June 27, 2024

Washington High Self Defense Classes, Chapter 8

By Hummingbird-Goal Recap Chapters 4-6 revolve around Tommy Shaw who - after getting kicked in the nuts both at school and at home - lost one of his nuts when he was “misunderstood” by his sister, Sandy at the hospital and they removed one, much to the chagrin/pleasure of his mother, Sue. And let’s not forget about Sue’s aerobics friend, Chloe, the twenty-something nymph who has gotten close to the whole family through this ordeal.

Chapter. 8, pt. 1 - Tommy gets discharged/Visit to sporting goods store

Sunday morning. It had been a long couple of days but Tommy was about to be discharged, feeling better, but one nut lighter.

His three loyal companions were out in the hall right outside of his room - Sue, his mother, Sandy, his sister, and Chloe, his mother’s aerobics friend.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Sue lowered her voice and spoke to the other two girls.

“Listen, I know we all enjoyed practicing those defense moves on Tommy the other night, but now that he's actually lost a nut I think we better go easy on him. I really don’t want to have a eunuch for a son.”

The other two nodded. Then Sandy smiled, “But you have to admit, that was a LOT of fun.”

Sue was about to chastise her daughter, raising a finger, then she just paused and said, “So fun!” And all three enjoyed a laugh together.

“You guys are in a chipper mood,” the female surgeon said walking toward Tommy’s room. Then she looked at Sue, who was no longer wearing the scrubs as all three ladies had gone home the previous evening to shower and change into regular clothes.

“You look familiar,” the surgeon said, “do I know you?”

“I don’t think so,” Sue responded. “I’ve been here a couple days looking after my son who just lost a nut.”

“Oh, that was your son?” She said, now leaning in to whisper. “Don’t feel too bad, the poor guy down the hall just lost both of his nuts. One of our nurses made a mistake and we accidentally took BOTH of his nuts! Imagine coming here with two nuts and leaving with NONE. God, I love my job!”

Sue nervously laughed, hoping no one would figure out it was her who ordered the double orchiectomy.

The doctor looked at her chart, “Well, good news. Your Tommy gets to go home today!”

“That’s wonderful,” Sue said.

“But I must warn you,” the doctor continued, “I’ve seen many young men who leave here with one nut, only to come back not long after, with another rupture to their remaining nut. I don’t know what it is, but those who have only have one seem to be a magnet for more trauma.”

“Oh dear,” Sue said looking at her daughter and friend. “What can I do to help?”

“I’m glad you asked. I have here a prescription for a one-nut nut cup.”

“A what?”

“It’s a nut cup specially designed to hold a singular nut after a boy has lost one.”

“Is that totally necessary?”

“Well, you do want him to retain his remaining nut, correct?” Sue nodded. “ You could just have him wear a regular cup, but we have found the one-nut cups do a much better job of holding that ball in place and protecting it from jostling around causing possible fractures.”

“Ohh, ouch. We don’t want that.” Sue said wincing.

“For insurance purposes, we’re going to have to take a photo of the incision wear he lost the nut. And you’ll have to bring the photo to the sporting goods store in order to qualify for the one-nut cup. Our state law requires it. I highly recommend Schuler’s Sporting Goods on main street. They have very experienced personnel who are very knowledgable on these specialty cups.”

“Yes, whatever you say. How soon should we get one?”

“As soon as possible.” The doctor suggested. “I’d hate to have you wait only to be back here for me to remove his last nut.”

“Yeah, none of us wants that! We'll go get one today!” Sue responded as they all stepped into Tommy’s room.

“Good news, baby!” Sue said as she approached her son. “You’re going home!”

“Wow, that’s great,” Tommy said now looking at the doctor, “Thank you so much!”

“He’d give his left nut to thank you,” Sandy chirped, sending the whole room into a tizzy.

“It’s no problem. Just promise me you’ll take care of that other nut - I don’t want to see you again!”

Tommy sat up and shook the doctor’s hand. “You bet. I don’t plan on coming back!”

“Now, for insurance purposes, we’re going to need to take a photo of your incision,” the doctor explained.

“Really? For what?” He asked, looking to his mother.

“It’s so we can get you a specialized nut cup. The doctor HIGHLY recommends it.” Sue said to her son.

“Do they really need a photo?”

“It’s state law for us to get this prescription, honey," his mother informed him.

The doctor set down her clipboard and took out her phone. “I’ll need you to stand up and lift your gown,” she instructed.

“With them here?”

“We won’t look, honey,” Sue assured him.

Without hesitating the doctor squatted in front of Tommy and lifted her phone to take the photo.“Please lift your gown,” the doctor said with a touch of lust in her voice, knowing what was underneath. None of the other three ladies looked away.

Embarrassed, and just wanting to get it over with, Tommy lifted his gown. All four females hearts skipped a beat, seeing Tommy’s ten-inch member.

The doctor stared for a LONG second, reached out to move his huge cock out of the way, sending a shiver down her spine, then took the pic.

“Okay, that’s it. You’re free to go. You can pick up the photo at the front desk.”

