June 27, 2024

Washington High Self Defense Classes, Chaper 10, parts 5 to 10

 By Hummingbird-Goal


In chapter 3, Rich Johnson was the first guy ruptured in the new self defence class, at the hand (or knee) of Heather Anderson and had to be taken to the hospital.

In chapter 7,  Rich Johnson was discharged from hospital with both nuts intact only to have to endure a nut testing at principal Brown’s office by that very same Heather, where she pops his ball again. Heather was recruited by principal Brown to participate in the school’s new nut-testing program.

In chapter 9, Heather's brother, Brian, came home from college on Saturday. After hearing of Heather being recruited into the school’s new nut-testing program, he requests to be tested by his sister, you know, so he didn’t get hurt playing college football. Then he joined the group testing the following Sunday at the school. Heather’s mom, Amy, was concerned for her daughter having to endure so much nut popping, but ultimately decided to support her in the new testing program and encouraged her to test her brother too.

Chapter 10 has been broken up into numerous parts (so far, parts 1-8). These sub-chapters revolve around the emergency Sunday morning nut-testing program that principal Brown has called. Doing the testing we have Heather, principal Brown, Nurse Spalding and her assistant, Gail, and eventually, Miss H joins the fray, dressed in her skimpy swimming attire. This is where we also meet Carl Larson (his mother, Barb and sister, Lucy). His large nuts are very sensitive, yet, very strong.

In part 2 of chapter 10 we meet Luke Haas who has his cock broken by his mother’s (Eva) powerful kick, much to the delight of his sister, Lacey. This part also introduces Miss H’s boyfriend, Hank, who is also wearing a very small swimsuit. And Heather’s brother, Brian, trying to help two mothers on the balance beam, has an unfortunate accident and smashes both of his nuts on the beam, but they seem to be still intact.

Part 3 has the school’s stud (and small-dicked) quarterback, Jim, get one of his nuts pierced with a sewing needle by his sister, Candy, while their mother, Julie naively watches. The actual nut testing is about to start and to make things more accessible, they decide to have the guys place their nuts on the wooden beam. Unfortunately for Hank, as he’s trying to lower the beam, it comes crashing down on both of his nuts, exploding them both.

In part 4 Carl has his large nuts tested on the beam and we discover they are very strong. Poor Jim fails his nut test, and Bridget arrives from the sporting goods store, ready to present the new One-Out nut cups.

Part 5 has three young men taken to the hospital - Luke, to have surgery on his broken cock, Jim, to fix his ruptured nut, and Hank was SUPPOSED to be taken to the hospital by Bridget and her friend Scott from the sporting goods store, but they get side-tracked by a group of Catholic School girls playing kickball in part 6.

Chapter 10, part 5 - Three Rushed to the Hospital

When Miss H’s boyfriend Hank finally came to, he let out a blood-curdling scream, feeling the after-effect of the full impact of the pain in both his nuts. Nurse Spalding was the first one to race over to him.

“What happened?!” Hank asked with fear in his voice.

“You woke up, silly,” the blonde nurse said.

“Why do my nuts hurt so bad?”

“Oh, I don’t think you’ll need to worry about them anymore,” the nurse said a matter-of-factly.

“Miss Spalding,” the principal whispered, shocked that she wasn’t more empathetic.

“Well, those things are mush,” the nurse said trying to defend her reaction. That only made things worse.

Hank looked down and could see both of his balls bulging out of his Speedo, shocked at the size of them. “Are they… broken?” He started wailing loudly - both from the physical and emotional pain.

By this time Miss H made her way over and took things into her own hands - literally. She bent over, gave Hank a gentle kiss on the cheek, grabbed each nut in her small but powerful hands and squeezed as hard as she could. Hanks eyes bulged from his head as he felt the worse pain he had ever felt. Those standing nearby could hear the crunching of what was left of his nuts. It was a sound none of them would ever forget.

Hank passed out.

“Can someone take him to the hospital for me?” Miss H asked.

“Oh, you can take him,” the principal encouraged, “Those nuts look pretty bad,”

“Precisely,” Miss H answered. “There’s nothing I can do for this sack of mush,” she said cradling Hank’s battered sack. “I’d rather stay here and help test all of these nuts - it seems much more important.”

All of the boys who had the stomach to gather round Hank were treated to their teacher, in her blue thong bikini bottoms and her left breast now barely covered by her white tank top, were thrilled to hear she was staying - despite her enthusiasm for testing their nuts. With that view, it almost didn’t matter. Even at the cost of their nuts.

“You make a good point, those nuts are beyond saving,” Ms Brown emoted. “Perhaps you can be there for him later when he wakes up and discovers that both of them have been cut off. That would probably mean a lot to him. If we can still call him a him.”

That last comment brought a smile to all the ladies gathered round.

“It’s a shame that nice dick will be useless after the surgery,” one mother said, staring at Hank’s package.

Miss H contemplated that statement and said to no one in particular, “Well, this was only our second date so…”

“Hey wait!” Gail, the assistant nurse yelled out to Julie, taking her son Jim out the door with her daughter, Candy - heading to the hospital to try and save his left nut that had just been ruptured by Heather on the beam.

“Any chance you can take one more?”

“We’d love to, but this guy is more than a handful for us,” Julie said, “And if there’s a chance to actually save his nut, I’d like to get him to the hospital right away.”

“I can do it,” Bridget, the cup expert from the sporting goods store said walking over to the group.

“You okay with that?” Ms. Brown asked Miss H.

“Of course,” Miss H answered, “Thank you for doing that.”

“No problem, I’ll text one of my male employees to come help me.”

“Perfect!” Ms. Brown said, “Thank you so much. You, of anyone, know how important this nut testing is for us.”

“Of course I do!" She said, pulling out her phone, "I’ll send you my powerpoint for the demonstration on Friday so you can take a look beforehand.”

“Sounds great, I look forward to it!” The principal said with a smile.

South General Hospital

Eva and her daughter Lacey had laid Luke down in the back of Eva’s SUV. Luke had gone silent, which concerned his mother. “Luke, honey, are you okay back there?” Eva asked her son. There was no response.

“I think he passed out,” Lacey said looking into the back of the vehicle.

“Probably for the better. I’m guessing having your penis broken may be as bad as rupturing a nut,” Eva said to her daughter.

“Yeah, probably a toss-up on that one,” Lacey said with a grin. Looking at the make-shift bandage on her brother’s dick, she couldn’t help but speak out. “Hopefully they can save his cock - it’s a pretty nice one.”

“Lacey!” Eva scolded her daughter. “Watch the language!”

Lacey laughed to herself. She wasn’t being reprimanded for admiring her brother’s large cock, but for what word she used to describe it. That was telling.

“Well, with something that size, penis doesn’t quite cut it. That is a COCK, mother.”

Eva glanced back at the huge appendage sticking out of her’s son’s groin and muttered, “I guess you’re right. That is a cock.” They both chuckled at their mutual agreement.

“What if they have to cut it off?” Lacey asked, genuinely concerned. “We probably should hurry.”

“Oh, that would be awful,” Eva said, pressing down on the gas peddle. “At least he’ll still have his nuts!” Both ladies laughed again.

When they arrived at the hospital they knew time was of the essence and hastily tried to remove him from the SUV. Eva was outside the backdoor, pulling on his arms, and Lacey was inside, trying her best to push him out. The two ladies were having a very difficult time trying to move him. They seemed to have most of his upper torso out the door but were now stuck. In their rush to get him into the hospital they didn’t realize that his still-hard cock had gotten stuck in the doorframe.

“Push, honey!” Eva yelled, “we have to save his cock!”

Even in the heat of the moment, Lacey was tickled that her mother was now calling it a cock.

“I’m pushing as hard as I can!” The daughter yelled from inside.

“Let’s count to three and push our hardest!”

Lacey nodded. Both ladies were now focused on one goal - getting him out of the vehicle.

“Okay, one! Two! Three!” Both ladies gave it their all and then CRACK!!!

Eva fell onto her ass as her son followed, landing right on top of her - missionary style.

Both females jaws’ dropped as they stared at each other.

“Did…we just… break his cock again?” Lacey asked truly terrified at that realization.

They didn’t even have time to contemplate what just happened as two large paramedics arrived to pull Luke off his mother.

“What do we have here? Are you okay ma’am? Are you hurt?”

Eva was speechless at the thought that she broke her son’s cock twice in under an hour.

The paramedics saw the panic in her eyes and rolled Luke off of her. One of the paramedics pulled out his small flashlight and shined it in Eva’s face. “She’s going into shock, let’s get her in right away!”

Without wasting a moment, they grabbed a wheelchair out of the ambulance, pulled Eva up and placed her on it and rushed into the hospital.

Lacey sat, somewhat in shock herself, staring at her brother’s dick, now bent to the right, even with the bandage still on. She snapped herself out of it and ran into hospital.

“Help!” Lacey yelled. “My brother! He’s ahhh…he broke…”

A group of nurses stood in the front entrance of the hospital trying to make sense of her ramblings. “What is it, dear?”

“His COCK!” Was all she could blurt out. “His COCK!”

A couple nurses looked at each other and then noticed Lacey was pointing toward the door. They ran out the door only to see Luke laying on his back, right outside of their SUV, his cock bent to the right.

Somehow the two ladies managed to lift him enough to drag him into the hospital.

“We have another BPC!” One of the nurses shouted out. “Let’s get him to X-rays right away!”

Lacey heard the nurses speaking in code and asked another standing next to her what BPC meant.

The nurse grinned a touch and whispered, “Broken Penis Case.”

“Oh!” Lacey said, somewhat troubled that they had a code for it. “Do you get a lot of these cases here?”

“We specialize in all things related to the male genitalia,” the nurse said with a serious tone. “Whether it’s a ruptured nut - or two - or a broken penis, we are the premiere place in all of North America to give that type of care. Your brother is in good hands.”

“Who are they?” Lacey asked, seeing a large group of young ladies following the gurney that transported her brother.

“Oh, those are our interns - not only do we specialize in broken dicks and balls, we have the world’s largest academy, giving these young ladies a word-class education in the subject.”

“You only admit females to the academy? That seems unfair.”

“Well, it’s not that we don’t allow men, but at a certain point, any male who attended school here would eventually graduate without either one of their nuts.” Lacey’s jaw dropped. “I know,” the nurse said.

“How did that happen?”

“Well, when things would get slow around here it was inevitable that one of our males would suffer an unfortunate ‘accident’ and have either one or both of their nuts injured so bad that we had no choice but to rush them into surgery where our eager nurses would finally have a chance to practice on a real man. Well, at least for the moment, he was a real man. We kept it quiet for a long time, but eventually word got round and now, for some reason (the nurse said with a wink), no guys want to enroll here. The good news is, we have developed such a reputation for being able to fix nuts or cocks that men come from all over to have work done here so there’s not much of a shortage nowadays!”

“That’s pretty cool,” Lacey said, “I might have to look into coming here next year.”

“Oh, that would be wonderful - we would love to have you!” The nurse said, and then paused, “I’m Nurse Smith, do you want to join me to watch how they handle your brother’s case?”

“I’m Lacey, you wouldn’t mind?” Lacey said.

“Of course not. Let’s go.”

“What about my mother?”

“Oh, they’re treating her in a room down the hall. Seems she has suffered a bit of shock. Did she happen to witness him breaking his cock?”

“Yeah, you could say that,” Lacey said, laughing to herself.

X-ray room

“Okay ladies, where are we with this patient?” The head nurse, Caroline Crenshaw asked the group. “Have we properly anesthetized him?”

“He’s had his general and local - he’s good to go!” One of the regular nurses piped up.

“Good, so he’s had a shot right in his cock already?”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Excellent. Good job, ladies,” the head nurse said.

Nurse Smith leaned in and said to Lacey, “When we’re out in the halls, we usually call just call them penises, but in here, we just prefer to call them cocks. Please don’t be offended.”

“Oh, I’m not - it makes sense. But they really give them a shot right in the cock?”

“It depends on the case. With broken cocks like your brother’s, we will every time.”

“What about with broken nuts?” Lacey asked.

“Great question. It’s usually not necessary, but at times, if the guy has a really large cock, we will have an intern administer a shot, just to get them used to handling something so big.”

“Really? Why is that?”

“Oh, in surgery, you’d be surprised how many nurses or surgeons have accidentally slipped with the scalpel when they are confronted with a really big one the first time - it's not pretty, trust me. This way, they are used to handling such a large appendage, if you know what I mean?”

Lacey giggled and nodded her head.

“Besides, unless we forget to give them a local first, they don’t feel the needle in their cock at all.”

“Okay, ladies, what do we see on this set of X-rays?” The head nurse asked.

“Looks like a simple fracture a few inches down from the head of the cock - he shouldn’t lose too much - leaving him with about six inches post surgery.” One student chimed in.

Upon hearing this, Lacey was relived that her brother would be retaining most of his cock and that six inches was still larger than most guys she knew.

“That is true, good job,” the head nurse said, much to the delight of the student. “You can see here a definitive fracture, most likely brought on from blunt trauma from the front,” she said, tracing a long metal pointer along the ridge of the crack. “How can we tell it was from the front, though ladies?”

“You can clearly see the trauma on the underside of the patient’s cock," one student spoke up. "But where it’s really noticeable is when you look at the TOP of his cock and you can see where the appendage actually splintered upward from the force.”

“Very good young lady,” nurse Crenshaw commended the student. “So we will definitely be able to save most of this man’s cock, right?”

“I would think so, yes?” Another student spoke up.

“Ahh, but what about this?” The nurse said, dragging her pointer down to the base of Luke’s cock. The ladies were slightly confused.

“Put up the side view,” the nurse commanded. As soon as they put up the new X-ray there was an audible gasp in the entire room.

“What is this?” Lacey whispered to nurse Smith, but the nurse was too dumbstruck to answer. She actually walked forward, slowly toward the X-ray. “You’re kidding me,” nurse Smith said to no one in particular. “It can’t be…”

“Ladies, take a good look,” nurse Crenshaw piped up. “You have before you, the first ever, double-fractured cock. At least the first since I've been here."

More gasps from the group.

Of course, only nurse Smith knew that the patient was Lacey’s brother. They looked each other in the eye as Lacey’s jaw, once again, slowly fell open in disbelief.

“But how?” One student said almost appalled.

“Another great question,” the head nurse said. “This cock fracture appears to be from the side, as you can see from the splintering on this side of his cock.” She said running the pointer over that area. “I am befuddled. How could a single blow crack a cock in two different places, from two different angles?”

“Maybe it wasn’t a single blow?” One of the students suggested.

“That just can’t be. How could a guy fracture his cock in one place…get up…then have it happen again to another spot on his cock?” Nurse Crenshaw questioned.

“A determined girlfriend?!” One girl shouted to an abundance of laughter. Even the usually stoic head nurse had to smile at that one.

“Until we hear from witnesses, this is going to remain a mystery. But with this second fracture, I’m afraid we have no choice…”

“Another mushroom man?” One of the students asked.

“I’m afraid so. Prep him for surgery.”

