June 27, 2024

Washington High Self Defense Classes, Chapters 1 to 3

New Self Defense Class at Washington High School

by Hummingbird-Goal

All characters are 18 years old or over.

Chapter 1 - New Self Defense Class

After some convincing from the mostly female school board, Washington High School now offered a self defense course in its Phy Ed department.

The class was made up of 20 girls and no guys. The instructor, Miss Holly Hartel, was an attractive brunette in very good shape. Most of the girls at the school envied the 28-year-old.

On the first day of the semester the class started with very basic maneuvers - how to carry your car keys in a parking lot, how to break certain holds, many various defense techniques. They had been practicing moves, some girls using heavy, padded dummies and some using blow-up type dummies. The girls seemed to be enjoying the class, but entering the third week, they were starting to get restless.

They continually asked Miss Hartel (most of the girls just called her Miss H) if they could have the boys from the other Phy Ed class come over and join them so they could practice their moves on something other than a lifeless dummy. She explained how it was not likely since the other teacher had his own lesson plans and he probably couldn’t really stray from them.

Then came strikes to the groin day.

“Okay girls,” said Miss H, “As you all know, the groin is a very sensitive area of the male anatomy and a good target in self defense.”

The girls began to giggle.

“Ahem!” She said, clearing her throat. “Since this is such an important target in self defense we will be spending the next three weeks practicing different ways to attack this area.”

"Yes!" the girls cried out.

“Please take your places in front of your dummies,” Miss H instructed.

“Be sure your weight is centered, place your hands on the dummies’ shoulders and thrust your knee into the groin area. Let’s all do it together. Three, two, one!!”

Each girl then raised their knees into the dummies’ midsections and a loud hissing sound could be heard throughout the gymnasium.

“Well, it seems like Heather really put some force behind her strike,” Miss H exclaimed as Heather’s inflatable dummy lost all of its air.

“Wow, Heather, that guy won’t be walking straight for a week,” one of her classmates chuckled.

“Now what am I supposed to do, I don’t have a dummy to practice with?” Heather asked.

“Hey, can’t we have the boys from the other class help us?” Another student suggested.

“Yeah, they have a substitute teacher today and I’m sure he doesn’t have a lesson plan,” chirped another student.

“Well,” Miss H explained, “even if we could interrupt them, I’m sure we wouldn’t be able to practice these maneuvers on them. You saw what Heather did to that dummy!”

“It should be okay,” Mary said, “I think they’re wearing jock straps so they would be protected.”

“Really?" Miss H asked curiously. "It wouldn’t hurt them?”

“No it wouldn’t, my brother plays football and that’s what they wear to protect themselves during games, so we should be fine,” Mary said.

“I’m not worried about you guys being fine,” Miss Hartel laughed. “Well, if that’s the case I can go ask the substitute if it’s okay.”

Then she paused.

“We just need to make sure they’re all wearing jock straps and I’m okay with it.”

“Alright!” Exclaimed the girls.

“So how are we going to check? We can’t just ask them,” Miss H said.

“I know, I know,” quipped one girl. “We can have them stretch in front of us and with those tiny uniform shorts they are forced to wear we should be able to see the straps pretty clearly as they bend over.”

“Good idea, Cindy,” Miss H said. “Now I just have to go ask.”

Apparently, it didn’t take much convincing to have the boys join the class as Miss H almost immediately came back with all 20 boys and their substitute teacher.

“Now, before we begin,” Miss Hartel instructed, “we all have to stretch our hamstrings. Gentleman, if you could line up in a single row facing me. Ladies fall in behind them please. We will do a little stretching before we go on with our lesson plan for today.”

Miss H counted out the cadence for stretching as the girls peeked up from their stance looking for the tell-tale signs of the straps under the boys' shorts. They had planned to give her the “OK” sign if each of the guys in front of them was properly equipped, and to her delight, all 20 boys were wearing jock straps!

“Good, good,” said Miss H, “Now we can get on with our lesson plan. Boys, thank you so much for joining us! We have been practicing self defense in this class since the beginning of the semester and today we are so pleased to practice the knee thrust to the groin.”

“What!” the boys exclaimed.

“Oh, don’t worry, we won’t hurt you,” Miss H innocently assured the boys.

“You better not, we have a big football game on Friday,” stated one of the boys.

“I’m sure it won’t be any different than the contact you encounter in the games,” Miss H explained, not exactly sure why they were so concerned. They were wearing protection, after all!

“Okay girls, I will demonstrate on Mr. Johnson here first, then you can practice.”

The boys’ teacher was taken aback initially, not realizing he'd be involved with the demonstrations, but he wasn’t about to miss an opportunity to have this beautiful young lady get extremely close to him.

“Place your hands on your partner's shoulders like this,” she said, as she slowly put her arms up on the man’s shoulders, much to his delight.