“Thank you so much.” Tommy said giving her an impromptu hug.

“No, problem. And Tommy — be careful!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Hey, before we leave,” Sandy said. “How come Tommy’s voice isn’t changed? I thought when they lose a nut, their voice goes higher.”

“Great question,” the doctor responded. “That usually only happens when the male loses both testicles. As long as your brother keeps this nut, he shouldn’t have to worry about singing soprano in the choir! Why do you ask?”

“I just think that’s so funny when a guy talks like that. So is it permanent?”

“Well, unless he finds a way to grow his balls back, yes, it’s permanent.”

“That would be so cool!” Sandy said looking at Tommy, the thought making him cringe and his sister smile.

“Don’t talk of such things, Sandy,” Sue said ushering her daughter out of the room. “Thanks again, doctor!”

Moments later all four of them were walking down the hall toward the front desk, Tommy using crutches.

There were about four nurses and a receptionist at the front desk with their hands over their mouths, stunned at something in the receptionist’s hand. Then they noticed the group coming down the hall and scrambled to leave the scene.

“This must be yours,” the receptionist said with a shit-eating grin, handing the photo towards Tommy.

“I’ll take that,” Tommy’s sister said, snatching it away from the woman.

“Sandy!” Tommy yelled out as his sister ran down the hall with the offending photo.

“Come get it!” She joked, running faster down the hall, knowing there was no way her brother could keep up.

“Mom!” Tommy yelled.

“Give that back, young lady!” Their mother yelled, Chloe now laughing her ass off at the scene unfolding.

Sandy took out her phone, snapped a quick pic of the photo and handed it to her mother, “Here, you can have it,” she said laughing.

Once in the car, tired of eating hospital food the last few days, Tommy asked if they could go get something to eat.

“We are going straight to that sporting goods store, young man. You heard the doctor.”

“But, mom!”

“There is no debating it. Do you want to keep that nut? This is serious honey. The doctor said she has removed so many second nuts and all because the guy wasn’t smart enough to wear a cup!”

“So I have to wear that thing ALL the time?” He asked.

“Of course, dear. Unless you want to be a eunuch. Is that what you want?”

Tommy shook his head slowly, realizing the gravity of the situation.

“As funny as it would be for you to lose both of your nuts, I think mom is right, you better wear that nut cup,” Sandy said lovingly. “I’m sure you can take it off when you sleep!”

Sue shook her head.

“Really?” Sandy said loudly. “He has to wear it to bed?!!”

“The doctor said we can’t take any chances and guys with one nut tend to squish it when they sleep.”

“Oh, man, that sucks for you dude.” His sister said laughing and tussling his hair from the back seat. “I hope that thing is comfortable.”

“I never realized nuts could cause so much distress,” Chloe chimed from the back seat. “Maybe you’d be better off without them.”

Silence filled the car as everyone pondered that statement.

“Maybe,” muttered Tommy.

Sue looked in the mirror at the two ladies in the back seat. All three of them smiled.

Sporting Goods Store

“Hi, welcome to Schuler Sporting Goods!” A bright and cheery, young blonde girl said to the four as they enter the store. Seeing Tommy on crutches she smiled even brighter, “Let me guess. You’re here for a specialty cup?!”

Sue looked around, “How did you know?”

“The crutches. And the limp. Tell-tale signs!”

“Wow, you’re good,” Sandy quipped, smiling at the energetic young lady.

“Did you bring the necessary insurance items?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Sue said, reaching into her purse, handing over the prescription and photo. Without looking at the paperwork, she took them and led them toward the nut cup section.

“I’m Bridget, by the way. And here are all of our protective cups!” she said, waving her hand at the huge racks of jockstraps and cups.

“Wow, look at all of these,” Chloe said, impressed at the selection.

“Yeah, we’re known for our vast array of protective devices - mostly nut cups! Here is the section you’re looking for - our one-nut, nut cups. These are sold by prescription only - a guy has to be lucky enough to only have one left to get one of these babies! You guys take a look around and let me know if you have any questions. I’ll go process this paper work.”

“She may need a nurse after she sees that photo,” Chloe whispered to Sandy. They both giggled, evoking a glare from Sue.

Trying to change the subject, Sue reached out and grabbed a cup off the shelf. “Look, they have both left and right one-nut cups.”

“Yeah, I suppose that makes sense,” Sandy said grabbing one herself. “Tell me again, did they cut off lefty or righty?” She asked her embarrassed brother.

“The left,” Tommy muttered.

“What’s that?” Sandy asked, really rubbing it in.

“The left! They cut off my left nut!” Tommy said somewhat angrily, drawing laughs from two high school girls who happen to be walking by.

“Fine, I don’t think we need to tell the world, THAT YOU LOST YOUR LEFT NUT!” She teased, being sure anyone nearby could hear it.

Over at the checkout counter Bridget was just about to put the insurance information into the file cabinet without even looking at it when the photo caught her eye. “HOLY SHIT,” she muttered under her breath, causing her co-worker to look over.

“What?” Her co-worker inquired.

