June 27, 2024

Washington High Self Defense Classes, Chapter 7

By Hummingbird-Goal


The first three chapters center around the new self defense class at Washington High. There we meet many characters, including the gym teacher, Holly Hartel (Miss H). Rich Johnson was the first guy ruptured in the class, at the hand (or knee) of Heather Anderson and had to be taken to the hospital.

Chapters 4-6 instead revolve around Tommy Shaw who - after getting kicked in the nuts both at school and at home - lost one of his nuts when he was “misunderstood” by his sister, Sandy at the hospital (ch. 6) and they removed one, much to the chagrin/pleasure of his mother, Sue. And let’s not forget about Sue’s aerobics friend, Chloe, the twenty-something nymph who has gotten close to the whole family through this ordeal.

Chapter 7 - Rich gets Discharged/Trip to Principal's Office

It was now early Saturday morning. Tommy was going to be in recovery for at least another 24 hours. Boredom started to take over the three ladies who were graciously by Tommy’s side ever since his left nut was removed. Tommy’s sister, Sandy, grabbed Tommy’s chart and noticed it said in large handwriting “Emergency Orchiectomy.”

“What does orchiectomy mean?” She asked her mother.

“Honey, that’s when they remove a man’s nut. Like Tommy.” Sue said, trying to hide her smile.

“So how do they know to just do one?”

“That’s easy,” a nurse said entering the room. “It would say ‘double orchiectomy’ if we were doing both. Why, were you hoping your brother would lose both of them?”

Sandy tried to shrug off the nurse, laughing and saying, “No, it just seems it would be an important distinction to have on someone’s chart!”

“Especially if you were the patient!” The nurse said, causing them all to laugh.

The ruckus caught the attention of two women walking by in the hall who couldn’t help but look that way. When they caught the eye of Sue, she belted out, “Erin, is that you?!”

The two women walked in and a cheer erupted when they all recognized each other. It was Rich’s mother and sister, who were there to visit him just down the hall. The mothers both knew each other well from various school functions. And Sandy, while not great friends with Rich’s sister, Stephanie, she knew her from soccer.

“Is Rich still here?” Sue asked Erin with a concerned voice.

“Yeah, that girl did quite a number on Rich’s left nut. He almost lost it. Thankfully, the doctors were able to repair it, but he’s been in recovery for a few days now. He’s getting discharged today.”

“Oh, dear,” Sue said. “Well, I’m glad they could save it.”

Now noticing Tommy laying in the bed next to them, Stephanie asked, “What’s Tommy in here for?”

All three women looked at each other. Chloe could see how uncomfortable this made her two friends so she spoke up, “Tommy had an accident on his skateboard and hurt himself pretty bad.”

“Oh, no, the poor guy,” Erin said with sympathy. “What did he hurt?”

Now the ladies had a hard time covering their smiles.

“Well,” Sandy piped up first, “Let’s just say he and Rich will probably be able to compare notes!”

Laughter filled the room.

“Ouch, must have been pretty bad if he’s still here,” Erin said. “How are his - ah - his nuts? How are they doing?”

“You mean nut?” Sandy said almost gleefully. “His right one is just fine, I guess.”

“And his left?” Erin asked, anticipating the reply.

“Gone,” Sandy said, putting her hand over her mouth, stifling her smile.

“Oh. My. God.” Stephanie said, her jaw dropping. “What do you mean gone?”

“They removed it!” Sandy said. “It was smashed pretty bad. He was even yelling - cut it off! Cut it off!”

“Wow, that poor boy. You know it had to be pretty bad if he was yelling for them to cut it off," Erin said, then pausing, "That poor boy,” she said again.

“He still has the other one,” Sue quickly reminded them all. “A man can function just fine with only one.”

“But let’s be honest,” Erin said, “Can you imagine going the REST OF YOUR LIFE with just one nut? That would be so embarrassing. I’m so glad they were able to save Rich’s nut - I couldn’t bear to have a son with just one nut!”

This irked Sue. What was the big deal? So he lost a nut, Tommy was going to be just fine. “By the way, what’s with these outfits?” Erin asked the three ladies.

