June 28, 2024

Washington High Defense Class, Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - part 1 - The X-Rays

Tommy stood strapped to the end of the bed, still passed out from the pain in his cock.

“Help me get him on this gurney and we can take him downstairs for X-rays,” Nurse Spalding said to her assistant, Gail.

Once they had Tommy on the gurney, they strapped him in tightly so he wouldn’t accidentally fall off. As they were about to push him down the hall, they both looked at each other, then looked down at Tommy’s huge erection, and then back at each other. “We better cover that up,” Miss Spalding said, turning around to grab a thin white towel.

Once the towel was draped over the appendage, both ladies looked at each other and couldn’t help but giggle. “It looks like the mast of a ship,” Gail said with a huge smile on her face.

“It does, doesn’t it?” The nurse replied. “Well, time to set sail!”

As they started pushing the gurney out into the hallway, Gail noticed the halls were really filling up, so she stopped. “Maybe we should wait until the first hour starts, it will be less crowded - and less embarrassing for him,” Gail said pointing at Tommy’s cock.

“I appreciate your concern,” Nurse Spalding said, “but I’d really like to get this X-ray performed as soon as possible. Besides, he can’t be embarrassed, he’s passed out.”

Not wanting to question her boss, Gail just nodded and continued pulling the gurney out into the hallway as Miss Spalding pushed. They hardly got 20 feet when people started noticing them. There was lots of finger pointing, jaws dropping and laughing as they traversed down the hall.

The three cheerleaders who had visited the nurse’s office just a few minutes earlier, saw the commotion and immediately noticed it was Tommy who was on the gurney, his erection pointing straight up, still covered by the white towel.

“Where are they taking him?” One of the cheerleaders, Kendra, asked.

“Probably downstairs to take X-rays.” Her friend, Andrea, replied.

“So he DID break his cock?!” The third said excitedly. “And look at that, he’s still hard!”

“With only a towel covering his dick,” Kendra said with a smile. “Andrea, hand me your coffee.”

“What for? Get your own,” Andrea said a bit annoyed.

“Trust me, this is going to be great,” Kendra said, as she grabbed the coffee away from her. “Quick, follow me!”

With that, the three cheerleaders bolted ahead of the two nurses and the gurney. Andrea timed it perfectly. As soon as the gurney turned a corner, she was waiting with the coffee in her hand, looking away as she walked right into the gurney, spilling the coffee all over her chest.

“Oh my God!” Andrea yelled as the coffee spilled all over her, dampening her white blouse, revealing a sexy white lace bra that she was wearing underneath. Luckily, the coffee was now about 40-minutes old and no longer very hot, but Andrea wanted to play it up and make a scene to gather as many people around as possible. And it worked.

“Oh, shit! Oh, shit!” She yelled, “This hurts so bad!”

A large crowd circled around them as Andrea continued to yell.

“Take off your shirt,” Nurse Spalding said as she ran toward the girl. “You have to get the heat off of you.”

Andrea hesitated for a moment, not thrilled with the idea of flashing so many of her classmates, but knowing it would bring even more people over, she thought, what the hell, and stripped off her white blouse. The crowd kept gathering and closed in tighter, including Tommy’s sister, Sandy, who had no idea it was her brother on the gurney.

“It still hurts!” Andrea cried out, “Does anyone have a towel?!!”

Nurse Spalding took the bait, “I have one right here,” she said, reaching over and grabbing the one on Tommy’s lap. Gail lunged to stop her, but was not quick enough.

The entire crowd gasped as Nurse Spalding unwittingly revealed Tommy’s engorged 12-inch cock, sticking straight up in the air. Ignoring the gasp, the nurse ran over to Andrea, “Oh, are you okay honey?” She asked as she patted the towel around her chest.

Looking straight ahead and seeing Tommy’s huge dick, Andrea smiled and said, “I’m doing much better now. Thank you Nurse Spalding.” The crowd was stunned at the sight and laughter filled the hallway.

“Look at the size of that thing!” One girl yelled.

“That’s bigger than my dildo!” Another gasped, eliciting more laughter in the crowd.

One girl, who was in the front of the crowd then said, “Does he only have one nut?”

“He does!” Another girl yelled. “And it’s huge!”

Sandy now started feeling really bad for her brother. Seeing that Nurse Spalding was oblivious to her brother’s nakedness and the crowd’s jeers, she fought through the group, ran to her brother’s side and not knowing what to do, grabbed the head of his dick and aggressively pulled it toward her, hoping she could hide it from all the others. As she pulled, she and Gail could hear an audible crack. Sandy stood wide-eyed, staring at Gail as if to say, “What did I just do?”

“Let’s go,” Gail said to Sandy as she aggressively pushed the gurney, forcing the crowd to part as they went down the hall. Fortunately, once past the crowd, no one followed them to the elevator. Nurse Spalding, inexplicably, stayed with Andrea, to be sure her chest wasn’t too badly scalded, even having her take her bra off in the hallway, to be sure her nipples weren’t affected by the coffee. Funny enough, many of the boys who had gathered in the hall stayed and watched this procedure to the end.

Once in the elevator, Gail introduced herself to Sandy. “That was brave of you to step in,” Gail said. “I wanted to cover him up as well, but didn’t know how to. Are you two close?”

“Yeah, you could say that. I mean, I’ve seen his cock a hundred times, but I just couldn’t stand to have all of those other people pointing at him, making fun of him,” Sandy said.

“Oh, I see,” Gail said, assuming Tommy was her boyfriend. “Well, I’m glad you jumped in, even though…” Gail didn’t know what to say next. She didn’t want to blame her for injuring his cock, but she also didn’t want to tell her that Nurse Spalding could very well have cracked her boyfriend’s dick.

“So you heard that, too?” Sandy asked sheepishly. “The crack?”

Gail nodded.

“Well, here we are,” Gail said as she opened the door to the X-ray room. “I wonder if Nurse Spalding will be joining us?”

“What exactly is the plan?” Sandy asked. “Can I be of any help?”

Trying to cover for the cracking Nurse Spalding incurred on Tommy’s cock, Gail thought fast and responded, “We were bringing him down to X-ray his nut. As you can see it’s quite swollen.”

Now it was Sandy’s turn to play dumb, as she had just spent the last three days pummeling her brother’s nuts. “Oh, really, how did that happen?”

“Tommy came in for his official nut test this morning and things got a little out of hand.”

“Nut test?” Sandy asked, genuinely not knowing. “What is that?”

“Yeah, Principal Brown has called for all the boys in the self defense class to have their nuts tested to monitor how much they can take so the girls in the class don’t have to deal with any ruptures. It’s ingenious, if you ask me.”

“That is ingenious,” Sandy said, hoping she might be able to take part in said testing.

“So, we’re going to perform two X-rays this morning. One to his nuts… Sorry, nut. And one to his, um, his...” Gail couldn’t quite get it out.

“His cock?” Sandy said matter of factly.

“Yes, that,” Gails said, grateful that she didn’t have to say penis in front of a young student.

“So let’s roll him over to the Test-O-Gram and take a look at that nut,” Gail instructed.

“Oh, wow,” Sandy said as she looked at the device, “I’ve always wanted to see this thing in action - how exactly does it work?”

“Well, you see these two plates?” Gail asked. “We place the nuts - or in this case, nut, in-between the two plates, bring the top plate down on top of the nut and once we get it to a suitable level we take an X-ray and that can tell us a lot of things. Mainly, if there is any structural damage to the nut.”

“Like a rupture?” Sandy asked enthusiastically.

“Yes, like a rupture. Or a contusion, or a fracture.”

“A fracture?” Sandy asked. “What’s that?”

“The best way I can describe it is it’s like between a bruise and a rupture,” Gail said.

“Oh, do those hurt?”

“I would imagine so,” Gail said. “But not nearly as bad as a rupture. I can usually tell if a guy comes in with a rupture - their demeanor is actually pretty funny.”

“That obvious, uh?” Sandy asked.

“Yep. But enough talk, let’s X-ray this nut.” Gail said almost excitedly.

The nurse-in-training rolled the gurney over to the machine, undid some latches on the bottom of the gurney and tilted it up so Tommy’s body was now standing up straight - held on tight by the straps. She adjusted the height of the X-ray plates so they were at the level of Tommy’s nut.

“Okay, this is a two person job,” Gail explained. “I’m going to need you to roll him forward and place his nut in-between those two plates and I’ll pull this lever to lower the top plate. Can you do that?”

“Sure,” Sandy said as she rolled her brother forward. “How’s that?”

“Great. Now place his nut on the bottom plate and I’ll lower this top one.”

“Ummm, okay,” Sandy said, a little apprehensive of touching her brother’s nut in this environment. Slowly she reached out her right hand, cupped her brother’s nut and gently lifted it onto the lower plate. “How’s this?”

“Perfect - you’re a natural,” Gail said as she lowered the top plate and several lights lit up on the machine. “Oh, yes, take a look here,” Gail said to Sandy, gesturing for her to come around to her side of the machine. “You see this light, it’s currently yellow, meaning it senses a light contusion on the nut.”

“A contusion?”

“Yeah, that’s just a fancy word for a bruise,” Gail said. “And now we hit this button to lower the plate further to get a better look.”

The plate started going down, causing Tommy’s nut to flatten out a bit.

“Whoa, that’s cool!” Sandy said, lowering her head to get a good look.

“So, if there’s a fracture, this light will light up orange.” Gail said. “And tell me what a fracture is again?” Gail said, testing her new pupil.

“It means the nut is cracked, and almost ruptured, but not quite.”

“Exactly!” Gail said. “You learn quick. Now we just wait for the machine to go lower to get the best reading.”

“Lower?” Sandy said. “How low do you have to go? Doesn’t that hurt?”

“For patients who are not sedated, I hear the test is quite painful. Luckily, Tommy is still out of it, so he doesn’t feel this at the moment.”

“Yeah, at the moment, but what about later?” Sandy asked, looking over at Gail. Both ladies paused for a second, then burst out into a small fit of laughter.

“You wanna try this?” Gail asked.

“Really? How does it work?” Sandy said.

“Well, this button will lower the plate slowly - and this one lowers it a bit quicker, if we are in a hurry,” Gail said pointing to one of the many buttons on the machine. “And this one will raise it up - guys love that button,” she said, nudging Sandy.

“Yeah, I bet they do,” she laughed.

“Go ahead, give it a try,” Gail said. “Hit the one that lowers it slowly.”

Sandy was beside herself that she got to actually run the machine to test her brother’s nut. Her hand slightly trembling, she reached out and pushed the slow button. “Now what?” She asked.

“Now we monitor these wavelengths and keep an eye on the colored lights.”

“What do the lights mean again?”

“The yellow means he has a bruised nut. The orange means he has a fractured nut. And the red means…”

“A ruptured nut?” Sandy interrupted her.

“Exactly,” Gail said with some pride at how quickly she was picking this up. Just then, the phone on the other end of the room rang. “That might be Nurse Spalding, I better get that. You okay here?”

“Ummm, I guess so,” Sandy said, kind of flabbergasted that she would leave her alone with this machine that she knew so little about.

Sandy could hear Gail on the phone from 30 feet away, but she could only catch every third word or so. “Her nipples?” Gail said into the phone. “Ointment?” Then, “Okay I’ll check.” And she hung up the phone.

“Sandy, I have to run for a minute and get Miss Spalding some ointment for that poor cheerleader. You’re doing great. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” Gail said, as she left the room.

“Oh, okay,” Sandy said, shocked that she left her alone with this nut machine.

Seconds after Gail left, a loud beeping noise emitted from the testicle machine. Then lights started flashing. “Oh, shit!” Sandy yelped. “What am I supposed to do?!!” She could see the top plate lowering even further - she had to do something. Panicking, she hit the button to lower the plate even faster. Within seconds her brother’s eyes shot open and he started to scream.

“Sandy?!!! What’s going on?!” He yelled. “What is this thing?”

“Oh, Tommy, I’m so sorry!” She said, for some reason now laughing. “I can’t stop it!”

“This is not funny! Turn this thing off!” His eyes went even wider as the machine unmercifully ground into his lone remaining nut.

Seeing her brother’s eyes bug out even more, Sandy couldn’t help but laugh even harder. “I’m... I’m sorry! I don’t know how to work this!”

The plate kept going down further, grotesquely flattening the nut.

“MY NUT!!!” Tommy yelled “ARRRRRRRGH!” Then he passed out.

The light in front of Sandy was definitely orange and looked to be turning red. Her brother’s nut was now obscenely flat in-between the two plates. Then Sandy remembered what her mother told her about rupturing her brother’s nut - it couldn’t be a family member or insurance wouldn’t pay for the surgery. She had to stop it.

With the machine going wild with beeps and flashing lights, she threw caution to the wind, closed her eyes, reached out and pushed a random button. Time stood still for a few moments as she waited. Then PSSSSSHHHHHH, a small cloud of steam burst out from the machine, startling Sandy who jumped back at the sound. She brought her hands to her mouth, wondering what was happening. Suddenly, the top plate automatically lifted itself up, off of Tommy’s nut. Relieved, Sandy stepped around the mechanism and hugged her brother tightly. “Oh, Tommy!” She said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

At that moment, Gail came in, touched by the display of affection Sandy was giving her “boyfriend.”

“Sorry about that,” Gail said as she entered, completely oblivious to the nut torture that just occurred. “Nurse Spalding insisted I stay and help administer ointment on that poor girl’s chest. Her breasts were so big, we both had to take one! Can you believe that?” She said laughing hysterically at the thought.

Sandy, still shaken up by what just transpired, could only meekly chuckle at the nurse’s story.

“How did it go in here? I see the test is done.” Gail said, walking over to the machine.

“Well, it, um...” was all Sandy could say.

“Here’s the readout, “ Gail said looking at the small monitor on the Test-O-Gram.

“What does it say?” Sandy said, fearful that she might just have ruptured her brother’s last remaining nut, especially after seeing that light turning red.

“Hmmm, this is funny,” Gail said, horrifying Sandy at what she might be reading. “The preliminary reading said there was just a contusion, but if you look at the final reading it says there was a, oh no…” Gail said, squinting her eyes, taking a closer look at the monitor. Sandy dreading what might come out of her mouth. “Says there is definitely a fracture.”

Sandy breathed out a huge sigh of relief.

“Actually, it says, there are multiple fractures,” Gail said, a bit more concerned.

“Is that bad?” Sandy asked.

“Well, the more fractures, the more chance the nut has at rupturing, should it get struck or squeezed again,” Gail said, pausing to think for a second. “You did an amazing job! Had you not done such a thorough job, we may have never seen those fractures and poor Tommy here would have been walking around with a nut just waiting to rupture. You probably saved this young man’s nut!”

Feeling guilty for being the likely cause of those multiple fractures, Sandy stood staring at Gail and could only nervously smile at her. Sensing her uneasiness, Gail went over and gave her a large hug. “You did good, girl! Now let’s get him over there to X-ray his, um, his…”

“His cock,” Sandy said under her breath, still reeling from the commotion of the last few minutes.

“Yes, that!” Gails said, again relieved that she didn’t have to say it.

Gail walked behind Tommy, undid a couple latches and tilted the gurney so Tommy was now on his back. “Let’s wheel him over here, and get that X-ray,” Gail said, patting Sandy on the back, trying to cheer her up.

Once rolled under the scope of the X-ray machine, Gail adjusted it so it was hovering over Tommy’s now soft dick. “I can’t believe he’s still out of it,” Gail said, looking over at Sandy. “I thought he would have woken up by now.”

“Yeah, that’s weird he’s still out,” Sandy said, knowing that just a couple minutes ago her brother was wide awake and reeling in pain.

“I have to go on the other side of that glass wall in that little room to run the camera. Can you stay in here with him?” Gail asked.

