August 26, 2024

Washington High Defense Class, Chapter 14, Parts 6 and 7

 Chapter 14, part 6 - They Want Them Bigger

The three ladies headed toward the dressing rooms and got there just as Carl and Emma were exiting, followed closely by the three crew members of the studio team. Seeing how tight Carl’s suit was, Lucy couldn’t help but notice how much his balls stood out. “Wow, that suit looks great on you!” She said to her brother. Carl turned his back in embarrassment.

Barb leaned into Holly’s ear and whispered, “I can’t believe they want bigger nuts than that. For heaven’s sake.”

“I know, right?” Holly said back to her. “But it’s now or never. You ready?”

Barb nodded.

“You guys go ahead,” Holly said to the group. “We’ll meet you in the studio in a couple minutes.”

“Anything of concern?” Charolette asked.

“No, no, no,” Holly said, “we just want make sure Carl’s ready.”

“Okay, but don’t take too long,” Charolette said, “Katie doesn’t like to wait for talent.”

“Oh, you let me worry about Katie,” Holly said. “We’ll be down there in a few minutes.”

Lucy and Holly each grabbed one of Carl’s arms and led him back into the dressing room.

“What’s going on, guys?” Carl asked, confused to what was happening.

“Carl honey,” Barb said to her son, “How much does this modeling job mean to you?”

Carl dropped his head, not sure where this was heading. “You know this means the world to me, mother. I would give anything to do this.”

“Anything?” Barb asked.

“Even your left nut!” Lucy interjected.

“Lucy! Enough!” Barb said.

“Yes, I’d give my left nut to be a model,” he said back to his sister. Then he looked at his mother. “Why do you ask? What’s going on?”

Barb put her arm around her son. “Dear, Lucy overheard the hair and make-up gals talking in the bathroom saying that they wished your nuts were bigger.”

“Much bigger!” Lucy chimed in.

“You’re not helping,” Barb said as she scowled at her daughter. “But, yes, according to your sister, they did say that they wished they were much bigger.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but this is how big they are,” Carl said, cupping both his balls with both of his hands. “And I don't think we can’t change that.”

“Well.. that’s the thing, honey,” Barb said, squeezing him a little tighter, “we think we can make them bigger.”

“We?” Carl said with hesitation in his voice.

“Yes dear, we.” Barb said. “Do you trust me?”

“You know I do, mother,” Carl said, “but I’m not sure what you’re getting at?”

“It was actually your gym teacher’s idea,” Barb said, looking over at Holly. “You trust her, don’t you?”

Carl - who had a huge crush on his teacher - nodded and softly said, “Of course.”

“Well, we thought if we took turns kicking your nuts, that would cause some swelling and make them bigger, right gals?” Barb said with earnest sincerity. Both Lucy and Holly taking note that she said WE would kick them, meaning she planned to participate.

“It’s our only option, really Carl,” Miss H said in her tight leggings and form-fitting crop top as she sauntered over and grabbed his arm. How could he say no to that?

“Or, you could go out there like this, do this one night and be done with modeling forever,” Lucy said.

“Shut up. Did they say that?” Carl asked.

“Yep,” Lucy said. “I heard it plain as day. I’m sorry, bro, but they said they want them bigger. Much bigger.”

Carl knew he had no option. “You guys know how much this means to me,” he said looking at the floor. Then he took a deep breath, looked up and said, “Okay, let’s get this over with.”

Lucy clapped her hands like a little girl. “Yay!! Okay, mom. You should start!”

Barb was wearing sensible flats, so nothing too menacing, but understandably, Carl was still a little nervous. “That suit really lifts your nuts up nicely, son. What a wonderful target,” Barb said getting in place for her first kick. “How should I do this?” She asked, looking at the other two ladies.

“Remember how you were in dance line in high school?” Lucy said, “Just pretend you are doing one of your kick routines, except instead of kicking into the air, you’re kicking into his balls.”

“That’s a great idea, honey,” Barb said. “Okay, Carl, stand right over here and I’ll count it off.”

Carl stood where his mother directed him and just as he started to have second thoughts he heard, “FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT!” And his mother started kicking into the air from a few feet away and was making her way closer to him. Before he knew it, BAM!! His mother’s strong leg delivered a massive kick up into both of his nuts. Carl bent at the waist and immediately gasped for air.

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry!” Barb announced as she put a hand on his back while he panted, hunched over. “Did I get you good?”

Carl nodded yes.

“You don’t have to be sorry, mom,” Lucy said elated at what she just saw. “You - WE - are all helping him out by doing this.”

“You’re right, dear,” Barb said. “It just felt kind of weird. I’ve never kicked a man in the balls before.”

“You did great, mother! And it was for his own good,” Lucy said. “My turn!” And without giving Carl any time to recover, Lucy took two aggressive steps toward her brother, wearing her heavy sneakers, and delivered a powerful snap kick to the balls. Carl stumbled forward and lunged to place both of his hands on his sister’s shoulders.

Lucy didn’t mind the physical contact. It actually was kind of endearing. Carl put his head to one side of Lucy’s and started panting hard. “There, there,” Lucy said, holding up her brother, her chest pressed against his. “You’re fine. Keep breathing,” she said as she stroked his hair.

Carl was touched by his sister’s tenderness and wrapped his arms around her waist to remain standing. Even through the pain, he could feel her soft breasts pressed tightly against him. That eased the pain a bit.

“Let’s take a look,” Lucy said, disengaging from her brother. “Are your nuts any bigger?”

