June 17, 2024

Arty and Steph

Arty and Steph

by ManofthePublic

Arty stumbled back to his locker with a pile of books and trapper keepers that almost obscured his vision. He wasn't that tall nor strong and he was straining to carry them all. He had just come back from a study hall and only needed his supplies for English. He defogged his glasses, and struggled to complete the Tetris puzzle of putting his books away into his locker, which being quite disorganized was overstuffed. It at least kept him from being shoved inside his locker, he thought. He was going to be one of the last people to class, but figured his grade and otherwise sound attendance would protect him from any real consequences for being a few minutes late. He had just turned eighteen and his early decision application to MIT had just been returned to him as the perfect birthday gift. He was to be pursuing a life of erudition and respect in the next year.

As the students cleared Arty noticed Steph, one of the most popular and attractive girls in the school, a tall cheerleader with smooth and bouncy brown hair and a perfect, toned, athletic body. She had the face of an angel with piercing blue eyes, Steph had amazing legs and an ample, although not particularly large bum. Steph's breasts were handful-sized as well. At eighteen, Steph was easily the regular fantasy girl of every male student and probably a few male teachers too, she was looking forward to college the next year as well, however was just as excited for the parties and sorority life as Arty was for the intellectual and academic merits. She was dressed in her cheerleading uniform, as she had practice after school that day.

Steph was in a seemingly romantic moment with Trent, a football player and one of the most muscular, tall, and popular guys on campus.

Trent was a bit of a muscle head, he had been held back a year for poor academic performance and was nineteen, although that did not stop him from playing football. Trent had seemed to almost be trapping Steph where she was telling her to stay with him for a little bit. Steph flirted and giggled, Arty watched while pretending to be looking for something, he was interested in how those so opposite him lived. He wished he had that kind of confidence with girls. He had the kind of confidence everyone else lacked in math or writing, but was years behind other guys in terms of romance.

What surprised him was that Steph suddenly kneed Trent in the balls, he clutched them and doubled over while she smiled and gingerly walked away from him, almost glowing with her empowerment. Arty was standing and pretending to fumble through his locker when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around, it was Steph. She looked at him smiling and said "You're Arty, right?"

He clumsily replied, "Yes."

"Oh cool!" said Steph excitedly. She kneed him in the balls, hard.

Arty collapsed on the ground, his glasses falling next to him, as his brain coped with the intense pain, he only managed to gasp out one word, "Why?"

Steph stood with her hands on her hips admitting her handiwork, she was smiling and giggling a bit and once again seemed to have almost a glow around her, like a saint in Renaissance art. "Well, last week we had a party, a girl's party, and we have a bet as to who could kick the most boys in the balls by the end of the week, we keep it limited to one per boy. It's super empowering. If you mean why I kicked you harder than Trent...." She looked down the hall, Trent had left, "Trent's hot. I want his balls working for the weekend. As for a beta boy like you, I don't really care that much about the balls you don't use and wanted to see what I can do. Pretty strong, huh?"

Arty found out he had gotten an erection, and his penis wasn't the only thing swollen in his pants. He was turned on by the power in this vixen and felt honored. He felt inferior to her, and knew deep down he was. It felt natural, and like it was this goddess' natural right to hurt his manhood.

"Anyway, that was fun! Hey, a girl finally touched you down there, right? If we repeat the bet...better watch out," Steph punctuated her sentence with a mock-flirtatious wink.

Before Steph could walk away Arty said, "Wait!"

Steph pivoted to face him, "Thank you," said Arty.

Steph smiled, walked back to him and gently put his glasses on his face, and sweetly said, "Oh you're welcome sweetie!" The cheerleader lingered a bit and they made eye contact.

Steph and Arty shared a sort of understanding as to how lucky he was to be for her in any way possible, even if he was merely her victim, one she barely thought of as a person. She gently stomped on his swollen balls, causing Arty to wince in pain and his erection immediately grew and became quite noticeable. She smirked and walked away. The elegant beauty's hips swaying and her tight skirt shaking back and forth. She stood as a symbol of female dominance and triumph.

Arty was amazed by how turned on he was, he lay in a daze on the hallway floor and finally struggled to his feet, his erection had finally calmed down, he stumbled into class ten minutes late. He gave a clumsy response about his IBS, but the teacher did not accept it. He received his first detention that day. He didn't mind. He thought he would. Steph had given him that detention and he'd do anything for her and anything he received from her was from heaven itself. He could never rat her out. He was hoping she made that bet again.

The next week he was going to approach her first thing Monday morning and ask her to kick him. If she wanted to destroy one--or even both of his balls--he would allow it. His weaker body was to become her worthless plaything. He loved her and she could do whatever she wanted.

Arty wondered if his friends in the chess club and the band could feel the same way. He didn't dare ask. He knew who he was, and who Steph was, and that was good enough. She was superior to him and was like an empress, or even a goddess to his lowly self. He loved it.

Part 2

Arty had finally gotten to the weekend, despite the powerful kick Steph had delivered to him earlier he had not stopped masturbating and his sperm count didn't seem to have diminished at all. However, all his fantasies now centered around Steph.

It was not unusual for him to fantasize about Steph in general, she was one of the hottest girls in his school, but ever since she had kicked him in the balls it had given rise to a new sort of sexual interest. He loved her for this. He knew he shouldn't. He knew she showed an indifference to his well-being and saw him as a plaything for her amusement. It didn't matter.

That Friday he knew the cheerleaders would be comparing their scores, how many different guys they had kicked in the balls. He was hoping they'd begin the bets all over again. He wished he could watch that party, hearing the sexiest girls talk about all the guys they busted, he was hoping Steph had won and that meant her kicking him meant something. He probably wouldn't know.

He instead kept himself busy with homework, video games, and masturbating to pictures of Steph, especially ones where her feminine and toned legs were on full display. He would whisper, "kick me again, Steph," while looking at them on social media.

Arty had resolved from his last interaction with Steph that he was going to ask her to hurt him again on Monday. Arty had gotten into school on his bus and, as usual, the bus came in early. He went to his locker and was going to wait in the cafeteria with all the other early arrivals. He'd normally sit there for 20 minutes or so until the bell rang and would get ready for first period, AP Physics. After unloading his belongings in his locker he saw Steph walking down the hallway.

Steph wasn't in her cheerleading uniform, but looked great in a black knee length low-riding skirt and a tight pink t-shirt. Steph was also wearing a pair of stilettos. He had no clue how she walked all day in them, but admired them nonetheless. He ran a bit to catch up to the girl and promptly tapped her on the shoulder. Steph pivoted around to face him.

Before Steph could say a word, Arty said, "Hi Steph, I don’t know if you remember but you kicked me in the balls last week to win a bet, I would like to know if you would like to kick me again."

"I didn't make a bet with the cheerleaders this week, I did win last week though. You're Arty, right?" Steph said.

"Yes," he said, "so will you kick me?"

Steph rolled her beautiful blue eyes, "I told you, there's no bet this week. But if you just want your nuts kicked, why not? Nerds like you are always the most fun."

"Yes, please honor me with your kicks," said Arty.

Steph pushed him into an alcove to avoid being noticed. She then rammed her knee in between Arty's legs. Arty was about to scream but Steph suddenly covered his mouth, his scream became lost in her hand.

Steph smiled in a sexy and mischievous way and kneed him again. His eyes watered,

Still smiling she stepped back and delivered a powerful cheerleader kick to her classmate. He actually went several inches into the air from the power of the kick and Steph had let him go and he collapsed on the floor in a heap.

