June 27, 2024

Washington High Self Defense Classes, chapter 11

Chapter 11, part one - Tommy Volunteers, Sort Of...

By Hummingbird-Goal

When the Shaw family returned home from their trip to the sporting goods store, Sue realized she missed a text from Principal Brown from the day before.

“IMPORTANT: All boys in Miss Hartel’s self defense class, report to the gymnasium promptly at 10:00 am on Sunday for a crucial testing program. Leave your nut cups at home.”

“Hmmm, I must have missed this yesterday when we were leaving the hospital. Wonder what that was all about?” Sue said aloud to herself.

“Wonder what?” Sandy asked her mother.

“Oh, I just got a weird text from the principal saying all of the boys needed to report to the gymnasium today.”

“Really? What for?”

“It doesn’t say. But at the end it says for them to leave their nut cups at home.”

“Those nut cups are so silly,” Sandy replied. “That must really suck for guys to always have to worry about getting their nuts racked. I swear they’d be better off without them.”

“It’s funny you say that.” Sue said. “I’ve been thinking about that ever since we started kicking Tommy’s nuts on Friday.”

Both ladies sat down at the dining room table.

“Look at all of this fuss that has been made over Tommy and his nuts the last three days. And who has it really affected? You, me and Chloe,” Sue said to her daughter.

“You know, you’re right. We stayed at the hospital almost that entire time - and for what?”

“And after what the doctor said about guys with one nut and the chances of them losing the other, I thought, maybe we should just put him out of his misery?” Sue said.

“We’re going to pop his other ball?!!” Sandy said with excitement in her voice. “Won’t that, like, mess up his sex life?”

“I’m sure he’ll be just fine in that department,” Sue said. "Have you seen his dick?!"

“Oh, I thought, once a guy loses both balls he can’t get hard-ons any more.”

“That’s an old wive’s tale. He’s a virile young man. I’m sure everything will work just fine if he loses both balls,” Sue said with a shrug, getting up to grab a glass out of the dishwasher. She was holding it open, contemplating which one to grab, when Tommy entered the kitchen.

“Oh, hi honey, we were just talking about you,” Sue said as Tommy made his way across the kitchen on his crutches, wearing baggy sweatpants. His hair wet from a shower.

“Oh, yeah, what about?” And as he got this out, one of his crutches slipped on the linoleum floor causing him to lose his balance, his crotch falling right on the corner of the dishwasher door, hitting his nut extremely hard.

“OOOOOF!” Tommy grunted as he rolled into a ball, grabbing onto his remaining nut.

Sue’s motherly instinct kicked in and she dropped to her son’s side, rubbing his back.

“Are you okay baby?” She asked. “Good thing you had your new nut cup on, or that could have been really bad!”

“I’m…not…wearing…it,” he squeaked out in a high pitch voice, causing his sister to burst out with one loud “PFFFFTT!” As she brought her hands to her mouth to cover her smile.

“You’re not wearing it?!” Sue said incredulously. “I just spent a good amount of money on that thing. And the doctor said you had to wear it at all times!”

“Not during a shower,” he squeaked out again, only eliciting more laughter from his sister.

“Well, you’re obviously out of the shower now - why aren’t you wearing it?!”

He could only shrug.

“I had better check on your nut, honey. That looked pretty bad,” his mother said.

Tommy attempted to roll away from his mother, but she grabbed his hip and rolled him right back. Sandy, without being asked, did the honors of pulling down the loose sweatpants, only to reveal a very swollen right nut, and, of course, his huge dick.

“Holy smokes! Look at that thing!” Sandy yelled out.

“Be a dear and grab some ice for your brother,” Sue said to her daughter, taking her son’s nut into her right hand.

Tommy now lay on his back in the middle of the kitchen with his mother taking great care to examine and ice his remaining nut, his sister hovering over, still trying to stifle her laughter.

“Honey, your sister and I have been talking since we got home and have deiced that - as much as we like practicing our defense moves on you - we really think it would be best to have your second nut removed.”

“Really?” Tommy squeaked, raising his head off the floor.

“Yes, dear, just look at home much trouble your nuts have given you - even just today!”

“I’m no expert,” his sister joined in, “but I bet that hurts pretty bad,” she said, pointing to her brother’s very swollen nut.

The front doorbell rang. “I’ll get it!” Sandy said cheerfully.

A moment later she came back with a welcomed guest. “Look who I found!” Sandy said, holding Chloe’s hand and leading her into the kitchen.

“Holy swelling!” Chloe couldn’t help but blurt out when she saw Tommy’s nut. “And that’s not the only huge thing,” she whispered to Sandy while nudging her with her elbow. Sandy slapped Chloe’s arm in playful disgust.

“Maybe Chloe can help us,” Sue said to the group.

“Sure, with what?”

“We were just discussing the benefits of having Tommy’s other nut removed,” Sue said. “And trying to talk him into it.”

“That could be fun,” Chloe said, thinking they would be the ones to destroy it.

“Umm, I’d like to have a say in this!” Tommy said, trying to cover up his huge package. “It’s not like they give me THAT much trouble.”

“First of all, THEY?” Sandy smirked. “Let’s not forget there’s only one.” All three ladies smiled at this. “And when you HAD two nuts, you were always getting hurt!”

“No, I wasn’t!” Tommy insisted.

“Look at how many times your nuts have gotten in the way, over the years,” Sue said.“Remember that time one of your nuts fell out of your Speedo at the beach and you didn’t even know it, and EVERYONE saw it? If both of your nuts are gone, you wouldn’t have to worry about that at all any more.”

Tommy looked over at Chloe and blushed from embarrassment.

“Yeah, that was pretty embarrassing,” Tommy said sheepishly, finally catching his breath from the punishment of the dishwasher.

“See, he’s coming around,” Sue said to the other two.

“And remember that time you didn’t lock the door to the bathroom and I opened it and the doorknob got you so hard in the nuts that you threw up! You can’t tell me that didn’t hurt,” Sandy said.

“I almost forgot about that one,” Tommy said, looking over at Chloe, who was trying to stifle a laugh.

“Yeah, well, we haven’t forgotten. And you know who had to deal with all of that?” Sue asked. “Your sister and me, that’s who! Since you could hardly walk after that incident, your sister had to clean up all that puke in the bathroom while you laid in bed all day!”

“You’re right, mom, I did! That was so unfair,” Sandy said recalling the ordeal.