“Ahh, sure,” Sandy said, hoping this procedure would be much more innocuous than the last.

Once on the other side of the glass wall, Gail pulled the microphone on the counsel toward her and spoke, “Hey Sandy, I’m not getting a great shot here, can you please move his - um - cock, to the left. Maybe that will help.”

Sandy froze in fear. She wants me to do what? Touch my brother’s dick? Right here?

Sensing her hesitation, Gail got back on the mic. “Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to have sex with him - you can save that for the bedroom. Just move his… dick, to the left for me please.”

Again, Sandy hesitated. She looked down on her brother’s huge appendage and wondered what it would be like to touch it. She had indeed seen it many times, but there was never any sort of physical contact with it - well, except for with her knee and foot once in a while. Oh, and out in the hallway just a few minutes ago - but that was different.

“I can’t be in two places at once, honey. Please just move it to the left for me. Thanks.”

Not wanting to drag this out any further, Sandy quickly reached down, picked up the head of the cock and quickly but gently moved it across his tight abs, over to the other side. She could feel it twitch in her hand, which startled her a bit.

“Great job, honey,” Gail said as she looked at the image coming over her monitor. After a few seconds of observing, she got back on the mic. “Sorry, I’m not getting what I need. Could you please put it over on the opposite side.”

Not wanting to show any hesitation this time, Sandy grabbed it by the shaft and carried it over to the other side of his stomach. And this time, she definitely felt it twitch. Her heart skipped a beat.

Sandy could see Gail’s frustration on the other side of the window and knew she was about to get another request. “Sandy, could you try pointing his cock straight down between his legs? Maybe that will give me the angle I need.”

At this point Sandy was getting used to touching it, and if she was being honest with herself, she might have even liked it. She thought it was starting to look even bigger as she looked down on it. Reaching her left hand down, she took hold and held it in her hand for a few moments before starting to move it. It’s definitely bigger this time, she thought to herself. And heavier. Slowly, she took the shaft, raised it up for a second, then laid it down between her brother’s legs, just to the side of his swollen nut.

“Ahh, that’s better, but can you stretch his cock out more, further down his leg?”

Getting much more comfortable with her new job - and kind of giddy that Gail now didn’t hesitate to use the word “cock” - Sandy went to the foot of the gurney, reached far up between her brother’s legs, took a hold of his cock and started pulling.

“That’s great, dear, can you try using both hands?”

Without hesitation, Sandy reached her other hand up, got a good, firm grip on her brother’s dick and started pulling.

“That’s perfect!” Gail exclaimed. “Hold that just like that! And keep pulling!”

Who am I to disobey orders? Sandy thought, as she started playing tug-of-war with this giant cock. The more she pulled, the more it inflated with his hot blood. How much bigger is this thing going to get, she thought. Sandy had seen Tommy’s cock many times, she knew it was large. But now that she had it in hand, she was smitten. She had never held a cock so large. Her pussy was now starting to fill with her juices. She slid her feet slightly to her right so that her brother’s left heel was now pushing against her mound. It felt fantastic. And now she could feel pre-cum dripping from his cock. Wow, she was lost in lust.

“You’re doing great, honey,” Gail instructed over the mic. “I almost have a good shot. Keep pulling.”

Sandy pulled harder, then SLAP!! She stumbled backward and Tommy’s cock loudly slapped against his stomach. Both ladies paused for a second, looked at each other, then simultaneously burst out into laughter.

Gail came out from the other room and joined Sandy. “Did you get it?” Sandy asked, still laughing.

“We were so close!” Gail said as she slapped Sandy on the back, relieved that she had snapped out of her short depression.

“We didn’t get it?” Sandy said.

“No,” Gail said looking over at Tommy’s cock, which was now standing at a 45-degree angle above his belly. “But I have an idea. Come over here.”

Gail walked to Tommy’s side, reached up and grabbed the arm of the X-ray machine which was hovering over and pointing straight down to his midsection, and pulled it down so that it was now near his hip and pointing flat across to his levitating dick.

“Go over to that side,” Gail instructed. Once she was there she told her, “Now hold up his dick so that it’s straight up and down.” Sandy immediately obliged.

“Like this?” She asked.

“Perfect!” Gail said as she ran into the small adjoining room.

Looking into the monitor, Gail could see there was a small problem and she ran back into the X-ray room.

“What’s up?” Sandy asked, watching Gail pull back on the X-ray arm.

“That thing is so big, it wouldn’t all fit in the picture!” Gail laughed, then she leaned over Tommy and whispered to Sandy, “You are one lucky girl!” And she disappeared into the other room.

Sandy was confused at her last statement. Lucky? For what? Then Gail got back on the mic.

“Can you tilt it back a bit?” She asked.

“Sure,” Sandy said, “But it’s kind of getting soft now.”

“Shoot!” Gail said in the mic, “Do me a favor, hun, can you stroke it a few times so we can get a good image?”

Sandy paused for a second, now unsure if this had gone too far. I can’t do this, she thought, then she looked back at Tommy’s cock. But look at that thing, she thought, when am I going to get this chance again? Probably never. Definitely never. She stood staring at it. Lost in thought.

“Sandy, hun?”

That snapped her out of it. Well, we gotta get a good shot, Sandy said to herself as she reached for the head of her brother’s cock, which still glistened with pre-cum, lathered up her hand, and made her way down the shaft of this magnificent work of art and started pumping away. Gail looked on in envy, but also with gratitude that they were finally going to get the X-ray they needed.

As she pumped away, Sandy was mesmerized at just how large this dick in her hands was getting. Holy shit, look at this thing, she thought to herself. “How’s that?” She asked Gail.

“It’s looking great. Can you get it harder?”

Sandy just smiled. That was a challenge she was happy to take on. Her panties now soaking wet, Sandy took more of the pre-cum from the tip and aggressively pumped at her brother’s huge cock. Her whole body now enveloped with a warmth she had not experienced before. “Look at that thing,” she said out loud, “It’s so beautiful.”

Gail could hear her and quietly said into the microphone, “it sure is.”

Sandy merely smiled as she continued to masterbait her brother’s dick. Gail got the shots she needed, but was enthralled with the scene unfolding before her. “Ahh, young love,” she said quietly to herself.

“That’s a perfect X-ray,” A voice came from behind Gail. Startled, she turned around to see Nurse Spalding, who had come in from the backdoor of the X-ray room. “Oh, um, thanks, Miss Spalding,” Gail managed to get out of her mouth. “Sandy has been a big help to get these X-rays. As you know, it takes two people to get these, and you were busy with that cheerleader.”

Sensing her tension, Nurse Spalding stepped over behind Gail, put both of her hands on her shoulders and said, “relax, I’m glad you could find someone to help and get these X-rays done.” Then she leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “And ain’t it nice that his sister was so willing to help. They are such a close family.”

Gail froze in her shoes. His sister? She thought loudly to herself. What have I made this poor girl do?

“How much longer, Gail?” Sandy said, not noticing Nurse Spalding was now behind the glass as well.

Gail looked at her boss, hoping she would have some sage advice. “Let her finish, it will relieve a lot of the pressure built up in that swollen nut of his.”

“Just another minute or so,” Gail said softly into the mic, “You’re doing great, sister,” Gail said, wincing at her choice of words.

Luckily, Sandy was so wrapped up with the task at hand that she didn’t even notice the Freudian slip. Now seeing pre-cum practically pouring out of his tip, Sandy knew what was inevitable. “Ummm, I hope you’re getting the shot you need because he’s about to…” she said, pumping harder than ever - and BAM! Ropes of cum shot from his dick. The first one hitting a hanging florescent light right above them. “Ummm, Gail!!!” Sandy said as she continued to pump at her brother’s cock, enthralled with the amount of semen being ejected.

Not wanting to embarrass Sandy, Miss Spalding slipped out the backdoor, into the hallway and Gail made her way back into the X-ray lab. “That was great, honey, we got it!” Gail said, equipped with a couple of hand towels.

Still kind of stunned that she just jerked off her brother, Sandy reached out for one of the towels Gail was holding out. “I kind of made a mess, I’m afraid.”

Gail put her arm around Sandy and said, “Sometimes science can be messy,” then started cleaning the cum off Tommy’s belly. “You wanna get the stuff on the floor?”

Sandy knelt down, and started wiping the cum off the floor, then looked up. “And what about the stuff on the light?”

Gail laughed and loudly whispered down to her, “It will be our little secret,” and she winked at Sandy who was relieved that Gail wasn’t chastising her.

Moments after the cleanup was done, Nurse Spalding entered the X-ray room. “How did it go?” She asked, acting like she had just arrived on the scene.

Sandy looked over at Gail, wondering what her response would be.

“Well, we know for sure there are multiple fractures to his testicle. But I might need your help with the other X-ray,” Gail said.

“Let’s take a look, shall we?” Nurse Spalding said, leading them into the control room, where the images were projected on a screen.

All three ladies were taken aback by the images of Tommy’s large cock. Sandy dropped her head in shame when she realized that her hand was in all of the shots, wrapped tightly around her brother’s cock. She had no idea her hand would be in the X-rays! Fortunately, neither nurse mentioned it.

Immediately, Nurse Spalding pointed at one of the images. “Oh, yes, see here?” She said pointing to the base of Tommy’s cock. “There’s definitely a fracture here. Do you see these lines?”

Gail stepped closer to get a better look. “Oh, yeah, right here. And what are these lines?” She asked.

Puzzled, Nurse Spalding went over to another image and inspected it.

“Oh, dear,” the nurse said.

“What is it?” Gail asked with concern.

“Looks like he has suffered another fracture over here at the left dorsal. We’re going to have to bring him in to South General.”

“Oh, no! I knew it. I broke his cock,” Sandy said distressed. “What can I do to make this right?”

“Relax dear, “ Nurse Spalding said, trying to calm her down. “They look like minor fractures. But if you want to help, you can assist me in bringing him to the hospital. I can write you an excuse for the day. How does that sound?”

Sandy, who now had both hands covering her face, traumatized at what she had done, nodded in agreement.

“Gail, can you stay here and take care of the office?”

“Sure, boss. And what about the nut tests we had scheduled for the rest of the day?” Gail asked.

“Can you handle those on your own today? Maybe get Heather to help you?”

“Sure thing,” Gail said. “Good luck!"

And as they rolled Tommy out of the room, Gail yelled, "And good luck to your brother!"

Chapter 13 - part 2 - Gail’s In Charge

Gail helped her boss, Nurse Spalding, and Sandy load Tommy into the school’s van to take him to the hospital.

“This will probably take all day, I’ll text you with any updates,” Nurse Spalding told Gail. “I appreciate you taking over for me in the nurse’s office today.”

“No problem,” Gail said, then paused for a moment and asked. “Do you think his cock is going to be okay?”

“Well, I haven’t seen a whole lot of broken cocks in my work here at the school, but I think he’ll be just fine.” Then they heard a loud moan come out from the van and Nurse Spalding turned to Gail and said, “At least I think he’ll be fine. We had better get going - thanks again for helping out in the office. And don’t forget, we have quite a few guys signed up for nut testing today, see if you can get someone to help you.”

“Okay,” Gail said, “I’m actually kind of looking forward to it!”

Gail stood and watched the van pull away and felt both excited and nervous about having to run the office by herself for the first time in her young apprenticeship. This could be an interesting day, she thought to herself.

As she turned to go back into the school, she saw Heather Anderson running like a Banshee toward the side door of the school. Heather was nice enough to help with the nut testing just the day before, even though it was a Sunday.

“Heather, what's the rush?” Gail asked as Heather ran by.

“I’m late for class - I had to help my brother out this morning,” Heather said, stopping to catch her breath. “His nuts are still pretty bad after yesterday.”

“You know, I could just get you a pass for being late,” Gail suggested.

“Awww, Gail, that would be so helpful thanks.”

“As a matter of fact, how would you like to take the whole day off of school and join me in the nurse’s office?” Gail asked.

“I appreciate the offer, but I don’t know how much help I’d be in there,” Heather said.

“You actually would be a huge help,” Gail said, now walking with her toward the side door of the school. “Miss Spalding had to take a student to the hospital this morning and is going to be gone all day and she needs me to continue the nut testing here in the office. We have testing scheduled all day and who better to help me with that, than you?!”

“And you can write me a pass to miss all of my classes?” Heather asked, now excited at the prospect.

“I sure can! So will you help?” Gail asked, reaching out to hold Heather’s hand.

“Show me where the nuts are!” Heather said enthusiastically. And Gail pulled her by the arm, into the school and down to her office.

When they arrived at the office, they already had a patient waiting, sitting on one of the chairs inside the nurse’s office. It was Larry Falls, the second-year phy ed teacher.

“Can I help you?” Gail asked the handsome young man.

“Yeah, is Nurse Spalding around? I’m here for my test.”

Gail and Heather looked at each other with a funny look.

“Oh, teachers are getting tested today, too?” Gail asked.

“Yeah, from what I understand, there are a few of us getting tested today. Am I early?”

A large smile formed on Gail’s face as she looked over at Heather. Little did she know, these men had all signed up to be tested for COVID, not the nut test.

“No, no, you’re not early. You’re just in time. Please step behind that screen and strip down to your underwear,” Gail instructed.

“Is the stripping completely necessary?” Larry asked with a reluctance in his voice.

Gail was a little turned off by his push back and walked over to the teacher, put her hand on his back and guided him toward the changing area, “I would say to get an effective test, yes, this is necessary. Wouldn’t you agree, Heather?”

Before Heather could speak, Mr. Falls chimed in, “Wait, she’s going to help with the test?”

“Yes, she is,” Gail responded, “Miss Spalding is out for the entire day, so Heather will be assisting me. She’s quite good at this.”

Larry looked over at Heather, “Oh, so you enjoy this field?”

“I do,” is all Heather could manage to say, a little intimidated by the male teacher.

“Well, I’m yours then, I guess,” Mr. Falls conceded. “I change over here?”

Gail nodded and pulled the curtain behind him. A few moments later, Larry stepped out from the curtain, wearing nothing but white boxer shorts - a sizable bulge lurking behind it. Gail looked over at Heather with slightly raised eyebrows, impressed with what she saw.

“Great,” Gail said, “Now step over to the edge of this bed and Heather will help strap you in.”

As Heather guided him to the bed, Larry grew a little more confused. “But, what is this…”

A bit frustrated, Gail picked up Nurse Spalding’s clipboard from her desk, which she really didn’t get a chance to look at since entering the office and pointed out to Mr. Falls that they had a full day of tests to get to and that any further delays would put them hopelessly behind.

“Okay, okay,” Larry said. “I’m just a little confused.”

“I know this test might be a little uncomfortable for you, but you’re in good hands, Larry. Can I call you Larry?” Gail said as she helped Heather strap both his ankles and hands to the end of the bed, while Larry stood there befuddled.

“Sure, you can call me Larry,” the phy ed teacher said, looking down on his restraints. “I just don’t see why all of this is necessary.”

Gail finished securing the ankle straps, stood up and reached out and cupped Larry’s bulge.

“Whoa!” Larry said, caught by surprise at the intimate touching.

Gail, still holding onto his nuts through his underwear, looked back at Heather, “You want to go first, or shall I?”

“Ummm, ladies, what’s going on?” Larry said, feeling a bit aroused, but also really confused.

“You can,” Heather said, “Then I’ll step in right behind you. You might want to step aside once you’re done.”

“Sounds like a plan. You wearing those?” Gail asked, looking down on Heather’s Mary Jane’s.

“If I’m going to be here all day, I figured I better wear something sturdy,” Heather said, shrugging her shoulders.

Then Gail said to her patient. “You ready?”

Before he could answer, Gail put her hands on Larry’s shoulders, looked back at Heather who was now right behind her. “Let’s do this!” She said as she thrust her right knee violently into Larry’s groin. And before he could even do anything but cough, Heather immediately followed up with a thrashing kick, hitting both nuts dead on!

