August 26, 2024

Washington High Defense Class, Chapter 14, Parts 2 and 3

New Self Defense Class at Washington High - Chapter 14, part 2 - Emma Helps Out Carl

Chapter 14, part 2 - Emma helps out Carl

Katie stood there topless and turned to her friend Holly and said, “I’ll put my clothes back on when this young man agrees to be my new model for our swimsuits.”

Holly looked over at Carl, wearing nothing but his form-fitting Speedo, his nuts bulging out obscenely and asked, “What do you think Carl? You ready to show those nuts to the world?”

Carl was hesitant.

Katie chimed in, “You’ll be paid $1500 every session.”

Carl tugged on the front of his swimsuit, looked down at his waist, then over at Holly. Both ladies were waiting in rapt anticipation for his reply. Then he lifted both nuts up, looked over at Katie and said, “these are all yours.”

Katie jumped up and down clapping her hands, her double-D’s bobbing with every leap. She couldn’t contain her excitement as she skipped over to Carl and gave him a huge hug - her tits gloriously pressed up against his firm chest. His large package wedged between Katie’s gap, he couldn’t help but notice the extreme warmth emitting from between her legs. He was in heaven.

Even Emma was excited as well, clapping for her new friend.

When Katie finally stepped away from their embrace, she grabbed both of Carl’s hands and said, “I’m going to make you - and those nuts - a star. Are you ready for that?”

He was too transfixed on Katie’s breasts to even answer. Noticing this, Katie bent over in front of him, snatched up her red bra, handed it to him and asked, “mind giving me a hand with this?”

Not knowing what to do, Carl started to bring the cups of the bra closer to her glorious tits. Katie gently put her hands on Carl’s and guided them all the way to her chest, leaving him basically holding both heavy breasts. She slowly let go, arched her back and pushed her body closer to Carl’s hands, reached behind her back with her hands, and clasped the bra back together.

Then she brought her right hand up to Carl’s chin and said, “We should get started right away. But I’d like to clear this with your parents before we have you come to our studio. Will they be home this afternoon?”

“But he’s 18,” Holly said. “Technically, you don’t have to have his parents’ permission.”

“Oh, I’m glad to hear that,” Katie said, “but with all of our teen models, we still like to keep parents in the loop. It’s just better business.”

“Umm, my mom will be home after school. My dad isn’t really in the picture any more,” Carl said.

“Great, can you text her and let her know I’ll be coming over some time after school today so we can discuss your new position?”

Call nodded his head.

Katie looked over at Emma and said, “And because I’m in such a great mood today, how would you like to join us at say, 6:00 pm at our studio. Here’s my card.” Katie said handing her business card.

“Really?” Emma said excitedly. “You want me to watch or kick Carl in the nuts or what?”

“Haha, I don’t think we’ll be kicking anyone in the nuts on a TV commercial, young lady,” Katie said with a laugh, “No, I’d love to have you as a model as well. You have a beautiful smile - and with that killer body, I think you’d look great in our new line of girls’ suits.”

“Emma has been a gymnast her whole life,” Holly stepped in saying. “And we all know how strong her legs are - isn’t that right Carl?” They all cracked up at that statement.

“Wow! You want me to model?” Emma said in disbelief. “That would be so cool! Do I need to bring anything or will I be wearing mostly your suits?

“Just bring that wonderful smile - we’ll take care of the rest,” Katie said. “And can you bring a parent along just so they can approve?”

“Sure, I think my mom will be so excited!” Emma said with glee.

“And Carl, is it okay if we stop by your house before we head to the studio - I’d like to speak with your mother on what we have planned,” Katie said.

“Ahhh, yeah. I’ll let her know you’re coming,” Carl said, trying to hide the smile on his face.

At the close of the school day Carl was heading to his car in the parking lot when he heard someone yell his name. He was thrilled to see it was his new friend, Emma.

“Carl,” she said, almost out of breath from running. “I’m glad I caught you. I forgot my girlfriend had to go to the dentist today so I don’t have a ride. Would you mind if I came along with you?”

“Sure, that’s fine,” Carl said a little taken aback that a girl of her beauty wanted to get a ride from him. “Where do you live?”

“Oh, I don’t need to go home,” Emma said, grabbing a hold of his arm and squeezing her chest against him. “I figured since we’re both going to be making our modeling debut tonight, that I’d just come to your house and hang out until Katie stops by. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, sure,” Carl managed to get out while a tingly feeling ran down his spine. “Hop in.”

When they arrived at his house Carl mentioned that his sister and mother wouldn’t be home for about an hour. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Sure, what do you have?”

“We have Mountain Dew, juice, or water,” Carl said, opening up the refrigerator.