“What is mushroom man?” Lacey quietly asked nurse Smith.

“I’m not sure you want to know,” the nurse said.

“What? Please tell me.”

“Well, because of the fracture near the base of his cock, they’re going to have to amputate nearly all of his cock, leaving him with just his head.”

“A mushroom,” Lacey said sadly. I can’t let that happen, Lacey thought to herself. I have to think of something. She followed the group of ladies out into the hall. The head nurse scribbled some notes on a clipboard and put it on Luke’s chest. “Take him to the prep area, I’ll let the surgeon know he’s ready. I’m getting a call about a rupture that’s just come in.”


Candy and her mother Julie managed to get Jim out of the car and into the hospital, though he was wobbling badly, despite their assistance.

“Possible rupture!” One of the nurses up front yelled, seeing the three approaching the front desk. “We better page Nurse Crenshaw!”

When they made it to the front desk the nurse asked, “One or two?”

“Excuse me?” Julie asked, confused.

“Has your son ruptured one or both of his nuts?” She asked

“Both,” Jim slurred, sounding like a drunken sailor.

“No! Just one,” his sister Candy spoke up, not wanting them to discover her handiwork with the needle in his right nut. “He’s a little out of it.” She said laughing.

“Which one?” The nurse asked.

“This one,” Candy said pointing to her brother, misunderstanding the question.

“Which NUT?” The nurse said emphatically.

“Oh, haha, sorry. It’s his left nut,” Candy said, then paused for a moment before asking, “How did you know he ruptured a nut?”

“Honey, we are known for nut repairs around here - we see them every day.”

“So you think you can fix him?” Julie asked with hope in her voice. “The nut is ruptured.”

“Ma’am, we have some of the best nut doctors in the country here at South General. If there’s any place that can fix a rupture, it’s here. Of course, every case is different.”

“Of course,” Julie replied, her hopes now somewhat tempered.

Nurse Crenshaw and Smith arrived to the front desk with a wheelchair and a grin. They truly loved their jobs.

“Is that him?” Nurse Crenshaw asked.

“Yep, left nut. Needs X-rays, though.” The nurse at the front desk said with a smile.

As they started to wheel him down the hall, Candy saw that her mother was busy with paperwork so she ran to catch up with the nurses. “Mind if I tag along?”

“No, not at all,” Nurse Smith said cheerfully. “Your brother?”

“Yeah. Is he going to be okay?”

“We will know a lot more after X-rays.”

“X-rays?” Candy asked sheepishly. “Do you X-ray both nuts or just the injured one?”

The nurse thought it was an unusual question but answered, “Unless his nuts are so big that we can only fit one in the machine, yes, we usually X-ray both. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, no reason,” Candy stumbled to say. “I just really like this kind of medicine.”

“Do you now?” Nurse Smith said playfully. “Exactly what kind of medicine, specifically?”

Candy was caught off guard by the question. “Oh - um - you know, nut medicine. Balls. Anything to do with balls and nuts, ya know.”

“Balls and nuts, eh?” The nurse said with a smirk, “Well, you’re in the right place.”

Candy was starting to get nervous. What if they discover the needle in her brother’s right nut? Will they be able to place it to her? She was beside herself with panic.

The X-rays were completed and put up on the wall of light for all to see. Everyone could see the needle in Jim’s right nut clearly on the lit-up X-ray. Candy’s heart started to race, Oh, shit, she thought.

“Before we talk about the obvious rupture to his left nut, can someone explain to me what went wrong with the local injection?” The head nurse said to the group, somewhat annoyed.

“I don’t know what that is, but I did give a shot to the appropriate nut, I swear,” One of the interns explained.

“Then why do we see a needle in this young man’s right nut?”

Candy was now sweating bullets and was about to confess. She stood up and just before she spoke, Nurse Smith chimed in.

“Obviously, this is yet another prank by one of the male techs. After we made the injection into the right nut, we handed the needle to Frank, the technician. He must have laid the needle on top of our patient’s right nut just before we snapped the photo. Trust me, I’ll find a way to get him back.” All of the ladies in the room knew exactly what she meant and Candy sat back down with a big sigh.

“Anyone want to comment on the reason why we’re here and get past childish pranks?”

One of the interns raised her hand.

“Go ahead,” Nurse Crenshaw directed.

“It would appear to me, by the nature of the large expanse of nut innards coming out of the back of the nut, that this young man had his nut stepped on in some way, causing so much force that the outer tunica ruptured, sending everything out the back of the nut.”

“Very good. And your prognostication?”

“Well, ma’am, I think we can all see that the innards are all now - well - outards. So to speak. I would suggest this nut is beyond repair and should be removed.”

Candy now went from scared shitless, to quite excited, hearing talk of her brother’s nut removal. He’ll still have another one, she thought. Sure, it currently has a needle in it, but at least he still has it!

“And what is that in the middle?” Another student asked. “Is that a tumor?”

“Where?” The head nurse asked.

The student got up and pointed with her finger to the small growth, just above the two nuts. Everyone started to giggle - even the two nurses.

“Ahh, maybe you haven’t covered this in your class yet, but that’s his cock.” The head nurse said with a laugh.

Candy almost lost it. Luckily her laughter was drown out by the uproarious ruckus that erupted in the room.

“That’s his cock?” The young intern asked innocently, squinting her eyes to see it better. “Poor guy.”

“All jokes aside, let’s get him down to surgery. They have a nut to remove.”

More juices poured into Candy’s mound. This might have been better than sliding that needle into his nut, she thought, and she waited for the room to clear.

“You going to be okay in here?” Nurse Smith asked as she was leaving the room.

“I just need a few minutes. I’ll go catch up to my mom in a bit,” Candy said, anxious to get to work on her pussy.

“Okay, I’ll see you after the surgery, I guess.”

“Nurse Smith!” Candy yelled out hoping to stop her. The nurse paused and looked back in the door. “Yes?”

“Can you tell me again what the plan is with my brother?”

“Didn’t you hear?”

“The laughter was kind of loud, I didn’t catch what they were planning to do with him.” Candy said, slowly bringing her hand over her shorts. "Can you explain it to me again? In detail?"

“Well, they discovered your brother’s nut was ruptured…”

“Ah-ha…” Candy groaned.

The nurse could see where this was heading. She had seen it with many a sister before this one. Even some mothers. So she was going to play it up.

“So, the nut was ruptured - really, really bad.” The nurse continued.


“So bad, it basically exploded…”

“Yes, and…”

“Well, the innards were violently expelled from the nut, sending the goo everywhere throughout your brother’s sack.”

“But, couldn’t you… couldn’t you, just - ah - ah fix it?” Candy said panting loudly now.

“Well, most of the time we CAN fix a broken nut, but not this time, I’m afraid.”

“Oh - oh, really?” Pant, pant. “So now what?”

“I’m afraid we’re just going to have to…” the nurse paused to great effect.


“Well, it’s kind of harsh. You really want to know?"

“Uh-huh! And…”

“It looks like we might have to…”

“Might have to what?”

“I’m afraid we’re just going to have to… “


“Remove your brother’s nut.” The nurse smiled and left the room.

She could hear the moans all the way down the hall. Works every time, she thought to herself, a huge smile enveloping her face.


Lacey was now beside herself with fraught. I can’t let them take my brother’s cock! She lamented to herself. But what can I do? She looked around and saw a couple nurses wheeling another young man down the hall. He, too, had a clipboard with the doctor’s orders written on it, sitting on his chest.

Then a light bulb went off.

She made her way over to her brother’s gurney outside the surgery wing. She looked around and saw the nurses were too busy chatting to notice her. She slyly reached down and grabbed the clipboard off her brother’s chest and made her way over to the guy who they just wheeled into the hallway nearby. Quickly, she exchanged the two clipboards and casually walked back over to her brother’s gurney, just as the surgeon was coming out to get her patient.

“What are you doing with that?” The surgeon asked sternly, scaring Lacey who was still holding the clipboard.

“Oh, I was walking by and this fell,” she said, handing the clipboard to the doctor, before she even had a chance to read was it said.

“Fine,” the doctor said curtly and snatched the clipboard from her.

I wonder what I just signed my brother up for? She thought to herself. Well, it can't be worse than losing his cock! Guess we'll find out!

Chapter 10, part 6 - Kickball

Bridget’s employee from the sporting goods store, Scott pulled up to the high school parking lot, agreeing to help her get Hank to the hospital. He was taken aback by the condition of Hank’s nuts. “Obviously, he wasn’t wearing one of our regular nut cups?” He whispered to Bridget as they carried him out to his car.

“Yeah poor guy didn’t have any nut cup on, just this little swimsuit,” she said.

“Ouch,” Scott reacted.

On their drive over to the hospital Bridget explained how she scored a big PR opportunity when the school agreed to let her demonstrate the new One-Out nut cups on Friday.

“That’s great,” Scott said, “But have you even had a chance to test those things yet?”

“Stop the car!” Bridget commanded. “Shit. I haven’t had a chance yet. Where am I going to find a guy to let me test his nuts before Friday?”

Scott grinned, reached into his shorts and pulled out a nut cup.

“You’re wearing a cup?”

“One thing I’ve learned from working with you is that you can never be too protective of your nuts.”

Bridget laughed and shoved him on the shoulder. “Smart kid. If I was a dude I’d wear one EVERYWHERE. Let me see that.”

Scott handed her his cup. “Oooh, warm - I love that,” she said, then she held it up to her nose.

“What are you doing?” Scott asked incredulously.

“Man, I don’t know what it is, but I love the smell of these things - especially fresh out of the jock.” Then she turned it upside down, so the narrow part was pointing up, and held it against her face. Scott couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Luke, I am your father!” Bridget said, mimicking Darth Vader, talking through the cup and laughing her ass off.

“Oh, man - that’s pretty good,” Scott said joining in the laughter. “But can I have my cup back?”

“I know I’m weird, but you’re still going to volunteer your nuts for me, right?”

“Of course, I know how much these new nut cups mean to you - I’ve never seen someone so passionate about their work.”

“Yes! I'm glad you see that. This could be revolutionary! Imagine a self defense class where women can kick actual nuts and get an authentic - I mean really authentic - reaction from the pain he’s feeling, so they know just how effective their strike is. And the guy gets to keep at least one of his nuts! I’d say that’s a win-win.” Bridget said, now beaming with pride.

“See, look at your face!” Scott said, “THAT is why I’m willing to test this cup for you. You’re so passionate! Besides, how bad can it really hurt?”

“What? You’ve never been hit there?”

“In the nuts? No. But how bad can it be?”

“Well, the guy who I kicked in my dojo last week threw up after just one of my kicks!”

“Yeah, but I bet he wasn’t wearing a cup?”

“Oh, he was! And he still threw up!”

Scott didn’t even react as he was now obviously distracted by something across the street.

“What are you looking at?” Bridget asked.

“Who are they?” He responded, staring at a group of girls coming out of a church.

“Looks like a team of some sort,” Bridget responded. “And look at those cute skirts.”

“Oh, I’m looking.” He rolled down his window to get a better view.

There were about 15 girls and one coach and they were headed for the softball field only a few yards away from their car. They all had on matching white sweaters and blue and white plaid skirts - some of them rather short. When they arrived at the field they pulled out two red rubber balls, each about 12 inches in diameter.

“Okay ladies, line up! Let’s practice kicking the balls!” The coach yelled out, not realizing she had an audience.

“They’re playing kickball!” Bridget said excitedly. “That’s so funny!”

One by one, the coach rolled the red balls from the pitcher’s mound for the girls to kick. “You can do better than that, Margaret!” The coach instructed. “Harder! If we’re going to be competitive in this league you MUST kick the balls harder!”

Bridget couldn’t help but laugh.

“You say you want to help me test these cups? Well, here’s your chance!”

“Wait, what?” Scott said confused.

“This is perfect. I mean, c’mon, they’re playing kickball.” She leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Kick…ball.”

Scott turned his attention away from the girls and looked at Bridget. Slowly a smile came across his face. “I did say I’d help you with this.”

“Here, put this on, then meet me on the field,” she said, handing him one of the One-Out nut cups.

“What about him?” He said, gesturing to Hank still passed out in the back seat.

“He ain’t going anywhere,” she said getting out of the car. “I’m going to get some nut cup testers!”

Bridget ran across the street and explained to the girls and the coach the help she needed and even from inside the car, Scott could tell by their reaction that they were up to for the challenge. There were LOTS of smiles.

It took him a while, but he finally got out of this shorts and jockstrap and put on the new jock and cup that had his left nut hanging out. He took a look down after he got it on in the front seat and was amazed at how much his left nut hung outside the cup. He pulled up his shorts and cautiously headed toward the softball diamond.

“Is that him?” One of the girls said excitedly.

“It is,” Bridget said, admiring just how good Scott looked in this tight T-shirt and loose blue nylon running shorts.

“He’s cute!” Another girl squeaked. “And his shorts match our uniforms!”

It was probably lost on the girls, but Bridget could definitely tell Scott’s left nut was out as she could see it, even under his shorts, swaying back and forth with every step he took. Now she felt a little tingling under her shorts knowing what lay ahead.

“Ladies, this is my employee, Scott,” she said.

“Scott, this is the all-senior St. Mary’s kickball team and their coach, Sister Anne Moline.”

He couldn’t believe the coach was a NUN, she looked so young and she didn’t wear the old-school nun clothing, only a white button down shirt and a mid-length solid blue skirt.

“He works for you doing THIS?” One of the girls asked, causing some giggles in the group.

“Well, he doesn’t really do this for me - per se - but he works for me down at Schuler’s Sporting Goods.”

“Isn’t that the place with all of the nut cups?” One girl asked. “My brother goes there for his nut cups!”

“That’s the place,” Bridget said with a proud smile. “If any of your brother’s need nut cups, send ‘em my way!”

“My parents won’t let my brothers wear nut cups,” a cute blonde girl spoke up. “Says they’re against God’s will.”

“Really?” Bridget said somewhat taken aback. “I hope they still have all of their nuts - how many are there?”

“Three,” the girl responded.

“You have three brothers? Wow.” Bridget asked.

“No ma’am, three nuts,” she said. Bridget looked confused.

“I have four brothers. And between the four of them, they have three nuts left.”

“Oh, I see,” Bridget said, looking over at Scott, the two of them trying not to break out into laughter. “Can I ask how that happened?”

“Oh, it’s quite a story,” Sr. Anne said with a smile. "I'm sure she'll share it with you."

“Well, the first brother, lost one of his nuts playing football,” she said, bending a finger back, trying to keep track of the missing nuts. “The second brother lost one playing church softball - a bad hop when he was playing third base.” The girls all cringed at that one. As did Scott.

“I bet he did some praying that day,” one of her teammates yelled out to much laughter.

The blonde pulled another finger back and continued, “The third brother lost one in the high hurdles in track - guess the hurdle was just a little too high,” she said laughing.

“So your fourth brother must have lost both?” Bridget asked. “How did that happen?”

“I’m a bit embarrassed at that one,” the girl said dropping her head in a cute sort of shame.