Steph bent down to observe him, smiling widely. Finally she said, "How was that?"

Arty was out of breath, but said, "thank you, Steph."

"You're welcome sweetie," said the cheerleader, "I think you're the only guy who actually wants girls to kick him in the balls. Especially cheerleaders, who have strong legs.”

"I don't know, I feel honored to empower you that way. I feel like girls like you are superior to guys like me, and it feels like it's right that you put me in my place, and it seems like you had fun doing it," said Arty, looking up at Steph who was standing over him with her hands on her hips.

"You're so weird," said Steph laughing, "but I like doing this, maybe next time the cheerleaders have a party I can invite you." Steph stomped on Arty's balls, then laughed and winked and the bell rang. She strolled off to class on cloud 9. Arty finally managed to get up and limp to class as well. Fortunately, he was the teacher's pet, absolving him of any detention, but even had it developed differently, the pain between his legs that still lingered from Steph's assault would have been worth it. The fact he could help her realize her superiority and remind himself of how beneath her he was made him feel both honored and aroused.

Arty was now Steph's bitch.

Part 3

After ballbusting Arty on Monday morning, Steph had felt elated and empowered. On Tuesday she had cheerleading practice after school. After practice, she talked to Britt. Britt wasn't as tall as Steph, but was still fit. While Steph was a brunette with a lighter complexion, Britt was darker and had a Mediterranean skin-tone. Britt had large breasts and a model's face. Like Steph, and most of the cheerleaders, she was easily one of the most attractive and popular girls in school.

"So, Steph, I heard your parents are going to be out of town, that means the party is at your house Friday," said Britt.

"I know, it's going to be great, I have some great ideas," said Steph.

"I hope they involve booze and boys," said Britt, "I'd love it if you could let me bring someone, I'd love to hook-up with Chase."

"Ooh, you have a crush on Chase?" said Steph. Chase was the captain of the basketball team. He already had a reputation as a player, but he was popular and good-looking.

"He is hot," said Britt, "Your party can give me a chance to get some time with him."

"I definitely see this to be a booze and boys party, but I had different kinds of boys than Chase on my mind," said Steph.

"What's wrong with Chase?" asked Britt.

"Nothing, that's the point," said Steph, "Remember that bet we made two parties back?"

"The ball kicking one, that was so much fun!" said Britt, "I still don’t know how you beat me, you don't even have any brothers."

The girls laughed at Britt's joke. She had two older brothers the girls found annoying. One was a misogynistic muscle head, the other a perverted geek, and both were constantly ballbusted by their superior and perky younger sister. Britt hoped she could have a party where both served the girls as slaves.

"Well, I met a guy who actually wants me to kick him in the balls, and I thought maybe we can have a party with him and his friends, and kick them in the balls," said Steph.

"Wait, that's so weird, who?" asked Britt.

"Arty Platte," said Steph, "At least I think that's his name. He thanked me after I kicked him during the bet and begged me to do it again yesterday."

"What a pervert!" said Britt.

"I know right? Anyway, let’s save Chase for a real party, I want to invite Arty to a ballbusting party and see if he can bring some friends. Those nerds aren’t using their balls anyway, and perverts probably flock together," said Steph.

"This is going to be so much fun," said Britt, "but let's keep it under control. I feel like some of our friends will get too squeamish, and might rat this out. And only invite boys who’s balls we don’t care about keeping in one piece."

The two girls laughed, and looked forward to Friday night.

The next day, Steph ran up to Arty, "Hey, Arty."

Arty said, "Um, hi, Steph." Arty spread his legs, causing Steph to snicker at him.

"He's so pathetic," she thought.

"I'm not here for that, actually, the cheerleaders are having a party at my house on Friday night and we’d love to have you there," Arty looked perplexed, but had an erection.

‘He is such a loser,’ thought Steph while smiling, "So, what do you say?" she asked.

"Uhh...Okay," said Arty.

"Awesome!" said Steph, "Do you have any male friends, like you, that you could invite?"

"In what way?" asked Arty.

"You know, nerdy and want the things you want?" Steph pantomimed her kneeing a guy in the crotch, and let a flirtatious wink out.

"Uh, I have nerdier friends, but I don't know if any are like me in that last way," he said.

"Too bad, bring your friends anyway," said Steph, "only boys, we have enough girls. And make sure they bring swim trunks, there is a pool we're going to use."

"Um, alright," said Arty, "but no hurting their balls without their consent."

"I promise we won't," said Steph, "Keep them over eighteen, in case some people get drunk and one thing leads to another, and you know..."

It took Arty a moment to process that Steph was talking about sex, "Understood," he said.

"Thanks, give me your number," Steph said. After Arty told her she said, "I'll text you the address."

Arty got a text from Steph with the address and added her to his contacts, as well as the address.

The next day, Arty pulled up with three of his friends. He got a ride from his friend, Pablo. Pablo was Hispanic, but was pretty pale-skinned despite that. He was tall, thin, and a superb student. Pablo was known for being organized and academically-driven and having a good sense of humor. However, while probably one of the more typical, he shared a number of "nerdier" interests and joined Arty in things like the chess club and Model UN. He hid his nerdy credentials well, a bit ashamed of them, but his friends knew what he liked doing on weekends, and as a natural introvert, he didn't branch out well. Pablo was sold on the party as an opportunity to make himself more popular. He ideally was hoping he would get laid. He was dressed well for the party, wearing a casual black polo and swim trunks.

Arty's other friends who showed up were Max, a skinny kid with glasses and dark hair who was a math whiz. He was surprisingly outgoing, compared to the more introverted guys and was on the math team, among other groups that appealed to him. He was excited to be invited to a party of girls he lusted for, he thought perhaps they might be interested in him as well. Max wore a blue shirt that read E=MC^2 and swim trunks.

Arty also brought Eric. Eric was artsy. He was a musician and played the guitar, he also was into comic books and action figures. He had blonde, curly hair that often looked rubbish, and he was a talented writer as well. He had some more typical interests, like sports and having drinks, but gravitated toward the same circles as the others. He was wearing a shirt of an indie bank he liked with swim trunks beneath them.

Arty, a scrawny guy of average build, completed them. He had an average, unathletic build and a grey t-shirt that said "I'm Electrifying" with a picture of Nikola Tesla under it. All of them brought towels and change of clothes. He wore his glasses as well.

Steph, who was hostess, greeted the guys at the door. She was wearing a skimpy pink bikini, but was still dry. In her bikini her strong and toned body was noticeable. Her body was elegant and feminine, visibly fit and trained for cheerleading with endless strong legs and well-portioned breasts. Her pretty face and silky, lustrous, and bouncy brown hair were already a work of art on their own, but her body was made for sin. The four young men were all immediately erect at the sight of the brunette goddess. Max had a bit of a foot fetish and appreciated Steph's bare feet, which were as perfect as the rest of her with straight toes, high arches, and her toenails painted to match her bikini.

"Hi, so glad you could come!" said Steph smiling brightly, holding back a snicker at how these guys dressed for a party, and how obvious it was her presence had an impact on them, she decided to prod them, "you guys want to come in, and not just stand in the doorway, right?"

Steph sensuously motioned with her finger for the boys to follow her. They all ogled her barely contained, bubbly ass as it bounced up and down in her bikini bottoms as she led them out to the back porch.

The boys saw Britt, well-tanned, with her pretty face, black hair, and toned fit body with strong legs, sporting large breasts looking ready to pop out of her black bikini.