“And how about that time you were pitching softballs to me in the backyard - with all of our cousins there for your birthday party - and I hit that line drive into your nuts so hard it made you pass out?” Sandy said. “And we thought you were faking it, so we just left you laying in the backyard until an hour later we went and checked on you and you were still out.”

“You scared me half to death,” Sue said. “No mother should have to be put through that! I was traumatized! And I had to take you to the hospital and I missed having cake at the party all because of your silly nuts.”

“That softball hurt so bad,” Tommy said.

“Not very soft, I’m guessing?” Chloe joked.

Tommy stood up, grabbed his right nut, his huge dick laying over his hand, and felt how sore it still was. “Maybe you guys are right,” Tommy said looking down on his nut, Chloe transfixed with his beautiful cock.

“You know we’re right, those things have given you - AND US - nothing but trouble your whole life! Honey, I think it’s time,” His mother said. “Just think of all the freedom you’ll have. Freedom from pain, freedom to not have to worry about your silly nuts every day.”

Tommy started nodding his head.

“Should we make an appointment to have it removed?” Sandy asked excitedly, grabbing her phone. “It’s long over due if you ask me!”

“Well, I’ve looked into that and it turns out our insurance won’t cover removal without what they call a ‘catastrophic injury’ to the nut,” Sue said.

“So what dose that mean,” Sandy asked.

“It means, in order for it to be removed, it will have to be damaged very badly first.”

“Like a rupture?” Sandy asked excitedly.

“Exactly," Sue responded.

“Well, awesome!” Sandy said looking over at Chloe, “We already got a head start when you got him with the dishwasher! We can do this! And Chloe can help!”

Chloe shivered with excitement, “That could be fun,” she said smiling.

“Not so fast,” Sue said, “I think the insurance company will think it highly suspicious if one of us injures the nut and unless you have $10,000 sitting around for the surgery, this will have to look like an accident.”

Sue looked at her daughter and Chloe, and they all got wide eyed.

“The demonstration this Friday!”

“What demonstration?” Tommy asked.

“Oh, honey, this will be perfect! You know that nice young lady we met at the sporting goods store today? Well, she is going to be giving a demonstration in front of the whole school on how well their new One-Out Nut Cups work!”

“One-Out, what’s that?” He asked.

“Oh, that’s right, you were a little out of it by that point,” Sue said. “It’s an ingenious invention where there is a window carved out of the cup, protecting one of the nuts and leaving the other out to be struck by whatever means necessary.”

“But won’t that be covering my good nut, then?”

“You mean your remaining nut, silly?” Sue said with a smile. “Of course, that’s how it’s supposed to work, but instead, we will have you use one that forces your last nut to hang out - it’s perfect!”

“Mom, you’re a genius!” Sandy said. "And they won't even know it's his only nut, destroying it for us!"

“What do you think, honey?" Sue asked her son. "I know it’s very public, but what better way to be sure insurance covers it than by having the entire school witness it - there’s no way they could deny that claim!”

Tommy thought about it for a brief second, then smiled and replied, “It is pretty ingenious, mom. You’re amazing.”

“Wonderful, I’ll talk to the sporting goods store about you volunteering for that presentation,” Sue said gleefully. “You go ice that thing upstairs - and would it hurt you to get some homework done?”

Tommy slowly started making his way up the stairs. One painful step at a time. “Go help your brother up the stairs,” Sue said to her daughter.

“Sure, mom,” she said, then turned to Chloe, “Wanna help?”


Tommy was a bit embarrassed at first, but once each girl took a hold of his arms, their breasts pressed up against his body, he didn’t seem to mind the help.

They got him safely to his room, then Sandy invited Chloe over to her bedroom.

“Hey, can you show me some of the exercises you guys are doing in your aerobics class?” Sandy asked Chloe.

“I don’t know about that,” Chloe said, “I’m not really wearing the right clothes for that.” She saw Sandy’s face drop with disappointment. “But maybe you have something I could wear?”

Sandy’s face lit up. “I do!” She said, pulling Chloe by the hand over to her walk-in closet.

“Wow, that’s a lot of leotards!” Chloe said, perusing the closet.

“Yeah, I’m kind of obsessed. But between cheerleading, dance, and gymnastics, I wear them almost everyday. Go ahead and pick one out and I’ll get changed, too!” Sandy was so excited for her new friend to join her in her bedroom.

Both ladies didn’t take long to find leotards they liked. “I really like this one,” Chloe said, holding up a white one that had a large blue stripe going diagonally across the front. “It even has snaps in the crotch, in case I need to use the bathroom!”

“Oh, that’s a great one,” Sandy said. “When I wear it, I have to be careful that the snaps don’t come undone - I wouldn't want to flash my whole team!”

Sandy found a cute light pink one that appeared to be one she’d wear for ballet.

Both girl stripped down to bra and panties - well, Chloe chose not to wear a bra that evening. “What?" She explained to Sandy, "It’s Sunday night, who am I going to run into? Besides, I like going braless."

Seeing how gorgeous Chloe looked without a bra, she decided to join her. “Yeah, I know what you mean, I hardly ever wear a bra on Sundays,” she fibbed to her friend, taking her bra off.

Once both girls were dressed, they turned to the mirror hanging on the back of her door. The leotards were light enough that you could clearly see their nipples through the fabric. They both turned from side to side, checking out how they looked. “You know, I hate it when you can see the thong I have on underneath,” Chloe said. “And I can see yours, too.”

Sandy stepped closer to the mirror and turned to look at her butt. “I know what you mean, even when I wear a thong, you can still see it through this leotard. You wanna try a different one?” She asked her friend.

“I don’t know, I really like this one,” Chloe said, “And it’s not like anyone’s going to see us.”

“That’s true,” Sandy remarked. Then she saw Chloe undo the snaps to her leotard and pull down her panties. Goddamn, she’s hot, Sandy thought to herself. “Do you need help with those snaps, I know they can be tricky to fasten.”

“Sure,” Chloe said, turning to face her.

Sandy crouched down and grabbed the front snaps of Chloe’s leotard, then reached her other hand between her legs and took a hold of the back snaps. With Chloe’s beautiful snatch just a few inches in front of her, Sandy’s heart started to race.

“I’m glad you’re helping, these snaps can be tricky,” Chloe said, now getting a bit flustered herself, as the back of Sandy's hand brushed against her vag.

Sandy’s hands had a slight tremble to them as she secured the two snaps of the leotard. “Yeah, especially when there’s three snaps,” Sandy said looking up into Chloe’s eyes. “But, with two snaps you do have to be more careful so it doesn’t come undone.”