The look on Larry’s face was priceless - his eyes bulged wide, his tongue burst from his mouth, and he started retching loudly. Both strikes were definitely a direct hit.

Heather turned to Gail and both ladies clapped their hands like little school girls. “Great job, Heather!”

“Thanks! And your knee thrust was amazing!”

“WHAT!” Cough, cough! “In!” Cough, cough, gurgle. “The!” Spit, spit! “FUCK!” Larry somehow managed to get out from his position of agonizing pain.

Gail stepped over to Larry, crouched down in front of him and cupped his groin. “Oh, wow, there’s already nice swelling to these,” she said. “I know it can be a bit uncomfortable, but just hang in there, Mr. Falls. Only about 20 more minutes of kicking.”

“WHAT??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He screamed. “MY BALLS!”

The door to the nurse’s office swung open and in stepped Ms. Brown, the principal. “Did I hear some screaming?” She asked, somewhat blocked from the view of Mr. Falls.

“Oh, hi, Ms. Brown,” Gail said cheerfully, “We’re just doing some nut testing, would you like to join us?”

“Oh, good, the principal’s here,” Larry muttered, hoping she would put an end to this madness.

The principal looked down on her watch, then back up to Gail and Heather. “You know, I could probably get a few kicks in, if you guys don’t mind?” She said, taking off her blazer. “What student are you test…ing?” The principal asked as she realized who was strapped to the bed.

“Mr. Falls?” Ms. Brown said, “I didn’t realize you signed up to have your nuts tested. How marvelous! What a wonderful idea!”

“But I…” Larry tried to explain the situation, but he was too late. Ms. Brown wasted no time and punted her black stiletto into Larry’s nuts with all her might. He instantly passed out.

“Good shot, ma’am!” Gail shouted.

“She didn’t pop one, did she?” Heather asked.

“Naw, you would have heard that one - I did get him with the point of my shoe, though,” Ms. Brown said. “It’s good to see you helping out with this, Heather. Did we get her a pass to miss class?”

“Already taken care of,” Gail responded. “Should we check his nuts?”

“Well, I have to get back to work,” Miss Brown said. “Carry on with your testing. Don’t let me get in your way.”

“Did you want to try your stomping technique?” Gail asked Heather with a smile.

“Sure! But how can we do that with him strapped to the end of the bed like this?”

“I have just the thing,” Gail said, walking across the room. “Here, help me with this,” she said, taking one end of a three-foot tall wooden table.

They brought the table over to where Mr. Falls stood, still passed out, at the end of the bed.

“We better take care of this first,” Gail said, grabbing the waistband of his boxers and lowering them as far as his spread legs would allow. Both ladies stood silently for a moment, enjoying the view of Mr. Falls’ package. His dick wasn’t gigantic, but it was a good six inches flaccid and nice and thick.

“I’ll hold his nuts up, you slide the table underneath,” Gail instructed Heather.

Once in place, Gail helped Heather up to the table. “This is perfect!” Heather said with glee in her voice. She kicked off both of her Mary Jane's and wearing beautiful blue Angora socks, she placed her right foot on his left nut and started applying pressure.

“This must be the nut Ms. Brown kicked,” Heather said, concentrating on getting a good feel with her foot. “I can feel it’s pretty damaged.”

“Wow, you can tell that just from standing on it?” Gail asked.

“Well, you have to apply some pressure to really get a feel for how bad it’s injured, you should come up and give it a try!”

“I’m not sure that’s really my area of expertise, I’d hate to damage anything. We’re really just trying to test his nuts, not break them.”

“Well, how do you know if you don’t try?” Heather said, reaching her hand down to Gail, encouraging her to join her on the table. After a moment's hesitation, Gail kicked off her shoes, grabbed Heather’s hand and pulled herself up onto the table.

“Whoa, this is higher than I thought,” Gail said, holding onto Heather for support.

“Yeah, just don’t lose your balance because one slip and you could flatten one or both of Mr. Falls’ nuts and that would not be good.” Heather paused, “for him anyway!” Both girls tried to stifle a laugh.

“So how do I do this?” Gail asked.

“Here, hold both of my hands and lightly place your left foot on his left nut,” Heather instructed.

“But isn’t that his injured nut?”

“Yes, but you said you wanted me to show you how I could feel an injured nut,” Heather looked up at Gail, “And that’s his injured nut.”

“Oh, yeah, right,” Gail responded.

“So gently place your foot just over the nut.”

Gail lifted her left foot, now clutching tightly to Heather’s hands, feeling very nervous. “Like this?” Gail asked.

“Yep. Now here’s the key to this whole thing,” Heather said with a serious tone in her voice. “Only use the arch of your foot and roll the nut to the ball of your foot and do that back and forth a few times. If you use your heel at all, it could do permanent damage to the nut and that would be bad.”

“Oooh, yeah, that would be bad,” Gail said wincing. “How’s this?”

Watching Gail roll the nut under her foot, being careful to keep it under her arch, Heather was impressed. “That’s very good. I knew you’d get the hang of it! Now try applying just a little more pressure to the nut.”

Gail, who was staring at her foot, making sure she was doing things correctly, looked up at Heather, holding tightly to her hands. “You want more pressure? Isn’t that dangerous?”

“It’s only dangerous if you put too much pressure on it,” Heather assured her.

“How will I know if I’m using too much pressure?”

“This is where getting a feel for the nut comes into play. The more pressure you put, the more you can feel how it’s doing. Trust me,” Heather said, getting a better grip of Gail’s hands.

Gail nodded, looked down at her foot and squeezed Gail’s hands much tighter this time. Slowly but surely she started applying more pressure while rolling the nut back and forth under her foot. The room was deadly silent. About 30 seconds in, Gail could start to feel what Heather was talking about. “I can feel the small fractures in the nut!” Gail said excitedly. “This is so cool!”

“You’re doing great!” Heather reassured her. “Now add a little more weight to it.”

“Really?” Gail said, looking up once again at Gail.

“You got this,” Heather said. “Just remember, no heel!”

Gail readjusted her stance and leaned in toward Mr. Falls. This time, with more pressure, both ladies could hear the crunching of the ligaments in his left nut. Gail looked up, somewhat surprised. “Is that okay? Am I hurting him?”

“You’re doing great. That crunching is just his nut’s way to adjust to the pressure it is receiving.”

“So I’m not hurting him?”

“Well, if he were awake, I’d say this would most likely, let’s say, be uncomfortable for him. But for the sake of this test, this is exactly what we want.”

“That’s so awesome, you are such a good…”

WHOOSH! The door to the nurse’s office flew open, startling both Gail and Heather. In an instant, Gail went tumbling forward as the two women let go of each others’ hands causing Gail’s left foot to slide forward only to stop when the heel of her foot got caught on Mr. Falls’ left nut, crunching it loudly.

Gail and Heather froze in place and looked at each other.

“What was that sound?” The girl in the doorway asked, stunned at the sight in front of her.

Heather and Gail quickly jumped off the table.

“Oh, hi, Andrea,” Gail said to the cheerleader who had spilled coffee on her shirt earlier in the day.

“Is that Mr. Falls?” Andrea asked, craning her neck to try to get a better look around the two ladies standing in front of her.

“Umm, yes. Yes, it is,” Gail said, a little embarrassed. “What can I help you with?”

“Ahhh, Nurse Spalding told me this morning I should check back in to see if my shirt and bra are ready. This shirt is WAY too tight for me and I think it’s a little see-through.”

The young lady was right. The white half-shirt that Nurse Spalding found for her was about two sizes too small, accentuating her D-cup breasts and her nipples were quite visible underneath.

“That shirt is cute, but it is pretty small,” Gail said, “Sorry, I haven’t seen your shirt or bra. We're kind of busy right now, can you check back later?”

“I guess, but boys keep leering at me and that perv, Mr. Wilson, stared at me all through science class,” Andrea said. “I just need a place to hide out until I get my shirt back.”

“I know what you’re saying about Mr. Wilson, he comes down here all the time. I saw him checking out Miss Spalding the other day and I swear he had a boner,” Gail said. “If you want to hang out here until we find your bra and shirt, that’s fine by me.”

“Cool, thanks. What are you guys - um - doing in here?” Andrea said, gesturing toward Mr. Falls.

“Oh, ah - haha - we’re doing nut tests all day,” Gail said sheepishly. “We were testing Mr. Falls here, when you walked in.”

“Were you standing on his nut?” Andrea asked more than a little curious.

“Ahhh yeah, that’s part of the testing, right Heather? Do you guys know each other?” Gails asked.

“I’ve seen you around,” Andrea said. “I’m Andrea,” she said, reaching her hand out to shake Heather's.

“Hi, I’m Heather. I’ve seen you cheering at the football games.”

“Heather was teaching me her method of testing nuts, she’s very good at it.” Gail said with some pride.

“Hey, that’s cool. Maybe you can show me sometime?” Andrea said, somewhat joking.

“Well, we’re here all day testing. Maybe you could help us?” Heather said, looking over at Gail for approval.

“Well, if she’s going to be hiding out from pervs, I guess we could put her to work,” Gail said.

“You’re testing nuts all day?” Andrea asked.

“Yeah, here’s our schedule,” Gail said, handing her the clipboard with all of the names on it.

“Oh, yeah, here’s Mr. Falls’ name,” Andrea said, then she brought her hand up to her mouth and started laughing. “Oh my God!”

“What?” Gail asked, confused with her laughter.

Andrea held the clipboard up, showing both ladies. “See the list of names here?” She said, Both women nodded. “Well, if you go across to this column, what do you see?”

“It says ‘COVID test,’” Heather said, her jaw dropping about as low as it could go.

Gail grabbed the clipboard from Andrea’s hands, traced her finger from Mr. Falls’ name over to the right of it and saw that it did, indeed, say “COVID test.”

“Fuck!!” Gail said. “Holy shit, I’m in so much trouble!”

“What, why?” Heather asked with concern.

“Heather. We were supposed to give him a COVID test, NOT a nut test!” Then she remembered the crunching sound they heard when Andrea walked in. “Shit!” She said, running over to Mr. Falls’ limp body, pushing the wooden table out of her way.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! Look at this nut!” Gail said, holding up his left nut. Andrea’s eyes went wide seeing the swollen orb. “What are we going to do?”

“Is it ruptured?” Heather asked.

Gail rolled the nut around in her hand. “I can’t exactly tell. It’s swollen, but I think it’s still intact.”

“Okay, how about we do this,” Heather said, brainstorming out loud. “Let’s get him dressed, wheel him down to the gym and wake him up for his class.”

“Will that work?” Gail asked with panic in her voice.

“Maybe he won’t remember us kicking him. It’s worth a shot,” Heather said, trying to reassure her new friend.

“Here, help me with these straps,” Gail said to Heather. The two of them carefully undid the restraints holding up their patient.

As Gail started pulling up Mr. Falls’ boxers, she paused and looked at the other two. “If we send him to the gym with these loose boxers on, his nuts are going to be swinging all over the place and he’ll feel that for sure.”

“You’re right,” Heather said. “We should find him a jockstrap to hold those suckers firmly in place. Do you have any in here?”

“I don’t know, let's look around,” Gail said, “But we’ve got to hurry, his class starts in less than ten minutes!”

All three ladies frantically looked in every drawer in the nurse’s office, trying to find a jockstrap, but with the clock ticking, they had to get him back to the gym.

“Shit, this is no use. Let’s just get him in the wheelchair and bring him down to the gym,” Gail said with exasperation.

“Wait!” Andrea shouted as she stepped over to the door to make sure that it was locked. “I have an idea.”

She grabbed the waistband of her light pink leggings and proceeded to lower them down to the floor. Heather and Gail looked at each other with bewilderment. Then Andrea hooked both of her thumbs into the straps of her pink thong and lowered that to the floor. This put a smile on Gail’s face as she figured out what she was doing.

Standing there in her extremely tight white shirt and nothing on below the waist, looking like she was about to do a photo shoot for Playboy, Andrea lifted up her thong, handed it to Gail and said, “This should hold his nuts in place nicely.”

Gail grabbed the panties, pulled Andrea’s face in tightly to hers and gave her a kiss right on the lips. “You’re a genius! Now help me get these on him."

Once the panties were on, the ladies couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “He looks cute,” Heather said with a laugh. “And those nuts aren’t going anywhere!”

“Let’s go!” Gail said as she took control of the wheel chair and they started down the hall.

Once in the gym, the three ladies looked around and the coast was clear. They wheeled the chair into Mr. Fall’s office and started to leave.

“We can’t just leave him here like this,” Gail said. “We should wake him up.”

“It’s probably not a good idea for him to see you two here when he wakes up,” Andrea said. “I’ll just squirt him with this water bottle and tell him it’s time for his class to start.”

“Great idea!” Gail said, patting her on the back. “Thank you so much for helping me out with this. When you’re done, come down to the nurse’s office and let me know how it went.”

“Sure thing - now go!” Andrea said.

Once the other two were gone, Andrea picked up the water bottle and carefully aimed it at Mr. Falls and squeezed hard. Unbeknownst to her, the lid of the water bottle wasn’t screwed on completely and water went everywhere, on Mr. Falls, on the floor and all over Andrea’s white shirt. In a panic to wipe the water off of herself, she didn’t notice that Mr. Falls had woken up until she heard his voice.

“Am I in Heaven?” He said, looking up at this incredibly beautiful, nubile, young lady in tight pink leggings and soaking wet, tight white shirt, completely exposing her gorgeous breasts.

Trying to play off the scene, Andrea went from wiping the water off her breasts, to leaning forward and whispering to the gym teacher, “It’s not heaven, but class does start in about 2 minutes, so we better get a move on.”

Looking up at the clock, Mr. Falls yelled, “Shit! We’re playing indoor softball today. I got to get set up!” He jumped out of his wheelchair and immediately buckled over at the waist. “Ahhh, fuck! My balls!” He screamed. “What happened to my balls?!”

Trying to think fast, Andrea had to say something. “Oh, ummm, the nurse gave you a shot for COVID this morning. She said you might be sore.”

“A shot in my balls?!!!”

“Yeah, well, they think, for guys, that the vaccine will, um, work better if they, um, shoot it directly, ahhh, there, ya know?”

“Really? I don’t even remember them doing that,” Mr. Falls said, now lightly gripping his sack.

“Yeah, they said you passed out right away,” Andrea, of course, lied. “Which is probably a good thing since, ya know, that would probably hurt.”

“So that’s why I was in this wheelchair,” Mr. Falls said to himself.

“Exactly. The nurse told me to keep an eye on you during this class period to be sure you don’t have any adverse reaction to the shot.”

“Is this swelling to be expected?” He asked.

“Oh, um, yes it is. You should be fine by the end of the day. That is, unless you get hit there again,” Andrea said, hoping he wouldn’t notice her slip up by using the word “again.”

Mr. Falls started walking out the door to his office when he winced in pain. “Ugh, how long will this pain last?” He asked Andrea.

“I’m not exactly sure, but you just had an injection into your testicle, so you are to expect some discomfort throughout the day,” Andrea said, making stuff up on the fly.

SOME discomfort? Mr. Falls thought to himself. This is pore agony.

As they exited his office into the gym, Mr. Falls grabbed about ten softballs and was bringing them out to the center of the gym when, Sally, a chipper, bouncy girl who was in his class came running over. “What are we playing today Mr. Falls?! Anything I can help with set-up?”

“Hi, Sally,” Mr. Falls said, grateful that she wanted to help. “We’re playing softball today, can you help me set these up over in the middle of the gym?”

“Sure thing!” She said, far too excitedly. “You really have your hands full, Mr. Falls. Let me grab some of those balls.”

“That would be great, thanks.”

