June 17, 2024

Self Defense With Charlotte

Self Defense With Charlotte

by StackHack77609

Emma arrived at her weekly self-defense class with some butterflies in her stomach. The class was offered specifically for women, and there were about a dozen students in total, mostly girls from the local university, where Emma was a sophomore. Most weeks, the girls practiced whatever techniques they were learning on each other; but their instructor, Charlotte, had told them that this week, she would be bringing a male subject to class, to learn some techniques "that only applied to the male body." Emma wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but she felt some nervous excitement when she thought about it.

The girls all loved the self-defense class, and Charlotte was the main reason why. She created a very comfortable environment in her class, and she was an incredibly engaging teacher. She was a bit older than her students, probably in her late twenties, and Emma had always thought she was very pretty, almost intimidatingly so. But her biggest asset as a self-defense teacher was her infectious sense of confidence, which made her a beloved role model for the girls in her class.

Emma arrived a bit early, and she was perhaps not alone in anticipating this week's class with some eagerness, because all the other girls did too. They were standing around and chatting when Charlotte walked in. Accompanying her was a guy whom Emma recognized as another student at her college. She saw him around campus periodically.

"Okay everyone, gather around," Charlotte said, clapping her hands once for the group's attention. They sat in a semicircle around her and the guy. "As I had mentioned, this week we're going to cover a topic that we won't be able to practice in an all-female class. So to help out with demonstrations, we have a special guest. This is Colin. Everyone say hi."

The girls all said hello. You could sense a shyness in their demeanor. Emma could feel that her heart rate was elevated; she hadn't known his name until now, but she had seen this guy around before and always thought he was very attractive. He had a slim but athletic build, and deep dreamy eyes that made her chest tingle. He was wearing a t-shirt and gym shorts, and, like Charlotte and all the girls in the class, he was barefoot.

"Today we're going to discuss one of the most important topics in self-defense, especially women's self-defense," Charlotte said. "Groin strikes. That's why we need a boy for demonstrations."

A few of the girls stifled giggles. Charlotte ignored them. Emma thought she could see Colin blushing slightly.

"This is a widely misunderstood subject, and being well-informed about it can make a crucial difference in a real life situation," Charlotte continued. "For most of today's class, we'll keep Colin covered up, to spare him most of his embarrassment, but I am going to have to pull his pants down to begin with, so that we can visualize the techniques we'll be learning. If anyone is uncomfortable with that, you can step into the hallway for now, and I'll call you back in when he's decent again."

Charlotte looked around the room. None of the girls budged; if anything, they seemed a little eager for what came next. Charlotte chuckled to herself. "I figured that would be the case. It's good to give the option at least. Anyway, let's get right to it."

Charlotte hooked her thumbs into Colin's gym shorts and underwear at the same time while he faced the girls, and matter-of-factly pulled both down to the floor. Emma's heart pounded in her chest. She wasn't very sexually experienced compared to most of the other kids at her college, and the truth was she had only seen a naked boy once before, and very briefly, at a pool party the previous summer. But now she was sitting a mere couple feet from a guy she thought was really hot, and he was naked from the waist down, her head level with his private parts. She felt a tingling sensation in her lower half and realized that she was a little bit turned on. She glanced up at Colin's face and saw that he was blushing, with a roomful of girls staring unapologetically at his naked lower half.

"Let's be thorough; this is Colin's penis and testicles," Charlotte said, pointing at each in turn. "This is probably the most crucial thing to understand for the purposes of self defense: when we talk about the groin being an effective target, the real target is the testicles; we're often just too squeamish to say so." Charlotte smiled at the class. "We often use language like 'kick him in the crotch,' or 'get him in the groin.' But there is nothing inherently vulnerable about a man's groin. What's vulnerable are his testicles. And we should be specific when we talk about that."

Charlotte glanced down at Colin's genitals. "Let me give you an example. I was walking through campus the other day, and I saw a girl and a guy horsing around-- all in good fun-- and the girl's friend, who was cheering her on, shouted 'hit him in the dick!' Now, I know that's just a saying, and she probably knew that's not the actual target. But still, I find this is something a lot of girls have some understanding of, but don't appreciate as much as they should. So let's try it for ourselves."

Charlotte reached out and took the head of Colin's penis in her fingers, holding it up against his stomach, then brought her other hand down and flicked her finger fairly hard into the underside of his shaft. He didn't react.

"He doesn't seem to be much bothered with getting hit in the penis. I know that was only a tiny flick of the finger, but let's see what happens if we apply another flick, with the same force, but this time aim it at one of his balls." She reached down and flicked her finger in Colin's right testicle.

"Ugh," he grunted, bending over and wincing.

"Colin, can you describe to the class what that feels like?"

"Uh, I mean, it feels bad," he said through clenched teeth. "It's like an aching sensation. It hurts."

