June 18, 2024

How I became the favorite ballbusting victim at my new school

How I became the favorite ballbusting victim at my new school

By havldavl

At the beginning of my senior year in high school, my parents and I moved and I had to change schools. Given the fact that I had been the bully victim at my old school, you probably think that I was happy about the change for the last few months. But I wasn't.

With my nearly 19 years, virgin, thick round glasses, smaller than average and somewhat chubby body, and with my obsequious attitude, I had always been the target of the cruel students who had to torture and humiliate someone. For some reason, especially the girls! At first, I never really understood what made them always go at me. But to be perfectly honest, I fucking loved it. 

I hadn't been into it when it started, but after all the mean and hurtful things that my female classmates had done to me, I had gotten to absolutely crave and enjoy their cruel attention. It was just the way my sexuality developed. Back in my old school, the girls especially loved targeting my balls. If you share my male burden, I probably don't need to tell you how much it hurts to get kicked or punched in the privates, but regardless, I enjoyed every moment of it and cummed so hard every time when jerking off later.

Getting into the new school, all of this was gone. Meeting a class of open, friendly and welcoming female classmates was my single greatest fear I had at this time. I wasn't really the type of guy to openly address or somehow provoke the treatment that I really desired.

When I hurried to my class on the first day, I encountered a rather tall guy in the staircase - on his knees and curled up into a small ball, panting and clutching his groin with both hands. My heart raced in my chest. I could tell that the dude really was in pain - and not one of these cases where mostly the embarrassment makes you fall down and sit out the degrading event. My excitement increased tenfold.

I just left him there and a minute later, I opened the door to my class. When I carefully stepped in, I quickly let my eyes wander across the room. Within a second, I had a very good guess on who had floored the poor dude in the staircase. 

See, bullying by girls works a bit different than by guys. Guys only compete in cruelty, mostly from the fear of becoming the target themselves. But for girls, the group dynamics play a much larger role. There is always a leader who determines the girls group's target and strategy, and that target is not always simply the weak link.

The blonde girl sitting on her desk in the last row on the left obviously was that leader. I could tell - by her perfect physique with massive boobs that always ensured her the majority of male attention, by her dominant body language and the way, the other girls had gathered around her, and by her pretty face that had this bratty I-will-get-what-I-want-either-way expression. 

She noticed me when I approached an empty seat in the back right corner, and the five girls who surrounded her instantly followed her shift of attention. My heart was still beating like a drum. Her strong, long legs, mostly visible under the dark knee-long skirt of the school uniform, looked so sexy and powerful. 

Her feet clad in white sneakers actively dangled under the table. In my fantasy, I simply walked up to and fell on my knees in front of her, placing my groin right where her foot returned from its most forward position. She wouldn't hesitate a second to bust me hard. But of course, I wasn't that kind of guy - unfortunately.

Instead, I just stared at her tits. Good lord, they were perfect. With the top two buttons of her white school uniform shirt opened, they strained the third and fourth one, as if the little buttons were about to be launched into the room at light speed for her tits to jump out. From the little bumps indicating her nipples, I could tell that she wasn't wearing a bra.

It was clear that she noticed that I was staring at her tits. Hopefully, it was enough to piss her off. Obviously, she liked putting them at display, but this type of girl still punished you for noticing - because it was hers to give and not yours to take. 

I sat down on the empty place with a rapidly growing boner just as the teacher came in and the class started. Obviously, I couldn't spare any attention for the French revolution, right now.

When the teacher left and we had a short break, the blonde hottie got up and approached me. The dude next to me, whom I was just talking to, jumped up and got out of the way, the second he noticed her approach. Once again, my heart raced and cock hardened, as she dropped herself on the chair to my right with a smile that had this hint of hidden viciousness. 

"Hi new guy - I'm Vicky." she held out her right hand across her body, basically inches in front of her boobs. 

"Bob" I mumble awkwardly, while reaching over and taking her hand.

"Had a nice time staring at my tits, Bobby?" she asks in exaggerated friendliness. 

"I... ehhh... I didn’t..."