She grabbed three of the balls that looked like they might fall off the top of his pile and ran them over to the middle of the gym.

“Thank you, Sally. You’re very helpful.”

The young lady came running back to help carry more. “Your hands are still really full, Mr. Falls. Let me grab a few more balls. Oh, look! One went down into your shorts!” She said giddily. “That must be uncomfortable. I’ll get it!”

Not realizing what she just said, Mr. Falls kept slowly walking toward the center of the gym when Sally firmly grabbed a hold of the ball in his shorts. And who could blame her? It was the same size as those softballs he was carrying.

“This ball won’t budge!” Sally yelled out, unwittingly taking a hold of her teacher’s swollen nut.

Mr. Falls let out a loud scream and dropped all of the softball he was carrying. But this didn’t deter Sally. She grabbed with even more force and pulled hard, trying to set it free.

Looking on, Andrea was torn - should she do nothing and keep watching this hilarious spectacle or should she intervene and try to save the man’s nut from an overzealous pupil? Then a genius thought came to her. This might be a way to take the blame off of Gail and Heather. That’s actually perfect. So ignoring the teacher’s cries of pain, Andrea decided to play dumb and started picking up all of the softballs he was dropping.

“Mr. Falls, you really should be more careful with your balls - they're going all over the place!” Andrea yelled, “Here let me help!”

“This one is stuck!” Sally cried out, “What should I do?”

“Keep pulling, I’m sure you can pop it free!” Andrea said, trying to hide her smile.

Sally nodded her head, stuck out her tongue in concentration, and now grabbed onto the ball with both hands. Mr. Falls was in no shape to fight back as he slunk to the floor. “Stop,” he tried to yell out. “That’s my ball!”

“Oh, Mr. Falls, what have you always taught us?” Sally said, gripping his nut even harder. “You say we should share the balls, right? So this isn't YOUR ball, it's OUR ball.”

Then, as more students were entering the gym for class - POP! The nut gave way and imploded in Sally’s hands. And Mr. Falls, for the second time today, passed out.

“Ummm, I think this ball is defective,” Sally said, not having the slightest clue what she just did. "It's all mushy now!"

Andrea rushed into the teacher’s office, grabbed the wheelchair and asked for help getting his body onto the chair. The boys in the class were too freaked out to even approach, so a few of the girls went over and helped Andrea lift him onto the chair.

“Ummm, did Sally just pop his nut?” One of the girls whispered as she helped hoist him up.

Witnesses. Perfect, Andrea thought. “I’m afraid she did. I better get him down to the nurse’s office,” Andrea said. “Sally - thanks for your help.”

“Oh, anytime!” The bubbly girl said, still no idea what just happened.

When Andrea got back to the nurse’s office, she explained the whole ordeal to Gail and Heather.

“You’re amazing!” Gail said. “And he didn’t remember us kicking him?"

“No, not at all.” Andrea said. “I just told him that his nut was sore from - get this - you injecting the vaccine into his nuts!”

Gail’s excitement waned and her face now had a serious look.

“What? What’s wrong?” Andrea said. “I thought that was fast thinking.”

“Oh, it was, and I appreciate it. But, you know how some of these guys can talk.” Gail said. “So now, if we don’t inject all of the male teachers in the nuts, word will get back to Mr. Falls and he’ll wonder why we did that to just him.”

“I guess, you’ll just have to administer the vaccine in the nuts of all the male teachers,” Heather said matter of factly.

“I guess so,” answered Gail. “This should be interesting. But this also puts an end to us testing the teachers' nuts with our kicks. That would have been really fun."

Mr. Wilson strode into the nurse’s office, announcing, “I’m here for my test, can you make it quick?” Then he noticed Andrea, her breasts still sticking out from her really tight shirt, her nipples poking out from the chill in the air. “And maybe you two can start dressing a little more like this lovely young woman over here. You both certainly have the bodies for it.”

Gail looked over at Heather. “Well, we could probably do one more nut test on a teacher.”

All three ladies grinned as Gail shut and locked the door.

Chapter 13 part 3 - Mr. Wilson's COVID shot

Mr. Wilson was incredulous at the idea of stripping in front of these three young ladies, arguing with them profusely.

“This is ridiculous,” he said, “and why would I take medical advice from you? Aren’t you just the nurse’s assistant?”

Gail was now fuming - he’s so rude, she thought.

There was a knock on the door. Heather answered it.

“I have the student’s bra and blouse from earlier today - all laundered and ready to go,” the woman at the doorway said.

“Those are mine!” Andrea squealed. “Thank you so much!”

“And why would I need to be naked for the COVID shot, sweetie?” Mr. Wilson continued in a condescending tone.

“You obviously haven’t been keeping up with the news,” Gail said forcefully as she picked up a clipboard, pretending to read a medical directive. “It says here, in males the shots are no longer effective when administered in the arm, so we...”

Gail was trying to be forceful but noticed Mr. Wilson suddenly became very distracted.

Excited to get her clothes back, Andrea turned her back to the group and peeled off her tight white crop top. Even though he couldn’t see her tits, the mere fact that this nubile creature was stripping off her clothes caught Mr. Wilson off guard and his testosterone went into overdrive.

Seeing a perfect opportunity for getting permission on such a brutal act, Gail stepped over, grabbing a blanket permission form and asked Mr. Wilson to sign it.

“This form says that it’s okay for us to inject the vaccine directly into your testicles…” she said, holding out the form and a pen, knowing that Mr. Wilson was too distracted to hear a word she said.

Transfixed on Andrea’s bare top, hoping to see a glimpse of her breasts, Mr. Wilson reached out for the pen but accidentally grabbed Gail’s right breast - which under the circumstances, didn’t even really bother her considering what he was about to allow them to do, so she let it go. After fumbling with her chest for a moment, he quickly glanced over to Gail apologizing for his inadvertent grab and hastily grabbed the pen and clipboard and signed the form, then rapidly looked back over to Andrea, hoping to catch at least a glance of her nudity. He was lucky enough to see a hint of Andrea’s right breast when she turned slightly to put her bra on.

“Great, now step over here so we can strap you in,” Gail said. Gently taking Mr. Wilson by the hand.

Coming out of his trance, he shook his head and meekly asked about the constraints. “I’m…I’m not sure about this. Why would you need restraints?”

“Please just step over her with me and Heather,” Gail said “and we can get you all strapped in for the shot.”

“Oh, I don’t know - this seems a bit extreme doesn’t it?”

Seeing her new friends struggle to persuade him, Andrea came up with a quick plan as she stepped closer to the other three.

“You know, I think they gave me the wrong bra,” she said, grabbing a hold of both of her breasts and jigging them up and down. “This one seems too small doesn’t it?” She asked Mr. Wilson.

“Well, I…I…I don’t know, I don’t know what size bra you normally wear, but that seems fine to me,” he stammered.

Gail and Heather subtly took hold of each of Mr. Wilson’s arms and slowly brought him over to the edge of the bed. He seemed to get agitated when they each brought a hand down to the wrist constraints.

“I think you might be able to see my nipples in this bra, don’t you think?” Andrea said as she gently tugged down on the cups of her bra, indeed, showing a hint of the top curve of her luscious areolae.

“I can, I can, kind of see that, yes,” Mr Wilson said, trying to be polite, but straining to get a better look.

His wrists secured, the two ladies now went to cuff his legs to the bottom of the bed.

“Wait a second!” Mr. Wilson said, kicking one of his legs out of Heather's grasp.

His tone really concerned Andrea and she knew she had to go big.

“I don’t think this is my bra at all,” she said, reaching behind her back to unsnap it. “I don’t have my glasses, can you tell me what size that says?” A now completely topless Andrea asked Mr. Wilson, showing her the tag of her bra.

Trying to pick his jaw up off the floor, Mr. Wilson strained to look at the small lettering on the tag while Andrea held her elbows tight against her chest, giving herself some modesty.

“It, um…looks like…it says, 32, 32, ummm, 32 - C,” he said.

Noticing Gail was having trouble getting Mr. Wilson’s right foot in place, she finally gave in.

“Do these breasts look like they’d fit in a 32-C bra?!!!” Andrea said, relating her arms and bouncing up and down for effect.

It worked like a charm, Gail now easily hand control over his right foot and got it strapped in tightly.

Mr. Wilson could only look at the perfect breasts in front of him bouncing up and down when Gail acted quickly and grabbed a syringe filled with a saline solution - basically a harmless liquid, that wouldn’t hurt him, passing it off as the COVID vaccine - now, the needle she was about to use to administer the shot, that was another thing completely. That was REAL.

With Mr. Wilson still distracted by Andrea’s luscious pair, Heather couldn’t believe that this was actually happening - they were going to stick this large needle into this guy’s nut - and she quickly grabbed her phone and started recording.

“Now Mr. Wilson, this might be a bit uncomfortable,” Gail said looking up at her other two accomplices, a large grin enveloping her face, realizing that may have been the understatement of the century.

All three ladies now were transfixed at the needle and what was about to happen. They quickly felt moisture building in their loins. Andrea’s exposed breasts swelled with excitement, her nipples tantalizingly erect. Which was another perfect distraction for their patient.

Gail steadied his right nut in her left hand and raised the tip of the needle up to the front side of it. She had never done this - obviously - but she thought if she poked it in the front, she could use his body as leverage as she shoved it in. With the needle in place and a tight grip on the nut, she raised her right thumb and placed it on the plunger. One last look up at the two female students watching intently, wet spots now clearly showing in both of their crotches, Gail slowly pushed her thumb forward. Andrea and Heather both lowered their jaws with every millimetre of progress the needle made. Then the wailing started.

Mr. Wilson was not prepared for this kind of pain - and who could blame him, really? Sure, he had been hit in the balls on accident before, but NOTHING like this. His wail rapidly turned into a scream. The receptionist who worked in the front room of the nurse’s office was a bit concerned and got up to see if she needed to check in on the nurse. She was about to knock on the door when she saw the sign that read, “Nut Testing Today, Please Knock Before Entering.” She smiled and went back to her desk. “Poor kid,” she said under her breath, "Hope he has tough nuts!"

Once again trying to help, Andrea grabbed her bra and shoved the entire C-cup into his mouth, greatly muffling the sound emanating from his yapper.

Gail was concentrating on the task at hand and continued to drive the plunger deeper into the science teacher's nut. She could see his legs start to shake as he gurgled into Andrea’s bra. Both Heather and Andrea now stood directly behind Gail, each with a hand on her shoulder as they leaned in to watch the needle-plunging up close, Gail now feeling Andrea’s bare breast against her shoulder, sending a wave of arousal down her spine.

Once the plunger was all the way in Mr. Wilson’s nut, the three of them looked up and saw his eyes roll to the back of his head as he passed out. “He is OUT,” Andrea said with a giggle.

“That was AMAZING!” Heather chimed in, not so subtly grinding her hand into her crotch, much to the amusement of the others. “We should do the other one!”

“I don’t know, Heather,” Gail said, trying to tamp down the excitement in the room. “That’s gonna hurt him for a LONG time. And to do that TWICE, how could we justify that?”

“Hey, I see where you’re coming from, and I don’t want to get you in trouble, but you saw how much of a perv he is. Did you see him staring at Andrea?!! He’s like that ALL the time. I say we do his other nut,” Heather offered up.

They could tell she was contemplating it as the two now linked arms in anticipation of her permission. Gail, still squatting in front of their male victim, looked up at Heather who was grinning widely, “I guess we could say we weren’t sure the first shot had enough dosage…” Heather held tighter to Andrea’s arm, nodding her head in approval. Then Gail looked over at Andrea and her beautiful breasts still on display, thinking about how much she sacrificed for this endeavor, and she stood up.

Not yet giving an answer, the two younger ladies eyed Gail as she sauntered across the room to Nurse Spalding’s desk and pulled out a drawer.

“Well?” Heather asked in sweet anticipation, “Are we going to do his other nut?”

Gail found what she was looking for, hid it in her hand and approached the other two with a shit-eating grin on her face. “We can do his other nut,” she said holding up a new needle, “but I want our hero of the day to do the honors,” Gail said, handing the syringe to Andrea.

Andrea’s face lit up like a Christmas tree as she took the implement from Gail. She started jumping up and down with excitement, her breasts like two solid Jell-O molds, following along.

“Take it easy,” Gail said laughing, “you’re going to poke an eye out with those things.”

The assistant nurse put her hand on Andrea’s bare shoulder and directed her to their “patient.” All three of them crouched down to get a good look at Mr. Wilson’s nuts. Gail reached out her hand and grasped the one she just skewered. “Oh, my,” she said with some pride, “His nut is starting to swell.”

“So cool!” Heather exclaimed.

“You ready?” Gail asked Andrea.

“Can I try something?”

“What do you have in mind?” Gail asked.

“I want to inject it into the back of his nut.”

“That could be a little difficult, you’d almost have to…”
Andrea beat her to the punch as she grabbed a hold of his left nut and started twisting.

“I guess that could work,” Gail said, patting her on the back.

It was quite a scene watching this gorgeous, topless, young lady squatting in front of one of her science teachers, twisting his left nut. All three women were silent as they watched the nut get turned around. Then they heard cracking sounds, causing them to all burst out laughing.

"Ummm, what was that sound?" Andrea asked, looking down at the nut in her hand

“I think it's just tearing cartilage in there,” Heather said in a hushed voice. “That’s so awesome.”

“That’s probably far enough,” Gail said, “we don’t want to rip it off - that might be hard to explain.” All three ladies tried to stifle a laugh.

Andrea measuredly brought the needle up to the nut. With her tongue sticking out in concentration, she jabbed the nut and immediately recoiled in fright.

“Ohhhh, that felt weird!” She said, letting the syringe fall to the floor. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay, you can do this,” Gail encouraged her new protege.

Andrea reached out and felt his nut. “Do you think his nut is still turned around?”

“Good question. Let me take a feel,” Gail said, sliding over to get a better vantage point.

Twisting the nut in her hand, she was having a hard time determining exactly which way the nut was facing. “Let me just give this a turn this way…” and CRACK! The sound was so loud it startled all three of them.

“Yeeouch!” Heather said, “That had to hurt!”

“Well, he’s knocked out,” Andrea assured her.

“Oh, he’ll feel that when he wakes up,” Gail said, breathing in through her teeth, surprised how far the nut went around. “Well, I’m not sure if it’s the back of his nut now, but let’s give this a go.”

The topless nymph grabbed the nut in front of her to steady it, brought the needle up to her teacher’s groin and, not wanting a repeat performance, she aggressively jabbed the needle into Mr. Wilson’s twisted left nut, simultaneously pushing down hard on the plunger.

Once in, she let go, stood up and breathed a huge sigh of relief, lifting her hands like she just squashed a bug.

“That felt amazing!” She yelled.

“Ummm, you forgot one thing,” Gail said with a giggle as now all three girls were standing up, looking down at the syringe dangling from the poor guy’s sack.

Suddenly there was a rather aggressive knock on the door, which made them all jump.

“Who is it?” Gail said, slightly panicked.

“Mrs. Fillmore. Here for my COVID test,” the stern, older anatomy teacher called out.

Gail whispered to Andrea, “Put a shirt on, quick.” Then she looked at Heather, “Get the door, but don't open it until I say!” As Gail quickly slid over to Mr. Wilson on her knees, looking like a rock star on stage. She grasped at the syringe, but because the nut was trying to twist back in place, it made it much more difficult to extract.

“Hello?” Mrs. Fillmore said, a bit annoyed.

Heather was about to open the door when Gail held up her right hand and whispered loudly, “WAIT!”

For the next few seconds she grappled with the needle stuck in this man’s nut. She wrapped her left hand around the orb and grasped the needle firmly in her right. Sucking in some breath to muster up her strength, she yanked hard with her right hand and finally - plop! The needle was freed!