“Well, you gotta tell us!!” Bridget encouraged.

The girl hesitated.

“Go on, Margaret,” the nun said, “It’s okay to share it.”

“Most of these girls know this one. It’s hard for me to talk about, but I guess I can tell you, since this is kind of your field.” The girls started pushing each other and laughing at the story they knew was coming. “I was getting ready for Prom and my brother was home from college. Well, I asked him for help putting my high heels on. I mean, I never wear heels, I’m more of a jock. So, he was sitting on the floor of my bedroom with his legs spread, these baggy shorts on. We got the first one on just fine - I mean - it took a little bit, and I was a little wobbly, but once I got my bare foot down on the floor I was fine. But then we had to put the second shoe on…”

Her teammates were now laughing and shoving each other a bit more. Smiling at what was coming next.

“Ladies, let her tell it,” Sr. Anne said, admonishing the girls.

“So, the second shoe was a little more tricky - because now I had to balance myself on TWO of these things. And I DON’T wear heels.” She looked over at her friends and tried hard not to laugh - even though they all were by now. “So my brother gets my second heel on and just as he lets go, both my ankles start wobbling. And I have no way of balancing myself - I’m in the middle of my bedroom! So. To try to gain my balance I step my left foot back - and I didn’t see what happened - but I sure did hear it. POP!” The girls burst out laughing. “Stop it!” She yells to her friends, now doing a horrible job of stifling her laughter herself.

“So you popped one of his nuts with your left foot - then what?” Bridget asked, also trying to hold back a smile.

“Well, so, even though I popped that one, I was still standing on it and let me tell you, it’s not easy to balance yourself, even on a deflated nut! So that ankle starts to bend outwards - and I can hear the nut now crunching under that heel - that was almost worse than the popping sound.”

“I love that part!” One of the girls yells out.

“Do you want me to finish or not?” The blonde teasingly admonishes her friend.

“Go on, go on!” Another yells out.

“So I’m crunching his left nut - and I can FEEL it tearing all of the ligaments, or whatever it is in those things, and now I’m trying to regain my balance, so I step my right foot back, only this time, that shoe comes off, on account of him not fastening it properly, and my left foot now lifts from his left nut, I twist my body trying all I can to avoid his other nut, but he scoots over at the last second, we look at each other - I could see the terror in his eyes - and it all happened so fast, and I really did try to avoid his other nut, but when he moved, my heel came straight down with the full weight of my body, squarely on his right nut.” She paused and looked over at Bridget, whose heart was now racing at the yarn being spun in front of her. “That one was worse for two reasons. One - I could feel every ounce of pulp coming out of that nut as my heel flattened it out on the floor.” She paused again.

“And the second reason?” Bridget asked, wetting her lips.

The girl looked up from staring at the ground. “It’s one thing to take one of your brother’s nuts - I mean, I’ll admit, I’ve dreamed of doing it - sorry sister,” she said looking over at her coach. “But when my bare heel landed on his second nut, and I felt it splatter, I knew I just took away my brother’s manhood. And I’ll have to live with that the rest of my life.”

“Oh, you poor dear,” Bridget said, coming over to console her.

“We prayed for her for hours at church,” Sr. Anne said to Bridget. “I don’t know how she got through that.”

“Well, you don’t have to participate in any kicking today, if you don’t feel up to it.” Bridget said.

The girl stepped back from their embrace, put both of her hands on Bridget’s shoulders and said, “Oh, I’m fine. As a matter of fact,” she paused and looked around to see who was listening, “I kind of liked it.” She made eye contact with the nun - then quickly looked away in shame.

“Well, let’s have you start then…” Bridget said, drawing out her last word, as if asking her name.

“Margaret! I’m Margaret. I’d love to start the testing! I'm excited to see how these cups work!"

“Let’s go over by home plate - you know, to get you in the kicking mood,” Bridget said looking over at Sr. Anne - they both shared a smile.

As they walked over, Bridget noticed all of the girls were wearing cleats. They were there to practice, after all, so that made sense. But she had a feeling Scott might be a little sore after this experiment.

Bridget guided Margaret over to Scott, who was now standing on home plate. When they stopped right in front of Scott, Bridget put her hands on Margaret’s shoulders from behind, leaned in and whispered, “Okay, is left nut is hanging out of the cup. But put that out of your mind and just kick him like he’s about to attack you. Just aim dead-on straight to both nuts.”

“Sure, but isn’t it kind of weird that he’s just standing there? Wouldn’t he be at least stepping toward me? Like an attacker?”

“Great point,” Bridget responded, “Hey, Scotty, can you step your right foot forward and bring both hands up?”

“Like this?” He asked. And his step forward brought his left nut even further out of the cup - hanging, vulnerable, ripe for the kicking.

And without any warning, Margaret took one determined step forward with her left foot, planted it, then swung her right foot up with such force that Scott didn’t have a chance to think about what was taking place.

“OOOOF!” Scott grunted, collapsing in a lump down to the dusty ball field.

“That was great!” Margaret squealed, grabbing the hem of her skirt in excitement while standing over her victim.

Bridget, concerned at how quickly her helper dropped from that kick, went over to check in on him. She squatted next to him, placing her hand on his shoulder. He was in the fetal position, his hands on his left nut, his breathing consisting of short, rapid intakes.

“Just breathe, my dear,” she said soothingly.

Scott peeked up, trying not to act too traumatized. Upon glancing up, he got an eyeful of Margaret’s shiny satin blue panties under her skirt, that she was still holding onto in excitement. It momentarily eased his pain.

“I know it hurts, but I have to ask you, how does your RIGHT nut feel?” Bridget asked.

Scott slowed his breathing, kept one eye on Margaret’s panties, and mentally assessed his un-kicked nut. Then he released his grip on his left nut and rolled onto his back, and looked up at Bridget. “Ya know, it feels just fine,” he said with a smile, knowing how much that meant to his colleague.

She smiled back and reached out a hand to help him up.

Scott gingerly got to his feet and looked at the sea of smiling 18-year-old girls, giving him even more satisfaction, knowing he was helping not only his good friend, but all of them. Even the nun was clapping for what just happened.

“Bridget, I can see you’re smiling. Did this nut cup work?” One of the girls asked.

With that, Bridget stepped in front of Scott, squatted directly in front of him, reached up with both hands to grab the waist band of his shorts and by instinct, Scott grabbed her hands to stop her. She looked up into his eyes and whispered, “Trust me.”

The nun looked on with a curious eye.

Scott nodded his head and released his grip on Bridget’s hands. She slowly lowered his shorts, revealing the new style nut cup, and much to the delight of the girls, his swollen left nut. Some of the girls elbowed each other, slightly aghast at what they were seeing.

“I would say it was a smashing success,” Bridget said, now taking a knee on Scott’s left side so they could all clearly see the jock and nut hanging out. “As you can see, his left nut is slightly swollen and bruised even.”

“You can see my cleat marks!” Margaret yelled out enthusiastically.

“Yes, yes you can,” Bridget said as she held the nut hanging out from the cup. “It looks like the front of your shoe must have two cleats - I can see both marks right here,” she said pressing on the two marks, causing Scott to wince in pain. “And can you see the redness and swelling of this nut? If we were to compare it to…” Just as Bridget was about to pull down Scott’s entire jockstrap - revealing everything - Sr. Anne stepped over and put her hand on her shoulder.

Whispering in her ear the nun said, “All of these girls are virgins, I think we’ve seen enough nudity for the day.”

Bridget blushed and stood up quickly. “Oh, yes, of course. I’m terribly sorry.” Then she turned to the team and continued. “If we were to compare this nut to his other nut, you would see quite a difference!” Bridget told the girls.

“Can’t we see the other nut?” One girl asked, seemingly asking for the whole group who looked on with rapt anticipation.

“Ladies, that would be highly inappropriate,” the nun chastised them. “We will just have to take Bridget’s word for it. Besides, she is an expert in this field.”

A look of disappointment befell all of their faces.

“I’ll tell you what, how about I feel his right nut and report back the results?” Bridget bargained, looking over at Sr. Anne. The nun nodded her head.

The girls all gathered tighter to witness this woman feel up a boys’ nuts - something none of them had experienced at this point of their young lives. Bridget positioned herself slightly behind Scott’s right side, giving all of the girls an unimpeded view. Scott stood there, still in his One-Out jockstrap - his swollen left nut throbbing. Bridget placed her left hand on his shoulder and slowly brought her right hand over to the bottom of his T-shirt. She lifted the shirt up a few inches to get a better view, exposing the lower half of Scott’s tight abs. The girls swooned at the sight. She let go of the shirt and slowly and dramatically ran her hand down his abs, past his hairy navel, her fingertips disappearing under the top part of his jockstrap.

The girls were mesmerized.

Further and further her hand descended.

“I bet she can totally feel his thing right now,” one of the girls said, drawing a glare from their coach.

Hearing that, Bridget looked up at the group with a wry smile. She let her hand linger for a few moments. The girls were wide-eyed - you could practically hear their collective hearts racing. Even Sr. Anne was caught up at the sight.

Bridget lowered her hand even more. The girls could now tell she was cupping Scott’s right nut. Bridget looked up toward the sky as she rolled the nut around in her hand, assessing its size.

“Now turn your head and cough,” one of the girls quipped, breaking the tension as they all burst out laughing. Sr. Anne had to turn her back to the group as she laughed hysterically at the comment. Bridget was glad to see the nun had a sense of humor about it.

“This nut is definitely much smaller than the left one,” Bridget noted. “But that’s the ONLY small thing down here!” She announced to more uproarious laughter. The nun, however, did not find that amusing.

Bridget pulled her hand out of the jock, reached down and picked up Scott’s blue shorts and handed them to her accomplice, hoping to gain back some favor from the nun.

“So as you can see, the cup did exactly what we were hoping,” Bridget said, pointing to Scott’s groin. “It gave Margaret a realistic reaction from her “attacker” (she said using air quote), and it protected his right nut quite nicely. Margaret, would you like to try a second kick?”

“Does the Pope fuck altar boys?!!” Margaret responded, momentarily forgetting her coach was standing right next to her.

“Margaret Mary!” Sr. Anne said raising her voice.

“Sorry Sister,” she said avoiding eye contact.

“Well, okay, then,” Bridget said. “Let’s have you step on over to Scott,” she said, giving the girl a push toward her assistant.

“This would be a lot easier if I could see his nut,” Margaret said, glancing over to her coach.

The nun knew she was right, but didn’t want these girls exposed to any more nudity. She went over to Scott, stood behind him, grabbed either side of his shorts at the hip and tugged them up, causing the shorts to hug the nut tightly.

“Maybe a little more?” Margaret asked as nicely as she could.

The nun stepped around to the front of Scott and to everyone’s dismay, she reached out her right hand and cupped Scott’s left nut to get a good idea where the nut was positioned in the shorts. Without saying a word, she went back around to the back and tugged up on the shorts once again. The girls watched closely, hoping the nut might drop out of the shorts. Slowly they could see the nut getting closer and closer to the edge of the nylon shorts. Just as it seemed it might pop out, the nun stopped.

Again, she positioned herself in front of the young man, reached out, cupped his nut yet again, and then stepped back and put her hands one her hips, saying, “Perfect. Margaret, he’s all yours.”

Amused by what just happened, Bridget stepped over to the girl, place both hands on her shoulders, and quietly coached her. “Now you have a pretty good idea where that naughty nut is. Remember, we want him to feel this kick. Getting a reaction is why we are testing this nut cup in the first place. Give it your all.”

“But what if I pop him?” She asked innocently.

“Now that is a possibility - especially after what you did on that first kick,” Bridget said, “But I want you to put that out of your mind. Remember, his right nut is very well protected. If you pop his left, you pop his left. He’ll be just fine - and still be able to have kids.”

“A guy can still have kids with a popped nut?” The girl asked.

“Oh, yes, of course!” Bridget said, “Now go kick him. Kick him HARD.”

With a renewed confidence, Margaret stepped over to Scott and eyed him up. Scott was now getting nervous. He had time to recover from the first kick, but he could see the look in the girl’s eyes who was now just a foot in front of him and he started to get scared.

“That looks pretty swollen,” Margaret said, pointing to his left nut.

Scott looked down at his nut and then didn’t know what hit him. The young lady unleashed a kick so hard that it actually lifted him off the ground. His knees buckled as he started falling forward. Luckily, Margaret was ready as she squatted down and caught the boy who was a good six inches taller than her. She gently lowered him to the ground as her teammates all rushed over to congratulate her, ignoring the fact that the boy had totally passed out.

“That was so great!” One of the girls said, tussling her hair from behind.

“You had to have popped that nut!” Another yelled.

“Yeah, but he does have another!” Yet another girl chimed in, causing the group to laugh.

Scott started to come to, but all he could do was groan. Amid all of the congratulating, no one could hear him stirring on the ground, even Bridget was over patting Margaret on the back, praising her for such a solid kick.

Though in a fog and in great pain, Scott at the very least had the luxury of seeing up many of their skirts. One after another, as they came to pat her on the back, her teammates stepped over Scott to get to Margaret. Each of them sporting the same shiny blue panties - they must be part of the uniform, he thought to himself. One girl got stuck straddling Scott’s prostrate body, waiting her turn to talk to Margaret and Scott didn’t mind one bit as this one decided not to wear any underwear at all that day - and she was completely shaved! This skirt seemed a little bit different than the others, though. A little longer. And it wasn’t plaid. Just solid blue.

Then he heard the nun’s voice. She was standing directly over him. It was HER! Holy shit! He thought. Then laughed at himself for the pun. And she didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave her spot.

Even when Bridget finally made it down on her knees to check on Scott, the nun stood firm, holding her ground directly over him.

Bridget reached out and gently cupped his very swollen nut, causing him to wince.

“Oh good, you’re conscience. How are you feeling?”

Scott tried hard to conceal his smile. “How can you be smiling right now?” Bridget asked, “That’s one of the hardest nut kicks I’ve ever seen.”

Scott lifted his head slightly off the ground, “I’ll…I’ll…” He could barely talk as he squeaked out some words. “I’ll tell…you…later. How’s…my… nut?”

Bridget kept probing the nut but didn’t feel any signs of rupture.

“It must be some sort of miracle, it’s still in one piece,” she told Scott, who breathed out and dropped his head back on the dusty field.

Seeing he was now awake, Sr. Anne, nonchalantly stepped away. Margaret saw that he was now awake and ran to be by his side.

“Did it rupture?!” She asked Bridget, while kneeling next to Scott, who was now joined by Sr. Anne as well.

“By some miracle it is not ruptured,” Bridget said. “Matter of fact, it seems to be just fine - well, except for some pretty good swelling.”

Sr. Anne reached out and stroked Scott’s hair. “The Lord works in mysterious ways,” she said, now looking into Scott’s eyes.

“Margaret, can you go get my duffle bag over there?” Bridget asked the young lady.

“Sure!” She said and was there and back in moments.

Inside, she had an instant ice-pack, the ones that get cold as soon as you break them up. “Here, put this on your nut - it should help with the swelling.” Bridget instructed.