“Um, look at this,” she said holding up the photo.

“Oh my God!” The girl whispered, not believing what she was seeing. “Is that his?” She said gesturing toward Tommy.


“Holy shit.”

“I know, right?”

“Do you want to help him?” Bridget offered.

“That would be so awesome,” the girl replied when she saw the new girl come into view. “We should have the new girl Dawn help him!”

“Oh my God, you’re a genius! That would be SO FUNNY!”

Bridget got on the intercom and belted out, for all to hear, "Dawn to the front desk for a one-nut fitting. Dawn, to the front desk for a one-nit fitting."

Sandy chuckled and elbowed her friend Chloe, "Guess who that fitting is for?" Both girls laughed causing Sue to chastise them loudly, right in front of Tommy and the two high school girls who were not so inconspicuously hanging around the nut cup section, "Honey, it's not very funny that your brother ruptured his nut and only has one left! Try to show some compassion!"

The two high school girls burst out laughing and disappeared behind a row of cups when Tommy looked over at them.

Dawn skipped up to the front desk,"I heard my name on the intercom. What did you need?" she asked Bridget.

"Well, we have a one-nutter over in the cup section who needs your help with a fitting."

“A what?” said the naive 18-year old who had only worked there for a week. “What does he need?”

“He needs help with a fitting of a one-nutter. You know? A one-nut nut cup.”

“Oh…Oh, really? I haven’t done one of those yet.”

“It’s a piece of cake. Ask him which nut he lost, help him find the right size, and be sure to test the cup before he buys it. We want to make sure he has the right one!”

“Oh, right. Okay. Thanks for the tips!”

Bridget’s co-worker spoke up as Dawn left to help the new customer, “Dawn, this is a really BIG job, go get him!”

“Yes, a REALLY BIG job,” Bridget added as both girls held back their laughter.

Dawn psyched herself up and marched toward section C, the nut cup section.

“I understand you’re looking for help finding a nut,” the nervous girl said causing Sandy to laugh loudly.

“You’re too late for that, honey,” Sandy laughed. “He lost it and it AIN’T coming back!”

“I’m sorry, I meant a one-nut, nut cup,” the girl said almost collapsing in embarrassment.

Sue felt bad for the girl, “It’s okay, honey.” She said putting her arm around her. “Yes, my son lost a nut so we’re looking for one of these one-nut cups.”

“Oh, yes, okay. Which nut did he, um, you know, ahhh,”

“His left one,” Sue interrupted, trying to help out the girl.

“So we need to get him a right nut cup?”

“I would guess that’s how it works,” Sue said with a wink.

“Oh, okay…so what, um, size do you need?”

“Well, how do we determine cup size with these things?” Sue asked.

“By, um, underwear band size, I think?” Dawn said, noticeably confused.

“Okay, he wears a medium in underwear. Should we grab him a medium?”

“Ahhh, I think so?” The girl said reaching out to grab a right nut, medium cup. “Here you go,” she said handing the package to Tommy.

“Thanks, do I go in here to try it on?”

“Yes. And, um, let me know if you need any help.”

This kind of threw Tommy off, but the girl was cute so he let it slide.

In the changing room Tommy managed to get the jockstrap up and over his still swollen right nut. He grabbed the unusual nut cup, looked at it and wondered how he could fit everything into it. Taking a breath in, he started pushing the cup into the pocket of the jockstrap. It was a very tight fit. But, at the very least it, it covered his right nut. Barely.

As Tommy stepped out of the dressing room Bridget and her co-worker sauntered over.

“Now, be sure to test the cup,” she whispered to Dawn who nodded.

“Please step over here and place your feet on the footprints on the floor,” Dawn instructed Tommy, her two co-workers looking on with bated breath.

Since they specialized in protective cups, it only made sense that the store had a place to test out the cups. A kicking station, if you will. It had a rubberized mat with two large footprints spread out about three feet, causing the guy being tested to spread his legs quite a bit.

Tommy waddled over to the designated area, spread his feet to accommodate the footprints and awaited instruction. “Now what?” He asked.

Dawn looked at her two friends who nodded in support.

“Please put your hands on top of your head,” Dawn directed.

Puzzled, Tommy complied.

With building confidence, Dawn aggressively stepped forward and thrust her foot into Tommy’s groin. He fell with a hard thud, coughing loudly, drawing the attention of the high school girls who were still nearby. They could hear one of them whisper to the other, “Did you see that?! She just kicked that guy in the nuts! You mean NUT! Hahaha!"

A slight panic overcame Bridget who quickly ran to Tommy’s aid.

“He did say he’d be better off without them,” Sandy drolly said to her mother who couldn’t help but laugh.

“You’re right. He did say that.”

“I’m so sorry,” Bridget said, consoling Tommy who was curled up on the floor with Dawn standing over them with both hands over her mouth, shocked at what she just did.

Trying to defuse the situation, Tommy stood up and adjusted the nut cup. “I’m fine,” he said.

“Are you sure?” Bridget asked.

“Yes… I think so.”