Heather immediately opened the door to find a less-than-happy science teacher waiting just outside of it.

“I don’t have all day. Can we get this test going?” She asked, looking at three very young “nurses.” One of them with a white blouse on and clearly no bra on underneath. “Where is nurse Spalding?” The teacher asked with an annoyed look. “And why is Mr. Wilson strapped to that bed naked as a Jaybird?”

Gail nervously stepped forward, hoping she could explain things. “Well, Miss Spalding had to take a student to the hospital and she put me in charge of the nurse's office today.”

“Oh, dear. To the hospital for what?” Mrs. Fillmore asked, pulling her glasses down her nose and studying Gail's face.

“Well, the boy had a ruptured test…test…test…”

“Testicle.” Mrs Fillmore said matter-of-factly. “You can say it dear. I’m an anatomy teacher for heaven’s sake.”

“Yes, a ruptured testicle,” Gail got the confidence to say.

“And what are you doing with him,” the teacher asked sternly, pointing at her colleague strapped to the bed.

The ladies froze. They couldn’t tell an anatomy teacher they were injecting a vaccine into his nuts - she would see right through that. Once again, it was Andrea to the rescue.

“We were testing his nuts!” She said pointing at the sign that hung on the still-opened door.

“Ahh yes, Principal Brown’s marvelous idea of testing boys’ testicles to see if they are worthy of the self defense class.” Mrs. Fillmore said, almost condescendingly. “What will she think of next?”

“We can cover him up if this offends you,” Gail said with a nervous tone.

The teacher again, looked down her glasses at the young nursing assistant, “Darling, like I said, I teach anatomy. The male body doesn’t affect me in anyway. Although, your kicking must have been pretty aggressive, Mr. Wilson there is suffering from torsion of the testicle.”

“Torsion? What’s that?” Andrea asked with sincerity.

Gail stepped in to answer, turning her head to face Andrea. “Torsion is a twisting of the testicle," she said through clenched teeth.

“Very good, young lady. And a very painful ailment from what I've read,” the science teacher said, showing a small grin for the first time in maybe forever.

“Yeah, it made a cracking sound when it twisted!” Heather blurted out much to the consternation of Gail, who thought that might have given them away.

“You don’t say?” Mrs. Fillmore said with another slight smile.

Sensing an in here, Gail piped up. “Maybe you could help us return it to its original position? You'd really be helping out Mr. Wilson here.”

“Well, I’ve never done this with a live subject, but I suppose it can't be that much different.” She said as she walked toward Mr. Wilson, not waiting for an answer from the girls.

She squatted down in her long black conservative dress that she had probably been wearing since the 1990s, and probed the sack in front of her. “This is peculiar,” she said softly to herself, the girls terrified that their needling ways may have been exposed. “There’s a bit of blood on each testicle.”

“Well, yeah. Um…” Gail was trying to come up with something quickly. But then it was Heather’s turn to save the day.

“I forgot to take my heels off and got him good with those puppies,” she said, pointing to a pair of black stiletto heels that Miss Spalding kept in the corner of the office.

Mrs. Fillmore took a glance over at the shoes, looking at them for a moment, making Heather a little nervous, wondering if she bought the lie.

Mrs. Fillmore drew in a breath, winced, and looked back up to the girls. “Oh, dear, pointed heels to the testicles would be very painful indeed.” All three ladies could sense her guard coming down, which took most of the tension out of the air.

“So can you twist his nut back, do you think?” Heather asked.

“I can take a look at his testicle,” she said, emphasizing the correct term of the male anatomy. “Let’s take a look, shall we?”

Gail hurried over and grabbed a footstool to make things easier for the veteran teacher.

“Why, thank you my dear. Very kind of you.”

The teacher took hold of the stool, positioned it in front of her live specimen, and took hold of the twisted testicle in front of her. “Hmmm, that’s peculiar,” she said once again.

“What is it? Something wrong with his nut?” Gail asked, truly intrigued.

“His nnn,” she caught herself, “his testicle, seems to be facing forward. Come - take a feel.”

Gail knelt down next to the teacher and grabbed hold of his testicle.

“Now palpate the front of his testicle lightly with your thumb.”

Gail did as instructed. “Do you feel how smooth that is?” Gail nodded.

“Now feel the back of the testicle.” Gail complied.

“Can you feel that ridge going down the center?” Again, Gail nodded.

“That’s the corpus epididymis. And that tender vein is right where it’s supposed to be - in the back.” The teacher said to her new pupil, rather intrigued. Then a light bulb went off. “It can’t be,” Mrs. Fillmore said, brushing Gail aside, muttering under her breath, “give me that nut.”

Gail was surprised to hear the ever-proper teacher use that word, but she wasn’t about to say anything about it.

“Good golly,” the teacher said, looking at the other three ladies staring down at her. “This thing is twisted ALL the way around. No wonder you heard a cracking. Mr. Wilson is definitely going to be hurting when he wakes up. Now, which way do I twist this thing to get it back in place?” She said looking up at Gail.

“Beats me. I would try going to the left, since we were kicking mostly from the right,” Gail made up on the spot, hoping the science teacher would buy it and twist the guy’s nut even further.

“I guess that makes sense,” Mrs. Fillmore said, adjusting herself on the stool so she could get a good grip on the orb.

All three ladies were entranced. Would it make a noise again? They wondered. Would she make it worse? Either way, they were excited and thrilled at the new friend they seemed to be making.

“Here goes nothing,” she said, looking at the other three as she gripped the nut tightly. You could hear a pin drop as the girls intently watched the teacher at work. She bore down on the nut and kept twisting. “Hmm, it’s hard to tell if it’s stuck because I’m going the wrong way, or if it’s because it’s had a chance to calcify since it happened.”

“What is calcify?” Andrea asked inquisitively.

“Good question, my dear. It’s when the internal organ - in this case, his testicle, has blood pool in the area and that blood congeals, causing a sort of scar tissue around the area.”

“Oh, I definitely think it’s that!” Andrea said, maybe a little too enthusiastically.

“How about we ask the expert?” Mrs. Fillmore said, turning to Gail.

Gail was floored by the compliment. This well-renowned science teacher just called her the expert. When in reality, Gail really didn’t know much about testicles or calcification at this point in her schooling. But she wasn't about to waste this grand opportunity.

Stroking her chin in faux contemplation, the young assistant nurse took a moment and said, “Yes, I believe you’re exactly right. In my professional opinion, it’s definitely the calcify thing you mentioned.”

“And there you have it, from the expert,” the teacher said, now confident in the diagnosis.

Taking things a bit further, Gail really wanted to hit home the point. “But just be warned, fighting against the calcification can take a bit of elbow grease. That scar tissue can be tough stuff. You may have to exert some effort.”

“I shall try my darndest, young lady,” the teacher said in earnest. "For Mr. Wilson's sake!" she said to the group. "For Mr. Wilson's sake!" they cheered back in unison, causing at least three pairs of panties to become moist again. Check that, Andrea had graciously donated her thong to Mr. Falls (who was still out cold in the recovery area of the nurse’s office, just behind them) so two pairs of panties and beautiful light-pink leggings were now getting wetter by the second.

Mrs. Fillmore went back to the left testicle before her and took hold. One twist to the left was surprisingly easy. “That went well - I think you were right, twisting to the left was the answer,” the teacher said looking at the girls, who now were a little disappointed. “Let me give it another twist and he should be as good as new!”

Mrs. Fillmore had every intention of curing this man of his predicament, she was a high-standing member of the science community after all and he was her colleague. And perhaps these girls could learn a thing or two from her, she thought. Smiling, she twisted the testicle another turn and a concerned look came upon her face.

“What is it?” Gail asked.

“I’m afraid I have come upon some calcification here.”

“Oh, no,” Gail said, trying to sound convincing. "What should we do?"

“We might have some work ahead of us here,” the teacher said, determined to fix Mr. Wilson’s problem.

“If there’s anyone who can do this, it’s you, Mrs. Fillmore,” Gail said, patting her on the back.

“Why thank you dear. Aren’t you just a sweetheart?”

Gail looked over at her accomplices as they all tried to stifle a laugh.

The teacher once again took hold of the nut and this time, she reached her other hand and wrapped it around Mr. Wilson’s thigh for leverage. “Here it goes,” is all she said.

The girls were now elbowing each other as they watched the coolest thing they had ever seen unfold in front of them. Smiles were plastered on their faces.

With her teeth now clenched, Mrs. Fillmore dug in and really went to work on that nut. After numerous seconds, she started muttering under her breath, “C’mon, little guy. I’m just trying to get you back where you belong.”

Gail bent over and whispered, “You can do it, Cathy,” calling her by her first name.

Then CRACK!!!

Gail could sense the sound noise startled the science teacher and she immediately tried to put her at ease, again whispering, “that was just the calcification, you’re doing great.” The teacher looked up, nut still in her determined hand, and nodded saying, “I got this. His nut is going right back where it belongs!”

Again, Gail noted her use of their favorite “N-word” and was thrilled to hear it come out of Mrs. Fillmore's mouth. She was slowly but surely coming over to their side, Gail thought.

Back at it, Mrs. Fillmore dug her thumb in deep to get a better grip. “This calcification is really tough, I’m not sure I can turn it any more.”

Wanting to see how far this could go, Gail looked at the others and waved her hand up and down, signaling them to encourage her.

“You got this Mrs. F!” Heather cheered.

“Twist that nut!” Andrea yelled, “We believe in you!”

With newfound vigor, the science teacher lowered her head, squeezed Mr. Wilson’s thigh with her opposite hand and turned with all her might.


The sound of the testicle dislodging from its moorings was louder than any of the women had anticipated. Heather creamed her leggings on the spot. Gail quickly brought her hand down to her crotch and started rubbing enthusiastically. And Andrea, the slower one, yelled out “What was that!”

Mrs. Fillmore sat there in shock. She loosened her grip on his thigh, but kept a hold of the testicle in her hand. A testicle that she had just accidentally ripped off - and all in an effort to save it. She cupped it in her hand and bobbed it up and down, her eyes wide as saucers at what she had just done.

Trying to fight back an impending orgasm, Gail knew she had to console their new friend. She tore her hand away from her wet crotch and placed both of her hands on Mrs. Fillmore’s shoulders, leaning down to whisper, “You did what you could. That was some calcification.”

The teacher craned her neck to look up at Gail, still in shock, she could only say, “I ripped his nut off. I just ripped this guy’s nut completely off his body.”

The talk was enough to send a rush of juices to Gail’s groin, she crossed her legs to fight off the inevitable orgasm. But when the teacher let go of the nut and it heavily plopped to the bottom of his sack. That sealed the deal. Seeing the detached nut swinging at the bottom of his sack, Gail spun away from Mrs. Fillmore, threw her hand down her pants and slid three of her fingers into her slit, trying very hard not to scream out in ecstasy, enjoying wave after wave of orgasms.

While the three girls did their best to hide the little masturbation circle they had going, Mrs. Fillmore sat on the stool, staring at the nut she just plucked off of her colleague in disbelief. “I just ripped it off,” She said to no one in particular. “His entire nut - off of his body. Detached.” Then she stuck her arm out and began to juggle the lone free ball. “I liberated his left nut. Just twisted it until it ripped off.” Bounce, bounce, bounce - she continued playing with it.

Seeing she was still in shock, Gail squeezed out one more orgasm, shivered her upper torso, and walked over to the teacher to try and console her. She will probably never get over this, she thought. Standing behind her, Gail rubbed the teacher's back in a slow, soothing motion. Mrs. Fillmore looked up at her, reached out for the nut and said, “I just ripped off his nut. Whoops! Sorry your nut is gone,” she said looking at the young assistant nurse while still playing with the dangling nut.

Gail led her hand down the teacher’s arm until it came to her hand that was still gripping the nut. She gently tried to pry her fingers off the orb, but the teacher had a solid grip of the thing. “Let go of the nut,” Gail whispered in her ear. “You are the hero in this story. You freed his nut from all that horrible calcification surrounding it.” Mrs. Fillmore shot a quick look up to the nurse. Her eyes filled with gratitude.

“I did free his nut, didn’t I?”

“You sure did,” Gail said as she finally got her teacher’s hand off the nut and gently lifted her up by the hand, guiding her to stand up into a warm embrace. “You freed his nut from all of that calcification -saving him from a lifetime of pain.”

Mrs. Fillmore started to weep as she tightly embraced her new friend. “I liberated that nut,” the teacher said proudly. "He will be much better off without it, right?"

“Of course, you're right," Gail said tenderly. "He will never have pain in that stupid nut again, thanks to you."

Mrs. Fillmore felt so loved at that moment. Feeling this nubile young lady pressed up against her chest was wonderful. The smell of the three young ladies' sexual juices filled the room - it was glorious - and it caused a stirring in Mrs. Fillmore's loins. And now, the heat of Gail’s embrace was really starting to take effect. All of the teacher’s guilt began to fade away, replaced by another emotion that was so bereft in her world of late - excitement.

The other two girls came over to join in a group hug. Stepping back and feeling the love, Mrs. Fillmore joined hands with Gail to her right and Heather to her left, with Andrea grabbing their hands to complete the circle. The four of them stood still for a moment, looking at each other, sharing a smile. A tear started falling down the teacher’s right cheek. Gail let go of her hand and gently wiped it away, saying, “Are you going to be okay?”

Mrs. Fillmore took a hold of Gail’s hand once again, momentarily bowed her head, lifted it back up, looked each girl in the eye and said, “That was amazing. I never felt anything like it in my life!” She raised both of her hands in triumph while still holding on to the other girls’ hands and they all joined in a loud cheer of joy!

“Sorry to break this up,” a young man at the door said, "but my mom sent me here for some sort of nut test," he said looking confused. “Is this the right place?”

Mrs. Fillmore jumped at the chance, took the boy by the hand and ushered him over to the bed next to Mr. Wilson and exclaimed, “you ARE in the right place young man! Please lower your shorts and let the nut kicking begin!”

Chapter 13, part 4 - Mrs. Fillmore's Transformation

An update is in order…

Tommy and Miss Spalding were now at the hospital to have Tommy’s injured cock examined.

Mr. Falls, the Phy Ed teacher had his right nut ruptured by his student, Sally - who was just trying to help him move his balls to the middle of the gym! - was now back in the nurse’s office in one of the back rooms, passed out from his injury.

Mr. Wilson, the pervy science teacher, just had both his nuts jabbed with long needles with the understanding that it was the COVID vaccine, and had his left nut twisted off by the grey-haired Mrs. Fillmore (the strict, but coming-out-of-her-shell, anatomy teacher) and was still passed out and strapped standing up to the end of the hospital bed in the nurse’s office.

And Gail, the nurse’s assistant, who was in charge of the nursing station for the day, was accompanied by two senior girls, Heather - the girl with the growing reputation of being the school’s best nut tester - and Andrea, the cheerleader who, through the course of things, now was helping the others test nuts in the nurse’s office - oh, and was now sans bra and underwear, wearing only her tight, light pink, leggings and a white button-down Oxford shirt.

And now they were joined by little Charlie Watts, a short, skinny senior boy whose mother signed him up to have his nuts tested, even though he wasn’t even in the girls’ self-defense class.

“Charlie, come with me over here,” Gail said, looking at the form he brought from his mother. “And please strip down to your underwear.”

“Ahhh, my mom had me wear these white lycra shorts - said it was for the test,” Charlie said, somewhat shyly.

“Terrific!” Gail said, “Strip to those shorts and join me over at this bed.”

Looking over at Mr. Wilson, who was just a few feet away, strapped to a bed not far from his, Charlie asked, “What happened to Mr. Wilson? He doesn’t look so good.”

“Oh, he’s fine,” Gail tried to reassure her new patient. “Both of his nuts are still attached, nothing to worry about. Step over here so we can strap you in.”