“Oh, hey! Another one of those jocks!” Margaret said, reaching into Bridget’s duffle bag. She started inspecting it, inside and out. “This is such a great invention, how many have you sold?”

“Well, it’s brand new and we haven’t really gotten any takers yet. But I’m giving a presentation this Friday at Washington High School, hoping the school will want to buy a few dozen.”

“Oh, that sounds fun!” Margaret said. “What time does that start?”

“Why, do you want to come?”

“Hell yes! That would be amazing!”

“It starts at 7 pm. But maybe you can come by earlier and I can have you be a part of the presentation.”

“Really what would I do?!!”

“Exactly what you just did today.”

“Kick Scott’s nuts?!”

“Well, it probably won’t be Scott’s nuts - I doubt he’d want to volunteer after what happened here today. But it will be some guys nuts you’ll get to kick.”

“Awesome! Count me in!” Margaret said, looking at the jockstrap in her hand. “Why do you have two of these with you?”

“Well, what do you notice about this cup?” Bridget asked.

Margaret studied it further. Then shrugged her shoulders.

“What side is the opening in the jock?”

Margaret looked at the device again. Then she got a broad smile on her face. “Ohhhhhhh! I see this one lets his right nut hang out! Cool!”

“That’s right.”

“You gonna wear this for us today?” She asked Scott, flashing a million-dollar smile.

“Oh, don’t be silly,” Sr. Anne said, grabbing the cup away from her student. “The boy has been through enough today. His nut couldn’t take any more kicks. Especially from you!”

“Well,” Bridget chimed in. “The cup would actually protect his left nut quite well. It’s just a matter of him being okay with us kicking his right nut this time.”

All three ladies turned their heads to Scott, anticipating an answer. He paused.

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeease,” Margaret said, placing her hand on his thigh.

“It couldn’t hurt, I guess,” Scott said.

“Oh, but it could, son,” the nun said, once again showing her sense of humor.

“Help me up and direct me to a place I can change and I’ll do it,” Scott said to the dismay - and delight - of the three ladies.

“I’ll show you where the locker room is,” Sr. Anne said, reaching down a hand to help him up.

The other girls saw them walking toward the school, which was attached to the church and asked where they were going.

“He’s going to put on the cup that has his right nut out - we get to kick that nut next!” Margaret said with glee.

“You’re shitting me!” One girl said. “I thought you almost neutered him!”

“No, he just passed out, but he’s okay, right Bridget?”

“Yeah, he seems to be just fine. A little swollen, but he said he’s up for another round.”

“That’s awesome!” The girl said, Turing toward her teammates who all cheered.

Chapter 10, part 7 - Kickball Locker Room

“You’re a very brave young man, helping Bridget out like this,” the nun said, putting her hand on his back, escorting him to the locker room inside the school.

“She’s been a great boss,” Scott said, a twinkle in his eye. “And her passion for these new nut cups is inspiring.”

“Well, these cups will help a lot of women in that school - and you offering your nuts like this is very brave. You’re doing God’s work."

“Oh, it’s not that big of a deal. She’d do the same for me,” he paused knowing how silly that sounded, “well, if she had nuts, haha!”

“Haha, you are something else. Not many guys would endure such pain to their most delicate organs to help a friend like you’re doing. It’s such a Christian thing to do. If there’s any way I can help you on this mission, please just let me know,” She said, kissing him on the forehead.

Scott looked at the nun, smiled and simply said, “thank you.”

“Ah, here we are,” Sr. Anne said, stopping outside the locker room.

“Ummm, that says ‘Women’s’,” Scott said.

“Yes, dear. This is an all-girls school, we only have women’s facilities. Don’t worry, it’s Sunday, there won’t be anyone in there,” the nun assured him. “Go ahead. The sooner you get that other jockstrap on, the sooner you can go help those girls!”

Scott hesitated, but entered the room. “Hello?” He said announcing his presence. There was no response so he slowly penetrated the locker room, the smell of perfume and fresh shampoo filled the air. So this is what a girls’ locker room smells like, he thought to himself as he looked around. There were many open lockers with various articles of clothing strewn everywhere. And so many bras hanging on the edges of the lockers. They must wear different bras for kickball, he thought to himself - makes sense, I guess.

Having never been in a girls’ locker room before, Scott was beside himself with the sights and smells bombarding his senses. He reached out and felt the fabric of one of the bras. “So soft,” he said aloud. And they were everywhere. He was surrounded by colorful, sexy bras. He walked around feeling many of the bras - some were lace, some satin, some had molded cups that he wrapped his hand around, getting a feel for just how big the owner’s breasts must be.

Then he noticed all of the lockers had panties hanging from hooks. Why would they wear different panties for kickball, he asked himself. Then he remembered all of the shiny blue panties he saw from under their skirts - they were part of their uniforms, of course, he thought*.*

He saw all kinds of panties as well. Some were regular white cotton panties, but many were a bit risqué, and some very small. There were satin thongs, high-cut styles, briefs, hip-huggers, and some were transparent even, leaving little to the imagination. Finally, the temptation got to be too much and he reached out and grabbed a pair of beautiful pink lace panties and held it up to his face. He could smell the wonderful aroma of a woman. He took a deep breath in, lost in the scent.

“Everything going okay in there?” Sr. Anne yelled, startling Scott, his heart dropping from the interruption.

“Yeah, I’m almost ready,” he lied.

He took one more large breath in of the panties in his hand and begrudgingly placed them back on the hook. He took a hold of his blue shorts and slid them down to the floor. Then he heard a weird noise from a locker bay a couple bays over from his. Cautiously, he tipped-toed over to see what it was.

Sr. Anne assured him that there wouldn’t be anyone else in the locker room, so he thought it was probably nothing, but worth checking out.

When he got to the locker bay where he heard the noise, he slowly peeked his head around the corner and couldn’t believe what he saw - it was a girl, wrapped in a towel, sitting on the bench in front of an open locker, wearing headphones and painting her toenails.

Shit! What do I do? He thought to himself. But by the time he made a decision, the girl spotted him, screamed, and ran over to him, tearing her headphones off in the process. Scott froze in terror as the girl aggressively approached him. Her sudden movement caused the towel to completely drop about five feet in front of him. As her lithe figure, still wet from a recent shower, perky breasts and trimmed pubic hair stormed toward him, all he could do was drink in the beautiful sight and brace for what was about to happen.

BAM!! The nymph unleashed a solid front kick to his unprotected left nut. Scott slammed against locker to his right, hitting his head pretty hard.

“What are you doing in here?!!” The girl screamed standing over him, oblivious to her nakedness. “Who are you?!!!”

Hearing the commotion, Sr. Anne burst into the locker room.

The girl was still very upset and had her right foot held high, about to stomp hard down on Scott’s nut.

“Sarah, wait!” The nun yelled, causing the girl to pause with her foot high in the air, giving Scott a glorious view of her beautiful snatch.

“Sr. Anne? What’s going on?”

“Put your foot down, and I can explain.”

The girl started to bring her foot down, but right above Scott’s groin.

“Not on his nut!” The nun yelled out.

“Why not? This creep was spying on me - here in the locker room!”

“It’s not what it looks like,” the nun attempted to explain. “I gave him permission to be in here. Now please move your foot away from his nut.”

Sarah stepped back, put her hands on her hips and said, “Okay, this better be good. I was about to give this guy a sex change.”

The nun ran over to Scott who was still laying on the floor, clutching his nut in pain.

“How you doing, honey?” The nun asked, genuinely concerned. “Move your hand, let me see.”

Scott reluctantly took both of his hands away from his groin.

“It doesn’t look too bad,” the nun said reaching out to check on it. She rolled it around in her hand for a couple of seconds, much to the dismay of Sarah, who was watching this with her jaw dropped low. “Everything still seems to be intact. Sarah, can you go get some ice from the machine over there. And put some clothes on!”

Sarah stood there flabbergasted.

“Hurry!” The nun said, “He’s starting to swell!”

The girl took a few steps to her locker, grabbed her purple thong, pulled it on, then ran over to the ice machine, her perky breasts bouncing in a most delightful way.

“Here you go,” Sarah said handing the ice pack to Sr. Anne. “Now can you explain to me what’s going on? And what in the world is he wearing?”

“It’s a long story,” the nun started, “but this brave young man is helping a friend test these jockstraps so that women all over the country can become better at defending themselves.”

“Test them? How?”

“He has volunteered to have girls kick him in the nuts, wearing this new jockstrap. Do you see how his left nut is completely out of the cup?” Sarah nodded. “Well, that allows women to kick him, see how effective their kicks are, all while protecting his other nut.”

“Ahhhh, I see,” Sarah said, “That’s a pretty cool invention. And I think I did get his left nut pretty good."

“Before we came in here, he was out at the ball field, allowing our kickball team to kick him there, in his nut, and all for his friend who is trying to market this device to help women everywhere.”

Standing there in just her purple thong, Sarah’s mood quickly changed. “Wow, you have volunteered your nuts…” she paused, “to help us women? That’s so wonderful. But why is he in here, again?”

“Oh, yes. Well, you see the jock he has on now? That one allows for his left nut to be kicked,” then the nun stood up, went and grabbed the other one, “And this one,” she said holding it up, “will allow the girls to kick his right nut.”

“So he just had his left nut kicked by the team and now he’s going to go back out there and let them kick his right nut?”

“Precisely,” the nun responded.

“Wow, that takes - um - balls." She said with a laugh. "I think you just became my new hero. Anything I can do to help?”

“Well, I suppose we can help him get out of this jock and into the other one,” Sr. Anne said.

So the two women reached out a hand and hoisted him from the floor. Scott was loving the attention and why wouldn’t he? To his left was a gorgeous, nearly naked co-ed, and to his right was a beautiful, albeit, spoken for, woman - both lovingly helping him with the task at hand.

“You seem to be a bit shaky still. How about we have Sarah hold you up and I can change out the two jockstraps?” The nun suggested. Scott merely nodded his head in approval.

So Sarah got closer to the young man, wrapping her hands around his left arm, pressing her naked breasts against him while Sr. Anne got down on both knees to take off his jock.

The nun grabbed the top of the strap at both sides of his hips and started lowering it down. She didn’t get far when it abruptly stopped, causing Scott to wince in pain.

“Ohhh, you okay, honey?” The nun asked concerned.

“That felt weird,” he said. “What happened?”

“Well,” the nun said, attempting to pull the jock down again. “It seems…” she said, pulling harder, causing Scott to wince yet again, “It seems…it…might be…” she continued pulling, “I think it’s stuck,” she said, looking over at Sarah, causing both of them to laugh at the predicament.

“Let me take a look,” Sr. Anne said, letting go of the jock. “Hmmmm,” she said, now holding his nut in one hand and the cup part of the device in the other. “It looks as though the swelling isn’t allowing your nut to pass through the hole in the cup.”

“Can’t you just push the nut through?” Sarah asked, trying to be of some help.

“Well, it's pretty swollen. There’s a good chance I could pop the nut if I did that - which would be very uncomfortable - but it could work, I guess. You okay with that, Scotty?” She asked.

“I trust you, Sister. Do what you have to do,” he said looking down at her.

“But what if it pops?!” Sarah asked, now very concerned with what she proposed.

“If it pops, it’s just God’s will, Sarah. I think we can all live with that,” the nun said.

“I guess you’re right. Like you have taught us many times. Sometimes God’s will hurts.”

“Exactly, young lady. Very good,” then she looked up at Scott. “Okay, brace yourself. This might hurt.”

Scott closed his eyes while Sarah pulled him tighter, enveloping his arm with both of her naked breasts. He was at once delighted and scared shitless. It’s just one nut, he thought to himself, and tried his best to focus on the topless girl squeezing him tight.

Sr. Anne placed both of her thumbs onto Scott’s left nut, then curved her fingers around the edge of the top of the nut cup. She looked up at Scott, hoping to get a sign of approval, but he still had his eyes closed. Without any more hesitation she started pushing with her thumbs and simultaneously pulling with her fingers. She could see it was going to be an arduous task. But she was determined to free that nut.

Scott was clenching his teeth in agony as the nun pressed down hard on his nut. Sara looked on in extreme empathy, now rubbing her breasts up and down his arm. The sensation causing a stirring in her loins. A wet spot started to form on her purple panties.

The nun continued to press down - hard. Sweat was forming over both her and Scott’s forehead. Even through Scott’s grunts you could hear a tearing in his nut, almost like celery being twisted apart - this excited Sarah even more and started to concern Sr. Anne.

“You doing alright?” She asked Scott, but got no response. Finally after one more significant push on the nut, the nun let go and plopped down on the floor in exasperation.

Scott let out a breath of relief. If you can call it relief as he was still in a great deal of pain.

“That is one tough nut,” she said. “It’s not budging.”

“What now?” Sarah asked.

“I don’t know how we’re going to get that nut through that hole.”

“Well, how are we going to get him back out there so they can kick his other nut? We can’t let this little set-back stop him from helping.” Sarah asked, worried her hero would no longer be able to help.

“What if we used some sort of lubrication to free the nut?” The nun asked.

“That’s a great idea!” Sarah said excitedly. “I’ll go grab some shampoo from my locker!”

As she turned to go to her locker, Scott got a fantastic view of her perfect, round, yet firm ass and the stirring in his cock did not help matters much. Then she turned around with the shampoo and seeing her full body from a distance, Scott was quickly falling in love.

“Here, try this,” Sarah said, handing the bottle over to her teacher.

Sr. Anne grabbed the bottle, knelt in front of Scott and looked up to him. “You ready to try this again?”

“The girls are waiting for us, we better get going!” Scott said.

“You ARE my hero,” Sarah said as she gave him a peck on the cheek.

Sr. Anne, so proud of Scott’s response, was determined to make this work. She poured some shampoo into her right hand and brought it up to Scott’s swollen nut. Before touching it, she looked over to Sarah and explained, “This is God’s work, what we’re doing here. No need to be ashamed. If he can sacrifice his nuts, we can certainly help him out in any way we can.” Sarah nodded her head in approval.

Focusing on the task at hand, the nun placed her hand on Scott’s nut. A little shock went through her body. It had been quite a while since she last touched a man. I’m doing God’s work, she reminded herself as she gently rubbed the shampoo onto the young man’s nut.

Once sufficiently coated with the make-shift lube, Sr. Anne once again placed her two thumbs on Scott’s now red nut. “Ready?” She asked. Scott nodded.

The nun pushed hard with her thumbs only to find they both slid violently over the nut, landing squarely on the cords at the top of the nut. The sudden pain caused him to wildly jerk his body, nearly sending the nun tumbling over.

“Whoa! Sorry about that,” Sr. Anne said. “I did not see that coming. You doing okay?”

“That one stung a bit,” he said, hopping up and down. “Why did that hurt so much more than the last time?”

“I’m no expert, but I did take a few biology classes in college and…here, let me show you,” she said motioning for him to step closer.

Once he was in front of her, the nun reached up with her left hand and carefully held his nut up while taking her right hand and sliding her pointer finger and thumb along the outer shell of the nut until she got to the cords. “There!” She said, “Do you feel that?”