“What size cup did you give him?” Bridget asked, knowing it was probably too small, considering the photo she just saw moments ago.

“It was a medium.”

“What?!! A Medium!”

Not wanting the poor girl to get in trouble, Sue stepped in. “It’s my fault, I told her medium.”

“Oh, I see. Did you measure the customer?” Bridget asked.

“Well, his mother said he was a medium waist.”

“Oh dear,” Bridget said to the group. “We are supposed to measure every guy who comes in here. Sorry, folks, she’s new.”

“Measure his waist?” Dawn asked, truly not knowing.

“No, not his waist.”

“So what do I measure?”

Tommy’s mom, sister and friend started to smile and elbow each other.

“Well, what goes into the nut cup?”

“I have to measure his…thing?” Dawn asked incredulously.

“Again, she’s new,” Bridget said, looking at the group. She handed Dawn a cloth tape measure, patted her on the back and pushed her toward Tommy. “Remember this in your training?”

“Ohhh, that’s right. I DO have to measure his thing.” Dawn said, the realization just kicking in. “Follow me please,” she said stepping into the dressing room.

Tommy was beside himself. Was this necessary? At least she’s cute he thought to himself, too sore and tired to put up a fuss.

As the cloth curtain was closed in front of them, all those standing outside the room were anticipating how this next step would go. And they weren’t disappointed.

“Please lower your shorts,” they could hear Dawn say. “Okay, now the jockstrap.”

Tommy struggled getting the tight garment over his fairly swollen orb and huge cock. As he lowered it, his manhood came into view. Inch after inch. Dawn’s mouth lowering along with the jockstrap until his cock was completely out. They could all hear the loud gasp, followed immediately by the sound of someone hitting the floor.

The group outside was confused at first. Tommy was a little panicked. Not knowing what to do, he knelt down next to Dawn. “Ummm guys, I think she passed out.”

Chapter 8, Part 2

Concerned for her co-worker, Bridget flung open the curtain and was treated to quite the sight.

On his knees, attempting to attend to Dawn, Tommy’s cock swung down, almost hitting the floor. Sue and the others couldn’t help but laugh - loudly. This drew a small crowd. The two high school girls hadn’t gone far and now were standing only feet away from the entrance to the changing room.

Still concerned for Dawn, Tommy was oblivious to his exposure - his huge cock on display for all in the area to see. It was kind of cute the concern he had for Dawn.

Not wanting to let this go, Sandy yelled out, “Is there a doctor in the house! Please hurry!” Chloe was loving every minute of the scene unfolding in front of her.

A woman and her daughter came running over. “I’m not a doctor, but I’m a nurse,” she said, running over to the area. “How can I, I, I can’t believe this! Is his nut ruptured - look how swollen it is!”

“It’s not the nut we’re worried about, it’s the girl. She fainted,” Sue explained.

At this point Tommy was cradling Dawn’s head in his hands. His cock resting on his two thighs that were tight together. It looked like a large sausage on display at the meat market.

The nurse hurried over, knelt down next to Tommy, who was still oblivious to his nakedness.

“Anything I can do to help?” Asked the nurse’s daughter.

“Yes, come take her pulse!” The daughter made her way next to her mother, the two ladies greatly distracted by the huge cock on display only inches away, trying to administer some sort of aid to the passed out girl.

The crowd was atwitter with what was going on. Sandy and Chloe couldn’t stop laughing. And it was that laughter that finally snapped Tommy back to reality. For the first time since Dawn fainted, Tommy looked up at the crowd, saw all of their jaws dropped and he realized it wasn’t for the girl splayed out before him. He looked down and realized his cock had been visible for all to see this whole time. He hurriedly grabbed the jockstrap off the floor, put it over his groin and ran to the nearby bathroom, his ass now on display for everyone to see.

Feeling guilty, Bridget made her way to the mens bathroom, tape measure in hand. Opening the door a crack, she called into the room, “Tommy? You in here?”

There was no response.

“Listen, that was my fault. I shouldn’t have sent the new girl to help you. I’m sorry if you were embarrassed. I was just playing a prank on her. I didn’t mean for you to get hurt.”

”It wasn’t very funny,” Tommy finally broke his silence.“You’re right. And I’m sorry. But we need to get you fitted for a cup.”

“I really don’t care at this point, go away.”

“She’s just trying to help you,” Sue’s voice filled the restroom now.


“Yes, honey. It’s me. Let’s get you a cup and go get something to eat. Will you please let this young lady help you?”

“Are all of those people still out there?”

“No, they’ve all dispersed. The girl woke up right after you left. She just fainted. I brought you your shorts. Here, put these on and let’s get you fitted.”

Tommy grabbed the shorts through the door, slipped them on and headed back to the changing room with his mother and Bridget.

Chloe and Sandy did their best to hide their amusement as Tommy came back to where they were.

Once in the changing room Bridget asked Tommy to lower his shorts. He did so reluctantly and Bridget did her best to keep it professional. Holy shit! she thought to herself, look at that thing!