"Oh, no worries, go ahead! But there is something I want in exchange, though." After a moment of confusion, her left hand darted down into my pants and boxers, fast as lightning. Her open hand perfectly and instantly closed around them to get a good grip. 

I still looked into her pale blue eyes when her hand made contact, flooding my male body with this delightful pain that no girl would ever comprehend. Her hand was strong and without mercy. I managed to hold eye contact long enough to not only see the malicious joy in her eyes as she launched her attack, but also the delighted surprise as she grabbed my manhood.

There are two things that I was actually quite proud of. One was the size of my balls, and the other my pain resistance. While the second one was the obvious consequence of the treatment I always received, the first one was probably to some extent the reason for it. The glitter of amazement in her eyes when she had her hand on my massive testicles, nearly too large to properly get her fingers around, really turned me on.

A high pain resistance is something that makes every girl want to bust you over and over. Withstanding an attack meant challenging her natural power and superiority. They just couldn't accept it. I've gotten the shiest and kindest girls to kick my nuts into oblivion with such overwhelming joy. In the end, they always win - and they fucking love it.

A few seconds into the squeeze, I still stared at Vicky's amazed expression. Don't get me wrong, the pain raging in my helpless testicles was absolutely killing me. My pain resistance was more of a resistance to the defeating effects of the pain, not so much the pain itself.

"Oh, you're a tough one!" Vicky hummed dangerously, her eyes slowly narrowing while the intensity of her grip further increased. Gosh, she was not holding back. In her face, I could see that the challenge was on. Probably, not many guys in her life had dared playing off the effects of her busts. 

I clenched my teeth and my whole body began trembling. The brat's fingers dug into my meaty pair with such brutal force. At the same time, I had developed a raging boner that was pushing against her wrist. I seriously nearly came from getting the cum squeezed out of my balls. 

My cock wasn't as overwhelmingly huge as my balls, but Vicky obviously noticed its decent size with a mix of further amazement and anger about me not instantly submitting to her. Actually, I was almost at a point where I had to. After resisting a good ten or twenty seconds of her squeeze, I wasn't going to get released only by bumping my forehead onto the desk and tapping her punishing hand. She was going to make me beg.

When I was just about to cry all the panted-up agony out into the world, a cute redhead no older than 27 - our English teacher - entered the room. She instantly noticed what was going on, especially since all the guys had moved into areas of the room as far away as possible from us. With a faint, suppressed smirk, she strode towards her desk at front.

"Vicky, back to your place. Just wait until recess to do that. And close your shirt, how many times do I have to ask you?" Reluctantly, and not after giving my balls one final brutal pinch, Vicky jumped up and strode back to her place. My level of arousal and affliction was insane. 

With a cut-off pant, I finally clutched my balls while my head sunk onto the table. Vicky threw a glance over her shoulder and giggled. It was a victory for her, after all. But a small one. This was surely not the end of it, I thought with a mix of arousal and concern, given the brutal sting that pulled up from my nuts into my stomach.

The chattering and giggling in the row to my right distracted me from Romeo and Juliet, too, although this topic - and the presenting teacher - was a lot more appealing than the previous lesson. One time, I looked over, just as Vicky was gesturing the size of my balls to her friends by demonstrating the position of her hand as she had squeezed them. I also saw her send messages with her phone under the table. Probably, half of the girls at this school knew about my "assets" at this point. 

When the lesson finished and we got a 15 minute recess, the cute teacher asked me for a quick word, while everyone left the room. 

"I see, you have already made acquaintance with Vicky?" I just nodded. "And are you... okay?" I notice her green eyes darting down to my groin and back up. 

"Oh, sure." 

"Yeah?" she chuckled, visibly impressed and amused. "If you want to talk about it, you can always come to me."

The way she smiled at me and pressed her lecture books against her tits with both arms made her look like a student asking me out on a date. Without warning, she then whirled around and strode out of the room.

Despite how fucking horny I still was, the current ache in my balls made me a bit worried about diving into the mass of bodies in the hallway and the chance to meet Vicky again. She had just given me the probably hardest squeeze of my life 45 minutes ago, barely eliciting a reaction from me. There was no doubt that she now wanted to bust me until I cried for mercy, and the thought turned me on like hell. But at first, I needed to nurse and recover my balls a bit.

