June 27, 2024

Washington High Self Defense Classes, Chapters 9 to 10.4

By Hummingbird-Goal

Recap The first three chapters center around the new self defense class at Washington High. There we meet many characters, including the gym teacher, Holly Hartel (Miss H). Rich Johnson was the first guy ruptured in the class, at the hand (or knee) of Heather Anderson and had to be taken to the hospital. Chapters 4-6 revolve around Tommy Shaw who - after getting kicked in the nuts both at school and at home - lost one of his nuts when he was “misunderstood” by his sister, Sandy at the hospital and they removed one, much to the chagrin/pleasure of his mother, Sue. And let’s not forget about Sue’s aerobics friend, Chloe, the twenty-something nymph who has gotten close to the whole family through this ordeal. In chapter 7, Rich Johnson was discharged from hospital with both nuts intact only to have to endure a nut testing at principal Brown’s office by that very same Heather, where she pops his ball again. Heather was recruited by principal Brown to participate in the school’s new nut-testing program. Rich was then retaken to the hospital. Due to a paperwork mix-up (thanks to Tommy’s mother, Sue) they removed both of his nuts. As of now, no one knows Rich has lost both of his nuts. Not even his mother, Erin or his sister, Stephanie. Heck, HE doesn’t even know yet! Chapter 8 begins with Tommy's discharge from the hospital after losing a testicle. They immediately take him to the sporting goods store to be fitted for a new nut cup. At this store, they meet Bridget, the cup expert, and find out about an upcoming demonstration for the store’s new One-Out nut cup, which should be quite the event.

Chapter 9 - Heather Gets Recruited

The previous day, when Erin and Stephanie left the school, taking Rich back to the hospital, the ladies in the principal’s office came up with a plan. Before the self defense class was to resume, all boys needed to have their nuts tested, no matter how long it took. They did not want to cause any more anguish to any of the girls in that class.

“We need to start this testing program right away,” Principal Brown commanded to the group.

“Starting tomorrow!”

“But tomorrow’s Sunday,” Nurse Spalding reminded her boss.

“I don’t care, this is of the utmost urgency. I will not have any more of our girls suffer like Heather here has. I will send out a text bulletin to every boy in this class, requesting they come in tomorrow. Do you have what you need to conduct these tests?”

The nurse sat silently for a moment, pondering how this might get accomplished. “There are about 20 boys in that class. I can call my new assistant, Gail and see if she’s available. I bet Miss Hartel, the Phy Ed teacher, would help out… ” The nurse looked over at Heather and her mother, “Heather, you were so good at testing Rich’s nut today, do you think you’ll be up for helping us out?”

Now sitting curled up on the couch next to her mother, Heather whispered something to her mom. The nurse and principal could see the apprehension in both of their faces.

“Do you think there will be much ball-popping?” Heather’s mother, Amy asked, concerned for her daughter.

“Well, it’s hard to say,” the nurse said trying to do the math in her head. “If all of the boys show up, that’s 20. Assuming all of them have both balls, that’s like…” she paused.

“40,” the principal chimed in, amazed at the slowness of her head nurse.

“Right - 40 balls. And who knows how strong each of those balls are? I mean, that’s kind of why we’re doing the testing, right? - to see how strong each individual nut is so no girl has to go through what you went through, Heather.”

“I can understand your apprehension, dear,” Ms. Brown said, patting Heather on the knee, “There’s the potential for a lot of boys to have their balls popped tomorrow - but we hope you see the importance of these tests. We were so impressed with how you could tell precisely when Rich’s nut was going to give way today, and to put it bluntly, we could really use your help. You seem to have a gift.”

“Our biggest concern isn’t how many guys will have their balls popped, it really comes down to the sound,” Amy explained. “Just in this last week, I could see how jumpy she was any time there was a loud noise. She didn’t even tell me she had ruptured a guy’s nut until the other day when she almost lost her mind at a birthday party and every time someone popped a balloon she nearly jumped out of her skin,” she said, squeezing her daughter tight. “I mean, you would think a girl would be proud to tell her mother she cracked her first egg, but I had to drag it out of her.”

“Wow, I didn’t realize it was that bad,” Ms. Brown said leaning back in her chair. “I remember my first time. I hit the guy so hard I actually castrated him on the spot. Of course, they didn’t have all of the fancy ways of repairing nuts back then, so if a guy even had a slight rupture, they just snipped it off,” she said, doing a scissors gesture with her fingers.

“You ruptured a guy?” Heather now spoke up.

“Damn right I did. More than one, honey. But now it just sounds like I’m bragging.”

Heather whispered something in her mom’s ear for a few moments.

“Tell you what,” Amy said. “Heather’s willing to help, at least for tomorrow. But she has two requests.”

“Sure, what can we do?” The principal said.

“She would like to have the school provide some sort of hearing protection for her - you know, to avoid hearing that crunching and popping sound.”

“I’m sure we can provide that. What’s the second request?”

“She’d like you to help out with the tests as well.”

“Well, now. Isn’t that interesting.” Ms. Brown said with a little chuckle. “You know how long it’s been since I…” she caught herself and gave in. “I’ll be there honey, don’t you worry.”

All four ladies stood up to say their goodbyes and exchange hugs after such an eventful day.

“I’m going to send out a text saying we start at 10 am tomorrow. If you guys can come by around 9:30, we can get some things ironed out before we start, that would be fantastic.”

Amy nodded and leaned in to whisper to Ms. Brown, “She really admires you.”

“Likewise!” The principal said, smiling. “I’ll see you all tomorrow.”


When Heather and her mother, Amy, returned home that evening, they both had huge ice cream cones in hand.

“Looks like someone is celebrating," a voice came from the kitchen.

“Brian!” Heather screamed and ran over to her older brother who just came back from college for a surprise weekend visit. “What are you doing home?”

“A guy can’t surprise his favorite sister and beautiful mother?” He said charmingly. “So what are we celebrating?”

“Well,” Amy said, joining her two children in a group hug, “Your sister here was just selected to a very important position over at the high school. Hand picked by the principal!”

“Wow! Ain’t that something?” Brian said with pride. “What were you hand picked for? Something for cheerleading?”

“Not exactly,” their mother said, loosening her hug.

“Well, what is it?” He asked, even more curious now.

Heather looked over to her mother. “Tell him, honey.”

“I got selected to help test guys nuts in our self defense class!” Heather said proudly.

“To do what?” Brian said.

Seeing her daughter searching for the words, Amy piped up. “It’s kind of a long story, but Heather accidentally ruptured one of the guys’ nuts in her class. There was this meeting today with the principal and we all discovered that your sister has an uncanny ability to determine just when a guy's nut will split.”


“Yeah, you know, pop. Crack open. RUPTURE!” She said emphatically.

“And you learned that today?” Brian said. “How ever did you discover this gift?”

“Like I said,” Amy continued, “we were at the principal’s office today with this boy, Rich - who coincidentally was the guy she ruptured earlier in the week.”

“But they were able to fix it!” Heather blurted out.

“Yes, they were able to fix it. Well, as you can imagine, Heather popping Rich’s nut was devastating.”

Brian nodded.

“And the principal called this meeting and one thing led to another and pretty soon they had us check the integrity of this guy’s nut to be sure, you know, this wouldn’t happen to Heather again and this young lady could tell precisely when that guy’s nut was going to burst. So now, she gets to test every guys’ nuts in the whole class tomorrow. Isn’t that great?!”

“Wow, sis!” Brian said, sneaking a bite of his sister’s ice cream cone. “I wish we had someone like you over at the University. I can’t tell you how many guys have ruptured a nut right before a big football game - it’s so careless. Last week it cost us the game.”

“Speaking of football, it’s Saturday, you guys aren’t playing tonight?” Amy asked her son.

“No, we have a bye this week, you knew that! That’s how I was able to come home!”

“And you decided to spend it with us. That’s so sweet honey,” Amy said, offering him a bite of her cone.

“Oh, and I’ll be a starter next week, so you two should come! It’s a home game!”

“EEEEEEK!” Heather yelled, “You’re going to be a starter? That’s so great,” she went to hug her brother and did so with such enthusiasm that her knee came up slightly, brushing both of her brother’s balls.

“Ooof,” Brian said, bending over slightly.

A concerned look came over Amy face. “Honey, how are your nuts doing? Are they strong enough for college football?”

“Um, yeah, I think so,” he said still trying to catch his breath.

“Well, dear, you’re a starter now. You need to be sure you’re available for the game this week. You don’t want to let your teammates down like those other guys!” Brian nodded in approval. “Have you had your nuts tested?”

“No, they don’t really have that at the University. Hey!” He exclaimed, looking over at his little sister, “You don’t think YOU could test my nuts, do you?”

“I don’t know, Brian,” she said rather meekly, “I’ve only really tested one guy’s nuts. It’s not like I’m an expert or anything yet.”

“But you guys just told me, Heather was selected by the principal herself to have you test your whole class, right?!” Brian said enthusiastically.

“What do you think, mom?” Heather said, looking to her mother for guidance.

“Do you love your brother?”

“That’s a silly question, of course I do!”

“You can see how much his new starting role means to him, right?” Heather nodded. “Wouldn’t you feel awful if he ruptured one of his nuts before his big debut on Saturday and couldn’t play?”

“Well, yeah,” Heather sulked.

“It’s a no-brainer, if you ask me,” Amy encouraged her daughter.

“You sure you want me to do this?” Heather asked her brother.

A huge grin was now plastered on Brian’s face. “When can we get started?”

“YES!” Heather screamed as she threw her arms around her brother’s large shoulders. Then she saw the time on the clock in front of her. “Shit! I have a date with Pete tonight.”

“Oh, we can do it tomorrow,” Brian said, “I can wait.”

“But I have that nut testing thing at school tomorrow and I have no idea how long it will be,” Heather said, slightly panicked. “Tell you what, I can test you for about 10 minutes right now and I’ll tell Pete I’m tired later tonight and we can finish when I get home.”

“You’d do that for me?” Brain asked.

“Of course I would - you’re going to be a starter! We gotta test those nuts!”

“So where do you want me?” Brain asked his sister.