Lauren was also there. Lauren was a tall blonde and probably the closest thing to a "girly girl" on the cheerleading squad, having built her fit body up from ballet and was a shoe-in for the superlative of "best-dressed." She had a long and lean build, and was less muscular than the others, but still fit. She had a very pretty face and piercing blue eyes. The Nordic beauty had been compared to Scarlett Johanssen and Taylor Swift by many. She had endless legs and was the tallest on the squad and taller than all the boys aside from Pablo, but would top him in heels. Lauren loved wearing heels to compliment her height even further. She had a pair of stilettoed sandals on. Lauren had reasonably-sized breasts, but wore a blue bikini, that while still showing plenty, was a bit less forward than those of her friends.

Nadia was the exotic-looking Filipina beauty with a feisty personality and a very fit build. Nadia had the strong legs and core, but had built her arms up more than the other girls and was a bit of a tomboy with the squad, taking up boxing as a hobby. Nadia had somewhat curly black hair and large breasts, and that exotic Asiatic look that drove the boys mad with desire. She was wearing a purple bikini that cupped her breast perfectly to scream out her sexuality.

Lastly, they saw Jami. Jami was the shortest girl on the squad, but was a playful, cute, busty redhead with great curvy features. She wore a yellow bikini that once again, left very little to the imagination.

The girls were mostly lounging on the deck, although Jami and Nadia were already in the pool. Britt was working at the grill. Banal pop music was playing from the speakers.

Steph said "you can leave your stuff off to the side and we have drinks there, I'm not sure if you boys drink alcohol, but we have some soft drinks there too. Then why not say hi to the girls. Do you boys want some burgers or hot dogs?"

They all agreed, "Britt, how's the grill going? Our guests are getting hungry!"

"So glad you boys could make it," said Britt, carrying over a tray full of food.

"Um, Thank you," said Arty.

"For having us," added Max nervously.

Britt had to hold back a laugh as to how little game these nerds had.

"Help yourselves," said Britt. She then excused herself inside with Steph.

Upon going through the sliding doors the two went into a sitting room, "Wow Steph, these guys are so pathetic, I won't even feel bad for kicking their nuts, it looks like they really will never please a girl with them otherwise!"

"They use them all the time, Britt, you don't think they tug it at night? Probably thinking about us," said Steph laughing slightly.

"Those perverts!" said Britt in mock rage, “now I really want to bust their balls”.

"Well, don't worry, so here's the plan," said Steph, "we have to be nice to these losers. Let them think we actually wanted them to come here because we thought they were cool."

"Why would they actually believe us?" said Britt.

"Because they're stupid," said Steph, "all boys are in this department. Oh, they're good writers or at math, but they aren't socially smart at all. And boys are all stupid around girls like us." Steph jiggled her breasts with her hands for emphasis. "Listen, Britt, they told us during orientation that we should be nicer to nerds and that guys like them will be ruling the adult world."

Britt rolled her eyes and said, "As if!"

"All we need to do is convince them that compliance will be rewarded," said Steph, "tell them that if they comply they'll get fucked."

"We're not actually going to fuck them, Steph," said Britt, "I have standards."

"Don't worry, I have that sorted out too," said Steph, "we'll enlist Arty to help us put together the plan."

Outside the warm sun was gradually going down and the boys were enjoying their food and trying to make awkward small talk with the other girls who were acting more interested and engaged in the boys. Lauren was trying to be interested in the chess tournament Arty and Pablo had recently been in (although realizing that Arty made $500 and Pablo $200 for playing in a low division in a minor tournament did interest her). Lauren thought Pablo was at least somewhat attractive, but his uptightness and shared interests with Arty made her want to kick him. Nadia was talking about Max and his robotics league. Jami was chatting up Eric, and at least could relate to music, although their definition of what qualified as music varied widely, and she found it impossible to respect a fellow eighteen-year-old who collected action figures and read comic books.

Bored with the conversation, Nadia, the competitive Filipina, said "why don't we get in the pool? We could play some pool basketball!" Steph was waiting for this to happen. Nadia and the other two were going to throw the game. If the boys won, they would be more willing to compete physically against the clearly more athletic girls.

Steph promptly pulled Arty and Britt aside and said "we'll catch up!"

Steph led them both into the house, she sat Arty on the couch Brit sat on the chair nearby, Steph casually straddled a dining chair while she decided to enlist Arty in her sneaky plan.

"Arty, tonight is going to be a real treat for you," said Steph, "five cheerleaders punishing your balls. Are you excited?"

Arty was silent.

"Arty, you will speak when I ask you a question," said Steph sternly.

"Yes, I'm excited," Arty replied. Steph knew his increasingly visible tent proved everything but she wanted his verbal affirmation.

"Now, I don't want you to get jealous, but the girls and I don't want to just bust you, we want to bust your friends too," said Steph.

"But, I don't know if any of them are like me!" said Arty.

"Why else would we have invited them here," Britt butted into the conversation, "do you think girls like us are into guys like you and your friends? Of course not, we like hot, muscular guys who have cool cars and clothes. Seriously, your hair, your stupid shirt with whomever the fuck that is on it--"

"It's Tesla, Nikola Tesla," said Arty.

Britt stood up, walked up to Arty and slapped him across the face, hard. Arty fell to his side on the couch, and nursed where she had slapped him.

"Don't you ever interrupt me again, you hear me?" Britt shouted in his face.

"I'm sorry!" Arty said.

"You bet you are," said Britt, sitting back down, then in a calm and more condescending tone added, "And that's not Elon Musk on your shirt, dumbass."

Had Arty not known there would be dire consequences, he decided not to correct Britt's confusion of the South African business mogul with one of the most prolific inventors of the twentieth century. He merely sat back up, still nursing his face.

"You are so pathetic," said Britt.

"Britt, I agree he shouldn't interrupt you, but, you're stressing him out. He knows the score and that we're superior to him," Steph said. She then turned to Arty, "Listen, if you ever want us to touch your balls again, you're going to encourage your friends to stay for a game of 'kick the geeks in the balls.'"

Britt chortled, "is that what we're calling it?"

"Not really, but basically, we're going to find a way to get you boys to allow us to kick you in the balls. We need consent," said Steph.

"So, like, we need a sneaky way to find it out, maybe some kind of a bet or wager or whatever," said Britt, "something that we will win, like, really easily."

"Do you think any of your friends would be willing to, I don't know, wrestle or arm-wrestle one of the girls?" asked Steph.

"If the situation was right," said Arty, "Maybe. You can set it up as just goofing around, then demand a wager....the winning side gets something that will entice them to try and like winners get something from the loser...."

"I have, like, the best idea!" said Britt, "if you win you can play with our boobs, if we win we get to play with your balls."

"That's too obvious," said Arty.

"Good point," said Steph. Steph was getting eager to crush his balls again, but she restrained herself.

Steph and Britt stepped away from Arty and whispered back and forth.

"Okay," said Steph turning to Arty, "the winner gets to play with the losers on their terms. Clearly, if the boys win, they'll get fucked by us." Steph noticed that Arty's erection had grown from those words. She laughed at it, knowing that it would never happen.

"That should sell someone," said Arty.

"Now, Arty," said Steph, "you need to be a good boy and encourage this after we are able to set it up, okay?"

"Yes, Steph," said Arty.

"If this plan doesn't work, you'll be leaving here with a bag of mush between your legs," said Britt.

Arty gulped, but was even more aroused. He yearned for having his balls beaten by Steph, but by Steph and her four friends for whom "hot" would be an understatement, excited him.

"Don't blow your load yet," said Steph, smiling somewhat sweetly at his erection.

The trio exited the house to the deck, "what's the score?" asked Steph looking at the pool basketball game.