Emma paused for a second, held a hand to her face to try to hide her smile, “I’ll take a Mountain Dew, thanks!” She said from the living room. What she didn’t tell him, was that caffeine made her incredibly horny and tended to make her nipples extremely hard. She made the mistake once of having Mountain Dew before one of her gymnastics meets, giving everyone quite a show when her nipples obscenely protruded from her tight, orange leotard.

Carl came out of the kitchen holding two 24 ounce bottles of Mountain Dew. “Want to see my bedroom? I can show you my wrestling trophies.”

“For sure!” Emma said, “so, you’re a wrestler, huh?”

“Well, I was,” Carl said as they went up the stairs to his bedroom. “But I had to stop two years ago.”

Looking around the bedroom, Emma asked, “Why did you have to stop wrestling?”

“It’s - um - kind of embarrassing,” Carl said under his breath.

“Oh, c’mon!” Emma said pushing against his shoulder. “I saw you in a Speedo earlier today. It can’t be more embarrassing than that!”

“Well, what you saw was the main reason I quit.”

“They made you quit because your balls were too big?” She asked, genuinely concerned.

“Not exactly,” Carl said. “It’s because I kept passing out.”

“Passing out from what?” Emma asked innocently as she started wandering around his bedroom.

“Well, my…um,” Carl was having a hard time spitting it out, but he gestured toward his groin.

“You're nuts?” Emma asked with a slightly excited tone. “Did they grab your nuts or something? I thought guys stayed away from anything under the belt - some kind of unwritten rule.”

“Well, yeah, we do,” Carl responded. “But my ahhh…” He was having a hard time getting it out again.

“Your nuts,” Emma chimed in, trying to help him out, and making sure to take a glance at the impressive package in front of her.

“Yeah, my nuts are so sensitive that when someone would put pressure against them with their leg or something like that, if they held it there long enough, I’d pass out. And of course, they would just pin me.”

“Oh, man. That does not seem fair,” Emma said as she started looking at all of the different wrestling singlets Carl had hanging up in his closet. “At least no one grabbed ‘em - that would really hurt, I’m guessing.”

“Well, there was one wrestler who would grab them every time we wrestled,” Carl said almost sheepishly.

“Really? I thought guys didn’t do that.”

“She was no guy,” Carl retorted.

“SHE!” Emma cried. “You had to wrestle a GIRL?!”

“Yep,” Carl answered. “Two years ago the league started allowing girls to wrestle and this one girl, Margaret, from the Catholic school in town would always go for my balls. Every time.”

“Well that’s not fair!” Emma said. “Isn’t that illegal?!”

“That’s what we thought. So before one of our matches my coach asked the ref to look up the rule and after searching for a while, he couldn’t find anything.”

“Oh man, what a bummer,” Emma said lowering her voice. “And did she - um - go for your nuts?”

Carl could only drop his head and nod.

“How long did it take her to pin you?”

Looking up, Carl took in a breath, not wanting to re-live it, but continuing on for the beautiful girl standing in his bedroom. “Well, she first grabbed ahold of my right nut with her left hand. Then she spun around behind me and grabbed my left nut with her right hand.”

“While still holding your right nut?” Emma asked while taking a swig of her Mountain Dew.

“Yep,” Carl concurred.

“Yeouch,” Emma said with a wince. “Even if a guy didn’t have nuts like yours, I’m sure that would have been painful, uh?”

“I would imagine so.”

“So then what did she do?” Emma asked, getting more intrigued with his story and taking another glance at his balls, bulging from his sweatpants.

“This isn’t easy to talk about,” Carl mumbled. “She, ah, pulled as hard as she could in opposite directions, basically playing tug-o-war with my balls.”

“Oh my God,” Emma said in sympathy, trying not to laugh. “So I’m guessing that ended it? Did she pin you?”

“I tried really hard to stay conscious, so I rolled out of her grip,” he said. “And I swear I could hear the cords of my nuts ripping as I pulled away from her. The crowd even moaned when that happened.”

“Oh, dude!” Emma said, her pussy now starting to get a bit moist from all of the talk about his balls. “That must have hurt.”

“Ahhh, yeah,” Carl agreed. “But that wasn’t the worst part.”

“It gets WORSE?” Emma responded.

“I’m afraid so. So I’m laying on my back - she could have just rolled on top of me and pinned me right there, but instead her coach - who is a NUN, mind you - yelled out ‘Do the Hickory Nut Crunch!’”

“The Hickory Nut Crunch? I hate to ask, but what is that?” Emma asked.

“I didn’t know at the time what it was either, but I was about to find out,” Carl said. “Apparently they had seen this move in a movie and wanted to try it out.”