“Then bring your knee up to his groin like so,” she said as she slowly lifted her knee to Mr. Johnson’s groin, holding it there for a few seconds.“ She could feel him stiffening under her knee which made her blush slightly.

Any questions ladies? We’ll do it just like we did with the dummies. I’ll count down from three and we’ll all do it together. And since the boys are okay (she said while making the “OK” sign and winking at the girls) let’s do it with the same enthusiasm Heather showed on the dummy earlier in the class period. Ready? Three, two, one!”

All 20 girls thrust their knees up as hard as they could into the boys’ testicles and by the looks of things, all were direct hits. Each boy fell to the floor, moaning loudly as Miss H jumped in fear - confused and distraught at what she saw.

“Oh, my! Wha-what happened!” she exclaimed, not knowing what went wrong.

“Well, I guess it really works!” One of the girls chirped gleefully, to bursts of laughter from the class.

“I thought you weren’t going to hurt us,” one of the boys said with a slightly higher voice.

“But, aren’t you all wearing jock straps?” The teacher asked.

“Yeah, but, jocks are just for support,” one guy squeaked out, “not for protection against direct blows.”

“But, I thought you wore jocks for football." She paused. "Don’t you?”

“They wear jocks with a cup,” explained Mr. Johnson.

“With what?”

“An athletic cup.” He said, “It’s a plastic cup that protects the testes from direct hits. They wear it inside the jock strap.”

“Oh, no! I’m sooo sorry guys. We thought you were all protected, really we did. I’ve never even heard of an athletic cup, or seen one,” she said, “what do they even look like?”

“Well, I believe there’s a box of them in the coaches office if you’d like me to show you one, ”Mr. Johnson quipped, a slight grin on his face over the debacle happening before him.

“I guess we have time since the boys need time to recover, could you get one to show us? And girls, could you each get an ice pack from the trainer’s room for the boys.

”Mr. Johnson made his way to the coaches room to find a cup to show the class and the girls made their way to the trainer’s room.

“Wow, I can’t believe how great that was!” One girl said in the trainer’s room. “Did you see how they all just dropped!”

"And Heather, I think Jimmy may be walking funny forever after what you did to him!" One girl said, laughter filling the training room as the girls loaded their bags with ice.

“Yeah, I thought that only happened in movies, but, I guess it really works!” Another girl said cheerfully.

"I can't believe I have been missing out on this my whole life!" one of the girls exclaimed. "I can't wait to do more of this!"

The girls came back with the ice packs as the boys sat on the floor trying to recover.

One of the girls was walking back with her ice pack when Miss H yelled to her.

“Hey, Mary could you do me a favor…”

As she said this, Mary looked back at her and kept walking and accidentally tripped over one of the boys' feet, causing the ice pack to slip out of her hands landing right on a guy’s nuts. He let out a loud grunt that told everyone that it made pretty good contact.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Mary sighed. “Did I get you?” Knowing full well that she did.

He nodded in agony.

“Well, I guess that should help,” she said, patting the ice pack resting on his groin.

A few minutes passed and Miss H noticed that they probably didn’t have time to cover anything else in the period so she sent Mary to go tell Mr. Johnson that we would just learn about athletic cups the next day.

As she went up to the coaches room the bell rang indicating the end of the class period and everyone started heading toward the door.

Mary knocked on the door and heard Mr. Johnson yell “yeah,” so she started opening the door to tell him they would wait until tomorrow to see the cup when the door suddenly stopped. She saw Mr. Johnson drop to his knees in agony and noticed the door knob was about the right height to rack his balls — and by the look on his face it would seem she got him pretty good.

Kneeling down to see if he was all right, some of her classmates came to the door, curious over the commotion.

Mary could see the cup he was holding fall out of his hand and land at her feet.

“Oh, so that’s a cup!” She exclaimed as she picked it up.“I guess you need this more than me,” she said with a smile and handed it to him, her classmates giggling uncontrollably as they left him in his misery.

Chapter Two - The Next Day

The following day the sub called in sick (gee, wonder why?) so Miss Hartel volunteered to take the boys’ class with her class.

When the boys entered the locker room they noticed a sign that read: “Today’s uniform: tank tops and lycra shorts.”

Each day the Phy Ed students were instructed on what the day’s attire would be. Along with the usual tight gym shorts all of the classes were also issued white lycra shorts which were usually worn under the gym shorts. But, the instructions were for just the lycra today.

When the boys came out of the locker room they looked for their gym teacher and didn’t see him (or the substitute). “Oh, boys, you’re with us again today!” yelled Miss H.

As the boys headed toward the girls class, most of them walking gingerly from what happened in class the previous day, some of the girls started nudging each other and pointing at the boys.

“Holy shit, look at that!” One of the girls whispered.

“Wow, you can see the outlines of their thingies!” Another panted.