"Boys 22, Girls 16," said Max enthusiastically. Steph was very happy the girls were losing, it would make the boys more confident of their chances in a physical competition with the cheerleaders.

"As captain, you girls better step it up!" said Steph.

"How about you help?" said Lauren.

"You're the tallest!" said Jami, "and maybe you should pull your weight!"

While Lauren was the tallest of the girls. She was also on the prissy side and unlike Jami and Nadia wasn't as good at sporting activities.

Steph rolled her eyes and sat with Britt on the deck furniture, she beckoned Arty to sit with them. The two found subtle ways to tease the boy, touching him or rubbing against him or making various double-entendres. They enjoyed this. The sun, however, was already down and after a few baskets for both sides, Pablo had a harder time chasing down a ball thrown out of bounds.

"Hey, let's go inside!" said Steph, everyone agreed.

"Hey, let's go inside!" said Steph, everyone agreed and dried off.

The girls' tempting forms managed to get all the boys into a few drinking games, although they didn't want the boys too buzzed, only enough to lower their inhibitions a bit. The girls were more experienced with alcohol and thus could handle larger amounts.

Steph and Britt started pushing against each other while sitting on the ground, acting like it was a normal occurrence. As they were on the ground, Steph's height didn't give her an advantage and Britt was on top. The boys watched the playfight in awe.

"Oh, I would love to wrestle someone," said Nadia, being naturally competitive, "who wants to take me?"

"Wait," Steph said, as Britt let her up, "I have an idea, how about you boys pick a champion and...Nadia, you're a little too competitive for something that's fun anyway, and you boys can pick a girl to wrestle!"

The boys looked eager to be able to have a legitimate excuse to touch one of the girls.

"What are the stakes?" asked Arty, doing his part. Other than Arty the other guys thought they could win, they did win at basketball, and many had been taught boys were stronger.

"You want stakes?" asked Steph, "Okay, if you boys win, one of the girls will fuck each of you. If we win we get to have sexy fun with you boys on our own terms."

This sounded like a win-win for the boys, besides Arty, who was aware what "sexy fun" meant.

They all jumped on it, and Britt says, "So who's fighting who?"

The boys got into a huddle and chose Pablo as their champ. He was the tallest and was probably in the best shape. There was controversy over who to fight. Lauren was tall, but prissy, however Jami was clearly the smallest of the girls. Ultimately, Pablo chose to mix it up with the blonde beauty, he was taller than her and looked forward to pinning her to the ground. Pablo was erect in anticipation of the battle.

"So, it's going to be Pablo against Lauren," Eric said.

"Great!" said Steph.

"Well, shit," said Lauren. Lauren knew that even as the weakest girl she was stronger than any of the young men there, but had to maintain the ruse.

Steph had plenty of matts for the floor present, the other girls had chipped in, enabling the contestants to have adequate space without a risk of major injuries.

Lauren in her blue bikini faced off against the light-skinned Latino boy. Pablo was erect, he was looking forward to having sex with the Aryan goddess. The boys and girls formed a circle around the two. Steph entered the ring and said pretending to be a referee, "I want a clean fight you both, this is wrestling, so only hold until someone is pinned or surrenders," Steph excitedly entered the ring and said, "ready, set, go!"

Pablo set upon the pretty blonde, he grabbed her upper arms, but found she was tough to throw down, she used his momentum against him and he hit the mats first. Pablo got back to his feet and the males were cheering for him while the girls were encouraging Lauren. Pablo tried to grab Lauren again, this time lower, while he managed to work them both to the ground. Lauren slipped free and used her superior speed to climb on top of her adversary. Pablo desperately tried to get the pretty and feminine blonde off of him, and while he could budge her, he was struggling. The boys were panicking while the girls were cheering, finally Steph came out to count the pin only for Pablo to show he had more fight in him. But Lauren finally had him on the ground. Pablo's efforts to free himself were gradually weaker and weaker.

Steph went to count the pin again only for her to before saying three to turn to the nervous looking males and say, "nobody is going to help their friend out?"

Eric dove in trying to pull Pablo out, as Pablo was too tired to truly climb up, Lauren slid up keeping herself on top of Pablo, only to wrap her arms alongside Eric's legs at the knees, tripping the smaller boy. As Eric came to the ground, Lauren wrapped her arm around Eric at the neck, and he would not be able to get up. Figuring her legs were tied up, Max attempted to remove her by her legs, only for Lauren to laugh before putting him into a scissor hold. Arty knew the match would be a slaughter and sat it out.

"No fight in you, Arty?" asked Steph.

"Get your ass out there!" ordered Britt.

Arty cautiously walked out there, Lauren realized her three vanquished foes were going nowhere and left them on the mats while she advanced on Arty. Arty at this point was too nervous to even resist. Lauren grabbed him by the shoulders and swept out his legs while throwing him to the floor between the other boys. Lauren promptly dragged the boys so they were lined up as she wanted and sat on Arty's face while putting Max in a head scissor and holding Eric and Pablo with one arm for each.

Steph came out and said "1, 2. 3, Lauren wins! All the boys lose!"

The girls all cheered while the boys groaned.

"What's the matter, boys? Four on one and you couldn't beat a girl make you sad?" teased Steph.

"Weaker sex, my ass," said Britt, giving Steph a hi-five.

"I don't think they're that sad, it looked like they enjoyed it," said Jami, "it looks like they did like it, all four are pitching tents!"

"Oh? Did you boys like getting beaten up by Lauren?" asked Steph mockingly.

"Oh! Let’s see their erections." said Nadia.

"Great idea!" said Britt.

The boys moaned their protests but Lauren said, "we won, we rule."

As Lauren let the boys loose, the five girls all removed the boys' swim trunks and tossed them to the side.

The boys tried to cover up, but Steph pulled Arty's hands away. Brittany jumped on Max to do the same thing. Nadia subdued Pablo, and little Jami had trapped Eric easily as well. All four of the boys now were fully stripped and on display.

Lauren was the first to start laughing, "they're so small!" The other girls noticed and also started laughing.

"Hmm, who's biggest?" asked Britt.

"Well, girth-wise I think it's Arty, actually," said Steph, "it doesn't help that Max and Eric are circumcised."

"It looks gross," said Lauren, "and Eric, you're not Jewish, so what's your excuse?"

Eric didn't say anything. The girls just laughed anyway.

"Now how about length?" asked Nadia.

"Looks like Pablo takes that one," said Lauren, "but it's still nothing impressive."

"Sheesh, I was going to say maybe they get bigger," said Britt, "but these guys have been flying full mast since Lauren kicked all four or their weakling asses!"

"Now that we've won, what should we do with them?" asked Jami, "Jami knew the plan, but was looking for the right roll-out.

"Let's go into a huddle," Steph said, then she addressed the four nerds they had, "don't go anywhere boys. If we have to run to catch you, whoever gets you will beat you up more than Lauren did."

The cheerleaders whispered so the boys couldn't hear them.

"So far, so good," said Britt, "I can't believe Lauren beat up all four of them!"

"Too easy," said Lauren, "these guys are such jokes!"

"That was awesome," added Steph, "now we're going to tell the boys what's going to happen, if they protest, they consented. If they run, we can catch them. We'll give them a new wager, whoever can go the longest gets fucked."

"I am not fucking these gross dweebs," said Nadia.

"None of them are actually going to get laid tonight," said Steph, "I have a strap-on upstairs, and besides, their libidos should be way down by the time we're done with them."

"Are you going to peg the winner?" asked Jami.

"If he actually wants it, we're going to draw straws," said Steph. Whoever draws the shortest will have to do the deed."

