June 27, 2024

Washington High Self Defense Classes, chapters 4 to 6

By Hummingbird-Goal


The first three chapters center around the new self defense class at Washington High. There we meet many characters, including the gym teacher, Holly Hartel (Miss H). Rich Johnson was the first guy ruptured in the class, at the hand (or knee) of Heather Anderson and had to be taken to the hospital.

Chapter Four - The Shaw Family

When Tommy and Sandy got home from school they both plopped down on the couch and started checking their phones, seeing if there was any word about Rich.

So far, no news.

“Do you think he’s going to lose his nut?” Sandy asked her twin brother.

Feeling very uncomfortable with the situation, Tommy just grunted, “Unno?”

“I mean, did you hear that pop? How crazy is that?”


“I didn’t even know those things could pop,” Sandy said turning toward her brother, who had his head buried in his phone.“Do you think that hurt?”

Tommy slowly lifted his head and silently stared at his sister.

“Yeah, I guess it probably did hurt, uh? A lot.”

More silence.

“Do you think he’s going to lose it? His nut?” Sandy asked.

“When does mom get home?” Tommy asked, hoping to change the subject.

“She has aerobics on Fridays, she’ll be home right after that I’m guessing. Should we make her dinner?”

Tommy nodded and they both got up to head to the kitchen.

Sandy’s phone buzzed.“Hey-ey-ey! This is from Heather - she’s at the hospital. She says they were able to fix it! He still has both nuts!” Sandy declared.

Tommy adjusted his crotch and managed to respond, “That’s great, can you help me with the carrots?”

After about an hour or so of prepping and cooking the meal, their mother Sue came in through the garage door with a guest.

“Hey guys!” Their mother Sue greeted them, “Oh, that’s smells great, what are we having?”

“We made chicken breasts with baked potatoes and carrots.”

“Wonderful. Do you think there will be enough for my friend Chloe?”

“Oh, yeah, we made more than enough!”

The two women took off their coats and hung them up, still wearing their aerobics outfits.

“Tommy and Sandy, this is my friend Chloe from aerobics class. Chloe, these are my twins, Sandy and Tommy.”

“Nice to meet you,” Chloe said as she reached out her hand. "I've heard a lot about you."

Tommy was smitten. What a beautiful creature. She must have been about 22 or 23 years old, and that tight outfit hugged her curves in all the right places.

“Forgive our appearance,” their mom said, “They’re still renovating the locker rooms at the health club. How was school?”

“Oh, mom, you are NOT going to believe this!” Sandy chirped. “You remember Rich from the football team?”

“Rich Johnson? Yeah”

“Well he ruptured one of his nuts today at school!”

Both ladies looked at each other and tried to stifle a smile. Tommy stood motionless, embarrassed by the topic.

“WHAT?! How on Earth did he do that?”

“He was in our Phy Ed class, and we’re doing self defense moves - the knee thrust - and Heather - BAM - hit him really hard!”

“That poor dear. That must have really hurt,” she said turning to Chloe.

“I can’t imagine,” Chloe said. “Wasn’t he wearing padding?”

"Yeah, you'd think they would have protective equipment - especially for that area!" Sue said.

“Oh yeah, all the guys were wearing nut cups, but when Heather kneed him really hard, it went flying out of his shorts! It was amazing!” Sandy said.

“Aren’t you now part of that class, Tommy?” His mother asked.

“I am - now who wants dinner?” He said, trying to change the subject. “You guys all sit down, and I’ll bring it out to you.”

The three ladies turned to go to the dining room and Tommy couldn’t help but take an interested glance at Chloe’s ass. Her tight, pink thong leotard and black leggings, accentuating the perfectness of her glorious behind. Tommy had to shake his head to snap out of it.

“Is he going to lose it?” Chloe asked.

“Lose what,” Sue inquired.

“His nut. The one he ruptured.”

“Oh no, Heather texted me and said they were able to repair it,” Sandy said.

“So Heather was at the hospital?” Her mom asked.

“Yeah, she felt so bad for rupturing his nut that she wanted to go console him.”

“Well, that was nice of her.” Sue said.

“That’s great that your school is offering self defense class," Chloe said. "We had it at our college, but it conflicted with my schedule so I wasn’t able to take it.”

“That’s a bummer,” Sue spoke up. “Too bad you can’t take that class with the kids.”

“Oh, I’d love to learn those moves but…”

“What moves?” Tommy asked as he entered the dining room with a couple plates of food.

“Those self defense moves you’re doing in class.”

“Ohhhh, those moves.”

“You know, why don’t we try some after dinner?” Their mother suggested. “We’re certainly dressed for it? What do you say, Sandy, could you teach us some of the things you’ve learned in class so far?”

“That would be awesome!” Sandy exclaimed, “I mean, I’m still learning myself, but I could show you a couple things.”

“Tommy, you down for helping us out?” Sue asked.

“Well - I - ahhh. I don’t have my cup with me.”

“Yes, you do!” Sandy said, “I saw it in your backpack when we were in the living room.”

“Toooooommy,” scolded his mother, “Don’t you want to help out your mother and her friend?”

“What? YOU want to try it, too?” He asked.

“Well, yes. You wouldn’t want your mother to get mugged by someone would you?”

“Please, Tommy,” Chloe said, turning on the sexy charm.

How could he resist? Just look at her. Besides, he’d have his cup on. It couldn’t hurt more than it did in class today. “I guess,” Tommy said, hiding a smile as he looked at Chloe.

“Awesome!” Sandy said, “let me go put my leotard on!” She said as she turned to run up the stairs to her bedroom.

“Ahhh, thanks, Tommy,” Chloe said as she hugged his arm, pressing her chest up against him. Tommy was in Heaven.

“I suppose you should go put your cup on now, eh, Tommy?” His mother suggested.

“Alright, give me a minute.”

It didn’t take long for Tommy to change clothes. But instead of wearing just the lycra shorts and cup, he put gym shorts on over it to hide his bulge. A minute later Sandy came bouncing down the stairs. And boy was she bouncing, wearing a thin, light blue thong leotard and clearly no bra.

“Young lady, shouldn’t you have a bra on?” Her mother said.

“I had a really nice one on for school and I didn’t want to ruin it,” Sandy fired back. “Besides, this leo has plenty of support,” she said, sticking her chest out.

Her mother then leaned in closer and whispered “And you are not wearing panties? What is wrong with you?”

“Panties always show with this leotard, I’m sure Tommy won’t even notice,” she whispered back.

He noticed.

Tommy couldn’t believe how good his sister looked in this outfit. She was his twin sister, but damn she looked great. Her 32C breasts were quite noticeable in the tight confines of her leotard, and her firm bare ass peeked out from the leotard thong like poetry.

“So where should we start?” Sue asked, looking to her daughter.

“Well, our teacher always says safety first!” Sandy said. “So she tells us to always check for a bulge to make sure he has his cup on - hey! Why are you wearing those baggy shorts?”

“I am not going to wear what we wear in class in front of mom!” Tommy said assertively.

“Wait, what do they wear in class?” Their mom asked.

“Just the lycra shorts and cup. That way you can see he has his cup on.”

“Well, that makes sense. Tommy, can’t you just take those baggy shorts off so we can be safe? I’d hate for us to hurt you.”

“Mother, it’s embarrassing. Trust me, I have my cup on, you can’t hurt me.”

“Well, okay then. That actually sounds like a challenge,” Sue said with a laugh. “Doesn’t it ladies? Alright, keep your shorts on then. I was just looking out for you!”

“The other thing Miss H taught us is you can bring your knee up like this,” Sandy said as she put her arms around her brother’s shoulders and slowly brought her knee up against his groin. “I can definitely feel the hardness of the cup doing this.”

She held her knee up against his crotch for a few seconds, probably longer than she had to. Tommy could feel himself start to stiffen and so could Sandy. The normally reserved twins both felt a stirring in their loins like they had never felt. A bit flustered, Sandy continued, “Here, you guys try. But go slow. Be sure you feel the cup. We would hate to have any accidents.”

Chloe stepped up. Wrapped her arms around his neck. He could feel her breath on his left ear. And despite having come from aerobics, she smelled wonderful. He was instantly in love. It didn't help that he was already half-hard from his sister's teasing.

“Like this?” She whispered, bringing her knee up to his groin.

“That’s perfect!” Sandy said, oblivious to the moment the two were having. Tommy’s knees were getting weak. His heart beating out of his chest.

“My turn!” Sue jumped in.

Now Tommy was feeling even more uncomfortable. His mother, who was just shy of 40, had the body of a 20 year old, now had her turn to tease him a bit. “I just put my arms around him like this?” She asked pressing her DD’s firmly against his chest. “And bring my knee up?” She paused. “Oh, yes,” she said, “I can feel the hardness of the cup," she said as she circled her knee around her son's groin, causing even more blood flow to his cock. "That’s how we know he’s protected?”