“So I’m still on my back feeling like I’m going to pass out from the nut pulling and she stands up, walks over to my feet and grabs each foot in her hands, lifts them up, spreads them apart, lifts her foot way up in the air…”

Emma brought both her hands to her mouth and quietly said, “Don’t tell me. She…”

“Yep. She hammered her foot down so hard that I passed out immediately.”

“Oh, no. What did you do?” Emma absentmindedly asked.

“Well, like I said. I passed out,” Carl said. "There isn't much more to it."

“That must have really hurt, uh? And you lost the match.”

“Actually, that’s the funny part,” Carl said. “Turns out, THAT move is illegal. So I won!”

Emma clapped her hands in celebration. “Can I ask an obvious question?”

“Sure,” Carl replied.

“Why didn’t you just wear a nut cup? My brother plays sports and he wears a cup all the time.”

Carl laughed and went over to his dresser, opening the top drawer. “See these?” He asked. “Growing up, I went through a LOT of cups, but none of them fit any more.”

“You’re kidding me,” Emma said walking over to the dresser. She rummaged through several of them before finding a gigantic one. “You mean to tell me this cup doesn’t fit you? It’s HUGE!”

“Not any more,” Carl replied.

“Bullshit,” Emma snapped back. “Try it on.”

“What? No.” Carl said. “I’m telling you, it doesn’t fit.”

Emma grabbed the cup and its adjoining jockstrap, handed it to Carl and pushed him toward the bathroom and said, “I don’t believe you. Go try it on and come show me.”

But Carl was much too embarrassed and once again refused.

“I tell you what,” Emma said, really wanting to see him in this jockstrap. “I know that’s kind of embarrassing, so what if I took off my shirt and bra, so we’d both be embarrassed?”

Carl couldn’t believe his ears. She’s going to show me her tits? He thought to himself. I’d be a fool not to do this. So he took the jock and turned toward the door.

Emma, having seen Carl’s huge nuts in the Speedo earlier in the day, had a pretty good idea that the cup wouldn’t fit, but she wanted to see if Carl would do this for her. She took a couple more swigs of her Mountain Dew, momentarily forgetting the effect the drink had on her. It didn’t take long for her nipples to harden and protrude from her breasts.

Carl, in the meantime, was smitten with this gorgeous girl and would do anything she wanted, especially if she was going to be topless!

Carl came waddling back into his bedroom, his sweatpants in his hands and wearing a long T-shirt that covered his entire groin. He could see her fully erect nipples and almost dropped dead in his tracks. Oblivious to her display, Emma stepped up, smiling that he was actually going through with this, and grabbed the bottom hem of his shirt and said, “We won’t be needing this!” And she removed the shirt in one fell swoop, her chest briefly rubbing against his.

Stepping back to see Carl in nothing but his jockstrap and cup, Emma was taken aback at just how fit he was. Then she saw the cup and her eyes lit up. Both of his gigantic nuts were bulging out the sides of the cup. She had to stifle a giggle. And she HAD to keep this ruse going. Her nipples protruded even further.

“Well, that’s not so bad,” she lied. “How does this cup not protect you? It looks perfectly fine.”

“Really?” Carl said, taking the bait. “It feels kind of funny.”

“Well yeah!” Emma responded. “My brother said they are super uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean it’s not protecting you,” she lied again.

“Really?” Carl said, wanting so bad to appease this beautiful creature before him.

“Tell you what. How about we try it out? I can help you test the cup. And just think, that if it works, you could start wrestling again!”

Trying so hard to believe her, Carl agreed. Besides, he would be elated if he could actually wrestle again. And, most importantly, if he could impress Emma, who knows where that could lead. He was deep in thought when Emma pushed him by the shoulder. “So what do you say? Should we try a few kicks to start?”

“Ummm, yes, yes,” Carl said snapping out of his trance.

“Okay, you stand here,” Emma said as she positioned him in the middle of the bedroom, near the end of his bed. “And spread your legs a little."

Carl complied and as he spread his legs Emma could see even more nut meat ooze out the sides of the cup. This could be fun, Emma thought to herself.

“Okay, ready??” And without giving him a chance to respond, she snapped her strong gymnastic-trained leg into his awaiting groin. As predicted, it gave Carl quite a jolt. But as luck would have it, he fell back onto the edge of his bed and was pushed right back to his feet by the spring of the mattress. He was in pain, but the look on Emma’s face encouraged him to hold fast as he stifled a cough.

“That was great!” Emma exclaimed. “Did it hurt?”

Carl shook his head, coughed a few more times and in a slightly higher-pitched tone, managed to get out, “No, no, that was fine.”

“Oh, goodie!!” Emma cheered as she jumped up and down, her large naked breasts following suit. Even through slightly blurred vision, Carl didn't miss those gorgeous bouncing tits. What he didn't notice was the ever-growing wet spot in her leggings.