"How do we decide who gets to kick first?" asked Nadia.

"I'll deal cards, high cards get to choose and kick first. Low cards can get in a bit later, we'll all have plenty of time to go," said Steph.

The cheerleaders broke their huddle.

"Okay you dorks," said Steph, "we promised to have sexy fun with youl, but on our terms."

"This is going to be so hot," said Britt.

"So hot," added Nadia.

"Please line up along the mats and spread your legs," said Steph.

The nerdy boys complied with the beautiful brunette's demands. Their dicks hadn't begun wilting yet, in part because of the beautiful cheerleaders in their bikinis.

"Lovely," said Steph.

The cheerleaders faced the boys, on the left was Pablo, then Arty, then Max, then Eric.

Steph approached the coffee table and opened the drawer to remove a deck of playing cards.

Steph shuffled and dealt, Britt got a two of diamonds, Lauren got the eight of spades, Nadia got the Ace of diamonds, Jami got the ten of hearts, and Steph drew the three of clubs. Nadia looked quite pleased, she knew she was going first.

"What's going on?" asked Eric.

"Okay, I know Arty remembers, maybe someone else does too, but the weekend before last, we cheerleaders made a bet on who could kick the most boys in the balls in a week, I won. Thanks Arty, by the way for being the winning field goal I kicked," said Steph matter-of-factly.

"Keep bragging Steph, I have no idea how you did it when you don't even have brothers," said Britt.

"Anyway," Steph continued, "It was so fun, funny, and empowering, all at once. Now of course we could kick hot guys. The rich guys who throw the awesome parties or the jocks who have great bodies, but look, we want their balls to stay intact."

"They actually use them," said Lauren.

"And we want to sleep with them," added Britt.

"You boys don't use your balls," said Steph, "but the cheerleaders, the hottest girls in school are going to still get good use and fun out of your balls. Otherwise, the only way a woman is touching you down there is if she's your doctor."

"You didn't actually think we wanted to hang out with you dorks for real did you?" said Nadia snidely.

Arty noticed that this humiliation and knowledge one of the girls was going to kick him in the balls imminently was a massive turn-on for him. His three friends realized they were getting turned on too. They also weren't sure what to do, run, grab their clothes, or what. Finally Eric said, "no, this is not right! I'm done!"

"A deal is a deal," said Nadia. The beautiful Fillipina flashed her ace to show she had drawn the high card and slammed her foot between Eric's legs before he could turn around to gather his clothing! Eric flew up in the air several inches from the cheerleader's powerful kick. He landed on the mats in a heap with a satisfying thud. Nadia grabbed him by the ankles and stomped on his balls.

"Anyone beating a ten?" asked Jami, the small, fiery redhead asked. She then approached Pablo.

The Celtic cutie smashed her knee into the much larger Latino boy's exposed balls, she went again until he collapsed on the mats beneath him in a fetal position, his once mighty erection wilting. Jami put her foot on him, flexed and then put her hands on her hips with a triumphant smirk on her face. Despite the pain, Pablo's erection returned at this sign of female triumph.

"I'm probably next," said Laruen, but I'm going to pass for you, other girls. I had my own fun and will take a rest for you ladies.

Steph and Britt compared their cards, Steph stepped forward to Arty and said, "You and me for old time's sake?" She smiled brightly.

Britt tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Steph, you need to broaden your horizons, let me have some fun with our new toy."

"Oh fine," said Steph, sounding mildly disappointed before shifting to enthusiasm, "looks like you're mine, Maxie!"

Britt was beaming at Arty who spread his legs. While he felt bad his friends were caught up in this, mostly against their will, him fully knowing the intention, He had already been beaten up in a contest of mostly brute strength by the supposedly prissy Lauren, while she was already encumbered with three opponents, and while he did love getting kicked by Steph, Britt having fun with his balls was a new dream come true.

Britt approached him with a predatory look on her face, putting her curves to use, hips swaying and her large breasts jiggling. She was a specimen of female power and eroticism, oozing estrogen in every planned move. She saw Arty as vastly inferior to her in every way. She was ready to demonstrate that. He also needed to be punished for his earlier backtalk.

Despite her sadistic side, Britt was a bit of a "daddy's girl" for her parents and didn't want to hurt her brothers too much. After all, a family-oriented girl would never want to reduce the number of her own future nieces and nephews. Arty, however, he was fair game. Brit's sexy and slow walk toward him made Arty's already hard cock twitch. Britt knew it and whispered in his ear "if you cum it will be your last time, I will destroy your balls."

Arty whimpered and struggled to stay composed, causing Britt to chortle.

Britt then licked her lips and thrust her knee upward into his testicles, stopping his oncoming orgasm. Arty was lifted into the air but surprisingly landed on his feet, clutching his aching testicles.

"Move your hands, slut!" said Britt.

Arty obeyed without complaint. Britt stepped back and drew her leg back, slamming her ankle into Arty's already injured balls. Yet he still stood. Arty's erection would wilt to only spring back to life immediately later. He enjoyed the experience.

"Not down yet?" said Britt laughing.

Britt approached him and looked him dead in the eyes with her brown eyes boring holes into him. She came up close even as if she would kiss him. Arty would never dare exploit the opportunity. Usually this could be a weakness, but here, it served his self-preservation. Britt would explode if he tried anything.

However, this was not in the plans of the Mediterranean vixen. Honestly, she found her adversary undesirable to the core. She spoke to him only an inch to his mouth and said, "you know you're pathetic right?" Britt grabbed his balls and began squeezing, "And girls like me are so superior to weaklings like you." Britt added to the pressure. "Lauren, she's so prissy, and she kicked your ass, no balls necessary!" said Britt laughing, "And you had help against her! Now I'm crushing your balls and you're not even resisting. You are such a loser." Brit gave one last pump of a squeeze then released Arty and kneed him in the balls. He finally fell to the ground, she said "Loser!" and flashed a "L" symbol on her forehead, laughing. Despite this Arty's cock was straining and it took all his willpower not to cum. Britt's abuse, verbal and physical, turned him on so much.

Britt's sadistic and sensual bitchiness was of secondary interest to Steph. Steph had long legs and used them to deliver a series of kicks, mostly basic frontal snapping ones to Max's balls. Steph thought circumcision made a penis very unattractive and said to Max, "when you were born the doctors took away part of your dick, snip snip. Now a girl is going to take away your balls, kick kick!"

Max groaned out, "I can't help it, I'm---"

"A loser? I know!" said Steph laughing at her joke.

"J…," groaned Max.

"I don't really care," said Steph, "this isn't about your religion, this is about you being pathetic." Steph kneed him firmly again.

She was giggling and twerking. To Steph this ballbusting was empowering and meant to be funny and enjoyed. Max would have fallen faster were it not for Steph's teasing, but the few seconds he got of rest enabled him to stay standing for six kicks, giving Steph only a glimpse of Britt's grand finale.

All four of the nerds were groaning on the floor and the four girls who kicked their balls stood triumphantly over them.

Nadia had her foot on Eric's balls in a stomp, only pumping slightly, after formerly holding him up by his ankles, she then said, "any points for style, Lauren? You're the fashionista!"

"Well Nadia, gotta say I loved the stomp, you boys better watch out for that! Jami, super cute victory pose. You know, Pablo was thinking of challenging you first, so I think you reminded him he'd have lost against you too. You go girl! Britt, so sexy! Total erotic tease and great taunting. I would say I didn't like you calling me 'prissy,' but I'm not even going to pretend it's not the truth. Steph, great moves, you have amazing legs and amazing kicks!"