When she had both snaps fastened, Sandy couldn’t help but drink in the sight of Chloe’s pussy and how the white leotard wonderfully formed around it. She reached out as if in a trance and started rubbing Chloe’s crotch with no objection from her friend.

“I’m so glad we don’t have nuts,” Sandy cooed, while Chloe closed her eyes, enjoying the attention her now wet pussy was receiving.

“Uh-huh,” Chloe moaned.

“I mean, look at this pussy,” Sandy said, now putting more pressure between its lips. “It’s sensitive, but it’s not like we’re going to be going to the hospital every time something hits it.” She stopped rubbing and took a small step back. “Plus, look how beautiful it is. Like a glistening flower.”

“Uh-huh!” Chloe said a little louder, reaching out and grabbing Sandy’s hand, directing it back to her soaking mound, then taking a hold of the lower part of her bodysuit and pulling it up, causing both snaps to come undone. Sandy got the hint and with her right hand she gently penetrated Chloe’s vag and for the first time in her life, she leaned forward and placed her tongue on a woman’s clit.

Chloe was now dripping wet as she took a hold of the back of Sandy’s head and methodically guided it in a circle, barely able to stand on her now weakened legs.

Sandy lapped up the juices, surprised at how quickly things progressed. Chloe moaned in ecstasy, trying her best not to be too loud as to alert other family members in the house. After several minutes, her legs finally gave out from her orgasm and she sunk to the floor. She reached over, grabbed Sandy and buried her tongue deep into her mouth. They kissed one hard passionate kiss when Chloe pulled back. “Where did you learn that?” She asked her friend, still panting with excitement.

“I don’t know,” Sandy said, her heart pitter-pattering, “I’ve never done that before.”

“Wow, a natural,” Chloe said, leaning forward, gingerly kissing her on the lips. “We’ll have to try that again sometime. You still want to do some aerobics?”

“I have a better idea!” Sandy said, jumping up from the floor. “Look what I have!” She said, pulling out a One-Out nut cup.

Chloe’s eyes widened. “Where did you get that?”

“From the sporting goods store today. I covertly snuck it on the counter when mom was buying the other cup for my brother.”

“We have to try that out!” Chloe said excitedly. “Go get your brother!”

“Okay, but we do have to be careful not to rupture his nut. Remember, my mom says it has to happen in public so insurance will cover it,” Sandy said.

“Of course, we’ll just have a little fun and see how this new cup works!” Chloe said, “It’s a shame that once he loses that nut, that beautiful dick of his won’t work any more.”

“What do you mean? My mom said his dick will work just fine if he loses both nuts.”

“Well, I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure once a guy is a eunuch, his boner days are over!” Chloe said.

“Really? My mom didn’t seem to think that - or, at least she didn’t seem to care. That would suck,” Sandy said, shrugging it off.

“No need to dwell on it, go get him!”

Running down the hall, completely unaware at how naked she looked in her light pink leotard that was not only wet with sweat, but practically dripping at its crotch, Sandy pranced to her brother’s room and knocked. Getting no response, she knocked again. Still no answer. She called out his name and nothing. She could hear something going on in there so she slowly opened the door a crack and she couldn’t believe what she saw.

Her brother was laying on his bed, headphones on, a laptop resting on his stomach and about 10 inches of hard cock in his right hand, pumping away. Holy shit, that thing is huge, Sandy thought to herself. Admiring the veiny appendage from across the room, Sandy thought, maybe we shouldn’t take his other nut. It would be a shame to put that thing out of commission. Then she heard her mother coming up the stairs and she instinctually slammed the door shut, undoubtedly alerting Tommy to someone’s presence, and ran down the hall to her room.

“Is he coming?” Chloe asked excitedly.

“Ummm, not just yet,” Sandy said with a smile. Then she heard Tommy’s door close and the bathroom door open. “He, ah, had to use the bathroom first. I’ll go get him when he’s done.”

“How’s your nut, honey?” Sandy could hear her mother ask her brother. “It’s not too hard to deal with, is it?”

“Oh, it’s hard,” Sandy muttered, now peeking out her door at the two of them.

“Just please be sure to wear your new cup until Friday,” his mother instructed, “we would hate to have your nut rupture before that.”

“Yes, mother,” Tommy dutifully replied.

“If that thing ruptures before we can do it in public, and you’re not wearing that cup, it’s coming out of YOUR allowance! Ten thousand dollars!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Sue disappeared down the stairs and Sandy saw her opportunity to speak, being careful not to show her outfit to her brother. “Hey, bro, can you come help us with something?”

“I don’t know, sis, my nut is still pretty sore. Think I might just go to bed early.”

Then Chloe stepped her way past Sandy and into the hall. “You sure you can’t help us, just for a few minutes,” she said, using a sultry voice, making sure Tommy got a good look at her.

Tommy stood helpless in his tracks, drinking in every inch of Chloe’s gorgeous body, the bodysuit hugging every pronounced curve.

“Well, I mean, I could probably help for a little while, sis,” Tommy managed to get out as he sauntered down the hallway. He squeezed his way past Chloe who was standing in the doorway, breathing in her sensual scent, and into his sister’s room.

“What’s up?” He asked, once in the room.

“This is what’s up!” Sandy said, turning around, holding one of the new One-Out nut cups.

“Where did you get that?” Tommy asked with a little worry in his voice.

“At the sporting goods store today,” Sandy said bouncing up and down as she said it. “Actually, mom bought it,” she lied.

“She did?”

“Yeah, she thought we should probably test it out before your big debut this Friday.”

“Tonight? I don’t know guys, I’m still really sore from everything that happened this weekend.”

Seeing Sandy was getting nowhere, Chloe grabbed the jockstrap and slowly walked toward Tommy, looking him straight in the eyes, her white leotard beautifully showing the outline of her sumptuous nipples and still-wet pussy. She slipped past Tommy, about as close as she could get without actually touching him, gently closing the bedroom door, then making her way to Tommy’s side. Pressing her tits against his left shoulder, she held up the cup in her left hand, in front of Tommy’s glance. Slowly she lowered it until it was pressed up against his crotch. Over his sweatpants.

“Are you afraid it won’t fit?” Chloe whispered in his ear. “Maybe you should just try it on for us so we can see?” She lightly panted as she pushed the cup a little harder against his groin..

Feeling her gorgeous body pressed against him, he looked over to his sister, who looked equally hot, then reached his hand down and grabbed the cup. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to just try it on.”