“Now girls, there’s a reason why they’re dressed like this,” Miss H stated, “and it’s not to have you ogle over the boys.”

The girls didn’t realize at first that she heard them talking about the boys, but they weren’t being too subtle about it. They couldn’t help themselves, they just couldn’t believe what they were seeing! This class was getting more interesting each day!

“Boys, I wanted to start today by apologizing for yesterday's, ahhh, mishap," Miss H sheepishly said. "We really thought it was safe to try those maneuvers and obviously, it wasn't."

Many of the girls started snickering under their breath. And a few boys could be seen adjusting their still-sore nuts.

"I hope your, um, injuries, weren't too severe and that you feel up to joining us again today because I have great news! As you know, your regular Phy Ed teacher is still on a leave of absence and the substitute from yesterday will be out for at least two weeks they tell me. For some reason he was unable to even walk today and declined to come in. So I spoke with the principal and she said you guys can join us until your regular teacher comes back. But who knows when that will be.”

This was met with mixed reaction from the boys, but the girls were thrilled.

“As long as they wear this outfit everyday, I’m okay with it,” Mary muttered.

“And after yesterday’s ‘accident’ I made sure to gather all of the protection devices I could,” the teacher stated. “However, unfortunately, the high school only had 15 athletic cups for our use so I had to round some up from the junior high.”

This sent everyone into a frenzy with the girls giving catcalls and whooping it up and some of the boys muttering complaints.

“Well, from the looks of it, some of them will be just fine!” Heather said laughing.

Of course, the boys were none too pleased with this plan, pleading, “Well, how is that gonna work? Obviously, some of us are a little bigger than others.”

“You’re exactly right,” Miss H said, clearing her throat with a little embarrassment, “and that’s why you’re in those shorts today. To make sure everyone gets a cup that will fit his…I mean…to ensure that those who are bigger, ah, I mean those who are more…” Miss H was getting quite flustered as the class began to laugh harder and harder as she tried to explain the plan.

“What does this have to do with us wearing these shorts?” Asked one of the boys.

“Well, while the girls warm up and stretch, I am going to take you into the locker room to measure your, ah... You see, in order for me to get an idea of who needs what size cup I need to measure your…and well, the lycra gives me the chance to do this somewhat discreetly… I guess. So girls, please line up and stretch and do your warm-up routine and boys come with me.”

With that the boys filed into the locker room somewhat dismayed about what was about to take place. Since the girls were not supervised there was no way they were going to stand by and let this go without trying to get a glimpse of what was about to happen. One of the girls knew that you could see into the boys’ locker room through one of the air vents up about 10 feet high in the gym. So they ran over to grab a table and slid it under the vent, it still wasn’t high enough to see into the vent.

“Now what?” One of the girls said.

Then Mary, who was the de facto leader of the class had an idea.

“Hey, many of us are in cheerleading,” she said. “We can do a pyramid!”

“Great idea, but, then only one of us will get to see.” Her friend Cindy replied.

“Well, it’ll be too difficult to rotate,” Mary said. “So we’ll just have one of us go up there and tell the rest of us what’s going on… Who’s it going to be?”

“Have Sandy go up there since she’s the smallest," Cindy said.

“Good idea,” Mary said, “Sandy you up for it?”

“Sure, but, my brother is in there and I don’t know if I want to see that.”

“You mean you haven’t seen it all ready?” Mary laughed.

“Not really. Well, when we were younger… But, that was a few years ago.”

“Sandy, you have to do it. You’re the only one we can hold up there for a long time,” Heather encouraged.

She eventually agreed and the girls hoisted her up, excited to hear her report.


“Now boys, I will try to make this as quick as possible,” Miss H said, now surrounded by the 20 extremely embarrassed boys. “But, it’s important that we do this to ensure you all are properly equipped. I would hate to have a repeat of yesterday,” she said as many of the boys nodded in agreement.

“So please line up and let’s get this over with.”

She grabbed a large box and turned to face the boys.

“In this box I have four different sized cups,” she said. “Small, medium, large and extra large. Unfortunately, I only have one extra large so I will wait until the end to see if anyone may need this," She said holding up the massive nut cup. "Although the football coach assured me that they haven’t issued an extra large cup for anyone on his team in 12 years.”


“What are they doing?” Mary asked impatiently.“They’re starting to line up, just wait!” Sandy whispered down to the girls holding her up.


“If you could make sure your, ah, thing is placed down and to the left I will be able to measure all of you fairly quickly. After I state your size please grab a cup from the box,” Miss H instructed.

With that the first boy stepped up. Miss Hartel’s hands were shaking as she brought the tape measure up to the young man’s groin area.

“Ah…five inches, that’s a medium, go ahead and grab a medium cup and wait over there.”


Sandy’s jaw dropped. “What…what do you see?” Cindy asked impatiently.“She’s actually measuring their thingies!” Sandy yelled down to them.