“Strap me in?” Charlie said, starting to look even more nervous.

“Of course, silly. For your test!” Andrea said as she came bouncing over, holding Heather’s hand.

Heather had the chart in her hand of the day’s “volunteers” when she noticed that Charlie wasn’t even signed up for the class. “Wow, you signed up for nut testing and you’re not even in the self defense class?!”

Charlie, who was now completely strapped to the end of the bed standing up, dropped his head in embarrassment, “Yeah, my mom signed me up so my older sister could practice self defense on me on account-a her working downtown.”

"Aww, that's so sweet," Heather said, actually touched he'd do this for his sister.

“Shall we get the kicking started?” Mrs. Fillmore said, eager to help out.

“You won’t be kicking anybody in that outfit,” Gail said, grabbing Mrs. Fillmore’s hand. “Here, come with me.”

“Ahh, that’s very sweet that you want to help out your sister like that,” Andrea said, tousling his hair, and maybe purposely rubbing her chest against his shoulder.

Heather noticed the stirring in Charlie’s tight white shorts - is he getting hard? She thought to herself. If so, he’s not working with much down there. She went over to Andrea and whispered very quietly, “Umm, is little Charlie getting a stiffy?”

Andrea looked, squinted her eyes, and then looked again. “If that’s a stiffy, he must not have hit puberty yet,” Andrea said holding back her laughter.


“I know Miss Spalding keeps many different outfits here in her office,” Gail said, opening up a closet that had lots of different clothes hanging inside. “Let’s get you out of that long dress and into something much more conducive to kicking nuts.”

“I didn’t even think of that,” Mrs. Fillmore said, grabbing a hold of her long, bulky dress, realizing Gail was right.

“You should probably slip out of that so I can see what might fit you,” Gail said.

“Oh, okay,” Mrs. Fillmore replied. “Can you unzip me?” She said turning around, giving Gail access to her back.

Both ladies were a little apprehensive. Sensing the tension, Gail put both of her hands on her shoulders from behind and whispered, “This will be fun. We'll find you something really cute!”

Gail slowly brought the zipper down on the back of the dress and noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. As she unzipped the dress, the back of her hand made contact with Mrs. Fillmore’s back. “You have very soft skin,” Gail said in a hushed tone.

“Thank you, my dear. I’ve been blessed with that my whole life.”

When Gail was done with the zipper, she brought both hands up to the top of the dress, pulled it apart, and let it fall to the floor. When Mrs. Fillmore turned around, Gail couldn’t help but blush, and then smiled a huge smile. “You are beautiful,” Gail said, looking the teacher up and down.

Now it was Mrs. Fillmore’s turn to blush. “Hush, young lady. It’s been a long time since anyone has called me that.”

Gail stood in awe of the 60-something woman that stood before her. Her breasts were large - probably a D-cup - and yet had very little sag to them. They had almost a teardrop shape that caused the nipples to point up in a beautiful slope.


“Maybe you want to give him the Mr. Wilson treatment?” Heather said with a smile on her face.

“The what?”

“You know, the Mr. Wilson treatment?”

“You want me to twist his nut off?”

A bit exasperated, Heather walked over to Miss Spalding’s desk, grabbed the cup of coffee that had been sitting there all morning, moseyed over to Andrea and threw the coffee in her face, with much of it landing on her shirt.

“What in the hell?” Andrea exclaimed, a bit upset at her new friend, “Why did you…” then it hit her. Ahhhh, the Mr. Wilson treatment. Now she got it.

“Oh, no!” Andrea screamed, making sure to face Charlie. “This shirt is soaked! Quick, hand me my other shirt!”

Heather went racing across the room while Andrea started unbuttoning her white Oxford shirt, now facing away from Charlie in fake modesty.

“That’s twice in one day I’ve had coffee spilled on me - can you believe that?” She said, now turning to Charlie completely topless.

“I, I, I… can’t be-be-believe that,” Charlie managed to sputter out upon seeing his first pair of live tits ever in his life. “Did it - um - burn you?”

“I can’t tell,” Andrea said, stepping ever so close to Charlie. “Do you see any scalding on my chest?” She said as she swayed her torso back and forth right in front of his face.

“Well, I, um, don’t really, um, see any b-b-b-burn marks,” he spit out, eyes glued to her amazing breasts.

“Well, that’s a relief,” Andrea said, now putting on her tight crop top shirt and spinning toward Heather and whispering. “Oh my God, look at it! It’s like two inches!”


“I never knew you had such an amazing body,” Gail said with a hint of excitement. “I mean, you always wear those - no offense - those baggy dresses. But look at you!”

“Now you’re embarrassing me, young lady.”

“I mean it. You’re a knock out. I hope my boobs look that great when I’m your age! And you don’t even wear a bra!”

“I never have. I think that’s what has kept mine in good shape. My breasts have found a way to support themselves, it's pretty natural when you think about it. And that’s why I usually wear baggy clothes, to hide these puppies,” she said, lifting both of them up with her hands.

“Those are incredible! But hey, we got to get started. Let’s find you an outfit suited for kicking balls!”

“Now you’re talking!” Mrs. Fillmore said, stepping closer to her new friend.

Gail pulled out a very small, pink button-up shirt and held it up to the teacher’s chest. “This is super cute!”

“It’s cute, but can we find something that will cover my tummy?”

“Yeah, good call,” Gail agreed. She continued filing through the rack of clothes when she came upon a white, long-sleeved, button up shirt that was ribbed and had great stretch to it. “This is great!” She said, holding it up to the teacher.

“This might work,” Mrs. Fillmore muttered as she grabbed it from her hand and slipped her arms into it.

“Here, let me help you with the buttons,” Gail said smiling. When the buttons were all fastened, Gail stepped back and gazed at the anatomy teacher in awe. “That fits you like a glove!”

She was right, the stretchy white fabric sensually hugged every curve, allowing just a hint of nipple to show through.

“Now we have to find you a skirt!”

Gail went rifling through Miss Spalding’s collection of short skirts and quickly found one she thought would do the trick. “This should work! Try this on.”

Mrs. Fillmore grabbed the skirt, astonished at how little fabric there was to it. “I’m not sure I can wear this.”

Seeing the teacher’s rather large white granny panties, Gail swooped in and said, “you’re right. These underwear do NOT go with this skirt!” And just like that, she pulled them down and off the teacher, spun around and pulled out the top drawer of Miss Spalding’s desk. “Here we go!” Gail said, pulling out a tiny black thong, still in its package.

“She has a drawer of panties?” Mrs. Fillmore asked bewildered, holding her hand over her pussy for modesty.

“Oh, yes. It was one of the first things she showed me when I started working here. You never know when a student is in need of a fresh pair!”

Mrs. Fillmore begrudgingly grabbed the panties from Gail and started to slip them on. “I guess those ones were pretty damp," she said of her discarded panties, "but I’ve never worn a thong before.”

“Oh, you will love it! Now try on the skirt!”

"Does she have any nylons? I'm not keen on bare legs."

"I don't think she has any nylons, but what about these?" Gail said, holding up a pair of black thigh high stockings.

"I guess those will work," Mrs. Fillmore said, sitting in Miss Spalding's chair to put them on.

Gail was giddy with excitement at the extreme makeover that was occurring right before her eyes. Mrs. Fillmore pulled up the short black skirt over her black thigh-highs and matching black thong, zipped up the small zipper on the side, then twisted the skirt so it was facing forward.

Gail brought both of her hands up to her mouth. “Oh…my… God.” Was all she could say.

“What?” Mrs. Fillmore said, starting to feel very self-conscious. “Is it hideous”

“Oh… my… God - no! You look amazing! Come over here to the mirror!”

Gail got behind the teacher and gently, but excitedly pushed her toward the mirror on the wall to their left. When the teacher saw herself in the mirror, she had to take in a breath. “Oh, wow. This skirt is, ahh, pretty short.”

Gail, still behind her, put her chin on the teacher’s left shoulder and caressed both of her triceps from behind. “You look amazing. Don’t let anyone tell you any different. And besides, you need the skirt this short so you can kick with these gorgeous legs!”

“I guess. But this might take a little getting used to.”

“Oh, one more thing,” Gail said, reaching up to the bun on top of Mrs. Fillmore’s head. “How about we do this,” she said, pulling the barrette out and letting her hair cascaded down to her shoulders. It was a beautiful grey color with some streaks of black from days of her youth.

“Turn around,” Gail said. The nurse’s assistant looked her new creation up and down. “Stunning. You ready to go kick some nuts?”

“Hi-ya!!” Mrs. Fillmore yelled, kicking her right foot high into the air, giving Gail a quick glimpse of the black panties that were under that wonderful short skirt. But she also noticed something else and she ran across the room.

Mrs. Fillmore started laughing when she saw what she brought over.

“You can’t go kicking nuts with those sensible flats on. Try these.” Gail said, handing over a shiny pair of black stilettos.

“This should complete the outfit,” Mrs. Fillmore said, now grinning ear to ear. “I’m going to use the restroom. I’ll see you out there in a jiffy.”


Gail walked into the main part of the nurse’s office where Heather and Andrea were messing around with Charlie.

“I see you have him secured to the bed already, good job,” Gail said, patting Heather on the back.

Under her breath, Heather said to Gail, “Look at his shorts.”

Not getting the immediate reference Gail whispered back, “Good to see he has the nut-testing shorts on, good job.”

“No…Look at his crotch. He’s hard.”

“Oh my God,” Gail said, unable to hide her amusement. Then she turned her back so Charlie couldn’t see, brought up her hand and made a gesture with her thumb and pointer finger, indicating how small he was. “He’s tiny,” she blurted out, louder than she should have. “And he’s a senior, right?!!”

“Yes! We HAVE to measure that thing,” Heather said directly into Gail’s ear.

“I’m not sure we have the time, besides, maybe he’s not fully hard yet?”

“Oh, he’s hard. Look at Andrea.”

Andrea was busy doing some stretches, the super tight crop top accentuating her full bust, the bottoms of her breasts peeking out from the shirt, only a few feet in front of Charlie.

“You’re right,” Gail said. “We have to measure it!”

Gail scampered over to the main desk and pulled out a cloth measuring tape.

“Now, Charlie, I’m sure your mother told you that before we can test out your nuts today, we have to take a few measurements,” Gail said.

“Umm, no she didn’t,” Charlie said quite nervously. “Measurements of what?”

“Well, mainly your nuts. We have to get a reading both before and after the beating - um, testing, to see if there is any swelling afterwards.”

“She didn’t tell me about that,” Charlie said, hoping to somehow get out of that part of the test. “Is that completely necessary? I’m not even in the class.”

That caused all three ladies to giggle - the fact that this senior’s mother signed him up to have his nuts kicked, even though he’s not in the class.

Andrea went back to work. She stood to Charlie’s left, pressed her large breasts against his shoulder and started playing with his chest. “Now, Charlie, this is standard procedure for ALL of the guys today. I’m sure you have nothing to be embarrassed about, big boy.”

Charlie was beside himself with lust. He would have agreed to just about anything at this point.

“I guess, if you say it’s standard procedure.”

Andrea didn’t waste any time, she slid down Charlie’s side, her breasts rubbing against him the whole way, and she slowly pulled his white lycra shorts down to his knees. All three ladies had to do their best to stifle a laugh at what they saw. How could this senior boy be THAT SMALL? They thought to themselves. How embarrassing.

Once his shorts were down, Andrea turned to Gail, “He’s all yours…what there is of him anyway.”

Gail stepped over with the measuring tape and squatted in front of her patient. Being this close to his groin, Gail got a very good look at Charlie’s package. She was in disbelief at its size. Concealing a grin, she brought the tape measure up and wrapped it around his left testicle. “Looks like three inches round,” she said to Heather, "very normal." Then she motioned for her to pick up the clipboard next to her. They had to make it look somewhat official.

Heather, picked up the clipboard and next to Charlie’s name, wrote down the measurement. “Three inches round,” she said as she wrote it in.

“Now on to the right nut,” Gail said, grazing the tip of Charlie’s little guy, who was still standing at attention. “Oh, three and a half inches round!” She said excitedly. “This one’s a little bigger!!”

The other two acted somewhat impressed, “Oh, three and a half - he’s got some big ones!” Heather said, nudging Andrea with her elbow.

“And now to measure the penis,” Gail said in her best nurse’s voice.

Even though he was strapped to the bed, Charlie started squirming and swaying his hips. “Umm, do we really HAVE to take that measurement?” Charlie asked.

“Of course we do,” Gail retorted. “Your testicles provide a great deal of testosterone required to determine the size of your penis and after they get put through a thorough testing it will be imperative that we get measurements both before and after the testing. I’m sure you understand.”

“Ye-yeah, I guess so,” Charlie said dejectedly.

Gail inched closer to Charlie’s groin, turned and looked back at the other two girls, grinned and turned back to Charlie, bringing the tape measure up to the base of his little dick. Both Andrea and Heather stepped to either side of Gail so they could get a better view, smiles plastered on their faces.

“Hmmm,” Gail said, “Let me see here,” as she had her left hand pressed against his pubis bone and brought her right hand down the shaft of his cock. “Looks like…” she paused for dramatic effect. “Looks like…two aaaaaand three quarters inches.” Gail looked up at Charlie who now had his eyes closed and was visibly trembling. Heather and Andrea clasped hands behind Gail in excitement and opened their mouths wide, sharing a silent laugh.

"Is, is that normal?" Charlie asked with a great deal of hesitation.

"Well, it does put you in the category of," she paused and lowered her voice, "the category of micro-penis." She could see how dejected his face looked. "Bit, it’s okay, you’re still a growing boy!” Gail said, trying to give some comfort to the boy.

“She’s right,” Mrs. Fillmore said entering the room. “For most young men their penises are not done developing until they are 25 years old. You have some time yet, Charlie.”

Charlie opened his eyes to see an older teacher standing in front of him, but he couldn’t really tell who it was. His eyes were now glued to the female’s amazing tits, quite visible through her tight white shirt.

“Ummm, thanks,” Charlie said. “Are you a new nurse or something?”

Charlie didn’t recognize his very own anatomy teacher. Heather and Andrea were quite shocked as well.

“Mrs. Fillmore, you look amazing!” Andrea said. “That outfit is so cute on you!”

“M-m-m-Mrs. Fillmore?” Charlie sputtered out. “Is that you?!”

“Ahh, don’t be silly, Charlie. I have you in my 4th hour anatomy class. Of course, it’s me.”

“Holy shit,” he muttered under his breath, causing the teacher to blush and momentarily cover up her breasts by crossing her arms.

“Well, at this point I wouldn’t be too concerned with the size of your penis, I’d be more concerned with what your testicles are about to experience.” Mrs. Fillmore said, “I’m surprised your mother signed you up for this test.”

“She wants me to help my older sister with her self defense - she’s taking a class at the college, but apparently, they don’t have any live dummies to practice on.”

“Well, that’s very nice of you to offer this part of your anatomy for your sister,” Mrs. Fillmore said, taking a look down at his groin when she uttered the word “this.”

“She’s my sister,” Charlie said, a glint in his eye, “Of course I’d do this for her.”

“Awww!” Heather and Andrea said in unison. "That's so sweet."

“For real, though, Mrs. Fillmore, you look super hot!” Andrea said, looking the teacher up and down after her makeover.

“That’s very kind of you to say, young lady. Gail helped me pick out this outfit. Do you really like it?”

“Yes! I had no idea you had such a smoking body! You should dress like this all the time.”

“Well, I hardly have any clothes like this at home,” the teacher blushed.

“The three of us will take you shopping, right after school today!” Andrea said. “And I love that you’re not wearing a bra - they are so unnecessary!”

“I agree! But now it’s time to help out Charlie. The sooner we start kicking, the sooner he can go help his sister!” Mrs. Fillmore said, “Are you ladies ready?”

