June 18, 2024

Winning a Prize at the Femdom Carnival

Winning a Prize at the Femdom Carnival

By BlusteringBee

Melany strode through the entrance to the fairgrounds with an excited smile on her face as she passed under the sign that read “Welcome to the Femdom Carnival!” Steve followed apprehensively behind her. For once, he was too intent on taking in his surroundings for him to be preoccupied with the sway of her curvy figure or the sweep of her flowing blond hair.

He hadn’t wanted to come and had told Melany that he would feel self-conscious and out of place. Melany had laughed and said, “It’s all just good fun. It’s a celebration of women being in control of the men in our lives, but we are all really, really nice! Honest! There will be a lot of women there who will respect you for having an open mind. We can look around, and if you are really uncomfortable, we can leave, ok?”

Steve had agreed both because Melany was so reassuring and because he had had a crush on her for as long as he could remember, even though she only thought of him as a friend. Maybe if he showed that he was willing to let her be in control, then she would become interested in him. And, he had to admit, the idea of her dominating him excited him in a primal way (even if his fantasies of what that would mean were rather tame and consisted mainly of her ordering him to do things that he already wanted to do).

carnival was bustling with activity. The buzz of cheerful female voices filled the midway. The few men in the crowd were either following obediently behind a woman (some on leashes) or standing alone looking nervous or bewildered. In the distance, Steve saw signs for rides with names like “The Whiplash” or “The Humbler” which he couldn’t fully take in, but from which he heard male cries that he hoped where yelps of fun.

Melany ignored the chaos of the midway and the various sights and sounds. She walked with laser focus through the game booths, scanning each one until she arrived at the one she had been searching for. A faded sign proclaimed “TEST YOUR STRENGTH! ONE FOR A LOLLIPOP, TWO FOR A STUFFY!” Accompanying the words was a cartoonish painting of a muscular woman swinging a large wooden hammer down onto an old-fashioned ring-the-bell strength test.

Steve was slightly puzzled about why Melany had so single-mindedly sought out this particular game booth, which was tucked away in a relatively quiet, low-traffic corner of the midway. The booth was staffed by a single slim, dark-hair girl in clothing that vaguely suggested goth while also looking immensely comfortable.

As soon as the girl saw Melany, her face lit up and she exclaimed, “Hey, you’re the one who hung out at this booth just watching for almost the whole carnival last year!”

“Yeah,” Melany replied with a little evident embarrassment, “I’m Melany.”

“I’m Gail,” the other girl smiled warmly, “So, are you here to watch again this year?”

“This year,” Melany beamed, “I brought a guy who I just know is going to win me a stuffy!”

Steve glanced at the stuffed animal prizes, which all had the shapes of penguins but in different bright color combinations. He was about to ask why Melany wanted one so bad when he was distracted by the feeling of Melany caressing his right arm and shoulder in a sensual, fawning way that startled him. “You’ll do it, right, you’ll win a stuffy for me?” she purred.

“Yeah, of course I will!” Steve boasted confidently.

Gail’s face lit up with a broad smile as she exclaimed, “Awesome! I’m sure you can do it! Just sign here quickly, all guys have to sign before playing any games, and it is $20 per try.”

What?, Steve thought as he quickly signed the paper on the clipboard that Gail pressed in front of him. No way that stuffy is worth $20, but if Melany really wants it, ok. He took out his wallet and handed Gail a $20 bill. “Ok,” he said confidently, “Give me the hammer and show me the strength test!”

“Oh my Goddess!” Gail laughed, “This is too funny! You didn’t tell him how the game works, did you?”

Melany looked sheepish as she said, “Well, I didn’t want to make him nervous, and I remember from last year how good you are at explaining it to guys.”

Gail smiled sweetly as she lifted the hinged part of the booth’s counter and approached Steve. “Well,” she said gently, “You’ve signed the paper and paid the money, so I’ll explain what you do next.” She hooked her fingers into two of Steve’s beltloops and pulled him closer to her. He smelled her hair and skin and was momentarily giddy at being pulled so close to her. “Come back here with me,” she said as she turned walk back into the booth, pulling him by a beltloop.

Once inside the booth, Gail positioned Steve to face Melany on the other side of the counter. She kept a thumb locked in his beltloop as she slide behind him and then locked her other thumb in a second beltloop. She stretched her fingers down and began gently rubbing his crotch. This was certainly not what he was expecting, and to his embarrassment, he grew immediately hard as Melany watched in bemusement.

“She should have told you,” Gail said softly as she continued slowly rubbing the bulge that was now straining against his pants, “The test isn’t if you can ring a bell, the test is how hard she can hit your balls.”

“What?” Steve gasped and lurched back but then froze as he felt Gail firmly gripping him balls.

“Don’t worry,” Gail continued, “It is totally safe. We start by me checking that everything is ok down there. Shall we do that? Then you can decide if we go to the next part.”