Kneeling in front of him, she brought the tape measure up to the base of his cock, letting go of the tape, it quickly unrolled down the length of his member. She was astonished. It had to be the largest cock she had measured in her five years of fitting young men for cups.

“It’s important we get a proper measurement so we get you fitted properly,” Bridget explained. “Wow,” she muttered under her breath, “Ten inches. I’ll be right back.”

Scouring the large rack of one-nut nut cups, she was having a difficult time finding the one she needed. A moment later, Dawn came by drinking a cold glass of water, the nurse and her daughter still at her side.

“Oh, Dawn, how you doing?” Bridget asked.

“Feeling much better, thanks. A little embarrassed. That guy was huge!”

“Um, he’s still here,” Bridget said, pointing to the curtain.

“Oh, sorry. Can I help?”

“You all right?” She said to Dawn but looking to the nurse.

“She’s a little shaken up after what she saw, but she’s fine,” the nurse said.

“Great. Can you go in the back and find me the double extra large, right-nut cup. We don’t have any out here.”

“Sure thing,” she said, her confidence now coming back.

The nurse saw Sue and the other girls standing outside the changing room and surmised Tommy must be her son. “Is that your son?”

“Yes. Thanks for helping out in there.”

“No problem. If it’s not too forward of me, did I see your son was missing a nut?”

“Ahh, yes, you saw correctly. Must be your nurse training.”

“Oh, I’ve assisted many testicle injuries at the hospital. It’s pretty easy for me to spot the one-nutters now. Poor fellas.” The nurse said, her daughter blushing alongside her. “You’re a good mother bringing your son here. My son lost a nut a year ago and I didn’t think of getting him one of these special cups. I mean, what are the odds that he ruptures the other nut?”

“Did he lose the second nut?!” Sandy asked a little too excitedly. The nurse nodded.

“Is his voice really high?”

The nurse looked at her daughter, “I’m afraid so.” The daughter seemed distressed and Sandy picked up on it.

“Wait…Did YOU rupture his second nut?!!”

A slight grin came over the girl’s face who then nodded.

“It was an accident,” the nurse chimed in. “She and a friend were practicing their cheerleading moves when my son walked in, not noticing them.”

“And BAM, you kicked him?”

“Yep,” the girl said.

“Cool! I’m so jealous.”

Dawn returned holding the very large nut cup, interrupting the conversation.

“Look at that thing!” Chloe said. “I hope it fits!”

“If that doesn’t, my brother is in big trouble!” Sandy quipped.

Dawn stepped into the changing room and handed the cup to Bridget.

“Oh, good, you found it!” She said. “Here, come help me. See how these double XLs protrude quite a bit?" Dawn nodded yes. "That's because with these one-nut, nut cups there isn't as much room for his penis and so it has to go somewhere."

Dawn looked at it with wide eyes.

"Obviously our customer here needs the biggest one we have, so it protrudes quite a bit. Hopefully he fits," Bridget said, looking Tommy in the eye.

Dawn was embarrassed to stay and help but she didn’t want to let Bridget down again.

“You can pull up the jockstrap, and I’ll insert the cup.”

Dawn knelt at Tommy’s feet, holding open the strap. Tommy obliged, stepping into the garment. Dawn slowly pulled it up. When she got to his groin she couldn’t help but stare at the package before her.

Bridget could see she was transfixed. “You okay?” She asked her helper.

“Yeah. Yes, I am,” her eyes not leaving the sight before her.

She had to pull the waistband out further to get it past Tommy’s huge cock and still swollen nut. She managed to get it on.

“Good job!” Bridget praised.

Dawn smiled at her accomplishment.

“Now for the tough part,” Bridget said bringing the cup toward Tommy’s groin. “Dawn can you get his mother to come in here?”

Dawn stepped out of the room and motioned for Sue to come in. “She wants you to come in,” she said to Sue, not realizing that the whole group thought she meant everyone.

Bridget saw the group come in and was about to ask the rest of them to leave, then thought why not?

“So, this is very important,” Bridget said looking at Sue. “With these one-nut cups, it’s imperative that the nut fits properly and snugly into the specially designed nut holder, otherwise, the nut could slip out and that would be bad.”

“How bad?” Sandy asked, genuinely concerned. “Rupture bad?”

Bridget nodded her head.

“He may need help with this part as it can be difficult to see exactly where the nut goes.”

Everyone gathered tighter around Tommy, trying to see how this all worked.

“First, move the cock out of the way,” she said looking up at Tommy. “Sorry, buddy. May I?” Tommy nodded. Bridget gently grabbed his meat and held it out of the way. “Then, grab his nut and caress it into place. Gently.”

All eyes were on her hands.

“See how perfectly his nut fits in? If it’s out of place you’ll see,” Bridget said as she purposely put the nut partially outside the cup. “You see this? If the nut is in this position, it wouldn’t take much for it to be pinned against his pelvis leaving it very susceptible to rupture.”

All of the ladies winced.

“Ouch,” Chloe said.

“Yes, ouch,” Bridget retorted. “We don’t want that. Let’s step out of the room.”

“Me, too?” Tommy asked.“Yes, dear. This is the most important part,” Bridget said.