“Well, what do you think they’re in there for?” Mary said.


“Six and a half inches, a large for you.”

The boys were nervously quiet as they waited their turn, they couldn’t believe they could be put in such a vulnerable spot in front of their beautiful teacher.

“Five and a half, wait... Five and three-forths, ah six, wait... Six and a half - oh my - what’s going on, Billy? Are you getting an… How am I supposed to get an accurate measurement with you…”

“I can’t help it, Miss H,” Billy said squirming, “It’s just that you are so hot and…”

“Well, grab a medium and you better hope that that doesn’t happen in class or this cup will be of no use to you!”


“Wow!” Sandy whispered.

“What happened?” Heather asked.

“Billy got a hard-on while Miss H was measuring him.”

“No way, could you see it?” Heather asked with a little passion in her voice.

“Yep, it just kept getting bigger and bigger and he told her he thinks she’s hot – can you believe that!”

“That’s so funny!” One of the girls said with a giggle.


“All right Jim, step over here,” Miss H instructed. But, Jim was pretty reluctant.“Hey, it will be okay, don’t be shy.”

Miss H brought the tape measure close to Jim’s groin and could see why Jim was a little less than enthusiastic about the situation. She didn’t even really need to measure. Jim dropped his head.

“Don’t worry about it Jim, you’re a growing young man,” then she leaned over and whispered in his ear, “I’m sure next year you’ll step up to a medium.”


“Oh, no. Haha, no way!” Sandy muttered.“Sandy, what is it?” Mary asked. “It’s hard to tell, but, you know that junior quarterback?”

“You mean Jim? Yeah.”

“It looks like he just grabbed a small cup and Miss H whispered something in his ear.”

“You’re kidding me!” Mary snipped. “That guys always acts so cocky – oh, that was a pun, sort of. That’s hilarious!”


As more of the boys went through the line a few more larges were given out and yes, some more smalls were handed out too along with a couple more mediums.

Then they came to Sandy’s brother Tommy.

At first Miss H was a little confused — she was sitting to the boys’ left and didn’t see anything on Tommy’s left side of his lycra shorts. Tommy wasn’t always the brightest bulb on the tree and had put his manhood on the right side of his shorts.

“Tommy, could you turn toward me a little more please so I can see…what in the…”

As Tommy turned to face Miss H she could see the huge snake that ran down Tommy’s leg. She knew then and there that he would definitely need the extra large cup, if not, a specially made one. She just had to know just how big it was.

So, with hands slightly trembling, she brought the tape measure up to Tommy’s huge package.

As she pulled the tape measure down the length of this thigh she notice that his unit wasn’t exactly stretched straight down, it had a little curve to it. She measured nine inches and was feeling her heart begin to race. She didn’t want to stop there. She really needed to know exactly how large it was.

“Ah, Tommy, in order for me to get an accurate account as to just how big, um, I mean how enorm… I guess what I mean to say is, to see its true size, and get you properly fitted, you need to make sure it is laying straight down your leg. I want to make sure we get a cup that’s going to fit you there, you know what I mean?”

Tommy bashfully nodded his head, completely dumbstruck to what was happening.


“Oh my…” Sandy says under her breath.

“What now? Another boner!?” Mary laughed.

“Um no,” Sandy said somewhat in shock.

“Well, what is it?”

“You guys have to let me down,” Sandy told them.

“What’s up Sandy? What did you see?” Heather asked.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you… And I’m not sure I want to tell you.”

“What… Now you have to tell us,” Mary said.

“I can’t, it’s too weird. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same. Please let me down.”

“Well if she’s not going to tell us, hoist me up there,” Heather said to the girls. So they did.


Tommy turned his back to Miss H to adjust himself. He was painfully shy about his “gift” and would wear jock straps around school just to try to keep his size to himself. He reached in and straightened it out and turned back to Miss H. As he turned Heather was just getting to the vent.


“Oh my gawd!” Exclaimed Heather, “It’s HUGE!”

Saying it loud enough that Miss H turned toward the vent near the ceiling, then chuckled to herself about what must be going on in the gymnasium.

“What? Who?” the girls cried.

“It’s Tommy!” Heather sang out.

“No wonder you didn’t want to say anything,” Mary quipped.

“How big is it?” Cindy asked in anticipation.

“Nine inches, I think.” Sandy said a matter of factly, still shocked at what she saw.


“Well, Tommy it looks like about 10 inches,” Miss H said almost beaming. “I guess you’ll probably want the extra large cup, huh?” Tommy shrugged his head, grabbed the cup in silence and went to try it on. The boys still standing nearby were in awe and didn’t say a word as Tommy passed by them.


“Make that 10 inches, Sandy!” Heather screamed -- causing Miss H to turn toward the vent again.“Shoot! Get me down, I think they heard me,” Heather said.