“Exactly,” Chloe said, stepping away, making sure to rub her tits against his arm. “It shouldn't hurt at all.”

“I’ll just go change in the bathroom then…”

“Oh, no you don’t,” Sandy piped up. “We can’t have you running into mom. Just change right here. We’ll turn around.”

“Okay, but don’t look!”

“We won’t,” Sandy said.

“Promise,” Chole reaffirmed.

The two ladies were sincere in their promise and turned around, while Tommy also turned his back to them and dropped his sweatpants, facing the closed bedroom door. Caught up in all of the excitement, Tommy hadn’t realized that the door had a full-length mirror hanging from it, he just wanted to get dressed quickly so the ladies didn't see his nakedness. The ladies turned their back, facing Sandy’s make-up table, which also had a large mirror on it.

When Tommy bent over to pick up the jockstrap, Chloe soon discovered the two mirrors aligned perfectly to give them an amazing view of Tommy changing. She nudged Sandy and pointed to the mirror they were facing. Sandy’s eyes lit up when she saw her brother’s naked figure, bringing her hand to her mouth in an attempt to suppress her gasp.

Chloe grabbed Sandy’s right arm as they stood side-by-side watching the spectacle unfolding before them.

Trying to rush things a bit too much, Tommy took a hold of the jockstrap and yanked it quickly up his legs, catching his large, lone nut in the waistband, eliciting a grunt.

“You okay, bro?” Sandy said, trying not to laugh at what they saw.

“Yeah, I’m fine!” He said, “don’t look!”

Both girls looked at each other, faces contorted from holding back their laughter.

“We won’t look!” Sandy chirped.

“Promise!” Chole added, pulling Sandy tighter.

With Tommy’s nut temporarily stuck on his waistband and his huge dick cascading over the nut, it was quite a sight. Chloe licked her lips and whispered, “Oh my God.”

“You’re not looking are you?” Tommy said nervously.

“No!” Sandy yelled, “Are you done yet?”

Tommy reached down, pulled up his cock, lowered the jock just enough to free his nut, then managed to fit everything down into the awaiting cup. Both girls looked at each other again and smiled.

Then Tommy noticed the hole in the cup and jock was just large enough for him to fit his nut through, although it took some doing. Holding the top of the waistband open with his right hand, Tommy took his left and started pushing the nut through the opening. This also caught the eye of the girls, who nudged each other, smiling at his plight, hoping the nut would make it through.

When they saw the nut plop out, both girls cheered loudly. Startled, Tommy turned toward the girls and said, “Are you watching me?”

“No, Tommy,” his sister said, “Chloe just reminded me that, um…”

“That she can join my aerobics class!” Chloe said, covering for her friend’s delayed response.

“Oh, okay,” Tommy said, buying it. “You guys can turn around now.”

When they did, the sight surprised them, even though they had seen him in the mirror seconds before. Somehow, in person, the nut looked larger and it hung so nicely out of the cup.

“That’s so awesome,” Chloe said as she approached Tommy, got down on her knees, and cradled the dangling nut.

“This cup is amazing!” Chloe said, gently lifting Tommy’s nut up and down with her upturned hand. “Look how his nut hangs out so perfectly! Check this out, Sandy!”

Tommy was a little taken aback by what was transgressing, but with two beautiful women attending to his nut, he wasn’t about to complain.

Sandy joined her friend, kneeling by her side. “Feel this,” Chloe said to Sandy, removing her hand from the nut. Sandy, a little apprehensively, reached out and cupped her brother’s sole remaining nut. An electricity went through her body as she wrapped her hand around it. I could take his manhood from him right now, she thought, the crotch of her leotard starting to moisten.

“So what’s the plan?” Tommy asked, stepping backward, pulling the nut out of his sister’s hand.

Both ladies stood up and looked at each other.

“Well,” Chloe said, looking at Sandy. “I’m guessing there will be lots of kicking on Friday night, why don’t we start there?”

Sandy nodded and said, “Who gets to go first?”

“You’re the sister, why don’t you go first?”

Sandy clapped her hands together near her chest in excitement. “Okay!” She said, moving her brother by the shoulders to a spot she felt suitable for kicking.

“Now, I doubt they are going to hold back at the demonstration, so I think I should go all-out, don’t you?” Sandy said, looking over at Chloe, then to her brother.

Tommy paused, drew in a breath, and said, “You’re probably right. But do you really think this is going to help me, or are you just trying to kick me in the nuts really hard?”

“Nut!” Sandy said, lifting a finger. “You have a single nut. And yes, we do think this will help you.”

“Yeah, you’d hate to get kicked in front of the whole school and not be able to take it. Besides, we’re doing Bridget at the sporting goods store a huge favor by participating in the demonstration.”

“You guys are going there, too?” Tommy asked, incredulously.

“Yeah!” Sandy said cheerfully, “Bridget asked if we could help with some of the testing, or to help backstage. I’m super excited! But enough stalling, it’s time for some kicking!”

She lined herself up squarely to her brother. She eyed up her target, hanging there so defenselessly. “Here goes!” She said as she aggressively stepped forward and sent her bare right foot flying up to her brother’s nut. SPLAT!!! The sound could be heard echoing in the room.

Tommy buckled forward, instinctively reaching for his battered nut. One thing he didn’t expect was when the foot made contact, it slammed his nut into the bottom of the cup, pinning it against the hard plastic.

He wasn’t the only one to feel the hard plastic.

Sandy jumped up and down a bit, trying to soothe her bare foot that just slammed into Tommy’s hard plastic cup. “Damn, that hurt,” Sandy growled. “Don’t try kicking him barefoot!” She yelled to Chloe. Then she reached for the closest shoes she could find, a pair of black high heels. “These should do the trick!” She said, slipping them on.

“Let me try that again,” she said, giving no care to her brother’s condition. “Straighten up,” she commanded. Her brother painfully obliged.

“Heee-Ya!” Sandy yelled as she drove the point of her shoe directly into her brother’s swollen ball. Tommy dropped to his knees and let out a huge breath, grasping at his throbbing nut.

“How was that?” Sandy said, looking over at Chloe.

“You got him good, young lady,” Chloe said with pride. “My turn.”

Reaching her right hand down to Tommy, offering to help him up, Chloe couldn’t wipe the smile from her face. “You’re doing great, honey,” she said, “This is going to help you so much for Friday. That nut is going to be so brave!”