“Let’s try another one!” Emma said, not wanting the momentum to stop. “You up for it?”

“Yeah, yeah sure,” Carl said as he adjusted his cup like a veteran big league baseball player.

Seeing him adjusting his cup, Emma walked back over to him, “No, no. Not like that,” She said taking a hold of the top of his jockstrap. “You want the cup to fit tight. We need to pull this up so it fits better.” Emma tugged hard at the jock and in pulling it up, both of his nuts spilled out even more than before. “There, perfect!” She said with a bounce. “How does that feel?”

Knowing something wasn’t quite right, but wanting so badly to keep this going, Carl said, “Feels great!”

“Great!” Emma responded with a smile. “Be ready, because this time I’m not going to go quarter speed, okay?”

She only went quarter speed last time? Carl thought to himself. I hope the bed can save me again.

“Three! Two! One!” Emma yelled as she punted his nuts with almost all her might. She could even hear her bare foot slam against his balls, then into the cup. Carl fell against the bed and again it sprang him up to his feet, sending him hurtling toward Emma. Not wanting him to fall to the floor for fear he might give up, Emma caught Carl - who was about five inches taller and weighed much more than her - wrapping her arms around his waist as he draped over her left shoulder.

For extra stability, she grabbed the back of his jockstrap and pulled up hard. She could hear him gasping for air. Desperately wanting to keep this going, Emma pushed her tits tightly against Carl’s naked chest. She could feel his heart beating like a jackhammer. She whispered in his ear, “How you feeling. You want to stop?” She lowered her hand so that it was over his cup. He could feel her fingertips on his nuts. That was all it took.

Digging deep, Carl took a deep breath, stepped back, stumbled, and said, “What do you want try next?”

Emma was beyond excited. More juices flowed to her pussy. Her nipples were now straining with excitement, protruding even further. Even after that, he wants to keep going, she thought to herself, I’ve got him now.

“You know, I am really curious about that Hickory Nut Crunch. If you are going to wrestle again, I really think we should test to see if your nut cup can withstand that move, don’t you think?” Emma asked.

Carl stood in silence.

Chapter 14, part 3 - Carl and Emma Continue Where They Left Off

Emma had asked Carl if she could try the Hickory Nut Crunch on him - you know, just to be sure his cup would work and he wouldn’t get hurt if and when he rejoined the wrestling team.

“Yes, yes,” he coughed out. “Good idea.”

Emma grinned from ear to ear as Carl made his way to his back. For a moment, he felt relief from not having to stand. The carpeted floor felt great. And then he felt Emma tugging at his jockstrap once again.

“Remember, we have to keep this thing snug against your nuts, otherwise it won’t work properly,” she said. “So tell me how this move goes again?”

Carl struggled to lift his head. “First you…you take a hold of my feet.”

Emma reached down and grabbed both of his feet. “Okay, now what?”

“Lift them up and spread them apart.”

“Like this?” Emma said as she spread his legs as wide as she could.

Carl strained to lift his head off the floor, his neck shaking as he took a look. “That’s perfect,” he said, then quickly dropped his head.

“Okay, now what?” Emma asked once again.

“Lift up your leg.”

Emma did as instructed. “Then what?” She said playing this out for dramatic effect.

“Stop your foot down.”

“Oh! Okay, stomp it down where?” She asked with a huge smile.

“On my,” Carl said as he lifted his head, “On my…”

“On your nuts?” Emma teased.

“Yes, on my nuts,” Carl said exasperated, letting his head slam back down.

Emma could see both of his nuts spilling over the edge of his cup, but she wanted more. “Carl dear, could you please pull up on your jockstrap. I want to make sure the cup is in place. I’d hate to see you get hurt.”

Dutifully, Carl reached up with both hands, tugged hard on his jock and plopped back down one last time.

Emma saw exactly what she was looking for, his left nut had now fallen completely out of the cup. Her heart started racing as she slowly lifted her toned leg up. “This is such a great idea to test out this move. Just think, that girl will never be able to hurt you again after we’re done here.” She spread his legs even farther apart, lifted her leg higher, “you ready?” She asked as she slammed her foot down hard onto his unprotected nut.

Carl looked like he was being electrocuted - his hips bucked high up in the air from the impact. Emma kept hold of his feet, watching Carl spasm on the floor, her leggings soaking with her juices. Then Carl’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he passed out.

“Holy shit,” Emma groaned. “That was amazing. I better check on him.”

