me,” Charolette said to Carl and Emma as she escorted them into the dressing room.

“This might take awhile,” Katie said. “If you wish, you can go down the hall to where we have a small cafeteria. They have free fruit down there, and lots of different drinks, so help yourselves.”

“Can’t we help with the fitting?” Lucy said, half joking.

“I’d love to give you access, but the creative staff is very particular about only having models in there with them. They’re kind of protective of their space that way.” Katie said. “Say, why don’t you head down to the cafeteria, I’m going to head back to the studio and help Cherise get the space ready.”

Barb, Lucy, and Holly headed down the hall to the cafeteria. They were impressed with the choices on the menu and each of them decided to order a small salad while they waited for the models to get ready.

In the dressing room, Charolette introduced Emma and Carl to the hair and make-up team of Mia and Olivia. The dressing room was one very large space with lots of mirrors with great lighting, and a few partitions set-up as places for the models to change.

“Why don’t you head over there and put these on and we’ll get you measured right away,” Charolette told the two models.

Both Carl and Emma were slightly taken aback by what they were handed. It was basically a very small towel skirt. “You want me to put this on?” Carl asked hesitantly.

“Darling, you’re going to be modeling very small swimsuits, now is not the time to be modest,” Charolette said somewhat annoyed.

“Does this have a top?” Emma asked.

“Can you please go put on what I gave you?” Charolette asked, trying not to lose her patience.

Carl and Emma looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as they each went behind their designated partitions.

Carl stripped off all of his clothes, lifted up the towel-skirt he was given, shook his head and stepped into it. When he got it up past his waist, he turned and looked in the mirror and noticed the towel barely covered dick and balls. Then he lifted his right leg and noticed that he could see the bottom of his right nut and some of the tip of his cock. He sighed and sheepishly walked out into the open space.

Meanwhile, Emma also put her towel-skirt on and decided to keep her bra on as well as she exited from behind the partition.

Right away Charolette spoke up, “Nope,” she said, pointing at Emma, “Lose the bra. And please be quick about it, we don’t have all night.”

Emma looked over at Carl and saw how his “skirt” barely covered his privates and as they made eye contact, she reached behind her back with both hands and undid the clasp of her bra and let it fall down her chest. They weren’t the largest breasts, but damn they were sexy and Carl had to avert his eyes to keep from getting hard.

“Great, now please step over here so we can get the proper measurements for both of you,” Charolette said with a somewhat nicer tone. “Carl, we can start with you.”

Although not really needed for the measurements, Olivia and Mia stepped closer to get a better view.

“Step up here please,” Charolette said as Carl stepped up on a small platform about six inches off the floor. From this angle, Charolette could see the bottom of both Carls large nuts. She brought the tape measure up to his hips and took a measurement, her two assistants looking on with baited breath. “Looks like about 32 inches,” Charolette said. Then she brought the tape up to his left thigh and as she wrapped it around his leg she accidentally brushed his left nut. Carl jumped up a bit as his nuts were still pretty tender from the day’s activities. “Oh, sorry about that, honey. I normally don’t have to work around such large, ahhh, objects. You okay?”

Carl softly said, “Yeah, I’m good.”

“I’ll be more careful on the right side,” Charolette said as she brought the tape measure up once again. His right nut seemed to be a little more swollen and hung lower than his left, hampering Charolette’s access. “Mia, dear, can you give me a hand here?”

Mia was transfixed with the size of Carl’s nuts and had to snap herself out of a temporary haze. “Oh, um, sure,” she said. “How can I help?”

“I can’t really get a good measurement of his right thigh so could you be a dear and lift his testicle out of the way?” Charolette said looking up at her colleague.

Mia was dumbfounded at the request, but was eager to get her hands on these huge nuts. “You want me to… Um, okay, sure, I can help with that,” she said as she stepped forward.

“And be careful,” Charolette said, “they appear to be quite sensitive.”

Mia methodically reached out her right hand and, with her tongue sticking out of her mouth, she placed it on Carl’s swollen right nut. Holy shit this thing is huge, she thought to herself as she slowly lifted it up, giving Charolette access to his thigh.

“Great,” Charolette said, “Now hold that there while I measure his…” she trailed off as she brought the tape measure up. Seeing how huge the nut looked in Mia’s hand, Charolette dropped the tape measure and had to slide the short stool she was sitting on back a few inches to gather up the cloth tape.

Mia stood there holding up Carl’s huge nut, feeling a little self-conscious. She looked at her friend Olivia and mouthed “I can feel his heartbeat.” Olivia’s jaw dropped, then formed a large smile.