Tommy was now getting light-headed from all of the up-close attention those three lovely bodies just gave him. He had to place a hand on the nearby couch, just to keep his balance.

“Yep!” Sandy chimed. “Now for the real stuff. Step aside, mom.”

Tommy’s sister stepped in front of him confidently. “Now that we know he is protected, it’s time to get busy. The first move I’ll show you is the knee thrust,” Sandy said.

“Wait, isn’t that the move you said that ruptured Rich Johnson?” Sue asked.

“Yes it is,” Sandy said with somewhat of a smile, “But, Tommy has a much bigger cup and should be just fine.”

“Oh really?” Chloe piped in. “Why is his cup bigger?”

Now it was Sandy’s turn to be a bit embarrassed.

“It’s not something I prefer to talk about in front of my brother, but I’m sure you can figure it out,” Sandy said with a little wink.

Chloe had to bring her hand up to her face to hide the big smile she was now sporting.

“So where were we?” Sandy asked. “Oh, yes, the knee thrust. To be safe, with each turn, we should remember to bring our knee up softly, check for the hard cup, then bring your knee back down. Now the fun part,” She said looking at the two women excitedly. "Get a firm grip of his shoulders. Line up your leg and LET HIM HAVE IT!”

She yelled as she slammed her knee up into her brother’s groin.

Tommy fell backwards a bit, but handled the shot rather well.

“That was awesome!” Chloe screamed. “My turn! My turn!”

Chloe practically shoved Sandy out of the way to get in position. Chloe once again, wrapped her arms around Tommy with Sandy standing very close behind. Close enough that her breasts were now touching Tommy’s elbow. His heart was beginning to race from all the excitement.

“Bring your knee up slow,” Sandy said softly to Chloe. She did as instructed. “Do you feel the cup?”

“I sure do.”

“Whenever you’re ready, thrust.”

Chloe looked up in Tommy’s eyes. She drew her leg back, smiled, and WHACK! Direct hit! Tommy staggered and fell back on his butt.

“Oh, dear!” Chloes cried, “Are you okay?”

Tommy laughed a nervous laugh and got back to his feet, subtly adjusting his cup which had moved slightly out of place.

“I’m good. You just caught me off guard with the force of that.”

Despite the hard hit, Tommy was loving every minute of it. Never did he think he would be surrounded by three gorgeous ladies paying so much attention to his manhood.

“Well, I must warn you," Chloe said with a chuckle, "I was on the dance team in high school."

“We can tell,” Sue said patting her on the back. “I better get in here before you two knock him out!”

"That was fun!" Chloe said turning to Sandy. "I can't wait to do it again!"

Sue stepped up, brought her knee up slowly - now her heart was racing. She didn't know where it came from, but she was thrilled with the idea of pummeling her son in the nuts.

“I can feel the cup. Now what?” She said looking over at her daughter.

“Let him have it.”

“Okay, here goes!” Sue drew her leg back and slammed her knee into her son’s groin. Perhaps she was a little too enthusiastic, as right after the strike, she fell backwards onto her ass. Laughter erupted.

“Wait a second!” Sue yelled, “That wasn’t a good one. I’m going to go again.”

Without warning or time to adjust, Tommy stood helpless as his mother shot another hard shot to his groin. With his cup slightly out of place, he felt this one much more.

“Oof!” Tommy grunted as fell to the floor. Now he was in some pretty good pain. For a spilt second he wanted to curl up and soothe his aching left nut, which took the brunt of the assault. But as the women bent over to check on him, he knew if he showed any sign of injury that his mother would call the whole thing off.

“Honey, are you okay?” His mother asked.

“Yes, yes,” he said with a slightly higher voice. “I’m fine.” With that his voice squeaked even higher. The girls burst out laughing.

“I’m fine,” his sister squealed, making fun.

“Stop that, Sandy. Tommy, you sure you’re okay?” His mother asked again.

“Just fine,” Tommy said, now with a slightly more regular voice.

“Now what do we do?” Sue asked her daughter.

“Let’s keep doing the knee thrust. We’ll do about five each, then move on to another move.”

They took turns engaging in the knee thrust. With each turn, the ladies got more and more confident and struck him harder and harder. Tommy, however, was really starting to feel pain - even with the cup on. His left nut slowly continued to swell, but he’ll be damned if he was going to say anything. He was loving the attention way too much.

“Next, we’ll do what’s called the hammer-fist,” Sandy told the group. “We didn’t get a chance to practice this one on the guys, but we did it on the dummies for about a week.”

“Oh, what’s the hammer-fist?” Chloe asked excitedly.

“This is a move where the attacker is grabbing you from behind, has both of your arms pinned, and you make a fist and slam it down, right into his nuts!” Sandy said, use of the slang term going unnoticed by the others.

“So Tommy, come over here and grab me around the chest from behind.”

Tommy was practically drooling as he approached his sister’s thong-clad ass. This is the best night of my life he thought to himself. Of course, the night wasn’t finished yet!

“Wrap your arms around me here,” she said, taking a hold of her brother’s two arms and placing them around her upper body. Chloe looked on, a bit jealous and couldn’t wait for her turn.

“Next, you're going to make a fist and slam it down as hard as you can.” Sandy instructed, raising her fist in the air.

“Wait!” Sue chimed in. “Don’t we have to check for the cup again? Safety first!”

“Of course, great point, mother. In this position, I think our best bet is just going to be to use the same hand that you use for the hammer-fist, and gently reach back and feel for the cup.”

Sandy couldn’t believe how intense this was getting. She never had these kinds of feelings for her brother - ever. What was happening? Regardless, she had no choice but to continue with the demonstration. With her brother still holding her tightly from behind - she could feel his heartbeat against her back. She slowly brought her hand down and started feeling for the cup. The other two ladies watching intently.

Without being able to see what she was doing, she first grabbed his inner thigh. “That’s not it,” she said a matter-of-factly. She carefully moved her hand to her left and found what she was looking for. His cup. Man, it was large. And hot. Shit, you might be able to fry an egg on the thing, she thought to herself. “There it is,” she said with a tremble in her voice. With a firm grip on the cup, she started moving it in a slightly circular motion. She knew this was making Tommy hot and kept her hand there a few seconds longer. She was loving it. And so was he.

Tommy cleared his throat, snapping Sandy out of her daze.

“Yes, once we know his protection is properly in place it’s time for action,” she said assertively. “From here, bring your fist up as far and high as his grip will allow, and bring it down with full force!” She said, giving it all her might.

Tommy coughed at the force of the strike. He stumbled backwards. Trying desperately to hold onto his sister, he held on but was losing his grip and started to slide down her back until his face was against her bare ass. This startled Sandy and she jumped away from her brother.

“As you can see, this strike can be very effective as well,” Sandy said a bit flushed.

“Damn right!” Sue yelled out. It was safe to say that all three ladies were drunk from the excitement of it all. And Tommy? He was getting more and more sore, but determined to keep the party going.

“Chloe, why don’t you step in and try this move," Sue offered.

“Sure,” she said with a huge grin.

Tommy went to wrap his arms around her but she wasn’t quite in place yet and one of his hands landed squarely on her left breast. Chloe jumped slightly, and for a split second, thought about using the hammer-fist right then and there, but she realized it was an honest mistake so she chose to just ignore it. Truth be told, she rather liked it.

Now that they were both in place, Sandy instructed her to check for the cup. Tommy was numb with excitement as his cock throbbed under his extra large cup. Chloe reached down and found the cup with no problem at all. She, too, was struck with just how hot the cup was. She moved it around to be sure she had found it. With the extra movement, she was starting to get the idea of the large piece of meat that was just under the plastic device.

This got her juices going. She was really starting to enjoy this evening. She wanted to tease him just a bit more.

“I am in the right spot?” She asked as she rubbed her amazing ass against his crotch. Up and down she went, along Tommy’s package, trying to find just the right position.

Now it was Sandy’s turn to be jealous. She could see how much this turned her brother on and she was not having it.

“You’re fine!” Sandy shouted. “Now complete the move."

What she didn’t realize was that Tommy’s cup, from all of the grinding, had completely moved out of place. Tommy was in far too much ecstasy to say a word.

Down came her fist.

“Ugh!” Tommy cried out and fell straight down to the floor. She nailed both nuts with the hit - he felt the full force and there was no hiding it this time. He curled up on the floor and started to cough wildly. All three women quickly knelt at his side, his mother rubbing his back.

“I’m so sorry, Tommy!” Chloe yelled out.

Not wanting this night to end, Tommy conjured up all of the strength he could and rolled onto his back, looking up at the three of them.

“I’m fine,” he managed to push out. “Help me up.”

Holding up both arms as high as he could, the ladies grabbed a hold of each and hoisted him to his feet. He could barely stay standing.

“I’m fine, I’m fine.” He insisted.