Kneeling next to him, she couldn’t believe that she now had easy access to his balls. She harkened back to what happened in the locker room earlier that day when she not only floored him with a vicious kick to the nuts, but also how she was able to hold each of the large orbs in her hands - what a feeling. She had never done either of those things before. And it stuck with her. The power she had over him. The control. Her pussy gushed as she reached up to move his jockstrap out of the way. His balls were red and swollen. And even bigger than before.

“How do they look?” Carl moaned from his back, causing Emma to jump, surprised he came to so quickly.

On her knees, Emma leaned over to take a look. “They look pretty good, actually,” she fibbed. “But let me take a closer look.” Slowly, she raised her butt off her heels that she was sitting on and reached over to take hold of each nut. She rolled each of them around in her strong, but dainty hands. “These things are amazing,” she muttered to herself. She could see his left nut had swollen more than his right because of that last blow.

Her pussy now on fire and Carl lying on his back, racked with pain, she lifted her left knee and brought it down so she was now straddling his right leg. I have to get some relief, she thought to herself as she sank her crotch down so it was touching his right knee.

“I don't know, I better get a closer look,” she said to Carl, her voice cracking in ecstasy. With both nuts firmly in hand, she started slowly sliding up and down Carl’s leg, concentrating her clit on his bony knee. The more she ground on his leg, the harder she squeezed his nuts. Her squeezing eliciting moans of pain from Carl, who was oblivious to how his leg was currently being used as a sex toy. The more he moaned, the more excited it got her and the more she humped his leg. And the more she humped his leg, the harder she squeezed his nuts - and the more he moaned. It was a vicious circle with no end in sight.

Then she heard the front door open. “Honey, I’m home!” Carl’s mother yelled from down the stairs.

“Shit!” Emma muttered.

Quickly, she sprang up, searching for her bra and shirt. Then she saw the huge wet spot on her leggings. “Shit!” She said again, “these are way too wet.” Seeing the dozens of singlets hanging in his closet, Emma grabbed two and threw one at Carl. “Here, put this on, quick!” She yelled in a whisper.

“What? Why?” Carl said, his mind and vision still a blur.

“Your mom is home! We can just say you were teaching me some wrestling moves,” Emma said in a panic.

“Okay, I guess,” Carl said, still trying to clear his head from the extreme nut pain he was feeling.

Emma grabbed a small yellow singlet and quickly pulled it up, feeling it rub against her enflamed nipples as she did.

Carl was struggling to put his on, especially with his nut cup in the way. Emma hurriedly went over to help Carl get dressed, they could hear his mother, Barb, yelling up the stairs at him.

“Honey, you home?” She yelled.

“Yes, mother!” Carl squeaked back.

“Is your voice still cracking from the nut testing the other day?” She laughed.

Ignoring her, Carl tried in vain to get the singlet on. To help, Emma tugged up hard on his jockstrap, forcing both nuts out the sides, then she tugged at the wrestling outfit, pulling it past his legs, then handing it off for him to finish. His singlet was green and was a little tighter then he remembered as it had been two years since he had worn it.

They both tried to compose themselves as they headed down the stairs. Carl’s legs were shaky and barely kept him up. Emma grabbed his arm and aided in his traversing the steps.

“Hi mom,” he said in a high voice. “This is my friend, Emma.”

“Oh, well hello dear,” Barb said excitedly. Carl rarely had friends over, let alone a gorgeous girl. So she was delighted to see Emma.

“Were you guys wrestling?” Carl’s sister Lucy yelled as she emerged from the kitchen. Was she down here the whole time? Emma wondered. Did she hear what we were doing?

“Hi, yeah,” Emma said, trying to sound confident. “Carl was nice enough to give me a ride from school and we got to talking about his wrestling days so I asked him if he’d show me a few moves.”

Not completely buying it, Lucy just laughed and said, “Uh-huh, sure. You didn’t pass out now, did ya, brother?”

Carl gave his sister a glare.

“Well, you are more than welcome here any time,” Barb said looking at the singlet Emma had on, trying to ignore the eraser-sized nipples jutting out at her. “Oh, that’s Carl’s uniform from when he was in third grade. It fits you like a glove.”

“Should we tell her the news?” Emma asked Carl.

“What news, honey?” His mother asked.

“Carl is going to be a model for Speedo swimsuits,” Emma beamed.

“Pffffffft!!!” Lucy spit out her drink on the living room carpet. “A model! For Speedos? You can’t be serious. Have you seen his nuts?”

“Lucy Michelle!” Barb admonished her daughter. “We have company. Please don’t talk about Carl’s testicles like that.”

“That’s actually why they wanted him,” Emma retorted. “The lady from Speedos was at school today and she, ahhh, noticed his, umm, talents and asked him if he would model their new line of swimsuits.”

“What, are they swimsuits for guys with elephantiasis of the nuts!” Lucy laughed.