“I prefer the stomp method for the most accurate nut testing,” Heather said looking around the living room. “Tell you what, go kneel next to the coffee table and place your nuts on there - that will be perfect.” Taking another glance at the table, she added, “Just don’t put them on the glass part - that could be tricky.” Eliciting a laugh from all three of them.

“I’m going to go get changed for my date. Wait here, I’ll be right back!” Heather said, running up the stairs to her bedroom.

Brian went over to the table and was about to kneel down when he asked his mother, “These off, or through the fly?” He said, gesturing to his zipper.

“I don’t think she’d mind either way,” Amy said to her son. “You can pick since she’s the one doing you the favor!”

“Fair enough,” Brian said as he pulled his entire sack out of the fly of his jeans and placed it on the edge of the coffee table.

“Wow, those have gotten bigger since the last time I saw them,” Amy said.

“I don’t remember, when was that?”

“Your sophomore year in high school. Remember when I had to take you to Schuler’s to get you a nut cup to fit those things?” She said, laughing at the memory.

“Oh, yeah. That poor girl at the store had never seen nuts so big - but she found us a cup!”

“That barely fit, if I remember right,” Amy laughed.

“It was kind of hard to run, but I think it made my nuts tougher. I don’t even use a cup in college now,” Brian said proudly.

“What?!!” Amy said concerned, slapping down at the nuts splayed out on the table, causing Brian to jump a little.

“You ready?” Heather yelled as she came down the stairs.

Brian couldn’t believe what he saw in front of him. In an all-white, satin and lace dress that only came down to mid-thigh and a bodice that showed off plenty of cleavage, his sister was a knockout. And with every step taken down the staircase, a flash of shiny pink satin panties could be seen. At this moment he was glad he kept his cock tucked into his jeans and just had his balls out.

“Holy shit, bro!” Heather said, snapping him out of his trance. “Look at those nuts!”

“You like ‘em?” He asked proudly.

“Well, they’ll give me a lot to work with, that’s for sure!” Heather said, setting down her black Mary-Jane shoes on the table.

“You’re not going to use those?” Brian asked, pointing to his sister’s shoes.

“Ahh, those have about three-inch high platforms, my dear brother. I think our test would be over fairly quickly,” she then glanced down to her brother’s nuts, “Even with those huge balls you got there! Let’s stick with my bare feet for now.”

“You’re the expert,” he said looking up at his little sister who was now stepping up on the coffee table, again flashing her pink panties.

“Mother, can you come grab my hand so I can balance better?” Heather asked. Her mother obliged.

“Now, I like to start out getting a feel for the nut by rocking my foot back and forth for a while.”

“She likes to tenderize them first,” Amy joked, as her daughter placed her right foot on her brother’s left nut.

Back and forth her foot rocked, applying ever-so-slightly more pressure with each movement. Brian leaned back just enough so he could now clearly see up his sister’s dress. And what a view it was. He could swear he could see the outline of her precious lips. This was going so much better than he could have ever hoped.

“I’m going to start putting most of my weight on your left nut now, okay?”

Brian just groaned in approval.

Heather carefully shifted the weight to her right foot, still holding on to her mother’s hand. She could feel the heat of her brother’s nut on the bottom of her foot. This felt different to when she was doing this to Rich just a few short hours ago - more intimate. All three of them could hear a creaking sound coming from under her foot.

Is that the table or his nut? Amy wondered to herself. I’m sure it’s fine.

Brian could really feel the pressure building - and he liked it. The view of his sister’s panties, the glorious pain in his left nut - he was in ecstasy.

“Your nuts are tough,” Heather said, “It’s almost like you have trained them.”

Brian looked over at his mother and they both shared a smile.

“What?” Heather said, now applying much more pressure, looking over at her mother.

“I may have helped that a little bit, but it was mostly that we couldn’t find him a nut cup to fit his nuts,” Amy explained. "And now, he doesn't even wear a nut cup any more!"

"WHAT?!" Heather asked, shocked.

The doorbell rang.

“I got it,” Amy said gliding across the living room.

“So, these have been toughened up, uh?” Heather said to her brother, raising her right knee high in the air - giving Brian his best look yet up his sister’s dress. And just as Pete entered the front door - BAM!! Heather brought her foot aggressively down to her brother’s awaiting nut.

As tough as those nuts were, Brian really felt that one, as his upper torso was jolted upright.

“Ooooye!” He shouted, trying to catch his breath.

Her foot still planted firmly on her brother’s nut, Heather turned to see her boyfriend at the front door. Of course, pivoting with her weight still on Brian’s nut, almost like she was putting out a cigarette. If it weren’t for the commotion at the door, everyone would have heard the ligaments crunching under her foot.

“Pete!” Heather cried, as she pushed herself off of her brother’s nut, jumping off the coffee table.

Pete - as would be expected - was taken aback with what was taking place in front of him, when Heather smothered him with a huge hug.

“How you doing, baby?” She asked her still shocked boyfriend.

Pete just looked around, stunned.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Heather apologized. “Pete, this is my brother, Brian. Brian, Pete.”

Brian started getting up from his kneeling position - at least he tried to.

“No, don’ get up,” Pete said, making his way over to his girlfriend’s brother, whose huge nuts were still hanging out of his jeans obscenely. The two shook hands and Pete backed up quickly.

“And you know my mom,” Heather said, motioning to where Amy was standing.

“Hi Mrs. Anderson,” Pete said shaking her hand, glad to be looking at something else.

Heather picked up her Mary-Janes and went over to the coffee table to put them on. Lifting her leg high enough for her brother to once again see her pink panties, she stared into his eyes as she laced up each of her shoes.

“I’ll be back in a couple hours and we can test Mr. Righty, got it?” She teased her brother.

“I’ll be here,” he said, tucking his nuts back into his jeans, “And so will they,” he said as he zipped up and patted his groin.


Heather wasn’t usually much of a drinker, although most of her high school friends were. When she and Pete arrived at the party, most of the gang had gotten a head start on them.

“Shots!” Someone yelled and brought a shot to each of the two new party guests.

Heather, feeling a little adventurous this evening, grabbed both of the shots and swallowed them both consecutively. “Woo-hoo!” She yelled. “Let’s get this party started!”

Throughout the evening Pete wanted so badly to ask her what was going on back at her house earlier, and after a few drinks he finally got the courage.

“So what was with your brother’s balls being out and you stomping them?” He asked his now inebriated date.

“He asked for it,” she slurred.

“Really?” Pete asked, “What did he do?”

Although drunk, Heather picked up on the misinterpretation. “Aaaahhaha, no. For real. He asked me to do it,” she said, draping her arms around him.

“Why would any guy ASK for that?” He said.

“Because he’s going to be a STARTER!” She yelled. Followed by, “Woo-hoo! Wait, what time is it?”

“Midnight, why?” Pete asked.

“I gotta get home! Take me home!” Heather demanded. “He’s waiting for me!”

Pete knew not to ask any more questions. He grabbed a sandwich off a tray to help him sober up enough to drive and off they went.

When he walked her to the front door of her house she was anxious to get inside. But not with Pete. She reached out, grabbed him with both hands around his neck, gave him a huge kiss, then pushed him away.

“Thanks for a fun night, Pete. Let’s do it again sometime.” He tried to kiss her again, but she held up her hand to stop him. “Next time,” she said. Pete got the hint and turned and left.

Heather watched Pete drive away and waved as he did. She then turned around, reached up under her dress, pulled down her pink panties, hid them in her fist and flung open the front door.

Her brother was asleep on the couch with the TV still on and all of the lights off. She wasn’t sure if she should bother him or not. But then she remembered the promise she made - that she would help test his nuts before he headed back to college.

She tip-toed over to her sleeping brother, trying to be careful. That didn’t last long when one of her large platform shoes kicked into the coffee table in front of the couch. “Shit!” The still-drunk girl whispered loudly.

“Heather?” Brian said groggily, “Is that you?”

“Yeah, bro. You awake?”

“I must have dozed off, how was your date?”

“It was okay. I think he had too much to drink, though.”

“Oh, HE did?” Brian asked with a slight laugh.

“How’s your nut? I didn’t hurt you earlier, did I?”

“Haha, no sis, I’m fine. Now let’s get you to bed,” he said, putting his hand on her back and walking her toward the staircase.

“But we needs to - ah - test your right nut,” she slurred.

“I can find someone else to do it, you have a big day tomorrow.”

“Mom! Is mom going to test your nut?” She said a bit too loudly.

“Shhhh, now you’re going to wake her,” Brian said, trying to calm her down.

“You don’t want me to test your nut, do you? Am I not good enough?”

“It’s not that. It’s late,” Brian said, pushing her to the stairs where she spun and sat down, looking like she was either going to cry or throw a fit.

Remembering she had slipped her panties off, she slowly started spreading her legs to grab her brother’s attention. It worked.

“Can’t I pleeeeeeaase test your nut tonight?” She said, spreading even wider, and now biting her bottom lip.

That did it. He was done.

He reached out his hand to her. She gladly accepted and they walked hand in hand to the couch and coffee table. He grabbed the remote and turned off the television. Now just the light coming in from outside lit the living room.

He undid his jeans and let them drop to the floor.

“We test the right nut, then we go to bed,” he said somewhat sternly.

“You’re the best!” Heather said, kissing Brian on the cheek. She stepped up onto the coffee table, her Mary-Janes still on, neither one of them really noticing.

“Balls out, mister!” She demanded now towering above him. "On your knees!"

Brian reached into his boxers and took out each huge nut and got down on his knees.

“God damn,” Heather muttered under her breath as she positioned herself to his right side.

Facing her brother, she lifted her right foot and brought it down slowly on his right nut. It was at this point that she realized she still had her lethal platform shoes on.

“I should take these off,” she said taking her foot off her brother’s nut. Brian quickly reached out and without saying a word, grabbed a hold of her shoe and placed it back on his nut.

“Test it with these,” he said softly.

She smiled down on her brother, dampness forming in her slit.

First she rocked her foot back and forth, putting just a small amount of pressure on the orb. She pushed a little harder. He moaned slightly. More wetness formed in her pussy.

More pressure, more moaning. The harder she pressed, the louder his moaning got.