“You sure, honey?” His mother asked with concern. “We could stop this now,” she said, not really wanting this to end herself. Tommy bent over to catch his breath. All three ladies were starting to think the night might over, but secretly hoping Tommy would want to keep going.

“We still haven’t done any kicks yet!” Tommy shouted to the group, holding up his arms in defiance of his pain.

“YAY!!” All three ladies cheered in unison.

“Mom, did you want to try the hammer-fist, or should we move on to the kicks?” Sandy asked.

“Well, I haven’t had a turn yet. Do you guys mind?”

“Not at all,” Sandy said, “Tommy?”

“No problem, give me a second,” Tommy said as he reached in his shorts and adjusted his cup.

“Need any help with that?” Chloe said softly, but the others all heard it and burst out laughing.

“I’m good, thanks,” Tommy said with a smile and a grimace as he put his cup back in place, his still-hard cock peeking over the top of the cup - thankfully unnoticed by the women.

Sue approached her son and started to wrap her arms around him from behind. Her Double D’s were by far the largest of the group and Tommy certainly noticed. He was desperately trying hard not to react - it was his goddamn mom after all - but those tits felt so good against his back that he was just going to close his eyes and enjoy it.

“So, first I have to check for a cup, right?” She asked looking to her daughter. Sandy nodded.

Reaching back, her aim was a little off. She managed to catch the top half of the cup, but just above it waited a huge surprise. Is that his dick?!! She thought to herself. It can’t be.

She wasted no time continuing to explore the area under the guise of looking for the cup.

“Is this it?” She asked feigning innocence, knowing she now had a hold of his hard cock that was sticking out past the top of his cup, hidden by the baggy shorts he had on.

“I - ahh - think it’s - ahh - a bit lower,” Tommy said with an orgasmic tone.

This caught the attention of the other two ladies looking on, much to their disbelief and delight.

“I think you found the cup, mom,” Sandy said with a laugh in her voice. “You can probably try the move now.”

“Oh, okay,” she said letting go of the monster that was just in her grasp, now feeling the effects in her loins.

How did we get here? She asked herself. We went from a nice dinner to this. Unreal - and I'm enjoying it. What is wrong with me?!

They were all beyond the point of no return now. Where this night would end was still anyone’s guess.

Chapter Five The Shaw Family (Continued)

None of the four participants had seen this coming. What was going to be a Friday night dinner at home with a friend turned into a home-cooked self defense class that had each one of them trembling with excitement - and one of them trembling with pain.

“Can I try that one again?” The beautiful guest, Chole asked Sandy, who was conducting this make-shift class.

“Sure, why not? We’re here to learn!” Sandy said. “You good to go?” She said looking at her brother who was in a haze of pain, but determined to keep going. He nodded yes.

A few moments earlier Chloe didn’t realize Tommy’s cup had moved out of place and she knocked him down with one fist to the groin. She felt awful at first, but seconds later she felt amazing. With one powerful wave of her fist she put a strong young man to the ground. What a feeling! She wasn’t just perspiring from the workout this activity entailed, she was loving pummeling this poor guy’s nuts. A guy she had only just met about an hour ago. The whole thing was making her so hot.

Noticing Tommy’s daze she put a slightly diabolical plan together in her head. She wanted unfettered access to those balls. And she knew just how to do it and get away with it.

Positioning themselves for the hammer-fist move, Tommy put his arms around Chloe’s chest.

“Better check for the cup!” Chloe said enthusiastically, “Safety first!”

She reached down with her right hand, gently took hold of the giant cup, and started subtly pushing it upwards. She could feel each nut plop out of the cup. Perfect, she thought to herself, and for good measure, she rubbed the cup against Tommy’s perpetually hard dick. This put him into an even deeper trance. It also gave her a chance to push the cup up even higher.

Her plan was unfolding perfectly. And her damp crotch was screaming in anticipation.

“Let’s really get a good strike here,” Sandy encouraged.

“Yeah, that first one was great, but really go for it this time,” her friend Sue added.

“If you insist,” Chloe said, her voice dripping with excitement. And BAM! Down came her fist. Another direct hit.

The air in Tommy’s lungs pushed out violently, causing him to buckle at the hip, draping himself over Chloe’s back. They both lost their balance and fell backwards into the wall. Tommy was still standing only because Chloe now had him pinned against the wall. She wasn’t going to waste this opportunity.

She quickly brought her fist up high. Much higher than before as her arms weren’t being restrained this time.

BAM!! Another hard shot to both of Tommy’s nuts. He was in so much pain but couldn’t fall.

“Excellent!” Sandy screamed. “Again!”

Her heart racing, adrenaline pumping, Chloe brought her fist up high again. The other two ladies were wide-eyed and excited to see what was happening before them.


“Nice one!” Sue yelled.

BAM!! Yet another full force hit. Tommy was barely conscious. His dead weight was now just too much for Chloe to handle. She stepped aside and let her victim slide down the wall onto the floor.

Both ladies came running over to Chloe, putting their arms around her.

“That was so good!” Sue said, now patting her aggressively on the back.

“You are a quick learner,” Sandy chimed in. “Wow, those strikes were great!”

All three ladies were beside themselves with excitement. It wasn’t until Tommy moaned that they realized they might want to check on him.

“Oh, honey. How are you feeling?” His mother asked, now kneeling down next to him. All he could do is groan. “I think we might need to take a five-minute break?”

“Okay, cool!” Sandy said, “I’m going to head to the bathroom.”

“Me, too!” Chloe said, running to catch up with her.

When they got to the bathroom, the normally reserved Sandy stripped off her light blue leotard, leaving her completely naked, and quickly sat down on the toilet.

“I’ve been holding this for so long - I didn’t want to leave!” She said pushing out a steady stream of urine.

“Me too!” Chloe said, unfazed by the nakedness before her. “That was so much fun! You’re such a good teacher.”

“Aww, thanks, Chlo. That last set of fists was intense. You really let him have it!”

“I didn’t want to hurt him, but once I got going, I just felt so…”

“EMPOWERED!” Both girls yelled simultaneously.

“Yes! Isn’t it great?” Sandy said, rising up from the toilet while trying to straighten out her rolled up leotard.

“You have a great body,” Chloe said, looking her new friend up and down.

“Aww, that’s nice of you to say. You really think so?”

Chloe stepped over to face her and reached out both hands. “Look at these perky tits - they’re amazing!” Chloe said gently lifting each breast with both hands. Then she grabbed her shoulders and spun her 90 degrees, “And look at this ass! When you came down in that leo, I must admit, I was a little jealous.”

“You were jealous of ME?!!” Sandy said incredulously, “You are gorgeous and have a much better body than me.”

Chloe smiled and turned her back. “Can you get this for me?” She said pointing the zipper on the back of her leotard.


Tommy sat leaning against the wall. He took out his cup and started massaging his balls.

His mother came back from the kitchen holding a glass of water and an ice pack.

“Thought you could use this,” she said, holding out the water.

“Thanks, mom.”

“And here’s some ice, in case you need it. How are they feeling?”

“They’re pretty sore. That last round was pretty intense.”

“Yeah, Chloe is great, isn’t she?” His mother said, ignoring the fact that the young lady just used her son’s nuts as a punching bag.

“She is great. I’m glad you brought her over.”

“You okay to keep going? I don’t want you ending up next to Rich in the hospital!”

“I’m fine,” Tommy laughed as he pulled his gym shorts down, revealing the tight white lycra shorts, placing the ice pack on his nuts.

Sue only got a quick glance, but she couldn’t believe what she saw. His nuts were HUGE. Was he really okay?

“Here, give me that,” she said aggressively taking the ice pack from his hand. “Come over to the couch with me and let me help you.”

Tommy was taken aback with this mother’s assertion, and did as she commanded. He struggled to get to his feet and as he made his way to the couch, Sue could not believe what she was seeing. First, those nuts were huge, and second, look at that cock! Oh, my!

“Here, lie back and let me help you.”

Tommy, although extremely embarrassed, abided his mother’s request.

Kneeling next to the couch, with the ice pack in her right hand, Sue took a moment to stare at his package. “Are you sure you’re okay, honey? Those look awfully swollen.”

“They hurt pretty good, but they’re just a little bigger than normal.”

Holy shit, these are his normal size?!! Sue’s inner voice screamed. Now staring directly at his crotch in awe, she brought the ice pack up to the target. Look at those things! She said to herself as she place the ice against his two large orbs.

Not knowing how to do it, she started making a circular motion around each nut with the ice pack. Tommy groaned.

“This okay?”

Tommy gritted his teeth and silently nodded his head. Sue could tell, as only a mother could, that he was holding back, trying not to show any sign of pain. Man, he must really want to impress someone, going through all of this. She started applying more pressure to his nuts. Tommy grabbed the sofa cushions, clutching them tight trying to take the pain. “You know, we could always just stop here if you think it’s too much.” His mother chided.

“No, no. Really I’m fine.”


“You like having a zipper on your leotard? I find them annoying.” Sandy said as she unzipped it for her.