So they all filed out, Tommy in only his jockstrap and new cup.

“Feet on the footprints, please,” Bridget directed.

Tommy felt a little self-conscious and exposed. “Can’t I put shorts on for this?”

“Not for the testing. If your nut does slip out, we want to be sure to see it. Unless you’re okay with losing this one, too?” Tommy didn’t hesitate to step onto the testing area.

“Who wants to go first?” Bridget asked the group. “Sue, you created those nuts. Would you like to do the honors?”

“You mean NUT. And yes, I’d be glad to.” Sue stepped over to her son, lined up her kick and let one fly. You could hear the plastic take the hit from all around the store, catching the attention of some of the customers.

“That was great, should we all take a turn?” Bridget asked to a bunch of nodding heads. “Okay, line up. We can do this rapid style. Just be sure you don’t see that nut come out at all.”

“Maybe we should have someone keeping a close eye on that nut, don’t you think?” Sue asked. "I'd hate for it to accidentally fall out and someone rupture that one!"

“I’ll do it!” Sandy yelled out.

“Okay hun, thank you,” Sue said giving her daughter a small side-hug.

Sandy stepped over to the foot of her brother. “What am I looking for again?”

“Check to make sure, after every kick, that the nut is still in place and that the cup is covering it.” Bridget instructed.

“Sure, I can do that.”

“How many kicks should we do?” Sue asked.“

To get a true test, I prefer we get in at least 50 kicks at every fitting.”

“Really?” Sue asked surprised. “Fifty? That seems like a lot.”

“Just for this first test. When you test at home, you can probably get by with 25 or so.”

“Oh, okay,” Sue responded. “That’s very thorough.”

“We want to be safe, right?” Bridget asked.

“Of course,” Sue said, actually getting excited at the prospect.

Just as the ladies were lining up a group of college soccer players walked into the store.

“Oh, perfect timing,” Bridget said excitedly. “Ladies, over here!” She said motioning to the soccer players. “This has become a tradition here at Schuler’s. Any time the soccer team is here, we have them join the testing of the cup. I mean, who better to help us?!”

Tommy was starting to get a little nervous. Could he handle FIFTY kicks to his nut - with a college soccer team?!! This cup better be all it’s advertised to be.

“Okay! Line up. Please take one kick each. As hard as you want. He is already fitted, ladies. Sandy, here, will be checking to make sure his nut stays protected, right Sandy?”

“Um what? Oh, yes, of course.”

“Another one-nutter?” One of the soccer players said. “I love one-nutters! One kick and you can take away his manhood!”

Now THAT made Tommy nervous. He looked over at his mother for some sign of support.

“Let’s get this started!” Sue exclaimed, eliciting a cheer from the group.

Chloe was up first. She was excited to resume where they left off just a few short nights and one lost nut ago. She carefully lined up her kick and struck with great force - BAM!

“Oh, nice one!” Sandy cried out. “I could feel that on MY nuts, haha!” Everyone laughed. Well, almost everyone.

Surprisingly, the nurse was in line and despite being a little older, she gave quite a shot to Tommy’s nut, it even made him grunt a bit. The nurse’s daughter was next. BAM! Another great shot. Sandy looking intently at the cup. So far, so good, she thought.

To most everyone’s surprise, Dawn, the new girl who had flattened Tommy just a while earlier with one kick, was in line, wanting more. “Way to get back in, Dawn!” Bridget yelled to her co-worker. “My turn!” Yes, even Bridget took a turn. And, man, could she kick. WHAM!! Direct hit. Sandy could swear she saw the cup lift up a bit with that kick.

“Wow,” Sandy said toward Bridget.

Next up was the five college soccer players. Tommy swallowed hard as the first one approached. Sandy hadn’t noticed it when the team came in, but all of the college girls were wearing their cleats. They must have just come from practice. This is going to be great! Sandy thought.

When the first one stepped forward she paused, looked back at her friends and asked, “Wait, is this the guy we saw at the hospital the other night?”

“No, I don’t think so, that guy had TWO nuts, Tommy here only has one.”

“Good point. Unless…”The soccer player looked at Sandy. “Yes, it WAS him. YOU were there that night!” She said pointing to Sandy.

“Oh, yeah, I remember that,” Sandy responded. “You guys were pretty drunk.”

“We were, haha! His nuts were SO SWOLLEN! So this is your brother? And he lost a nut that night?!”

“Yep,” Sandy said almost proudly.

“Well cool, let’s keep this party going!”

The excited soccer player stepped up to Tommy even more enthusiastic about the task at hand and she let loose a booming kick to Tommy’s nut. He felt that one. It almost raised him off the floor. And that was only the first soccer player. He was starting to really get nervous now. And he wasn’t the only one. Watching carefully, Sandy saw just how powerful that kick was. She could swear she saw the cup lift off Tommy’s nut for a split second. Wouldn’t it be cool if she saw her own brother’s emasculating just inches away? She thought to herself. Would he have a high voice like the doctor said? That would be SO FUNNY. Wetness started to form in her mound.