Scott winced slightly, “Yeah, I can feel it. That’s where it hurt last time.”

Now Sarah was curious and stepped around to see what the nun was showing him. Scott loved how Sarah’s breasts hung so beautifully as she bent over to get a better look.

“Well, that’s where the nut attaches to the spermatic cord and it goes from here…” she said as she traced the cords up higher, “up into the abdominal cavity where it ultimately attaches to the body.”

“That’s really sensitive!” Scott said, pulling back.

“Exactly. That’s why you just jumped when my hand slipped. That is a VERY sensitive area of the body.”

“Even more sensitive than the nut?” Sarah asked.

“Yes, dear. Even more sensitive than the nut,” her teacher explained. “It’s the main reason the twist and pull method of self defense is so effective.”

“Oh, cool. I’ll have to learn that some day.”

“I bet Scotty here would let you practice that some day, but for now, we need to find a better way to extract this nut.”

“Would you let me try that some time?!!” She asked excitedly.

Weary of such pain, but smitten with the beauty that stood before him, Scott sheepishly nodded his head.

“Oh, Scotty! You’re the best!” She said, throwing her arms around him in a huge hug. Scott was in heaven as this pretty much naked girl embraced him tightly. “My hero!”

During their embrace, Sarah could feel Scott’s nut cup press against her pussy - which was once again fairly moist - and an idea suddenly came to her.

“Hey!” She exclaimed. “Last week in my anatomy class, Sr. Johansen taught us that when a man ejaculates, his testicles contract immediately after discharge. But only for a split second. What if…”

“We can’t do that,” the nun interrupted her thought. “And why is Sr. Johansen teaching you such things?”

“C’mon, Sr. Anne! This could work. Don’t we want to get him back out there to help those girls?”

“Well, I’m not sure this is the most appropriate way to do this,” the nun said, truly conflicted.

“Like you said before. No need to be ashamed. We are doing God’s work!” Sarah said pleadingly.

The nun had no retort. “I did say that - and you’re absolutely right, we ARE doing God’s work. But I will let you handle this. I’ll be right outside in the hallway.”

“Nonsense,” Sarah said grabbing the bottle of shampoo. “This is a two-person job! I will stroke him off, you get ready to pull the cup off. The timing is crucial.”

The nun couldn’t argue with the logic of it all, except they were both forgetting one thing - Scott was quite capable of stroking his own cock, but who was he to correct them? He was already starting to get hard.

“Okay, we can do this. And even though I truly believe we are doing God’s work, we both might want to go to confession next week. Just to cover our bases.”

“Excellent!” Sarah exclaimed, “You kneel on his left side and I’ll grab his cock!”

By this time Scott’s cock was rock-hard and pushing the cup outwards. Sarah knelt down, slowly reached her right hand forward and slipped her hand under Scott’s cup.

“Oh!” She said upon feeling its stiffness. “You got a head start!” She said laughing, looking up at Scott’s face, who was now turning bright red.

“Let me take this out, and we can finally get this thing off!” She paused realizing what she just said, “The jockstrap off. That’s what I meant!” Now she was the one blushing.

She tugged on the hard cock in her hand, but comically, it was stuck inside the cup. She pulled harder. “Whoa! Easy there, killer!” Scott said with a laugh in his voice.

“Here, Sr. Anne, you pull the cup out a bit, while I tug on his cock to try and spring it free.”

The nun looked at her student, finding it hard to believe the situation they were in, but relented to her idea, pulling the cup away from Scott’s body. Sarah saw there was now more room, however, Scott’s cock had now grown even more. She grabbed the shaft tightly and with a dogged determination, started pulling. It was still stuck and now all three of them started to hear a cracking.

Concerned, but still determined, Sarah looked up at Scott, “You okay?”

“Yep,” he grunted out.

Sarah yanked with all her might and they all heard a loud crack as Sarah fell back on her ass. The two ladies' jaws dropped. Scott stood there in disbelief.

“Did I just break your cock?” Sarah asked, terrified. Sr. Anne brought both hands to her face, “What have we done?”

Scott reached down and felt his still rock-hard cock. It didn’t seem any different. With the absence of a reaction from Scott, Sarah got back on her knees and started to feel the cup.

“Oh my God,” she whispered.

“What is it?” The nun asked.

“We broke his cup,” Sarah said in disbelief. “Well, HE broke his cup. His COCK broke his cup. Holy shit.”

They all started laughing. “That is impressive,” Sr. Anne said, adding to the laughter.

“Unfortunately, it’s not broken enough to get his nut out.” Sarah said. “Back to the original plan. You got the cup, I got his cock.” She directed.

Sarah went right back to work, pouring shampoo into her hand, she looked up at Scott, licked her lips and lovingly wrapped her hand around the eight-inch cock in front of her. “Be ready, Sister, I have a feeling this won’t take long.”

The nun reached up with both hands, placed her two thumbs on the outside portion of his nut and gripped with her fingers, the top of the nut cup. She was in position and ready.

Sarah started stroking. She started slow at first. From her knees, Scott’s cock was at about eye level with her. The virgin was enraptured looking at his beautiful cock, feeling the heat of his beautiful cock, stroking his beautiful cock. The two of them made eye contact - Scott couldn’t believe his luck. Sure, he nearly lost a nut - and still might - but it was all worth it to have this moment to share with Sarah. And to think, about 20 minutes ago, she wanted to neuter him.

After a few minutes, Sr. Anne started to get a bit impatient. She couldn’t believe this young man hadn’t shot his load yet. After all, he had a nearly naked, gorgeous woman jerking him off and he hadn’t cum yet?!! Wanting to get this part over with, the nun sat up taller on her knees and motioned for Sarah to come closer. She whispered something in her ear, much to the delight of Sarah.

“Really? That will work?” She asked, slightly dumbfounded. The nun nodded. “Okay, I’ll try it.”

Sarah temporarily let go of Scott’s cock, reached down for the shampoo bottle again, and poured some in the middle of her chest. She scooted forward on her knees, grabbed his cock, placed it in between her C-cup breasts and started to bob up and down his cock.

“Oh, yeah,” Scott moaned, now doing some thrusting himself.

An orgasm was imminent. One problem though - with his thrusting, Sr. Anne had a difficult time keeping a hold of his cup. As he felt the cum building up, Scott started pumping even faster.

“Oh, yeah, big boy!” Sarah encouraged.

He was close. Both were unaware of the comical scene unfolding right next to them. Sr. Anne valiantly trying to keep a hold of the cup. With so much bucking, first her left had slipped off the cup, and it didn’t take long for her second hand to fall off.

Sarah and Scott were now staring each other in the eye, lost in the throes of passion.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” They said in unison, Sarah's panties now soaking wet.

“Wait!” Sr. Anne said, getting up from her position on the floor, fearing she might miss the moment.

Seeing the look in Scott’s eyes, she knew the time had come. In her layman days, she knew that look all too well. As Scott yelled out in exultation - it was time! The nun lunged for the cup. She could see cum splash hard against Sarah’s neck and chin. She timed her reach perfectly as she grabbed the cup with both hands, her full weight now bearing down on the cup as she slipped forward.

Scott screamed in both ecstasy and agony as he felt himself orgasm all over Sarah’s chest while his left nut was being tugged grotesquely away from his body. Then POP!!

Sr. Anne laid on the floor at Scott’s feet, holding up the nut cup with both hands like she just scored a touchdown. All three were very concerned about the popping sound, but not seeing Scott fall to the floor, Sarah gently lifted up Scott’s cock with her left hand while reaching for his sack with her right. She cupped both balls for a few seconds. Then she rolled them around a bit. The other two waited for a reaction…

“We did it!” Sarah cheered, lifting her arms in celebration. She and Scott embraced each other warmly, jumping up and down. Sr. Anne jumped to her feet, wrapped her hands around the two of them and joined in the jumping. “We did it!” The nun yelled.

“Ummm, I hate to break this up, but we’re ready whenever you are,” a voice came from across the locker room.

Startled, but quick on her feet, Sarah grabbed the new jockstrap, slipped behind Scott and hoisted it up his legs and pushed him forward.

“He’s ready,” Sarah said.

Sr. Anne, playing right along, held out her right arm for Scott to grab. “Shall we?” She said as they walked toward Bridget.

“Excellent!” Bridget said, “We thought you got lost. We have an entire kickball team who would like a chance to kick your nuts.”

“I’m all yours,” Scott said with a smile.

And as the three of them walked out, Sarah sat on the bench, sighed, smiled and said, “My hero.”

Chapter 10, part 8 - Back on the Field

Bridget, Sr. Anne and Scott exited the school and were on their way back to the kickball field.

“How did it go in there?” Bridget asked a bit skeptically.

Both Scott and the nun hesitated to answer. Seeing that Scott was a bit overwhelmed, Sr. Anne spoke up. “We had a little hiccup, but we eventually got him into the new jockstrap,” she said putting her hand on his shoulder.

Bridget stopped on the sidewalk. “Is that why that girl had cum all over her chest? What were you doing in there?!”

Scott reeled at the accusation and started muttering aloud, trying to explain himself. The last thing he wanted was for Bridget to be mad at him. Although, her jealousy was telling.

With all three of them at a stand-still, Sr. Anne noticed that Scott had forgotten something - he was standing there in his new jockstrap with his right nut just hanging out, with NO shorts on.

“Scott, dear,” she said looking down at his exposed nut, “why don’t you go back in the locker room and put your shorts on.” Scott looked down, noticing his partial nakedness, blushed, put his hand over his nut, and wobbled back to the school.

“Listen,” the nun said, stepping directly in front of Bridget. “That young man believes in what you’re doing and has put both of his nuts on the line for YOU!” She said, pointing toward Scott.

“But there was so much cum on her chest. How do you explain that?” She asked, a tinge of envy in her voice.

“We had a little trouble getting the first jockstrap off. And yes, Sarah had to jack him off to get the cup to come off - but it worked! God directed us to do that for YOU and your mission. Before you get too worked up about all of the cum on her chest, you might want to ask yourself, how many guys do you know that will freely give their nuts to you - for this cause?”

Bridget dropped her head and started to cry. “You’re right. It’s just, I’ve really started to have feelings for him - he’s so nice, he’s cute… and he’s got such a nice cock,” she said softly. Then she looked up into the nun’s eyes, “And those nuts are incredible. Look at how much they can take. I think I’m falling in love.”

Sr. Anne brought her hand up to Bridget’s chin, looked her in the eye, “Those are some tough nuts, aren’t they?” They both smiled.

“And evidently, they produce a LOT of cum,” Bridget said, almost in awe.

“O, come all ye faithful,” Sr. Anne muttered to herself, recalling how much cum Scott had produced only a few minutes before.

Bridget then saw Scott coming down the sidewalk, dressed a bit more appropriate for the occasion and she ran toward him, tears still filling her eyes.

“Scotty,” she bellowed as she embraced him in a tight hug. “You are the greatest.”

Taken slightly aback, Scott didn’t question the affection and warmly embraced her back, loving the feeling of her soft breasts pressed up against his chest.

“I’m sorry about all of that cum on her chest, it’s just that the jock wouldn’t come off…” he said apologetically.

Bridget quickly brought her hand up and placed a finger on his lips, “Shhhh, forget about all of that cum. Sr. Anne explained it all to me,” then she paused for a moment, fought back more tears, and grabbed both his hands with hers. “Thank you so much for all that you are doing for me, I can’t tell you how much this means to me.” She leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Scotty's heart raced, he could feel the connection they had.

“Now how about we go test that right nut?” She said, pulling on his right hand, leading him down the sidewalk.

You couldn’t wipe the huge grin off Scott’s face if you tried. Only problem was, unbeknownst to them, Sarah was standing in the doorway of the school watching this whole thing unfold. And she was not happy about it.

As Scott and the two ladies approached the ball field, the kickball players came together and started chanting, “Scotty! Scotty! Scotty!”

“You’ve become something of a celebrity,” Sr. Anne said looking over at the Man of the Hour.

“Amazing what offering your nuts to a group of virgin girls will do to a group,” Bridget laughed, poking Scotty in the ribs.

When they finally reached the field, the girls burst into loud applause. Margaret came rushing over to Scott, grabbing his left arm. “How are your nuts?” She asked, an excited tone in her voice. “Are you able to continue with the kicking?!!”
 Scott paused and looked out over the girls who had gathered in a semi-circle around him, awaiting the news with bated breath.

“My left nut is still quite sore,” he said as he pulled the right side of his shorts up, allowing his right nut to plop out. “But righty here, is ready and willing!”

More ruckus applause came from the group.

Sr. Anne stepped over to Scott, pulled his shorts down to cover his nakedness and turned to address the team. “Ladies, our subject has once again volunteered his testicles so that all of us might learn how better to protect ourselves from any male attackers. He truly is doing God’s work!”

“Us?!” Margaret yelled, “Do you plan on joining in the festivities, Sister?”

She didn’t really mean for it to come out that way, but when presented the opportunity, in front of everybody, she quickly thought, why not?

“Well, I didn’t…I mean…” she stammered. “I suppose we ALL should know how to defend ourselves and if Bridget is okay with it,” she said looking over at Bridget, completely ignoring any input Scott may have.

“I think it only makes sense,” Bridget said with glee. “And I think you should have the first crack at his right nut!”

“Well, I’m not sure if these worn out legs could crack anything these days, but I’m willing to give it a try!” The girls cheered loudly for their coach.

The nun approached the target but quickly realized a significant problem - her long skirt would make it almost impossible for her to do any kicking today. She stopped just short of Scott, turned to the group and in an authentically disappointed tone, voiced her regret. “I’m afraid I might have to pass today - I can’t possibly kick anything in this skirt,” she said, lifting it up slightly.

Margaret was devastated. Here she thought her mentor, albeit a very strict one, was finally going to show her vulnerable side by joining in the nut-kicking activities in front of the whole team. Many of the other girls were also dismayed, groaning at the missed opportunity. Then Margaret had an idea.

“Sister, come over here with me,” she said. “Girls circle around us tightly,” she said to her teammates who obliged. “We’re about the same size,” Margaret said, slipping off her plaid skirt, unveiling a beautiful blue thong and amazing ass.

Margaret held out the piece of clothing in front of the nun. “What would you like for me to do with this?” She asked.

“Take yours off, and put mine on,” Margaret said, smiling at her ingenious idea.

The nun paused. Everyone looked on in anticipation. Then she reached both hands behind her back, took hold of the zipper on her skirt and in an instant, let the skirt drop to the ground. The girls’ jaws dropped - not only at the impossible occurrence happening before them, but that their mentor/teacher/spiritual leader wasn’t wearing anything underneath - and that she was completely shaved!

Not a word was spoken as the nun grabbed the short skirt from Margaret, stepped both feet into its circle, and proceeded to pull it up her toned and quite beautiful legs.

Again, the girls stood silent for a few moments. “You have very nice legs,” one of the girls commented to lots of approving head nods.