“Oh, we were all at an aerobics class when we got the call about Tommy’s accident,” Sue explained. “And so we all rushed over.”

The nurse who was still in the room checking on Tommy chimed in, “You know, I could get you guys some scrubs if you’re feeling a little underdressed. Especially if you’re all going to be here a while.”

The three looked at each other and nodded in approval. Moments later, the nurse came back with three sets of scrubs. “Now, I’m going to have to ask you all to clear the room for a while so I can administer to Tommy’s stitches.”

All five ladies filed out of the room and into the hallway when Stephanie realized she left her phone in the room. She quickly trotted back into the room just as the nurse pulled the sheet back from Tommy’s groin, exposing not only his scar, but his huge appendage.

Stephanie stopped cold in her tracks. The nurse hadn’t noticed her at first, while Steph got an eyeful. When the nurse finally saw her, she didn’t flinch. The nurse could tell she was enamored with the sight before her.

“Want to take a closer look? I know not a lot of people get to see a guy who is missing a testicle.”

Steph nodded. But it wasn’t the missing testicle she was entranced by.

“You see, here is where the incision is where we removed the testes from.” The nurse said pointing with her pen to the cut on Tommy’s scrotum.

“That’s amazing,” Stephanie said getting closer, staring at Tommy’s dick the entire time.

“Let’s go honey!” Erin cried out to Steph, snapping her out of her trance.

In the hall, the ladies were making plans to get coffee when Erin got a text from Rich’s principal.

“Ah shit. The principal needs to see us today in her office.” Erin said. “With Rich! We better get going.”

“It was great seeing you guys,” Sue said. “Good luck to Rich and his recovery!”

“Thank you - and good luck to Tommy and his one nut, haha!” Erin said, upsetting Sue even more. Then she could hear her say to her daughter, “Tommy only has one nut!” Followed by huge laughter.

When Erin and Steph arrived at Rich's room, they encountered Rich still sleeping and a nurse fussing with the sling they had brought in to gently keep his surgically repaired nut suspended in the air. The contraption looked like a large black metal “C” that had wheels at its base so you could move it close to the patient’s bed, and from the top of the “C” hung a series of wires attached to a leather support, designed to suspend one or two testicles out of harm’s way.

The nurse had unsnapped all six snaps that secured the leather pouch around Rich’s sac - at least, she thought she did. Normally, once you undid the snaps, the whole contraption would easily wheel out from the bed, freeing the patient from the sling. But the nurse was struggling. Confident she had unsnapped all of the snaps around his scrotum, the machine wouldn’t budge so she got down on her hands and knees to see if one of the wheels had gotten stuck. Erin and Stephanie looked on in amusement.

Still on her knees, the nurse firmly grabbed the base of the machine and started pushing it away from the bed. The wheels were moving, but not easily. So the nurse pushed even harder. That’s when Erin and Steph noticed the wires hanging down from the machine were being pulled tautly - still attached to Rich’s scrotum, pulling on it obscenely.

“Ahhh, the thing is pulling on his thing!” Stephanie blurted out.

Concentrating too much on the task at hand, the nurse ignored the cries and kept pushing.

Now both ladies stood in shock as the sling looked like it might pull off Rich’s entire sac!

“You’re going to rip it off!” Erin finally spoke up, startling the nurse.

“What is it?” The nurse asked, almost annoyed as she stood up.

When she saw what was happening her mouth dropped and she reached for the sling, now stretching Rich’s scrotum grossly away from his body.

“How did this happen,” the nurse muttered as she reached for the leather pouch. Then suddenly, SNAP! The final snap on the pouch could no longer hold as the sling violently let go of its contents and shot across the room, slamming into an oxygen machine six feet away.

The nurse slowly turned toward the other two, then, without missing a beat, said, “well, we got the sling off!”

“You stupid bitch!” Erin yelled at the nurse. “If anything happened to my son’s nut, I will have your job for it!”

Stephanie was surprised to see her mother react like this and couldn’t help but chuckle over what just happened.

The nurse meekly made her way to check on Rich’s nut. Palpating the orb with her thumb and first two fingers, the nurse didn’t feel any abnormalities - well, none that the surgery didn’t incur. “It feels just fine to me,” the nurse assured them and as she let the nut plop back down, Rich stirred awake.