“Lucy, enough!” Barb again chastised her daughter.

“And they asked Emma to model as well,” Carl said with pride.

“Well, you have a lovely figure,” Barb said, trying to ignore the girl’s diamond-cutting nipples. “I’m sure you will look stunning in their suits. And Carl, honey, I’m glad that someone can appreciate your - umm - physique as well.”

“You mean his huge nuts?” Lucy said as she ducked into the kitchen to avoid her mother’s wrath.

“Come on in and sit down, dear,” Barb motioned to Emma.

As the three of them headed for the couch, Barb couldn’t help but notice what her son was wearing under his singlet. “Honey, why are you wearing your nut cup. I thought you said that doesn’t fit any more.”

Carl stammered to answer.

“I insisted he wear it,” Emma chimed in. “He told me about that horrible Margaret from the Catholic school and I said safety first. If we’re going to wrestle, you must wear the cup.”

“That’s very sweet of you dear, but he has been telling me the last two years that the cup didn’t fit him any more. And he quit wrestling because of it!” Barb said.

“Well, I don’t want him to get in any trouble, but that cup fits him just fine,” Emma said with a twinkle in her eye.

Barb gave a scowl toward Carl as they sat down. “Is that so?”

Perking up and wanting to see how far she could take this, Emma continued, “Oh, yes. We tried all kinds of moves and it’s not like I was trying to hit him there, but there were a few times where I accidentally kicked him in the groin and the cup worked great. Should we show her, Carl?”

Feeling trapped, Carl didn’t know what to say as the cup obviously did not fit him. “Ahh, I don’t know. I do have to model tonight,” he said, thinking he dodged a bullet.

“Oh hush!” Barb said, “the modeling can wait. I’m excited your nut cup fits again! Can’t you show your mother how well it works?”

Emma walked over to Carl, took him by the hand, “C’mon, Carl. Your mother would like to see how well your nut cup works. You wouldn’t want to disappoint your mother, now would you?” She said as she rubbed her tits against his arm.

“Ahh, alright,” he said.

“Yay!” Barb said clapping her hands. “Now, this is exciting. I know how much you loved wrestling. Maybe your testicles have shrunk enough to fit in your nut cup again, honey? Why don’t you show me some moves?”

“Let’s go over here,” Emma said, “so your mother will get a good look.”

Carl reluctantly wobbled over to the middle of the living room and stood in front of Emma.

Noticing his irregular gait, Barb asked, “Are your testicles still sore from the testing at school on Sunday, honey? I thought they’d be fine by now.”

Emma quickly jumped in, “I think it’s just the large nut cup between his legs. It just makes everything look - um - bigger. Nothing to worry about, I’m sure.”

“Oh, okay. Good,” Barb said. “Because, I’m not sure if you are aware, but we had his nuts tested at school on Sunday so there could be some lingering discomfort.” Then she whispered toward Emma, “And I’m not sure if you’re aware, but my son’s nuts are a little larger than average.”

“Mom, you called them nuts,” Lucy said as she entered the room with a tray of snacks.

“Did I?” Barb said with a blush. “Well, how about that?”

“I’m excited to see this,” Lucy said. “I went with him to buy that nut cup. The girl at the sporting goods store was very thorough in helping us pick out the right one - do you remember that, big guy?” She teased her brother. Call nodded. “I was a little disappointed. After a few months he claimed it no longer covered his nuts and that it hurt to get hit there."

“Oh, it works just fine,” Emma said with a smile to the two ladies as she took a huge gulp of her Mountain Dew. “How about we start with that first move we tried in your bedroom?”

Carl was dumbfounded. Was she going to kick him in the nuts right here in front of his sister and mother?

Then he saw Emma approaching - her nipples rock-hard - and it was too late to do anything as she swung her leg up into his groin. Carl staggered backwards and held a first to his mouth to cover his cough. Only through sheer willpower did he stay standing.

“I knew it!” Lucy yelled. “That nut cup DOES work!”

Barb started clapping her hands. “Honey that was wonderful! Truly amazing!”

Emma beamed with pride - and excitement - her nipples practically ripping the material of the singlet.

Noticing this, but not wanting to embarrass her guest, Barb told Lucy to go turn the heat on the thermostat.

“But mom, it’s not even cold in here,” Lucy complained.

“Please, for the comfort of our guest.”

Lucy then caught a glimpse of Emma’s erect nipples and understood. “Sure, mom. I’ll take care of that.”

“Carl, I’m so excited for you,” Barb said. “I hope this means you can wrestle again this season.” Then an idea sprang to her, “Hey, maybe you should try that Honey Nut Cereal move on him. That girl loves to do that move on guys.”