“Next,” Miss H said. “Looks like six and a quarter inches Rich, you can grab a large.

”Rich turned to reach in the box but all that was left was mediums and smalls.

“Ah, there are no larges left,” Rich told Miss H.

“Really, well, that’s all we have left. Could you try squeezing into a medium?”

“What?” Rich protested.“Hey, it’s better than a small,” Miss H said with a smirk.

“I guess.”

“Tell you what, I’ll be your partner to start the class and if you feel it doesn’t fit properly, I’ll make sure you don’t participate in any groin kick exercises. Deal?”

“All right I guess,” Rich reluctantly agreed.

“Can I be your partner Miss H?!” Billy yelled out.

“Remember what we said about your cup not fitting if you get excited, Billy? I’d hate to put you in the soprano section of the choir!” Miss H yelled out, eliciting lots of laughter from the boys.

“Now boys, how do the cups fit? Did I do a fair job assigning the correct sizes?” Miss H asked.

“What do you mean, how do they fit?” One boy asked with concern. “We’re supposed to have supporters to hold them in place.”

“Supporters, what are those?” Miss H said.

“Well, they’re like jock straps, but they have a pouch to hold the cup in place.”

“Oh, so that’s why the girls thought it was okay to do the knee thrust yesterday – cause you were wearing jocks… Well for today can we compromise? The lycra should be enough to hold the cups in place, right?”

“I don’t know if we want to take that risk after what happened yesterday – most of us are still sore,” One boy spoke up.

“Oh yeah, I tell you what. How about each of you put your cup on now and I’ll give a little test to each of you to make sure you don’t get injured today. Besides, I’m not sure if we have enough ice today,” she said with a grin.

So each of the guys reached in and adjusted their cup to fit into their lycra shorts.

Looking at all of the protruding bulges assured Miss H that the boys were well protected. But, she wanted to make sure, so she had them line up so she could test them.

One by one she went down the line, lightly thrusting her knee into the boys’ groins. Everything was going smoothly until she got to Rich.

Since Rich had on a medium and really needed a large, when Miss Hartel’s knee connected, the cup lifted upward slightly and caused him to wince.

“Oh, Rich, are you okay?”

“I guess,” Rich said and then reached down into his shorts to readjust his cup.

“What are you doing there?” Miss H asked.

“Just readjusting so my boys are covered,” Rich said.

“Does that help? Will it allow me to knee you again?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“But, two knees in a row might not work, eh?”

“Definitely not,” Rich insisted.

“Good to know,” Miss H noted.

“What about a kick, will the girls be kicking us there?” Tim asked.

“Well, I’m not sure Tim, do you think that would be different?”

“It just seems like a foot may be able to move the cup more easily than a knee to that area,” Tim said with some concern.

“I didn’t even think of that,” Miss H said as most of the boys were headed out into the gym.

“Can I try a kick on you just to make sure?” She asked.

“I guess so, but, don’t kick too hard, okay?”

Now it was just the two of them in the locker room.

“I’ll try it really soft, then you tell me if you’re okay.”

She stood back a few feet and lifted her right foot into Tim’s groin and tapped the cup.

“Oh, you can do it harder than that, Miss H,” Tim said.

“You sure? All right.”

And not gauging the strength of her kick very well, she plunged her foot into Tim’s nuts and the cup squirted up past his balls, sending him to the floor.

“Oh, no!” Exclaimed Miss H, “did I get you?”

Tim could only nod as his testicles began to swell.

“I’ll tell you what, I have to go out and run class, if you feel you can join us come on out, if not, you can just stay in here and relax… And I’m sorry, but, we really are low on ice.”

As the boys were filing into the gym the girls were back in their stretching line as if they were warming up the entire time. More than a few giggles were let out as Tommy walked by.

"Hey Tommy, you guys were sure in there for a LONG time,” Heather joked.

“Yeah, Tommy, I guess that must be an ENORMOUS task, getting those cup things divided up?” Mary said as many girls chuckled along.

“So Billy, that must have been really HARD finding the right equipment for all of you.” Cindy said, prompting all of the girls to burst out with laughter.

“Okay girls,” Miss H said as she winked to the class, “It’s time to get started with class. Where did we leave off yesterday?” She absentmindedly said to the class.

“With all of the guys on the floor!” Heather yelled out, causing all of the girls to, yet again, laugh hysterically.

“Well, that’s going to change now,” Miss H shouted above the laughter. “As you can probably see, all of our boys are now properly equipped with athletic cups, allowing us to practice the knee thrust and other groin strikes.”

Applause filled the gym.

“First of all, I would like to thank all of these boys for agreeing to help us in this class and must stress the importance of safety,” Miss H said.

Then she paused.

“I learned after yesterday’s episode that kicking a male in the groin area can not only incapacitate a man, but Mrs. Fillmore, the anatomy teacher, informed me that a well-placed kick can also rupture a testicle.”

