August 26, 2024

Washington High Defense Class, Chapter 14, Part 1

Chapter 14, part 1 - The Speedos

Holly Hartel - better known as Miss H - sat in her Phy Ed office looking out the window that led to the gym. She was expecting her former college roommate, Katie, to appear any moment. Katie was a rep for Speedo swimsuits and was coming to show the teacher the new line of men's and women’s suits.

Holly spotted her friend crossing the gym and sprang out of her seat to go greet her.

“Katie!” Miss H yelled across the gym to her friend who was carrying a large box.

Katie, who was a tall redhead with a curvy frame, giddily shouted back, “Holly, how are you?!”

The two met in the center of the gym with a warm embrace. When they separated, Holly stepped back, looked her friend up and down commenting, “Girl, you look even better than when I last saw you. How long has it been?”

“I think about three years now - and you look amazing yourself,” Katie said, “Those leggings must drive all of the boys crazy here at school.”

“Oh, stop,” Holly said, waving her right hand toward her friend. “Let me help you with that,” she said, picking up the box and leading her back to her office.

“So these are them?” Holly asked, placing the heavy box down on her desk.

“Yes, all of the latest suits, for both boys and girls. Take a look!” Katie said proudly.

Miss H cut open the large box and started rifling through the suits. “Wow, these are so light-weight! And the fabric feels amazing!”

She kept rummaging through the box and pulled out a couple fairly small suits. “Wow, the guys are going to look great in these,” Miss H said with a smile.

“Right?” Katie replied. “And the way that pair is designed, it really pushes everything up and out. We love ‘em.”

“I bet. You have an amazing job,” Holly said with a tinge of jealousy.

“Well, it’s great most of the time, but now that I’m regional manager they really ask a lot out of me.”

“Oh, really?” Holly asked. “You under a lot of pressure now?”

“Yeah, it hasn’t been easy,” Katie replied. “And now they also have me in charge of advertising and social media accounts. They’re always looking for the next big ad campaign and so me and my team have been trying to come up with something catchy, but we’ve been coming up dry lately.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Holly said, now digging deeper in the box and pulling out a cute women's suit. “This is a cool design. I love this one!”

“Wait until you see it on, it fits like a glove,” Katie said. “You should try it on.”

“Oh, I have plenty of suits of my own, but thanks,” Miss H responded.

“Well, here’s the best part. Because the school agreed to go though us as your sales company and you are my contact, you are allowed two free suits!” Katie said excitedly.

“Well, in that case, I love this white one,” Holly said with a smile. “And I can’t believe how light they are.”

“Yeah, that’s the latest technology in racing suits. I’m sure you will start seeing Olympians wearing these. Try it on!”

Miss H sauntered over to the window in her office and turned the blinds closed and grabbed the cute white, one-piece suit to try on.

“With your tan, that white one will look great on you,” Katie said.

“It seems so small. Are you sure it will fit?”

“These are designed to have a lot of stretch. They fit like a second skin, try it!”

Feeling completely comfortable in front of her old roommate, Holly stripped down until she was completely naked.

“God, you are in such great shape,” Katie complimented her friend.

“Well, when your day consists of running around with these students all day, you burn a lot of calories,” Holly said as she started pulling up the suit.

“Here, let me help you with that,” Katie said, stepping over to her friend. Helping to pull the suit up from behind, Katie commented, “wow, these suits are really tight. Turn around.”

A slight smirk formed on Katie’s face.

“What? Why are you laughing?” Miss H said.

“I’m not laughing. You look great. Really,” Katie said, the grin still on her face.

There was a knock on the door. Katie looked over at Holly, “are you expecting someone?”

“Well, this is my free hour so…”

“Miss H?” The voice on the other side of the door said. “It’s Carl. Do you need me again today?”

“Oh, it’s just one of my students who helps me during this hour,” Holly said. “Come on in, Carl,” she yelled.

Katie was closest to the door so when it swung open she extended her hand and said, “Hi, I’m Katie. I’m an old friend of your teacher’s.”