Wow, he’s enjoying this as much as me, she thought. Maybe I should go harder?

So she did.

He arched his back and took the pain, his head now resting on the sofa behind him.

“Take it,” he whispered. She could see the huge hard-on pushing at the fabric of his boxers. Her brother was offering her his nut. She was beside herself.

Her pussy gushed with juices. She stood up straight, putting all her weight on his right nut, the flesh getting buried under her black shoe. There was no mistaking the cracking sounds coming from the coffee table this time. It was his nut. His glorious, huge, right nut. And he’s giving it to me, she thought.

Suddenly the living room lights came on, snapping them both out of their splendor.

“Do you think he passed the test,” Amy said walking into the room.

Startled, Heather stepped back awkwardly, her left shoe now landing on the glass portion of the coffee table. After one excruciating second, the glass started to crack and just as it was about to give way, Brian leapt to his feet and grabbed his sister in the nick of time, holding her around the waist, pulling her tight to him, his cock still throbbing and now sticking out the flap of his boxers, but hidden by her dress.

“Maybe we should call it a night?” Amy suggested, unaware that as Heather slid down Brian’s waist that her daughter wasn’t wearing underwear and her son’s cock was now only about an inch away from penetrating her. He tried to hold her in place to avoid fucking his sister right in front of his mother, but the sweat the two had generated made it impossible for him to hold her any longer. Slowly she slid down until she was impaled by his rigid cock, her arms wrapped around his neck tightly.

“Remember, you have a big day of nut testing tomorrow, sweetheart,” Amy said from across the room. “Be sure you get some sleep.”

“Good night, mom,” Heather said sliding further down, her mother oblivious.

“Good night, honey," Amy said and went back to bed.

Chapter 10 - The Testing, Part 1

(Sunday Morning)

Heather woke up in a panic. The alcohol consumption the night before might have had something to do with her sleeping right through her alarm. She scrambled to get an outfit together. She took off her PJs, slipped on a white Señor Frogs T-shirt over her pert breasts, foregoing any support, grabbed her favorite white thong and a red and white plaid skirt.

Grabbing a breakfast bar, she raced toward the front door. “Shit, mom blocked me in!”

Heather ran down the hall to her mom’s room. “Mom, your car is blocking mine!”

“She left with her Sunday morning walking group, I can give you a lift,” her brother Brian said coming down the hall.

“You’re a life-saver, bro!” Heather said, giving him a peck on the cheek. “But we gotta go now. You ready?”

Brian was still in his PJs - his loose football practice shorts, no underwear, and a tank top. Not wanting to waste any time, he grabbed his car keys and now he was the one rushing his sister, “Let’s go!”

“Shit, what shoes am I going to wear?”

Seeing her black Mary-Janes still on the living room floor from the night before, Brian grabbed them and handed them to his sister. “Wear these,” he said. They both paused for a moment, recalling the events of the night before.

“These will work,” she smiled.

They raced out to the driveway. Heather wrestled her backpack off her shoulder and bent over to throw it in the backseat, giving Brian an incredible view of her thong-clad ass. He paused for a second to admire it. She caught him peering. “Stop it!” She said, playfully slapping him on the chest.

“Here she is!” Principal Brown shouted as Heather and her brother walked in at about 9:45 am. “And you brought Brian. Hello sir!”

“Ahh, he can’t stay. I just needed a ride,” Heather said to the group.

“Would you mind if I stayed for a while?” He said looking at the principal and his sister.

“Fine with me, darling,” Ms. Brown said with an almost flirting tone. “Just be aware that things might get a little uncomfortable for anyone with a set of nuts in this room today.”

“Oh, I’m aware,” Brian said, rubbing his hand on the principal’s shoulder and smiling broadly.

She returned the smile and said, “Well, this could be an interesting day.”

Ms. Brown called Nurse Spalding and her assistant, Gail, over to join them.

“We’re still waiting on Miss Hartel to show, but let’s talk for a second on how we want to go about this,” the principal instructed. “Depending on how many boys show up, I think first, we’ll have you check each guy's nuts over here,” she said to the nurse and her assistant.

“Once you take an inventory of each nut and its current condition, we’ll have the boys start with Heather over there so she can test them with her feet.”

Looking around, Heather saw the balance beam over in the corner of the gym, “Do you mind if I test them over there?” She said pointing to the apparatus.

“Oh, I like the way you think,” Ms Brown said. “So, as they get done with Heather, she can send them my way where I’ll be testing each nut with my knee.” The two shared a knowing smile, Heather thrilled to see what the principal could do to a pair of nuts.

“Then Miss Spalding, you and Gail can give each guy one final squeeze test and record the condition of each nut.” Gail nodded, holding up her clipboard.

“And what about Miss Hartel?” The nurse asked.

“Well, the boys are about to arrive, so we’ll just have to see if she shows up. She never did respond to my text.”

It was just about 10 am and boys started showing up, most of them with their mothers by their side - a couple even had some of their sisters along for the fun. Apparently, the dads wanted to steer clear of this activity for whatever reason. In all, there were about 10 of the 20 boys from the class in attendance.

Rich’s mom did respond to the text, informing the principal that there were “complications” at the hospital the night before and that Rich would not be able to attend today and that he may miss a few days of school.

Apparently, Tommy’s mother either did not receive the text, or she just didn’t respond, which also meant that Tommy’s sister, Sandy, would not be coming by today as well.

“Thank you all for coming to this emergency meeting,” Ms. Brown said addressing the group. “As you know our new self defense class has been a resounding success and we’d truly like to thank you and all of your sons for aiding in that success. However, I’m not sure if you have heard, but we did have one of the students suffer a great deal of pain just this week in the class.”

One of the mothers spoke up, “Yes, but I heard they were able to fix Rich’s nut with surgery.” Little did they know that Rich was over at the hospital for a second time in a week and was neutered the previous evening.

“You are correct,” the principal answered. “Most ruptures these days, through the marvel of medical science, are able to be repaired. However, this is not the pain I am speaking of. We all know boys are bound to have their nuts injured at some point in their lives, it’s a fact of life. No, I’m speaking of the hurt one of our female students endured when SHE was the one who administered an innocent knee to the Rich’s groin, causing it to explode.”

Some of the mothers nodded in agreement while others were still confused.

“As you can imagine,” the principal continued, “this poor girl was completely blind-sided by Rich’s unusually weak testicle.” More nodding amongst the females in the gym. “She was merely learning to defend herself, completely unaware that a boy’s nut might give way so easily. This poor girl had to hear the sound of a nut rupture merely inches away - can you imagine?!”

There was an audible gasp from the whole group, even from some of the boys.

“And I’m not sure if you are all aware that the young lady who had to endure that tragedy is bravely here with us today and has agreed to help us with this special program. Heather take a bow!”

The ladies all erupted in applause. The ones standing near her, enthusiastically patted her on the back. Heather beamed with pride. Then one of the mothers raised her hand.

“I feel kind of bad for what happened to Rich, but can you tell us what this special program is all about?” The mother asked.

“Of course. Now, I don’t want to blame Rich or his mother,” Ms. Brown continued, “I’m sure they had no idea how strong - or how weak - his nuts were at the time, which is precisely why we are here today - to institute this brand new nut-testing program here at Washington High School! We will be testing the integrity of every young man’s nuts before they are allowed to join this essential class. I have vowed that no girl shall suffer another ruptured nut when she is merely trying to learn to defend herself in our self defense class!”

More loud cheers. Even some of the boys clapped.

“How do you plan on testing the guys’ nuts?” One of the mothers asked.

“Great question,” Ms. brown answered. “As you can see, we have brought in our lovely nurse, Miss Spalding and her assistant Gail. And Heather here has an uncanny ability to put pressure on a nut and know precisely if that nut will give in or not. She will be invaluable to our testing program. And I, myself, will be giving each boy a healthy knee to each of his testicles to see how they hold up.” The mothers and sisters looked at each other, nodding their heads in approval when another one of them raised their hand.

“I just wanted to say, this nut testing is such a wonderful idea. Those girls are lucky to have such a caring principal. Besides, I think it’s a great idea that all of us mothers know just how strong our boys’ nuts are!”

One of the sisters couldn’t resist asking a question of her own. “Do you think it would be a good idea - once we learn how this testing goes - for us to test their nuts at home? I mean, just to be sure their nuts don’t explode in the class, cause that would be awful, for the girls.”

“Now that is a wonderful idea, young lady,” Ms. Brown said clapping her hands. “We can talk more about that at the end of our session today. To get things started for the tests, gentleman, I’d like for you to grab a jockstrap out of this box, go get changed and come back out for our opening warm-up.”

“What else do we wear?” One of the boys asked.

“Oh, you will be wearing just the jockstrap,” the principal answered.

“What? Only the jock, nothing else?” Another boy asked.

“We could have you go nude, if you prefer?”

“No ma’am, the jock is fine,” the boy answered back quickly.

“I thought you might see it that way. The jocks will give us a chance to see our targets, aiding in the administration of today’s testing. And since every guy here has brought either his mother or a sister, when you get back out, we would like for all of you to line up along the sideline of the basketball court with their partner facing them. Chop, chop!” The principal yelled as the boys sprinted to the locker room to change.

While the boys were changing, Brian came up with an idea. “Hey sis, since we didn’t get to - um - finish our testing last night, do you think it would be okay for me to participate in the nut tests here today?”

“That’s a great idea!” Heather said with glee, “Let me ask.” She made her way over to the principal. “Ms. Brown,” Heather said somewhat whispering, “As you know, my brother is playing football at the university and since they don’t have a nut-testing program over there, he would like to know if it’s okay for us to test his nuts here today.”

“Well, dear, as much as I would love to help out your brother, I’m afraid because this is a school-sanctioned activity, our insurance just wouldn’t cover it. Even just a one-nut loss wouldn’t be covered. I hope you understand.”

Heather nodded her head dejectedly. A couple of the mothers who heard her felt really bad for Brian and his sister and started to quietly plan a way to help.

As the boys were filing out of the locker room and lining up on the sideline, two of the mothers asked their daughters to stand in for them for the warm up and they made their way over to Brian and Heather who were still standing together.