“Well, thank you,” Sr. Anne said, blushing a bit. “I do manage to run every morning before mass. Guess it keeps them in good shape,” she said sticking out her right leg up high, now noticing just how short the skirt was that she was wearing, and she immediately brought her leg back down and tugged at the hem of the skirt, lowering it as much as she could.

“Well, it looks like your legs are free to kick some nuts now, Sister,” Margaret said, grinning ear to ear.

The nun briefly looked down at her legs, looked up to the group of girls and said, “I guess they are ready.” With that the girls broke the circle they had formed around their teacher and she confidently made her way over to Scott, followed closely by Bridget, who couldn’t wait to see how this would unfold.

When she got up to Scott, Sr. Anne reached out with both hands, pulled up both sides of his shorts at the hip until the clear outline of Scott’s right nut was in view. Then she turned around and asked Bridget, “Do I aim right for the nut, or just kick straight on?”

“Great question,” Bridget said, then she looked down at the nuns footwear - black, flat, loafers that were extremely pointy. “Ahhh, I’d just go for the nut, Sister.”

“So be it,” Sr. Anne said, then she did the sign of the cross and kissed the crucifix necklace that she was wearing. She looked Scott in the eye, stood for a few moments directly in front of him and said, “We’re doing God’s work, Scotty,” before she took one step backwards with her right foot, took a giant step forward with her left, and delivered a dead-on slam into Scotty’s right nut so hard that the young man violently coughed, temporarily saw stars and fell to the ground.

The girls couldn’t believe how hard their teacher actually kicked him. Because of her position, most of them thought she’d go easy on him. They all erupted into applause and ran over to their teacher. Still conscious, Scott was hoping to get another view up the nun’s now much shorter skirt, so he rolled over in her direction. Seeing this, Sr. Anne lifted her foot high in the air and slammed it down onto Scott’s already throbbing right ball, eliciting another loud cheer from the girls. And much more coughing from Scotty.

“That was awesome, Sister!” Margaret said excitedly, but, feeling a bit badly for that last stomp, the nun was a little preoccupied trying to help Scott up. She reach both hands out to the squirming guy at her feet. He laid there with eyes shut and hands over his aching nut. Then he felt her step across his body. He could feel both of her feet on either side of his prone body - one foot on either side of his hips. He knew exactly what that meant and he slowly opened his eyes, being treated to the beautiful sight of a now glistening pussy only a few feet above him. Sr. Anne looked down on him with a smile, again, reaching out with both hands.

“We have a lot more girls who would like to try this today, brave young man. Can you get up?” She asked, her grin growing larger.

Scott took one more intoxicating look up that wonderfully short skirt, reached both hands up to her, and pulled himself up with Sr. Anne’s assistance. “Who’s next?” Scott said, his voice a few octaves higher. The girls cheered again.

They formed a line, had two girls hold him up by the arms, and each got a turn to kick - as hard as they wanted - into Scott’s tough, but very sore testicle. When they finally got to the last young lady - a petite and shy girl named Carmen - she stood in front of Scotty almost trembling.

“I can’t do it!” She said, turning away, covering her face with both hands.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Sr. Anne said, coming over to console her.

“How can you guys just kick this guy’s nuts over and over again?!” She questioned. “That poor guy. Do you ave any idea how much that must hurt?”

The nun pulled her tight. “Carmen, honey, this young man has graciously offered his nuts to help his friend Bridget and women all over the country, be safer from attackers. He is doing God's work.”

“But what if we pop his nuts? What if we castrate him?” She said, tears now streaming down her face.

“Honey, honey,” Sr. Anne said, pulling her tighter, “What do you notice about the nut cup he is wearing?”

“I don’t know, I can’t really see it.”

So the nun stepped over to Scott, squatted down in front of him and pulled down his shorts, revealing the jockstrap with his severely swollen right nut hanging out of it. She reached up and grabbed Carmen’s hand and brought her down to Scott’s waist level. “What do you see here?” She said, cupping Scott’s nut.

“His right nut.”

“Exactly,” the nun retorted. “And where is his left nut?”

“In the nut cup, I guess.”

Not wanting to leave any doubt, Sr. Anne reached up and pulled down the entire jockstrap, somehow getting the right nut to slide through the hole in the cup, eliciting quite a wince from Scotty. “And now what do you see?”

“Ahhhh, ummm, a pretty large cock, Sister.”

Looking back at Scott’s groin the nun hesitated for a bit, drinking it in, “Ahh, yes, you’re right, that is a pretty good sized one. But what else do you see?”

“His other nut?” Carmen said.

“Precisely,” the nun said, reaching up to cup it. “And this nut is…” and as she touched it, Scott winced badly, as it was still quite tender from an hour ago. She continued, “This nut is just fine,” she said as she held it in her hand. “Right, Scotty?” She said looking up at him.

“Yes, ma’am,” Scotty grunted through the pain.

“So you see, there’s no possible way we could castrate this young man - he always has at least one nut covered while wearing this jockstrap,” Sr. Anne said as she pulled up the device, trying her best to get it on correctly, even going so far as to grab his cock and push it into the cup, much to Scotty’s - and everyone else’s - surprise. “So you see,” she said knocking on the cup, “that left nut is completely protected!”

Both females stood up.

“I just don’t know,” Carmen said, still very unsure of herself. “I’ve never even kick a guy in the nuts before.”

“Which is exactly why you should do it now. Even if you rupture one of his nuts, that cup will still protect the other.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. And honey, he is here to help his friend - like I said, we are all doing God’s work here today?”

“Can I kick him more than once?” Carmen asked.

“That's the spirit! Of course, honey. As many times as you’d like.”

“Okay, I’ll do it!”

All of her teammates cheered. Bridget clapped as well. But then something caught her eye as the girl walked toward Scotty. She was wearing METAL spikes. Oh, dear, Bridget thought. She took a step forward to stop the young lady, then something stopped her. Well, he has another nut, she thought. If he loses this one, he’ll still be fine.

Carmen stepped forward with a renewed confidence. It was going to be the first time she kicked a boy in the nuts. She wanted it to be a good one. Bridget watched, unsure of how this would go - but oh, so curious.

Then BAM!!! Carmen’s kick was a direct hit into the cup. All of her teammates cheered. Luckily for Scott, the kick hit mostly all cup and avoided his right nut. But he could tell this shoe felt different from the others. A little more solid. Bridget sighed with relief. While she was interested to help this young lady, she didn’t really want her dear Scotty to lose a nut. Then again, she was excited to see what would happen with the next kick.

Carmen didn’t waste much time. She stepped back, took a forceful step forward and BAM!!! Another direct hit in the cup. Both Bridget and Scotty could swear they heard the cup crack with that intense kick. Oh, no! Bridget thought, what if she breaks the cup?! With those metal spikes, she actually could castrate him with another kick like that, she thought.

Bridget wanted to put a stop to it, so she approached the young lady, fully intending to call it a day. But when she saw the look in the girl’s eyes, she couldn’t deny her another turn. She bent down and whispered, “How about you aim for that right nut this time?”

Carmen nodded her head. Being a few steps away from Scott now gave her a bit of a running start with this kick. This time, when the kick connected, everyone heard the sound of the cup cracking. Bridget could only bring her hand to her mouth as Scotty fell to the ground. She rushed over to his aid, fearing the worse.

“Scotty! Are you okay?!” She said, kneeling down by his side.

Being shaken up by that blow, Scotty was a bit out of it, but still intact. Surprisingly, he was able to get to his feet almost right away.

“Can I do one more?” Carmen asked, seeing Scotty stand up.

“I think that’s good for today,” Bridget said, reaching down to adjust Scott’s cup, feeling that there was a large crack in the cup.

Carmen dropped her shoulders in disappointment only a few feet from Scott. Her demeanor got to Scotty.

“She can do one more kick,” Scotty said, obviously unaware of the state of his cup.

“You sure about this, honey?” Bridget asked, shocked that he would want to continue, then bringing her hand down to her crotch, motioning to Scotty to check his cup. Scott picked up on this and brought his hand down to feel his jockstrap. Somehow he must have missed the crack in the cup as he brought his hand up in front of his face to signaling with a thumbs-up that everything was fine.

“You suuuuuuure?” Bridget asked.

“Yeah, I can probably take a few more kicks,” he said, causing Carmen to bounce up and down in excitement, her sizable tits beautifully bouncing in unison.

Well, I’ll probably have to find a new boyfriend after this, Bridget thought, but what the hell, let’s see how this goes.

The girls got in a semi-circle around Carmen, waiting in anticipation for this final kick, none of them knowing the condition of Scott’s “protective” cup. She took a couple steps back, almost into the girls right behind her and was about to unleash her hardest kick of the day when she heard some commotion right behind her. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, she ignored what was happening and focused on her target.

As she was stepping toward Scotty, Sr. Anne noticed someone stumbling through the group of girls. It was a man who pushed his way through the group and he was just a few feet away from Carmen and was reaching out to grab her. Many of the girls started screaming - but that didn’t deter Carmen, who was taking her first step toward Scotty and that right nut hanging out of his broken cup.

Just as Carmen stepped forward, unaware of the man behind her, Sr. Anne stepped toward the stranger, who was wearing only a tight Speedo, with two obscenely large nuts stretching the fabric of the suit beyond belief.

The nun took an aggressive step between the man and Carmen and brought her right foot back at the precise moment that Carmen reached Scotty and brought her right foot back. It couldn’t have been timed more perfectly as both ladies launched their powerful kicks into the intended targets.

SMACK!!! BAM!!! Both women connected directly with their targets - and both men quickly fell to the ground, completely unconscious.

The girls gathered around Sr. Anne and the man who came out of nowhere while Bridget steadfastly ran over to Scotty.

“Who is that?” One girl asked.

“I don’t know,” Margaret replied, “but Sister, I believe you may have castrated him. Both of his nuts are look pretty bad.”

“Really?” The nun replied, feeling a bit awkward at the pride she was feeling. “I better check.”

The nun kneeled down at the stranger’s side and reached out her right hand, the girls glued to her every move.

“Well, this one is definitely ruptured,” Sr. Anne said, lookin up to the girls. Then she moved her hand over to the other nut. “Aaaaaaaaand, yep, this one is, too.” She paused to think about it for a moment. “Oh, my,” she said. “I castrated this man.”

“You did what you had to do, Sister!” One girl shouted. “Who knows what he was going to do to us!”

“That was awesome! His nuts are mush!!” Margaret yelled, taking the gravity of the moment to a bit more light-hearted feeling.

Still squishing the man’s sack, Sr. Anne couldn’t help but reply, “They are mush. His nuts are just goo.”

In the meantime Bridget was frantically trying to wake Scotty up, slapping him in the face repeatedly. “Scotty, wake up!” She yelled. "C'mon, honey!!"

“What did I do?” Carmen said, clutching her hands to her chest. “I didn’t kick him any harder than last time. Did I castrate him?”

Not wanting to discourage the young lady, Bridget composed herself and calmly spoke to Carmen. “He’s going to be just fine,” she lied. “But I need you to call 911, he has passed out.”

Carmen grabbed her phone out from under her bra strap and called. “Hey, 911, yes, we have an emergency at Our Lady of Peace School… What kind of emergency?” Carmen held the phone to her chest and looked over to Bridget. “Tell them a possible rupture - and to hurry!” Bridget said with urgency.

“Yes, it’s a possible rupture…yes, of a male. No, it’s his nuts,” she held the phone to her chest again. “Is it both nuts or just one?” She asked Bridget who was having a tough time gaining access to both nuts because of the jockstrap.

“Not sure, at this point, but it could be both.”

Carmen’s eyes opened wide at that statement, fearing that she may very well have castrated this nice guy who was only trying to help her and her friends. “Ummm, we’re not sure, but it could be both… Both nuts, yes. Can you hurry?!”

She was about to hang up when Sr. Anne was tapping her on the shoulder. “Tell them to bring two ambulances. That guy is going to need one as well,” she said pointing to young man, who was sprawled out on the kickball field, his nuts swelling to cantaloupe size.

“Holy shit!” Carmen said in the phone, getting her first glimpse of the stranger lying on the grass. “You better send two ambulances…” she waited for a reply. “Yes, another man seems to have ruptured both nuts here, too… Yes, two men, both with severe nut injuries, please hurry!”

It was at this moment when Bridget got her first look at the man who so crazily tried to interrupt their nut-kicking demonstration - it was Hank!! Oh, well, she thought, his nuts were already gone when they arrived at the field. A least now, they could take him in an ambulance.

Both ambulances arrived within minutes. Bridget jumped into the one carrying Scotty, holding his hand the entire time. And Sr. Anne jumped into the ambulance carrying Hank - staring at his nuts the whole ride to the hospital, trying to absorb what she had just done.

And unbeknownst to both parties, Sarah was following closely behind in her car.

Chapter 10, part 9 - Back to Testing

Heather was relieved that the nut she just ruptured, Jim’s, was not at all audible through the headphones the school had given her for this day of nut testing. I mean, she felt a little bad that poor little Jim had to be rushed to the hospital by his mother, Julie, and sister, Candy, but they didn’t seem too worried about him so she wouldn’t sweat it either.

The five remaining guys at the testing hesitantly shuffled to the balance beam for their turn to be tested by Heather. As instructed, each guy took out his left nut, placed it on the beam and awaited their turn.

Heather, who was now on standing on the floor, drank in the sight of five guys with their nuts all in a row, waiting for her to stomp on them. A sense of pride washed over her knowing that her new-found expertise played such a large role in this new nut-testing program. She put her hands on the beam, took one last look down the row of nuts, smiled, and pushed herself up onto the beam - once again assisted by Nurse Spalding and her assistant, Gail.

“Same thing?” She said, looking down on the two nurses. They smiled and nodded.

Heather made her way down the line, testing each guy’s nuts on the balance beam while Nurse Spalding and Gail aided in her balance and took notes on the condition of each nut. Each of the first four guys made it through with their nuts intact, although one did vomit when Heather put her entire weight on the poor guy’s right nut.

The last guy for Heather to test was the cute, but shy Joe. Heather was in a couple classes with Joe, but because of their mutual shyness, they didn’t speak much to each other - although, they both knew there was some connection between them. She felt a tinge of guilt for the pain she was about to unleash, so to make it a bit more bearable, she grabbed the waistband of her skirt and pulled it up a couple inches, hoping to give Joe a nice view of her beautiful panties. But Joe was either too shy or too terrified of what was about to happen - especially after the vomiting incident - and had his eyes closed.

“Ah-hem,” Heather said, clearing her throat, trying to get Joe’s attention. “What do you think of the color of my skirt?” She playfully asked Joe, hoping to get him to look up at her. And it worked. Joe looked up and caught a glimpse of the shiny thong she was wearing and his eyes went wide.

“Oh, I’d say, that’s - um - a nice color,” Joe managed to get out. “I like the plaid.”

“You do?!” Heather exclaimed, grabbing the skirt on either side and lifting it up so she could take a closer look, giving Joe an amazing view of her panties. “I’ve always like plaid too!” She held the skirt up for a few more seconds, Joe could clearly see the cleft created by her moistening pussy. He drank in the sight.