Taken aback by the beauty in front of him, Carl shook her hand as his eyes wandered up and down her body. “H- h- hi, I’m C-C-Carl.” Katie blushed at the attention.

“Hey Carl,” Miss H said enthusiastically, “What can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if you needed m- m- my help today.” He said, his jaw nearly hitting the floor seeing his beautiful teacher in a nearly transparent swimsuit.

Not completely sure of the source of Carl’s distraction, Miss H answered, “Well, we got all of the heavy lifting done last week - thank you for your help with that. And it’s a good thing because after the beating your nuts took yesterday, I’m not sure lifting heavy objects is such a good idea for you young man.”

Carl dropped his head in embarrassment and Katie looked at her friend quizzically.

“Oh, Carl here is a part of my new self defense class,” Holly said to her friend. “And we just implemented a new program where all of the boys in the class have to have their nuts tested.”

“Their nuts tested? Why?” Katie asked.

“Well, we had an unfortunate accident last week in class where one of the boys ruptured a nut from getting kneed hard in the groin.”

“Yikes,” Katie said with a grimace, “That had to hurt.”

“I guess,” Holly said with a shrug, “But the poor girl who popped him was devastated from the sound and so we’re now going to great lengths to be sure to test every last nut in this program so no girl has to go through that again.”

“Wow, that’s fascinating,” Katie said, her eyes lighting up at the idea. “And Carl, have you been tested?”

Carl again dropped his head in embarrassment then looked to Miss H for support.

“Yes, young Carl here was tested extensively just yesterday here in the gym and he passed with flying colors!” Miss H said enthusiastically. “Turns out my prized pupil has nuts of steel, isn’t that right,” Holly said, nudging Carl in the arm. “So how are your nuts faring today? Any soreness?”

Carl shyly swung his head back and forth, “Not really,” he mumbled.

“That’s great honey!” Miss H said, grabbing a hold of his left arm. “Those nuts of your are amazing. And just think of how many of our girls are going to benefit from your - ahh - gift.”

“How are your boyfriend’s nuts?” Carl asked, desperately trying to steer the talk away from his nuts.

“Oh,” Holly said with a giggle and looking over at Katie. “Both of his nuts were destroyed yesterday. Poor guy. I’m not so sure if he’s my boyfriend anymore. Heck, I’m not sure if he’s a BOY anymore.”

“What?!” Katie asked. “Are you serious?”

“I’m afraid so,” Miss H said. “Popped ‘em both. He’s in the hospital right now trying to get them repaired, but I’m pretty sure those things are mush which is too bad because he would have been a great model for your new line of swimsuuuuuuuuits,” she said, now turning toward Carl.

“Carl!” Miss H said with excitement. “Have you ever thought of becoming a model?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Katie said, stepping over to her friend, then whispering into her ear, “I’m not sure he’s the type we’re looking for.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Holly whispered back. “Hey Carl,” the teacher said, noticing the her student was wearing the school-issued white lycra shorts under his basketball shorts. “Can you take off your basketball shorts for me?”

Confused, Carl scrunched his eyebrows together and shrugged, “Excuse me, ma’am?”

Sensing his apprehension, Holly tried to reassure him, “It’s okay, honey. Katie here has worked with male swimsuit models for years. She won’t be offended.”

It wasn’t really her that he was worried about offending, but his gym teacher has a way with making the boys do what she wants and this was no exception. Slowly, he dropped his red basketball shorts, bending at the waist until his hands were at his feet. Upon standing up straight, it was now Katie’s turn to feel a tinge of embarrassment.

Bringing both hands to her face, Katie whispered, “Holy shit.” Then she turned to her friend, “Holly, you have got to get this kid to the hospital. Those nuts have got to be ruptured! Look at ‘em!”

Holly started laughing as she went over to console her now frantic friend. “It’s okay, Katie. That’s the way his nuts normally look.” She put her arm around her and walked her over to the student. When they were standing in front of him, Holly awkwardly asked, “Um, Carl do you - ah - mind if we - um - take a look?”

Staring at his teacher’s white swimsuit directly in front of him, clearly seeing the outline of her nipples and even a hint of her vag, Carl was mesmerized into agreeing with the procedure, simply nodding his head.