“You’re damn lucky,” Erin spoke sternly, “I will not have a son walking around missing a nut - do you hear me?”

“Did I? Did they take my nut?!” Rich asked, slightly panicked, stirring from his sleep.

“No, honey,” Erin said, stroking his hair, “I would never let them take your nut,” she said as she glared at the trembling nurse. “How are you feeling?”

“Umm, pretty good I guess.” Rich said. “It does feel a little sore today.”

“Well, I got an urgent text from principal Brown today and we need to meet with her this afternoon.”

“I would highly suggest going straight home after discharge,” the nurse chimed in. “His testicle is still in a very vulnerable state.”

“Yeah, after what you did to it, I wouldn’t doubt it,” Erin snarled. “But we’re just going to visit with his principal, I’m sure his nut will be safe.”

“I can’t stop you from leaving and we do recommend bed-rest for at least another 3 to 4 days, but if you’re going to go out and about, I’d highly recommend he wear something supportive to cradle the testicles and keep them close to the body. A nut cup wouldn’t be a bad idea either.”

“Did you bring his nut cup with you?” Erin asked her daughter.

“His nut cup? I thought you were bringing all of his clothes today,” Stephanie retorted.

“Well this is great. We have no clothes for him and certainly nothing to support his nuts," she said looking down at her watch. "And we have to be at the school in less than an hour now.”

“He could wear this,” Stephanie said as she pulled a pink thong out of her purse.

“Why in the world do you have panties in your purse?” Erin asked, but before she could answer, she simply said, “I don’t want to know.”

“I am not wearing my sister’s panties out of the hospital,” Rich protested.

“Rich, honey, you heard the nurse, to keep your nuts safe, we must keep them supported. So you can go without and take a chance that you may re-injure lefty there, or, you can put on those and be much safer.” She said pointing to his sister’s pink thong.

“Alright, but if either of you ever mentions this again, I will kill you,” Rich said in jest.

“Aww, I think you will look good in pink, little brother!” Stephanie joked.

So upon discharge, Rich had to wear the hospital gown out of the hospital with his cute new panties underneath. He kept pulling at the back of the gown, hoping no one would notice what he was wearing.

They were almost out of the building when Sue, Sandy and Chloe entered the hospital, the wind from the door opening blew Rich’s gown up and exposed for all to see, his pretty pink thong. Laughter erupted once again.

As she passed by Erin, Sue whispered, “My son may have only one nut, but at least he’s not wearing my panties.”

Embarrassed and not knowing what to say, Erin blurted out, “Those are his sister’s panties!”

The three women looked at each other and burst out laughing, staring at Rich leaving the hospital.

Chapter. Seven, part 2 - The Principal's Office

Rich and his mother and sister were a little tardy to the urgent meeting with the principal, but once they entered and the principal saw how gingerly Rich was walking, she completely understood.

“How you feeling Rich?" Ms. Brown asked. "I heard they were able to save your testicle. That’s terrific!”

Looking around the room, Rich could see Heather - the girl who kneed him in the nuts earlier in the week, her mother, and the school nurse, Miss Spalding.

“Yes, they were - um - hi Heather,” Rich said as he walked past Heather and her mother, Amy.

“I’m sure Rich, you and your mother are wondering why I called this meeting.” They nodded. “I know you have been slightly inconvenienced by your injury in gym class earlier this week and I’m very sorry for that, but I think these things are to be expected in a self-defense class.” Miss Spalding nodded in agreement.

“Well, I would say he was more than slightly inconvenienced,” Erin spoke up. “He did almost lose his nut.”

“Yes, that is what I understand,” the Ms. Brown continued. “But he didn’t. Did he?”

Erin looked sheepishly to the floor.

“If I am to understand correctly, normal testicles are very hard to, shall we say, break. Isn’t that right, Miss Spalding?”

“Oh, yes, very difficult to break.” The notoriously ditzy nurse responded. “For you see, there’s not really a bone in that area. Some might consider when a young man has an erection that there is a bone present, but that is just slang - you know - boner. But there’s not really a bone there at all! So it is very difficult to break anything in that area.”