Some of the sisters in the group got a big kick out of seeing their brothers in only jockstraps and snickered as they lined up. “I can see all of their asses!” One girl said to another nearby. “And look at those bulges!” Another said laughing.

When Carl Larson came out of the locker room, most heads turned to look. Even though he was wearing the appropriate-sized jockstrap, his nuts were so large that both the left and right nuts were bulging out each side of the fabric. All of the females in the room couldn’t help but stare, especially his mother Barb and sister Lucy. Neither had ever taken notice of Carl’s huge balls - apparently, he did a good job of keeping them out of sight - until now.

“Okay girls,” Ms. Brown said staring along with the others, “We are here to help these boys, please try to make it comfortable for them.”

“By kicking their nuts?!” One quipped, creating more giggles in the group of ladies.

“Now, before we begin with the warm up, I’d like to have our school nurse, Miss Spalding and her new assistant, Gail, come forward. They will both be monitoring the guys’ nuts throughout the day. Gail will be noting the condition of each nut on her clipboard after every exercise. Let’s give these ladies a nice hand,” Ms. Brown instructed and the crowd obliged.

“We thought about having the boys doing these tests in the nude, but we realize that may be a tad embarrassing for some of our guys who are still…shall we say, developing. So in order for the nurses to have access, boys, you will be instructed to lift the pouch of your jockstrap out a few inches, allowing for your nuts to temporarily drop out of its confines, understand?” The boys nodded and a few of the sisters elbowed each other in anticipation.

“We’ll start on this end. So Jim, if you wouldn’t mind, could you please lift up your pouch?”

The starting quarterback of the football team was a little hesitant. If you remember back on the first day of class, when Miss H measured all of the boys, he came up well short of expectations in the size department. But this group of ladies didn’t know that. They only knew him as the hunky senior quarterback. And his own mother and sister were standing right in front of him.

Nurse Spalding and her assistant crouched in front of Jim and awaited the dropping of his nuts. Painfully shy about exposing himself, Jim lightly tugged at his jockstrap. Both nurses looked up at him, trying to be patient. He pulled a little harder. They could see the edges of both nuts come into view, but still no drop. Nurse Spalding finally got impatient and grabbed the front pouch of the jock and pulled. SNAP! The strap going around the left cheek tore off its base, causing his left nut to drop down out of the pouch.

“Well now look at what you made me do!” the frustrated nurse said to Jim. “But at least I can check this nut now!”

The nurse reached out, grabbed the ball and palpated it with her thumb. “Feels normal,” she said to Gail, who noted that on her clipboard. “You should check the back of the nut,” Gail reminded her boss. So the often absentminded nurse took a hold of Jim’s left nut firmly, and instead of palpating the back using her fingers, she aggressively twisted the poor kid’s nut so that it faced the nurse. Jim’s eyes started to cross and he stood up on his tip-toes to try to break free, but that only made things worse.

Gail was beside herself at the malpractice happening right in front of her and she reached out to try to help the student who was now screeching like a hyena caught in a metal trap. Her attempts only made things worse as Miss Spalding tugged the nut away from her assistant. The group of women were trying their best not to burst into laughter at this Laurel and Hardy exhibition happening right in front of them - even Jim’s mother was covering her mouth to keep from showing her delight.

Finally, the nurse got the feel she wanted and calmly said to her assistant, “The back of the nut seems normal as well.”

Jim let out a huge sigh of relief. Of course, his sister who was there with him found the whole thing much too funny and turned her back to her brother so she could let out a hearty laugh.

“Now we have to check your right nut,” the nurse said, looking into Jim’s eyes. The young man immediately pulled up on his jockstrap and allowed his right nut to drop into plain sight.

“Maybe I should check this one?” Her assistant recommended, much to the relief of the quarter back and to the disappointment to his mother and sister.

So Gail got down on one knee in front of Jim to inspect his right nut. It too seemed normal, although smaller than its counterpart. As the assistant probed the nut, she got a glimpse of just how small his dick was as it tried to peek its head out of the pouch. This poor guy, she thought to herself, no wonder he was so anxious about pulling open his jock. Then she saw the threads of the strap going around his right butt cheek and saw how it too was unraveling. Oh, no, she thought, this is about to burst open - how cheap are these jockstraps?!

Now Jim was standing in front of the whole group with his left nut hanging freely out of his damaged jockstrap. He was really starting to feel self-conscious so he slowly walked over to his principal. It was a funny sight, with every step, Jim’s exposed nut swayed back and forth. When he got to Ms. Brown he quietly asked, “Is there any way I can go put on a new jockstrap?”

“I’m sorry, honey, but we have a limited amount and we’re not sure how many more boys will be showing up today,” she said loud enough for everyone to hear. “Besides, this will make it easier for us to test that one!”

Down the line, the nurse and her assistant checked each guys’ nuts - much to the amusement of the mothers and sisters in attendance - and noted their condition. Then they got to Carl. “Would you look at the size of those two things,” Miss Spalding said under her breath, eliciting a smile from her assistant. “Can you…” Carl beat her to the punch and tugged at his jock. It didn’t take much for each nut to spill out. Now two grotesquely huge balls, sat in front of the two ladies.

“I don’t even know how to start,” the nurse muttered, reaching out her left hand. “Guess I’ll start with the right nut,” she said, now grabbing a hold of the orb. Carl jumped at her touch. “Ohh, a little sensitive, are they?” The nurse asked. Carl nodded in shame. “We see this with most men who have such gigantic balls,” the nurse said to no one in particular. “The larger they are, the more sensitive they seem to be. Must be the amount of nerve endings, I guess.”

Standing nearby, Heather now got a little worried, considering her brother’s nuts were about the same size as Carl’s. Then she recalled how much abuse she employed on his large nuts just the night before and felt a little guilty. Two of the mothers grabbed Brian and asked if he would help spot them over on the balance beam while all of the others were occupied by the testing.

“Of course, balls this size also can take much more abuse and not be harmed in the slightest,” the nurse said cheerfully. “Now, let’s have a look.” That made Heather feel a little better as she watched her brother meander off with the two mothers she just met.

Carl closed his eyes as the nurse prodded his orbs. They really were extremely sensitive and as the nurse pushed her thumbs in, she asked for his mother and sister to come closer. “See, here. I can push my thumb almost to the center of his nut and cause almost no damage.”

Carl hung on the word “almost” as tears started to roll down his cheeks.

“You try,” the nurse instructed the two. Carl’s mother hesitated so his sister Lucy jumped at the chance, getting down on one knee in front of her brother. She slowly pushed her thumb into his right nut. She could feel his heartbeat in his nut the deeper she went. Lucy wanted to look her brother in the eye as she buried her thumb deeper and deeper, but his eyes were closed impossibly tight. She looked to her mother. “This is amazing. I can almost touch my thumb to my fingers!” Her mother smiled in approval.

Seeing Carl was on the brink of passing out, Miss Spalding intervened. “Great job, young lady. I think your brother here has the ideal nuts for practicing self defense."

"Really? How so?" Carl's mom asked.

"Well, they are - um - large targets - obviously - they are sensitive so a girl can see an authentic reaction upon impact, and they are virtually indestructible.”

Lucy stood up and the ladies who had circled tight to watch the episode, patted her on the back and clapped as Carl sank to his knees in agony.

“Now that the initial exams are complete, we will start with an easy warm up,” Ms. Brown spoke up. “We have found that before we test the integrity of each nut, it is best to have them good and warm. So first, we will do some light knee thrusts. Please place your hands on the boys’ shoulders, slowly bring up your knee and give the nuts in front of you a slight bump. Just enough to wake up those nuts. Ready, begin.”

Ms. Brown looked around for her Phy Ed teacher who still wasn’t there. She should be the one leading this, where is she? She thought to herself.

All of the ladies brought their knees up to the balls in front of them - some hitting the target harder than others.

Carl’s sister, still exuberant from the nut squeeze she just gave her brother, may have been a little too enthusiastic with her “bump,” sending him back down to both knees and trying to catch his breath.

“Good job, ladies! Now remember, this is just to warm up the nuts. You don’t have to hit them too hard.” The principal said smiling, looking in Carl’s direction.

There was some laughter and pointing at some of the females who may have used a bit too much gusto.

“Let’s do it again, but this time use the instep of your foot and let’s kick the balls in front of you. And once again, this is only a warm up. You don’t have to hit full force.”

“Did she say to hit full force?” Carl’s mother asked her daughter.

“I think so mom,” Lucy said trying to keep a straight face. “Help me pick him up.”

After Carl’s mom and sister lifted him to his feet, Barb didn’t waste much time in delivering a swift and direct kick to her son’s huge nuts. He collapsed immediately upon impact, coughing loudly on his way down.

“Oh dear,” Miss Spalding said seeing Carl drop to the floor. “Come with me,” she said as she grabbed Gail’s arm and pulled her along. Carl was barely conscious by the time they got to him. “Carl!” The nurse yelled to the young man. “I’m going to check the integrity of your nuts! That was a pretty hard kick. We need to record how well your nuts holding up.”

So the pretty nurse pulled up hard on Carl’s jockstrap, causing both his nuts to plop out the sides of the pouch. Lucy was crouched down along side the nurse, fascinated with the process taking place right in front of her. The nurse aggressively grabbed his left nut, intently looking for any abnormalities or signs of trauma. “This nut is just fine,” she said looking up to her assistant, who jotted down notes.

“This right one looks a little swollen - your kick must have made direct contact with this one, Mrs. Larson,” the nurse said looking toward Carl’s mother. She probed the nut with both hands. “Oh, yes, I can feel a slight contusion here on the bottom part of the nut.” Gail once again jotted the new info into her notes.

“You can feel where the nut bruised?” Lucy asked, genuinely interested.

“Oh yes, do you want to give it a feel?” Miss Spalding asked Carl’s sister.

Lucy dove right in, grabbed a hold of her brother’s right nut and started probing with both of her thumbs. “Like this?” The young lady asked. “That’s perfect,” the nurse responded. “Can you feel the broken blood vessels?”

“Not really. Maybe I should press harder?” The nurse nodded in approval.

Carl’s sister was now showing little mercy to the large nut resting in both of her hands. She pressed both thumbs deep into the orb, her tongue peeking out of her mouth in a gesture of concentration.