Both ladies sunk to their knees, now face-to-face with Carl’s huge nuts. Holly reached out with one hand and cupped his left nut, bobbed it up and down for a moment,

"Those can't be real," Katie said under her breath.

Holly turned to Katie, “These are real, and they are not swollen. This is how they normally are. Isn’t that right, Carl?”

Carl was in the throes of ecstasy, even though part of his brain was concerned about the embarrassment. Then Holly encouraged Katie to grab the other nut. She obliged and Carl’s brain had shoved all embarrassment aside allowing full ecstasy mode to kick in.

“Oh my God,” Katie quietly said as she weighed the giant orb in her hand. “This is just unreal. May I?” She asked, reaching out her other hand. Holly withdrew her hand from Carl’s nut and said, “Be my guest.”

Katie scooted closer to Carl and lifted her other hand so she was now cupping both of Carl’s nuts. “These are amazing.” Then she started squeezing them both. “And you said they are virtually indestructible?”

“Uh-huh,” Holly said smiling broadly.

Carl was now wincing from the pain as Katie continued to bear down on both nuts. “This is so cool!” She gasped, now plunging her thumbs into both nuts, causing Carl to open his mouth and let out a silent scream.

Holly stepped in. “While they are indestructible, one pitfall of having nuts this large is they are proportionately more sensitive as well,” Holly said as she gently pulled Katie’s hands away from Carl’s balls.

“Oh! Oh, I see,” Katie said, “I’m terribly sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Carl said through gritted teeth.

“Shall we get him into a swimsuit?” Holly asked.

Katie couldn’t hide her smile. “Yes!” She said, going over to the box that she brought.

After rummaging through box for almost a minute, Katie stood up and said, “Let’s start with this one.” It was a dark blue, fairly small Speedo. She reached out and handed it to Carl, the smile still plastered to her face. “Here you go,” she said, almost with a sultry tone.

He grabbed the suit and started looking around the room for a place to change.

“You can go in the girls’ locker room, honey. There isn’t any class this hour so there shouldn’t be anyone in there,” his teacher instructed.

Feeling a bit hesitant, Carl took the suit and opened the door to the girls’ locker room, which was adjoined to Miss H’s office. Unfamiliar with the room, Carl - or more specifically, Carl’s nuts - immediately crashed into a trash can, sending it and him to the floor, creating quite a ruckus.

Holly ran to the door, looked out and saw Carl laying on the floor clutching his nuts and the trash can on its side next to him. “Everything okay, big guy?” Holly said, trying not to laugh.

“Um, ah, yeah,” Carl said slowly getting to his feet. “I’ll be alright if you could please give me some privacy.”

“Oh, of course. Sorry.” Holly said, “Just wanted to make sure you were alright.” And she stepped back into her office.

Getting his bearings, Carl now realized he was in the forbidden land that had filled his many thoughts and fantasies for years - the GIRLS locker room. He took in a large whiff as a smile formed across his face. The mixture of sweat, shampoo, dirty socks, and the sweet smell of perfume was intoxicating. He could see pairs of panties strewn on the floor and a bra hanging from one of the open lockers. His heart started to race. He wanted to jerk off so badly, right then and there. But knowing that a girl could walk in at any moment and excited to get back to his teacher’s office, Carl quickly yanked down his lycra shorts and began to step into the Speedo.

He noticed just how small it was when he was pulling it up, but also, he noticed that the suit was very stretchy so he had hopes that it would fit - especially over his large nuts. His balls were still quite sensitive from the previous day’s escapade and not to mention Katie’s aggressive encounter just a moment before. He finally got the suit up and over his nuts and onto his waist. Once there, it didn’t feel too bad. As a matter of fact, it felt pretty awesome. He loved the way the suit enveloped his nuts, almost hugging them. He stepped over to the full-length mirror in the locker room to take a look. Oh, wow, he thought*. You can really see my nuts in this thing.* Then he thought he heard someone entering the locker room from the main doors, so he quickly headed to the Phy Ed teacher’s door, leaving his lycra shorts behind on the floor.