I decided to go to the restroom, although I didn't really have to go. It was just a way to pass the time and avoid my future bullies. About halfway there, I received a rough sack-tap while squeezing past a group of giggling senior girls. None of them looked familiar from my class. Of course, everyone already knew.

When my sanctuary, the guys' restroom, was right in front of me, the door in the wall right next to me was suddenly yanked open and a cute Indian girl sent a lightning fast snap kick into my balls. The cruel addition to my previous pain came as such a surprise, that it made me bend over in front of her, moaning. 

I noticed that she had pulled her skirt up nearly to her hip to allow her legs the freedom they had needed for the graceful kick. When my head got down to the level of her belly, I saw her smooth cunt. 

Before I really got to enjoy the view, the bottom of the front of my shirt was yanked over my face and my arms twisted onto my back. With a rough shove, I was pushed into the room. Through the layer of white fabric, I could still see most of what was going on. 

It was the girl's bathroom, and at least a dozen of them were present, gathered along the sinks to my right. In the center of the room stood Vicky. She had three of her shirt's buttons opened, from what I could tell, revealing a cleavage that made me want to dive into head first. 

My mouth formed quite curses. The Indian girl tied my wrists behind my back with what felt like a hair tie.

When Vicky slowly and relishly approached me, I straightened up and pushed my hip out a bit. The bulge from my boner raging in anticipation of the brat's cruelties made the girls in the room giggle curiously. I felt my aching balls unsuspectingly hanging in my boxers, ready for the bust of my life.

"Hi Bobbie", Vicky purred in a seductive tone that made my mind spin, her face inches in front of mine. "we thought, a proper introduction is due, given your... values." She chuckled and lifted her right hand. I expected a punch in the balls or another squeeze, but instead, she began poking and pinching my chubby belly, laughing and mocking me.

"Ironic, isn't it? That you of all guys are blessed with this..." at the word this, her hidden left hand swung up and repeated the exact same slapping grab she had done previously. My body tensed, ready to cope with the familiar, brutal pain of her merciless squeeze, but she instantly let go. 

"Nah, that's not it. would you be so kind, Jasmin?" Before I realized, what was going on, I felt the hands of the girl behind me grabbing my pants at my hips and yanking them down. The waistband of the pants painfully rubbed over my rock hard cock, forcing it down, before it bounced up out into the open. My pants and underwear came down in one go and fell onto the floor around my ankles. 

Being stripped in the center of all that female attention came as a shock. Before I was able to grasp, how vulnerable and exposed I was, Vicky taught me, by repeating the exact same move as before. 

Her palm slapped into the bottom of my giant, bare testicles with a very telling clapping sound. For a moment, her fingers actually rather softly twined around them. Through the white fabric, I noticed her hungry stare. She really enjoyed that moment, where I lost all my power to her hand enclosing my balls. In the second, the grip felt satisfying to her, she clamped her fist like a nutcracker and yanked me into her by my balls.

Unable to follow up with a step in time with my pants around my ankles, I went up onto toe-tips, but couldn't avoid tilting and falling onto my hot tormentor. When I felt her massive tits on my chest and my chin came to rest on her shoulder, she suddenly let go of my balls. 

Almost instantly, her shoulder and tits twitched under me from the force of her accelerating knee. It hit me like a jackhammer and flattened my soft coconuts against my pelvis. Suddenly, her wonderful touch and the support was gone and left me alone with the crippling testicular pain. Vicky stepped back with a triumphant face, ready to watch me roll up on the floor to her feet with my hands tied and face hidden under my shirt.

My knees trembled and I hung in the air like a leaf in the autumn wind. But I was not ready to give her the satisfaction of defeating me just yet. Panting and coping with the pain, I weakly straightened my back and pushed my hip out to receive my next well-deserved treatment.

"Holy cow..." Vicky said in somewhat honest admiration, looking down at my groin. My rock hard cock still pointed right at her, oozing pre-cum. "Jas, why don't you... umm... harden him up a bit for a minute?"