The next player’s kick was just as brutal. Tommy let out an audible “OOF!” And fell backwards. “Back on the footprints, young man,” Bridget instructed.

That kick got him good. The already-swollen orb was starting to swell much worse now. Sandy could see it. The nut was now visible under the cup. Well, they said only say something if the nut was out. It’s definitely still in there. He’s fine, she convinced herself, her wetness becoming more prominent.

The next player didn’t waste any time - BAM!! The most powerful kick yet. Sandy definitely saw his nut for a fraction of a second, sneak out of the cup. But it was still covered, so why say anything? I wonder if his voice will be higher than mine? She thought. That would be awesome! Even more wetness.

“How we doing there?” Sue asked, sensing her daughter’s distractedness.

“Oh, just fine,” Sandy said. “Everything’s covered.”

“Okay, good,” she said, not sure if she totally believed her and noticing the wet spot on her daughter’s black leggings. Wait. Is she getting off on this? She thought. What is she seeing? Now Sue’s groin was stirring. Sue walked over to the next soccer player and whispered, “He’s protected. Go ahead and give it your all.” The girl shook her head in approval. WHAM!!! The sound of the cleat hitting his cup was much louder this time. As much of a jolt as it sent through Tommy, it sent a tidal wave of emotions through Sue. It wouldn’t be the worse thing in the world for him to lose this nut, Sue thought to herself. Look at how much pain these things have caused him. Maybe he’d be better off? Sue looked over at Sandy and her ever-growing wet spot sent more moisture to her own pussy. “Great shot!” Sue said to the aggressive kicker. Tommy looked over at his mother, a little worried about her new enthusiasm.

Sandy, in the meantime, could quite clearly see the nut expanding, almost like a water balloon being filled with water. So he loses both nuts in one week, she thought, These things are silly anyway. And look how much trouble they have been for him. Maybe he’d be better off? Her pussy was now gushing. She was doing all she could to keep from rubbing herself. *What if my mom knew I was this horny? She’d be so upset.*Worried about being caught, she glanced over to her mother. Is she turning red in her face? Sandy wondered. Hmmm.

“Sandy, what’s the nut report?” Bridget asked. “Everything secure down there?”

“Oh…” she replied, caught a little off-guard. “Yes. Everything is, um, covered down here!”

“Excellent,” Bridget said, then turned to the soccer players. “How about we really start kicking hard now?”

WHAT?! Tommy thought to himself. That wasn’t hard before?!! A huge grin came over Sandy’s face. She looked over to Chloe and her mother and saw a similar smile.

“I think we’ll leave the rest of the testing to the soccer players, if that’s okay with you all?” Bridget said. All present nodded in approval. Turning to the nurse and her daughter, Bridget continued, “You two don’t have to stay. Thank you so much for your help today.”

“Oh, yes, sure,” the nurse stuttered, “Is it okay if we stay any way? We are curious on how this test will go.”

“By all means, yes! Please stay,” Bridget said, then turned to the soccer players, “Ladies, you ready?” They all nodded. Tommy swallowed hard and braced for what was about to happen.

“No matter what happens, honey, I’m sure it will all turn out for the best,” Sue said to her son.

Was she just saying goodbye to my brother’s manhood? Sandy thought to herself. This is going to be awesome!

The soccer players were now stretching their legs, getting ready for the fun ahead. Tommy wasn’t sure how this would all unfold, but he was glad it was these gorgeous college girls “testing” his nut cup. If he was going to lose his last nut, he’d want it in this type of scenario.

The first one came forward, placed her hands on Tommy’s shoulders, slowly brought her cleated shoe up to his cup, tapped it as if to measure up the target and took one quick step back and THRUST it hard into his groin. Not once, not twice, but three times - BAM! BAM! BAM! Each kick made Sandy and the others jump in surprise. All of their eyes widened.

“Wow!” Sandy said at what just happened before her. “That was incredible!”

“How we doing down there?” Bridget asked. And without even looking, Sandy replied, “Just fine!” But when she did look, she could see the water balloon effect. Her brother’s nut was expanding right before her eyes and now very noticeably peeking out from the cup.

Tommy was now hardly conscious and yet somehow able to keep standing. I can feel the nut coming out. When is someone going to say something? He thought. Then he saw his sister’s wet spot and he knew he was doomed.

“Everything still in the cup dear?” Sue asked her daughter. Not wanting this to end and fearful someone would see the flesh sticking out of the cup, Sandy reached up as if to inspect, and forcefully pushed the nut meat back under the one-nut cup.

“Looks great!” Sandy assured the group. The next player approached. She got face to face with Tommy, so close she could have kissed him. Her scent eased Tommy’s worry for a moment. Then the young woman turned her back to Tommy. Bent over at the waist, both hands now on the floor she cocked her right leg and with lightning speed, delivered a crushing back heel-kick into his cup. And like the first player, it was three consecutive blows, the next more powerful than the previous. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

Sandy was beside herself as she dropped her hand down to her crotch, hoping no one would notice a little rubbing. Sue, being a little more discreet, tugged up on her leggings, the seem conveniently splitting her womanly lips, providing some relief. Chloe couldn’t take any more and rapidly walked to the women’s restroom to masturbate.