When he entered the teacher’s office Carl couldn’t help but notice both ladies’ eyes light up. Seeing Miss H look at him like that, sent a jolt of electricity to Carl’s groin. It was at this point that Carl knew he would do anything the teacher asked him - and probably more.

“Come stand over here, honey,” Holly said to her student. Then she grabbed a large exercise ball and tossed it to Katie. “We can sit on these,” she said, grabbing one for herself.

“Those are some big balls,” Katie said holding up her exercise ball.

“You’re telling me,” Holly said, now sitting on hers right in front of Carl.

Katie rolled her ball over to Carl and sat on it next to Holly. “This thing fits even better than I could have imagined,” Katie said reaching out to cup his balls, not bothering for permission this time. “Look at how the suit cradles and lifts each nut up off his thighs - we designed that so guys could swim faster.”

“Yes, and notice - ahhhhhh!” Holly had leaned too far forward on her exercise ball, lost her balance and grabbed onto to the easiest thing she could grab - both of Carl’s nuts. The momentum causing her to flip over to her back, her death grip on his nuts not subsiding. The look on Carl’s face said it all as he tried to loosen his teacher’s grip. Katie managed to jump off her ball and take a hold of Carl’s arm, trying to help him stay upright. That most likely exacerbated the situation as falling to the floor would have greatly relieved the stress on poor Carl’s nuts.

Seeing the guy’s eyes rolling back into his head, Katie went to kick her friend’s hands off Carl’s package, only to see Holly let go at the last second and see her own foot strike directly on both nuts in an audible SMACK!

“Oh dear!!” Katie screamed, “I’m soooo sorry!” With Carl now on his back, Katie reacted quickly and knelt down next to him to check on the status of his nuts. Carl tried to take a hold of them, but Katie kept pushing them away.

“I better check for damage - I’m so sorry,” she cried out again.

Holly now sat up and was watching her friend palpate each nut, checking for any signs of fracture or rupture. “This is unbelievable,” Katie said, looking over at Holly. “You just yanked on both nuts with your full body weight. I just kicked him about as hard as I could and yet…” she boosted both nuts in the air, “These things are just fine.”

“I told you. While they are quite sensitive, they have proven to be virtually indestructible,” Holly said taking a hold of one of the nuts.

Carl was now lying back, his hands over his face and breathing short, quick breaths. With his left nut still in her hand, she crawled to get closer to Carl’s face. She leaned in closer, her heaving and practically exposed breasts now just a few inches from him, she whispered, “How are you feeling, big guy?”

He removed his hands from his face, looked at his beautiful teacher kneeling next to him, her hand still on his left nut, and sighed, “I’m okay, thanks.”

“See, he’s amazing,” Holly said to her friend, Katie.

Seeing Carl swooning over his teacher, even in the midst of all of this pain, Katie joked, “You may think he’s amazing, but he’s nuts over you.” Both ladies laughed when Katie suddenly jumped up from the floor. “That’s it!” She said, frantically looking around the room.

“What?” Holly said, “What’s it? What are you looking for?”

“I need a pen and a piece of paper!” Katie shouted.

“Okay, okay! What for?” Holly said, going over to her desk.

“That’s the new campaign! Hurry, give me the pen,” Katie said with excitement.

“I give up. I’m lost,” Holly said.

“Picture this,” Katie said, holding up both hands much like a director would when describing a scene. “We have, like, five guys lined up at the beach wearing our new suits. All of them with huge nuts like our guy Carl, here. Then five girls come by, stop in front of each one of the guys, (at this point Carl had stumbled to his feet and was just to the right of Katie), we see their packages, the girls turn to the camera and say, ‘We are NUTS about these new Speedos!’ Then the camera (Katie turns to Carl with her hands held out, like a director and puts them right up to his groin) zooms in on their nuts - it’s perfect!”

“Wow!” Holly said, clapping her hands at her friend’s new pitch. “I love it! What do you think Carl?”