Instantly, I felt the cute Indian girl's body closely grinding around mine until she stood right in front of me. She lifted her knee up and kinda stepped over my dick to allow it to go under her still mostly pulled-up skirt. When she got right to the center, my cock touched her pussy, a moment before she closed her thighs around it. 

The sudden, amazing rush made me moan loudly, while her cute face came closer and closer, until her lips were right next to my ear. I didn't even know what to focus on. Her perky tits against my mostly bare chest or the slow, rhythmic grinding of her thighs and pussy on my cock. With the shirt over my head, I felt a bit distant, as if I let the girl alone with my nude, exposed body.

"Hey new guy. I'm Jas. Wanna know my specialty?" The gushes of air tickled my bare neck, eliciting another aroused shiver.

"Is it kicking balls?" I ask bluntly. All the girls blurt out in giggles. I can't help but feel a bit smart.

"Hell, you don't get enough of it, do you?" Jasmin smirked. With my cock still pressed against her hot pussy, she alternately began playfully bumping her thighs into my balls by pulling up her knees. The pain was nothing compared to what Vicky had put me through, but in combination with the grinding her motions inflicted on my cock almost had me shoot my load instantly.

"Ooohhhhhhh" I moaned out deeply, pushing my hip out further to allow her better access. Unfortunately, I couldn't spread my legs any further with the pants around my ankles. Suddenly, she stopped and her mouth was right next to my ear again.

"Actually it's something else. Do you want to find out?" her voice was so sexy in my ear. I quickly nodded. "Then close your eyes!"

I complied and felt her pulling back her hip, releasing my pulsing cock. The excitement of what was going to happen, drove me mad. The cold air around my balls and cock constantly reminded me of how exposed and vulnerable I was. Somehow, I managed to resist the urge to open my eyes. 

Before my mind made sense of the warm, wet touches on my chest and belly, Jas' mouth enclosed my cock and a rush of wonder emerging from its tip made me scream out in delight. Her pointy fingers with hard, long fingernails began tickling my balls from all sides. With amazing skill, she transformed all the previous pain into pure bliss, building up to an orgasm that would tear my universe apart.

Just when I thought that I was there, the sensation on my dick stopped and I fell into a void of sexual frustration. A second later, her fingers withdrew from my testicles. I pushed my hip forward, hoping that she would grant me the single touch that would make me get over the edge, but she was not there any more.

I opened my eyes and froze in shock. Right in front of me, stood Vicky. Instantly, I noticed the change. From her white sneakers, she had changed to a pair of black, high-heeled, knee-high boots. With a row of buckles on the side and their thick soles, they looked absolutely terrifying. Intuitively, I pulled back my hip, but knew very well that there was no way around what was going to happen.

"Let's see, how tough your little babymakers really are!" she grinned at me, before softly tapping the bottom of my balls a couple of times with her hand, as if she was testing the best angle to kick them. "Do you still want to cum?"

"Yess, pleeeease," I begged instantly. No matter how much the boots freaked me out, it was nothing compared to the fear of not being allowed to cum. Suddenly, I felt hands on my hip, pushing it forward again, towards Vicky, and Jas' familiar whisper in my ear.

"Then maybe you should ask her to kick you in the balls, Bobbie." 

"Vicky, please kick me in the balls." I moaned without hesitation. The girls' cruel game had truly turned me into a mindless sub.

"Oh, lovely!" Vicky exclaimed in exaggerated excitement, as if she really did need my permission. Without hesitation, she stepped forward and launched her right boot into my balls with terrible speed. 

What all the slaps, squeezes and previous kicks had not accomplished, suddenly happened so effortlessly. The contact between the unyielding tip of her black boot and my softened, swollen balls was short and brutal. 

The rush of pain actually detached me from reality for a moment. As if I was playing a video game, I observed the floor rushing at me, as my defeated body folded up at her feet, aimlessly kicking my legs to ease the crushing agony. 

How stupid I had been to brag with what I could take in the nuts. In the end - as I said - the girl always wins. Distant, I heard them laughing and mocking. Suddenly, Vicky was over me and pulled the shirt off my face. Standing with one boot on either side of my face, I looked up her skirt right at her bare pussy.

