August 26, 2024

Washington High Defense Class, Chapter 14, Parts 8 and 9

Chapter 14, part 8 - Lucy Lends a Hand

Laurie Christensen, a beautiful, tall blond woman with DD breasts, checked in at the building security on the main floor. “I’m here to see my daughter, Emma,” she said to the man at the desk.

“And who is she with?” The guard asked.

“She’s a model,” she said with pride. “For Speedo swimsuits.”

“Ah, yes. They are up on the 25th floor,” the guard said. “I’d take you up there myself, but I’m riding solo tonight. Just head over to those elevators, and up to the 25th floor - they have the whole floor. You can sign-in here.”

“Thank you, kindly,” Laurie said, leaning over to sign in, exposing quite a bit of cleavage, much to the delight of the guard.

Once on the 25th floor, Laurie immediately noticed the large, wall-mounted photos of models in swimsuits hanging in the hallway. Her eyes quickly zeroing in on a young man with a very nice package in a photo in front of her. She silently moaned to herself. Having been divorced for three years, it had been a while since she had any contact with a man, despite her incredible looks.

Then she glanced over at a photo of a young lady wearing a swimsuit, dreaming that her baby may some day have her photo up on that wall.

She looked around and didn’t see anybody. Noticing a reception desk to her right, she strolled over only to find an empty chair. “Hello?” She meekly yelled. Then she saw a placard that read, “Reception: 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.”

“Guess I have to find her on my own,” she muttered to herself, as she looked left and right, then headed down the long hallway.

After several minutes of searching, she ran into a custodian. “Excuse me, sir!” She yelled. “Can you help me find where the models are?”

The frail elderly man shuffled over to her. “Now that depends on what kind of modeling,” he said. “Are they modeling for TV or for print?”

“Oh, I’m not really sure,” Laurie responded.

“Well, if you go halfway down the corridor and make a left, you’ll find the TV studio. Second door on the right,” he said with a smile, looking the beautiful woman standing in front of him up and down. “But if you want to find the print studio, ya gotta go past that, take a right, then it’s the third door on the left.”

Laurie paused in silence trying to piece together the directions she was given.

“And if it’s too cold in here for ya, I can always turn down the AC for ya ma’am,” the custodian said, now staring straight into her chest.

Laurie looked down and noticed her nipples were obscenely jutting out from her silk white top. Seems she and her daughter share this family trait.

“Oh, haha,” she awkwardly laughed while clutching her breasts, steamed at the gall of this old-timer. “No, it’s…I’m fine, thank you.”

He was so mesmerized by her breasts he accidentally dropped his large broom.

“Here, let me get that for you,” Laurie said, making sure to let him get a good look down her shirt. And without warning, she aggressively brought the broom handle straight into the unsuspecting man’s groin.

He immediately lurched forward, bending at the waist, coughing a deep smokers cough.

“Oh, dear, I’m so sorry!” Laurie said, feigning concern. “Where did I get you?”

“My…my…my nuts!” He coughed out as he crumpled to the floor.

“You poor thing. Thanks for the directions,” she said, patting him on the head. “Sorry about your nuts.”

With no idea where she was going, Laurie made her way down the hall. She tried about four different doors, but they were all locked. She was about to give up when she saw a door that said “wardrobe” above the door. So she tried that one - and it opened!

“Hello?” She said, hoping to find someone - anyone.

The room was filled with rows and rows of clothes, all with plastic dust coverings draped over them. She ran her fingers across each item as she walked through the room. “Wow,” she muttered to herself. “Look at all these clothes!”

Then a blue and white suit caught her eye. “Oh, look at this,” she said, taking it off the rack. It was a tailored stewardess suit. “This is so cute,” she said to no one but herself. Looking around the room to be sure no one was in there, she made her way over to the full length mirror and flung the suit over a metal folding chair. She started to disrobe. First, she took of her blouse, exposing her white lacy bra that was fairly sheer, allowing her amazing nipples to show through.

She reached to her right hip and unzipped her black pencil skirt, letting it drop to the floor. Red lace panties now appeared in the mirror. She took a look at herself. Like her daughter, she too, was a competitive gymnast back in her day. Her toned muscles looked stunning, especially for her age.

Laurie reached for the stewardess outfit and first pulled up the white pants. They formed nicely to her curves. Then she put on the top, having a little difficulty buttoning it up since her breasts were so large. She left the top button undone, showing a good bit of cleavage.

“Not bad,” she said as she slowly spun around, looking intently into the mirror. Then she noticed her red panties through the tight slacks. “We’re just going to have to fix that, now aren’t we?” She said to herself, lowering the pants down to her ankles, then slipping off her panties. Once she pulled the pants back up, sans underwear, she spun back around. “That’s much better,” she said as she admired her ass in the mirror. “Ms. Christensen to the set please,” she said aloud, pretending to be a super model.

Then another costume caught her eye. It was red and white and looked very sexy. It was a nurse’s uniform. She always wanted to dress up as a nurse.

Grabbing the new outfit, she took off the stewardess uniform. Standing there in just her white bra, she looked into the mirror and said, “What the hell,” and unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor. She pulled up the nurse’s skirt and it fit her perfectly. Again, she looked in the mirror. Standing there topless and in a short white skirt with red trimming, she put her hands on her hips and said, “Oh, I’m afraid we’re going to have to conduct another hernia check, young man,” she said with a smirk. “I don’t want to hear it. You know how important it is for me to check your balls, now drop your pants.”