Carl had noticed the recent activity had caused his teacher to perspire quite a bit, making the swimsuit she was wearing even more transparent. Once again, he was mesmerized. “I like it,” was all he could utter, still in pain, but staring directly at Holly’s tits.

“Why don’t we try on one more?” Katie asked, an idea swirling around in her head.

“I’m up for it if you are?” Holly asked Carl.

“Ahh, sure, I guess so,” he mumbled.

“Great, I know just the one!” Katie said, grabbing one from out of the box. “Here go try this on.”

Not putting up a fight, Carl took the white garment and headed back to the girls locker room. Upon closing the door, he quickly slid off the blue Speedos. He thought he heard another noise in the locker room so he rapidly fumbled for the white ones and just as he yanked them up and over his large package, he turned and was startled to see a senior girl he knew from the gymnastics team right in front of him.

“What are you doing in here, pervert!” The girl yelled out, kicking him hard in the nuts. Carl fell back into the same garbage can, once again sending it noisily to the floor.

Holly and Katie heard the noise and just laughed. “He’s a little klutzy sometimes,” Holly said, unaware of the shot to the nuts her student just took.

The girl immediately went back to deliver another kick to his groin. This one was so hard, Carl temporarily passed out. Seeing him lying there lifeless, the girl freaked out a bit. She crouched down next to him to see if he was okay. Then she saw his nuts. She panicked. “Oh, no! What have I done?!!”

The girl raced into Miss H’s office and was frantic. “I, I, I broke his balls!” She yelled.

“What?” Holly said putting her arm around the girl. “Emma, calm down. What happened?”

“This guy walked into the girls' locker room so I kicked him hard in the nuts,” she said. Holly looked over at Katie. Both ladies raised their eyebrows, a touch concerned. “And when he was down, I kicked him again - just like you taught us. And I…I think…” Emma now buried her head in her teacher’s chest. “I think I broke them!” She cried out.

“Ahhh, there, there, honey. I’m sure he’s fine,” Holly said consoling the distraught girl.

Breaking their embrace Emma looked at the teacher and sobbed, “they’re broken. What was he even doing in there?!!”

“Oh, Emma, sorry about that. He is with us and we told him he’d be okay changing in there. We didn’t expect anyone to be in there. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“But I saw them. They were gigantic and swollen. I broke that kid’s balls!” Emma said sobbing harder.

Holly hugged her again and tried to assure her that it was going to be okay. “Honey, do you know how much pressure it takes to rupture a nut?”

“No,” Emma said through heavy tears.

“A lot. It takes a lot of pressure to break a nut. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“But I’ve been a gymnast my whole life and my legs are really strong,” She paused to take a breath between sobs. “And I kicked him really hard…Twice!”

Reaching down to take her hand, Holly started walking toward the door. “Let’s go take a look.”

All three ladies entered the girls’ locker room and only a few feet away was Carl lying on his back, his huge nuts prominently on display, sticking out from his groin, wrapped tight in the white swimsuit.

“See!! They’re broken. I knew it!” Emma cried out.

“Come here,” Holly said, pulling her toward Carl. Crouching next to him, Holly reached out and cradled his right nut. “See here, perfectly intact.” Then she cupped the left one. “And this one, too. Not a scratch on it. Come look.”

Emma cautiously crouched next to the teacher. Holly took the girl’s hand and guided it to Carl’s sack, placing it on his right nut. “See. Do you feel any ruptures or cracks on this nut?”

She shook her head, a few tears still running down her face. Wanting to get a better feel, she wrapped her hand around the whole nut. She squeezed it like she was testing a piece of fruit at the market - amazed it was still intact. Then, without any prompting, she reached over and took hold of the left nut. “I thought for sure that I had…” she paused and looked at Holly.

“Castrated him?” Holly said, patting her on the back. “No, no, honey. Your kicks may have popped many other boys, but fortunately, Carl here, has some pretty tough nuts.”

Emma now placed both of her hands on each one of his nuts, gently squeezing them both. “But why are they so…”

“Big?” Holly asked. “It’s just the way nature made him.”

“Nature is pretty amazing,” she said mesmerized by what was in her hands. Emma was now practically massaging his nuts when they all heard a groan.