“I see, thank you nurse Spalding,” the principal said. “The point being, I’m not sure if you know this, but Heather here, has been suffering tremendously all week because of what happened to your son. She hasn’t been able to attend any of her equestrian classes and she’s been so distraught that she can’t even eat her favorite ice cream - crying herself to sleep every night. Can you imagine the pain she has endured because of this?”

Heather's mother put her arm around her tightly and Heather started weeping.

"She's been a zombie all week," Amy explained to the group. "And all because of HIM," she said pointing to Rich. "How was she supposed to know his nuts were so weak? I mean, a ruptured nut, all from a few knees to the groin? She is just beside herself!"

Amy pulled her daughter tighter as the tears continued to flow.

Rich's mom, Erin, was truly moved and went over to comfort her. “I’m so sorry this has happened to you.” She said sitting on the other side of her on the couch, placing her hand on her thigh. “I know my son suffered a little pain earlier in the week, but to see you like this really hurts my heart,” she said, patting the girl on the leg. Rich was not quite sure what was going on.

Now sobbing, Heather started to speak. “I thought he was protected! Miss H said he had a cup on so a kneed him as hard as I could - I thought that’s what I was supposed to do.”

“Well, of course dear - that’s the whole point of this class - to teach you how to take a man down. You did great!” Erin consoled her.


“Yes, dear. You took him down alright. And right to the hospital! I’d say you’re learning fast!” Erin encouraged.

“But I hurt his nuts. I didn’t mean to and now they’re hurt forever.”

“Nonsense, young lady. His nuts are just fine. And actually, it was just his left nut and they fixed that right up!"

“They did?” Heather said, still sobbing.

“Oh, this sweetie is a mess. You poor thing. Rich, come over here for a sec.”

“What for?” Rich asked.

“I wouldn’t ask so many questions,” Erin said, pausing, “Unless you want me to have Heather take you down again!”

That quip broke the tension in the room as everyone laughed. Well, almost everyone.

Rich slowly made his way over to Heather and his mother. When he got to them he stopped, standing directly in front of them, not knowing what to do next.

“Lift your gown, honey.”

“But mom!”

She didn’t have to say a word, she just looked at him. Slowly, Rich grabbed the hem of his gown and pulled it up. When the pink panties came into view, smiles circled around the room.

“Those are mine!” Stephanie yelled out gleefully. “Not the nuts, the panties.”

Putting her hand on Heather’s shoulder, Erin instructed, “Reach out and hold his nuts.”

“But won’t that hurt him?”

“No dear, he’s fine,” Erin said glaring slightly at her son to be sure he played along.

Heather reached out, gingerly she cupped both balls in her hand. She liked the feel of the soft lycra fabric enclosing his package. Rich winced a bit, but kept his cool, less he face his mother’s wrath.

“See, what do you feel?”

“Two nuts.”

“Exactly, TWO nuts. Not one. And how do they feel?”

“Normal, I guess.”

“See, he’s just fine. I know boys like to act like it’s the end of the world when they get hit there. But even in Rich’s case, one was ruptured and they still were able to fix him right up!”

Heather now started to cry again.

“Why are you crying honey?”

“I’m glad they were able to fix him, but it was the sound that traumatized me the most - I can’t get it out of my head,” Heather said.

“What sound, dear?”

“The popping - it was awful!”

“Oh, dear, I can only imagine.”

“I hear it every night in my sleep,” Heather cried.

“So do I,” Rich finally spoke up.

“Richard Johnson, this in NOT about you! How can you be so selfish at a time like this?” Erin chided her son, while all the ladies in the room shook their head in disapproval. “Besides, it’s one thing to hear your own nut pop, but can you imagine if you were the one that popped it, you might not ever get over that!”

“So I think we’re all in agreement that something has to be done.” The principal, Ms. Brown said. “No girl should ever have to go through the horrible pain that Heather went through this week.”

Rich tried speaking up again, “But…”

“Richard! I said enough. You haven’t even apologized to Heather yet.” Erin said sternly. “Well, go on.”

“I’m sorry Heather.”