“Yes!!” They said, throwing their arms in the air, causing Andrea’s breasts to bob up and down under her tight crop top, which did not go unnoticed by Charlie.

“Who would like to start?” Gail asked.

“What if we did like a train?” Andrea asked. “We could all line up and take turns, one after the other.”

“Love it!” Gail said. “We’ll let you two students go first, then Mrs. Fillmore and I will follow right after you.”

“Awesome!” Heather said. “Andrea, you can go before me since you’re new.”

“Sounds good!” Andrea said. “Should I start with a knee or a kick?”

“Great question,” Gail said, stepping over to the two girls. “How about we just do kicks for now and we’ll see how that goes?”

“Okay by me!” Andreas said, jiggling up and down with excitement.

Without any further hesitation, Andrea stepped up to Charlie who was strapped to the end of the bed, slowly brought her right foot up to his balls for good measure, then took one quick step back, revved up and BAM!! Slammed her foot hard into Charlie’s balls.

“Nice shot!” Heather screamed to her friend. “I think you got both nuts!”

“Did I?” Andrea asked, jumping up and down, clapping her hands. Her breasts now wildly bouncing along with her jumps. “Charlie? Did I get them both?”

Charlie was still trying to recover from the blow, trying hard to catch his breath. He lifted his head, looked at Andrea, and nodded his head “yes.”

“Yay!” Andrea shrieked and ran over to Charlie and hugged his head, burying her tits into his face. Despite the great pain, Charlie managed a huge smile when Andrea released her grip.

Without warning, Heather stepped in and delivered a devastating kick as soon as Andrea backed away from the young man, causing Charlie to exhale loudly, his eyes bulging with comic effect.

“Great kick!” Andrea said to her friend.

Charlie had absolutely no time to even fathom the pain he was in as Gail immediately buried her right foot into his groin - a kick so hard, all four ladies could hear the sound it made.

Gail turned quickly to Mrs. Fillmore, “your turn!”

The buxom teacher didn’t need to be told twice. She grabbed the bottom hem of her short, black mini skirt, raised it a couple inches, displaying the top of her stockings and just a hint of her black panties to a bewildered Charlie, as she slammed her right stiletto viscously into his groin.


The whole room heard that one.

“Whoa!! Nice kick!” Heather said. “You may have done some damage with that one!”

Gail patted the teacher on the shoulder and crouched in front of Charlie, who was desperately trying to breathe. She cupped both of Charlie’s nuts in her right hand. “I think you may have damaged his left nut with that kick,” she said, now rolling the orb around in her hand. “Those heels are lethal!”

Mrs. Fillmore tried to control her excitement, but her rock-hard nipples were a dead give-away that she was really enjoying herself. “Can I go again?” She asked. “I’d like to try and get his right nut this time!”

Gail looked at the other two girls, “I don’t think you'll get an objection here.”

“Wonderful,” Mrs. Fillmore said, while not so subtly rubbing her large breasts which were heaving with excitement.

She walked over to Charlie who was hanging his head in pain. “How you feeling, Charlie?” She said, her breasts now right in front of Charlie’s face. Charlie lifted his head and tried to speak, but could only look at his teacher’s chest and drool.

Mrs. Fillmore leaned forward and whispered in Charlie’s ear, “I’m going to try to get your right nut on this one. Don’t go anywhere.”

The anatomy teacher took about three steps backwards, while still facing her victim. She unabashedly grabbed both of her breasts from below, lifted them up, and gave a slight squeeze of her nipples before taking two large and aggressive steps toward Charlie. Lifting her right foot with lightning speed, she shot the pointy black shoe directly into his right nut - WHAM!! - a direct hit!

“Oh, baby!” Mrs. Fillmore yelled out in ecstasy. “That was amazing!”

All three ladies crowded around the teacher, giving her high-fives and pats on the back.

“What a great kick!” Heather said, “I think he’s passed out!”

“I better take a look,” Mrs. Fillmore said, perhaps feeling a bit guilty. “Umm, girls, we might want to take it easy on him,” the anatomy teacher said, rolling around each nut in her hand. “I can feel fractures in both of his testicles.”

“Bummer, does that mean we're done testing?” Andrea asked.

“Well, I’d say he took all of those kicks like a champ and that he’d be just fine helping out his sister,” the teacher said. “But Andrea, you might want to put a bra on, or maybe a sweater for when he wakes up. If he gets another glimpse of your beautiful breasts, he might just pop one or both of his nuts?”

“What? You’re kidding me. Just from looking at me?” Andrea said, truly puzzled.

“Oh, yes. It’s quite common for a male with fractured testicles to have one - or both - rupture from the pent up excitement.”

“Really?” Heather asked. “How?”

“Yes, dear, I’m afraid so. Testicles are so sensitive once they are even slightly cracked, should the male encounter too much sexual stimuli without any release, they just - poof! - explode,” Mrs. Fillmore informed her rapt audience. “So you might want to hide those puppies when he comes to.”

“Me?” Andrea said with a grin, “What about you?!”

“He couldn’t possibly get excited over someone like me,” the teacher said modestly.

“Mrs. Fillmore, have you even looked in the mirror since your makeover?” Andrea said, “You are gorgeous. And if my tits can look like that when I get to be your age, I will be thrilled.”

Andrea begrudgingly grabbed a hoodie draped over a chair in the corner of the room and put it on. “I could grab you one, if you want?”

“Oh, stop,” Mrs. Fillmore said, blushing.

“I think you better,” Gail said. “If what you say is true, I think you might rupture both of Charlie’s nuts with that rack of yours. Did you see the way he was looking at you? Here... Here's a Washington sweatshirt from the lost and found. You better put this on.”

“I guess. I think you guys are making too much of this ‘makeover,’” she said using air quotes. “But for Charlie, I’ll do it. I’d hate to see him lose his nuts before he can help out his sister, all because of me.”

The ladies could now hear moaning behind them.

Chapter 13, part 5 - Mrs. Fillmore continued

(I had to split up parts four and five to fit this format - enjoy!)

... The ladies could now hear moaning behind them...

“He sure is moaning a lot for being passed out,” Andrea said pointing over at Charlie. Then they heard another moan, even louder this time. But it wasn't coming from Charlie.

“Ahhh, look who’s awake,” Heather said, gesturing with her thumb in the direction of Mr. Wilson.

A smile formed on Mrs. Fillmore’s face as she strolled over to greet her colleague. Grabbing his hanging chin with her right hand, she lifted up his head. “Well, look who’s decided to re-join us. How are we feeling, Mr. Wilson?”

His head still foggy from all the nut pain he was subjected to, Mr. Wilson shook his head back and forth, trying to clear his head. “Urrrr, who the heck, who are you? A new teacher?” Mrs. Fillmore’s face lit up, “He doesn't recognize me,” she said to the other three ladies. “Don’t you know who I am?” She asked her groggy companion. “Umm, not really. But ya got some nice tits on you. Are you one of the new teachers out of college?” He asked, still unsure of who she was.

“I think maybe we should let him lie down,” Gail said, concerned for her patient who an hour earlier, had his left nut twisted off. “Help me undo his restraints.”

Now all four ladies were gathered ‘round Mr. Wilson, aiding in freeing him from his shackles. Barely able to walk, Mr. Wilson looked like a man who just downed an entire bottle of tequila. He quickly put his arms around two women closest to him, Andrea and Mrs. Fillmore. With both of his arms around their shoulders, they started walking him over to the main bed in the nurse’s office. Mr. Wilson was quickly distracted by the two very nice sets of breasts swaying along with every step they took. When they reached the bed they released his arms from over their shoulders and started spinning him to face the bed. As he turned toward Andrea, her breasts were too much for him to resist. Like a drunk at a bar, he reached out with both hands and groped each breast.

“How dare you!” Andrea screamed as she slapped him across the face.

Mrs. Fillmore was even more upset with her colleague’s egregious actions. The teacher spun Mr. Wilson around and was about to bury her knee into his groin when he reached out and grabbed her voluptuous breasts. Without missing a beat, Mrs. Fillmore shoved the palm of her right hand violently into the bottom of Mr. Wilson’s chin, causing his head to snap back, then she put both of her hands on his shoulders and with tremendous force, drove her right knee deep into Mr. Wilson’s groin. The guy immediately threw up from the impact. And fell onto the bed next to him, passed out.

“Nice job, Mrs. Fillmore!! That was great!” Heather said, super impressed with how she took him down.

“Hey, you guys are not the only ones who have taken a self defense class!” The teacher said with pride.

“We better check him,” Gail said, concerned. “I’m pretty sure I heard a pop with that knee you just delivered,” she said, looking over at Mrs. Fillmore. “First, let’s strap him down.”

Each woman took a corner and strapped Mr. Wilson to the bed - tightly. Gail took a hold of Mr. Wilson’s sack and immediately drew her hand back.

“What is it? Did I rupture his nut?” Mrs. Fillmore asked.

“No. Well, I’m not sure. I just forgot his left nut is no longer attached and when I grabbed it, it kinda freaked me out,” Gail said with a nervous tone. Mrs. Fillmore put her arm around the young nursing assistant, “Someday you’ll get used to handling this kind of thing. You’re still young.”

Gail went right back to work, checking her patient’s nuts. This time she purposely took hold of the freed left nut and palpated it in her hand. “This is so weird, how it’s just free to roll around in his sack. Wouldn’t it still be bleeding?”

“Well, with that kind of trauma, there is usually some bleeding at the onset,” Mrs. Fillmore said, going into teacher mode. “But it coagulates pretty quickly. I see there is some swelling. That’s from the initial bleeding.”

Gail was now probing the other nut. “Hmmm,” she said. “I think we may have some fractures here.”

“Really?” The others said, almost in unison.

Mrs. Fillmore stepped over to take a feel. “Yep, you’re right, Gail. His right one is definitely fractured. We should probably call 911,” she said. “I didn’t feel too bad about him losing his first testicle, but I wouldn’t want to be responsible for neutering a co-worker. I’m sure they’ll be able to fix this nut.”

“You're probably right - although, it would be kind of funny to have this perv get castrated."

Mrs. Fillmore gave her a stern teacher's look.

"Okay, okay, I’ll make the call,” Gail said, taking out her cell phone.

A few minutes later the paramedics arrived, wheeling a gurney into the room. “This must be our guy, look at how swollen his testicles are,” the first female paramedic said, looking at Charlie.

“Umm ladies, your guy is actually over here,” Gail said, gesturing toward Mr. Wilson. Both paramedics went over to the bed where Mr. Wilson was. The first paramedic started probing his sack and radioed to the hospital. “Yeah, we have one detached testicle and one with a hairline fracture.”

“Ahhh, could you repeat that?” Requested the voice on the other end.

“Yes, we have a male patient with his left testicle detached from its host and the other testicle with a hairline fracture.”

“Awww, the poor guy,” the voice said.

“I wouldn’t feel too bad,” Gail said. “He kind of had it coming.”

Then Mr. Wilson sprang awake, sitting up as far as his restraints would let him go. “What in the hell is going on here?” He demanded to know. “And why do my balls hurt so much?”

“Sir, you have had an accident, and your balls are in very bad shape,” the paramedic said. “We’re here to help you.” The paramedic released the two straps holding his hands down in an attempt to transfer him to their gurney, but as soon as his hands were free he reached out and grabbed the first paramedic by the shirt and started pulling hard on it.

“Sir, we are here to help you. Please release your grip on my shirt. Your testicles are in dire need of care and if we don’t get you to the hospital right away, you might lose them both!”

Then Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! The paramedic’s shirt ripped open, revealing her black lacy bra and destroying her shirt. Immediately the second paramedic radioed for back-up.

“Do you mind if we wait out in the parking lot for our security detail to arrive, while you guys take care of him?” The second paramedic asked Gail.

“No, not at all,” Gail said. “We are so sorry this happened to you guys.”

“Oh, we see this a lot. Especially with guys with injured nuts. They tend to get a bit… testy.,” the paramedic said with a wink.

As soon as the paramedics left the room, Mrs. Fillmore turned to admonish her co-worker. “How dare you treat first responders in that way!”

“Cathy?” Mr. Wilson said, finally figuring out who she was. “Why are you dressed like that? Don’t get me wrong, I love it. But isn’t that skirt a little short for you? And what’s with that student sweatshirt, you look ridiculous.”

Andrea stepped over and stood next to Mrs. Fillmore. “He is right, Cathy. That sweatshirt looks horrible on you.”

Mrs. Fillmore was a little taken aback by the apparent betrayal by someone she thought was on her side.

“I mean, if I were you, I’d take it off right now, you silly goose. I know THIS sweatshirt looks horrible on me, so I think I might just take mine off, too.” Andrea grabbed the bottom hem of her hoodie with her right hand crossed over her left to get a good hold. Slowly she lifted the thick garment until her gorgeous breasts, which were tightly wrapped in her white crop top, came into view.

It was at this moment that Mrs. Fillmore realized what her cunning new friend was up to.

“I think you’re right, Andrea” Mrs. Fillmore said, “This sweatshirt is not really my style. Can someone give me a hand with this?”

Heather quickly stepped over, a huge grin on her face, and positioned herself behind Mrs. Fillmore. “Reach for the sky!” Heather said, as if she was a young mother with her toddler. In one quick motion, Heather pulled the sweatshirt off of the teacher, revealing the tight, white, button down shirt that she was wearing.

“Well, now you just look like a slut,” Mr. Wilson said, actually kind of annoyed. But the ladies could see their plan was starting to take flight as Mr. Wilson started fidgeting in his bed. “Goddamn, my balls hurt, when are those paramedics going to come back?” Mr. Wilson said, now actually gripping his dick.

“Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn’t touch that if I were you,” Mrs. Fillmore fibbed. “In your condition, any sort of ejaculation and you can kiss both of your nuts goodbye.”

“Really? Shit! My nuts are really starting to hurt.”

“I would just leave them alone until the paramedics come back. It’s the only way you can save them,” Mrs. Fillmore said, walking over toward his bed. “Here, let me strap you back in so you’re not tempted to do anything stupid.”

“What? No! Keep your hands off me, you slut!” Mrs. Fillmore backed away.

“Okay, but if you should so much as touch them, your nuts might just fall off. I've seen it many times. And you wouldn’t want that, now would you?”

“Fall off? Ha! I know you think you’re some super smart, holier-than-thou anatomy teacher, and you look down on me because I only teach basic science, but my nuts are NOT going to fall off if I touch them.”

“Suit yourself. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

It was Andrea’s turn again. “Heather, you don’t think this crop top is too tight, do you? I mean you can’t see my nipples through it, or anything, right?”

“Hmmm,” Heather said, stepping closer to her friend. “If I’m not mistaken, I think I can see this nipple,” she said as she gently placed her hand on her right breast and made a circle around the nipple. “Yep! Look! I can now clearly see your nipple sticking way out.”

“Hmm,” Andrea said looking down at her now obviously erect nipples, “I can’t really tell.” Then she made her way closer to the bed. “Mr. Wilson, can you see my nipples through this shirt? Heather thinks you can, but I’m not really sure.” Mr. Wilson was squirming even more in his bed, his balls throbbing in pain. He couldn’t take it any more and against the advice from his colleague, reached down to grab his balls. “Ahhhh!” He screamed and jumped as if he just grabbed a poisonous spider. “What happened to my nut?!!”

“Oh, dear,” said Mrs. Fillmore, stepping closer to the bed. “Did one of them detach?”

“Yes!” Mr. Wilson screamed. “How the fuck did that happen?”

“I warned you not to touch them,” Mrs. Fillmore said. “You will most likely lose the other one if you touch them again. Now are you okay with us strapping you down?”

“Ye-ye-yes! Do it now! PLEASE!”