Laughing to herself at how much fun she was having, she put the top on. It was a tight squeeze, but luckily the material was quite stretchy and formed nicely around her large breasts. This top had a zipper going up the front. Laurie started playing with how much cleavage she wanted to show, raising and lowering the zipper. Then she noticed the nurse’s hat and grinned. It completed the look. She slipped on her black high heels and started posing in the mirror. This is way too much fun, she thought to herself. Then she heard the door open.

“Shit!” She said under her breath. She could hear two voices - and they were coming closer. Hurriedly, she kicked her clothes under one of the racks and took off toward the back of the room. As the voices continued to get closer, she frantically ran toward a door in the back. Giving it no thought, she quietly opened the door and slipped out of the wardrobe department.

Breathing heavy from almost getting caught, she leaned against the wall and tried to slow her heart rate. She stood there for several minutes, waiting for it to be safe to go back in and retrieve her clothes so she could meet up with her daughter. Hearing no voices, she grabbed the door handle and started to push it down. Nothing. It was locked. “Fuck,” she whispered.

She heard people coming down the hall and started quickly walking in the opposite direction.


As directed, Emma put on the light blue one-piece swimsuit and headed back to the studio.

“Here she is!” Katie said enthusiastically. “Now we can get back to work!”

Right away Emma noticed how much larger Carl’s nuts looked. I hope that wasn’t from me twisting his nuts, she thought to herself. As she approached her friend, she whispered to Carl, “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good,” he whispered back. “Why do you ask?”

“Your nuts look huge,” Emma said, then paused and looked him in the eye. “I mean, like larger than usual. You sure you’re okay?”

“I feel great. Besides, the nurse just took a look at them so everything must be fine.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Emma said giving Carl a hug, her protruding nipples gliding across his chest. He melted in her arms. “I can still see that vein in front of your left nut. Do you want me to twist it around?”

Carl stepped back from their embrace. “I rather it be you, than them,” he said.

“I’ll be gentle,” Emma whispered as she pulled the front of his suit out with her left hand and reached in with her right. Looking on, Katie smiled at how sweet her two new models interacted. If she didn’t know better, she thought they might be falling for each other.

Emma took the orb in her hand, stunned at now much larger it felt from just 30 minutes ago. Gently, she started twisting to the left. But that was the wrong way and it seemed to get stuck. Emma crouched down in front of Carl’s groin to get a better look. She could still see the large vein. She kept twisting, determined to get it around to the back. Katie walked closer.

Tightening her grip, Emma started to force the nut even more to the left. A crunching sound was now audible to both of them. Carl didn’t feel a thing. But the sound worried him.

“How’s it going down there?” He asked with concern in his voice.

Then more cracking. Katie stepped closer.

“You sure that’s not hurting you?” Emma asked, afraid of any damage she might be causing.

“You are twisting that the wrong way, honey,” Katie said, now standing right behind her.

Emma blushed. “I’m so sorry,” she said looking up at Carl, then started turning the nut the other direction.

“I could hear the crunching from over there,” Katie said, trying hard not to laugh. “You sure you’re okay, big fella?”

“Fine,” Carl said a matter of factly. “Let me know when she’s done.”

Katie was stumped at Carl’s lack of a response to what would have most guys buckled over in pain. But, time was ticking and it was time to get back to the photo shoot.

“Hey guys, we have two more gentleman joining us in a little bit,” Katie said, “So let’s get a few shots taken before they get here. Cherise, are you ready?”

“I’m more than ready - these two look great!” The photographer said.


Carl’s mom, Barb, his sister, Lucy, and his phy ed teacher, Holly, sat in the cafeteria waiting for the shots the nurse gave him to take effect so they could get on with the removal of Carl's nuts. The nurse didn't join them. They weren't sure where she went. They were sipping on coffee when two women approached them.

“Excuse me,” one of them said pointing to Lucy, “Can you help us for a minute?”

“Sure,” Lucy said, a bit confused. “What can I help you with?”

“Can you come with us for a moment?”

“Hey, were you the two we saw in the dressing room earlier?” Lucy asked.

“Yes,” one of the women answered. “Our boys are here to model and we’d like you to help us with something. Do you mind?”

“No, not at all,” Lucy said getting up from her chair. She was kind of excited that their boys were models and more than willing to help.

The three of them slipped away toward the men’s dressing room. When they got to the door they stopped and spoke in hushed tones.

“We saw you guys kicking, who I assume is your brother, in the, you know, balls,” the first lady said, pausing for a moment.

Then the second woman chimed in. “And we were wondering if that’s how his balls got so big?”

Lucy smiled hard. But she didn’t have the heart to tell them that that same brother was, at that very moment, laying on an operating table about to have both of his nuts snipped off. Or so she thought.

“Well…” Lucy said. “His were pretty big to start with, but, yes, we did help them grow a little bit more by kicking them.”

“I told you!” One woman said to the other slapping her on the arm. “Do you think you could help us out with our boys?”

“You want me to kick your sons in the balls?” Lucy said, trying to contain her excitement.

“Would you please?”

“Why can’t you just do it?” Lucy asked.

“We thought about it, but we just can’t do it. What if we hurt them?”

Lucy’s mood shifted down a notch, thinking of her brother awaiting his neutering. “Yeah, I know what you mean.” She momentarily thought of passing on the request, but then thought, how often do you get to kick male models in the balls? “Sure, I can do it,” she said.

The two ladies clapped and patted Lucy on the back. “That’s wonderful! They’re waiting for us in here,” one of them said as she opened the dressing room door.

“Johnny, Robert, this is…” the first woman started saying.