“Good. For what?” His mother asked.

“I’m sorry you popped my nut and that you had to hear it, I guess?”

“Very good dear.”

“So how are we going to avoid this in the future?” The principal asked the nurse.

The nurse sat dumfounded.

“It’s not like you can test every boys’ nuts to see if they can pop,” Stephanie laughingly said from the sidelines.

Ms. Brown looked over at the nurse. Both of them raised their eyebrows then looked at the other ladies who were starting to see where this was headed.

“That’s it!” The nurse said excitedly. “We test their nuts! Genius idea, Steph!”

“And how do we go about that?” Heather’s mom, Amy asked.

“In my pre-med classes, we had to do all kinds of tests on cadavers, including their testicles. This should work!”

“I’ll bite,” the principal said, “how do you test that area?”

“Well, we would usually just squeeze. But I suppose you could kick or even stomp, for that matter.”

The ladies looked at each other slightly astonished and a little grossed out, when Erin piped up, “Let’s do it! For the girls! For all the girls! Rich, let’s get you out of this gown,” she said as she lifted the fabric over her son’s head, leaving him standing there in nothing but his sister’s pink thong.

“We can start right now!" Erin said enthusiastically. "Let’s test Rich and see if his nuts can take it! Miss Spalding, you have the most experience, care to show us?”

“Um, sure.” She stammered. “You do realize I practiced on cadavers before, right? So if we popped one, it wasn’t a big deal.”

“If my son can handle being popped once, he can handle it again. Look at him, he’s as good as new. We must do this for the girls!”

“Well, if his own mother wants me to try out my technique, I don’t see why not. For the girls, right?”

“For the girls!” They all yelled nearly in unison.

With that, Miss Spalding brought her folding chair over to Rich and set it down in front of him.

Standing there in his sister’s thong, Rich couldn’t believe what was going on. But he knew resistance was futile. Besides, Miss Spadling was hot as hell and if she was going to be touching his junk, this might just be worth it.

“I’m going to need you to pull down your panties, Rich,” the nurse said.

"My panties!" Stephanie yelled out.

"Ah, yes. I'll need you to lower your sister's panties," the nurse said, chuckling at the sound of that.

Looking around at all of the faces staring in anticipation, Rich hooked both of his thumbs into the pink panties at the hip, took a deep breath, and started to lower the thong to the floor. With all of the talk of his nuts, Rich’s little man got very shy and was practically inverted. Everyone noticed and did their best not to chuckle. They knew not to ruin this moment.

"A little cold in here, Richard?" the nurse asked, looking at the package in front of her. The ladies attempt to stifle their giggles. Miss Spalding reached out her gloveless hand and cupped both nuts in her right hand.

“Very warm,” she said, “that’s normal.”

She rolled each nut around in her hand, using her thumb to do most of the probing. Looking around, she invited everyone to get closer.

“Here it is, I can feel where they sewed his nut back up.”

“Ummm, they repaired his left nut,” Erin quipped, somewhat amused.

“Oh, goodness. Then what is this? You might want to have that looked at?” the ditzy nurse asserted.

“But isn’t that your job, here at the school?” The principal asked.

“Well, yes, but, that just feels weird,” she said with a shrug.

The ladies just looked at each other.

“Oh, yes, here it is. Oh wow! I can feel exactly where the nut split!” The nurse said excitedly, now pushing her thumb in even deeper. “Can you feel that?” She asked Rich.

Trying to keep his cool, Rich held his breath and nodded. He was at once in heaven with Miss Spalding touching his most private parts, and in hell, trying to bear the pain without letting anyone know.

“How about we start with the right nut, since lefty here is still pretty swollen,” the nurse said.

She grabbed his right nut firmly and began to dig her thumb into the core of the orb. “So what I’m doing here is testing the integrity of the testicle,” she explained to all of the women. “It really takes a lot of pressure to actually rupture one of these guys." All eyes were glued to Rich's sack.

"Right now, I’m digging very hard into his right nut and it’s holding up extremely well.” Rich’s legs began to shake a bit, “you doing okay, champ?” Rich bit his lower lip and merely nodded his head.