"Yeah, but who won," pressed Nadia, the Filipina was as competitive as she was beautiful.

"From pure style? I think Britt won this round!" said Lauren, Britt took a bow. "Now girls, let's thank the boys for the entertainment so far.

The girls patted the boys on the heads and exited the room giving their vanquished male opponents a chance to recover for the next round. Despite protests to the contrary all of the boys had erections flying full mast from their domination.

Part 4

The cheerleaders had convened around a table in the dining room to laugh at their inevitable triumph over the nerds who were clutching their balls in the nearby room. Steph may have masterminded it, but all the girls played their part. They girls had broken out some beers and were having them, giving the boys a chance to recover.

"Oh my God, how could these boys be this stupid. Aren't nerds supposed to be smart or something, they didn't realize this was a set-up?" asked Nadia.

Nadia was an athletic Filipina beauty who had a competitive streak a mile wide. She was rougher and tougher than the other cheerleaders and focused on her arms as much as her legs and core to make her as intimidating as she was gorgeous. While all the cheerleaders were athletic, Nadia was a step above. She wore a purple bikini that left little to the imagination and had enjoyed her beating of a naked Eric as he tried to escape. However, unlike the other girls, Nadia did boxing as a hobby and secretly wished her opponents were more athletic boys to give her a real challenge. She was strong, sporty, and sexy wrapped into an exotic bundle.

"Nadia, I loved watching your kick, by the way," said Britt, "I seriously thought Eric's eyes were going to fly out of his head or his nuts would explode, the geek looked so stupid!" The girls laughed in memory of it."

While Nadia could certainly do the most damage, Britt was the most eager to. Britt was a curvy and busty girl with a bit of a Mediterranean complexion. She was wearing a black bikini and oozed feminine sexuality. She had straight-dark hair and was known for bending the school dress code wearing tank tops that her large breasts seemed eager to spill out of and skirts that were a little too short. She wore stilettos regularly after she learned they made the breasts and buttocks appear larger. Her black bikini was the skimpiest among all the girls. Although it was mostly due to Britt's large breasts than it being particularly small.

"Britt, I loved your teasing of Arty," said Lauren, "it was so sexy and really helped put him in his place. Were you really willing to castrate him?"

Lauren was the tallest and the most feminine of the cheerleaders. She was their resident fashionista and the least rough. Lauren was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty and while the other cheerleaders weren't as tall as most boys, Lauren was taller than the majority in her class, and all the nerds except for Pablo. As a tall and elegant blonde, Lauren was often compared to Taylor Swift or Scarlett Johanssen, and the comparison was not inappropriate. Lauren wore a blue bathing suit, which brought out her eyes even more. Her bikini was the most modest, but still showed plenty of her fair skin.

"It's not like he was using the balls anyway," said Steph casually.

Steph was the leader of the group and the mastermind of the event. She was a slender and fit brunette goddess. She had extremely strong legs and was on the tall side, although not as tall as Lauren. Steph had won a bet several weeks earlier on who could bust the most balls at her school and found ball busting fun and empowering. The girls laughed more. Steph was a somewhat stereotypical queen bee and loved it.

"But seriously," sadistic Britt had said, "I'm not saying I would, but if I succeeded it would be pretty awesome."

"Don't you have two brothers to bust?" asked Steph.

"I believe in family, Steph," said Britt. For all her sadism, Britt was very family-oriented and despite not liking her brothers, did love them enough to have not crushed their testicles yet.

"Your brothers deserve it," chimed in Jami, "they're creeps."

Jami was a small red-head with a light freckled dusting. She had mostly Irish ancestry and brought the Celtic vigor out with a somewhat competitive nature. Jami was wearing a yellow bikini that showed plenty, but was not as scandalous as the others.

"They are," said Britt, "but I'd never be able to explain it to my parents. Besides, they'll grow up and I want to be an aunt, so I could be cool when their parents won't be. If Arty lost his balls, he's not exactly ruining Christmas."

"Regardless," Steph said, "I think Lauren was the most fun to watch. She pinned all four of those dweebs at the same time."

"That was awesome," said Nadia, "Could you imagine if they chose to fight me?"

"Hey, not cool," Lauren, the Nordic beauty said.

"Come on Lauren," said Britt.

"It's fair," said Lauren, "I know I'm the least muscular here."

"Either way, those boys were so stupid to think we wanted to hang out with them and didn't have a trick up our sleeves. And they're supposed to be the smart ones," said Britt laughing.

"Britt, they're not actually smart. I don't care how good at math or writing they might be, we're smarter. The fact we put this night together and will get away with it proves it," said Steph.

"We beat them in both street smarts and social intelligence," said Lauren.

"All true," said Steph excitedly, she raised her beer and said "to girl power?"

"To superiority," said Brit smiling.

"To ballbusting," said Nadia snickering.

"To not having balls!" said Lauren, slapping her crotch.

"To tonight!" added Jami.

The atmosphere in the living room where the boys were sprawled out on the mats was a lot different. "To ice," would be the closest to a toast they had. Pablo had managed to get himself to the kitchen to grab some and the boys were applying it to their injured balls..

Despite the trauma the boys had suffered all of them were fully erect, aroused at their defeat to the girls. Having been stripped by the girls their erections were on full display.

Arty, a bookish guy with dark hair, was used to being turned on by this. Only a week earlier Steph had kneed him in the hallways and he begged her to repeat the deed, finding it arousing and being happy to make her feel powerful and superior to him. Arty was happy to give Britt the same pleasure. The others were still working their way towards this.

The boys were at least sitting on the floor, and finally Arty, desperate to normalize his newly discovered fetish said slowly and through visible pain, "I feel like I need to bring up the elephant in the room, why is everyone sporting a boner?"

"You tell me," wheezed Max. Max had straight and dark hair. He wore glasses too, he was a math whiz and an expert at computers.

"Arty makes sense," finally said Pablo, "He had Lauren's cute ass up against his face and then had Britt touching his balls with her hands."

"You have boners too," said Arty, "it means you're aroused, and I think it's more than just any contact with a girl."

"Maybe it's just because the girls were touching our balls?" said Max, "And wrestling with Lauren was intimate. The girls are so hot, especially in those swimsuits which are next to nothing."

"Yeah, touching my balls is one thing," said Eric, "but not that way." Eric was a comic book geek and an artsy kind of guy with short blonde hair.

"Bear with me, gentlemen," said Arty, "maybe we do like it. I mean, they were right. The only way girls like this would ever touch us in our genitals would be this way. And, I don't know about any of you, but I, personally, feel inferior to them, all of them, and in some ways feel like maybe, if they can enjoy me--even in a way like this--it's the most action I'd get from girls this hot and like the idea of them asserting their superiority."

"But Arty..." said Pablo, "you can't be serious, I mean, it's not like that."

"Why not?" asked Arty.

The other nerdy guys tried to assert claims contrary but usually found themselves at a loss, maybe Arty was right and it was a turn on because they were in their place and the cheerleaders were in their rightful place as well. The girls had put them in their place and elevated themselves while doing it. Maybe they liked empowering these girls and letting them have fun at their expenses. Maybe they were inferior to these girls and deep down knew it.

Finally, the girls filed out and the boys who had gotten onto the furniture knew to return to their spot on the gym mats after a stern glare from Steph. They knew the cheerleaders were in charge and were not going to defy them.

"So, time for round two," said Steph.