“Can you feel it?” Miss Spalding asked again.

“I think so,” Lucy said, most likely causing even more broken blood vessels in her brother’s now purple nut.

“Good job,” Gail said, trying to lift the young lady off her brother, hoping no more damaged would be caused.

“Thanks! That was fun!” Lucy said beaming.

Across the gym, Brian found himself helping one of the mothers up onto the balance beam.

“It’s been so long since I’ve done this, would you mind coming up here to help me balance?” The young mother asked.

Being the gentleman he was, Brian didn’t hesitate. His large muscles bulged out from his tight T-shirt as he easily hoisted himself up on the beam. The woman on the beam looked down to her friend on the floor and gave her a wink and a smile.

Chapter 10, part 2 - Cracked

Thrilled to be a part of such an historic project, Heather pulled out her phone and started taking photos of the boys lined up in their jockstraps with their family members lined up to kick or knee them in the groin. Without giving it much thought, she posted a couple to her Twitter and Instagram accounts - it started spreading quickly throughout the internet - and their community.

Seeing Brian helping the woman on the balance beam reminded her just how generous her brother was with everyone he encountered, even with a stranger. They were doing great on the beam, Brian’s balance was much better than Heather would have thought, but, then again, he was a college athlete so it shouldn’t have surprised her. She started taking some photos of him assisting the woman on the beam when she could tell he was quickly distracted by something at the front door of the gym.

At that same moment, Ms. Brown had the ladies switch back to the knee thrust.

“Now, we don’t really have time to take you through all the self defense moves the girls are learning in the class,” the principal explained, “but this will give you a good idea on some of what we do - and it will be a great way to administer some last-minute warm-ups to the nuts in front of you before we hand the nut-testing off to our staff. So, let’s go back to the knee thrust - and this time, feel free to put a little power behind it.”

“Honey, why don’t you take over for a little while, I need to go use the ladies’ room,” Eva Haas told her 23-year-old daughter, Lacey. This brought a smile to Lacey’s face and a bit of dread to her brother, Luke. And rightfully so - Lacey was a dancer and had really powerful legs.

“This should be fun,” Lacey said, placing her hands on her brother’s shoulders. “Just remember, this is just to help you get ready for your NUT TEST!” She said emphasizing those last two words as she brought her knee up with a swift and powerful thrust.

“Very good!” Ms. Brown said excitedly, “you are a natural!”

Laying on the ground in pain, Luke wasn’t too much out of it to notice his Phy Ed teacher step through the front doors of the gym wearing a blue thong bikini bottom and white crop top that barely covered her amazing C-cup breasts.

Miss Hartel was noticeably flustered as she ran into the gym, pulling a young man by the arm behind her. A muscular, tall and very tan 20-something wearing nothing but a Speed-O swimsuit.

It became quite apparent that Miss Hartel (or Miss H, as her students called her) wasn’t wearing anything under her flimsy crop top when she let go of her boyfriend’s hand and ran over to Ms. Brown.

“I’m so sorry I’m late! I was at the beach when I noticed your text and we came here right away!” Miss H explained.

Looking her subordinate up and down Ms. Brown wanted to admonish the teacher for what she was wearing, but upon quick reflection, she was impressed that she gave up her day at the beach with her boyfriend just to come help with the nut-testing program.

“It’s good to have you here, Miss Hartel,” the principal said with a smile, “And who might this be?”

“Oh, Miss Brown, this is my boyfriend, Hank. Hank, this is my boss, Ms. Brown.”

Hank took his right hand away from covering his crotch so shake the principal’s hand, exposing a huge bulge in his blue Speed-O.

“I see you’re matching,” Ms. Brown said pointing to the swimwear they were wearing.

“I’m so sorry for dressing like this, it’s the only thing we brought to the beach and to get a change of clothes would have meant driving north of town and that could have taken over an hour,” Miss H explained.

“I understand, dear. I’m just glad you could make it.”

By this point, everyone in the room had noticed the two new visitors. The ladies loved what they saw in Hank and the boys were simply captivated by the sight of Miss H in that outfit. Especially Brian, who was still on the balance beam.

Heather, with her phone out now shooting video of her brother on the beam, glanced back at Miss H and her boyfriend and immediately knew what got her brother so distracted. She also noticed Brian was about to place his right foot just off the edge of the beam. Before she could say anything his foot slipped off the beam and his muscular 240-pound body went slamming down onto the beam, legs spread, landing squarely on both of his massive nuts - all caught on video.

For a moment it seemed like he might not be hurt as he grabbed on the beam with both hands, then his eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped to his right, landing on the mat below him.

Heather freaked out at the sight, turned off her phone and ran to aid her brother.

“Brian!” She yelled, now crouched by his side. Without giving it any thought, she yanked down his shorts revealing his lack of underwear to the two ladies who were there at the beam.

“Wow, those are really swollen,” one of the women said.

“That’s about their normal size,” Heather retorted, now cupping the two balls in either hand. “But could you go get some ice for me?”

Entranced by the sight in front of them, the two ladies eventually snapped out of it and ran to get ice.

In the meantime, Eva had returned from the restroom and asked her daughter if she could take a few turns at the knee thrust on her son. “Be my guest,” her daughter said. “Bet you can’t do it as hard as I did, right Lukey?”

Eva could see the glazed over look in her son’s eyes and chalked that up to the punishment her daughter just administered. What she didn’t realize was that the distant look was from Luke taking in the sight of his gym teacher, wearing next to nothing. He was staring at her tanned legs as the teacher stood next to the principal discussing her role in the nut-testing program.

Luke’s mother placed her hands on his shoulders and slowly brought her knee up - she wanted to get in a good strike and show her daughter what a real knee thrust could do. When her knee made contact with his groin she could feel something very hard in his jockstrap. Confused, she turned to her daughter, “That’s not fair - he’s wearing a cup now?”

“What?” Lacey asked confused by her mother’s question.

“He’s wearing a fucking cup,” Eva said rubbing her knee against her son’s jock, feeling the hardness contained in his jock. “How am I supposed to crack his nuts with this damn thing in the way?!”

“What are you talking about?” Lacey said pushing her mother aside, “they are not wearing cups!” Then Lacey brought her knee up to her brother’s groin and she felt what her mother just felt. She also noticed what her brother’s gaze was locked on - Miss H in her skimpy outfit. With her knee still against his jock, Miss H turned slightly, giving Luke an amazing view of his teacher’s thong-clad ass. Lacey could feel her brother’s dick get even harder. And because of the jock, his cock was pointing straight down, captured and held in place by the strong fabric.

“I think you’re right, he IS wearing a cup!” Lacey said to her mother, backing away from Luke. Then she whispered, “Show him you’re not fucking around. Knee that cup so hard he’ll regret he wore it.”

Eva, now motivated by her daughter’s words, stepped in front of her son, determined to show him who was boss. She emphatically placed her hands on his shoulders, took a large step back with her right foot - Lacey looking on with sweet anticipation - then thrust with all of her might into her son's groin. CRACK!!

“AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!” Luke screamed as he fell to the floor clutching his crotch.

The sound caught the principal's attention - in fact, it caught everyone's attention.

“Did you give him a cup?” Ms. Brown asked the nurse as they both ran over to Luke.

“No I didn’t,” the nurse said concerned.

“Then what was that cracking sound?” The principal asked.

“Did I break his cup?” Eva asked, clutching her hands to her face. “What did I do?!”

“I don’t think that was his cup,” Lacey said under her breath, trying not to burst into laughter.

Luke was screaming in pain when the nurse, principal and Miss H arrived at his side.

In such great pain, it was difficult to pry Luke’s hands away from his groin.

“We need to check your nuts,” the nurse said, trying to pull his hands away. “The sound of that cup breaking did NOT sound good.”

When she finally got both of his hands out of the way, the nurse reached her hand into Luke’s jock. “I’m just going to remove your cup first, okay Luke?” The nurse yelled, trying to talk over his screams.

“But…but…but,” was all Luke could get out.

The nurse carefully slipped her hand under the waistband of his jock. Luke screamed in agony. “I can’t seem to find the cup,” the ditzy nurse said scrunching her face in bewilderment, feeling around inside his jock.

Lacey just about lost it at that comment. “I don’t think he’s wearing a cup,” Lacey said to the circle of women gathered round the scene, hoping her mother wouldn’t realize it was her who said it.

“But we all heard it crack,” the nurse said now trying to pull down Luke’s jock, “So what could it have been?”

When she got the jock pulled down far enough, everyone in the crowed circled around Luke could now see what had cracked. A loud, collective gasp filled the gymnasium. I think even Brian could hear it - and he was still passed out.

“Holy shit, mom - you broke his dick!” Lacey couldn’t help but blurt out.

“I believe I did,” Eva said quietly, somewhat in shock.

Miss Spalding froze in horror at the sight before her.

“Do something!” Ms. Brown yelled to the nurse.

Completely out of her element at his point, the nurse reached out and grabbed the young man’s nuts.

“What are you doing?” The principal asked.

“Just wanted to be sure he didn’t hurt his nuts - gotta check for any ruptures!” The nurse said, hoping something would come to her on what to do. She had never encountered a broken dick before.

Then the nurse’s assistant came barreling into the crowd around Luke, holding a bag of ice and a large Ace bandage. “Hold this,” Gail said handing the bag of ice to Miss Spalding. “Luke, this may sting for a second, but I have to wrap your penis in this bandage to keep it form getting worse.”

The nurse’s assistant gently lifted Luke’s dick up from his stomach eliciting another scream from the young man. Slowly and gently Gail wrapped the swollen and now black and blue appendage. Once completed, it looked rather comical, like the Eiffel Tower wrapped in gauze, sticking out from Luke’s crotch.

“I’ll drive him to the hospital,” Luke’s mother said, “Can you give me a hand, honey?” She said looking at her daughter.

The two were gingerly walking him across the room, Luke wincing with every step and his sister laughing at every wince. “Could someone grab his backpack by the door?” Eva asked.

“I got it!” Miss H yelled running to the door.