Steve wanted Gail to keep rubbing him and he was doubly excited by a look of arousal on Melany’s face, which he had never seen before. So he softly muttered, “Ok.”

“Good” Gail moaned, “I’m going to start by taking your pants off.”

She was already unfastening Steve’s pants as he sputtered, “What? Here? In front of Melany.”

“I bet she’s seen you before,” Gail teased as she slid his pants off and plunged a hand into his boxers.

“No” Steve explained, flustered, “We’re just friends.”

“Wow,” Gail said breathily, rolling Steve’s balls gently between her fingers, “She must think you are a really special friend to ask you to do this.”

Steve’s mind was so befuddled that he froze when Gail quickly pulled down his boxers and he didn’t even register that she was shackling his feet to the base of the booth until it was already done and his balls were back between her fingers.

“Come over and feel his balls” Gail invited Melany, “They’re perfect. No ruptures or abnormalities, no wear or tear on them at all.”

To Steve’s embarrassment and excitement, Melany joined Gail in gently exploring his balls. “They should be,” Melany quipped with a sly smile, “they haven’t been used much. I’m pretty sure he’s still a virgin.”

Steve, who was torn between exhilaration at being touched so intimately by Melany and mortification at how powerless and humiliated he felt, didn’t respond, but his blushing silence told both girls that Melany was right.

“Really?!” Gail giggled, “That’s perfect! Well, anyway, he passed the exam, you can play the game.”

“What game?” Steve asked anxiously, “You aren’t really going to…”

“Hit you in the balls?” Melany laughed, “Yeah. But don’t worry! I watched this game A LOT last year when the carnival was here. It really isn’t that big a deal. I promise!”

Melany’s probing fingers had subsided into smoothing caresses of his sac, and now she lightly brushed her fingers over his strainingly hard cock. He wanted to believe her. But more than anything he wanted to do whatever he could to persuade her to keep touching him. Seeing his desperation, she cooed, “Gail will explain how the game works.”

With his entire attention fixated on Melany, Steve had barely reacted as Gail had slid a wooden block under his balls, so that they were now pressed up more than an inch higher than normal. He looked down and saw that they were resting at the center of a bullseye painted on the top of the wooden block. The girls saw his fear and smiled knowingly at one another.

“The rules are easy,” Gail said enthusiastically, “She is going to hit your balls with a little wooden hammer. If she ruptures one, she wins a lollipop. If she ruptures both of them, she wins a stuffy.”

“You’re joking, right?” Steve asked nervously wanting to pull away but unwilling to give up Melany’s touch and aware that because Gail had shackled his feet, he would just fall backwards if he struggled.

“Don’t look so scared,” Gail grinned, “A rupture sounds a lot worse than it actually is. It doesn’t mean she’s going to totally break your balls. Any little tear in the membrane around your nuts is a rupture. It’s a fact that 99% of ruptures are easily repaired and the guy is no different after. So, it’s just a fun little game. She’ll whack you, I’ll feel and see if she wins a prize, ok? You already paid $20, and there are no refunds, so you might as well!”

“Seriously?” Steve asked in a trembling voice.

“Also,” Melany added as she abruptly stopped playing with Steve’s genitals and picked up the wooden mallet, “Like all carnival games, I have basically no chance at winning. This hammer is so light! But I think it would be fun to play.”

“It doesn’t look light to me!” Steve gulped. The handle was only as long as a judge’s gavel, but the unpolished head was much larger. It was at least two, probably three times bigger than Melany’s fist, and as she casually let it fall into her palm, it landed with evident weight.

“Oh no! Don’t chicken out,” Melany cooed, “It’s just a toy. See, feel it.” She rested the hammer on his straining cock, playfully pushing it down.

His brain was too overwhelmed by the sensation, which was both exciting and torturous, to really judge if the hammer was as heavy as it looked. But she wouldn’t really hurt him, right? This must all be some mind game. Mostly, he wanted her to touch him again and was willing to do almost anything she asking to make that happen. “Ok,” he muttered, “Just don’t do it hard.”

“Yayyy!”Melany squealed and with a flick of her wrist snapped the small wooden mallet down on Steve’s left ball. Pain shot into his stomach and he hunched forward. His ball stung with a radiating pain. He took deep breaths hoping that the pain would subside.Almost immediately, Gail’s fingers were gripping his nuts. The pressure sent pain through his abdomen almost equal to the hammer blow.

“Sorry,” Gail laughed in a voice that didn’t sound at all sorry, “I have to do the squeeze test. Ah! Too bad, looks like you didn’t win. Both of his nuts are just fine. Do you want to try again?”

“What?” Steve gasped, “No, that was it right?” He looked at Melany in panic.

Her face clouded with disappointment as she said, “You aren’t going to pay for another try? It wasn’t that bad, was it? You aren’t even going to give me a chance at a winning a lollipop?”

“You really want to do it again?” Steve stammered.

“Yes,” Melany pouted.