“Who would like to give this a try?” she said, looking around the room.

Stephanie’s hand went up immediately. She wasn’t sure why, but the idea of grinding on her brother’s nut appealed to her and now was her chance.

“Okay dear, come down here,” the nurse said as she got off the chair in front of Rich. “Take the nut in your left hand and get a feel for the weight of it. Roll it around a little.”

This is weird, Steph thought to herself, I’m rolling my brother’s nuts around in my hand. Oh, the power I have over him right now.

“Now start to apply more pressure. Don’t worry, you’re not really hurting him. Remember, testicles are very tough.”

Stephanie changed her stance on the chair to get a better grip. Rich could see this and started to worry. Stephanie went deep. She could no longer see her thumbnail, it was in so far. Beads of sweat started forming on her brother’s forehead.

The nurse could swear she heard ligaments starting to crack.

“Great job, honey. Perhaps we can give someone else a try? Erin would you like to give it a try?”

“Well, for education’s sake, I guess I could try it for a while.”

Now his own mother was joining in. Rich was beside himself. How could he ever look her in the eye again? Maybe she’ll go easy on me, he thought.

She did seem to start out lightly when she took a hold of his left nut - the one that was just surgically repaired. It seemed she was taking inventory over what had gone on there. She used her right hand to inspect the left nut, finding the ridge where orb had split open. She was amazed how long the split was, feeling the entire ridge with her thumb.

“Wow, you really split him good,” Erin said looking at Heather. “It goes the entire length of the nut! Wow!” Heather smiled, almost proud.

Rich thought his mother was done when she pulled her right hand away, but that was not the case. She was merely changing hands so she could get a better grip on his right nut. And what a grip it was. Applying as much force as she could muster, she really wanted to see how much this nut could take. Rich started to get light-headed and the nurse could see this so she politely intervened.

“How about we try some kicks?” The nurse said, jolting Erin out of her blissful moment, causing her to release her son’s testicle.

“Heather, you ready to give it another try?” The nurse asked.

“Can’t I do something a little less violent? I’d hate to pop him again.”

“Maybe you’re right,” the nurse agreed. “We learned this one in pre-med, too. How about stomping on the nut? Would you be okay with that? That way you can control how much pressure you’re applying directly to the nut.”

“Sure, I guess.” Heather agreed.

“Great,” the nurse said, “Rich, let’s have you sit on the floor right here.”

Rich agreed, but Miss Spalding could tell Rich wasn’t all there. And just to be sure he was still up to the task, she reached down and took the nut into her left hand. She could feel how swollen the testicle had become and was getting worried. It was ready to go. And just as she was about to suggest they call it a day, she looked up at Heather and knew the girl had to get right back on that horse and face her fears. It was the only way to cure her. It was only a silly little nut after all. They could fix it.

“Okay dear, take my hand. It will make it easier for you to balance your weight.”

Heather took the nurse’s hand. All of the others knew this was a big moment. Heather was overcoming her fears and they were all there to help see her through it!

“Now, face me and slowly put your left foot on Rich’s nut,” the nurse instructed.

“You got this,” Erin said, watching this girl about to stomp her son’s nut.

“You can do it,” Stephanie said, pumping her fist.

“We can do this one of two ways, honey. We can have you lift your foot in the air and stomp down, or we can have you simply step onto the nut and have you apply pressure that way. Which would you prefer?”

“I kinda want to try both. Is that okay?”

Knowing Rich’s nut was in danger of exploding at any moment, the nurse was fine with whatever Heather wanted to do.

“Sure, honey. How about we start easy and have you stand on the nut. This is a great way to test the integrity of the testicle and gives you a great feel for the amount of pressure you’re applying.”

Ignoring the advice, Heather found the courage and lifted her bare foot high in the air and came down with a mighty STOMP!

“Or, we can start with a stomp,” the nurse said laughing, causing the rest of the room to laugh as well.

“That was great!” Heather exclaimed. “I could feel his nut give way under my foot - but it didn’t pop!”

“I’m so proud of you, darling,” the nurse said, putting both hands on her shoulder. “Oh, and it seems our subject has taken a nap.”

More laughter.