Luke was once again mesmerized. He couldn’t look away. Miss H has such a perfect body and in that thong bikini and crop top, seeing her run across the room caused more stirring in his dick. His groan caught his sister’s attention and she knew exactly what was happening - he was getting hard again!

“Can we stop here for a second,” Lacey said, knowing damn well what was about to happen. “I need to rest.”

Then Miss H got to Luke’s backpack about 20 feet in front of them. As she bent down to pick up his bag, not only did it give them the perfect view of Miss Hartel’s ass, when she got her hands on the backpack, her crop top succumbed to gravity, releasing her perfect tits for all three of them to see from behind. Even the ladies admired the sight.

Luke groaned loudly again as blood rushed to his damaged cock.

"Are we going to need a bigger bandage?" Lackey joked looking at her brother.

“Are you ready?” Eva asked her daughter, now getting impatient.

“Not just yet,” the vixen claimed. Then Miss H stood up straight and turned to present the bag to them. “Okay, now I’m ready,” Lacey said with a huge grin.

Out the door they went. Very carefully.

Even with all of the commotion, Heather didn’t leave her brother’s side. Brian was still passed out on the floor, naked from the waist down. Standing up to see what all of the fuss was about, Heather inadvertently stepped back onto her brother’s right nut with her Mary Jane’s still on.

When the two ladies came back with the ice they couldn’t help but noticed where her foot was. “Is she standing on her brother’s nut?” One of them whispered to the other as they crossed the gym. “It looks like it. How can his nut take that? Here take this,” the other said, handing her the bag of ice, an idea in mind. She ran over to Heather and put her arm around her, glancing down to gauge where to put her high heel shoe.

“Can you believe he just broke his dick?” The woman said to Heather, her foot now firmly placed on Brian’s left nut. She could see Brian's body jerk for a moment.

“Is that what happened?” Heather said in shock. “I bet that hurt!”

The woman knew they wouldn’t be in this position long so she started grinding the heel of her shoe into Brian’s nut. This is amazing, she thought to herself, it won’t budge!

The second woman approached with the ice, trying to keep a straight face, seeing the two women in front of her standing on this poor boy’s nuts.

Her friend timed it perfectly that when Heather stepped off her brother’s nut, she did the same so she wouldn’t be found out.

“Here’s your ice. I can’t believe he fell on this nuts like that on the beam. I feel so bad. How are they?”

“Thank you so much. His nuts are tough - and he wanted them tested today anyway - so I guess he got his wish!” Heather said, the three of them sharing a laugh.

“They got tested all right,” the other woman said, “that was quite a fall! I can’t believe they didn’t rupture!”

“Me too!” Heather said. “And I got it on camera!”

“No way!” The two women said in unison. “Show me!”

Ignoring her brother, Heather set the ice on the floor and took out her phone. When she got to the video she watched it first by herself. When she saw the moment he looked over to Miss H and slipped she brought her hand up to her mouth, stifling a laugh. When she saw him land squarely on his nuts, legs spread, she lost it and burst out laughing.

“What? Show us!”

Heather lined up the start of the video and turned her phone to show them.

The two ladies watched in anticipation. “He looks distracted. What is he looking at?” One of them asked. “That.” Heather said pointing to Miss H who was coming their way. “Oh, no!” One of them laughed. Then BOOM! They saw him slip and fall. “Ohhhh, OUCH!” They both yelled. “I don’t care how tough his nuts are, that HAD to hurt!”

“What hurt?” Miss H asked, now standing with the other three, looking down at the passed out young man at her feet.

“This,” one of the women said excitedly, showing her the phone.

“That’s your brother, right Heather?” Miss H asked. Heather nodded her head.

“What’s he doing on the balance beam?”

“About to get his nuts crushed,” one of the ladies said to laughter.

“Really?” Miss H said, now a little more interested in the video. “Oh, no! Oh, dear! How did he not rupture at least one of his nuts?”

“That’s what we said,” one of the ladies said cheerfully.

“I gotta see that again,” the gym teacher said, now really interested in the video. A grimace on her face, waiting for the inevitable crushing, she saw Brian look away from the beam. “What is he looking at? That’s why he fell!! OUCH! It hurts my balls seeing this again!” They all shared a laugh.

“Hmmm, what could have distracted him?” Heather asked looking her teacher up and down.

It took a second, but when Miss H looked down at her attire, she blushed and and dropped her jaw. “Oh, no! Don’t tell me!”

“I’m afraid so,” Heather said gently. “But don’t worry about it, Miss H, he came here to have his nuts tested anyway.”

“Well, THAT was a good test,” the teacher said pointing to Heather’s phone. “If his nuts can take that fall, I’d say his nuts are safe.” All four ladies laughed, with Heather crouching down to ice her brother’s nuts.

“Funny,” Heather said looking at and feeling her bother’s nuts, “Is there anything sticking out from the balance beam?”

“Of course not,” Miss H said. “That would be dangerous. Why do you ask?”

“Look at this,” Heather said, holding her brother’s left nut in her hand. “It has a large indentation on the top of the nut here.”

“Hmmm,” Miss H said, now touching the top of the nut. “That’s unusual.”

Getting a little nervous, the two ladies said they had to go check on their sons and left the scene.

“And look here, there’s a weird pattern on his right nut!” Miss H pointed out.

"That's weird," Heather said, not realizing it was her Mary Jane's that made the noticeable markings.


Heather’s Tweet about the nut testing raced around the internet. Many girls responded gleefully with comment s like, “They should do that at our school!” And “I gotta show this to our self defense instructor!” Eventually it made its way to Schuler’s Sporting Goods where the nut cup specialist Bridget saw it. A light bulb went off and Bridget grabbed a couple of their One-Nut nut cups and two of the Nut-Out cups - a right one and left one, naturally.

“I’m heading to the high school,” Bridget yelled to her associates as she ran out the door. “I’ll be back!”

Ch. 10, pt 3 - The Beam

Miss Hartel the Phy Ed teacher was closely inspecting Brian’s nut, now kneeling next to his sister Heather.

“It’s almost like a tire track or something,” the teacher said looking over to Heather. Then her gaze caught the bottoms of Heather’s shoes - and they were a perfect match. Oh, no! She must have accidentally stepped on her brother’s left nut, the teacher thought to herself. I better not embarrass her with this bit of information. Instead she used humor to deflect the situation.

“I know your brother was into car racing, but this is taking it a bit overboard, don’t you think?” That broke Heather’s concern for her brother’s nut and the two burst out in laughter.

“And it looks like he might have a flat on that one!” She joked, pointing at her brother’s right nut, that still displayed the deep indentation from the high heel that just moments ago was plunging deep into that orb.

“I see he’s starting to wake up,” Miss H said, “I’ll go get him a bottle of water so you can stay here with him.”

“Thanks, Miss H,” Heather said, now caressing her brother’s hair trying to ease his pain as he woke up. “I don’t think he’ll be moving for a while after that fall on the beam!”

As Miss H walked across the gym floor to get Brian some water, every boy there was glued to her every step. There was a goddess among them. Her firm breasts slightly bounced with every step, her nipples hardening from the friction on her white crop top and the way the blue thong framed her perfectly shaped and bronzed ass was just too much for the hormone-crazed young men. All of them at this point started once again filling their jockstraps with hardening flesh, some of them showing off huge bulges.

“Are they ALL wearing nut cups now?” One of the naive sisters asked.

“NO!!” Ms. Brown yelled, running to separate the girls from the boys, desperately trying to avoid another broken dick situation. The first one was bad enough! She thought. “They are NOT wearing cups!”

And as small as Jim’s hardness was, it applied just enough force to tear the last few threads of his jock and the front pouch went springing upward. It took a few moments for him to realize what just happened and he was hoping no one noticed. But they did. Especially his mother, Julie, and sister, Candy, who tried really hard to stifle their reaction, but the more they tried the worse it got until they both exploded in uncontrollable laughter.

Jim - the starting quarterback - wanted to roll into a ball and die. He frantically grabbed at the pouch of his jock and pulled it down over his now shriveling dick. “Can I get a new jock now?” He pleaded with his principal.

“I explained to you earlier, we have just enough supporters for every boy in your class and I’m sorry, but we just can’t afford for anyone to use two of them,” Ms. Brown explained.

“I have a small sewing kit in my office!” Miss Spalding blurted out. “Let me go get it!”

“I think that’s going to be your best bet, young man,” the principal said, then she turned to his mother. “What do you think?”

“I’m certainly not going to buy him a new jock every time he sees a pretty lady walk by,” Julie said. “If we can sew it up, that will do.”

The nurse came running back with her emergency sewing kit which consisted of a few spools of thread and one very large sewing needle.

The nurse knelt in front of Jim, pulled out the needle, threaded it and asked him to step forward.

“Wait, wouldn’t it be easier if I took off the jockstrap?” Jim asked, a bit of dread in his voice seeing that huge needle in front of him.

“I don’t think the group has time for all of that,” Jim’s mother said, “You’ve already wasted enough time with all of this nonsense!”

The nurse put the needle in her mouth, grabbed the end of the pouch with her right hand, then reached between Jim’s legs and secured the strap that need to be reattached. With both hands full, she had no way to grab the needle out of her mouth. A bit flustered, she let go of the elastic legstraps, sending it straight into both of Jim’s nuts.

“Oops! Sorry about that!” The nurse said, genuinely sincere in her apology. “I’m going to need someone to hold the pouch and straps while I sew them together. Can you help me?” She said looking at his sister.

“I don’t really have much experience,” Candy said, trying to be coy. “But I guess I could give it my best shot.”

“Wonderful. Take a knee next to me here.”

From this angle, Candy could see just how small her brother’s dick was, even though the fabric from the jock was laying over the top of it. For a moment she actually felt bad for him. This more than likely explained why he couldn’t hold onto a girlfriend longer than a month, despite his good looks.

Now the semi-circle of women watching grew tighter and closer, not wanting to miss a second of this drama. Gail, Miss Spalding’s assistant, had a pit in the bottom her stomach watching her mentor with a large needle that was about to come within millimeters of that poor boy’s nuts.

Candy reached out and grabbed both ends of the fabric that she was to hold together, careful not to touch flesh in front of her - it was her brother after all.