“Lucy. Hi, I’m Lucy,” she said, holding her hand out for them to shake.

“Lucy is here to help you guys out with what we talked about. Can you please take off your robes?”

Both men simultaneously dropped their robes, revealing two very muscular and tanned bodies. Lucy’s pussy immediately started to stir.

“What do you think? Can you help them?”

Lucy looked down at each package, wrapped tightly in skimpy, white, thong swimsuits. Their balls were average sized. Nowhere near the size of her brother’s.

“I don’t know guys,” Lucy said looking around at all four of them. “Did you see my brother’s nuts?”

All four of them nodded, disappointed in Lucy’s tone.

“Can you help us, please?!” Johnny, the taller one pleaded.

Lucy could sense the desperation. Wanting to play up this opportunity, Lucy laid it on thick. “I don’t know if I can help you. Do you know what it would take to get those anywhere near the size of my brother’s?”

Robert stepped forward. “Please, we’ll do anything. Please help us!” Robert was hot - hell, they both were hot. And seeing them grovel had Lucy’s juices flooding to her pussy.

“If we’re going to do this, we have to do it right. No backing down or quitting,” Lucy said forcefully.

“Yes!” Robert said excitedly. The two guys high-fived each other. Lucy was beside herself at this gift. They WANT me to kick their balls, she thought, how awesome is this?

“How can we help?” One of the women asked.

How about you stand on either side of the guy I’m kicking and make sure he stays standing.

“Oh, you think they might fall over?”

“I would hope so,” Lucy said, now in total control of the situation.

“Who wants to go first?” Lucy asked.

The two guys looked at each other then Jonny motioned for Robert to step forward. He obliged.

“How do we do this?” Robert asked.

“Stand right there and spread your legs.”

Robert did as asked. His balls dropped a bit upon spreading his legs. Perfect targets.

Lucy took a few steps to stand directly in front of her first victim. Her heart was beating out of her chest. So was his.

Lucy didn’t say a word. She took one quick step forward and brought her right foot, with lightning speed, up into Robert’s groin, framed nicely by the tight swimsuit. WHAM!! He buckled, but stayed upright. His coughing was music to Lucy’s ears.

“Good job!” Lucy said. Robert stood up strait with pride. WHAM!! Another kick came slamming into his balls without warning. “Ooooof!” He coughed. Both moms had to hold him up this time. The second one is always worse, Lucy thought.

“Johnny?” Lucy said, mercifully, giving Robert a slight breather.

Silently, Johnny stepped forward as Robert gingerly shuffled out of the way. The two moms each grabbed an arm. BAM!!! Lucy wasted no time. Johnny felt that one up in his abdomen. WHAM!! Another kick came crashing into his groin. He wanted to collapse. The ladies kept him upright. SMACK!!! Yet another forceful kick slammed into Johnny’s balls. He didn’t expect that one and crumpled to the floor.

“That was a great kick!” One of the mothers said with admiration. “Maybe we should switch back to Robert? Honey, are you ready fro more?”

Already in great pain, Robert didn’t even respond, he just shuffled back over to Lucy. Both guys were starting to have their doubts about this arrangement. But there was no backing down now. Not until their balls were much bigger.

Robert looked down at his package. “Do they look any bigger?” He asked.

Lucy squatted down in front of him. She brought her hand up and started cupping both of his balls. She was in heaven. “They do seem a little bigger,” she said smiling. “Check this out,” she said to the two mothers. Both ladies walked around to get a good view. “Here, feel for yourself,” Lucy said.

The two ladies looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and each reached out and cupped a nut. Robert was starting to feel really self-conscious with his own mother feeling him up - and maybe worse, his friends mother. Lucy was loving it. Robert didn't know what to think. He jus wanted his balls to get bigger.

“You can see his left nut hangs a little lower than his right - and it’s a little bigger,” Lucy said, sounding a bit like a medical professional herself. “So that one is probably going to take the brunt of most of my kicks,” Lucy explained.

“So how can you even that out?” One of the mothers asked, as both stepped away from Robert.

“I’ll probably have to do THIS!!” Lucy said as she punched with all her might into Robert’s right nut. Robert yelped in pain and the two ladies jumped from the unexpected blow, rushing to grab the young man before he hit the floor.

“That was amazing!” One the the ladies said excitedly. “And look! You can see the right nut getting bigger!”

“You’re a pro at this!” The other mother chirped. “We found the right person to help us! Don’t you think boys?”

Both guys were standing there in pain, but knew they had no choice. They nodded in agreement.

“Next!” Lucy yelled. Johnny slithered over to her. As he stepped forward, Lucy threw a wicked right hook into his sack. He fell to the floor immediately. “Oh!!! I got both of them that time!”

The two ladies clapped and cheered. But both guys were now down on the floor.

“How you feeling boys?” One of the ladies asked. They both just grunted. “Maybe we should check your balls?”

“Mom, can’t someone else do it?” Robert complained. “It’s kind of weird having you guys do it. Isn’t there like a nurse or something?”

“I doubt they have a nurse here at this hour, honey. Maybe Lucy will check out your balls?”

“Actually,” Lucy said “they do have a nurse on site 24-hours a day. There’s one just down the hall.”

“Perfect!” One of the ladies said. “I’ll go get her and you guys keep doing your thing. Your nuts are looking great by the way! Lucy, you are an angel!”

Lucy blushed at the thought and went over to the guys, stretching out both her hands. “C’mon, get up,” she said reaching down. Reluctantly, both guys grabbed a hand and hoisted themselves up, moaning the whole way up.