Carl shot up quickly from his prone position, only to discover a beautiful classmate with both of her hands around his nuts.

“Wh, what happened?” Carl asked groggily.

Hesitating to find the right words, Miss H started speaking, “well…”

“I kicked you in the nuts!” Emma blurted out, while still kneading both of his balls like they were her new toys. “I didn’t mean to, but you surprised me. I had no choice!”

Carl looked down at Emma working his nuts like dough. He wanted to tell her to stop, but he also didn’t want this moment to end.

“I didn’t pop them,” Emma said, trying to make the young man feel better. “I thought I did. I thought I popped both of them. I mean, I kicked you REALLY hard. I thought you were castrated for sure! But look! They’re fine,” she said lifting them up as if to show him.

Holly and Katie looked at each other and smirked. “Okay, then,” Holly said, “How about we bring this back into my office before anyone else shows up?”

Emma reluctantly released her two new toys and stood up. “Can I help?”

“Ummm, sure,” Holly said, “Take one of his arms and help me bring him into my office.”

As the two of them helped Carl back into the office, Emma couldn’t help but stare at his package. “By the way, I love this swimsuit,” she said. “Are these the new ones?”

Katie perked up at the comment, “Why yes they are. I’m glad you like them.”

The two ladies guided Carl to Miss H’s desk, allowing him to lean against the top of the desk. In this position, Carl’s balls were almost obscenely sticking out from his groin. “I love the way the suit lifts both his balls,” Emma said with some tempered excitement.

“Yes! Precisely!” Katie chimed in, walking over to Carl. “And not only does it lift both balls, but this seem, right here (she reached out and ran her index finger along the seem) also separates each nut, allowing them more freedom of movement.”

“That’s so cool!” Emma said, now crouching in front of Carl and reaching her right hand up to his groin. “And I love how you can kind of see the veins that run along each nut. Like right here!” She said as she traced a large vein on Carl’s right nut. “And over here, too!”

Carl was in ecstasy.

“You have a good eye, young lady,” Katie said. “We designed these suits with a new fabric that hugs and accentuates many of the attributes of both the male and female bodies.”

Emma looked over at Miss H. “Yes, I can see how well it accentuates Miss H’s body,” she said. “You look amazing!”

For the first time since putting on her suit, Holly looked down at her breasts and was surprised to see that her nipples were not only visible, but they were wrapped tight in the fabric - almost like it was custom-made just for her.

“Good catch!” Katie said to Emma. “What we’re trying to accomplish with these suits is a custom-made look without the custom-made price. Everyone who tries on one of our suits will feel like it was made just for them.”

Then she lifted up both of Carl’s balls with her two hands. “I must admit, while we wanted the guys’ balls to be prominently displayed, I did not anticipate that one could actually see individual veins on each nut like this,” she said, continuing to examine the two balls up close.

“Well, don’t you think maybe it’s because Carl’s nuts are so huge? They are stretching that fabric to its limit.” Emma said.

“Good point, my dear,” Katie responded. “She is a sharp one, isn’t she?” Katie said to Holly who was still studying her own breasts, a bit distracted by the sheerness of her suit.

“Relax,” Katie said to Holly, “you look fantastic.”

“And you can’t even really see your va-jay-jay,” Emma said. “Just the outline of the lips.”

Holly gave a playful scowl to her friend and hurriedly walked over to her closest where she pulled open the door to unveil a full-length mirror. Once she saw herself her jaw dropped. “What?” She said. “What did you have me put on?”

“Relax,” Katie said. “You’re so uptight. Everything’s covered.”

“You can see my gash!” Holly said, eliciting a small laugh from Emma, while Carl’s face started turning red.

“Oh, nonsense!” Katie said. “The suit just gives the illusion that it’s see-through, but it's actually not. That’s the beauty of this new fabric. Come over here.”

Holly put her hands over her crotch and sheepishly walked over to Katie who was still crouching next to Carl and still cupping his balls. When Holly got there, Katie got up and stood next to her. They were both facing Carl. In her white blouse and black pencil skirt, Katie cupped both of her breasts, bounced them up and down and asked “What are these, Carl?”