“I’d like for you to take the very bottom of the pouch and stretch it out a little ways from his groin,” the nurse instructed, “we don’t need to be too close to those nuts when we do this!”

“Like this?” Candy asked pulling the bottom of the pouch far too high, exposing everything her brother had down there. The ladies couldn’t help but gasp and even giggle at the sight. Candy hadn’t realize she lifted the fabric so high, but once she heard the reaction she quickly brought her hand down and her knuckles slammed into both her brother’s balls. His reaction sent the ladies into even more of a laughing fit. At this point Candy felt bad for her brother, she didn’t intend for him to suffer such humiliation. Seeing her daughter’s distress, Julie stepped in to try and help.

“Honey, just take this end of the jock…” she said, grabbing the bottom of the pouch, “And…wait a sec… are you going to be able to sew into this fabric?” She said, now lifting up the pouch herself for closer examination, exposing poor Jim’s small package for all to see once again. “Do you guys see this?” Julie asked, showing the ends of the fabric to all who would look, but all they could see was a tremendously small dick.

“Oh, we can see it all right,” one of the mothers spoke up, “It doesn’t seem like a very big problem from here,” she said to lots more laughter.

“I’d say it’s an itsy-bitsy problem, if you ask me,” one of the daughters shouted, now eliciting howls from the group looking on.

Candy saw all the ladies reactions - one even snapped a pic with her phone - and she dropped her head into her hand, feeling awful for her brother. He will never live this one down, she thought.

Nurse Spalding, eager to show Julie it could be done, reached out her hands to grab the fabric, forgetting that she was holding a large sewing needle in her hand, and as she took a hold of the pouch and the straps and attempted to join them together, she managed to plunge the needle into Jim’s right nut. Jim was too shocked to react. The nurse could feel some resistance to her joining the two pieces of fabric so she pushed them together with much more force, shoving the needle deeper into his nut.

The only one who had a view to this skewing was his sister, Candy. She was absolutely dumbstruck with what was happening to her brother’s nut. How can he not be passing out right now? She thought to herself. That is fucking amazing! Just seconds earlier Candy was feeling great concern for her brother and the embarrassment he must surely be experiencing, but now, she was feeling outright fascination, seeing his nut getting pierced only a few inches from her face.

“I, um, I think I know what you’re saying now,” Candy said to the nurse, “Let me try.”

Taking a hold of both ends of the fabric, which now rested just under Jim’s sack, Candy managed to find the needle with her thumb and under the guise of pushing the two pieces of fabric together, she plunged the three-inch spear even deeper into her brother’s nut and managed to remove the thread from the needle. Amazed at the lack of a reaction, she looked up into his eyes to see them gloss over into what must be a state of shock. Her panties quickly filled with her juices.

“That’s perfect!” Miss Spalding yelled out. “Hold that there!”

Jim’s mother could tell he was getting a bit woozy and stood next to him to keep him standing upright, completely clueless to the massacre taking place in her son’s sack.

The nurse scooched closer to Candy who was still holding the pieces of fabric together. “Now, where did I put my needle?” The nurse searched her hands, then the floor but couldn’t seem to find it.

“I think maybe you lost it,” Candy said on the verge of an orgasm. “Is there another one in the kit?”

“I think so!” The nurse said cheerfully.

When she came back with an even larger needle, Candy experienced her first orgasm of the day. “That’s per, per, perfect,” the young lady said.

“Dear, you are sweating, are you feeling okay?” The nurse asked. Candy could only nod her head.

“I tell you what, since you seem to have control of the fabric down there, how about I hand you the needle and you can take care of sewing things up down there?”

Again, Candy nodded in approval, unable to talk through the ecstasy she was experiencing.

Using her left hand to keep the pieces of fabric together, Candy grabbed the new needle in her right hand. As much as she wanted to jam the second needle into his other nut, Candy came up with a devious plan on the spot. In order to keep things going, she decided she would actually sew the jockstrap back together, however, she was also going to grab just enough flesh from Jim’s scrotum and incorporate that into her threading.

With her brother so far out of it and her mother holding him up, she was easily able to grab the bottom part of Jim’s sack, squeeze it together with the two ends of the jock and begin to slowly and methodically force the large needle through the fabric, into his flesh, and back out the underside. Stitch by stitch her pussy continued to gush with her fluids. Nurse Spalding was looking on with eager anticipation, seeing her student so deftly handle the sewing task before her. Of course, she was completely blocked from the view of it entering Jim’s sack every 1/4 inch or so.

“That looks pretty good,” the nurse said patting Candy on the back. “I think he’s ready to rejoin the testing!”

Holy shit, the testing! Candy thought to herself. He’s going to be put through a gantlet of tests with a three-inch needle in his nut! This is going to be something to see!

“Okay gentleman,” Ms. Brown yelled, “We are going to start the testing over here with Heather at the balance beam. Could you all line up and place your nuts on the beam, please?”

When the boys all arrived at the beam it became obvious that it was much too high for them to be able to rest their balls on the beam from where they stood.

“We’re going to have to lower the beam,” the principal said, “Miss H, can you ask your boyfriend and Heather’s brother to come over and lower each side of the beam for us please?”

“Of course!” Miss H said running over to her boyfriend.

The principal instantly regretted asking the teacher to go get her boyfriend as everyone in the room got another viewing of the sexy nymph traipsing across the gym floor. Once again, jockstraps were filled to their capacities. Well, except for Jim who was too out of it to notice and too small to fill out his jock, no matter how hard he got.

When Miss H’s boyfriend Hank made it over to the beam - still wearing just his Speedo - the principal asked for him to lower his end and for Brian - who had apparently recovered just enough to help - to lower his.

Brian’s end went down fairly easy and he locked it in place to about the height he thought was appropriate. Things were not going as smoothly on Hank’s end.

“Oh, that end always sticks,” Miss H said jumping up onto the beam. The boys were once again treated to an amazing view of their gym teacher. Her thong gave them a delicious view of her ass, and with her being about three feet higher than them, you could clearly see up her short crop top, displaying the bottom half of her supple breasts.

“Babe, hold that end tight, we don’t want this to come crashing down or it will dent our new floor,” the teacher told her boyfriend, looking around to see if her principal was watching.

Hank grabbed a hold of the beam tightly with both hands and held it just above his stomach. Miss H slowly walked toward the end of the beam, gently bouncing up and down - again, an amazing thing for the boys to see - but the beam still wouldn’t budge. When she finally got to the last foot or so of the beam she warned Hank, “Hey babe, I’m going to jump a bit, can you manage to keep a hold - I really don’t want to damage the floor.”

“I got it babe, no worries,” was his response.

Miss H gathered herself, trying to maintain her balance and she jumped up, hoping to dislodge the stuck beam - and it worked! Unfortunately for her boyfriend, he wasn’t quite as strong as he thought and the beam sent him falling to the ground, landing on his ass, with the six-inch wide beam landing squarely on both of his nuts.


It sounded like someone fired two quick shots from a small caliber gun. Hank briefly inhaled a large breath, then collapsed onto his back, his nuts still trapped under the beam. Mercifully, he passed out.

“Honey?” Miss H said, confused by his lack of a reaction, still standing on the beam. “How are you doing?”

Even the scatterbrained Miss Spalding had a pretty good idea of what just happened, stepping over to the gym teacher to help her down from the beam.

“We didn’t dent the floor, did we?” Miss H said, looking around to see if her boss, Ms. Brown was watching.

“I think the floor is fine,” the nurse said, gently lifting the beam off of Hank’s nuts, “I’m not so sure about these,” the nurse cringed, gently cupping what was left of the poor guy’s balls.

Miss H ran over and knelt next to her boyfriend, temporarily ignoring the nurse, and ran her hand across the pristine wooden floor. “Thank God!” Miss H said with relief, “we just had this floor re-done last summer.”

“Everything okay over here?” Ms. Brown said, coming over to check on the commotion.

“Just fine,” Miss H said. “Everything is good as new!”

“Really?” The principal said, “I’m no expert, but those don’t look as good as new to me.”

Miss Spalding now had each nut extricated from Hank’s tight Speedo and they were the size of two melons. It finally hit the gym teacher just where the beam landed. Her jaw dropped open.

“You mean…the beam landed…on his…his nuts?” She asked the nurse.

“I’m afraid so,” Miss Spalding responded. “But hey, they can usually fix em right up nowadays!”

“As long as there’s enough of the nut left to stitch together,” the principal chimed in, “how are they feeling?”

“Weeeelllllll, it feels kinda like chunky peanut butter. Is that good? Can they sew the chunks together?”

The principal shook her head and advised they get some ice and call 9-11.

Chapter 10, part 4 - Testing Commences

When the beam came slamming down onto Hank’s unsuspecting nuts the double popping sound sent Heather into a frenetic fit. She grabbed the bottom of her white T-shirt and and pulled both sides up to cover her ears, exposing her beautiful young breasts for all to see. Ms. Brown immediately ran to her, knowing how much the sound of rupturing nuts were a trigger for the vulnerable young lady. The principal put her arm around her shoulders, doing her best to console her, while the boys ogled the sight before them.

“This is precisely what I’m talking about,” the principal said to the ladies who were now surrounding the two, while Hank laid flat on his back among them. “We cannot let our girls suffer this kind of trauma every time a nut is popped. But that’s exactly why we’re here.”

“That poor girl,” one of the mothers said to no one in particular, “maybe we should just pop all of these nuts so the girls in this self defense class don’t have to go through what this brave young lady has gone through?” The boys who heard this instinctively all slowly brought their hands down to cover their balls.

“But if we pop all of these balls, how could the girls practice kicking them?” One of the daughters asked.

“I can help you with that!” A voice came from gym doors.

“Bridget, is that you?” Ms. Brown said with an excited tone. “What brings you here?”

“These,” the former student said, holding up a couple of the brand new One-Out nut cups. “I saw on Twitter that you were testing nuts today and I rushed right over. What I have here is a brand new invention called the One-Out nut cup. It allows for one nut to be hanging out of the cup, while keeping the other one safe from harm.”

"Ladies, allow me to introduce Bridget Nelson," the principal said proudly. "She graduated here about 10 years ago and for the past five years has been the nut cup expert down at Schuler's Sporting Goods. If there is anyone who can answer our questions about nut cups, she's the one."