Lucy stood in front of them both and assessed her progress. She was temporarily distracted by the two gorgeous young men in front of her. The ripped muscles, the six-pack abs, and the beautiful faces. Her heart raced once again. She slinked up to Robert and brought her hand up to his abs. He flinched badly. “Ohhh, easy big fella, I’m not going to bite. I just want to check on my work.”

Feeling bold, she slid her hand down his stomach and when she got to his suit, she slipped her fingers underneath the waistband and went exploring. Her left hand came up to squeeze his left shoulder while her right made its way deep into the pouch of his suit. He was frozen in both fear and excitement. He could feel her breath in his ear. He was getting goosebumps. So was she.

She could feel his meaty cock as she continued to plunge deeper into his suit. Then she got to what she came for. His two nicely swollen balls. She cupped them like billiard balls and started rolling them around. She could feel his cock start to fill with blood.

“These are definitely getting bigger,” she whispered in his ear. “You’re doing great, Robert.”

Slowly, she started tightening her grip on his nuts. He started to make a squeaking sound. “Relax,” Lucy whispered. “This won’t take long.” Her grip got tighter and tighter. His face was turning red. His mother looked on with rapt attention, not sure what to make of what was happening. Lucy could see the look in his mother’s eyes. She’s really enjoying this, she thought to herself. That little Devil.

“How do they feel?” The mother asked, her breathing speeding up. Neither one of them responded.

“Oh, are you asking me?” Lucy grinned, tightening her grip even more. Robert’s squealing went higher and higher. His mother brought her hands to her mouth, not knowing if she should intervene, entranced at the sight. Moister forming in her crotch.

Lucy was loving every minute of it. Robert, not so much. A crunching sound started filling the room. Lucy’s snatch was dripping wet.

Caught up in the squeezing, Lucy didn’t even realize Robert was slowly losing consciousness. It didn’t take long from there for his legs to give out. Lucy held onto his nuts with all her might as he slumped to the floor. She had such tight grip that she saved him from hitting the ground too hard. Robert’s mother gasped in orgasm. Lucy knew that gasp and smiled.

Moments later, the dressing room door opened and it was Johnny’s mom and some incredibly beautiful buxom blond woman in a nurse’s uniform. “I found the nurse!” The lady said. “She was wandering in the hallway.”

Lucy looked the woman up and down, suspicious of this so-called nurse. That definitely wasn’t the nurse that was helping her brother. And that uniform seemed to be some rip-off Halloween costume. She was about to say something, but thought better of it as this could get really interesting, she thought.

Chapter 14, part 9 - The New Nurse Helps Out

“Tell me again what you needed me for,” Laurie Christensen - Emma’s mother - said, looking at two male models in front of her, one passed out on the ground and one standing in a white thong swimsuit holding his balls in pain.

“I’m so glad you’re here. These are our two sons,” the woman said. “Mine is Johnny, standing over there. And the one on the floor is her son, Robert.”

“Okay, I get that much. But why do you need me?” Laurie asked confused at what was going on.

“Well, you’re the nurse here, right?” The woman asked.

Still rather confused, Laurie spotted herself in the full-length mirror just to her right. With the bright lights of the dressing room she could see her nipples through the white uniform top. A nurse's uniform top. She looked at herself up and down in the mirror. She was embarrassed of what she was wearing and didn’t know what to say. She was about to confess to what happened back in the wardrobe room when Lucy intervened.

“I think she’s new,” Lucy said, taking her by the arm and directing her toward Johnny. “Hi, I’m Lucy and you are Nurse…”

“Laurie. I’m, ahhh, Nurse Laurie.”

“Wonderful!” Lucy said giving her a side hug. “We are so glad you’re here. You see, these two boys are swimsuit models and their mothers wanted to make their balls look a little larger - you know, to fill out the swimsuits a little better. And they asked me to assist in making them bigger.”

“Oh?” Laurie said, now even more confused. “And how have you been doing that?”

Lucy looked over at the two moms, then back at Laurie. “Well, you see Nurse Laurie, they asked me to kick them in the balls. Repeatedly. Until they puffed up nice and big.”

Laurie’s mouth slowly dropped open. “You’re making their balls bigger by…kicking them?”

“Yes, well, it’s not as bad as it seems,” Lucy said. “So, ya see, my brother had - I mean - has, really big balls. They are huge! And these ladies wanted their sons to try to measure up. Modeling is very competitive, as I’m sure you’re aware. ”

“Is that true?” Laurie asked the two ladies.

“Yes, her brother’s balls are very big,” one of the ladies said. “You should see them!”

“Yeah, I get that part,” Laurie said, “but the part of you asking her to kick your sons…in the…testicles. That’s true?”

Both ladies looked at each other sheepishly. “Well, yeah, but I don’t think it hurts them all that bad. It will totally be worth it. You should see her brother's balls!”

All four ladies looked down at Robert, who was now waking - and groaning pretty loudly.

“Well, you know how boys can be with their nuts. They always overreact, know what I mean?” One of the ladies said. “Besides, we heard there was a nurse on-site, so we figured, if either one of them gets hurt, we could always come get you. And here we are!”

“Oh, okay,” Laurie stuttered, starting to figure out why they flagged her down. “So how can I be of help this evening?”

“As you can see, my son, well, both boys have been kicked several times so far,” Robert’s mother said.

“And squeezed!” Lucy chimed in.

“Yes, and squeezed. And while their balls seem - to us - to be fully intact, just as a precaution, we thought we’d have you take a look at them.”