With the tape measure back in her hands, Charolette once again looked up at her assistant. “How you doing, Mia?”

“I’m, ahh, just, fine, thanks,” she said, “Is this good or do you need his nut a little higher?”

“I could use a little more space if you don’t mind pulling it up higher,” Charolette said.

Mia obliged and the tension it put on Carl’s nut caused a grimace to form on Carl’s face. Unfortunately, no one seemed to notice. Well, except for Emma who cringed in sympathy.

Charolette brought the tape up, wrapped it around his right thigh, but now Mia’s hand was blocking her access. “Any way you could pull up just a tad more?” She asked.

Mia was glad to oblige and yanked even harder on Carl’s right nut. With everyone’s attention on the large orb, no one noticed Carl’s eyes starting to roll back into his head. When he started to sway a bit to the side, Emma noticed and quickly stepped over to her friend and grabbed his left hand to keep him stable, worried he was about to topple over with his precious nut in this woman’s tight grip.

When he felt Emma’s hand on his, Carl shook awake and caught himself just in the nick of time. Seeing his topless friend holding him up, Carl managed a smile through all the pain.

"You're doing great, Carl," Emma whispered, encouraging her friend.

“Got it!” Charolette said as she brought the tape measure down and reached for her clipboard to write the results. For some reason, Mia kept her firm grip on Carl’s nut, mesmerized by what was in her hand.

“I think we’re good,” Emma said to Mia.

“Excuse me?” Mia said, oblivious to the pain she was still inflicting.

“I think you can let go now?” Emma said.

“Let go?”

Frustrated, Emma snapped back. “Of his nut! You can let go of his nut now!”

Startled, Mia looked at her hand still gripping tightly to Carl’s ball and hastily pulled her hand back. “Oh, yeah, his nut. Sorry about that.” Olivia could only laugh at her friend’s actions.

Charolette turned back toward Carl, brought both of her hands up to cup each nut and bounced them up and down as if to weigh them. “These are going to look great in our suits. I can see why Katie was so smitten with you. Olivia, can you please go get Carl a white, small suit, model number HB22 while I measure this young lady?”

“You think his nuts are going to fit into a small?” She said in a whisper loud enough for everyone to hear.

“It may be a tight squeeze, but that model has a lot of stretch, so I think it will be perfect,” Charolette said.

“If you say so,” Olivia said as she left the room.

“Your turn,” Charolette said to Emma. “Step on up.”

As she stepped up, Charolette took a good look at Emma’s firm body. “Looks like we have an athlete here. What sports do you play?”

“I’m a gymnast,” Emma said with pride.

“Oh, I can tell,” Charolette said, looking her up and down. “You have great legs. And I’d kill for these abs. Your breasts are smaller than we usually have model for us, but I think we can make this work.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I’m excited to be here,” Emma said with a shy smile.

“Let’s start with these cute breasts,” Charolette said as she brought the tape measure up. Carl sat across the room, his legs spread to relieve the pain, his nuts dangling out the bottom of his towel-skirt.

Wrapping the tape around Emma’s rib cage, just under her breasts, Charolette noticed her nipples. “These are quite perky,” she said. “I think they will look great in our suits.” Emma blushed and looked down at the floor, not being used to people complimenting her physique.

“Looks like about a 32-B, am I right?” Charolette asked Emma.

“It depends on the bra,” she said. “And whether I’m... excited or not.”

“Oh, really?” Charolette inquired. “They get that much bigger?”

“Usually a whole cup size,” Emma said, again looking to the floor in embarrassment.

“Well, that could help your cause here today,” Charolette said. “But let’s go with 32-B for now, shall we?”

Charolette brought the tape down to her waist. “Looks like about 24 inches. Very nice. And the hips…” Charolette lowered the tape. “Says here, 36 inches. A very nice ratio. Now, let me get your left thigh.”

Charolette brought the tape up and misjudged her positioning and accidentally brushed the back of her hand against Emma’s pussy. She immediately felt the soft, hairless lips as she starts to wrap the tape around her leg. Both ladies said not a word about the accidental touching, but a tingle went through Emma’s body and her nipples started to harden.

Charolette wrote down the measurement and brought her hands back up to measure the other thigh. This time it was no accident when the back of her hand landed softly on Emma’s pussy. Charolette could feel the heat radiating from her snatch and the distinct wetness forming. She looked up at Emma and nonchalantly tried to keep this ruse going. “It’s important we measure both legs so we get a proper fitting,” she said as she gently pushed the back of her hand into Emma’s mound.