“Yes, how does having my son’s nut hanging out of a cup help this class?” One of the mothers asked.

“Great question. It’s actually a win for the boys AND the girls in the class. I hear you’re testing the integrity of each nut in this gym, right? Once you determine that, then what?” All of the mothers turned toward the principal as if looking for an answer.

“Well, once you determine the weaker nut with today’s testing, you will be able to protect that nut with this!" She said, holding up one of the cups. "And by keeping the girls from rupturing the weaker nut, you avoid the suffering the girls surely will face. Furthermore, by allowing a nut to be free for the girls to kick, it will give them a genuine reaction from the boys - showing them just how effective their strikes are.”

“That’s genius,” one of the moms said with others nodding in agreement. “Can we get a demonstration of this nut cup?”

Bridget looked over to Ms. Brown. “I’d love to do it today, but since we haven’t even started testing the boys’ nuts, perhaps we could find another time?” the principal said.

Trying to maximize this opportunity to sell as many nut cups as possible Bridget came armed with an idea. “How about we give a demonstration to the whole school at the end of the week? That gives you time to test all of the guys' nuts and will allow us to give a full presentation on how these new cups work.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” the principal said, “I’m afraid we couldn’t do it during the school day, but what about Friday night in the auditorium?”

“That would be perfect!” Bridget said, “But I might need a few volunteers - can you help me with that?”

“Volunteers with or without nuts?” Nurse Spalding asked.

“I could use both, if you don’t mind.”

“I’m sure we could find you some,” the principal responded. “See you Friday night!”

While the group was busy listening to Bridget’s pitch, the gym teacher, Miss Hartel, took a few moments away from aiding her boyfriend - his nuts aren’t going to get any worse, she thought - to get the fallen side of the beam back into place, securing the proper clamps, and leveling off the apparatus. The beam was now ready for some nut testing.

“I see Miss H now has the beam ready,” Ms. Brown said to the group, “It’s time to test some nuts! Gentlemen, would you please step over and place your nuts on the beam.”

As the boys made their way over to the beam, the principal went to her purse and pulled out a set of noise-cancelling headphones and brought them over to Heather. “I promised these for you,” the principal said, handing them to her young protege, “I didn’t think we’d need them BEFORE we started the nut testing!” Both ladies laughed at that comment, lightening Heather’s mood.

“Heather, it’s time to work your magic,” Ms. Brown said to the group. “Nurse Spalding and Gail, please prepare to record the results and when we’re done with the beam we’ll have Miss H over here to administer the squeeze test, and I’ll wrap things up with a knee to the nuts for anyone left standing.”

A squeeze test? The gym teacher thought. I don’t remember signing up for that. This should be interesting.

Heather slipped off her black Mary Jane’s, stepped up on the beam, her new ear protection firmly in place. The beam could only handle five sets of nuts at a time so the first group of boys had their jock-covered nuts neatly placed on the wooden plank, ready for Heather’s now bare feet, with the second set of boys lined up just behind them. A few of the boys noted how sexy her feet looked, adorned in red nail polish. And at the right angle, some could see up her plaid skirt, spotting her lacy white thong. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad the boys thought.

Carl was the first boy up, his huge nuts testing the limits of the stretchy fabric of his jock. Look at the size of those, Heather thought to herself as she lifted her right foot up and placed it on Carl’s left nut. Heather started putting pressure on the massive nut, rocking her foot forward and back until she found herself standing with all of her weight on the orb. Then she started to lose her balance. Luckily, Nurse Spalding was standing right next to her on the floor and reached up and helped her regain her balance.

“Maybe I should assist you with all of these?” The nurse proposed.

"WHAT?!!" Heather yelled, barely able to hear through her headphones.

"Can we help you balance?!" the nurse shouted.

"Sure!" Heather replied.

“I could help, too,” Gail said, even though she was holding the clipboard to take notes.

So Miss Spalding took Heather’s right hand and Gail took her left hand.

Heather now climbed back up on Carl’s left nut, confident that she wouldn’t fall off the beam, determined to do her part in this historic nut-testing program.

Placing her foot back on is left nut, Heather was a little startled when Carl’s right nut popped out of his jockstrap, causing her to jump a bit.

“Gail, can you take care of that?” Miss Spalding said to her co-worker. Looking down on Carl’s freed nut.

“Ah, sure,” Gail said a little sheepishly. She set down her clipboard and with her right hand grabbed Carl’s jockstrap and with her left hand she took hold of Carl’s rather large right nut. “This thing is huge,” she whispered to Miss Spalding all while trying to cram the testicle back into the tight confines of the fabric. “Yes, it is,” the nurse responded, “but this will give you valuable experience in handling guys’ balls. I have a feeling we may be busy dealing with all kinds of nut injuries in the near future - so this will help get you ready.”

After several seconds of kneading and pushing on Carl’s nut, Gail finally got it to go back into the jockstrap. At least for now.

Heather got back on the left nut and was rocking her bare foot back and forth. Both nurses could see his nut bulging out from under her foot, exposing many veins surrounding the testicle. “Look at that!” Gail said, genuinely surprised at what she was seeing.

“Yes, that’s all part of the structure of the male testicle,” the nurse instructed, running her finger along some of the bulging veins. “And Carl here, has very large nuts, which, because of their size, are much more sensitive than most guys’ nuts.”

“So this must be very painful for him - his nuts are huge!” Gail said.

“I’m afraid so,” Miss Spalding said looking up at Carl’s face, which was now contorted from all the pain. Then both females could hear a crunching sound, almost like celery being twisted. “And that you hear, is the cartilage in Carl’s left nut being compacted by the force Heather is applying with her foot. How does it feel, Heather?”

“What?!!” Heather yelled, still having a hard time hearing.

“The nut! How does his nut feel?!!” The nurse screamed, causing some of the women who were nearby to laugh.

“This nut is definitely one of the strongest I’ve ever felt!” Heather shouted. “I don’t think he’s in any danger of rupturing this one. Shall I move on?” Just as she asked this , Carl’s right nut again popped out of his jockstrap, causing all three ladies to jump.

“Sure, honey. It looks like his right nut has volunteered already!” The nurse loudly quipped.

“Should I just stand on it like this?” Heather asked.

“I don’t see why not,” Miss Spalding retorted, “although, I don’t think we’re going to have much of a different result than his other nut.”

“Yeah, this one is huge too,” Heather said loudly with a smile. “Maybe I’ll try standing on it with my heel?”

Carl’s head snapped up upon hearing that suggestion, hoping that the nurse would be against it.

“Wonderful idea, young lady!” The nurse said gleefully. Carl dropped his head in disappointment.

“Carl, you might feel this one a little more,” the nurse said, stating the obvious. This piqued the interest of Carl’s mother and sister, who now approached the beam and stood on either side of him to catch a better view.

So Heather lifted her right foot, holding onto Miss Spalding and Gail for balance, and slowly brought her heel down onto the awaiting nut. All four ladies now holding their breath, excited to see what would happen.

As Heather lowered her heel it didn’t take long for the nut to bulge and for them to hear the crunching sound. “Can you hear that?” Carl’s mother, Barb said to her daughter, Lucy. “I can!” The daughter said excitedly, “that’s so cool.”

After a few seconds and more painful sounds, Heather now had her full weight on Carl’s right nut. Lucy was enamored. The nut was now obscenely bulging out either side of Heather’s foot. “That’s not going to pop it?” Barb said to the nurse.

Miss Spalding, who was also transfixed by the sight before her, didn’t answer. Without thinking, Lucy reached out and ran her finger along one of the bulging veins on the lower half of her brother’s nut. “Doesn’t this hurt?” She asked anyone who would answer.

“Quite a bit, I’m sure,” Gail spoke up, seeing that her colleague was too entranced to answer.

“But it won’t pop?” Lucy asked inquisitively.

“Apparently not. Your brother seems to have indestructible balls,” Gail said.

“Cool,” was all Lucy could say, staring intently at her brother’s squished nut.

“This guy is good!” Heather screamed. “I think we can move on.”

With that, she stepped off Carl’s nut and it was probably a good thing his mom and sister were there, as they were able to catch him as he fell back from the beam in a great deal of pain.

Next up was our man, Jim, flanked by his mother, Julie and sister, Candy. With a three-inch needle still lodged in his right nut and his jockstrap sewn to his sack, Jim was barely conscious and was basically held up by his two family members. Candy couldn’t wait to see how her brother’s right nut would hold up to the testing with a large needle in it. Her panties began to moisten once again.

Heather again started with the left nut, since it was closest to her. Having just tested two of the largest, toughest nuts she would most likely ever encounter, she may have misjudged the capability of Jim’s nuts. She started right off with her heel on the nut. Both nurses were startled as they watched the nut start to give way quickly.

"Ummm, dear!" Nurse Spalding yelled. "You might want to back off a bit! Heather!"

But Heather couldn't hear the panicked suggestion.

Jim’s mother and sister could see the nut flattening quickly as well and just as Barb started waving her arms to get Heather's attention - SPLAT!

Jim’s nut gave way.

Heather panicked and threw her headphones off. “What…what…what happened?” She screamed.

“I think you popped it,” Nurse Spalding said matter of factly.

Luckily the sound of the nut popping wasn’t heard by Heather, so she was spared any distraught. However the sound resonated with Candy, who was still holding her brother up, and now had her left leg wrapped around his leg and was essentially dry humping it to orgasm after witnessing the destruction of his nut.

“Oh, dear,” Barb said, now letting go of her son, leaving him to slowly slide down Candy’s body. “That didn’t sound good. What does that popping mean?”

“It means, you better bring him to the hospital,” Ms. Brown said. “Thank you for bringing him in.”

“But what about his other nut? Don’t we have to test that one? I’d hate for him to get kicked out of this class!” Jim’s mother pleaded.

“I tell you what,” the principal said putting her arm around the mother, “you take him to the hospital and when he gets out, we will have him tested at your earliest convenience - maybe even at the assembly this Friday!”

“Oh, that would be wonderful,” Barb said. “I know he really loves being a part of this class! Thank you so much!”

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