“Take a look at them?” Laurie said nervously. “Take a look at what, exactly?”

“Why, their balls, of course,” one of the mom’s said slightly annoyed. “You are the nurse here, right?”

Lucy could see Laurie’s hesitation and she didn’t want to let this moment slip.

“Nurse Laurie, I’m sure this is old hat to you and you’re probably bored with doing exams like this everyday, but these guys could really use your help,” Lucy said, patting her on the back. “We just need you to check both guys’ testicles and then you can get back to your office.”

Laurie looked at both young men. Having been divorced for three years it had been a while since she engaged in any sexual contact with anyone. Except for herself, of course. She now was thinking this could be really fun, but she had to play it cool to pull this off.

“Well, I do have to get back to the office, but I guess I could help you guys out for a little while,” Laurie said. “Who should I start with?”

“How about we give Robert a little more time to recover from his, ah, session and you start with Johnny?” Lucy said giving her a little nudge toward the young man.

Laurie made her way over to Johnny. The closer she got, the better she could see just how good looking he was, and the more she was anticipating feeling his balls. Her hand trembled as she reached for his groin. Not sure if she should feel them outside of his swimsuit, have him remove it, or slip her hand into the suit. She opted for the latter. Her cold hand slid into the model’s suit. She could feel the shaft of his cock right away. It had some good girth to it. Her heart started racing. She was extremely nervous, but she couldn’t stop now.

Johnny jumped a bit from the coldness of her hand. But he didn’t mind the touch at all. Nurse Laurie had to be the hottest nurse he had ever seen. Now his heart started to race.

To get a better angle, Laurie stepped to Johnny’s left side and slid her hand deeper into his suit. Her large breasts now pushing up against his shoulder. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea, Johnny thought to himself. She is gorgeous. And I don’t think she is wearing a bra!

“Just relax,” Laurie whispered into his ear. “I’ll be gentle.”

Her hand was now cupping both of his balls. Holy shit, these are huge, she thought to herself. And they’re so warm.

“I’ll need you to turn your head and cough,” Laurie said, trying really hard to sound like an actual nurse. The instruction confused most in the room. Wasn’t that just for hernia checks, they all thought. But Johnny went along with it. He knew better than to question this gorgeous creature. He did as instructed.

“Hmmm?” Laurie said out loud.

“What is it?” His mother asked.

“I’m not quite sure, but I’m going to have to get a closer look,” Laurie said, now enjoying her new-found, made-up career. “I’m just going to slip these off,” she said, not waiting for a response.

Johnny held his breath as his beautiful nurse brought both hands up to his hips, took hold of his suit, and started to lower it down his legs.

Laurie’s eyes grew a little larger as she pulled down the suit. She knew his cock was a good size, but she didn’t anticipate how perfect it would be. Her pussy didn’t betray the situation as it filled with natural lube.

The other three ladies also took notice at how good Johnny’s cock looked. Each of them squirmed a bit, trying to conceal their lust. Even his mother.

The nurse went back to work. Now crouching in front of the model, she started examining his left testicle, patting it up and down from underneath. Johnny winced at the pain.

“I’m sorry hun, but I gotta take a look,” Laurie said in a sexy voice. Frustrated at his cock getting in the way, she called for some help. “Lucy, dear, would you be a doll and come hold this out of the way for me?”

“Ahhhh, hold what?” Lucy asked, caught slightly off-guard at what was being proposed.

“His penis keeps getting in my way. Would you be a dear and hold it up for me?”

“Um, yeah, sure,” she said, not believing her luck, “Whatever I can do to help.”

Lucy stepped to the right of Johnny and hesitantly reached for his cock. They briefly looked each other in the eye, then she gently lifted it up, giving her new nurse friend the access she needed to prod his testicles. Johnny threw his head back, just trying to enjoy all the attention his groin area was getting.

“That’s perfect,” Laurie said. “Now, keep it there while I palpate his testicles.”

The nurse brought her right hand up and put her four fingers to the back of his left nut and her thumb to the front. Slowly, she made small circles around the nut with her thumb. Johnny winced at every touch. Readjusting her stance, unbeknownst to her, the zipper on the front of her “uniform” started coming undone, her large chest pushing it open more and more.

This did not go unnoticed. Johnny’s dick began to swell. At first, Lucy thought it was from her touch. Then she caught a glimpse of Laurie’s top. There was ample cleavage. Lucy inadvertently brought her hand down the shaft, eliciting a small groan from Johnny. Laurie looked up. “I’m not hurting you am I?” She asked.

Johnny couldn’t speak, he merely shook his head no.

Then Laurie spotted his cock beginning to swell. “Great idea, Lucy” Laurie said. “Stroking it will help keep it out of the way.”

“Um, I wasn’t really… I mean, I was just moving my…” Lucy muttered.

“No, it’s fine. That will help a lot,” Laurie suggested. “Keep stroking. It will also help keep him distracted. Isn’t that right, Johnny?”

“Uh, huh,” was all he could say at that moment.

“Here, this might help,” Johnny’s mother said, handing Lucy a bottle of lotion.

“First, how about we trade places,” Laurie said. “That way I can examine his right testicle, okay?”

“Uhhh, yeah, sure,” Lucy said, not about to argue.

The two went back to work. Lucy got a good grip on Johnny’s cock and started to slowly pump it up and down while Laurie began palpating his right nut. Johnny arched his back. The pain was considerable. But so was the pleasure.