Enjoying the contact, Emma tried to speak. “Oh, y-, y- yes. I can see why that would be. Y-, y- you want to, to, to make sure, the, the, suit fits right.”

“Exactly,” Charolette said, looking into Emma’s eyes, catching a glimpse of her hardening nipples. Finishing the measurement, Charolette logged it into her ledger. “You know, maybe I should re-measure those cute breasts of yours, for some reason, they seem bigger to me now.”

Taking in a breath and slowly releasing it, Emma agreed.

Charolette slowly brought the tape up to Emma’s chest, letting it settle against her beautiful nipples. “Wow, you were right,” Charolette said in awe, “You are now a 32-C. That’s incredible.”

Emma stood there blushing wildly. Feeling quite vulnerable.

“Mia, can you go see what’s taking Olivia so long finding that suit for Carl,” Charolette said. “And grab Emma here an extra small please.”

“What color?” Mia asked.

“White please,” Charolette said looking at Emma’s body once again. “God, that’s going to look great on you, babe.”

Mia raced down the hall and saw Olivia going into the women’s bathroom. “Hey, wait up!” Mia yelled to Olivia and they both entered the bathroom. Little did they know that Lucy was in one of the stalls and could hear everything they were saying.

“That model is really hot,” Mia said to Olivia. “I mean, I wish they were a little bigger (she said gesturing with her hands like she was holding up her own breasts), but I guess we’ll just have to work with what they’ve got.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Olivia said, “They really could be a lot bigger, actually. This will probably be a one-time deal. But hey, let’s make the best of it!”

Once Lucy heard them leave the bathroom, she quickly washed her hands and sprinted back to her mother and Miss H. She caught up with them just a few moments later, a little out of breath from running so hard. “Red alert!” She gasped, holding her chest, trying to catch her breath. “Red alert!” She repeated.

“What, what, what?” Her mother asked growing concerned. “What’s going on?”

Lucy reached out her left hand and placed it on her’s mother’s should, trying to balance herself. “They are not impressed with Carl’s balls.” Lucy panted. “They said they were too small.”

“What?” Barb said. “That is ridiculous. He’s got the biggest balls I’ve seen. Are you sure they said that?”

“Yes!” Lucy cried out. “I just heard two of them talking in the bathroom and they said Carl was hot, but that this would probably be the only night they needed him because they just weren’t big enough.”

“Dear me,” Barb said somewhat under her breath. “How in the world are they going to find balls bigger then those?”

“I have an idea,” Holly said to the other two. “You might not like it, but I think it would work.”

“Carl will be so disappointed if this only lasts one night,” Barb said. “I think he'd be willing to try anything. What do you have in mind?”

“Well, when my, ah, boyfriend, had his nuts smashed by the balance beam on Sunday, his nuts grew to more than double the size,” Holly said with a slight smirk.

“That’s right! We saw that!” Lucy said excitedly. “They were huge!”

“So what are you saying?” Barb asked. “That we smash Carl’s nuts with a balance beam so they get bigger?”

“More or less, yes,” Holly said. “We wouldn’t necessarily need a beam. I think these shoes we are wearing should do the trick.”

Lucy and Barb looked at Holly for a few moments, contemplating the offer. “We should do it, mom!” Lucy said, tugging at her arm. “For Carl!”

Barb sat in silence a few more moments. “Didn’t your boyfriend rupture both of his nuts under that beam? I’ve signed Carl up for the demonstration on Friday and he damn well is going to be there.”

“I’m sure, if we’re careful, we could do this without rupturing both of his nuts,” Miss H said, trying to sound convincing.

“What do you mean, BOTH,” Barb asked now getting more concerned. “You think we might still rupture one of them?”

“Well, I’ve taught a lot of self defense classes and it’s always a possibility. I've seen my fair share of popped nuts.”

“Oh, I don’t know about this, you guys. It sounds dangerous.” Barb said.

“Mom, you know how much this means to Carl,” Lucy said, pleading her case. “He’s gone his whole life dealing with those huge nuts and now that he finally has a chance to use them for something good, I think we should take the chance.”

“Easy for you to say,” Barb said to her daughter. “It’s not your nuts that are in jeopardy.”

“Listen, we could keep a close eye on each nut and if any of us thinks he might pop one, we will stop,” Miss H said, now really liking the idea of getting a chance to kick those huge nuts herself.

Barb paused once more. She looked at Holly, then over to Lucy. “You have to promise me that if you guys think they might rupture that you’ll stop.”

“Yay!” Lucy said, jumping up and down. “You won’t regret this. What do we have to lose?”

“WE won’t be losing anything,” Barb said, “But your brother might.”

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