“I don’t mind them, but this one can be hard to reach, so I guess what’s the point?” Chloe said as she stripped out of the leotard, leaving her in her sports bra and leggings.

“I love how leotards put just the right amount of pressure, ah, down there.” Sandy said, a bit surprised at her own candor.

“Yes!” Chloe agreed, taking her leggings and sports bra with her to the toilet where she sat down to pee. “It makes my aerobics class just a little more fun.”

“Especially when I lift my arms,” Sandy continued. “The pressure gives me a nice little reminder of my excitement - especially when I’m wet!”

Chloe held the crotch of her leggings up to her nose. “I know what you mean! These are soaked!” She said with a grin. Sandy flashed a huge smile back.

Chloe stood up. It was now her turn to show off her completely naked body. Sandy was in awe of the beauty. The tight abs, the teardrop C-cup breasts and the firm yet bubbly ass.

“Oh my god,” Sandy blushed. “Your body is perfect. Look at these abs,” she said reaching out to touch them.

Chloe looked down with a smile as the young lady caressed her stomach. “And I love your little landing strip,” Sandy said, bringing her hand down just below Chloe’s belly button, drinking in her beautiful mound. On her way back up her abs she went a little too fast and accidentally bumped into her left breast.

“Oops!” Sandy said as she jumped back a bit. Now just staring at Chloe’s breasts. “And those are phenomenal.”

“You can touch ‘em if you want.”


“Sure. A lot of people think they’re fake, but I assure you, these are the real deal.”

Sandy reached out with both hands and lightly took hold of each breast.

“They’re amazing. Soft, yet so firm… and the shape is…so prefect. I wish mine were like this.”

“Let’s not get carried away. Yours are beautiful,” Chloe said as she slowly pulled Sandy’s hands off her chest. “And don’t let anyone say differently.”

“Do you need help getting into your leggings?” Sandy ask, knowing ones that tight can requite a little assistance.

“Naw, I’m good. I like your look. Think I’m gonna go with just the leotard.”

“Ohh, that will look hot!” Sandy said, pausing. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Why do you think we got so excited out there, doing that to my brother? I mean, I am soaked again just thinking about it.”

“I wouldn’t put too much thought into it,” Chloe said. “It’s perfectly natural.”

“But he’s my brother!” Sandy gasped. “Isn’t that weird?”

“Not really. I think most girls secretly want to rough guys up down there - whether it’s their brother or not. It’s liberating. It’s exciting. And tonight - your feelings - is just a manifestation of all that. Perfectly normal.”

“You really think so?”


“Good, because I have loved this whole thing! I never thought I would. I can’t wait to try kicks on him - I don’t want this night to end!”

Chole set aside her sports bra, panties and leggings and put on her only remaining piece of clothing — her pink, thong leotard. “Zip me, please,” she whispered to her.

Now both ladies were in just their thong leotards - and nothing more.

She grabbed Sandy by the hand and pulled her out to the hallway. Getting really close to her face, she breathed, “This night is far from over.” She reached her hand down to Sandy’s crotch and gave it a firm, yet loving caress. “Enjoy it. I know I’m going to!” Chloe started down the hallway.

Sandy shuddered from the touch then ran to catch up to Chloe.

Chloe stopped and put her hand up to stop Sandy. “Can you do me a favor?”

“Sure, anything.”

“I doubt your class learned any stomping techniques,” Chloe said. Sandy shook her head, no. “Well, after the kicks, I’d love for you to suggest we try that, even though it wasn’t part of your class.”

Both girls started giggling. “Oh, that is such a great idea!” Sandy said, “Leave it to me. We will practice that very important move!”

“Haha, let’s go!”

When they arrived in the living room, their appearance startled Sue, who quickly drew her hand away from Tommy’s crotch. She didn’t want to to think there was anything funny going on, but by pulling her hand away, she gave the two girls quite a view of Tommy’s huge nuts. Both girls’ eyes lit up. Seeing their reaction, Sue turned to look at Tommy and could se what they were seeing. She may have overreacted when she quickly brought the ice pack slamming down onto Tommy’s cupless balls.

“Yeoouch!” Tommy howled.

“Sorry, dear!” Sue said apologetically while the other two did all they could to stifle a laugh.

All four sat in silence for a few moments, then Chloe looked at Tommy, gave him an adoring look, and said, “You ready for more stud?”

Without saying a word, Tommy, with a slight grimace on his face, stood up from the couch.

“I’m ready, ladies!” He said as he quickly pulled up his gym shorts. “Should we go back over here?”

“Sure,” Chloe said excitedly.

That’s when Sandy saw Tommy’s cup still on the couch. Should I say something to him? Maybe he secretly wants us to kick him with no cup on? That would be so hot, she thought, feeling stirrings deep in her loins. Then she had a change of heart.

“Umm, you might want to put this thing on if you don’t want to be singing soprano in the choir, dear brother.”

“Holy shit! How did I forget that?” Tommy said gratefully. “Thanks, sis, I owe you one!”

But before she handed it to him, she started putting it on herself. “Maybe I should wear it and you guys can practice on me,” Sandy said jokingly as she pulled out the crotch of her leotard, quickly flashing her pussy, as she pushed the cup in place.

“This thing is so huge, how do you even run in this?” Sandy said, mockingly running with her legs out wide around the living room. The other ladies were in hysterics and Tommy, although embarrassed, flashed a shy smile.

“That’s enough dear,” her mother said. “It’s getting late and I’m sure we all want plenty of time to practice our kicks.”

“Ah, mom, it’s Friday night. We all get to sleep in tomorrow anyway!”

“Just take that thing off and give it to your brother.”

“I suppose you need this more than me, eh, bro?” Sandy said finally surrendering the protective device.

Tommy grabbed the cup, turned his back to the others, reached his left hand into his lycra shorts, hoisted his balls up - which sent a little jolt of pain up into his abdomen - and with the other hand, cradled the cup down around his awaiting nuts. He could tell there was swelling from earlier in the night, but he was as excited as the ladies to continue the festivities.

“Who’s first?” Tommy asked.

“Well, aren’t we excited to get going,” Chloe said with a large smile. “Sandy, can you show us the proper technique?”

“Of course.” She said stepping up to face her brother. “First…”

“Check for the cup - yeah, we know that part!” Chloe said a little sarcastically.

“Use your toes or the instep of your foot and feel for the hardness of the cup,” Sandy said holding her foot against her brother’s crotch. “Once you feel that, bring your foot back like this. Raise both hands slightly above your shoulders, and while you drive your foot up, bring your both hands down HARD, like this.”

Everyone could hear the sound of her foot hitting the plastic cup - it made almost a hallow sound upon impact. Tommy was startled, but remained on his feet.

“Oh, I like the way the hands coming down gives you more leverage,” Sue said. “That was great, honey!”

“Thanks, mom, yeah, it really gives you more balance, too! Allows you to really hit the nuts hard.”

“Well, his cup, honey.”

“Right, right. His cup. You wanna try mom?”


Sue stepped over in front of her son and lined up her shot.

Whispering to herself she said, “Bring your foot up. Check for the cup and BAM!!” She yelled as she buried her foot up into Tommy’s groin.

“Good job, mom!” Sandy said as Tommy stumbled, then slyly adjusted his cup, which definitely moved out of place with that kick. “Chloe, you want to give it a try?”

Without hesitation, Chloe took her place in front of Tommy. As she did, she could see he was a little distracted by something behind her. Looking over her shoulder she could see Sandy bending over to pick up some popcorn that had spilled on the floor. And for whatever reason, she wasn’t crouching down to pick up the mess, she was bent at the waist, causing her blue thong to ride up even more into its crevice, giving Tommy an amazing view of his sister’s ass and beautiful outer labia.

When Chloe brought her foot up to check for his cup, she could feel it being lifted up and away from his body, no doubt from the massive erection that he was now sporting from the amazing view before him. Chloe’s heart skipped a beat as she knew she could pulverize both his nuts badly. She could now feel both nuts completely out of his cup and resting on her foot. Tommy, in his ecstasy, was off in another world, ignorant of his predicament.

But she wanted this honor to go to her new friend. So just for good measure, she pushed her foot slightly more upwards, moving the cup even higher past Tommy’s nuts, who was still lost in the sight of his sister’s ass, oblivious to the dislodging of his protective device.

“You know what?” Chloe said, “Why don’t you go ahead, Sandy? I’d like to see it again - from our awesome instructor.”

Chloe spun to face Sandy, who just now stood up from cleaning popcorn off the floor. “Here’s your chance,” she whispered, “his nuts are out of the cup.” She grabbed Sandy’s leotard at the hip, gave a slight tug up, sending a shudder down her spine, juices instantly pouring into her pussy. Chloe leaned in and gave her a soft, delicate kiss on the lips. Sandy’s eyes were wide and her knees were weak. She was in heaven.