Tommy peeked up from his fetal position and reached up for Chloe’s hand, catching a beautiful view of her snatch pressed tightly against the fabric of the white leotard. If ever there was inspiration for a young man to get up, that was it.

“Good job!” Chloe said in a sing-song voice. “Let’s get you even more ready for Friday!”

Once Tommy was on his feet Chloe didn’t hesitate, thrusting her right foot up into Tommy’s large nut. “Oooof!” Tommy pushed out, dropping down to one knee, coughing loudly.

“Shhhh!” Sandy scolded. “Mom’s going to hear us!”

“You okay?” Chloe asked, being over in front of him, but Tommy just held tightly onto his nut in pain. “Let me take a look,” Chloe said with a slightly sweeter voice.

Reluctantly, Tommy let go of his orb and shakily stood up in front of Chloe. Still bent over, now staring directly at the nut in front of her, Chloe reached out and took a hold of it. Tommy flinched at the touch. “Pretty tender, eh?” She asked Tommy who sheepishly nodded. Chloe continued to palpate the nut as Sandy looked on. “It’s SO SWOLLEN,” she mouthed to her friend, “HOLY SHIT.”

“You got one more kick left in ya?” Chloe asked, rubbing his back. “I’m guessing they’ll probably do at least five kicks on Friday and you’ve only taken three so far.”

Tommy turned his head to face Chloe, “I can do a couple more - it’s not that bad,” he said staring at Chloe’s tits under the nearly transparent leotard, then stumbling as he tried to take a step forward.

“Are you sure?” Sandy asked, “I really don’t want to rupture you before Friday. Mom would kill us. And that looks really swollen.”

“I can, I can do a few more,” Tommy said, sounding almost inebriated.

“It’s your nut,” Sandy said with a sigh, then turning and smiling at her friend who was already lining up her next kick.

“Can you turn your left side this way so I can get a better shot at your nut?” Chloe asked politely.

Tommy turned, spread his legs a bit and waited for another kick. Chloe’s blue tennis shoe came screaming through the air and made perfect contact with his nut. Tommy hardly reacted, just went down like a sack of potatoes. “Oh, oh,” Chloe said quietly.

“Shit!” Sandy said under her breath and immediately tended to her now passed-out brother. “You okay?” She said, now slapping Tommy’s face. “Tommy!” She yelled. Afraid of what the result may be, she slowly moved her right hand over to his obscenely swollen nut. Though seemingly out cold, Tommy flinched when Sandy grabbed the nut.

“That’s a good sign, right?” She said looking up at Chloe.

“I don’t know? I think so,” Chloe answered meagerly. “Let me feel.”

Chloe knelt down next to Sandy and reached out for the large orb. Taking it in her cupped fingers, Chloe used her thumb to check its integrity. Slowly and methodically, she palpated the entire nut, Tommy flinching from time to time, undoubtedly when she would get to a sensitive area. After about a minute feeling the nut, Chloe looked over to Sandy and said, “I think it’s still intact. He’s going to be fine.” The two girls stared into each other’s eyes, relieved they didn’t rupture the nut.

“Honey, I have your laundry…” Sue said, coming through the door unannounced. All three ladies froze. Sue looked down at Chloe’s hand, which was still cradling Tommy’s extremely swollen nut.

“What in the world is going on here?” Sue asked, trying not to raise her voice.

Sandy panicked, “It’s not what it looks like! We were just practicing aerobics when Tommy snuck up on us and Chloe accidentally kicked him in the balls!”

“Ball, honey,” Sue said. “Singular. Ball.”

“I feel awful, Mrs. Shaw” Chloe said convincingly, “I didn’t even see him and when I went to kick, he was just standing there and, WHAM! Right in the nut.”

“This is all from one kick?” Sue asked, now examining her son’s nut. “That must have been some kick.” Now having flashbacks to just a few nights earlier when they were all kicking Tommy’s nuts, and how much they all enjoyed it, Sue started to perspire. Sandy could see her mother was flustered and lost in thought about something. And she had a pretty good idea what it was.

“Well, it doesn’t feel broken at all,” Sue said releasing the nut. “But look how swollen that sucker is.”

“You know, I was thinking,” Sandy said, helping her mother to her feet. “Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea for all of us to practice kicking Tommy’s nut so he is ready for the big school assembly on Friday.”

"Great idea!" Chloe chimed in, trying to support her friend's plan.

“I don’t know, honey. If we rupture him, it’s going to be a bitch getting insurance to believe it was an accident.”

“I’ve been thinking about this. Nuts are very tough, right? And his first nut wasn’t technically completely ruptured,” Sandy said. “It could have easily been saved.”

“That’s right!” Chloe chimed in, “You told them to cut it off at the hospital. So really it was the hospital that took his nut, not us!”

“I didn’t tell them to cut it off,” Sandy said, attempting to set the record straight. “I did it for my poor brother. HE was the one who was begging for them to cut it off. I mean, I did it for him!”

Just then, Tommy started stirring awake.

“Well, look who’s waking up,” Sue said, smiling down on her son. “Let’s help him up.”

The three ladies each reached down and hoisted the still very groggy young man to his feet.

“Hey mom, what’s up?” Tommy asked, almost nonchalantly.

Confused, but loving the attention, Tommy thought his arms up and said, “Why not?”up, it would probably be a good idea to be sure you’re ready. More directly, that your nut is ready. You wouldn’t mind if we each took a turn kicking that thing, just to be sure you’re ready, would ya?”

Confused, but loving the attention, Tommy threw his arms up and said, “Why not?”

Chapter 11, part two - Tommy Endures More Abuse

“Where should we put him?” Sue asked her daughter and Chloe. When she noticed two of the drawers of Sandy’s makeup table were open. “What did I tell you about keeping your drawers closed, it just looks so shoddy!” She said as she kicked them both closed, annoyed by the disarray.

“Sorry, mom,” Sandy said, “I just forgot.”

“Well, it drives me crazy. Is it too much to ask to keep your room in order? And what’s with all of the leotards on the floor?”

“Oh, yeah, Chloe and I were trying some on. I’ll clean it up when we’re done.”

“Well, who wants to go first?” Sue said looking at the other two girls, when she noticed Sandy was wearing high heels. “Doing aerobics in high heels, uh?” She said with a skeptical tone. Sandy just bowed her head, avoiding eye contact. Then she couldn’t help but smile.

Knowing she was busted, Sandy finally spoke up. “Umm, you might want to put shoes on. That cup really hurts your foot if you kick it barefoot.”