The girls stood over their victims, Lauren, you'll go first, why don't you pick, "I think I'll take Arty here, I didn't have enough fun with him in the wrestling match," said Lauren smiling at him in a mischievous and satisfied way. Arty smiled awkwardly. Lauren was gorgeous, even though she was the weakest of the girls he was no match for her. She beat him and his three friends in the wrestling match. Her long legs also could deliver plenty of power. Lauren was taller than he was too, making him intimidated by the blonde bombshell. Lauren knew the erotic and intimidating effect she had on the boy and enjoyed it, she began running her hands up and down her body watching as his erection danced to her movements.

Steph dealt cards to the remaining girls. Jami said, "King of Hearts, nice, anyone got an Ace? I guess I'm up next. Hmm, how about you, Eric?"

Jami walked up to him, while he was taller, Jami made up for her smaller stature by being the perfect fiery redhead ready to unleash Celtic fury on Eric's balls. It got a laugh from the girls to see how the boy was terrified before their tiny friend.

Nadia said, "9 of Spades? Anyone beating that? I feel like me taking Pablo would be cliché, I'll take you, white boy!" Nadia strutted over to Max. She teased him by flexing. Max was surprisingly turned on. "You want to flex too, right? Aren't I the member of the 'weaker sex' Maxy?" Max's trimmed cock began straining a bit. The girls laughed at Nadia's clear superiority.

Britt and Steph showed their cards, Britt had the seven of hearts, and Steph the three of clubs.

"Looks like I win!" said Britt beaming, "and Pablo, you're all mine!" Britt walked over to him, her ample breasts bouncing. Pablo saw how sadistic the Mediterranean vixen could be. To most of the girls, this was fun and empowering, Britt, however, relished what she could do to a boy. Maybe it was because her older brothers were jerks, or maybe it was just how she was, but her was nervous with how cruel the girl could be."

"Well, shit," said Steph.

Steph plopped on the couch to watch. Steph found that this domination was making her pretty hot too, she slid aside the bottom part of her bikini and began fingering herself in anticipation. She noticed how hard the boys all were as the girls teased and stood before them ready to demolish a pair of testicles. The cheerleaders then struck.

Nadia went in first, she slammed her knee into Max's balls causing him to howl in pain, she held him up by his shoulders and drove her knee in again giving a cruel smile. "Oh I'm going to ruin your nuts Maxie!" said the Filipina beauty, punctuating it with a knee. Max turned pail and began whimpering and shaking in fear for being castrated.

"Please don't crush my nuts, Nadia!" whimpered Max.

Ignoring him, Nadia said, "You don't want kids, right? they'd be just little losers like you," Nadia grabbed his balls squeezing causing him to cry out in pain. Nadia finally let go then kicked him hard causing him to be lifted off the ground, she then pushed the boy over.

Even in the daze of the pain, Max couldn't help but feel aroused at the perfect, muscular Filipina goddess standing over him. However, he had little time to enjoy the view of the superior vixen. Nadia promptly sat on his face, smiling in satisfaction.

Britt looked at Pablo menacingly, and made sure her breasts were bouncing as she walked up to the trembling boy with smug feminine satisfaction. She felt sexy and powerful. Pablo looked at her, knowing how sadistic she was and said "Please...please..."

"You don't have to ask me so nicely, Pablo," said Britt, deliberately misinterpreting his pleas, "Here you go!" Britt slammed her ankle into his balls, then grabbed them and squeezed them, pulling him toward her for a powerful knee. Had she not put a hand onto his shoulder he would have been catapulted into the air by Britt's powerful leg. Britt smiled at him sexily as he clutched his nuts, held up by her strong arms.

"Was that as good for you as it was for me, honey?" Asked Britt.

Pablo could only groan. Britt let him go after she was sure he wouldn't collapse immediately. She then stepped back and delivered a brutal side-kick to Pablo's balls causing him to groan and collapse on the matt, both sounds as music to the busty babe's ears. She delivered a brutal axe-kick on his balls before wiping her foot on his face and standing over him saying, "that was fun, bitch. You are such a loser!"

Arty was nearly paralyzed by Lauren. She may not have been as strong as Steph, Britt, or his fellow abusers, but he knew the blonde-hair blue-eyed beauty was stronger than any male in the room, having won a mostly fair fight against all four of the young men she was now about to demolish him in an unfair fight.

Lauren initially was hesitant to go on the attack, while ball-busting wasn't foreign to the pretty blonde, doing it for sport to a mostly-willing man was new and fresh to her. She giggled at the nervous Arty and said "is that boner for me? The pretty girly who is going to destroy your balls?" Arty was silent. "Answer me and I might go easy on you," said Lauren in a tone that sounded both condescending and flirtatious simultaneously.

"Yes, Lauren," said Arty.

"So, you want this, it turns you on, little slut?" said Lauren in the same tone.

"No...yes...I don't know....I really don't know Lauren!" said Arty. He was still coming to grips with his feelings and seemed unsure. He looked at any of the girls and only saw superiority, Lauren being no exception.

"Let's find out!" Lauren said and swung her elegant toned leg forward full-force into Arty. She smiled as Arty managed to keep his composure and remain standing giving Lauren a chance to walk up to him and grab him by the balls. She began squeezing his balls then running her hand up the shaft of his penis. Arty was about to cum, Lauren winked and slammed her knee into his balls full force which sent him into the air, before he landed, Lauren grabbed his balls and his entire weight was dangling from his balls as he tried to get steady, but struggled due to the girl's sheer height.

"You didn't think I was actually going to let you cum?" said Lauren laughing in a condescending way. "Cummies from me are for real men, not dorks like you. Maybe I'll get lucky tonight and you'll never get to cum again," Lauren increased the intensity of her squeeze She noticed Arty's cock was standing at full mast again, this only made Lauren laugh harder, as she moved to trap his arms to ensure he would not get relief.

"Say you love it, bitch!" Lauren taunted Arty who only managed a groan.

Jami faced Eric and snickered as the boy who was easily larger than her looked at the tiny redhead with fear. Eric was also confused about why this turned him on so much. Jami was hot, but all his fantasies about her involved a bed and gentle passion with the cheerleader. Unfortunately, his sexual encounter with the Hibernian hottie would simply be painful for him for her amusement and that of all her friends.

Jami stalked Eric like a lioness approaching prey. Eric knew he wasn't to fight back, but was hoping he could mitigate the attacks. Jami let her foot fly into his crotch, as he screamed in pain she dropped to the ground and punched his balls hard before using them like a speedbag. White she wasn't a boxer like Nadia, technique was not her interest, only dominating the helpless male. For such a small girl, Jami was still very strong and inflicted substantial pain on Eric's balls from her grounded position, only to stand back up to the man and slam her knee into his balls hard only to step back and swing her toes into his balls. Eric fell to the ground in a heap and Jami placed her foot on his battered balls and twisted her foot on them like she was killing a cockroach laughing as Eric groaned in pain again.

On the couch Steph was getting turned on watching the display of this female power. For her it had somehow transformed from simply entertainment to sexually fulfilling. She wasn't attracted to the boys, but her whole life she had been taught men were on top, but in her home that night there was no question on who had won the battle of the sexes.

The cheerleaders all were in dominant poses, Nadia was sitting on Max's face, Britt had managed to wedge her foot in Pablo's mouth, smiling at the young man's distress, Lauren had Arty entangled in her long and elegant legs, as his erection flew at full mast unable to gain any relief from his trapped arms. Jami had maintained her stomp on Eric's balls as he whimpered. The girls saw their victory and laughed, Lauren finally let go of Arty and casually kicked him to the floor. The five girls danced triumphantly over the five young men on the floor, sometimes twerking to accentuate their femininity for the boys, all of whom laid in heaps, cradling their injured nuts.