Sandy took two steps toward her brother, slowly lifted her foot up, “Yep, definitely something hard there,” she said with a smile. Then she launched a massive kick up into his groin.

WHACK!! There was no sound of foot hitting a cup, only the sound of two balls being slammed into Tommy’s pelvis. He fell hard and fast to the floor.

Mother and daughter looked at each other for a brief moment in silence. Sandy thought her mom would be upset, but instead, she saw a look of pride in her mother’s face as Tommy rolled around on the floor, grasping his nuts, unable to make a sound due to all the breath racing to escape his lungs.

Sue leaned over her son, rubbing his shoulder. “You okay honey? Did she get ya in the plums?” She said with a silent laugh directed at the other two. “You okay to go on, or should we stop?”

At first all he could do was shake his head. Then he put both hands out in front of him in a push-up position and did his damndest to lift himself up. He struggled. Badly. All three women came to his aide. They didn’t want this to end, either.

Despite his face turning ghostly white and his breath shallow, not one of the women asked if he was okay.

“How about Sandy and I hold him up so Chloe can take her turn?” Sue said.

“Great idea mom!” Sandy said.

She saw that Tommy’s cup was lying on the floor behind him. No one else noticed. Returning the favor, she slyly kicked the cup behind the couch nearby, out of everybody’s sight.

“Okay, Chloe, your turn!” Sandy said with a huge grin on her face. “Be sure you check for hardness first.”

“Of course,” Chloe said, taking off her shoes. “I think I’m going to go barefoot for this, if that’s okay?”

“I love that idea.”

Chloe approached Tommy, who was now being propped up by the other two ladies.

“Lift my foot up slowly,” she said, bringing her bare foot up to his groin. “And check for something hard.”

When her foot met Tommy’s groin she was stunned to feel no cup. Where has it gone? She thought to herself. For good measure, she kept rubbing her foot higher on Tommy’s crotch. Where is his cup? Then she made eye contact with Sandy. Both females smiled as Sandy winked at her friend. Tommy’s hard on, now expanding even more from the footsie Chloe was playing.

“Definitely something hard in there,” she said, trying to hold back her excitement. “I may try two or three consecutive kicks, if that’s okay?”

“Excellent idea!” Sandy said. “We’ll keep a hold of him.”

This is going to be so great, Chloe thought as her pussy now started gushing with her fluids, clearly showing through her pink leotard.

She lined up her kick, brought both hands high in the air, then thrust her right leg up with amazing speed as her hands came down, giving her perfect leverage.

BAM!! The first kick was brutal. BAM!! The second came right away and was equally devastating. WHACK!! With the third kick the other ladies could swear she lifted him off the ground.

Tommy just crumbled to the floor. Didn’t even try to grab his aching balls, he just splayed out onto the carpet and moaned.

“That was amazing, Chlo!” Sandy said excitedly. “You are really getting the hang of this!”

Even Sue was impressed.

“You know at the start of this night you were a novice,” Sue said. “Look at you now!”

All three girls hugged in a tight circle, basically ignoring Tommy.

“Honey, you are such a good teacher!” Sue said to her daughter.

“The best!” Chloe added. “There was one more move I was hoping we could get to tonight,” Sandy said to the others.

“What’s that?” Chloe said, feigning ignorance.

“Well, it’s a difficult one to execute - and you have to be just in the right position for this to work, but I think it would be a great way to end the night.”

Now super curious, Sue asked, “What move is it, hun?”

“It’s a stomp, mother,” Sandy said. Sue’s eyebrows both went up.

“Wouldn’t that hurt?”

All three ladies looked at each other. Paused. Then burst out laughing.

“Yeah, it probably will,” Sandy said, “But the big fella there seems to be up for anything!”

She turned to her brother and yelled, “Right Tommy?”

“Mmmmmm,” was all he could get out.

“See?!” Sandy said cheerfully, “He’s game!”

“How are we going to do this,” Sue asked, flipping her son on his back.

“Let’s start with taking those baggy shorts off,” Sandy suggested.

Mother and daughter bent over to grab a hold of each side of his shorts. If Tommy has his eyes open, he would have been treated to the heavenly sight of two exquisite asses right in front of him. But alas, he kept them closed and feebly tried to grab at his shorts, to keep them on. He lost that battle quickly.

When the baggy shorts were slipped off the ladies were treated to the sight of two huge orbs and Tommy’s still hard, ten-inch cock, stretching the confines of his white lycra shorts. All three jaws dropped.

“God damn,” Chloe whispered aloud.

“No shit,” Sandy retorted. “He looks pretty swollen.”

“Actually, they aren’t much worse than they were an hour ago.” Sue chimed in.

“Really?” Sandy said. “His nuts are that big?”

“Uh-huh,” Sue answered back.

“Holy shit,” Chloe said. “I wonder if that’s why he’s able to take such abuse?”

“Probably,” Sue said, despite her complete lack of knowledge on the subject.

“So stomps, you say?” Sue asked her daughter.

“Yep, let me show you how we do it.”

Approaching her brother who was flat on his back, Sandy had no idea what she was doing. She could see the outline of his nuts through his shorts so she started probing his sack with her foot. Seeing that Sandy was struggling to start, Chloe stepped over to assist.

“Here, I’ll hold your hand so you can balance.”

Sandy looked at Chloe as if to say thanks.

“Once you have your balance, lift your right foot up, find the nut you would like to stomp, and go!” As she said go, she aggressively brought her foot down into Tommy’s groin - hitting something. But she wasn’t sure what. Tommy let out a cough. I must have got something, she thought to herself, but that was awkward.

“How about I try?” Chloe asked.

“Sure, be my guest.”

Chloe switched spots with Sandy. Reached out her hand and placed it on Sandy’s shoulder. She lifted her right foot and brought it down hard… Nothing. She missed completely.

If only we could do this with those shorts off, Sandy thought. But, I’m not sure my mom would be up for that. I’m not sure I'm ready to see that!

“Ladies,” Sue interrupted. “Now, I’m no expert, but I think to effectively accomplish this move, we’re going to need better access to the goods.”

“What are you saying, mother?”

“You take that side,” she said motioning to Tommy’s lycra shorts.

Sandy was in slight disbelief. Were they really going to completely disrobe her brother? For all to see?! Then she saw her mother crouch down and take a hold of his shorts. I guess we’re doing this, Sandy said to herself as she grabbed the other side.

“On three,” Sue said. “One, two, three.”

Whoosh. His shorts were off. His cock sprang onto his belly from the force of the shorts being pulled away. Now true shock set in. All three just stared.

Chloe brought her hand up to her face to attempt to hide the enormous smile she was now sporting. She looked at the other two, who were, understandably, awestruck and speechless.

“Would you look at that?” Chloe said whimsically, trying to break the tension that just permeated the room. “Now that’s a nice cock.”

“She’s not wrong,” Sandy said looking to her mother.

“No kidding,” Sue managed to squeak out through her temporary daze.

“So stomping,” Chloe said, hoping to break the ice.

“Yes…stomping,” Sandy said, still staring at her brother’s huge cock.

Without saying a word, she walked over to her brother, who was still splayed on the floor, spread-eagle, lifted her right foot, and slammed it down into his nuts. Direct hit!

The pressure caused Tommy’s upper body to jerk up from the floor. He pushed out a huge breath and fell back to the floor, his head swaying back and forth, trying to comprehend the pain.

“Yes!” Chloe screamed. “Now that is a stomp! My turn!”

She made her way over, lifted her foot just a couple inches off the floor and probed Tommy’s sack with her barefoot. “Resilient suckers, aren’t they?”

Then BAM! She brought her foot down hard, slamming into Tommy’s right nut with full force.

“I could feel his nut flatten!” She exclaimed, unabashedly rubbing her crotch with excitement.

“You don’t think we could rupture him, do you mom?”

Now getting really turned on herself, Sue looked her daughter in the eye and said, “Well, I guess we’ll find out, now won’t we?”

Sue circled from one side of her laid-out son, to the other, trying to find the best spot to stomp from. Without any fanfare, she raised her bare right foot and caught Tommy's right nut under her heel.

"Wow, mom!" Sandy yelled, "that was incredible!"

Sue stepped back and stuck out her chest, happy to get praise from her "instructor."

Sandy was beside herself with excitement. She slipped her hand under her leotard and plunged a finger into her womanhood. “Chl, Chl, Chloe… You go again,” Sandy said breathlessly.

“Sure!” Chloe said, not wasting time stepping up to Tommy, whose left nut was now considerably larger. “I’m going to try the left one again,” she said to no one in particular.

She raised her right foot high, paused with her foot in the air, looked over at Sandy, who was now just seconds away from a mind-blowing orgasm, and forcefully brought her foot down onto Tommy’s nuts.

“Damn, I got the right one! I’m going to try again.” Even Sue was now engrossed in the event unfolding before her.

SLAM!! Her foot came down and landed with a quite audible POP!!