Getting down on one knee, Lucy brought her right hand up and cupped his entire package. Carl flinched at the touch, but knew she was just trying to help. “They do seem a bit bigger - yay!” Lucy said. “Your turn, Miss H.”

Carl was actually looking forward to his gym teacher’s kick. She was every students’ fantasy. She was quite a sight, standing there in a really tight top and those amazing pink leggings. He actually felt a tinge of excitement in his swimsuit, even through the throbbing pain.

“My turn, I guess, Carl,” Holly said quietly. “I’m sorry if this is going to hurt, but just remember, we are just trying to help you.”

She pulled up her leggings at the waist, momentarily displaying a beautiful camel toe. Carl looked down in awe which was exactly the distraction that Holly wanted. She leapt forward and swung her right foot with bullet speed into Carl’s groin.

“Ooooof!” Carl said as he stumbled forward. But with no one there to catch him, he fell to the floor.

“Nice kick!” Lucy yelled. “I think you got both nuts with that one!”

Carl started to dry heave. He was now on all fours, desperately trying to catch his breath.

Unbeknownst to the group, two women in their 40’s had just opened the door to the dressing room looking for their two sons, and they had witnessed Holly’s brutal kick to his balls. They would have gone undetected, but one of them gasped so loud that all three ladies turned to see who was at the door.

“Oh - ummm - sorry,” one of the women said. “We’re just looking for our boys. Have you seen…” Then the woman caught a glimpse of Carl on his knees and the huge bulge in his swimsuit and jumped back in horror. “Is he… okay?” She asked. “I can call the nurse.”

More than embarrassed, Barb walked over to the two ladies and assured them everything was just fine. That it was just a little ritual they liked to do before every photo shoot.

Puzzled, the two women took one more look down at Carl and exited the dressing room.

“Did you see the size of that guy’s nuts?” One of the women said to the other once they were safely in the hallway.

“They looked pretty amazing in that suit,” the second woman said. “I wish my Johnny filled out a suit like that.” They both chuckled at the thought.

Back in the dressing room, Holly knelt down next to Carl and asked him to turn and lie on his back. Carl was hesitant to move from this position. “Carl, I’d like to check your nuts, but I can’t do that if you’re on your knees.”

That was all he needed to hear. She is going to check my nuts? Carl said to himself. Maybe this kicking thing wasn’t such a bad idea after all, he thought.

Once he was on his back, Holly got down on both knees, positioning herself on Carl’s right hip. Lucy and Barb gathered closer to get a better look.

“Whoa! Look at his left nut!” Lucy said with enthusiasm. “It’s huge!”

Holly reached out and cupped Carl’s left nut in her hand and said, “Yeah, I think that one took the brunt of my kick.” Carl was in such pain he wanted to curl up, but every second his teacher held onto his nut was also heavenly. What a conundrum he found himself in.

“Well, I think we might be good with ol’ Lefty there,” Holly said. “Can you guys help me get him up?”

Barb stepped over and offered her hand. “You’re doing great, honey. Here, let me help you.”

Through blurry vision, Carl reached up and grabbed his mother’s hand while Holly took a hold of his other. It wasn’t easy, but they eventually got him to his feet.

It was Barb’s turn again and Carl was standing, but was hunched over with both hands on his knees, drawing in slow breaths. “Would you guys mind holding him up?” Barb asked the other two. As soon as he was upright, Barb got a really good look at just how swollen his left nut had gotten. She stepped forward and gently lifted the nut in her hand.

“This nut really is much bigger,” Barb said, looking like she was checking cantaloupe at the market. “There’s not a chance that we rupture this one if we kick it again, is there?”

Holly knew the answer, but didn’t want to frighten Barb - or Carl. “It’s highly unlikely,” Holly said, “But I’d aim for the right one if I were you.”

“Well, I’ll do my best,” Barb said. “Can he spread his legs a little more?”

“Good idea, mom,” Lucy said. “That should give you better access.”

With the two ladies each holding one of Carl’s arms near his shoulders, they had a pretty good grip on him. Lucy reminded her brother to spread is legs a bit further and as he did so, she noticed his left nut drop lower than his right. She was about to say something to her mother, but just as she went to speak, Barb quickly stepped forward and thrust her right leg forcefully into Carl’s groin. And she didn’t miss. WHAM!!!

Carl didn’t make a sound and dropped like a sack of potatoes to the floor, despite the two ladies holding him up.

“Oh, no!” Barb screamed. “I think I got his left nut! Honey are you okay?”

All three of them gathered at his side as he lay motionless. “I think he passed out,” Holly said, putting a hand to his face, caressing his cheek.

“Oh, dear,” Barb said with trepidation in her voice. “I didn’t rupture him, did I? Should I go get the nurse?!”

Holly reached over and put her left hand on Carl’s left nut. She used her thumb and forefinger to slightly squeeze the nut, checking for any damage. Barb watched her every move intently, frightened that she made have just popped one of her son’s testicles.

“It’s even more swollen, but it’s still intact,” Holly said as Barb let out a huge sigh of relief.

“But he’s still passed out,” Barb said worried about how long he’d be out.

“Here, let me check something,” Holly said, not wanting to share her idea, but knowing it would most likely work. “I’m just going to check his other nut to see how that one’s doing.” She slyly slipped her hand under Carl’s suit and started fondling not only his right nut, but out of the sight of his sister and mother, she also got a hold of his cock. Pretending to examine his nut she skillfully started playing with the head of his cock. Once she felt it starting to fill with blood she knew it wouldn’t be long for his brain to follow. And about 30 seconds in, it worked.