With Joe distracted, Heather slowly brought her right foot forward and placed it on Joe’s left nut. The distraction of her panties kept Joe from panicking at what was taking place on the beam. Heather stared down on Joe with a sweet smile on her face, concentrating on the task at hand - the integrity of his nut.

With every passing second, she rocked her bare foot back and forth on the orb, putting more and more pressure on it.

Joe was still transfixed with the view up her skirt, keeping him preoccupied, but the pain was now undeniable. He went from smiling to gritting his teeth. Heather could see the anguish on his face, but she had to keep going to get an accurate test. She let go of Nurse Spalding’s hand and turned to face Joe, placing both of her hands on his mop-top brown hair.

“I know it hurts, Joe,” she whispered, “I’m almost done.” Then she put nearly her full weight on his left nut. Joe started to vocalize his discomfort. With her hands already on his head, she pulled it forward, burying his face into her groin. She bent slightly and softly said, “You can scream if you need to, Joe.”

With the pain now past unbearable, he took her up on her offer and opened his mouth to scream. Heather grabbed the back of his head tightly and shoved it more forcefully into her crotch. The warm breath and vibration from the screaming was a welcome sensation to her pussy. Lost in the throes of passion, Heather put even more pressure on Joe’s left nut, causing him to scream even harder, which, in turn, made Heather even more frazzled.

Conflicting emotions went through Joe’s mind. On one hand, he had never felt so much pain - his nut was on fire - and on the other hand, feeling the sensation of Heather’s pussy filling with juices as he screamed into her mound seemed totally worth every second of the torture. As Joe screamed louder, he could feel Heather’s tiny thong move slightly to the right, giving him access to her left pussy lips, which were now soaked. At this point, he all but forgot about the searing pain in his nut as he proceeded to explore her treasure with his tongue.

The two nurses could hear the muffled screams coming from Joe and the moans building from Heather. Seeing her knees start to buckle, Nurse Spalding reached up and put both hands on Heather’s ass, to keep her from falling over. The aggressive touching snapped Heather out of her trance - and probably saved Joe’s nut from certain doom - as Heather stepped off the now beet-red nut.

Heather was flushed, wet, and still a little wobbly when she reached down to Nurse Splading and Gail, to help her off the beam.

“That was quite the test,” Nurse Spalding said to Heather, handing her a small towel. “But I think you’re done for the day!”

“Am I?” Heather said, still in a daze, taking off her noise-cancelling headphones. “That was intense.”

Principal Brown came over, wrapped her right arm over Heather’s shoulders and said, “That was wonderful, young lady, thank you so much for lending us your talents today!”

“Oh, you’re welcome, it was actually kind of fun,” Heather said smiling, handing the headphones back to her principal.

“You can stay and watch if you’d like,” the principal said. “I still have a few more guys to knee - that should be fun!”

“I should probably get him home,” Heather said motioning over to her brother Brian who was sitting on a rolled up wrestling mat still icing his nuts.

Principal Brown winced a bit seeing the young man still icing his balls, “Yeah, he’s probably got to get back to the university. Hey, thanks, again for all of your help today - you truly have a gift.”

“No problem, let me know if I can ever help again in the future!” Heather said, giving her principal a firm hug.

Principal Brown then turned to Nurse Spalding "Nurse, remind me to get you the list of all of the guys that couldn't make it today. They can come visit you in your office to have their testing done during the school day."

The nurse nodded, wrote it in her notebook then asked, "Do you think we could have Heather's help?"

"Only during her open period, she does have class, you know?"

Approaching her brother, Heather couldn’t help but smile at how cute he looked with that large ice pack on his nuts. “Those things have got to be frozen by now,” she said with a laugh in her voice.

“Hey, I was just trying to help those moms on the balance beam,” Brian said, taking the ice pack away from his nuts. "I didn't expect THIS," he said, showing his sister his two red and still very swollen nuts.

Heather sat next to her brother, grabbed her Mary Jane’s and started lacing them up. “Well bro, there’s a reason they don’t have guys do the beam in gymnastics.” Brian shoved his sister in the shoulder. They both laughed. "Do ya think?!" Brian chirped back.

Heather grabbed her water bottle, offered her hand to her brother to help him off the mat. As they walked toward the exit, Brian’s knees buckled from the pain still radiating in his nuts.

“Whoa, big fella,” Heather said, grabbing at his arm to stabilize him. “I think we better take you home and take a look at those nuts. You have a big game this week.”

The two walked arm in arm toward the doors when Principal Brown yelled out. “Hey Heather, I hate to bother you, but we just had another student join us - do you have time to do one more test?”

“You okay with that?” She said to her brother. Brian nodded. Then she saw who entered the gym - it was their cousin Charlie with his mother, Krista.

“Aunt Krista!” Heather yelled as she ran over to her, leaving her brother behind.

“Hey honey, your mother called and told me about the testing today and since Charlie is signed up for this class next semester I thought it would be a good idea to have his nuts tested today - besides, he has a big football game this Friday and I get so worried about him hurting himself that I thought having him tested now only made sense.”

“Great idea!” Heather exclaimed. “Isn’t he the big stud running back for us?”

“Yes he is,” her aunt said proudly.

“Well, then, let’s get him tested!” Heather said. “We would hate to see him rupture a nut right on the football field.”

“Exactly. Where should he go?”

Principal Brown stepped over holding a jockstrap, “Have him put this on and meet Heather over at the balance beam.”

“Oh, this is so exciting!” Aunt Krista said, grabbing both of Heather’s hands.

“I know, right?!”

Moments later, Charlie stepped out of the locker room wearing only the jockstrap. Heather was taken aback by how hot he looked with his muscular arms, chest and shoulders and the protruding bulge in his tight jockstrap.

“Just step over to the beam and pull your left nut out,” Heather instructed her cousin.

“Your mother told me how good you have gotten at testing nuts,” her aunt said. “I’m so proud of you!”

Heather was about to jump up on the beam when Principal Brown came running over. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” She said as she pulled out the noise-cancelling headphones.

“Oh, Ms. Brown, you are a life saver!” Heather said. “How could I forget that?!”

She put the headphones on, adjusted her skirt, and jumped up onto the beam, her cousin’s left nut awaiting the test.

“I’m just going to step on your nut to see how strong it is,” Heather yelled, not realizing she was talking loudly because of the headphones. Charlie nodded and looked down to the floor in embarrassment.

Aunt Krista was excited to watch the test up close. Heather reached down and took her aunt’s hand to keep her balance. She was ready to administer the test. There was only one problem. She still had her Mary Jane’s on. Of course, neither her aunt nor her cousin thought anything of it. They just assumed it was how she conducted the tests.

“Those are some heavy looking boots,” Krista said looking up to her niece.

Not knowing what she said, Heather just yelled, “Okay, I’m about to start the test. Are you ready?”

The aunt nodded, but her cousin Charlie started getting nervous.

Watching from afar, Brian didn’t think much of the test until he focused more on the beam and his cousin’s nut. Holy shit! She’s wearing her Mary Jane’s! He thought, now trying to make his way over to the beam, only to stumble to the floor when his legs still couldn’t support his weight because of the injury to his nuts. “Heather!” He screamed from across the gym.

Not hearing her brother and eager to help out her cousin, Heather placed her right boot on top of Charlie’s left nut. She knew something seemed different, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She shifted her weight from her left foot to her right, holding onto her aunt for balance.

Charlie’s nut started to go flat quickly. Would you look at that, Krista thought, seeing her son’s nut flatten under the large black boot, I would imagine that’s uncomfortable.

Soon the veins in Charlie’s nut were bulging out and he tried talking to his cousin. “Ummmm, Heather, I know this is supposed to hurt but…” his breath quickly becoming erratic.

“Honey, I’m sure she knows what she’s doing! Don't interrupt her!” Krista said, chastising her son, who was now biting his lower lip and starting to quiver.

Brian got to his knees and started crawling toward his sister, yelling out her name and waving, desperately trying to get her attention. Heather was oblivious, but this caught the attention of Principal Brown who gently pushed the young man who she was just about to knee in the groin aside and immediately saw what had concerned Brian.

“Heather!” The principal yelled as she ran toward the balance beam. “Wait!!”

Of course, Heather couldn’t hear any of the cries to stop and since she had her back to the principal, she just kept going with her test.

It was at this point that Krista started hearing a crunching sound emanating from her son’s nut. Boy, they don’t mess around with this nut testing, she thought to herself. Then she heard the principal screaming at Heather and by the time either woman could get Heather’s attention, a loud POP!!! filled the gym.

Heather saw her cousin’s eyes roll back into his head as he slumped down to the floor.

“Oh, no!” Heather yelled. “I think it ruptured!”

“I think you’re right,” Principal Brown said administering aid to the young man. “Nurse Spalding!”

The nurse came running over, followed closely by her assistant, Gail.

“Can you check his nut?” The principal asked.

“Okay, which one?”

“The one that’s about the size of a cantaloupe,” Ms. Brown said, again in disbelief that this was their school nurse.

“Oh, yeah, right.” The nurse said kneeling next to the young man.

She took the nut in hand, now with Heather kneeling next to her.

“Is it ruptured?” The principal asked.

“It’s so hard to tell on nuts like this when it’s nothing but mush.”

Principal Brown gasped in exasperation. “If it’s mush, it’s ruptured.”

“Should I write mush or ruptured?” Gail asked holding her clipboard.

“Better write both, just in case,” Nurse Spalding instructed.

Heather looked over at her aunt, then dropped her head and started crying.

Krista hurried over to her side and wrapped her arms around her. “It’s okay, honey. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

“But he has a big game this Friday! And I ruptured him!” Heather said through tears.

“Honey, I’m a nurse, these things are easy to fix,” her aunt assured her.

“But didn’t they say it’s mush? Can you fix mushy ones?”

“Well, not exactly, they’ll probably have to remove it,” Krista said, causing Heather to sob even harder. “But think of it this way - with one less nut, I bet he’ll be even faster out there on the field!”

This remark caught Brian’s attention.

Heather looked up into her aunt’s eyes. “Really?”

“Well, sure,” she said. “Those things only get in the way when they run. And with one less nut, I bet he’s going to be a LOT faster.” She didn’t really believe it, but she would say anything at this point to reassure her niece that what she did was okay.

“Hey Brian, can you help me get him to the car so we can take him to the hospital?” Krista asked.

“Ummm, you probably should ask someone else,” Heather said. “Brian injured both of his nuts today and can hardly walk.”

Krista couldn’t help but laugh, “You boys gotta be more careful with your balls - you only have two, you know!”

Principal Brown brought a bag of ice and a wheelchair over and Heather and her aunt Krista gently lifted Charlie, who was still passed out, from the floor and placed him in the chair. They managed to get him into the backseat of Krista’s car.

“Heather, honey, can you keep this bag of ice on that nut as we head to hospital? Brian, you can jump in the front with me.”

“With his nuts like that, I don’t think Brian’s going to be jumping anywhere!” Heather said laughing. This pleased Krista, seeing Heather being able to joke around after the trauma she just incurred.

On the way to the hospital, Heather sat in the backseat with her cousin’s legs draped over hers, while she held the bag of ice firmly over his nut - the nut she just ruptured. After a few minutes of silence, Brian turned to his aunt and asked, “Do you really think losing his nut will make him faster on the football field, Aunt Krista?”

“Well, ummm, yes of course.” She lied, not wanting to upset Heather. “Why do you ask?”

“I just became a starter for the University team and we have a game this Saturday, so Heather…” he said, turning to face his sister. “What are you doing after we drop Charlie off?”

Chapter 10 part 10 - Testing Concludes...For Now

With Heather off to the hospital with her cousin Charlie, Principal Brown called all of the remaining boys over to her.

“Now gentlemen, congratulations on making it through the first part of our testing,” the principal said. “A few of you have made it through the knee tests with me - and I plan on getting to each one of you before we are done here.” Groans could be heard throughout the group. Then Miss H came walking over, this time inexplicably wearing high heels, and of course, her blue thong swimsuit and a thin, white, nearly transparent, crop top. With each step her breasts delectably bounced up and down and even swayed a little side to side. The boys couldn’t keep their eyes off her. And this gave Ms. Brown an idea.

“I tell you what. We really want to be sure all of your nuts are thoroughly tested,” the principal said to a very distracted group of boys. “If you can make it through my knee thrusts with both nuts intact, you will move on to Miss H afterwards for the nut squeeze portion of the testing.”

This caught their attention.

“So, if we make it through your test, Miss H will grab our balls?” One boy said excitedly, much to the delight of his classmates.

The principal looked over at her gym teacher, winked, and said, “Oh, she’ll grab them, alright. Now who’s ready to be kneed?”

Every boys’ hand shot up in the air, hoping to be the first to have their voluptuous teacher feel their balls.

“Okay, Jerad, why don’t you step over,” Ms. Brown said, motioning for him to stand in front of her.

Jerad almost blushed when he was picked. He had kind of an “awe, shucks” look as he made his way to his principal.

Ms. Brown studied the package before her carefully, trying to get a scouting report on both of his nuts. Then she reached out, grabbed ahold of the waistband of Jared’s jockstrap and yanked up on it, causing both nuts to plop out the sides of the pouch. She took a step back.

“I see the left one hangs lower than the right?” She observed.

When Jared looked down to see for himself, Ms. Brown thrust her knee up into his nuts so hard, he stumbled backward and choked out a cough.

“Still standing. Impressive,” the principal said, glancing over at Miss H who was bending over at the waist to adjust the strap on her high heel shoe - the light catching the naturally formed keyhole below her ass cheeks just right. “I can see where you get the motivation,” Ms. Brown said. “Step over here, we have a few more to go before you can move on.”

Not taking his eyes off Miss H’s ass, Jerad wobbled over to Ms. Brown. “You ready?” The principal asked. But Jerad was lost in the beautiful sight of Miss H.

WHAM!!! Another hard knee shot up into Jerad’s balls.

“Oh, I think I got both of them this time!” The principal said, almost looking like a school girl herself at the excitement.

He is really struggling, Ms. Brown thought. His balls were now noticeably swelling. But he was still standing. I better go easier on him this time, the principal thought, I’d like to have the boys think they can make it through this or none of them will comply.

Jared’s head was now bowed down from the pain. His principal stepped in front of him, brought her pointer finger up to his chin and slowly lifted his head. “Just one more knee to the nuts and you get to move on to…(she looked over at Miss H who was still bent over, trying to secure the strap of her high heel)… that,” she said, eliciting a slight smile from Jared.

Ms. Brown knew her way around a pair of nuts from some memorable moments she experienced in her youth. She could usually tell just how much force it would take to crush a man’s nuts, especially if she had the pleasure of multiple thrusts. This was going to be Jared’s third and final blow. She wanted it to send a message, but also, keep both of his balls intact. She placed both of her hands on Jared’s shoulders, methodically brought her right knee back and while placing quite a bit of force down with her hands, she thrust her knee up hard - WHAM!!

“Oooof!” Jared breathed out as he staggered backward.