Sandy screamed in orgasmic delight, falling back onto the couch, still rubbing frantically at her clit.

Chloe looked over to her aerobics partner, Sue to see what her reaction would be.

“I’m not sure,” Sue said with a tinge of excitement. “But I think we may have a rupture.”

“Should we call 911?” Chloe asked, a bit panicked.

Sue paused for a moment. “Well, they did manage to repair Rich’s nut, right honey?” She asked her daughter, who was about to have her second orgasm just from the talk of the rupture.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Was all Sandy could blurt out.

“I think that was her answer. Perhaps I should check to be sure?” Sue said, looking over at Chloe.

“Good idea.”

Sue knelt down at her son’s side, a tingling developing in her groin. Having never had to check for such things before, she was a little hesitant on how to proceed. She reached out her right hand and cupped Tommy’s left nut. It was throbbing - and very hot. Sue was enthralled. She squeezed the nut, causing Tommy, who was now passed out, to flinch wildly. This is amazing, she thought to herself. Then she started probing the nut with her fingers. She pushed further and further into the nut to check for any abnormalities. Oh my god, she screamed to herself, this is incredible!

“How is it?” Chloe asked. “Is it ruptured?”

The word sent shivers down Sue’s spine. It was ruptured. Being able to feel just where the split in the nut was finally sent her over the edge as she dug deeper into the broken orb, feeling a crunching sensation. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Sue screamed, the matching response of her daughter’s not lost on Chloe.

“Can I feel?” Chloe asked as Sue rolled over onto her back, her fingers now embedded deeply into her womanhood.

Chloe didn’t wait for a response. She aggressively grabbed the now misshaped ball. Wow, I did this! She thought to herself, now on both knees. Switching hands, she grabbed the nut with her left hand and easily slipped her right hand past her leotard, into her sopping wet pussy.

“I did this,” she now said aloud, burying her fingers deeper into her slit. “I ruptured his nut!” She said, excitement dripping, bringing her to full orgasm.

A few minutes later, Sandy got up from the couch, grabbed her cell phone and dialed emergency.

“Yeah, I want to report an accident,” she said calmly, coming down from the best two orgasms of her life. “My brother was skateboarding and he ran into a pole in front of our house.”

“Okay, what did he hurt?”

“Wellllll, I think it’s his balls. It looks like he passed out.”

“That’s not good. Can you check to be sure?”

“That’s kind of gross, but I guess I could.”

Sandy floated over to her brother, grabbed a hold of the broken appendage. “Okay, I can feel his sack, now what?”

“We need you to probe the scrotum and check for swelling.”

She sunk her fingers deep into his damaged nut. This is amazing, it’s totally broken, she thought to herself.

“Is there any sign of trauma to his testes?”

Sandy kept digging into her brother’s right nut. “Well, let me check,” she said looking at the other two ladies who were now sitting next to her, loving every second of this phone call. Squeezing with all her might, Sandy could feel the innards of the nut starting to ooze out.

“Yeah, you could say there is trauma. It feels broken.”

She was on the verge of her third orgasm when the operator asked, “Well, if the testicle is ruptured we have to act immediately. Will you be there when we arrive?”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Was all she could say.

Chapter Six - Trip to The Hospital

All three women had brought themselves to multiple orgasms over the thought of Tommy’s nut being ruptured, and the hand they played in it, when the ambulance arrived.

“Where is the victim?” The gorgeous blonde paramedic, Beth, asked as she entered the house.

“Downstairs in the family room,” Sue, the victim's mother directed, pointing to the stairs.

Seconds later, a handsome male paramedic entered the house, much to the delight of all three ladies. He followed the group down the stairs to assist his partner. Of course, taking in the sight of three nubile women scantily dressed in really hot leotards.

“This does not look good,” the blonde said, looking down at Tommy and his obscenely swollen sack. “We have to take him in right away.”

“Shouldn’t you check his nuts first?” Sue encouraged, not wanting the excitement of the moment to wane.

“His testicles are clearly damaged, he did this skateboarding, you say?” She asked.

“Yes. That’s right he was skateboarding,” Sue said impishly.

“Well, time is of the essence,” Beth explained, “Every second matters if we want to save his testicles.”

“I understand that, but, could you please check to see if it’s just one nut or both? I am his mother and before we move him, I’d like to know!”

Not wanting to cause a fuss, the blonde knelt down next to Tommy’s prostrate and unconscious body. With her right hand, she reached over and cupped both nuts.

“He must have hit something pretty large, both testicles are very swollen,” she said looking up to the three ladies, now all hunched over the scene.

“Yeah, he hit the telephone pole out in front of our house,” Sandy said, thinking quickly on her feet. “It’s a lucky thing I was looking out the window when it happened, or he might still be out there!”

“Well, it’s a good thing you did, or he could lose both testicles,” Beth responded.

“Oh, no! Are they that bad?” Sue asked, trying to sound concerned.

“Well, his right one is still mostly intact,” the paramedic said palpating her right thumb on his right nut, “But very swollen. Come feel,” she directed Sue.

Sue’s heart started racing again, excited that she got to touch them.

“Put your fingers under the testicle,” she was instructed, “and your thumb on top. Now move your thumb in a circular fashion.”

“Like this?” Sue asked.

“Perfect. Can you feel the tightness of the orb?” The paramedic asked. Sue nodded.

“That’s from the outer shell of the testes being put under tremendous stress. Any more trauma and that sucker could easily rupture.”

“Really?” Sue asked as she started pushing her thumb in deeper, loving every second of it.

Seeing the pressure Sue was applying, the paramedic gently put her hand on Sue’s. “We don’t want to make this any worse, the poor fellow probably wants to keep this one. Especially after looking at his left one.”

“Oh, no. Is the left one worse?” Sue feigned concern.

“I’m afraid so,” Beth said with a glum face while taking a hold of Tommy’s battered left nut. “Can you feel this?” The paramedic said as she grabbed Sue’s hand and placed it on Tommy’s nut.

“That is a torn tunica albuginea.”

“What is that?”

“I’m afraid, that’s a rupture,” the paramedic said with a concerned voice. Chloe and Sandy found themselves trying to discreetly bring a hand toward their groins to caress their wetness once again forming.

“Are you sure?” Sue said, taking a firm hold of the nut. “I can’t really feel the difference.”

“I assure you, that testicle is ruptured. Do you mind if I show you better?”

Sue handed the nut back over to the paramedic. “Sure, show me.”

The paramedic took Tommy’s left nut in her right hand and started palpating with her right hand, wanting to find exactly where the tear was and Sue was loving it.

After a few moments of digging into the nut, the paramedic found what she was looking for. “Give me your hand,” she said to Sue. “It’s a little hard to feel exactly where the tear starts, but if you dig deep enough, you’ll feel it.”

So Sue grabbed the nut from the paramedic and dug in. She was a little overtaken when she actually felt where the tear was. But she didn’t want to let on that she found it. So she kept digging. With each millimetre of tear that she felt, her pussy got more and more wet. Looking up at her daughter and seeing how enamored she was with the process, she called for her help.

“I can’t seem to feel the tear at all,” Sue said. “Sandy, would you like to give it a try? Maybe that stud can show you?” She said looking at the male paramedic.

“No, I’m good,” he said. “I leave these cases to Beth.”

Sandy was bummed the hunk standing just behind her wasn’t willing to show her, but she jumped at the chance to dig into her brother’s nut. “Sure mom, I’ll see if I can find it.”

“I will remind you all,” Beth chimed in, a bit agitated, “if we want to save this testicle, the sooner we get to the hospital, the better.”

“Oh, it will just be another second or two. I’m sure his nuts can take it,” Sue shot back to the paramedic.

“I guess. He’s your son,” was all the paramedic could say.

Gently lifting her brother’s nut, Sandy started to dig her thumb in, absolutely loving the sensation. “What am I looking for again?”

“A tear in the outer shell of the testicle,” Beth advised.

“Hmmm,” Sandy said as she continued to grind on her brother’s broken orb. “Oh, I think I found it!”

“Really?!” Her mother said excitedly. “Show me!”

Sandy grabbed her mother’s hand and guided it to the spot where there was a definite ridge along the side of the nut. “Oh, yes! I can feel it!” Sue exclaimed. “Good job, honey!”

After digging her thumb in a few seconds more, Sue looked to the blonde paramedic. “Do you think you can save it?”

“Well, it’s not my job to save it, that would be the doctors. But it is my job to get him there quickly so they have a chance of saving it.” Beth said as she pulled off the hair binder holding her hair in a ponytail and started wrapping it around the ruptured nut. “This is an old trick I learned my first year as a paramedic,” she said as she concentrated on caring for Tommy’s nut.

“What will that do?” Sue asked.

“This will keep everything in place, so that on the ride over to the hospital, things don’t start tearing more. But I learned the hard way, you don’t want to wrap it too tight, or you could cause more damage and the patient will be extremely uncomfortable.”