Carl shuttered awake and instinctively reached for his aching left nut. When his hands made it to his groin, he felt something that didn’t seem right. Is that a hand in my suit? He thought to himself. When he was able to regain the focus in his vision, he looked to his left and saw the beautiful Miss H kneeling there with a sly smile on her face.

“You feeling better?” Miss H asked.

Carl kept his hand on top of hers and despite the pain it induced, he squeezed her hand, not wanting this moment to end.

“He’s awake!” Barb yelled. “Great job, Holly!”

Letting go of Carl’s dick, Holly took hold of his right nut and she leaned down so her face was right next to his and she whispered, “Sorry about this.”

“Sorry about what?” Carl whispered back.

And Miss H squeezed his right nut with all her might.

“ARRRRRRRGH!!!” Carl screamed, with his mother and sister looking on in shocked confusion.

If his screams weren’t so loud, they probably could have heard the crunching of Carl’s right nut.

“What’s happening?!!” Barb asked quite concerned. “Is it ruptured?”

Carl’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and Holly, with her free hand, managed to catch is head before it went crashing back to the floor. She slipped her hand out of his swimsuit, gently let go of his head and stood up, standing between both of his splayed out legs.

“What’s going on?” Lucy asked.

“Join me up here,” Holly said to both of them.

Confused, Barb and Lucy did as instructed and got up and stood next to the gym teacher. “What is this about?” Barb asked, more confused than ever.

“Watch,” Holly said plainly, looking down at Carl’s crotch.

It didn’t take long for Carl’s right nut to balloon up, nearly matching the size of his left. First, Lucy’s jaw dropped. Then Barb’s did. “How did you do that?” Barb asked in amazement.

“One of the THE most effective self defense moves, is the squeeze and pull,” Holly said with a smile. “You can put a LOT of pressure on a guy’s nut with that move. And here are the results,” she said, motioning toward Carl’s groin.

“That is amazing!” Lucy said. “Do you teach that in your class?”

“We haven’t yet - for obvious reasons,” Holly said, “But I’m hoping to get it cleared with the principal, once that class resumes.”

“And now his nuts match - we can take him to the studio!” Barb said. “Let’s see if they think they are small now!”

“Umm, there’s one small problem,” Lucy said. “He’s still passed out.”

Holly grabbed the water bottle she brought along and sprayed some on Carl’s face. After only a few seconds, he coughed awake and immediately grabbed for both his balls and started moaning.

“My balls!” He screamed. “What the fuck!”

“Watch the language!” Barb scolded her son. Then they heard a loud knock on the dressing room door.

“You guys almost ready?” Katie yelled from the other side of the door. “Can I come in?”

“Sure, sure,” Holly said turning to the others and in a loud whisper said, “Get him on his feet, now!”

Holly made her way to the door and opened it for her friend Katie. “What is taking you guys so long?” She asked. “The photographer is ready, let’s go!”

“Sorry, we were just giving Carl a helping - um - hand,” Holly said. “He’s ready when you are!”

Katie took a few more steps into the dressing room and saw Carl standing there, barely able to stay on his feet. “You okay big fella?” She asked.

“Oh, he’s just fine,” Barb said, “Let’s do this!”

As they made their way to the studio, Katie pulled Holly aside and let the others go ahead. “Is it just me, or do his balls seem even bigger than when we first got here?” She asked her friend.

“I’m not sure,” Holly said, “But I think that same thing every time I see him in class. They always seem bigger to me, it’s crazy!”

“Yeah, crazy,” Katie said in return.

Carl painfully made his way to the studio, his mother holding his left hand and his sister holding his right, doing their best to keep him upright. When they got to the door, Barb pulled her son tight to him and softly said, “That was the hard part, now you get to have fun,” she said, reaching her left hand down to cup both of his nuts, “And show the world your talents.” As she said “talents” she lifted his nuts in the air just as they entered the studio.

The photographer, Cherise, smiled widely as Carl walked toward her. “This is going to be so much fun. Great job with the hair and make-up, gang!” She said looking over at Charolette, Olive and Mia. Then she turned to Katie. “Tell me again what the slogan is for this ad campaign?”

“Speedos - we’re NUTS about them!” Katie said to her photographer.

Cherise just grinned wider. “You really know how to pick ‘em. Let’s get it on!” She said, gesturing for Emma and Carl to step under the lights.

The first thing Cherise noticed was how Emma’s suit clung to her fit body. It fit like a glove and once under the bright lights, one could really get a good look at her shaved pussy under that white suit. Her nipples looked great as well, Cherise noted.

Then she took a look at Carl. “Oh, dear,” she said to herself. “Charolette, honey. Can you come here for a second?”

Charolette made her way over to Cherise. “What’s up?”

“What do you notice about our male model?” Cherise asked.

Charolette started looking Carl up and down and once her eyes settled on Carl’s package she immediately saw the issue. “Oh, my,” she said looking at Cherise. “We couldn’t see that in the dressing room. Want me to try some make-up on it?”

Barb was a little confused to what the issue was so she turned to ask Miss H.

“Well, it could be that giant vein traveling down the front of Carl’s left nut,” Holly said.

“Oh, wow,” Barb said. “You can really see that in this light, can’t you? What do you think they’ll do, get him a new suit?”

Holly saw Cherise walking aggressively toward Carl. “I think we’re about to find out.”

Cherise stopped in front of Carl, squatted down in front of his crotch and yelled over to Charolette, “How could you miss this,” She said as she traced the large vein on Carl’s nut. “It looks like North and South America on a globe,” she said as she gingerly rubbed her first three fingers over the contours of it. “I can even feel the mountain ranges. No make-up is going to cover this.”