Sue hesitated at the admission, then lifted a finger, saying, “I know just the ones!” As she left the room.

Moments later she was back wearing large brown combat boots.

“C’mon, mom. You’re not going to wear those, are you?” Tommy asked, more than a bit worried.

“You heard what your sister said, that cup is hard plastic, and I’m not going to be the one getting hurt here tonight. Besides, I’m pretty sure the girls testing you on Friday are not going to be barefoot. Now, who wants to start?” She said looking at the other two ladies.

“You can do the honors, mom,” Sandy said, moving her hand from left to right, as if to present her brother.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Sue said with a smile on her face. “You ready, honey?”

Tommy nodded, then spread his legs wider for his mother. “That’s a good boy,” Sue said, looking down on her son’s nut.

Taking a step forward, Sue slowly brought her foot up to Tommy’s groin, eventually making slight contact with his nut. Tommy went up on his tip-toes to try to avoid too much contact.

“That’s cute, honey,” Sue said, smiling at her son. “But I don’t think that’s going to work when I do THIS!” And as she said this, she thrust her large boot up into Tommy’s nut, making hard contact.

Tommy’s chest lunged forward as his lower half went backwards from the impact and his eyes bulged from their sockets. Chloe and Sandy looked at each other and tried desperately not to laugh. Then Tommy fell to his knees and started dry-heaving. This sent the two girls over the edge as they burst out laughing.

“Good shot, mom!” Sandy said through her laughter.

“You got him good, Mrs. Shaw!” Chloe said, clapping her hands.

Looking at the girls, then her son, Sue beamed with pride. “I did get him good, didn’t I?” Then she looked back over to the girls and now she couldn’t help but laugh as well.

“I think I heard the cup crack!” Sandy said.

Sue’s eyes went wide as she held her hand to her mouth. “Really?” Sue said, “Shit, I hope not, those things aren’t cheap.” It was then that she realized she had bought her son a One-Nut nut cup, not a One-Out cup. “Hey, where did he get this cup?” She asked. “I bought him one of those other ones, not this kind.”

“Oh, yeah, um, I think I saw Bridget throw one in our bag as we left the sporting goods store,” Sandy said to her mother, hoping she would buy it.

“Well, wasn’t that nice of her,” Sue said, now attending to her son, who was lying on his back. “You okay, honey?” She asked as she wrapped her fingers around the nut.

“Is it broken?” Tommy asked, short of breath.

“Don’t be silly, hun,” Sue said, now gripping the nut tighter. “It’s just fine. You ready for another one? I’m sure the girls would love a chance to kick you as well.”

“Yeah!” Sandy said, “Let us have a turn!”

Tommy reached both of his hands up and his mother took a hold, hoisting him to his feet.

“Who wants to go next?” Sue asked.

The two girls looked at each other and since Chloe let Sandy go first the previous time, she returned the favor. “You go ahead,” Sandy said.

“You sure?” Chloe asked. Sandy nodded.

“Okay, but I want to try something,” Chloe said. “Tommy, can you turn your back to us - and spread your legs a bit?”

“Oh, from behind?!” Sue said enthusiastically. “That’s a great idea. Turn around son.”

Tommy complied and as he spread his legs, his lone nut dropped quite a bit in front of him.

“Is it me, or is his sack hanging lower than before?” Chloe asked in a whisper to the other two.

“It is!” Sandy whispered back, her mouth opening wide in amazement. “That’s pretty cool.”

“And gives you a nice target,” Sue said. “You ready?”

Chloe nodded, smiled, then asked Tommy, “Hey bud, can you put your hands on your knees for me?"

Tommy bent over and placed both of his hands on his knees, lowering his nut even further. The ladies all looked at each other and gasped at how inviting the low-hanging target now looked.

“Maybe I shouldn’t do this,” Chloe said to Sue. “Look at that thing.”

Sue grabbed Chloe by the shoulders, pushed her forward toward Tommy and whispered, “Go for it.”

Looking over at Sandy, Chloe smiled and got a little bit of a running start, punting Tommy’s nut as hard as she could, sending him falling face first onto the carpeted floor in Sandy’s bedroom. They all could here the splat sound when Chloe’s shoe made contact with the low-hanging ball. The three ladies erupted in applause.

“That was awesome!” Sandy said, giving her friend a huge hug. “That was pretty impressive,” Sue said, putting a hand on Chloe’s right shoulder. Then they all looked over at Tommy who wasn’t moving.

“Maybe we should check on him?” Sandy said, pointing toward her brother.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Sue said looking at the others. Then she shrugged her shoulders and went over to check on Tommy.

Laying flat on his face and most assuredly passed out, Sue stepped toward her son, not seeing that his nut was a good seven or eight inches stretched out behind him, between his legs. Just as she was about to crouch next to him so she could check him out, she accidentally stepped on his nut, causing him to temporarily lift his head off the floor and then quickly slamming it right back down. Noticing her mistake, Sue jumped off her son’s nut, looking over at the other two, bringing her hand to her mouth, shocked at her mistake.

“Ooo, man!” Sandy chirped, trying not to laugh. “I guess that’s one way to check his nut!”

“Stop that!” Sue said, now unable to control her laughter, “that was an accident, I swear!”

“Sure, mom. Whatever you say,” Sandy said looking over at Chloe who was also now laughing into both of her hands.

Rolling the ball around in her hand, Sue looked up to the two girls, “Holy shit, this thing is still whole. We might have to kick him every night until the demonstration if this thing is going to have a chance of rupturing on Friday.”

Chloe looked over at Sandy and the two jumped up and down like school girls.

“Let’s get him to his bedroom,” Sue said to the other two. “Come help me get him up.”

The three of them circled around Tommy, rolled him over onto his back, and took in the sight of his stretched out sack and swollen nut. Sandy couldn’t help but reach out and take a hold of her brother’s nut. “Look at this thing, it’s gotten pretty huge,” she said, pulling it up and away from his body. “I do think he’ll be better off without it. You sure his dick will still work if he has no nuts?” Sandy asked her mother.

“Of course, honey,” Sue said. “I’m not sure you’re aware, but his dick isn’t even really attached to his balls, so I’m sure it will be just fine.”

Sandy looked over to Chloe who both smiled at Sue’s ignorant comment. “Yeah, I think she’s right,” Chloe said. “I’m sure he’ll be just fine without nuts.”

“Hey guys,” Sandy said, “before we bring him to his bedroom, can I try something?”

“Does it pertain to your brother’s nut?” Sue asked.