“What’s that?” Cindy asked, genuinely curious.

“Well, Cindy, it’s when the testicle is put under too much pressure and basically bursts.”

Many of the boys began to squirm at this information, while others adjusted their cups to make sure they were in place.

“You mean they can actually pop?” Mary asked.

“That’s basically what a rupture is, Mary, the popping of the testicle. So to answer your question. Yes. Yes, they can pop.”

“Whoa, that’s cool!” Mary said a little too excitedly.

“Well, before you get too excited, young lady, Mrs. Fillmore said rupturing a testicle is extremely rare. It takes just the right amount of force, or repeated blows to explode a nut,” Miss H said, not realizing she just used the slang vernacular to describe the male testes.

“She also said that even if a rupture were to occur, if caught in time, a ruptured testicle can be repaired by a physician.”

Again, the boys were starting to fidget, feeling very uncomfortable with the subject matter. Miss H could sense this.

“So girls, it is vitally important that you be cautious and always be sure your partner is protected,” Miss H stressed.

“Today, I had the boys wear white lyrca so that you are able to detect that they are wearing the protective cups. This way, all you have to do is check for a pronounced bulge to make sure he is wearing his cup, as you can see today.”

Many of the girls chuckled at this comment and took a little extra time checking on the bulges.

“There may be days in which we are not going to be practicing on the groin area and the boys will not be required to wear their cups, although I still highly recommend it,” Miss H continued. "We wouldn't want any more accidents like yesterday!"

“Today, the boys have agreed to participate in the knee thrust drill, however, you must know that since they do not have athletic supporters on today, you may NOT try any drills other than the knee thrust. Am I clear?” She said emphatically.

The girls nodded while attempting to hold back their laughter.

“Why not?” Heather complained.

“What’s an athletic supporter?” Cindy said.

“Good questions girls. The supporter is basically a jock with a pouch that holds the cup in place. So for today the boys are relying solely on the lycra shorts to hold the cups in place. A knee thrust will most likely not move the cup out of position. However, a kick or punch from down low may dislodge the cup and cause a great deal of pain, right Timmy?” Miss H said while looking over at Tim who hobbled over to the class.

Everyone turned to look at Tim, not knowing what just took place in the locker room, but could definitely tell he was walking funny.

“Also, since they are not wearing supporters you must allow the boys time to adjust their cups between each shot to the groin in order to assure the cups are safely in place,” she emphasized again.

She looked over the class and took a deep breath.

“Okay, let’s get started! Partner up. Since we are missing a girl today I will partner up with someone.”

“I will!” Billy yelled.

“No, Billy,” Miss H growled.

“Timmy, you better come with me,” Miss H said, knowing that he was still hurting from the locker room incident.

When Rich heard this he started to raise his hand, “but…”

“You can be MY partner,” Heather said, taking Rich by the arm.

Since Heather was a petite girl Rich didn’t mind his match up and went off with her. Little did he know what she did to the dummy just a few days earlier -- and little did she know that he was wearing a cup that was much too small for him.

“Okay girls, on my count. Three, two, one!”

All of the girls thrust their knees up into the boys and much to the delight of Miss H, there were no incidents.

“All right then! Boys, please make the necessary adjustments.”

Rich was relieved to hear that instruction. Each boy reached into their lycra shorts and jostled the cup to get the best fit.

“This time really give it a good thrust, okay? Three, two, one, thrust! — good, you’re getting better already. Guys be sure to…”

“Hey Rich was that okay, you seemed a little startled by that,” Heather asked not paying attention to Miss H.

“What?” Rich said as Heather heard Miss H count again “Three, two, one!”

Heather brought her knee up violently, trying to impress Miss H and as she did something went flying from Rich’s shorts. This caught Miss H’s attention right away and, as she feared it, was Rich’s cup.

Rich fell hard to the floor.

Soon the entire class was staring down at Rich who was curled up in a tight ball, rocking back and forth in serious pain.

“Oh, Rich, I am so sorry,” Heather said. “Are you okay?!!” She screamed.

Miss H rushed over.

“I thought it was okay to do the knee thrust, Miss H!” Heather said sobbing.

“Heather, it’s not your fault,” Miss H said, kneeling down beside Rich, noticing through his lycra shorts that one of his balls had already swelled to more than twice the normal size.

“Oh dear,” she said “Does it hurt, Rich?”

He could only moan.

“Stupid question, huh?" Then she leaned in to whisper, "Next time we’ll get you a large cup."

Looking down, she could see his left nut swelling more and more and she muttered to herself “or maybe an extra large.”

Then one of the girls noticed the swelling and screamed.

“Wow! Look at his nuts!”

“Now Cindy, no need to get all bent out of shape,” Miss H said, now getting really worried that Rich may have permanent damage.