Getting concerned, Katie sauntered over and whispered to Cherise, “Is this going to be a problem? That might be too obscene for some of our retailers.”

Determined to find a solution, Cherise stepped directly in front of Carl, slid her right hand into his swimsuit and started twisting his left nut. Watching the nut as she twisted, she only had a few millimeters to go before the vein would disappear to the back. But those last few millimeters were very painful ones for Carl who put both hands on his hips and arched his back in pain.

“Just…a…little…further,” Cherise said, gritting her teeth. Everyone in the room could now hear his nut cords slowly ripping. They all drew in a breath and held it in, watching this painful procedure happening only a few feet away.

Carl’s eyes started to water and roll to the back of his head. Cherise caught that just in time and stopped twisting his nut. “There!” She said, “That should do it!”

“You’re a genius!” Katie said, “Let’s shoot!”

Lucy’s jaw dropped, seeing her brother’s nut violently twisted right in front of them. That was amazing, she thought to herself.

Cherise took Carl’s arm and draped it over her shoulder and directed him where to stand. “You’re doing great!” She said, trying to encourage Carl to keep his feet after she nearly twisted his left nut off.

Carl had been in so much pain that he hardly noticed how hot Emma looked in her suit. He felt a twinge in his dick as he eyed her up and down. Even through all the nut pain, his sex drive was still quite lucid. He couldn’t miss the cleavage that her two pink lips created under that white suit only accentuating her beautiful clit.

“I’m thinking of having you kneel in front of Carl, just to the left, and bringing up your right hand to cup his balls,” Katie said.

“Oh, you want me to actually touch them?” Emma asked, a bit embarrassed.

“Of course dear,” Katie said, “It’s those nuts that we are using to sell these suits, and the brand, so yes, I’d like you to touch them.”

As soon as Emma was in place, Cherise started snapping pics. “That’s it dear, lift his nuts a bit higher,” Cherise directed, Katie quite pleased with how things were looking.

Emma placed her right hand under Carl’s nuts and started pushing them up, her hand not large enough to span the entire width. “Sorry of this hurts,” she whispered to Carl. “I’ll try to be gentle.”

“Thank you,” was all Carl could grunt out as he was still overwhelmed with pain.

“I can’t believe she just twisted his nut like that,” Lucy said to her mother and Holly. “You can’t even see that vein anymore.”

“Yeah, it was a pretty clever idea,” Miss H said, her eyes fixated on Carl’s nuts.

“You don’t think it’s too painful for my baby, do you?” Barb asked with concern.

“I’m no expert, but I bet it’s not as bad as when we kicked him,” Holly replied. “Did you see the faces he was making with each kick?”

“And when you crushed his nut with your hand!” Lucy said, “His eyes actually went cross! It was hilarious!”

“Can you try squatting lower?” Cherise directed Emma.

Emma knew she couldn’t get too much lower, then an idea came to her. “What about this?” She said as she went into the full splits right in front of Carl.

“That’s fantastic!” Cherise said. “Hold that there!”

“She’s a gymnast!” Miss H yelled out from behind some light stands, proud of her student.

“I can tell,” Cherise said back to Holly. “This will make for some interesting shots!”

Emma went deeper into her splits, causing the crotch of her suit to ride up even tighter into her skin. The transparency of it clearly showed her beautiful lips in all their clean-shaven glory.

“Now reach up and cup his nuts!” Cherise cried out to Emma.

“Like this?” Emma replied as she temporarily lost her balance and dug her fingers into Carl’s right nut. Overtaken by the surprise, Carl’s eyes bugged out of his head and Cherise started clicking away.

“Wonderful, Emma!” The photographer yelled. “More of that!”

Overtaken by the encouragement, Emma repositioned herself and reached up with both hands and grabbed onto each nut. Cherise was waiting for Carl to make the same face he just made when his nuts were squeezed.

“Make that face, Carl!” She yelled.

Carl tried to recreated it, but it wasn’t convincing. “No, more authentic please. Is he this bad of an actor?” the photographer asked Katie.

Emma looked up at Carl trying to recreate the face he made before and failing miserably. She didn’t like Cherise’s comment about Carl’s acting. He wasn’t really there to act, he was there because of his enormous balls, she thought. Then she clamped down hard on both of his nuts.

Carl’s eyes bugged out even more and Cherise was thrilled. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Just like that,” she said as she practically held down the shutter.

After many shots, Katie noticed the nut that she had turned to face the other direction, had twisted back into place. Most likely from Emma’s aggressive maneuvering.

“Cut! Cut! Cut!” Katie yelled. “His nut turned back around.”

Seeing the large vein staring her right in the face, Emma took action, “Oh, I can twist it back!” She said with enthusiasm as she reached her hand into Carl’s trunks and started twisting his right nut to face backward. Miss H was the only one to noticed that she twisted the wrong nut, but held off saying anything for a few moments as that familiar crunching noise was once again filling the studio. Finally, the guilt was too much and she said something to the photographer, “Umm, you might want to have her twist the nut with the large vein in the front instead of that one.”

Cherise quickly looked over at Carl and noticed his left nut had the large vein in front and that Emma had indeed, twisted the wrong nut. Feeling horrible for her mistake, Emma quickly reached back into Carl’s suit, took a hold of his right nut and twisted it - in the wrong direction. The crunching sound echoed once more in the 20-foot high room. The women looking on all brought their hands down to their crotches and grimaced in sympathy and Emma rapidly withdrew her hand from Carl’s suit in shock.