"And that's just from a tiny little finger flick," Charlotte explained to the class. "Just think how much more force most of the techniques we're going to learn today will use." The class was nodding in agreement.

"Let's demonstrate one more example of this principle," Charlotte said. "Something that irks me is when you hear people say, 'kick him between the legs.' This really isn't helpful. There are a lot of potential landing spots 'between the legs' the won't do you any good. That's why we have to be specific in what we're aiming for. Let me show you. Colin, can you spread your legs a little?"

He did as he was told. Charlotte slowly raised her foot until it was gently touching the area right behind Colin's scrotum. "Now, I'm a highly trained self-defense instructor, and I can kick very precisely, so don't try this at home," she said. She brought her foot back and kicked it hard in between Colin's legs, so that her foot smacked with a lot of force into the area right behind his balls. Shocked by the impact in such a sensitive area, he sucked his breath in and jumped a bit, but he quickly realized that he wasn't actually in much pain-- not any more than getting hit in the arm.

"What went wrong?" Charlotte asked. "I kicked him between the legs. And yet, if the intention was to incapacitate him in a self-defense scenario, it didn't work at all. Why not?"

There was a brief pause before one of the girls answered. "Because you didn't aim for his testicles?"

"Exactly," Charlotte said, nodding approvingly. "There's this notion that a groin strike is such an easy way to bring a man down, but that's only true if you actually hit what you're supposed to." She slowly raised her foot, much like before, except this time she brought it into direct contact with Colin's ballsack.

"If I kick him here," Charlotte said, gently tapping her foot against his balls for emphasis, "Colin will collapse into a heap on the floor." Without any warning, she brought her foot back and quickly snapped it upwards, her bare foot smashing into Colin's testicles with a loud "smack" that reverberated off the walls. It had roughly the same force as her first kick, only this time instead of thudding against muscle and cartilage, it had landed with devastating accuracy in the direct center of Colin's ballsack, which was, as she was explaining to the class, very vulnerable.

"Oh!" Colin cried out in shock; it seemed like he was caught by surprise that Charlotte had kicked him, and especially that she had kicked him so hard. As promised, he collapsed to the floor. "Ohhhh," he groaned, cradling his aching nads in his hands. "Ohhhh. Oh my God. Fuck. Ughh." His voice was hoarse with agony, his forehead pressed to the floor.

"I won't ask Colin to describe what it feels like this time," Charlotte said with a slight smirk; a few of the girls in the class giggled softly. "But I think you can see for yourself how effective that was. Compared to the first kick, it's like night and day. If you kick a guy 'between his legs,' there are no guarantees. But if you kick a guy directly in his testicles, he will feel it for sure, you can count on that. There's this somewhat hazy notion that hitting a guy's crotch is like a magic button that immediately causes him to experience gut-wrenching agony; and that's not exactly wrong, but it's only true if you make sure you get him in the ballsack." She glanced down at Colin, who had raised himself onto his knees, clearly still in a lot of pain. "So as we practice various different kinds of strikes today, this is an important thing to keep in mind. It's not enough to just aim generally at Colin's crotch. You have to visualize exactly where his testicles are-- which you've now all had the chance to do-- and focus all the force of your strike to that spot. Any questions?"

The class was silent. Charlotte turned to Colin, who had risen shakily to his feet. "All right Colin, let's get you covered up so you don't have to be naked in front of a group of girls for the whole class," she said. Colin started to step back into his shorts. "Actually," Charlotte interrupted him, "why don't you keep just your underwear on. That way the target will be easier to visualize." Colin did what he was told, although he didn't seem thrilled about it. He was wearing a pair of boxer-briefs that fit somewhat snugly, creating a soft-looking pouch in front that very clearly held his genitals, making for a very obvious target. "This will make it a bit easier than a lot of real-life situations, because what you're aiming for is so well contained and easy to see," Charlotte said, and as she spoke she reached down and firmly grasped the pouch of Colin's underwear to emphasize her point, causing him to wince. "But that will be an advantage, since it's our first class on this topic."

The girls eagerly awaited Charlotte's instructions. "Any volunteers to go first?" she asked. Most of the girls raised their hands, causing Charlotte to laugh. "All right, not everyone at once. Kimberly, why don't you start."

A girl about Emma's height stepped forward and stood next to Colin. She seemed a little nervous, but excited at the same time.

"We're going to start with the most basic kind of strike, and the one that will apply most often in a real-life situation," Charlotte explained. "A standard front kick. Kim, come stand right up in front of Colin." Kim moved in front of him so that they were only inches apart. "This is a relatively simple technique," Charlotte continued. "You all know how to kick, and I know you all know what you're supposed to be kicking. The main technical point is that you need to create some space between you and your opponent; often when self-defense becomes necessary, you'll be in a position like Kim is now, right up close. But you can't generate any power from that proximity. When you're unable to create the necessary space, other techniques become viable, which we'll cover later. But your best option is to strike from a short distance. So Kim, I want you to take two or three steps back, and then give a good strong kick with your foot right into the pouch in Colin's underwear."