Britt began rubbing the front of her bikini bottoms, the nerds all got the hint, she was lucky to have a pussy compared to their very vulnerable nuts. One by one the other girls joined in to adding this to their routine. This only humiliated the boys more.

After a few minutes the girls rested on the couch and gave the vanquished boys a break. Mostly ignored them despite the occasional smirk or chuckle. The girls were glowing in triumph as the boys groaned in agony and defeat. After a few minutes, Steph said, "thanks for your participation so far boys, it's time for the last event. Let me make the rules, perfectly clear. Each girl will get a chance to kick, knee, or squeeze your nuts so long as you remain standing. If you fall, you lose and each of us lovely cheerleaders will stomp you once and then leave you on the floor. However, if you remain standing, the last one of you who remains standing, that is, able to get back to your feet if you're knocked down, will get fucked by one of none other than your natural superiors, us. So, let the games begin. Steph allowed the boys to remain on the floor as she set up the rules. First, let's get the boys in a line, please."

Nadia grabbed Arty by the ankles and dragged him over to the mats with Pablo on his right and Eric on his left. Facing the girls, the boys were lined up as Max, Pablo, Arty, and Eric from the girl's left to right. Steph once again dealt playing cards, "this is the order you ladies will line up in, one girl will wait, but the round robin will move pretty fast, for starting positions, what do we have, I have the Queen of Hearts," Steph announced.

"Off with their balls!" shouted Nadia, garnering a laugh from the other girls.

"King of Spades," said Britt, "anyone beating that?"

"Um, guys, I got the informational card that comes in most decks," said Jami.

"Guess who's going last?" said Nadia, "Nine of Clubs."

"Four of hearts," said Lauren, "I thought it would be me," said the blonde beauty.

Britt faced Max, Steph, Pablo, Nadia, Arty, and Lauren, Eric, with Jami on deck.

The cheerleaders helped the nerds to their feet, and after a minute it looked like they had their bearings.

"Let's go girls!" said Britt.

Britt Let her knee piston between Max's legs, it caused him to whine a bit, but he stayed standing. The force, however caused her large Mediterranean breasts to bounce.

Steph's blue eyes and model-like looks were not lost on Pablo as she delivered a powerful knee between his legs, he wavered a bit, but remained on his feet.

Arty gulped as he faced Nadia. Nadia was as strong and rough as she was beautiful and was competitive. The Filipina's exotic beauty enchanted him, but he was aware of how powerful her entire body was, especially her legs. Nadia smiled sexily, stepped back and let a powerful cheerleader style kick fly that sent Arty in the air. However, he landed on his feet, and stabilized himself.

Lauren, as prissy as she was, was enjoying this game and decided to grab Eric's balls and squeeze them as hard as she could with both hands, each gripping a ball. Eric screamed, but Lauren was disappointed to see that it wasn't any more effective than the kicks. Eric remained standing.

Jami now faced Max. The petite redhead smiled at the boy cutely. Max looked nervous, Jami took a small step back before launching another kick to his sore package. He wobbled but remained on his feet.

Britt approached Pablo and more started him down menacingly. She walked up to him sensually before squeezing the boy's balls. He once again screamed while Britt grabbed one ball in each hand and sadistically poured on the pressure. Britt had shown herself to be sadistic and she whispered sensually in Pablo's ear, "I hope I get to pop one tonight, maybe it'll be you." The finally let go.

Steph approached Arty and said, "Like old times!" she said playfully. The fit and leggy brunette let a front kick fly, causing Arty to groan, but stay on his feet.

Nadia confronted Eric, the exotic beauty wound up into what would be a devastating knee.

As the girls continued to rotate, Max would be kicked by the leggy Lauren, kneed by Nadia, kicked by Steph before finally falling to a sadistic knee from Britt's powerful legs. The girls gave the boys a break to all give Max a cruel stomp before resuming their games. Eric fared little better, but it wasn't before Nadia had circled to him again that he finally collapsed in a heap to the same chorus of kicks. Pablo and Arty stayed on their feet stubbornly. Devastating knees from Nadia, elegant ballerina kicks from Lauren, and little, surprisingly powerful kicks from little Jami

Finally Britt and Steph had Pablo and Arty trapped in vice grips respectively. The two cheerleaders had finally squared off with the two men remaining standing. Both of them began buckling, but maybe it was how he was already respecting his own place and appreciation for being dominated by superior women that gave Arty the strength to remain standing. Pablo fell to a chorus of female laughter. Steph kept her grip on Arty's balls as the other cheerleaders stomped on Pablo's balls forcefully. Steph let Arty go with a smirk, pushing him to the ground flippantly with only two fingers before joining in stomping on Pablo's balls, wishing she was wearing heels.

As the boys rolled on the floor nursing their injured nuts the girls hi-fived and laughed. Steph said, "now who has to fuck our champion over here, gesturing toward Arty.

None of the girls stepped up, finally Britt said, "this was your project Steph, I think it's your job. The other girls echoed in agreement.

"Fine, get some ice for the boys, I'll be right back."

As the other cheerleaders fetched ice for the boys, Steph came downstairs only a few minutes later. She was still wearing her pink bikini top, but had traded the bottom for a skirt that came down to right above her knees, in the same hot pink as her top. She was carrying a canister of lube and looked as gorgeous as ever.

She looked at Arty somewhat contemptuously as he had gotten to his knees and said, "ready to get fucked, bitch?"

"Yes, goddess," said Arty, not sure of what else to say.

"Good boy," said Steph, go lay on the couch.

Arty managed to hobble over to the couch and proceeded to lie on his back.

"No. flip over, on your belly," said Steph in a bored tone.

Steph got behind him and dropped her skirt to reveal a strap-on. All the girls laughed as they saw it, the boys were too busy with their own balls to offer any real reactions. Steph stroked it with lube then mounted the nerd.

Steph kissed him forcefully on the neck and then rammed the strap-on into his arse. Arty's reaction was one of shock, but following the ball busting he was de-sensitized to pain.

"How does it feel to get fucked by a cheerleader?" said Steph mockingly, "Is it all you ever wanted?"

The other girls were in hysterics as Steph violated Arty. "Moan like a slut for us!" shouted Britt, "you pathetic little bitch!"

"Tell me when you're about to cum," Steph said firmly to Arty, okay?

"Okay..." groaned Arty.

"I'm about to cum, Steph," said Arty shortly thereafter. Steph leaned forward and reached behind her to grab and squeeze Arty's balls.

"Who's in charge Arty?" said Steph.

"You are!" said Arty.

"Who's stronger?" said Steph.

"You are!" Arty moaned.

"Who's the superior sex?" said Steph.

"You are...girls are..." squealed Arty.

"Good boy, now cum, bitch!" Steph commanded.

Arty immediately orgasmed, he exploded like a volcano of cum as the girls laughed at this scene of triumph. Arty promptly passed out after it.

Arty woke up a minute or two later drenched in cum. The girls generally ignored the boys after that, finally Steph said, "alright, I think it's time for you boys to get out and go home. We'll be keeping your clothes, but we'll give them back to you on Monday."

"Come Monday, watch out," said Britt winking sexily.

"Now get the fuck out of my house, losers!" commanded Steph, "or one of you is leaving without balls!"

"I'm hoping at least one of them goes to college missing one nut," said Britt as the boys bolted back to their cars to a chorus of female laughter.

"I'm sure one will," said Steph.

"Then we've got to have these parties again!" said Nadia.

"They'll be begging us to come back for sure," said Steph, "did you see their boners?"

The End.

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