Tommy fell to the floor gasping, but was still conscious. Dawn seemed really worried and ran to Tommy’s aid while her boss, Bridget, made it seem like this was all part of the testing procedure. She gave him a few moments to recover. Tommy thought for sure this had to be the end of the test. It wasn’t. And now he was worried.

Once they got him to his feet, his nut was so badly swollen that he thought for sure Sandy or someone would say something. His nut had to be showing out of the cup. Surely they would put an end to this.“Feet on the footprints, please,” Bridget stated matter-of-factly.

Seeing they weren’t going to stop this, Tommy tugged desperately at the top of his jockstrap, hoping his nut would plop out and his sister would see it and stop this torture. The next player was about seven or eight feet away, thinking about how she was going to attack his groin, Tommy looked to his sister. They made eye contact and all Sandy did was smile at her brother, thinking he was offering his de-nutting for her to behold.

He frantically tugged harder at his jock. His complete nut now fell out. Sandy started to orgasm right then and there. Here comes the big moment! She thought.

“Everything okay?” Bridget asked, shielded from the view of Tommy’s exposed nut.

“Just perfect!” Sandy replied.

Sue took a step to her right and could now see Tommy’s nut out of the cup.

“Sue?” Bridget asked.

“Everything’s fine,” Tommy’s own mother said. He’ll be so much better off, Sue thought to herself. Those things are always getting in the way, anyway. He won't miss them.

The soccer player looked to Sue and now that she could see the nut hanging out, started to salivate. She didn’t get many opportunities to end a guy’s sex-life, and here it was right in front of her. She started marching toward Tommy. Everyone was on edge, waiting for the inevitable. Even the nurse grabbed her daughter’s hand, not believing what was unfolding before them. Tommy now accepted his fate and he closed hie eyes.

The player was now one step away, she drew back her leg and…“WAIT!!” Dawn yelled as she jumped in between the player and Tommy. “Can’t you see his nut is out!”Dawn yelled. “What is wrong with you?!”

Tommy let out a sigh of relief and collapsed to his knees.“I thought we were here to test this nut cup, not de-nut this poor guy! It's his last nut!” Dawn said to the group.

Bridget could now see Tommy’s nut out of the cup and looked down at Sandy who was a wreck trying to hide her orgasm. “You were in charge of making sure he was covered. Clearly, his nut is not only not covered, it’s all the way out!” She chastised Sandy.

Sandy tried to cover up her crime and blurted out, “The nut must have slipped out at the last second! I’m so sorry!”

Sue went over to her daughter, helped her up, and gave her a consoling hug.

This calmed Bridget down. Maybe it was a simple mistake? She thought to herself. That could have been disastrous. And so awesome!

Now they all went over to Tommy and helped him up, his right nut still intact. Very swollen, but still there.

“I think it’s safe to say Tommy’s cup passed the test,” Bridget announced. Cheers erupted.

Bridget turned to Sue and handed her the box the new nut cup came in, “I’d suggest icing right when you get home. And after that, be sure he always wears that nut cup, we’d hate for him to lose his last nut.”

Sue grinned and gave Bridget a big hug. “We will keep an eye on that nut, believe me.”

As Tommy was headed toward the dressing room, he spotted Dawn walking away and he gingerly caught up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. They looked at each other and shared a warm embrace. “Thank you so much, you saved my nut,” he said to her.

Looking up, her head on his chest, a tear in her eye, she said, “I couldn’t play a part in making you a eunuch. You don’t deserve that.” She then pulled his head down and gave him a sweet, soft kiss on the lips.

As the others were headed toward the front of the store, Sandy saw a display of some unusual-looking cups. “What are these?” She asked Bridget.

“Oh! Those are our newest item,” she said, grabbing one. “I present to you, the Nut-Out nut cup!”

“Nut out?” Sue inquired. “What is that?"

"It's another specialized nut cup, designed to have one of the male's nuts hanging out, free from protection."

"Why on earth would you need one of those?” Sue asked, very curious.“

Great question,” Bridget replied. “We have had so many requests from self-defense classes that want a way to get a realistic response from their male participants while still protecting at least half of their manhood. These have been hugely popular.”

“Interesting,” Sue said, “So when the guy gets kicked, he will have his normal response, giving the woman kicking him an idea of how effective her kick was and yet he protects himself from total castration.”


“Ingenius!” Sue said looking at Chloe and Sandy, who both nodded in approval.

“As a matter of fact, we’re putting on a demonstration this Friday at Washington High School if you’re in the area and want to check it out.”

“Hey, that’s where me and Tommy go to school!” Sandy yelped.

“Really?” Said Bridget, “Well, we’re looking for male volunteers if you know of anybody. Obviously, you wouldn’t want Tommy volunteering for this as these cups are really only for boys with both nuts. Obviously.”

“Obviously,” Sue said, looking over to her daughter who was now grinning ear-to-ear.

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