Lucy could feel his cock getting more and more engorged. The two moms looked on with rapt attention. The veins in his cock were becoming more pronounced. Lucy could feel each one of them. It was amazing. Another slight groan came from Johnny.

With him distracted from the pleasure, Laurie saw this as an opportunity to press a little harder into his nut. She felt a what could be a fracture along the right side of the nut. She dug her thumb in deep to get a closer look. This elicited another loud groan. Lucy took it as a cue to stroke harder. More groans. Laurie pressed harder. Sweat was forming on Lucy’s forehead as she pumped harder. Johnny was now sweating too. He arched his back even further than before.

This could be a slight rupture, Laurie thought to herself. Then she felt small modules coming out from the nut. She squeezed a little harder and could feel more flesh oozing out of the fracture. She withheld this information for fear of someone suggesting they stop. There definitely was a slight rupture.

Laurie could see pre-cum forming on the tip of Johnny’s cock as Lucy continued to stroke with enthusiasm. She pumped with the skill of a veteran porn star, even wrapping her hand around the head of the cock when she saw pre-cum starting to drip out. After a few more strokes, a drop of pre-cum plopped down onto Laurie’s chest. It was then she noticed her top was almost completely unzipped. Not wanting Johnny to get off as it might seem unprofessional, Laurie let go of Johnny’s injured nut, placed it on Lucy’s hand and said, “ I think we’re good here. Good job, honey.”

Lucy reluctantly released her grip on his magnificent cock. Johnny let out a huge sigh, frustrated at Lucy not finishing the job and trembling from the soreness in his nuts.

“Great job, young man,” Laurie said with a smile while zipping up her top. “I have good news.”

“What is it?” His mother asked, still panting from all the excitement.

“Well, his balls are definitely swollen, but they seem to be structurally sound,” Laurie lied. “I’d recommend you keep kicking them…That is, if you want them to get bigger. That is the goal here, right?”

Both moms clapped. “That’s wonderful,” one said. “Johnny, you ready for more kicking?!!” The young man, who was bent over at the waist in pain, raised his head, looked his mother in the eye and said, “I guess, if you guys really think this will help.”

Laurie couldn’t resist. “Oh, testicles are very resilient. I’m sure you can take many more kicks.” Then the “nurse” turned to the two ladies, “Do you two mind administering those kicks for this round? I’m going to need Lucy’s assistance over here with this young man.”

The two mothers looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, then Johnny’s mom spoke up. “Well, I guess it’s important you have Lucy help you out. You know, to help Robert out and all.” Then she turned to look at her son. “I do think this is for the best that we keep kicking you. And if that means I need to help out, so be it. It’s too bad we’re only wearing sneakers. I bet those high heels the nurse is wearing could really be put to good use.”

No one seemed to find it odd that a nurse was wearing black high heels.

Laurie’s heart skipped a beat. She had never even thought that SHE might be able to assist in the ball-torture. “You can always borrow my heels if you think they will help,” she said. “Are either of you a size nine?”

The two moms looked at one another. Both shook their heads, no. “Well, those won’t fit us, but if we need your help, we’ll be sure to ask. You wouldn’t mind helping out, would you? I mean, if we need it.”

Laurie’s entire body started to tingle. She was feeling flush. And turning red. “I mean, I’m a nurse, but, if you, I probably shouldn’t, but if you really need me, I mean, only if you really, really need me, I could most likely, probably help you guys out.”

“Maybe we should go check on Robert?” Lucy suggested to try to ease the awkwardness. “You guys can start kicking without us. If you need either one of us to help you out later, just ask. We’re both happy to help.”

“Oh, aren’t you two just saints?” Johnny’s mom said with a smile. “Honey can you stand up for me?”


The 30 minutes were almost up for Carl’s numbing agent to kick in. The real nurse, Leeann, entered the cafeteria and summoned the other two ladies, Barb and Holly.

“Where did your daughter go?” She asked Barb.

“Ohhh, she went to help a couple moms with their sons,” Barb said with a giggle.

“Hope she’s not planning on kicking their nuts, I don’t have the space to keep any more patients!” The nurse laughed.

If only she knew, Barb thought to herself.

“And besides, my shift ends in about 10 minutes, so we better get moving,” Leeann told the others.

“Ten minutes?” Holly said, “Is that going to give you enough time to…you know…” and she held up two fingers and pantomimed cutting with scissors.

“Now that’s he’s good and numb, that’s about exactly how much time I need,” the nurse said. “Of course, he may need a few minutes for recovery.”

“Just a few?” Barb asked. “Won’t he be in pain?”

“I suppose there’s a little pain afterwards, but like I said earlier, I’ve never done one of these so I guess we’ll see. I can’t imagine it’s THAT painful, right?”

Both ladies nodded in agreement and off they went down the hall to the nurse’s office/surgery room.


Back in the dressing room, Laurie surprisingly found no structural damage to Robert’s nuts. She was a bit disappointed but that gave her an idea.

“Ladies,” she said to the two mothers who were already taking turns kicking the shit out of Johnny’s nuts, “To speed things along, how about Lucy and I get to work on Robert’s testicles while you guys continue with Johnny?”

“Great idea!” Both ladies said in unison.

Laurie turned to Lucy, “You’re the expert when it comes to this, how about you start, show me how it’s done?”

“With pleasure!” Lucy said. Then leaning in to whisper in Laurie’s ear, she said, “I’m just glad we have a REAL nurse here in case, you know, something happens.”

“Like a rupture?” Laurie asked with a little smirk.

“Exactly, like a rupture,” Lucy said. “That would be awful wouldn’t it?”