“Ooooooh! I’m so sorry!” Emma said, looking up into Carl’s face. “That was an accident. Here, let me move it back.”

Carl tried to turn away, but that only made things worse. As he was turning away, Emma now had a firm grip on his highly sensitive right nut and Carl let out a yelp. “Keep still!” Emma said, chastising Carl, “Let me move your nut back in place!”

Zapped of any energy to fight back, Carl conceded, and slowly turned back toward Emma. She did eventually move the nut back into place, much to Carl’s relief. Then, without asking, she took hold of his left nut and twisted it the opposite way that Katie had just moment before.

Carl loudly drew breath in, trying to take the pain. “Is that okay?” Emma asked innocently. “Did I twist it right?”

Katie, who was stunned watching the whole ordeal, “Well, you twisted it in a different way than we did. And that might have been a bit uncomfortable for Carl here. But I don’t see the vein any more, so we’ll go with it.”

Then Katie clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Okay folks! Let’s try the second swimsuit,” she said to the group. “Charolette, can you take these two down to the dressing room and put them in the next suit?”

“Sure thing!” Charolette said, amused by what just transpired. And they headed back down to the dressing room.

Chapter 14, part 7 - Is This the End of Carl's Nuts?

Katie and Cherise gathered to discuss ideas for the next suits. As Barb approached them with a question, the topic of Emma’s breast size came up once again. “Yes, I wish they were bigger, too, but this is what we have to work with,” Katie said just loud enough for Barb to hear. Barb froze in her tracks, turned and ran to the hallway.

“Wonder what got into her?” Lucy said the Holly.

“Not sure, but she is on a mission,” Holly said.

A few moments later Cherise and Katie walked passed them, still chatting about Emma’s breasts. “They’re gorgeous, but they are just so small,” Cherise said to Katie. Lucy and Holly perked up. They had an idea of where Barb was heading and they were just about to join her when Katie continued the conversation, “I mean, their perky and they look great on that body, but they’re just so small.”

Holly felt compelled to speak up, “You’re not talking about Carl’s nuts being too small, are you?”

Katie and Cherise looked at each other, paused, and burst out laughing. “Too SMALL?” Katie said, trying to keep her composure. “If anything, I’m not sure we need them that big! We might not be able to find a suit that fits him!”

“So you didn’t think they were too small before the shoot started?” Lucy asked, afraid that she might have misinterpreted the conversation she heard earlier.

“Oh, no, no dear,” Katie said. “His nuts are perfect just the way they are. We wouldn’t mind Emma’s breasts being a bit larger, but Carl’s nuts are fantastic.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Holly said, “because earlier we…” She stopped and looked at Lucy, “Your mother! She’s going to…”

“Oh, my god!” Lucy said in shock, looking back at Holly. “We better go!”

The two started running toward the door when Lucy grabbed Holly, “Hold on, my shoe is untied. Better to be safe than sorry.”

“Good call!” Holly said, waiting for her student to finish tying her shoe.

“Let’s go!” Lucy said once finished with the important task at hand.

They sprinted down the hall, heading toward the dressing room, hoping to avert any more damage to poor Carl’s nuts. They arrived just as Carl was coming out into the hallway, wearing a new blue suit, to presumably speak to his mother. They could see her push him up against the wall outside the dressing room. They screamed from 50-feet away, trying to stop her from what they knew was about to happen. “STOP!!” They yelled in unison as Barb thrust her knee with rocket speed up into her son’s groin.

Carl’s back hit against the wall and he started to slide down until his ass hit the floor. Barb could now see the other two running down the hallway. But she wasn’t interested in their help. She gathered up her courage to do what she knew in her heart was right. To Lucy and Holly it happened in slow motion. Barb stood over her son, lifted her right foot high in the air, looked down at how perfectly her son’s nuts sat in front of him on the cold, tile floor. Ignoring the screams of the other two, she slammed her foot down onto both of Carl’s nuts - hard. The sound reverberated down the hall. It stopped Lucy and Holly dead in their tracks. They were too late.

Holly reached out and offered her hand to Lucy. Lucy took it and the two looked at each other. “We better go look,” Holly said with a sullen tone.

When they got to the scene, Barb was beside herself. “Did you see that?!” She said, “Look at those nuts now! They won’t be saying they’re too small, now, will they?”

Holly felt terrible. She didn’t have the heart to tell her that all of their pummeling of Carl’s nuts was in vain. Looking at how swollen his nuts now were, she decided not to mention it, and simply responded, “There’s no way they will be saying that. Help me pick him up.”

They managed to pick him up and they dragged him to a nearby bench. Lucy, who had run off somewhere, returned with a cup of ice water. Before she threw it on him, she looked down at her brother’s obscenely large bulge in his swimsuit, “Holy shit, mom. Good job!”

“Why thank you, honey,” she said. “I’d say those nuts are bigger than before!”

“I’d say that, too,” Lucy said, feeling a little guilty that she was the one who misinformed everyone. Then she threw the ice water at her brother’s face, jolting him into consciousness.

"Ahhhoooo!” Carl panted as he shook his head from side to side. Then the pain set in. “Fuck!” He yelled, “My nuts!”

Barb gingerly sat next to her son, putting her right arm around him. “It’s okay honey. We just needed to make them a bit bigger for the photographer. I think these look great,” she said as she patted them with her left hand.

“Owww! Mother, watch it!” Carl yelped, pulling away from her touch. “They are super tender right now.”

“Are you sure nothing’s broken?” Lucy said, still feeling guilty.