“I’d better check to see if there are any ruptures,” the nurse said.

“Oh, it’s not ruptured. I could feel it still intact,” Heather said.

“Really? You could feel that?” The nurse said feeling Rich’s scrotum for any possible ruptures. “You’re right - his nuts are fine! Well, relatively speaking.”

Everyone could now see that Rich was passed out so the principal asked Erin if it was okay for the testing to continue.

“Are you kidding me? Now that he’s out, he won’t feel any of this - let’s keep going!”

Well, he might feel it later, she thought.

Cheers erupted.

“Can I try standing on them now?” Heather asked excitedly.

“Of course, my dear,” the nurse said. “Let me hold your hand again.”

Heather repositioned herself to Rich’s right, giving her great access to his right ball.

She grabbed a hold of the nurse's hand, lifted up her left foot and placed it on Rich’s nut. Then she slowly started putting pressure on it. This time the whole room could hear the ligaments tearing. They listened in enthralled silence. Heather put more pressure on the nut and after a few seconds, she lifted her foot off of Rich, letting out an audible sigh.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Erin asked.

“It’s going to pop.”

“How can you be sure?” The nurse asked.

“I can feel it. With any more pressure the nut will give way.”

“Let me take a look,” the nurse suggested, kneeling down beside Rich and rolling his nuts in her hand. “They are both very swollen. I think she may be right.”

“Should we stop here?” Heather’s mom asked, concerned for her little girl. “This girl has already been through a lot this week.”

They all began nodding when Heather interrupted. “I can do this,” she said. “What good is this experiment if we can’t see it through?”

Rich’s mom stepped over and wrapped her right arm around Heather’s shoulder, “I’m so proud of you, darling. If you want to finish this experiment, let’s finish it.”

The nurse looked to Ms. Brown.

The principal nodded.

Miss Spalding reached out her hand and took Heather’s, leading her back over to Rich’s prone and still passed out body. This was a big moment for all in the room. They all held hands as they watched Heather get back on that nut.

Her bare left foot found its way back onto the orb and she started to move it round in circles, almost tenderizing it. She could feel that the nut was ready to go. Holding onto Miss Spalding’s hand for balance, Heather started applying pressure. With each second she could feel the nut giving way. It was close.

“Almost there,” she said.

“The girl knows her stuff,” the principal said, jabbing the nurse in the ribs.

“Here it comes!” Heather yelled, and then - SQUICK!! Her foot fell flat and Rich’s right nut gave way. Cheers erupted! The whole group circled tightly around Heather, congratulating her on her accomplishment.

“Ya did good, honey,” Erin said, patting her on the back.

Rich’s sister Stephanie grabbed Heather and spun her around so the two could hug. “That was AH-MAZE-ING!” Steph said.

Heather was overwhelmed by all the love.

Ms. Brown looked at the nurse and said, “I think we just found our new nut tester for this class - if she wants it?!”

Heather just shook her head aggressively and cheers once again erupted.

“Guess we better get this guy to the hospital, eh, ladies?” Erin said to the group. “They have another nut to fix!”


Thirty minutes later Stephanie and Erin show up at the hospital with a still passed-out Rich. The nurse at the front sees they are having trouble and gets some orderlies to lift Rich onto a gurney.

“What’s the nature of his injury?” The front nurse asks.

And in unison, both ladies yell out, “His nuts!”

As the orderlies rush him to the nearest surgery room, Sue is coming out of her son’s room, in scrubs, inexplicably holding onto the clipboard with her son’s orchiectomy order written on it. Only this time it reads “Emergency DOUBLE Orchiectomy.” It seems in her boredom, Sandy had added the word “double” just to tease her brother, but now her mother was holding the chart and the head of surgery was heading right toward her.

Seeing a women in scrubs holding a clipboard, the surgeon asked, “Is this for that poor fellow they just brought in?”

Confused, Sue could see Rich laying on the gurney, waiting outside the surgery room. Then she saw Erin and Stephanie head into the waiting room.

“Well, is it?” The surgeon asked again.

Seeing the words “double orchiectomy” written on the chart, Sue smiled and handed it over to the surgeon and said, “Yes. Yes, it is.”

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