“Ok,” Steve sighed. Then, when he realized that they were waiting for him to pay, he retrieved his wallet from his pants around his ankles and handed Gail another $20. Melany had said to bring a lot of $20, and he had obeyed. At least, he thought, that must mean she didn’t really expect to break his balls in one or two tries. She probably wasn’t going to break them at all, but how long did she really want to do this?

“Are you going for a stuffy or a lollipop?” Gail teased.

“Oh, I’m going to a ’pop,” Melany giggled, accentuating the popping sound of each ‘p’.

With more force, Melany brought the hammer down again. This time Steve felt his right ball flatten as the hammer compressed it against the wooden block. He felt like he was going to puke, and the girls laughed to see his look of nausea and pain.

Again, Gail’s fingers were probing and squeezing his balls, this time causing him to whimper. Again, she reported that his balls were fine.

“I think I’m getting the hang of this!” Melany beamed, “One more time and I’m sure I can get at least a lollipop. Pleeeaassee.”

Steve couldn’t say no and tried to swallow his pain as her took another $20 out of his wallet.

Melany’s eye took on a cold, determined look as she raised the mallet high above her head and slammed it down powerfully in the center of Steve’s sac. He began dry heaving and couldn’t catch his breath. His hands shot protectively to his balls, but Gail casually moved them away. The now familiar pain of her squeezes layered over a more pervasive pain, and Steve felt like he was going to pass out.

“You were going for both of them, weren’t you?” Gail asked with admiration.“Yeah,” Melany nodded with a smile, “Did I…?”

“No,” Gail shrugged, “You didn’t get both of them. But you did will a lollipop!”

“Really?” Melany gasped, her eyes widening.“Yeah, come over and feel his left ball. You see how it is swelling up? And you feel right there? That’s the rupture, you can really tell if you press on it.” As Gail guided Melany’s fingers Steve’s body convulsed with unbearable pain.

“Well, you get a prize,” Gail said glowingly, “But, do you want to try to go double or nothing? If you can break his other ball in one hit, I’ll give you both a lollipop and a stuffy!”

“Ooooo, yes!” Melany exclaimed, “Steve, pay for another try!”

Tears were welling in Steve’s eyes and he could barely pant, “Please, I need help.”

Gail leaned close to Steve’s ear. In addition to the smell of her hair and skin which had excited him earlier, he now felt her hot breath as she whispered to him, but he was in no condition now to feel sexual excitement. “Trust me,” she said, “I’ve seen girls get obsessed like this before. She isn’t going to stop until she ruptures the other one. So, just pay for another try, I’ll tell her she did, and we’ll get you to the medical tent. You are going to be here all day arguing with her otherwise.”

Weakly, Steve took another $20 out of his wallet, but his shaking hands lost their grip and it fluttered to the ground for Gail to retrieve.

Melany raised the wooden mallet high above her head again and slammed it down with even more force. Pain exploded though Steve’s body, and even before Gail confirmed it, he knew that Melany had ruptured his other ball. He was incapable of doing anything other than curling up to moan and sob.

“Here’s your lollipop AND your stuffy!” Gail said, pushing a delicious looking sweet and a pink and orange penguin to Melany, “I hope you like them; they cost your friend $80! Oh, yeah, speaking of him, do you want me to have him taken to the medical tent?”

“I guess,” Melany shrugged indifferently.

Gail waived to a redheaded girl in a bright pink “medical staff” tee-shirt who came over and hoisted Steve into a wheelchair. As the staffer pushed him towards the medical tent, Gail called, “Be sure to save his balls!”

“I always do!” the redheaded girl responded cheerfully.

“Is it true what you said that 99% of ruptures are easily repaired?” Melany asked with a furrowed brow.

“Nope,” Gail laughed, “And, even if it was, we don’t have the facilities here for that kind of surgery. The paperwork he signed acknowledges the risk and give us permission to perform emergency treatment to stabilize his condition. Which means we snip his balls off, sew him up, and send him home. It’s basically just a veterinary service. If you want his balls to have any chance of surviving, you should drive him to the hospital right now.”

“Nah,” Melany said casually, “She can cut them off, I don’t care. Plus, then maybe he’ll finally stop trying to be more than a friend! But, if you just castrate all the guys in the medical tent, why did you tell her to save his balls.”

“Ohhh,” Gail laughed, “Not save save. I meant keep them in a jar in case you want a souvenir besides the stuffy. You can pick them up any time after the next, maybe 5 minutes.”

“Ah, cool, thanks,” Melany said appreciatively, “maybe I will, but I like the stuffy a lot. In fact, I think that I’m going to walk around and see if I can find any single guys who want to help me win another one.”

“Nice!” exclaimed Gail, “I hope I see you back here soon then. And, uh, if you want to hang out after the game booths close at 5:00, I can show you some of the rides.”

“Oh, that would be fun!” Melany smiled.

By the time Gail and Melany were walking to the ferris wheel after a long day of games, Melany was cuddling 6 different brightly colored penguin stuffies in her arms.

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