“They do look pretty bad,” Holly said. “We could take him to the nurse real quick, it’s just down the hall.”

“Maybe we should,” Lucy said, her face frightened that he may have just been castrated - and this was all her fault.

Lucy and Holly stood over Carl and pulled him from the bench he was sitting on. “Wait, where are we taking him?” Barb asked.

“To the nurse’s office down the hall,” Holly said.

“But I thought we wanted his nuts to get bigger?” Barb said, confused at their actions.

“Yes, yes, we do, Barb. You did great,” Holly said. “But stomping on a guy’s nuts can do permanent damage so we just want to have them checked out.”

“Stomp?” Barb said. “Who stomped on them?” Holly looked at Lucy, realizing that Barb didn’t know what she had done.

“It’s okay, mom,” Lucy said, “we just want to have him checked out.”

“Put your arm around my shoulders,” Holly said to Carl who obliged. His long arm wrapped around the back of her shoulders and landed square on top of her left breast. Instinctually, his hand took hold of it. Lucy went to remover her brother’s hand but Holly stopped her. “It’s fine, Luce,” she said. “It doesn’t hurt and I don’t even think he knows where his hand is. Let’s get him down the hall.”

Slowly, they waddled their way down the hall, Carl still holding onto Miss H’s breast. When they got to the nurse’s door, Barb knocked. Moments later, the nurse opened the door and asked how she could help.

“My son needs to be checked out,” Barb said, “Apparently, someone may have stomped on his nuts.”

“Well, that does’t sound like much fun,” the nurse responded. “How are you feeling, young man?” She asked, not getting a good look at him as Barb was standing between them. Carl could only grunt. “Bring him over to the table.”

The nurse, a buxom red-head, probably in her mid-forties, grabbed her rolling stool and moved it over to the exam table. When Barb stepped out of the way the nurse finally got a look at Carl’s groin and the look on her face said it all.

“Good golly!” She yelled, “Look at those things!” She rolled her stool closer and started to cup both of Carl’s nuts in her hand. “I gotta believe both of these are ruptured.”

Lucy’s head fell to her chest.

“That’s horrible!” Barb said, “We should find who stomped on them!”

Still cupping Carl’s nuts the nurse said, “Well, stomping is a very effective way to pulverize a man’s testicles - even rupture them. I’ve never seen swelling quite like this.”

“Is there anything you can do?” Lucy asked, desperate to help salvage her brother’s nuts.

“I have an orchiectomy kit in the other room, if you want to go that route,” the nurse casually said.

“Orchiectomy? What’s that?” Barb asked.

“It’s where we remove a testicle,” the nurse said, further examining Carl’s balls. “And from my initial observation, I’d say it’s going to be a double orchiectomy.”

“So does a double orch, orch… Does that mean you remove both nuts?” Lucy asked, devastated at the thought.

“Exactly,” the nurse said.

“Both of them?!!” Carl said, waking up from his groggy state. “Mom, please!”

“It’s okay honey, let’s hear the nurse out. She’s the professional after all,” Barb said to her son. “Why don’t you lie down on the table and let us women decide how to handle this.”

Carl reluctantly slid onto the table, careful to lie on his back.

All four women were now standing around the table where Carl lie in pain. “Do you really think he’s castrated?” Barb asked the nurse. “Can’t you do something to save them?”

The nurse looked down at Carl’s nuts and started to probe them with her hand again. Carl winced badly. “You see that reaction?” The nurse said, “just by his reaction and this swelling I can tell that they are ruptured.”

“Wouldn’t most guys flinch if you squeezed his nuts like that, even if they weren't ruptured?” Lucy asked, still hoping they wouldn’t have to remove them.

“I suppose you’re right, young lady,” the nurse responded. “I guess we could go get the ultra-sound machine and see for sure if they are ruptured.”

“Oh, yes.” Barb said. “Can you at least check that. He has a very important demonstration at school on Friday, and I’d hate for him to miss it.”

“Oh, what kind of demonstration?” The nurse asked.

“He has volunteered to have his nuts kicked for the self-defense class at his school. It’s kind of a big deal,” Barb said with some pride. “And it might be a little difficult for those girls to kick his nuts if he no longer has any.”

“Good point,” the nurse said. “Let me go get the machine so we can check 'em out. But just looking at those, I can tell you, they are for sure going to need to be removed.”

When the nurse left the room Carl started to cry, distraught over losing his nuts. Then Lucy started to cry from the guilt.

Barb put her arm around her daughter, ignoring Carl’s tears, “It’s okay honey. Don’t cry,” she said. “Your brother will be just fine - with or without his nuts. He’ll still be your brother… Well, kind of.”

Moments later the nurse walked in pushing a cart with an ultra-sound machine on it. She found the closest outlet and plugged the machine in. Some lights lit up and there was a quick beep, indicating it was on. The nurse seemed to jump at the sound. “Oh, it’s on,” she said, somewhat surprised. She grabbed the wand that was attached to the large machine by a cord and pressed down on the trigger but nothing really happened - no image appeared on the screen. She then started to push some buttons on the machine as her lack of experience was starting to show.

“This is the first time I’ve ever had to use this"’ she confessed to the others. “But I know, this part goes on his nuts (she said lifting up the wand) and then it shows up on that screen,” she said pointing to the screen attached to the machine. “Let’s just try it.”

Forgetting to use any lube to allow for the wand to glide gently over his scrotum, the nurse simply placed it on his left nut and started to look at the screen. “Hmmm, that’s weird. It’s not showing up.”