Lucy was laughing hysterically as she came back to the living room. “Mother, it’s called the Hickory Nut Crunch. And YES, you should definitely try that one, Emma!”

“The Hickory what?” Emma feigned ignorance, while Carl squirmed at the inevitable.

“NUT…CRUNCH,” Lucy said slowly and emphatically.

“Oh, I don’t know that one,” Emma lied. “Maybe you can show me how it goes, then I can try it?”

“Oh, I don’t know, ladies,” Barb reconsidered. “We signed Carl up for the big demonstration at school on Friday. I’d hate for him to get ruptured or something before that night. It means a lot to all of those girls at the school.”

“Mother,” Lucy said staring at her mom. “We just had his nuts tested on Sunday. And he passed with flying colors, didn’t he?”

Barb thought about it for a moment, “I guess you’re right. And his nut cup seems to be working just fine.” Then she paused… “But did you see that guy who went after Carl on Sunday? That girl popped both of his nuts! And I’m not a guy, but I’m pretty sure those ruptures hurt. Wouldn’t you think?” Barb said, looking over at Emma.

“I mean, I guess probably a little,” Emma said shrugging her shoulders. “But like she said, you did have his nuts tested, right? And with his nut cup on, I think we’re good.”

“You’re probably right, dear,” Barb lamented. “And it would be fun to see the Honey Nut Crunch again. I haven’t seen it since that girl used it on Carl. It’s quite an effective move! No offense dear,” she said looking at Carl.

“Well, I’m excited to learn it!” Emma said with a smile.

Without hesitating, Lucy jumped up and stood next to Emma. “You’re going to love this one,” she said, nudging Emma in the ribs. “Carl, lie down here in front of us.”

Mesmerized by Emma’s eternally erect nipples, Carl complied with little resistance.

Lucy reached down, grabbed both of her brother’s feet and raised them up to about waist height.

“So, you grab the guy’s feet like this. Spread his legs like this.”

“Wait one second,” Emma interrupted. “Hey Carl, why don’t you pull up on your jockstrap to be sure your nuts are in place.”

She is so cruel, he thought to himself. Then immediately complied.

“Then you’re going to lift your leg up like this,” Lucy continued. “And then smash it down hard into his nuts.”

Lucy just lightly brought her foot down onto her brother’s groin, with her foot landing on the cup, her heel feeling the squishiness of his nuts that were oozing out the sides.

“Oh, so you slam it down into his nuts?” Emma asked, playing dumb.

“Well, yeah. That’s why they call it the Hickory NUT Crunch.”

“Oooooh, I get it - haha!” Emma laughed. “That’s so funny! Can you show me again? And you can do it hard if you want.”

“You just bring your foot up like this,” Lucy said, “And then slam! Into his nuts,” she said as she once again just gently brought her foot down, but this time feeling a lot of nut and not much cup. With a glint in her eye, she handed her brother’s feet over to Emma. “Don’t forget, in order for this to work, you have to slam down hard.”

“I will do my best!” Emma said bouncing up and down right next to Lucy.

“Careful,” Lucy said, “You might poke an eye out with those things!”

Emma looked down and for the first time saw just how much her nipples were protruding under her yellow singlet and she tried her best to cover them up while still holding onto Carl’s feet, but the effort was futile.

“Well, here goes nothing!” Emma said. “You said slam my foot hard? Like how hard?”

“Hard as you can,” Lucy said with a smile.

“But no ruptures!” Barb chimed in.

“You ready Carl?” Emma asked, giving him no time to respond, she slammed her foot down hard into his unprotected nuts.

“Ooooof!” Carl yelped as he immediately brought his hands to his sack.

“That was great!” Lucy said. “You did that like a pro!”

Carl curled up in the fetal position and rocked back and forth in a great deal of pain.

“Oh, no! What happened?!” Barb said as she ran to her boy’s side. “I thought he was protected!”

“Mom, I’m sure he’s fine. He’s probably just looking for sympathy,” Lucy said trying to reassure her mother. “Besides, I didn’t hear any pops.”

“Well, can you at least go get some ice? I’ll check his nuts to be sure they’re all right,” Barb said, still a little worried.

“I’ll go with you,” Emma said to Lucy as they disappeared into the kitchen.

Barb struggled to get her son’s singlet off, but through all of the pain and rocking back and forth, Carl knew they should be checked.

“Honey, I’m going to take your jockstrap off now,” Barb said, noticing that his nuts were both dangling BELOW the cup and not IN the cup. “I’m going to have to squeeze these a bit to get this off. Hang in there.”