Her hand found the aching mess in my groin and began squeezing instantly. Before the pain fully dragged me down, I felt a moment of relief that the actually still was something to squeeze. The previous squeezes were nothing in comparison to what she made me feel in this moment. I really couldn't take it anymore. Finally, it was time to give in and give her the satisfaction she needed.

"Oh gosh... please don't break my balls!" I moaned out of breath.

"Oh? I think you have to try a bit harder."

"Oh goddess, please. My weak balls hurt so fucking much... I can't take it anymore. Please have mercy." I could tell from her eyes, how much she got off on this. Finally she had broken the guy with the balls of steel, just as any other guy before.

"Very well. Next time, you will know your place."

"Yes, mistress." She let go and stepped in front of me. The high boots on her long, bare legs looked so fucking sexy and terrifying. With obvious relish, Vicky swung back her right boot and delivered another mean kick, nearly stomping my testicles into my thigh. It was simply too much. Finally, my mind fully escaped the cruel place and all the pain and humiliation I had found in the world, and I passed out.

When I woke up, I was on my back, my wrists still tied under me and my pants and underwear pulled down to my ankles. The burning mix of pain and arousal in my groin drove me mad. With my arms under the small of my back, my hip was sticking up, and my relentless boner with the aching mass of testicles pointed up into the air. 

Upon opening my eyes, I was delighted to see Jas' face right over me, upside down, as she was on her knees behind my head. Her naughty, sensual smile made my heart jump. I swiftly scanned the room and let out a sigh of relief that we were alone. When I looked up, I noticed that Jas had taken off her shirt. Her C-cup, perky tits looked so amazing from my position. She was so fucking hot, nude except from her dark skirt.

"Vicky said, you don't deserve a relief today. Your balls are too weak." the Indian girl with the exotic, pretty face said with mock disappointment. Leaning down even further, she continued in a conspiratorial tone. "But she is just saying that, because your balls are so strong that she actually had to break a sweat. Don't tell her!"

With a wink, she began crawling forward on all fours, approaching my in a rather literal sense outstanding manhood. For a few amazing seconds, her tits with the dark, pointy nipples hovered right over my face. Then, her skirt swallowed me like the night. 

Before my eyes adapted to the darkness, I felt the onset of that amazing feeling in my dick again. Good lord, she was good at giving blowjobs. Her hand found my nuts and firmly grabbed them, but without squeezing them too hard. Right over my face, her pussy faintly swayed from side to side in the rhythm of her working my manhood. 

Outside of my wonderful, little prison, I heard the school bell ring. It actually took me a moment to remind myself, that my first actual sexual adventure was actually taking place in a school. A school, in which my first day had started barely two hours ago!

In the moment, the bell rung, Jas increased the speed of her amazing, skillful work. Spreading her legs more and more, her pussy was now right over my face. I lifted my head and pushed my tongue into her small, hot, damp pussy.

I heard her gasp very sweetly, while her hand let go of my balls. A split second later, it came back for a rough slap. As soft and merciful as the girl was, given the previous torment and her sudden roughness, the rush of pain in my manhood submitted me instantly.

Jas left her hand at my nuts with a much firmer grip as previously. The ache in combination with her rapid sucking on my cock almost pushed me over the edge instantly. Still staring in wonder at the show under the skirt, I came with the force of a supernova. 

Squirt after squirt after squirt, I was blessed with the most fulfilling and satisfying moment I ever got to enjoy. The girls at this school were absolute mad bitches. God, how much I loved this. 

The world around me turned bright long before the wonderful sensation ebbed off. When I forced my eyes open in the beginning aftermath of my climax, I saw the hottie standing in between my legs, currently squeezing her boobs back into the shirt. As she noticed my stare, she gave me the sweetest smile before pursing her lips for a sensual, remote kiss.

"See you soon, cutie. Don't tell Vicky!" With that, she stepped over my hip, snapped her foot into my continuously exposed balls and rushed out to get back to class. After catching my breath from the final surprise bust, I panicked and yelled after her.

"Wait... my hands..." but she was already gone. The tie around my wrists felt tough and unyielding. How the fuck was I gonna get my pants up, clean up and get back to class now? Fucking brats... God, how I fucking loved them!

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