Frustrated she pushed harder into Carl’s nut while looking continuing to look at the screen for any sign of an image. Nothing. Wanting to make some sort of observation to at least give the impression she knew what she was doing, when the wand got to the large vein in the front of his nut and it got stuck, she voiced some concern, “Yes, yes, yes,” she said to the other ladies, “I don’t need a screen to see that this testicle is definitely cracked right here,” she said as she continued to push hard against it. The pressure really starting to be too much for Carl and he was close to passing out.

The others couldn’t really see what the nurse was seeing so they just took it for granted that she found a crack in the nut. “You found a crack?” Barb said with concern. "That can't be good."

“Oh, yes,” the nurse said. “A real big one. Right on the front of his testicle. This one will definitely need to be removed.”

Lucy started to tear up again.

Barb pulled her close, “It’s just the one nut, honey,” she whispered to her.

“Yeah, but what if she has to remove both?” Lucy said. "He'll be a eunuch."

“Maybe she won’t,” Barb said with some hope. “Maybe you can take a look at his other nut?” She said to the nurse.

“Of course,” the nurse said, walking over to the other side of the table, stopping to hit a few more buttons on the machine. “I’m not sure if this thing is working properly. Maybe I should just check by hand.”

The nurse wrapped both hands around Carl’s right nut, probing it with her thumbs. Every time she’d reach a spot where he had been kicked, she’d feel a slight indentation. Having very limited experience, if any, dealing with testicles, she feared the worse. “Oh, yeah,” she said, gripping tighter, “there’s a spot.” Then she let her thumbs travel around the nut, “There’s another.” Carl was barely able to stay conscious as she continued to probe his battered ball.

“I’m afraid to tell you, but this one is definitely ruptured, too, I think,” the nurse said.

“Are you sure?” Barb asked “His nuts are pretty tough and have taken a lot recently.”

“Come check for yourself,” the nurse offered. “I’ve never felt anything like this on a man’s testicle before.”

Barb slid over to stand next to the nurse. “And are you fairly experienced with ruptured nuts?” She asked.

“I wouldn’t say it’s what I do every day here,” the nurse said a bit flustered at the question. “But there was one time when one of our models got a bad rash on one of his testicles and I was able to give him some ointment to cure it.”

Barb let that comment go and once she was in place next to the nurse, she reached her hands out toward Carl’s right nut. The nurse gently grabbed her right hand and guided it to the dent in the nut. “Can you feel this?”

Barb immediately felt the dent on her thumb and she pulled her hand away in shock. “Oh, dear,” she said, “Is that what a rupture feels like?”

“I’m afraid so,” the nurse responded, even though she didn't really know. “Should we go ahead with the operation?”

Barb slowly nodded her head, yes.

“Wait!” Lucy exclaimed. “I want to see.”

“Sure, honey,” Barb said, “this will be good for you to learn in case you have boys of your own one day.”

Lucy scooted in front of her mother and reached out with both hands for her brother’s nut. The nurse put one of her hands over Lucy’s and tried to find the place where the rupture occurred. “I think it’s right about here,” the nurse said.

Lucy pushed in slightly as her brother winced from the pain. She probed the orb, trying to find just where the dent would be. After a few seconds she looked over at the nurse, “I can’t really feel it.”

“Try applying more pressure,” the nurse said.

“Won’t that hurt him?” Lucy said looking up at her mom.

“It’s okay, dear,” Barb said, “It’s going to be removed very soon anyway.” Carl was not too happy to hear that response.

Lucy shrugged her shoulders and started really digging in to the nut. Carl started to grip the edge of the bed tightly, writhing in pain. “I still can’t find it,” she said, looking to the nurse.

“Try moving to another part of the testicle, I felt many ruptures, I’m sure you’ll feel one of them,” the nurse assured her.

Determined to find one of the cracks in her brother’s nut, Lucy spun the nut so she was now feeling the under side of it. A much more tender part of the nut. Without realizing her strength, she pushed in with both thumbs. Carl started to shake from the pain. None of the women seemed to noticed as all eyes were fixed on Lucy’s hands.

“There it is!” Lucy yelled when she found one of the dents that very well could have been caused by her own aggressive kicking. In her excitement, she plunged her thumbs even deeper. “That’s so cool. I can feel the indentation right on his nut!”

“That’s what we call a rupture, young lady,” the nurse said with some pride. No one noticing that Carl had just passed out from the excruciating pain.

“So are you ready for me to remove them?” The nurse asked Barb.

Barb looked to the floor and nodded yes. “So how will this work?” Barb asked.

“First, I prep the operating area. Then we take Carl into that room and start the procedure,” then the nurse paused and looked at Barb in the eyes, “But I must warn you, I’ve never attempted one of these before. But it can’t be THAT difficult, now can it? Basically just a snip, snip! What do you think?”

“If you feel it’s necessary, yes,” Barb said.

“Well, I’ve never seen testicles swell that badly in my entire career - and I’ve been doing this for over 20 years. I must deduce that they are broken beyond repair and if we don’t remove them there can be a lot of different complications, including infection, which can be very painful. So my professional opinion is to remove them both.”

“Oh, infection? I never even thought of that. If you think it’s what’s best for my boy,” Barb said, a tear forming in her eye. Lucy stepped over and hugged her mother tight. “Does this mean his sex life will be over?”

“I’m afraid so,” Barb said with a shrug.

“So it’s settled? You want a double orchiectomy?” The nurse said, kind of excited to try this procedure for the first time.

Barb looked down on her son’s two huge nuts, then over to the nurse. “Let’s remove them,” she said as she and her daughter hugged each other tighter. “I feel so bad,” Lucy said.