The group of boys looked on with much anticipation. Would Jared survive THREE hard knee thrusts from their enthusiastic principal? When they saw him stay of his feet and then turn and smile to all of them, the group of horny guys erupted in applause. They were all thrilled for their fellow classmate.

“Miss Hartel, won’t you please step over here?” The principal instructed the Phy Ed teacher.

“But, of course,” the beautiful teacher replied with a sultry grin.

She took her time traversing the 15 feet she had to travel across the gym floor, looking like a bikini model on a runway. The boys couldn’t keep their eyes off her. Even many of the mothers were in awe at the beauty before them.

“I think I’ll have you test Jared’s nuts with your hands before I move on to the next participant,” the principal said. “He’s a little swollen, but still intact.”

Miss H stepped in front of Jared, lowered herself in to a squat so she was eye-level with his nuts. She studied them for a few moments, even reaching out her hand to cup them. “Gee, they are quite swollen, Ms. Brown. How hard should I go on them?” She said, emphasizing the word hard.

“Well, we’re here to be sure they can take anything - a stomp, a kick, a knee, or a squeeze - so our girls don’t have to be humiliated with any ruptures during class,” the principal said. “So, do your thing, and don’t hold back.”

Jared was getting a little nervous. He had seen a few of his classmates already sent to the hospital with horrendous injuries to their balls, were his in danger of exploding? Ah, who cares, he thought, Miss H is going to grab my balls, I don’t really care what happens to them at this point!

Letting go of Jared’s balls, Miss H brought both hands up to the top of the pouch of his jockstrap and gently pulled the fabric out and down, attempting to cover both of his nuts with the fabric. Once in place, she slid her body up Jared’s allowing for her breasts to rub the entire length of his upper torso, much like a stripper would do to a pole. Jared thought he’d died and gone to heaven. With her 4-inch heels on, she was now slightly taller than Jared and had a good angle to access what lied waiting inside his jock. Of course, that last maneuver caused quite the stirring in this young man’s jock and his ample dick was getting harder by the second.

“Oh, is that for me?” Miss H asked with a grin, looking at the cock hardening in front of her. Jared could only look away in embarrassment.

Miss H positioned herself to Jared’s right side, making sure to face the group of boys who were now drooling in anticipation. She shimmied closer, allowing both of her braless breasts to rest on either side of Jared’s right arm. Those who had a clear view, could now see Jared’s cock sticking out the top of his waistband. And no one could blame him. Even some of the moms were entranced. “Shit, I’d let her grab MY balls,” one of them said to hushed giggles.

The gorgeous Phy Ed teacher raised her right hand so it was resting on Jared’s tight abs. She glanced down, catching a glimpse of Jared’s hard cock. As she slid her hand down toward his waistband, Jared tilted his head back, awaiting her touch. To his disappointment, her hand circumvented his throbbing member and went straight to both of his balls. It didn’t take long for Jared to realize that Miss H was all about testing his nuts and not so much about pleasuring him in any way.

Once both nuts were in hand, Miss H bore down hard, causing Jared to buckle at the hips. He started coughing violently. The guys watching went from smiles to looks of horror, seeing the pain their classmate was enduring.

With a matter-of-fact tone, Miss H said, “It’s kind of hard to get a good grip squeezing both at the same time. Jared, can you even feel this?” She asked, bending over to try to see his face, giving the boys behind her a great look at her ass. “Let me try this,” she said, releasing his left nut and focusing solely on the right one. “Tell me if this is any different.”

Before he could even respond, the force he was now feeling on his right nut was excruciating. Miss H had a hold of the swollen orb with all five fingers and was applying equal pressure with each one. Jared started wheezing and convulsing. “So is this different?” The teacher asked. Not getting a response, she squeezed tighter.

“Oy! Oy! Oy! Haaaaa-yeeee!” Was all Jared could get out.

Ms. Brown looked on, a little worried that she might crack one of Jared’s nuts and none of the boys would want to continue, leaving the future of the class in jeopardy.

“I guess that’s a yes,” Miss H dead-panned. “That nut seems strong, let me try the other.”

The relief Jared felt for the two seconds she switched from his right nut to his left was all too brief. Then he felt lighting strike his other nut.

“We have to be sure both nuts are capable of withstanding any sort of pressure,” the teacher said, gritting her teeth and squeezing with all of her might. “We OWE - IT - TO - THE - GIRLS in the class,” she said pulling down hard with each word she emphasized. Jared could feel the fibers tearing in his left nut with every pull and squeeze. Finally it go to be too much and he collapsed to the floor, Miss H still clinging to his nut as he slumped and passed out.

Feeling the nut with her thumb, she could see it was still whole. “Wow,” she said looking over to Ms. Brown. “What a trooper. He passed out, but both of his nuts are still viable. He passed the test!”

The principal, still fearful that seeing their classmate pass out right in front of them might deter them from going forward, asked meekly, “Who wants to go next?” The boys all hesitated for a moment. Ms. Brown’s heart sank. Then before she could say another word, all of the boys enthusiastically raised their hands, much to her relief. Man, that woman sure has those boys wrapped around her finger, the principal thought. But looking that sexy, I can see why.

Principal Brown looked around to see who would go next when she finally settled on Billy Fillmore, son of the school’s Anatomy teacher, Mrs. Angela Fillmore. Now Miss H started blushing a bit, thinking back on the previous week where she had to measure each student to be sure their cups would fit properly and as you recall - from chapter two - Billy got a bit excited when his gym teacher measured his dick.

Anticipating Miss H grabbing his balls, Billy was already rock-hard and it was obvious to everyone - especially the woman standing right in front of him, his principal, Ms. Brown. Oh, these boys and their hard-ons, she thought. I may have to see if I can make that thing go away.

This time Ms. Brown grabbed her student’s jockstrap and forced only a single nut out of its pouch - his right one. Billy took a look and asked, “Are we only testing one?” With a hopeful tone.

“I thought we’d start with focusing on the right one, and then bring out the left nut when we’ve completed that test,” Ms. Brown informed Billy.

The principal again brought her hands to rest on her subject’s shoulders. Maybe I’ll go a little harder this time, she thought, I kind of held back with Jared. She brought her right knee back, looked down on her target, and BAM!!! Made direct contact with his right nut - and this time, she knew right away the result as the nut got pinned against Billy’s pubic bone and ruptured on contact.

“Oh, dear,” the principal muttered watching Billy sink to his knees. “I think we may have to stop.”

Still conscious, but on his knees, Billy heard this and like an MMA fighter not wanting to concede, he somehow made it up to his feet. “No!” Billy yelled, “I’m fine.”

Ms. Brown leaned in and whispered, “Honey, I’m pretty sure that nut is ruptured. I think we better stop.”

“No, I’m good,” Billy said, determined to win his turn with Miss H.

“Let’s at least have the nurse and your mother take a look at it,” Ms. Brown advised.

“I came here with my sister,” Billy managed to squeak out.

“I don’t see the nurse, where is your sister?” The principal asked.

In great pain, Billy scanned the gym looking for his sister. “She’s over there on the bleachers. Her name is Martha.”

“Martha, my dear, won’t you come over here for a moment. We'd like your opinion.”

Martha put the phone she was fiddling with into the pocket of her tight leggings, rolled her eyes, and muttered, “This better be important. I can’t believe I’m even here.”

When the 20-year old sister arrived at the scene her eyes bulged at the sight of her brother’s right nut. “That thing is huge,” she said. “What do you need me for?”

“As you know we’re testing all of the boys’ nuts today,” the principal started, “And I’m afraid we made have ruptured your brother’s nut and we are unsure if we should continue.”

“Ruptured? What the heck is that?”

“It’s when the outer shell of the nut itself tears or rips or explodes and its contents pour out, causing a great deal of pain.”

“Oh, cool,” Martha laughed. “Is my brother’s nut ruptured?”

“The nurse isn’t here at the moment,” the principal explained, “And I can’t be 100 percent sure, but it looks like it to me and so we’re thinking about stopping the test with your brother. If that’s okay with you?”

“Don’t stop on my account,” Martha said, now suddenly interested in what was taking place. “I mean, it looks swollen and everything, but it doesn’t look, like, broken or anything. Can I take a look?”

“Sure, go right ahead,” the principal agreed.

Billy did everything he could to remain standing, the pain was nearly unbearable. His sister approached with a slight smile on her face. When she got close enough, she leaned in, pressed her firm tits against her brother’s chest and whispered, “Man, you must really want her to feel your nuts, you are shaking."

"Can you help me out, sis?" Billy said through gritted teeth.

"Look at your nut," she said. "It must hurt, uh?”

Then she slid her hand down, grabbed the throbbing orb and gave it a slight squeeze. She could feel her brother jerk back at the touch. “Don’t worry, bro,” she continued in a whisper, “I got your back. But you’re going to owe me one for this,” as she gave one more slightly harder squeeze.

“Ya know, the nut feels pretty solid to me,” Martha said looking over at the principal. “Sure, it’s slightly swollen, but if he wants to continue with the test, I don’t see the… harm in it,” she said as she let go of the nut and winked at her grateful brother.

“Wonderful,” Ms. Brown said. “How about we move on to the left nut? Martha, honey, would you do the honors of slipping his left one out of the jockstrap?”

“Anything to help out, sure!” She said crouching down in front of her brother. “And do you want the right one tucked back into the jock?” Ms. Brown nodded her head. “Awesome!” Martha said reaching out for the pouch of her brother’s jockstrap.

“Hmmm, this one isn’t quite cooperating,” Martha said pushing hard on her brother’s right nut, trying to get it back into the jock. She pulled harder back on the pouch, trying to create enough space to accommodate the nut. She pulled so hard it slipped out of her hand. “Oooof!” Billy huffed, feeling the fabric snap onto his damaged ball. “If this fabric can hurt you, I hate to see what the rest of the test feels like, little brother.”

After some maneuvering, she finally got the right one into the pouch of the jockstrap. Then she took her right thumb and forefinger and grabbed a hold of her brother’s left nut. Just for fun, even when the nut was completely out, she kept pulling on the thing. She enjoyed seeing the funny face Billy was making and it seemed like she might not let go when Ms. Brown intervened.

“Thank you, dear,” she said, stepping in-between her and her brother. “Well done. But now it’s my turn.”

Eyeing up the smaller left nut, Ms. Brown stepped forward and assumed the position of hands on the boy’s shoulders and right leg stretched backwards. “Hang on, son,” the principal said under her breath as she slammed her knee with great speed and accuracy into the awaiting orb.

Her knee made hard contact with Billy’s left nut, but it also caught his damaged right one. It was almost impossible to miss it with how swollen it was. Martha jumped as soon as there was contact. Oh, man, she thought to herself, that was super hard.

Billy fell to the floor, coughing loudly. He was feeling very woozy, the room was spinning. But all he could think of was to stand up no matter what - he had to keep the test going. Ms. Brown knelt down next to him and offered her hand. Dazed and confused, he brushed her hand aside and staggered to his feet, looking like he just took a right hook from a heavy weight champ. In his blurred vision, he could make out Miss H bringing her hands to her face in shock.

Now his sister joined the principal in grabbing him to make sure he didn’t fall over. “You sure you can do this?” His sister asked. Then she looked over at Miss H who had raised both of her arms over her head in some sort of backbend stretch, the bottom half of her supple breasts peeking out from her white crop top, even catching Martha’s attention.

“I’m good,” Billy said, pushing both women off of him.

“I hope it’s worth it,” Martha said into his ear, turning to go back to her seat.

“Okay, young man,” Ms. Brown said, concern in he voice. “We’ll do one more knee thrust, and if you’re still standing, Miss H will have her turn with you.”

Billy mustered enough energy to smile at that thought. “One…more…” he slurred.

At this point Ms. Brown wasn’t in the mood to coddle her stubborn student. She took two aggressive steps toward him, eyed up the now very swollen left nut, reared back and WHAM!!!


There was no denying that one. Everyone heard it rupture on contact. It echoed in the gym.

Billy fell immediately to the floor and started convulsing.

“Holy shit!” Martha shouted. “That was amazing! I can see why that other chick wore headphones, that pop was loud!”

“Let’s bring him over to the wrestling mats,” Ms. Brown said, her voice panting.

A couple of the boys in the class grabbed him by the arms and dragged his passed out body to the large rolled up mats on the side of the gym.

Lying flat on his back, both of his nuts obscenely protruded from his jock - they looked huge. Ms Brown, sitting to his right, reached out and took a hold of his left nut to check its integrity while Martha sat on the other side of him. Miss H came over and was hovering over him, standing between his legs.

When Ms. brown switched over to feel Billy’s right nut, the pain stirred him awake. He flailed his arms and groaned loudly. Ms. Brown sat up on her knees, reached over and grabbed both of his wrists, pinning them to the mat. Martha stared at her brother’s nuts in awe. They were so swollen.

Billy lifted his head and in a thick haze, saw Miss H standing between his legs.

“Miss H, is that you?” He managed to get out between grunts. “I’m right here, Billy,” the gym teacher said in a calming voice.

“Are you check…check…checking my nuts?”

Confusion came over the teacher’s face. She didn’t really know what to do. Then Martha took things into her own hands - literally. She reached out, took a hold of both of his huge nuts in her caring hands and started gently rolling them in her fingers.

“Yes, Billy,” Martha said in a low voice. “She’s checking both of your nuts.” Then she looks up at Miss H who nodded in approval. “You did it. She’s feeling them both,” his sister said as she continued to roll the ruptured nuts in her hand.

Billy could no longer take the pain and with a victorious grin on his face, he dropped his head backward onto the mat and mercifully passed out.

With that, Ms. Brown put an end to the testing for the day - making sure to tell the remaining boys to make appointments with Nurse Spalding during the week to complete their testing. She had four of the boys carry Billy out to his sister’s car who proceeded to drive him to the hospital.

The principal and Miss H walked out to their cars together. “That was quite a day,” Miss H said to her boss.

“Yes, it was. I appreciate you making the effort to make it out here and help us, despite your appearance,” Ms. Brown said with a laugh in her voice.

“You know I came here as fast as I could, once I saw your text. I hope my appearance didn’t cause too much of a distraction,” the Phy Ed teacher said apologetically.

“Well, dear, it seemed to motivate quite a few of those boys into having their nuts tested, so we may have to employ a similar strategy in the near future!” Ms. Brown laughed.

“Ahh, that could be fun,” Miss H agreed. “You know, I was kind of hoping Tommy Shaw would be here today, I wonder where he was?” She said with a hint of lust in her voice.

“Yeah, it would have been interesting to see him in one of those jockstraps - if he could fit!” Ms. Brown said, jabbing her elbow into the Phy Ed teacher’s side. “I sent a text to his mother. I wonder if she didn’t get it?”

“Maybe I can help with his testing some time this week?” Miss H said, fishing for approval from her superior.

“Well, we have to have all of these boys tested before we can resume your self defense class. So the sooner we get those tests done, the better. I'll give the list to Nurse Spalding. Oh, and I’d love for you to be there for the big demonstration on Friday night. You available?”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Miss H said with a smile.

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