With that, the male paramedic set up the stretcher and the two of them gently lifted Tommy onto it.

“Those stairs look pretty tricky and we don’t want his testicles moving around any more than they have to. Could you gently keep a hold of them while we traverse the stairs?” Beth asked Sandy as they were lifting up the stretcher.

“Sure. So just grab them?” Sandy asked.

“Yeah, just to keep them from flopping all over the place - we don’t want to do any more damage to those things. They’re pretty rough already.”

Sandy went to the left side of the stretcher and grabbed a hold of her brother’s nuts with her right hand. She genuinely wanted to be careful with the delicate package, so she got a firm, but gentle grip of both nuts. They made their way up the stairs.

Tommy was about six feet tall, and he was a muscular kid so lifting him was no easy task. With Beth taking the lead, the male paramedic was providing most of the leverage as they walked up the steps. Then Beth partially missed a step and the stretcher started wobbling badly. Sandy held tightly to the package that was in her hand, hoping to balance the stretcher. The weight was too much and it started pushing the male paramedic down the steps and stopped abruptly when the handle of the stretcher rammed into his groin. He let out a scream and his eyes went cross as it trapped his nuts into the handle.

“Pull!” The female paramedic yelled to her partner. Confused by the demand, Sandy squeezed her brother’s nuts hard and started pulling up.

“No, not you!” Beth screamed. But Sandy’s move was just enough help that the male paramedic was able to life the handle off his nuts and keep the stretcher from falling.

Beth looked back over her shoulder, relieved that they didn’t drop their patient. Then she winked to Sandy, “Good job. You may have just saved my partner’s love life. But I hope those are still intact!” She said looking down at Tommy’s huge nuts. Both ladies giggled a bit. Especially when they looked at the male paramedic, whose eyes were starting to water from the pain he endured.

They made it out to the ambulance and carefully loaded Tommy into the back.

“Where are you taking him?” Sue asked.

“To South General Hospital. You can follow us if you'd like. But we really gotta go.”

So without having time to change, all three ladies, still in their leotards, jumped into Sue’s car and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Even though it was well past midnight at this point, since the hospital was right downtown, they were having a tough time finding parking, as it was a Friday night.

“Why don’t I drop you guys off and I’ll go find a parking ramp?” Sue suggested. The girls agreed and were dropped off at the main entrance to the hospital.

It didn’t take long for them to find Tommy as he was right outside the emergency room which was close to the entrance. They made their way over, where they found a nurse speaking with the paramedics. The nurse pulled back the blanket that was covering Tommy’s groin and winced when she saw the brutal sight before her.

“I see you’ve gone with the hair-binder trick,” she said to Beth. “Smart move. If he wants to keep that testicle, we best keep that thing on right up until surgery. I’ll go get Dr. Anderson and we’ll prep surgery right away.” The nurse left.

A moment later the paramedics got a call on their radio. “We have to take this,” she said to her partner, who was still walking gingerly from his little mishap. “Can you guys stay with him until the nurse gets back?” Both girls nodded.

Not too much later, five college-aged girls came filing out of the emergency room laughing loudly - obviously drunk. One had a bandage on her head.

“It may be the concussion I suffered,” the girl with the bandage on her head said, “But do the nuts of that boy look really huge?” The other girls turned to look and burst out laughing even more.

Sandy was going to cover her brother, but was amused by the college girls’ discovery.

“Holy shit, look at those things!” One girl screamed.

“They must be broken! Poor guy.” Another girl wailed just as they got close to the gurney.

“Are they broken?” The girl slurred, wrapping her arm around Sandy.

“Well, we’re not sure, but we think so,” Sandy said. “Want to feel ‘em?”

“Can I?” The girl said excitedly.

“Ew! You don’t want to do that!” One girl blurted out. “That’s gross.”

“I’ve never felt broken nuts before. Can I?” She asked Sandy again.

“Sure, but I think only one of them is broken. Let me take this off,” Sandy said as she looked around to see if the nurse was coming and she took the hair binder off of her brother’s left nut.

“The nurse is coming!” Chloe said, nudging Sandy in the ribs.

“Shit! Sorry girls, we don’t have time - but come back in a couple hours to find out if it’s broken or not!”

“Awww, shoot. It would have been so cool to touch them.”

“Let’s go girls.”

Panicking that the head nurse was approaching, Sandy quickly attempted to put the stretchy hair binder back onto her brother’s nut. She wrapped it once, twice, three times. “Was that enough?” She thought to herself, then wrapped it two more times, just to be sure.

“We all set here?” The nurse said. “Can you sign this release allowing us to proceed with the necessary care?”

“Well, shouldn’t my mom do that? She’ll be here any minute.” Sandy said.

“Actually, any family member can sign. Are you his sister?”

“Yes, I am.”

As Sandy grabbed the pen, she saw her mother enter the hallway.

“Mom!” She shouted. “Quick, you have to sign this.”

“How is he?” Sue asked.

“Well, we haven’t had time to do an ultrasound yet, but from my experience, that left guy is looking pretty bad.”

“Oh, no. You don’t think he’s going to lose it, do you?” Sue asked. And hearing the words “lose it” hit Sandy like a ton of bricks. My brother might actually lose a nut - crazy! she thought to herself as juices immediately rushed to her pussy.

“Umm, where is your restroom?” She asked the nurse.

“Just down the hall and to the left.”

Sandy scampered down the hall, ready for another mind-blowing orgasm.

“Our ultrasound room is just down here, if you want to join me to take a look.”

“Sure, I appreciate that. Chloe, will go tell Sandy where I’ll be?”

“No problem,” Chloe said as she headed toward the bathroom.

Sue and the nurse were now in the room ready for the ultra sound. The nurse prepped the wand with a clear jell and slowly lowered it to Tommy’s right nut.

“This right one is badly swollen, but I don’t see any signs of tearing - so that’s good,” the nurse said. Then she moved over to the left one.

“You can do that with that binder on his nut?” Sue asked.

“It’s not ideal, but that really does help keep things from separating. If there is a rupture, separation is very detrimental to saving the testicle. Although, this seems pretty tight.” Sue nodded in fascination.

“Do you think he’s going to lose it? I’d feel so awful.”

“Well, see this ridge?” The nurse asked, pointing to the ultrasound screen. “There is definitely a rupture, but fortunately, that ridge is smooth and can easily be sewn up. You’re lucky it was such a clean break. Well, he’s lucky anyway.”

“That’s a relief, so you can fix it in surgery?”

“Well, nothing is guaranteed, but Dr. Anderson is one of the best when it comes to this type of surgery. He’s in good hands.”

When Chloe entered the women’s bathroom she was first struck by the musky scent of sex. She smiled when she heard Sandy in one of the stalls, obviously pleasuring herself.

“Do you need any help in there?” Chloe asked jokingly.

“Awwww, just finishing up.” Sandy said with a raspy voice, peeking her head out of the stall.

“That talk of your brother losing his nut really got to you, didn’t it?” Chloe asked.

“It was out of nowhere!” Sandy said. “As soon as my mom asked that, my pussy went crazy.”

“Yeah, that hit me hard, too. Can you imagine?”

“He’d be losing a nut - all because of us!” Sandy said with excitement in her voice. “And did you see that thing? There’s no way they’re going to be able to save it. Shit! I’m so wet again!”

“That is pretty hot.” Chloe said, “Guess we better head out and see what’s up.”

As they entered the hallway they ran into Sue.

“What did they tell you?” Sandy asked in anticipation.

“Good news! They said it was a clean break and that they should be able to fix it. He’ll be as good as new!”

Both girls' shoulders dropped and they couldn’t hide their glum faces.

“What’s wrong? That’s good news. Are you sad of what you’ve put him through?”

“Yeah, you could say that,” Sandy responded.

“Well, cheer up. The nurse told me testicles are resilient little suckers and that it takes A LOT of pressure for a guy to lose one. Isn’t that great?”

“I guess so,” Sandy said.

“Well, the surgery could take over two hours, do either of you want some food? My treat!” Sue asked.

“Sure, do you want us to go with you?” Chloe asked.

“No, someone should stay here in case they need something or if he wakes up. I saw that sandwich shop is open 24 hours, I’ll pick up three sandwiches. Sound good?”

“Sure mom, thanks.”

Prepping for surgery was well under way when Tommy started to stir. His sister had wound the hair binder so tight around his left nut, and the pain was so unbearable that it stirred him awake. He looked down at the binder around his nut and could feel the throbbing getting worse and worse. It was digging into his already painful orb. His hands were strapped to the gurney for surgery so he could do nothing to take off the offending binder.

“Cut it off!” He yelled, his voice horse from all of the evening’s activities.

A young nurse was the only one in the room at the time and heard him cry out.

“What is that?” She asked running over to Tommy.

“Cut it off - please!”

“Oh dear, but the head nurse said we can fix you.”