Barb grabbed the cup and tugged hard and it wouldn’t budge past the two now grotesquely swollen orbs. Finally, she grabbed on with both hands and pulled with all her might. She could hear what sounded like celery being twisted, which most assuredly was her son’s nut cords being stretched beyond their normal capacity. Despite the sounds, she kept pulling as Carl gasped for air, his arms flailing and legs kicking, trying to make it stop.

Then in one last pull, the jock and cup sprang free. Barb was delighted. “Honey, I got the cup off.” But there was no response. “Honey?” Barb noticed he had passed out. “Oh dear,” she muttered, then set the jock aside.

Lucy and Emma returned with the ice, both girls astonished at how large Carl’s nuts looked.

“Goddamn, those things are huge!” Lucy laughed, handing her mother the ice.

“Well, good news, girls,” Barb said. “It appears that it wasn’t the nut cup’s fault that he got racked so badly.”

“What do you mean?” Emma asked innocently.

“When I went to check to see if there were any ruptures, once I got his singlet down, I noticed that BOTH of his testicles were hanging below the cup! No wonder it didn’t work, he wasn't covered at all!”

“No wonder it didn’t work,” Lucy said, jabbing Emma with her elbow.

“Ahhh, no wonder,” Emma said with a smile. “He doesn’t have any ruptures, does he?”

“No, they’re good as new,” Barb said, then she looked back down on his nuts. “Well, they are slightly swollen, I guess.”

“Slightly,” Lucky joked. “Those things are gigantic.”

DING-DONG! The front doorbell sounded.

“Who could that be?” Barb said out loud. And ever the conscientious host, she quickly got to her feet and greeted the two ladies at the door.

“Oh, you’re here to see Carl? Why, sure come on in,” Barb said. “Can I take your coats?”

The two ladies took two steps into the living room and saw Carl sprawled out on the floor in all his glory.

“Oh, my God,” Katie gasped, “They’re even bigger than I remember.”

“Much bigger,” followed Holly.

“Miss Hartel!” Barb said to her guest. “Nice to have you here. But who is this stunning gal?”

“Oh, didn’t Carl tell you? This is my friend Katie from Speedo Swimsuits. We’re here to discuss Carl being a model. Do you mind if we chat for a bit?”

“Oh, not at all,” Barb said. “I’m delighted that Carl might be a model! Come, have a seat.”

All five ladies found a place to sit, with Carl still lying flat on his back, completely naked, still passed out.

Katie sat on the couch next to Holly, entranced by the two large testicles on display when Holly gave her a nudge.

“Oh, yes, Mrs. Larson. I’m Katie McIntire, the regional manager for Speedo Swimsuits,” Katie said, still heavily distracted by Carl’s nuts. “And I would love to have Carl come down to our studios this evening to do a quick screen test to see how he would look in our new line of mens’ suits.”

Barb looked over at her daughter and smiled. “Well, isn’t that exciting? My boy a model. I always thought he was a handsome young man, so I can see why you would want him.”

“Mom, it’s not really his looks they’re after here,” Lucy said with a smirk.

“Oh?” Barb said, a bit confused, forgetting what her daughter told her about 30 minutes before. “Then what is it?” She turned to look at Katie.

“Well, in the swimsuit marketing world, we’re always looking for guys that stand out in certain ways,” Katie said, being careful how she worded things. “And your son has special assets that we feel could really bolster how we market our new line of suits.”

“Assets?” Bard asked.

There was a quiet hush in the room as Barb looked at the two women.

“His nuts, mother!” Lucy chimed in, breaking the silence. “They like the size of his nuts.”

“Oh, dear,” Barb muttered. Then she turned her head to take a look at her son lying on the floor. “They are quite large, aren’t they?” She said a matter-of-factly.

“Tell her about the slogan you came up with today,” Holly said to her friend.

“Actually,” Katie said, looking over at Emma, “she came up with it.”

“Oh? What is it?” Barb asked.

Katie cleared her throat, sat up straight on the couch, lifted both hands and announced, “Speedos - we’re nuts about them!”

Barb sat in silence for a moment, which worried Katie.

“Now that is brilliant!” Barb said clutching her hands to her chest. “We’re NUTS about them!” She repeated. “Haha. That’s so clever. And my boy is going to be…” she paused looking for the right phrase.

“A nut model!” Lucy yelled out, sending the whole room into a laughter fit.

“My son, a nut model,” Barb said softly with pride. “I always knew the Good Lord gave him those things for a reason.”

“Exactly,” Katie said, relieved she got the mother’s approval. “And we’d like to start tonight.”

“That’s fine with me, but Carl may need to ice his nuts before we head out,” Barb said.

“No, no, no,” Katie responded. “The bigger the better. Please no ice.”

Lucy looked over at Emma, leaned in and whispered, “the bigger the better, eh?” And both girls giggled, Emma knowing exactly what she meant.

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