“Gail, you take his right hand and I’ll take his left,” Mrs. Fillmore said, trying very hard to stifle a smile. Once he was strapped in tightly, Mrs. Fillmore was determined to take full advantage of the situation. No one was going to call her a slut. Especially not this perv.

“I better check to see if your nuts can be saved. Are you okay with that?”

“Yes, yes. Please. I don’t want to lose my nuts!”

Mrs. Fillmore stepped right up against the bed. Her nipples now as erect as they have ever been, sticking proudly out of her skin-tight blouse. The sight wasn’t lost on Mr. Wilson who was practically drooling with these near perfect breasts so close to him. She purposely walked to the head of the bed, near his left shoulder, and reached her hand down to take a hold of both his nuts, allowing both of her breasts to rest on his left arm. “Do you feel that?” She asked as she gently rubbed her breasts against his arm.

“Uh-huh,” was all he could say.

“Oh, dear,” she said with concern.

“What? What is it?”

“You were right. Your left nut is completely torn off. You poor, poor dear,” she said as she continued to rub her tits on his arm. He grimaced in pain. Seeing he was getting hard, Mrs. Fillmore knew their plan was working. “Are you getting hot?” She asked her patient.

“Maybe a little.”

“Me too!” Mrs. Fillmore said as she stood up tall, right next to his face. “I think I better unbutton this shirt a little. You wouldn't mind, would you?” He shook his head, no. “Wonderful!”

Slowly, like a skilled stripper, Mrs. Fillmore unbuttoned button after button, until ample cleavage was exposed. “There! That’s much better!” She said as she leaned over, giving her victim a great look down her shirt. “Now, let’s take a look at that right nut, shall we?” Once again, she leaned over Mr. Wilson’s arm, this time some of her tit flesh touching his bare arm. “There he is!” She said, giving it a little squeeze, causing him to flinch. “Oh, yes. I can definitely feel a couple fractures on this nut. We need to be extremely careful with this guy, especially since he’s the only one you got left.”

The teacher probed the nut, gently at first, but then with some force she dug her right thumb into the nut flesh.

“Ahhhh!” Mr. Wilson screamed. “Take it easy!”

“Sorry, Ken, but I really need to see what we’re working with here,” Mrs. Fillmore said as she plunged her thumb deeper into his nut.

“Arrrrrrg!” He cried out.

“Gail, maybe you can tell me what you think here?” The assistant nurse gleefully accepted and stepped over to the bed. She stood right next to Mrs. Fillmore and reached down to take hold of his sack. “Well, this left one is definitely detached,” Gail said. “You should have heeded her advice and just left it alone.” Then she went to work on the right nut. Mr. Wilson pulled at his restraints as she dug deep into his orb. For at least a minute Gail probed the nut with gusto and determination.

“Can you feel that?” Mrs. Fillmore said, asking to keep the ruse going, not really wanting her medical expertise.

“Yes, there’s definitely some fractures going on here. He’s lucky he still has this nut.”

“Perhaps we should have the other two take a look?” Mrs. Fillmore suggested, winking at Gail.

“What?!!” Mr. Wilson yelled. “Why would students need to check my nuts?!”

Conjuring up a quick fable, Mrs. Fillmore motioned for both girls to come over. “Well, it just so happens that both of these girls are some of my top students and have often talked about going into the medical field, isn’t that right, ladies?”

Trying to hide the smiles on their faces, both girls nodded in agreement, "Yes, I was hoping to concentrate on male genitalia, specifically, male testicles," Andrea said, not realizing the redundancy of her statement. They made their way over to the side of the bed, Andrea’s boobs bobbing up and down as she approached.

“Heather, let’s start with you,” Mrs. Fillmore said, holding the patient’s sack up for her to inspect. “Notice how this left testicle just freely moves about.”

“Is that because it’s detached?” She asked. “Yes, dear. Now normally you wouldn’t be able to do this,” Mrs. Fillmore said as she stretched the nut out several inches away from his body. “But because Mr. Wilson here couldn’t keep his hands off his nuts, this one now floats around freely. Here, why don’t you give it a tug.”

“Sure!” Heather said as she switched positions with the teacher. Heather reached out and knowing damn well where the left nut was, bypassed it and went directly to the right nut. This wasn’t lost on Mrs. Fillmore. “Do you have a good grip?” Mrs. Fillmore asked.

“Uh-huh,” Heather replied with a smile and an ever-moistening crotch.

“Then go ahead and give it a tug. Don’t worry, you can’t hurt him, that one’s detached.”

“Okay! Here it goes!” Heather squeezed down on his right nut and with all her strength, she started pulling on the nut.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Watch it!” Mr. Wilson screamed an octave higher. “That one is still attached!”

“Oh, no!” Heather feigned concern. “Oops!! Sorry about that. You sure that wasn't the detached one?"

"Ahh, yes, I'm sure, you stupid cunt!" Mr. Wilson said, trying to catch his breath.

"My bad," Heather said as she stepped back from the bed.

“Maybe we should give Andrea a try?” Mrs. Fillmore said. “And dear, maybe you should go on the other side of the bed and I can guide you from over here.”

“Sure thing!” The nubile student said giddily as she bounced up and down while skipping to the other side. With Mr. Wilson’s attention on the young lady, Mrs. Fillmore subtly turned her back to him and undid a couple more buttons, threatening complete boob extraction at any time. Now both ladies were situated on either side of Mr. Wilson. Mrs. Fillmore again positioned herself toward their patient’s left shoulder, forcing her to have to really reach out to get a hold of his sack. The further she reached, the more her breasts spilled out of her top, landing squarely on his left arm. Andrea picked up on this and did the same. Her reach caused her full breasts to land on his right arm.

“You can see how swollen his right testicle is at this time,” Mrs. Fillmore stated, as if explaining it to one of her students in class. “Can you reach it?”

Andrea stretched even further causing one of her breasts to pop out from under her tight crop top. Both ladies noticed, but went on as if everything was normal.

“Do you have a good hold?” Mrs. Fillmore asked.

“I do,” Andrea said. “What am I looking for again?

"You should be able to feel some cracks in that right nut - that is where the fractures occurred.”

“Oh, yes!” I can feel them, she said, sliding her chest up and down Mr. Wilson’s arm. She sunk her thumb very deep into the nut and felt around. Mr. Wilson was in excruciating pain, not only from the probing of his nut, but because of the excitement that was perpetually building in his groin. He lay there loving the sensation of both ladies breasts on his arms and yet, the pain was becoming nearly unbearable.

“Can I try the left nut?” Andrea asked with excitement in her voice. “That’s the one that he ripped off, right?”

“Yes, yes it is,” Mrs. Fillmore said, now breathing a bit heavier herself. “Just be careful with your reach.”

Andrea stepped back to a standing position, her one breast still exposed, and turned to Mr. Wilson.

“Are you okay with me exploring your other nut?” He was beside himself with lust, seeing this beautiful brunette standing right next to him, one of her luscious breasts poking out of her tiny shirt.

“Ahhh, of course you can sweetheart. I don’t think you can hurt it any more anyway.”

“Oh, goodie!” Andrea said as she lunged forward causing her other breast to slide out from under her shirt. “This is going to be so cool!” Slowly and methodically she slid her chest back and forth as she took hold of his detached nut. All four ladies noticed not only the massive erection that was jutting up from Mr. Wilson’s lap, but also the pained look on his face as his right nut filled with pent-up semen.

It’s got to happen any time now, Mrs. Fillmore thought to herself. Her breasts are driving him crazy. He probably needs just one more push. “Honey, your top is getting all stretched out. Maybe you should just take it off,” the teacher suggested.

“Oh my,” Andrea said, feigning shock at her exposure. “I wouldn't want to ruin this shirt. I guess I better just take it off.” She stood back up, turned toward Mr. Wilson’s face and seductively took off the tight crop top. “There,” she said, “that’s much better!”

Mr. Wilson started thrashing back and forth, obviously in a great deal of pain.

“What’s wrong, Mr. Wilson,” Andrea said in a soft voice. “Do you want me to put my shirt back on?”

“No, no, no. It’s fine,” the perverted teacher said, hoping to continue getting a front row seat to this amazing show. “It’s just my nuts are really starting to hurt now. Cathy, can you do something? Please!!”

Hearing the police car pull up at the school, Mrs. Fillmore ascertained that it must be the security for the paramedics, so she knew they didn’t have much time to seal the deal. “Yes, Ken, I think I can help you, but first I must admit, you were right, this outfit is a little slutty,” Mrs. Fillmore said, now turning to the women in the room. “Ladies, my apologies for wearing this here in the nurse’s office. I didn’t mean to offend any of you.”

“Oh, you didn’t offend us,” Gail said. “I think you look beautiful.”

“I appreciate your kind words, Gail. But, I think Ken is right. I should not be wearing this.” She sauntered over to the foot of the bed and started unbuttoning the rest of the buttons on her shirt.

“If you look carefully, you can clearly see my nipples through this fabric, am I right, Mr. Wilson?” His eyes now wide as saucers and enjoying every second of this strip tease taking place in front of him, he could only nod his head and drool. “So that’s it. Off with this shirt,” she said, removing the garment and tossing it on the floor. “What do you think of my breasts, Ken?”

“Ahh, wa, ah, they’re, they’re, um, just fine, Cathy. Quite impressive actually,” he said squirming violently in his bed, gritting his teeth in pain.

Not wanting her to have all the fun, Andrea stepped closer to the bed. “But what about MY breasts?” She asked, hoisting them up with both hands.

“Th, th, those are amazing as well,” he said, sweat now dripping from his brow.

“Did I mention that I’m wearing a thong under this skirt?” Mrs. Fillmore said, turning her back to the bed and slowly sliding her skirt to the floor leaving her in nothing but her black thong and black thigh-high stockings.

“What is happening?!!” Mr. Wilson screamed, bucking violently in his bed, fraught with testicle pain. “My nuts feel like they’re going to explode!”

“Her thong is sexy as fuck,” Andrea said with a sultry smile, but I should probably inform you that I’m not wearing ANY underwear under these leggings.” She said as she slid her light pink leggings to the floor.

Just as she disrobed the office door swung open with two police officers and the two paramedics barging in. Even through all of the commotion, everyone in the room heard the loud POP! that echoed throughout the room as the two paramedics immediately could tell what just happened. They both brought their hands to their mouths, trying to stifle a laugh as Mr. Wilson finally passed out from the pain.

“We better check on that,” the first paramedic said. “That didn’t sound too good.”

After a few seconds of probing his sack, the paramedic turned to her partner, “They’re gone,” she simply said. “Want to take a look?”

The paramedic with the ripped shirt stepped over with a smile on her face, “Why yes, I’d love to take a look.”

After taking a few moments to check on the patient, her partner asked, “Can that right one be saved?”

The second paramedic took the exploded nut in her right hand, concentrating on the task at hand. “Well, I’m PRETTY - SURE - IT’S - NOT - SAVE - ABLE!” With each word that came out, she squeezed harder and harder to be sure that even the best doctors at South General would not be able to put it back together. When she could feel it squish between her fingers, she finally stopped squeezing.

The two male police officers were torn between watching what the paramedics were doing and the amazing display of nudity happening on the other side of the bed. Andrea quickly pulled her leggings back up as the cops walked in, but her gorgeous tits were still wonderfully exposed. One of the officers who looked to be in his late 30’s, walked over and grabbed two large towels from a shelf and proceeded to drape one over Andrea’s shoulders, then walked over to Mrs. Fillmore and lovingly draped the towel over her shoulders.

“You don’t want to catch a cold, now do you?” He said with a nurturing smile. Mrs. Fillmore blushed at the attention as the cop walked away. When he got to the door, he turned, reached into his pocket and walked back over to Mrs. Fillmore as the paramedics were loading Mr. Wilson onto their gurney.

“If you ever need anything from me,” he said pausing while holding out his business card, “anything at all. Please don’t hesitate to call.”

The other three girls melted at the sign of chivalry, letting a soft “awww,” escape their mouths.

The moment the cops and the paramedics left the room, Gail went over to the door, locked it, turned toward the others and yelled, “That was amazing!” And the whole room erupted in cheers.

Andrea threw off her towel and went over to hug Mrs. Fillmore. “You were so great, Mrs. Fillmore! I couldn’t believe that worked! Did you hear his nut pop, that was incredible!!” As the two embraced, Mrs. Fillmore’s towel slipped off her shoulders leaving the two to embrace in a tit-to-tit hug.

“And that cop gave you his number!” Andrea said with the pride of a new friend. “He was dreamy!”

Suddenly they were drenched with water as Heather sprayed them in celebration with two water bottles she took off a nearby shelf. Andrea quickly retaliated, grabbing the hose off the sink and spraying both Heather and Gail as they jumped around like children playing in the park.

“I am soaked!” Heather said, laughing uncontrollably.

“Take this off!” Andrea said, helping Heather lift her shirt up and over her head.

Not wanting to be the only one not wearing a shirt, Gail stripped hers off and even reached back and undid her beautiful blue, shiny bra, removing it in front of Heather as if to say “your turn!”

Heather joined in the topless fun, taking her bra off and now all four ladies were holding hands in a circle, jumping up and down, tits flailing everywhere in something of a young man’s wet dream.


They all stopped in their tracks as they heard what they thought was two balloons being popped.

“What the hell was that?” Heather asked, looking around the room.

Then Andrea and Gail yelled in unison, “CHARLIE!!!”

They all looked over at Charlie, who was still strapped to the end of one of the beds in the nurse’s office, his tiny little hard-on at full mast.

“Oh, no!” Gail yelled as she ran over to him, followed closely by the other three. Gail reached out, took a hold of Charlie’s sack and started rolling them around in her fingers.

“This is not good,” she said.

“What?!!” Andrea yelled. “How are his nuts? Please tell me we didn’t just pop them!”

Gail, still gripping his sack, looked up at the other three, “I’m afraid so.”

“Both of them?!!” Heather asked, a bit of fear in her voice.

“Yes, both of them,” Gail answered dejectedly.

“May I?” Mrs. Fillmore asked, crouching down next to Gail.

“Be my guest.”

Mrs. Fillmore took both nuts into her experienced hand and started palpating them between her thumb and forefinger. It was quite a sight seeing this once prude science teacher, in nothing but a small black thong and black thigh-highs, her heavy breasts swaying with her movement, squatting down and checking little Charlie Watts’ nuts. The other ladies watched in astonishment.

“I’m afraid Gail is right, both of his nuts have exploded. But, I think if we get him to the hospital right away, they might be able to save them.”

“I can drive!” Gail said, looking at the other three.

“Let’s do this!” Heather said, “We have to save Charlie’s nuts! His sister is counting on us!”

The four of them hurriedly started putting their clothes back on. They all decided to skip the bras as that would have taken too much time, and were too preoccupied to notice that by putting their wet clothes back on, all of their tits were quite visible under their shirts.

Mrs. Fillmore had actually forgotten to put her black skirt back on and was out in the hallway when Gail noticed.

“Umm, I know we’re in a hurry, but I’m not sure you want to be running around in just a thong and stockings!” She said to her friend. “Oh, dear,” Mrs. Fillmore said in a huff and rushed back into the office to retrieve her skirt, not even taking the time to put it on until they reached the car.

They wheeled Charlie in the school’s gurney out to Gail’s mini van. Heather and Andrea jumped into the roomy back seat while Mrs. Fillmore and Gail loaded Charlie in on top of their laps.

“One of you be sure to hold onto his nuts the entire way there, any large bump may cause more damage - and we don’t want that.”

“I’ll do it!” They both said in unison.

“Go ahead,” Andrea said to Heather. Heather smiled, put her hand over Charlie’s nuts, then with her other hand, grabbed Andrea’s hand and placed it on top of hers. “We can both hold them,” she said with a loving smile.

Off to the hospital they went…

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