"Is that ruptured?!!" Sandy asked, very concerned.

“I’m just going to check on your injury, Rich.” Miss H shouted over his groans of pain.

She slowly reached her hands toward the inflated orb. This was a first for her. How was she supposed to do this?

Taking the throbbing testicle in her hand, she could feel the heat it was giving off. Probably much more than normal. It was hot. She could feel the throbbing.

“I’m just going to check for any ruptures,” Miss H explained to Rich, as the class now was circling tightly around them.

“Oh, no! Do you think it’s ruptured?” Heather asked with a frightened toned.

“That would be awesome!” Mary shouted from the back. Miss H, giving her a glare.

“I’m not sure, Heather,” Miss H explained. “Let me take a look.”

Taking a hold of the nut was one of the strangest things Miss H had ever done and she wasn’t sure how to proceed. As she got a hold of it she unwittingly squeezed much too hard and Rich sat up straight, let out a large exhale and passed out right then and there. His eyes rolling to the back of his head.

Miss H was panicked.

“Shit! You two boys, take him and wheel him to the nurse right away!”

The boys grabbed the wheelchair from the equipment storage and loaded Rich onto it. Trying to go as fast as they could, they turned to head toward the hallway, but the chair came to an abrupt halt and sent Rich flying to the floor where he hit his head hard.

Rich let out a moan.

“What is going on?!” Miss H yelled.

Just then, Cindy saw what the problem was.

“They ran over Rich’s nut cup!” She exclaimed while dislodging it from under the wheelchair.

As they got to the doorway, the boys turned and asked, “Where is the nurse’s office, again?”

“Ugh. Cindy, why don’t you and Sandy help those boys get Rich to the nurse’s office right away. If there’s a rupture, we need to get him to the hospital right away!” Miss H said.

Chapter Three - The Nurse

Miss Spalding was a 25-year-old nurse right out of nursing school. She was a bubbly gal who really enjoyed working with the high school students, although, she could be a bit ditzy at times.

When she saw four students racing Rich into her office on a wheelchair, she knew something must be urgent. By this time, a large welt had formed on Rich’s forehead from his fall off the chair and even a trickle of blood started rolling down his face.

“What happened?” Nurse Spalding asked with great concern.

“Well, we were doing self defense moves in class and Rich got hit really hard,” Cindy said.

“Oh, yes, I can see that,” Nurse Spalding said as she helped guide the wheelchair to a bed in her office.“How hard did he get hit?” The nurse asked looking at the huge bump on his head.

“Pretty bad,” Sandy said. “Miss Hartel said there might be a rupture and that we needed to get him to you right away.”

Of course, for you non-anatomy types, a person can rupture many different things on one's body, so Rich could have been injured anywhere.

“Ouch!” Nurse Spalding said, almost gleeful. “Boys, can you hoist him up on the bed for me?”

The two guys lifted him up and laid him onto his back - the huge lump in Rich’s lycra shorts on prominent display.

Sandy saw Rich’s massive groin and jabbed Cindy in the ribs with her elbow and pointed to it. “I know,” whispered Cindy.

“That must hurt so bad.”

“Boys, you can head back to class,” the nurse instructed, “but girls, stick around for a second, I have a few questions about your class.”

The nurse pulled a screen partially around the bed Rich was lying on, obstructing the view of the top half of his body, but the girls could still see his lower half - and his continually expanding left nut.

Seeing Sandy holding Rich’s nut cup the nurse asked, “Why do you have that cup, Sandy?”

“Oh, this is Rich’s. He was wearing it in class.”

“That’s so smart of him. A guy could really hurt his testicles badly in a class like that without one of those,” the nurse said. “And so smart of your teacher!”

The two girls looked at each other and Sandy said, “Yeah, that’s why we are here. What about the rupture?”

“Oh, I don’t know if I’d call it a rupture,” Nurse Spalding said as she continued wiping up the blood on his forehead, out of sight of the girls.

Relieved but confused Sandy spoke up, “Well, that’s good. Miss Hartel said if it was a rupture, he might lose it.”

“Ha, they never taught me that in nursing school. I don’t think a boy could function without it!” The nurse chuckled. “It looks like just a bump, I’m sure he’ll be okay.”

“Just a bump?” Cindy asked, “It’s huge.”

“Dear young one, I’ve seen much worse.”

“You have?”

“Oh yes. So how did this happen?” The nurse asked.

“Well, we were practicing self defense moves in class and Heather hit him really hard,” Sandy said.

“Wow, good for her,” Nurse Spalding said, “and it knocked him out?”

“Yes!” Cindy chimed in. “Miss H told us to use as much force as we could. Heather feels so bad.”

“Oh, she shouldn’t. Rich is going to be just fine.”