“You could say that,” Sandy replied. “It’s something I’ve wanted to try since we started this whole thing.”

“What do you have in mind?” Chloe asked her friend.

“Wait here,” Sandy said as she darted across her bedroom to her bookshelf, Chloe admiring how great her ass looked in her pink leotard. Seconds later, she came back with a very large hard-cover book.

“Is that a dictionary?” Sue asked. “What are you looking up?”

“Oh - my - God,” Chloe said, grabbing one of Sandy’s arms, “You’re too funny!”

“What?” Sue said, still unsure what was going on.

Playing up her mother’s cluelessness, Sandy knelt next to the other two who were on either side of Tommy and she pretended to look up a word. Turning the pages until she got to the middle of the book, she exclaimed, “Here it is!”

“What?” Sue asked, totally confused on what her daughter was looking up. Chloe sat giggling next to the group. “Will someone tell me what’s going on?” Sue asked a bit more forcefully.

"It's the word 'gullible,'" Sandy deadpanned.

"What?" Sue asked.

“Chloe, can you pick up my brother’s nut for me?” Sandy asked.

“Of course, dear,” Chloe replied.

As Sandy started to bring the open book toward Tommy’s groin, it finally hit Sue what she was doing. “Oh…oh dear.” Sue said. “I’m not sure…if, um…if that is a good idea honey.”

“C’mon, mom. You’ve seen for yourself that that thing is indestructible,” Sandy said setting the book down on the floor, under her brother’s nut. “And you said we need to get it ready for Friday and what better way to get it ready then by tenderizing it with this book for a little while?”

Sandy looked at Chloe and nodded. Chloe lowered Tommy’s nut into the open book. Grabbing a hold of the back cover of the book, Sandy looked over at her mother to see if she would say anything to stop her. She slowly brought the back cover up, again looking at her mother who just sat and stared. Getting no response other than a look of awe, Sandy proceeded to bring the book to a close on her brother’s nut. Then she stood up on her high heels, held her hands out to the other two so they could help her balance and she lightly placed her right foot onto the book.

Chloe and Sue looked on wide-eyed and nervous as to what was going to happen. None of them knew what the outcome would be. Sandy looked over to her mother as if looking for permission. “It will be fine, honey,” Sue said in a soothing voice to her daughter. "Go ahead."

So, pushing down with her hands, Sandy lifted herself onto the book, balancing all her weight on her right foot. Then, as if posing for an Instagram photo, she kicked her left foot back behind her, let out a victorious breath and exclaimed, “This is so amazing!”

The other two ladies agreed as they watched the excitement unfold before them, looking from the book up to Sandy’s face and back down again. The two younger ladies were squealing in delight, then Sue heard what sounded like creaking. “Shhhhhh! You guys, shush!” Sue yelled.

The two girls heeded Sue’s call and quieted down. “Do you hear that?” Sue asked, leaning her ear toward the book and her son’s nut. They did hear it and both of their jaws dropped. “Holy shit! His nut is making a noise!” Chloe exclaimed. They all sat silent, listening to the unusual sounds coming from Tommy’s nut. “That’s so cool!” Sandy finally chirped. Chloe could see a wet spot forming in the crotch of Sandy’s leotard.

“Ahhh, maybe you should step down, honey,” Sue said with concern in her voice.

Sandy now had her eyes closed and was obviously enjoying herself as she moaned quietly.

“Sandy!” Sue said louder.

“Oh, come on, mom. I’m sure he’s fine!” Sandy said opening her eyes and almost laughing at how much fun she was having. A louder crunching sound came from the book.

“Honey! Get off your brother’s nut!” Sue said sternly.

“Okay, jeez, mom,” she said a bit bratty as she reluctantly stepped down. “That was so great!” Sandy said, pulling up on her leotard to apply some welcomed pressure to her wet pussy.

Sandy got down on her knees next to her brother, Chloe reached over and put her arm around her shoulders and said softly, “That was amazing.” Sandy looked back at Chloe and smiled and whispered, “I’m so wet.”

All eyes were now on Sue as she deliberately reached over and took hold of the back cover of the book. Slowly, she peeled it away from its counterpart, unsure of what she would find. Chloe pulled Sandy tighter to her as they watched.

When the book was finally opened all the way, the ladies were a little mystified that the nut didn’t look much worse than when it was first placed between the pages.

“It looks the same,” Sandy said a bit disappointed. Then Chloe burst out laughing. “What?” Sandy asked. “Look at this!” Chloe said, lifting and turning the nut to face the other two.

Sue and Sandy looked on inquisitively, unsure at first what Chloe was showing them.

“Is that?” Sue said, a smile forming on her lips. “Is that a word?”

Chloe, no longer containing her composure, burst out laughing and said, “Yep! It rubbed off from the book. I think it says ‘malfunction.’”

Grabbing her son’s nut and pulling it toward her, Sue squinted her eyes and brought her face closer to the orb. “You’re right! It says ‘malfunction!’ That’s so funny. And quite possibly a premonition!”

All three ladies burst out in laughter at that comment.

“You guys look after him, I’m going to get ice,” Sue said, pointing her finger to Sandy. “And no funny business when I’m gone.”

As soon as Sue was out the door, Chloe reached around Sandy’s waist from behind, slipped her hand under her leotard and quickly found her moist pussy, burying a finger deep inside. Sandy sat up straight, gladly taking the penetration. “That was so hot!” Chloe said in a whisper into Sandy’s ear. In and out, Chloe probed her friend’s dripping wet pussy. Sandy started moaning loudly, not caring if her mother could hear.

It could have been the moaning or perhaps the fresh scent of a dripping wet pussy - maybe both - but Tommy now stirred awake. Neither girl noticing until he tried to stand up on very wobbly legs.

“Whoa! Whoa!” Chloe said, pulling her hand out of Sandy’s eager pussy and rushing over to Tommy. “Easy, big fella. Here, have a seat,” she said as she guided him over to Sandy’s make-up table. He plopped down on the right edge of the table with Chloe sitting in the chair next to the table. “Take it easy, Tommy. You’re a little out of it right now.”

Sandy, dismayed that their fingering escapade came to an abrupt close, rolled over onto her back and gently rubbed her pussy through her leotard. “Chlo, can you hand me some tissues from my table?” She asked.

Looking around the table, even behind where Tommy groggily sat, she couldn’t find any. “Try the right drawer,” Sandy advised.