It seemed both of them were on the same page. I doubt you’d find a dry vag in the room at that point.

Lucy and Laurie assisted Robert to his feet. He was still groaning from the torture his nuts just endured, including Nurse Laurie’s examination. “Put your left hand on that table,” Laurie instructed Robert, “and I’ll hold onto your right, to help you stay standing.”

Once in place, Lucy positioned herself in front of Robert and turned to Laurie. “I like to kick with the top part of my foot,” Lucy said, lifting her foot and patting the top of her foot. “That way, when I make contact with his nuts, there’s enough surface area to hit both of them!”

Laurie’s eyes lit up at the thought. This girl knows her stuff, Laurie thought.

“But with those heels on,” Lucy said looking down at Laurie’s feet, “You would probably do more damage if you connect with just one nut, using the point of the shoe.”

They both smiled again.

Lucy lined up her first kick. She pulled back her right foot and WHAM!!! Robert lurched forward and choked. That was amazing, Laurie thought, seeing her first intentional kick to a guy’s balls in her adult life. And up close. She could feel Robert shaking from the pulverizing contact.

Lucy didn’t waste any time as she drew her foot back and again, slammed it into Robert’s groin. He spasmed on contact. Dry heaving as he bent over, Laurie doing her best to keep him upright.

“That was amazing!” Laurie said to her new friend. “You had to get both nuts with that one!”

Lucy clapped her hands like an excited school girl. Which, I guess is exactly what she was. Then she stepped over to Laurie and motioned for her to go stand in front of Robert. It was now her turn. Her heart raced at the thought.

As she positioned herself, the only thing Robert could hear was the clacking of her high heels. In a haze, he looked down to see two shiny, black, high-heeled shoes. A lump formed in his throat. A bead of sweat dripped from his nose.

“Ready?” Lucy asked.

Laurie nodded. “Ready.” Neither bothered to ask Robert.

Laurie looked at the nuts in front of her. “Well, you certainly made the targets bigger for me, young lady,” she said with a nervous smile. “I don’t think I could miss if I tried!”

As Lucy laughed out loud, Laurie aggressively stepped forward and launched her right foot into Robert’s sack. SMACK!! The sound could be heard throughout the dressing room. Even the two mothers paused and looked over.

“Great kick!” Robert’s mother praised. “That should swell them suckers up real nice!”

Robert could hardly breathe. The pain was unbearable. He let go of the table and desperately tried to catch his breath. His mother came over to take a look. With his white thong swimsuit back on, the protrusion of his left nut was obvious. His suit hardly contained it.

Robert’s mother was ecstatic. “Look at that thing, you nailed it! It’s huge!” She patted her son on the back as he bent over. “You are going to be the envy of all the models, my dear. Can you take one more kick?” He didn’t answer. “Well, he can’t be lopsided like that,” the woman said looking over to Laurie. “Can you kick the other nut to even them out?”

Laurie was beside herself with glee at just how good that kick felt. “I can... I think I can try. That’s the first time I ever kicked anyone in the balls. I’m not sure how good my aim is. But I can try.”

“That’s all we can ask,” Robert’s mother said. “With those pointy heels, you’re the only one who can do it. Can you aim for just his right nut this time?”

“I will do my best,” Laurie said, standing up strait, her large breasts proudly puffed out. “Robert, can you straighten up a bit, it will help my aim.”

In extreme agony, the young man used the table beside him to help prop himself up. His mother went to his side to help hold up his other side while Lucy stepped back to stand next to Laurie.

“You got this,” Lucy said to the “nurse.” “You know where to aim.”

Laurie wasn’t exactly sure what Lucy meant by that, but she was determined to kick as hard as she could. That first kick was exhilarating.

The collective room held its breath. Laurie studied the sack in front of her. She could definitely see the damage she had caused to the left nut. She wanted to do the same to the other side. Like a bowler, she took a few steps back, bent over, looked at her target and took four quick steps forward, giving her great momentum. WHAM!!! POP!!!!

Time stood still. Everyone in the room froze. Jaws fell open. Laurie brought both of her hands up to face and covered it for fear (or excitement) at what just happened. Robert’s mother stood motionless looking down at her son’s groin. “Honey?” She said. “Did your nut just pop?”

Unable to speak, Robert’s legs gave out. He crumpled to the floor and started twitching. Lucy had to bring her hands to her face to cover the huge smile that was quickly forming. Laurie stood in shock.

“Ummm, can you please check him. I think he might be hurt,” Robert’s mother said, not nearly as upset as one might think right after one’s son may have just lost a nut.

Without saying a word, Laurie skulked over to Robert. Got down on her knees next to him and started rubbing his back. He was in the fetal position and currently unconscious. “You’re okay, big fella,” Laurie tried to reassure the model. “I’m just going to check on things to see if there is any sort of, um, damage, okay?”

Obviously, there was no response. Positioned behind him, Laurie slid her hand around his obliques and down into his tight suit. Heat was radiating off his groin. She first felt his left nut. It was huge. She circled the whole nut with her hand. It was puffy, but definitely still intact. She looked up at his mother. “The left one is swollen, but feels pretty good.” Sighs of relief filled the room. Then she reached deeper into his suit. Because this nut was a little harder to get to, she did the best she could to reach it and analyze it as best a fake nurse could.