Carl was confused. Was this some sort of trick?

“What are these, Carl?” She asked again.

“Umm, your boobs?” He muttered.

“For heaven’s sake, you’re an adult. We call these breasts,” Katie said a bit aggressively. “So we know these are my breasts. But can you actually SEE my breasts?”

“Ahh, no. No ma’am.”

“Precisely.” Then she turned to Emma. “Young lady, can you lock that door for me?”

Emma did as instructed, curious to see where this was heading.

Katie started unbuttoning her blouse. With each button undone, Carl’s eyes grew wider.

Then Katie pulled her shirt out of her skirt and took it off, revealing a sexy red bra.

“Carl, I ask you again. What are these?” She said, hoisting her massive chest up with both hands.

“Umm, your br, your breasts, ma’am.”

“Are you sure?” Katie asked stepping closer to Carl, who recoiled in temporary fright.

“Ahh, um, yes. I’m sure,” he said, putting both hands over his crotch to hide his growing erection.

“Touch ‘em,” Katie said, leaning forward giving Carl a wonderful view of her cleavage while Holly brought a hand up to cover her face, unsure of where this was heading.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m trying to prove a point young man. Touch my breasts,” she commanded.

Unsure of what he did to deserve this, Carl was not about to pass this up. He slowly brought up both of his hands and cupped both of Katie’s breasts.

“Are you sure they’re my breasts?” Kate asked, leaning in even more.

“Ah, ye, yes. Yes ma’am.” Carl said turning even more red than he was before.

Then Katie pulled back and Carl immediately placed his hands back over his crotch.

“So you know they’re my breasts, but I ask you again. Can you actually see my breasts?”

“No. No ma’am.”

“And why is that?”

“Because you’re…you’re wearing a bra, ma’am.”

“Precisely,” Katie said. “So what are you ACTUALLY seeing?”

“Your - ah - your bra, ma’am.”

“Exactly,” she said now reaching both hands behind her back to unclasp her bra. As soon as it came loose, the cups of the bra started slowly drifting down her chest. Carl, his mouth dry, instinctively licked his lips. Was this really happening? He thought. Holly turned to look the other way.

Please take it off all the way, Carl’s brain screamed as his eyes were glued to Katie’s chest.

Bringing her hands together at her waist in front of her, Katie shimmied her shoulders back and forth and let the bra fall to the floor. She straightened up, took a small step toward a now trembling Carl, and put her hands on her hips. Emma looked on captivated.

Carl thought his erection might rip his tight swimsuit. He sat in awe at the beautiful, full, perky breasts standing at attention only a foot in front of him.

“I ask you now, young man. Can you see my breasts?”

He couldn’t speak. He simply nodded.

“I’m sorry. The jury couldn’t hear you,” Katie said, motioning her head toward Holly.

“Yes. Yes, I can,” Carl managed to vocalize.

“Yes you can what?” Katie asked, playing this for all it was worth.

“Yes, I can see your breasts - ah - ma’am.”

Taking hold of Holly’s shoulders and turning her toward Carl, Katie continued, “So let me ask you this. And remember you are under oath! Can you see Holly’s breasts?”

Carl tilted his head slightly to the left and peered at the skin-tight swimsuit that his gorgeous teacher was wearing, his eyes lingering on her chest. “Ummm, no ma’am, I cannot see her breasts.”

“Very good, young man,” Katie praised the witness. “Now let me ask you this,” Katie said as she reached behind her and started unzipping her skirt. Carl’s mouth nearly hit the floor. Emma’s eyes nearly popped out of her head.

Holly spun around and quickly threw both arms around her friend, stopping her from going any further. The height difference had Katie’s naked breasts sitting on top of Holly’s - a sight not lost on Carl.

“Okay, okay, we get it!” Holly said. “You’ve proven your point.”

“So will you wear this suit when you teach your swim class?” Katie asked, her hands still on the zipper of her skirt. “You know it would mean the world to me.”

“Yes, yes,” Holly said, “just please put your clothes back on!”

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