Turning the chair toward the drawer, Chloe realized Tommy’s nut hung far down over the front of the drawer. Gingerly, she grasped his nut and lightly lifted it up, “Excuse me, big guy, I just need to…” she said as she held the nut up and pulled out the drawer. “Here they are,” Chloe said, grabbing the tissues and gently releasing Tommy’s nut down into the drawer. Still in pain, Tommy leaned back against the mirror on the makeup table and closed his eyes while Chloe went across the room and handed Sandy the box of tissues.

Plucking out about four or five tissues, Sandy plunged them into her leotard to clean up the wet mess between her legs.

Sue returned with the ice just in time to see her daughter removing the tissues from her crotch. Doing a double-take, Sue looked down on her daughter and just shook her head, then she noticed Tommy was no longer on the floor. “Tommy, you’re up! That’s a good sign. I brought you some ice.” She said as she crossed the room to bring it to him.

When she got to him she handed him the ice, then brushed his hair back with her hand. “How you feeling, honey? You’re kind of warm,” she said, holding her hand up to his forehead.

“I think I’ll be fine,” Tommy managed to squeak out, “Thanks for the ice.” Then he leaned back against the mirror in exhaustion.

Sue turned to leave the room, when something caught her eye. She looked down on Sandy, put her hands on her hips and said, “Really? Are you trying to test my patience?”

Sandy was confused and sat up watching her mother marching toward her makeup table. It took a second for it to register in her mind, but Sandy finally figured out what her mother was upset about and before she could get a word out…WHAM!! Sue angrily kicked the drawer shut, oblivious that her son’s nut was resting inside it.

Both Chloe and Sandy looked on in shock, mouths open wide. Sue saw their reaction and wondered what caused it. Then she turned back to Tommy who had now spun off the table 180 degrees and was heading for the floor. All three ladies watched as things unfolded in slow motion. He was about to hit the floor when something stopped him abruptly. As soon as the nut caught in the drawer all three females froze and brought their hands up to their mouths, blown away at what just happened.

It was only a second or two, but surely it felt like an eternity to Tommy, before Sue ran over and pulled the drawer open, allowing her son to fall to the floor, still conscious and now curled up into a ball, yelping in pain.

“My baby!” Sue cried out as she knelt down next to him. “You okay?!!”

Tommy could only rock back and forth, holding his battered nut, and groan out in pain.

“Girls, help me get him to his room,” Sue said, looking up at the girls.

Trying desperately not to laugh at what just happened, Chloe and Sandy came over and helped get him to his feet. “Should we check and see if it’s broken first?” Sandy asked, genuinely concerned for her brother’s nut.

“When we get him to his bed,” Sue retorted.

Slowly they inched him down the hall to his bedroom. When they got to his bed Sue crouched in front of him and gently probed the nut. "It's very swollen, and quite red, but still very much intact," she said to the other two. "How about you guys take his jockstrap off before we put him to bed?" The two girls stepped over, each took a side and slowly brought the jockstrap down his waist when suddenly it stopped. “How’s your side going?” Sandy asked Chloe, confused at why she stopped pulling.

“Well, it um, seems to be stuck on his nut,” Chloe said, unsure how to proceed.

“Just pull down on it harder. My side is going down easily,” Sandy said.

“Well, your side doesn’t have an obscenely swollen testicle hanging down it!” Chloe replied.

“Here, let me see that,” Sue said, gently pushing Chloe aside. “Ready?” She said looking over at her daughter. “One, two, three!”

Both ladies pulled down hard. But the jock stood steadfast in its position.

Sue looked at the nut then over to her daughter, “Goddamn, that thing is stuck,” Sue said, trying to solve the puzzle. After a few moments of thought and more groaning from her son, Sue grabbed both sides of the jock and yanked it up back onto his waist.

“Guess he’ll just have to sleep in this thing for tonight,” Sue said. “Tommy, you should get some rest. And here, put this ice on your nut. I’ll come back in an hour to see how you’re doing.”

She kissed him on the forehead and escorted Sandy and Chloe out of his bedroom.

As he laid in bed, icing his large nut, Tommy was having a hard time falling asleep because of the pain. Even through the pain, as he held his throbbing nut, he started having second thoughts on losing it. I know it seems to cause me some pain now and then, he thought, but would things change if I lost both of them? Would I still be able to function?

Then his mother entered the room. “It’s been an hour, honey. How are you feeling?”

“Mom…I’m not sure I can go through with this,” he said.

“Through with what?” His mother said, sitting next to him on the bed, stroking his hair.

“Umm, losing my second nut - in front of everybody.”

“Tommy, hun, I thought we all agreed that this would be for the best. Maybe you should talk to Nurse Spalding about it, and see what side-effects there might be when you lose this nut. I doubt there are any - except for you having your freedom back! And won't that be nice?”

“I guess...But I’m not sure I want to lose it.”

“You’re so silly, look at how much trouble this thing has caused you just today,” she said, lifting the ice pack from his nut. “Look at that thing. How about we ask the girls about this?”

Before Tommy could protest, Sue took her phone out of her back pocket and texted Sandy for her and Chloe to join them.

Moments later, they showed up at Tommy’s bedroom. “What’s up?” Sandy asked.

“Well, we wanted to talk to you about Tommy’s nut.”

“Oh, sure, what’s up? Is it still swollen, or did the ice work?” Sandy asked.

“It’s a little better, but could you two refresh our memories? Did we or did we not all agree earlier today that it would be best for Tommy to have his last nut removed?”

“As I recall, yes, we did all agree to that,” Sandy said proudly.

Sue looked at her son as if to say “see!”

“But I think I might have changed my mind,” Tommy said.

“Oh, dear, we know this must be difficult for you and maybe you’re just not seeing things clearly. We want you to know we are here for you, right dear?” Sue said, looking over at Sandy.

“Yes, bro, we are here for you. You will be so much better off without your nuts, believe me! Besides, mom says everything will work just fine once you’re nutless.”

“I know this isn’t easy, so how about we do this. Let’s take a vote, majority rules,” Sue said. “All who would like to see Thomas Shaw lose his last remaining nut, raise your hand.”

Sue, Sandy, and Chloe enthusiastically raised their hands with Tommy looking on, a little stunned.

“Tommy?” Sue said, trying to persuade him. “Tooooommy!” Slowly, his right hand went up.

“Yay!!” All three females yelled.

“If it will make you feel better, go talk to Nurse Spalding tomorrow,” Sue said, patting Tommy’s nut, causing him to wince. “I’m sure she can help you with this.”

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