It definitely was swollen. A lot. She reached in further. Her breasts were now pressing against his side. The heat between the two of them was calculable. Then she felt the split in the nut. The entire back of the nut had split open. She was at once horrified and overwhelmed with excitement. I popped this guy’s nut, she thought to herself, juices flooding her pussy. And with no panties on, some of those juices started running down her leg. The wonderful odor filled Robert’s nostrils. The pain was excruciating. But that smell. It was familiar. And so delightful. He started to come to when he felt Laurie’s breasts pressed up against his back. Even with a ruptured nut, his dick quickly started to harden. No one knew he was awake. He sat and enjoyed the sensations enveloping his body.

“What do you think, nurse?” His mother asked.

Laurie was beside herself. What do I tell her? She thought. Then she felt the front of his right nut and it was a smooth as could be. Maybe I could just… “well, there’s definitely swelling,” Laurie said. “I think we evened out both nuts, that’s for sure.” She kept prodding his sack. Then she felt his dick getting hard. Is he getting a boner? She thought to herself. This could be my way out. She stroked it a few times under the guise of examining his injury. Yep, he’s hard, alright. Then she heard him groan. Before too long, he started to cough and Laurie helped him roll over onto his back, making sure everyone saw his hard-on.

Robert’s mother instantly saw his wood and admonished him, “Robert Cornelius! What has gotten into you?! Put that thing away!”

This gave Laurie just the cover she needed.

“Oh, don’t be too hard on him,” Laurie said with a laugh, “this is common for this type of injury,” she lied. “You might want to get him some ice, though. There’s an ice machine right outside the door.”

“So…everything is still…whole?” Robert’s mother asked.

“He wouldn’t be able to get that kind of an erection if he ruptured a nut. I think he’s going to be just fine,” Laurie said, hoping no one would check for themselves. “But, I wouldn’t touch that until your modeling is done for the evening,” Laurie said to Robert, attempting to cover her bases. Then she stood up and offered her hand to Robert. Now standing directly above him, he could see her glistening pussy on full display under her short skirt. He lay there for a few moments admiring the view. He may have been in the greatest pain he’d ever felt, but this view seemed to make all of it go away. Well, most of it.

Still laying on his back and not reaching up for Laurie’s hand, she had a pretty good idea why. Giving him a little more time to recover, the nurse stepped over his prone body and was now straddling his waist, one foot on either side. This view can’t get any better, he thought. Then it did.

Feeling slightly guilty for not only rupturing this young man’s nut, but also playing it off like everything was fine, the gorgeous woman crouched down and spread her legs just enough for only him to see. She was inches above his cock which was now rock hard and trying in vain to exit the confines of the suit.

“Think of me when you’re out there modeling tonight, will ya?” She said in a sultry tone.

Robert could only nod his head. Then Laurie leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead, allowing her pussy to make contact with the head of his cock - albeit, through his swimsuit. He groaned under his breath. He could feel the heat on the tip of his cock and didn’t want this moment to end.

“You have some modeling to do, big boy,” she whispered in his ear. “Let’s get you...up.” With the word "up" she gave a little thrust into his dick. He moaned again. With that, Laurie stood up and offered both of her hands to the hunk on the floor.

It took all his strength, but somehow, he made it to his feet, his legs trembling and his balls throbbing.

“Wow!” His mother said. “Look at that - they look perfect!” Then she turned to Laurie. “We can’t thank you enough. Thank you so much!”

“Oh, don’t be silly. I was just doing my job,” Laurie said, laughing inside at the absurdity of that statement.

“Do you two want to join us down in the studio to watch the shoot? We’re due there in just a few minutes," Robert's mother said with excitement.

Laurie looked over at Lucy, “That’s very gracious of you, but Lucy has to go get her brother and, well, I have to get back to work. A nurse’s job is never done!”

“Isn’t that the truth?” Robert’s mother said walking over to Laurie, giving her a hug. “You are the best. Thank you again!" Then she turned to her son. "Let’s go honey. Let’s not keep the photographer waiting! I bet they will love your new balls!"

Robert shuffled over to his mother, grabbed her arm for support and wobbled out of the dressing room.

Once they were all gone, Lucy turned to Laurie. “That was amazing!! You kicked his nuts so hard. I can’t believe you didn’t rupture one! I swear I heard it pop.”

Laurie tried hard to conceal her smile, but it was no use.

“You did rupture it, didn’t you?!!” Lucy said with a gasp.

“I can’t believe no one said anything,” Laurie said with a huge grin. “I mean, that pop was really, really loud, wasn’t it?”

“Yes! So loud!” Lucy said with excitement. “Could you feel the rupture when you checked him?”

Laurie sheepishly nodded.

“Oh my god! You scoundrel!” Lucy said. “What did it feel like?”

“I knew from how hard I kicked him and from the popping sound that rupture was likely. But once I felt the whole back of his nut was spilt open, it confirmed all my suspicions,” Laurie said.

Lucy started contemplating something. Laurie could tell something was on her mind. “What’s up? What’s troubling you? I thought you wanted me to rupture him.”

“Oh, no, no, no, it’s not that,” Lucy said. “I was just thinking about my brother. Come to think of it, we didn’t hear any popping sounds when he was kicked.” She shifted her weight to her other foot, deep in thought. “And when the other nurse let me feel his nuts, I didn’t feel anything split open. Even when we put the needles into his nuts, they didn’t pop.”

“Okay, so that’s good, right?” Laurie said. “I mean, that poor kid Robert is probably going to lose his right nut because of the rupture. Doesn’t this mean your brother will keep both of his?”

“Shit!! I don’t have time to explain, just come with me! I need to save my bother’s nuts before it's too late!!” Lucy said as she grabbed Laurie's hand and they raced out of the room.

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