“I don’t care! Cut it off!”

“Well, I’m going to have to find that form,” the nurse said looking around.

“I found the form. I’m going to have your mother sign it. You sure you want us to cut it off?”

“Yes!” He said emphatically.

“Well, that's your choice. And I guess a guy can get by with just one... I’ll bring this form out to your family.”

The young nurse went out to the hall and saw Sandy and Chloe.

“Is your mother still here?” She asked

“No, she went to get us food. What’s up?” Sandy asked.

“Well, you’re the sister, right?” Sandy nodded. “Your brother just woke up and insisted that we remove his left testicle. He was very adamant about it.”

The two girls looked at each other, confused and holding back smiles.

“Really? But I thought the other nurse said you guys could save it.”

“I thought so too. But we always aim to do what the patient wants. And he kept yelling, ‘Cut it off! Cut it off!’”

Chloe leaned over and whispered in Sandy’s ear, “He probably wants the binder cut off.”

Sandy burst out with a sharp, quick breath of laughter. The nurse looked puzzled.

“This is hardly a laughing matter. Do you want to wait until your mother gets here?”

“No, no, no. You’re right, this isn’t funny at all. She just told me a joke, that’s all.”

“Oh, I see. Because your brother losing a testicle is hardly something to take lightly.”

“You’re so right. But I really want to make sure we honor his wishes,” Sandy said, moisture pouring into her groin. “And if he wants you to cut his nut off - which is obvious - who are we to stop that? Like you said, he insisted, right?”

The nurse sheepishly lowered her head. “Yes, he did insist. And we should honor those wishes. It’s just such a shame as I’m pretty sure we could save it.”

Chloe reached out for the form in the nurse’s hand, grabbed it, and handed it to her new friend, Sandy.

Sandy proceeded to sign the form, handed it back to the nurse and repeated, “I would do anything for my brother. And if this is what he wants, I’m going to make sure he gets it. It’s for the best, really.”

The nurse smiled at the remarks, took the form and headed back toward the surgery room.

“Oh, do you know where I can get a towel?” Sandy asked the nurse.

“Make that two!” Chloe chimed in.

“Sure, what for?”

“I’m getting a little cold,” Sandy said as she hugged herself and feigned shivering.

“That room right there has a bunch of them,” the nurse said pointing to a door just a few feet away. “You’re a good sister.”

“I know,” Sandy said. “I’m sure he’d do the same for me.”

A puzzled look appeared on the nurse’s face. “But you don’t have balls.”

“Well, you know what I mean. He’d want what’s best for me.”

“I suppose you’re right. And this will be my first orchiectomy, so this should be fun!”

“Now that’s the spirit!” Sandy said, “Go cut that nut off!”

As soon as the nurse left the scene, the girls headed to the closet containing the towels, grabbed one each, and ran to the bathroom.

“Last one to cum is a rotten egg!” Chloe yelled as both girls laughed hysterically, running into the restroom.

Dr. Anderson looked Tommy over, who was now under anesthesia, removed the hair binder around his left nut, “well, that’s on there pretty tight. Who wrapped this?”

“It was the paramedic,” the head nurse spoke up.

“Another one wrapped far too tight. This is cutting off almost all blood flow, this could make saving his testicle much more difficult.”

“Actually,” the head nurse said handing the doctor a clipboard. “The patient requested an orchiectomy.”

“Really?” The doctor said, “I thought the ultrasound showed we had a chance to save it. But, I see we have parental consent.”

“Actually, it’s his sister who consented. The mother is out.” The head nurse said, looking over at the young nurse who was nodding.

“Hmm, that’s quite unusual.” The doctor stated. “I want to confirm that is the family’s wish. Nurse, can you go get one more verbal affirmation?”

“Sure thing,” the young nurse said.

* * * *

Chloe and Sandy were in such ecstasy of what was about to happen that they joined each other in a bathroom stall and Chloe was now in the process of eating out Sandy’s pussy when the nurse entered the bathroom.

“Sandy? You in here?” The nurse asked.

“Mmmm, Hmmm,” was all she could get out.

“Oh, good. The doctor wanted one more confirmation on removing your brother’s testicle. Can you verify this is the family’s wishes?”

Chloe pushed her tongue further into Sandy’s pussy, almost challenging her to speak normally, putting Sandy on the verge of another orgasm.

“That, that’s what…my…brother said…right?” She could hardly get it out.

“Well, yes. He kept yelling cut it off, yes.”

“Then we…better do…what he wants.”

“Yes, of course.” The nurse hesitated. “You sure?”

“Yes!” Sandy breathed loudly.

“What was that?”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Sandy blurted.

“I love your enthusiasm!” The nurse said. “You’re such a good sister.”

When she heard the door shut, Chloe lifted herself off of Sandy’s pussy and yelled loudly, “Can we cut off both of them?!!” That sent Sandy into an orgasmic abyss. She was shivering in ecstasy, her legs twitching on either side of Chloe’s face.

About an hour later Sue showed up with the sandwiches. Sandy’s hair was a mess.

“You okay honey?” Sue asked her daughter. “You look like you got run over by a truck.”

“Thanks, mom. I’m just a little distraught.”

“What’s up?”

“Mrs. Shaw?” The head nurse said coming down the hallway.


“We’re done with surgery. Everything was a success.” The nurse explained.

“Well, that’s a relief. Thank you so much.”

“Of course! It’s why we’re here. Orchiectomies are fairly a straight forward procedure and allows for a very quick recovery time. Of course, his remaining testicle is still very swollen and sore, so you will have to be very careful with that one.”“Excuse me? Orchiectomy? Remaining nut? What are you saying?”

“Well, surely your daughter has told you. We had to remove your son’s left testicle. He insisted on it.”

“He did?” Sue said looking over to her daughter. “You’re kidding me?! I thought the doctor said she could save it?!”

“Obviously, you two have some things to discuss. I will give you some privacy.”

Sandy looked at her mother and started to cry. Sue came over and hugged her daughter.

“Tommy woke up and insisted they remove it. He was in such great pain, I didn’t know what to do!”

“Calm down honey.” Sue said still embracing her daughter. “Oh, dear, that poor boy. Wait, didn’t they need my consent?”

“They told me any family member could approve and they said he was screaming for them to cut it off - I couldn’t let him suffer through any more pain,” Sandy said as she sobbed even more.

“Oh, honey, it’s okay. You did what you thought was best. That took courage. Not many sisters would be tough enough to consent to having their brother’s nut removed.” Sandy looked up, still embracing her mother and winked at Chloe.

“You sure? Did I do the right thing?!! They said he was screaming to cut it off, over and over again.”

“He was screaming for them to cut it off? Yes, dear, I’d say you did the right thing.” Sue said consoling her daughter. “Besides, he still has one nut left, right?”

“Yes,” Sandy said tears rolling down her cheeks. “For now.”

“What on earth?”

“Well, what if something happens to his other nut? I’ll feel awful!”

“Guess he’ll just have to be extra careful, now, won’t he?”

“But does this mean we can’t practice self defense on him any more?”

“Don’t be silly. We will definitely be continuing with that.” Sue smiled to the two girls.

The young nurse came out to greet the family. “He’s just waking up from recovery. You can go see him now.”

All three ladies were so curious to see how Tommy would react to losing a nut. Just before they stepped inside the room, the young nurse pulled something out of her pocket.

“I thought you guys might want this as a memento,” she said, pulling out a hair binder that was cut in half. “We really had a tough time cutting this thing off, it was on so tight. It must have really been hurting him!”

Sue grabbed it, looked over at Sandy and said, “Yeah, I bet he really wanted this thing cut off.”

The young nurse looked puzzled. The other three ladies just smiled as they entered the room.

Upon seeing her brother, a true moment of remorse ran through Sandy. She approached her brother, grabbed his hand and quietly said, “I’m so sorry.”

Tommy looked up at her, still kind of out of the surgery. “What? What’s wrong? Did they save my nuts?”

“Well,” Sandy said. “You were - um - yelling…”

“You were really lucky,” Sue cut off her daughter. “They were able to save one of them!”

“I lost one?”

“Yes, but be grateful,” Sue said. “Both were in really bad shape and they were able to save the right one!”

Sandy started putting things together. Her mom must have figured out that when he was crying for them to “cut it off,” he really meant the hair binder, not his nut. And now, her mom was covering for her, so he didn’t find out the truth.

“Besides,” Sandy said, “You’re keeping the bigger nut. And the doctor said everything will function just fine down there!”

“How are you feeling?” Sue got around to asking her son.

“You mean, other than the fact that I just lost a nut? I guess I’m feeling pretty good. A little sore.”

“Not too sore for some more self defense practice, I hope?” Sue said, running her fingers through his hair.

Tommy looked over at his sister who was now smiling. Then he looked over to Chloe - in her pink leotard, still looking amazing. “Just let me know what day and I’ll be there!”

All three ladies cheered.

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