Groaning could be heard from behind the curtain.“Well, look who is up!” The nurse said excitedly. “Girls, could you get me a bag of ice out of the freezer?”

Turning to Rich Miss Spalding asked, “How you feeling tiger?”

“Uhhhhh, I’m really sore,” Rich said. “Am I going to be okay?”

“It looks like you got hit pretty good and you might be foggy for a few minutes, but you should be just fine. You might even be able to go back to class!”

The girls came back with the ice and the nurse grabbed it from them and started gently icing Rich’s forehead.

The girls saw this and Sandy asked, “Ummm, what about that?” pointing to the large protrusion sticking out of Rich’s shorts.

“Ladies, that is inappropriate!” The nurse scolded. “You should not be looking at Rich’s package. I think it’s time you head back to class.”

The two girls looked at each other very puzzled. Nurse Spalding took another glance over to Rich’s groin and muttered “That is quite a package, though.”

“What should we tell Miss H?” Cindy asked the nurse as they were exiting.

“Tell her it’s a slight bruise and he’s going to be just fine. And once the swelling goes down, he will be rejoining the class.”

When the girls got back to class everyone was still in a group talking about Rich’s accident - well, except for a couple boys who got bored with waiting for class to resume and started throwing around a football.

When the students saw the girls enter the gym they turned to them, hoping to find out the prognosis.

“Hey! How is Rich doing?” Miss H asked with concern.

“Ummm, the nurse said it’s just a bump and that he should be fine,” Cindy said.

“And when the swelling goes down, he might even come back to class today!” Sandy chimed in.

“Well, that’s great news,” Miss H said with relief in her voice. “See ladies, it takes quite a hard hit to rupture a nut. Ahhh, I mean, testicle.” Then she turned to Heather, who was still beside herself with grief over what she had done, and said, “See, Heather, everything’s going to be just fine.”

“So he’s not ruptured?” Heather asked, almost sobbing.

“It would appear not,” Miss H consoled the student.

A few moments later Rich and the nurse appeared in the doorway.

“Rich!” Many of the girls shouted.

Nurse Spalding guided a limping Rich into the gymnasium as several of the girls ran toward them. Miss H was surprised to see him back so soon. And something seemed a bit off. Rich was really struggling to walk straight. And the closer they got, the more she could see the swelling seemed worse in Rich’s groin.

“Ummm, how’s he doing?” Miss H asked the nurse.

“He’s still a bit woozy from the hit, but the swelling as come down nicely,” the nurse said.

“It has?!” Miss H asked now staring at Rich’s left nut, which was now three times the normal size. “Look at those nuts!”

Nurse Spalding was taken aback by the language her colleague used, but for the first time took a good look at Rich’s crotch. “Oh my,” was all the nurse could say. “Now, how did that happen?”

“You mean, you didn’t treat the injury to his groin?” The teacher asked.

“I thought it was his head. He had quite a bump on it!”

Rich was starting to lose his balance through all the pain and fell to the floor.

Miss H rushed to his side, kneeling next to him, showing quite a bit a cleavage as she bent over.

“Rich, are you okay?” The teacher whispered in his ear, brushing her firm tits against his chest.

Then Heather knelt down on the other side of him, she too, now showing off lots of cleavage. “Rich, what’s wrong,” she said. “Is it your nuts? I’m so sorry!”

Not knowing what to do, Heather started gently rubbing Rich’s gigantic nut, hoping to give some sort of relief.

Rich was in both agony and ecstasy as these two beautiful females were attending to him. His manhood started to stretch down the leg of his tight lycra shorts.

“There’s more swelling!” The nurse yelled, “I better check that!”

The nurse got down on her knees next to Miss H, who was still whispering in Rich’s ear that it was going to be okay, oblivious to the erection that was occurring just a few feet away from her.

The nurse started palpating Rich’s cock, thinking it was just swelling from the injury. The students looked on in stunned silence. They couldn’t look away.

“This swelling is very unusual,” the nurse said to no one in particular. “It’s quite firm and veiny. Can someone get me some ice?”

No one moved a muscle. They were now transfixed over what was unfolding before them.

Rich, in the meantime, was beside himself - the ecstasy now taking over the pain he was feeling. The pressure in his cock becoming overbearing. And with it trapped in his lycra shorts, it had nowhere to go. It didn’t take long for the pressure to make its way to his grotesquely swollen nut.

The more Miss H whispered, the more Heather rubbed his nut and the more Miss Spalding handled his cock, the more pressure went to his injured orb. He, and his nut, couldn’t take it any more.

It exploded.

Those standing closest could hear it.

“What was that?” Miss H asked as she sat up straight as many of the girls gasped.

She looked down at Rich’s face and saw that his eyes had rolled to the back of his head as he passed out. She pushed the nurse and Heather aside and reached for his crotch.

“It’s gone! It’s mush!” the teacher cried. “Someone call emergency.”

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