“It’s for the best,” Barb said to her daughter. “Carl, are you ready to have your nuts removed?” Barb asked her son. “Carl?”

“He’s out like a light,” the nurse said. “But that’s great. This way we won’t have to use any anesthesia. To be honest, I’m not even sure we have that. We do have this, though,” she said taking out a large needle.

“Oh, my. What’s that for?” Barb asked.

“This is a strong numbing agent,” the nurse said. “I’m fine going without anesthesia, but if he does wake up, he’s not going to want to feel me cutting his testicles off. This will numb these suckers up real good.”

The other three ladies nodded in agreement.

Now on one side of the bed by herself with Holly, Barb, and Lucy watching intently from the other side, the nurse held up the needle and slowly brought it down toward Carl’s left nut. Placing the needle directly on the nut, she looked up at the others and said, “here goes,” as she attempted to penetrate the outer shell of Carl’s nut. But the needle hardly budged. “This is one tough nut,” the nurse said, now shifting her weight to get better leverage. Pressing down with both hands, the nurse finally got the needle to pierce his nut. Even in his passed out state, Carl’s upper body lifted off the bed for a split second, then slammed back down. When the nurse removed the needle, she noticed she inadvertently gave this one nut both doses of the numbing agent. Oh, well, she thought, these are so huge he could probably use a double dose.

The nurse went back to her cabinet to get another needle. When she came back, she was holding the needle up in the direction of Lucy. “What’s this?” Lucy asked.

“I was so impressed with your handling of the inspection, I thought I’d give you this opportunity.”

“What inspection?” Lucy asked, truly confused.

“Of your brother’s testicle,” the nurse said. “You handled that like a champ. Want to give this a try?”

Lucy looked to her mother for assurance. “Go ahead,” Barb said, “How often will you get a chance to stick a needle in your brother’s nut?”

“Well, after today, probably never,” Lucy said, now finally being able to joke about the inevitable castration of her brother. All four ladies laughed, breaking the building tension in the room.

“Besides, she is thinking about going into nursing herself,” Barb said with pride. “And this will give her some early experience.”

“Isn’t that wonderful?” The nurse said, glad that none of them seemed to be too concerned with her lack of experience at performing an orchiectomy.

Lucy grabbed the needle and got herself in place, starting to feel a little pride that she was actually helping in the procedure. She placed the large needle on top of her brother’s right nut. She started pushing with both hands. Again, it wasn’t budging. “You weren’t kidding, this nut is tough,” she said, looking over to the nurse.

“You got this, honey,” Barb said. “Push harder.”

Lucy stood up a little taller and started bearing down on the needle. She practically had her full body weight on it when, WHAM! The needle abruptly sank into Carl’s nut. A bit taken aback by the effort it took and the sudden jolt when the needle entered her brother’s nut, she stood back up and smiled. “I did it!” She said, “I pierced my brother’s nut!”

“Great job, honey!” Barb exclaimed.

“Now push down on the stopper so the liquid enters the testicle,” the nurse said.

Fascinated, Lucy watched up close as she pushed her thumb down, seeing all of the liquid being dispensed into his nut. “So this will numb him up?” Lucy asked.

“Yep!” The nurse retorted. “We just have to let that sit for about a half hour and he'll be numbed up good. Then snip, snip - bye-bye testicles. He won’t be able to feel a thing.”

“That’s so cool!” Lucy said. “What should we do while we wait?”

“Well, we can wheel him into the back room - where I’ll do the surgery, then go get a cup of coffee if you’d like?” The nurse said to the group.

“That’s sounds perfect,” Holly said - amazed at the whole ordeal unfolding in front of her.

“Can we watch the surgery?” Lucy asked hopefully.

“Of course dear,” the nurse said. “And if you’re lucky, I may even let you snip off one of his testicles.”

Lucy grabbed her mom’s arm, “Did you hear that, mom?” She said excitedly, “She’s going to let me cut one off!”

Barb was glad to see her daughter had stopped being so glum about her brother’s predicament and patted her on the back. “That will be fun, dear. Definitely something to put in your diary tonight.”

So the nurse wheeled Carl into the back room of her nurse’s office and the four of them went down the hall to the cafeteria to grab some refreshments.

It wasn’t long after they sat down in the cafeteria that, unbeknownst to them, a groggy Carl started to stir awake in the nurse’s office. With the lights off and a pounding headache from all of the numbing agent he was just given, Carl managed to lower himself off the operating table, make his way across the floor and turn on the light. “Hmmm, where did everybody go?” He muttered to himself.

Recognizing the door to the hallway, he made his way across the room and carefully stepped out into the hall.

“Carl!! There you are!” Katie said coming out of the dressing rooms. “I’ve been looking all over for you! You ready to model that new suit for us?”

Carl looked down at the new blue suit he had somehow managed to pull up past his grotesquely swollen nuts. It actually looked pretty good, he thought.

“How are those nuts of your feeling,” Katie asked. “I know having Emma grab them for dear life and having them twisted around probably wasn’t the best feeling in the world, but you were great!”

It was then that it dawned on him, they feel great, he thought to himself. “Actually, they feel really good,” Carl answered. “I’m ready for more shooting.”

“Wonderful! Let’s head back down to the studio and get back at it,” Katie said. “Where did the others go?”

“I’m not really sure,” Carl answered, confused that he didn’t know that.

“Ahhh, I’m sure they’ll find us,” Katie said with some energy, “The photographer has some new ideas, I’m excited to get going.”

And with that, the two of them headed down the hall to the photo studio.

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