Kim followed the instructions carefully, stepping back and then kicking up into Colin's crotch, but, perhaps due to nerves, her aim was off, and her foot landed on his inner thigh. He remained standing.

"That's okay," Charlotte said reassuringly. "Try it again." Again Kim stepped back and kicked. Her aim was still off; this time she grazed one of his balls with the side of her foot. He sucked in some air and grimaced slightly, but he was mostly unharmed.

"See, this is exactly why we practice this," Charlotte said. "It's not as easy as we'd all like to think. The problem is just as I was describing before. Kim is kicking him in the crotch, but not actually getting him where it counts. So Kim, I want you to get back in the starting position, right up close to Colin--" Kim moved towards him so that they were facing each other, almost touching. "And now reach down and take his genitals in your hand." Kim did as she was told, cupping the pouch of his underwear in her palm. She and Colin were both blushing at the intimate nature of Charlotte's instructions.

"Get a good feel. We talked before about visualizing your target, but now I want you to really locate with your hand. Where exactly is his penis, where exactly are his testicles, where are they sitting in his shorts. His underwear is holding everything in place and it's not going to move around much, which makes your job easier."

Kim avidly felt Colin's genitals through his boxer-briefs, a look of concentration on her face. Sitting on the floor and watching, Emma felt the blood rushing through her veins. It was somewhat arousing to watch such an attractive guy get felt up by another girl in her class. She felt a bit jealous that she wasn't the one getting to touch Colin's private parts, and she wondered if she would get a chance later.

"All right," Charlotte said after a minute. "Now try again." Kim performed the same maneuver with concentration, stepping back and kicking up with her leg. This time her foot connected perfectly with the pouch in Colin's underwear, smashing into the direct center of both his balls.

"Oof," he groaned, bending over at the waist. It was a solid kick, but not so hard to be devastating, since Kim was focusing on her aim.

"Much better," Charlotte said enthusiastically. "But there's still room for improvement. You connected with the target dead-on, but I don't think there was quite enough force behind the kick. You can see the difference in Colin's response between now and when I kicked him before. The whole point is to truly incapacitate him. Let's try once more, and see if you can really put your weight into it this time."

Kim returned to her starting place right in front of Colin, who was standing upright again. She took a deep breath, and then in one smooth motion took two elegant steps back, cocked her foot, holding it there for a beat, and then snapped it up with punishing speed into Colin's balls, slamming into his babymakers with perfect accuracy and a shattering amount of force. She grunted softly as her foot landed with an enormous impact.

"Ohhhhh," Colin moaned miserably, his voice barely more than a whisper. He crumpled to the floor. "Ohhhh, God," he croaked, cupping his balls in a desperate and futile attempt to alleviate the agony. "Ohh, no no no, oh fuck; ughhhh."

For a moment Charlotte looked a bit shocked, but her expression quickly changed to delight. "Wow!" she beamed, clapping her hands together. "That was amazing! Great job. Everyone give it up for Kim!" The whole class clapped in appreciation while Colin groaned miserably on the floor, bent at the waist with his head tucked into his chest.

"As Colin takes a moment to recover," Charlotte said with a smile, "this is an excellent illustration of an important point. It's true that testicles are very sensitive, and it doesn't take very much to hurt them. You saw what I could do with a flick before. Or Kim's first kick-- without much force, it still hurt Colin a lot. That can be useful, don't get me wrong. But what that sensitivity is really good for is very forceful strikes, because those can really put a guy out of commission. Kim did a great job of showing us that."

Colin slowly stood up with obvious difficulty. Charlotte looked at him and smiled. "Okay, let's move on!" she said brightly. "That last exercise represented the most basic kind of encounter, but it won't always be so simple. Let's examine what to do if you're approached from behind. Emma, do you want to swap in?"

Emma got up, nearly dizzy with the nervousness and excitement mingling buoyantly in her chest. She smiled shyly at Colin, who awkwardly nodded back at her.

"This technique is a bit trickier," Charlotte said. "Emma, Colin is going to come at you from behind and wrap his arm around your chest. This can be a scary situation, and you'd likely be taken by surprise. But it's important to stay calm. Gather your bearings, and then kick your heel up back behind you so that it gives a solid impact to Colin's testicles. You got it?" Emma nodded. "Alright, go for it Colin."

Colin came up behind her and quickly wrapped his arm around her with more force than Emma had been expecting. Despite the contrived nature of the exercise, Emma felt a jolt of panic. She squirmed with her body, trying to escape the hold, which was hopeless against Colin's significant strength advantage. She kicked her heel up like Charlotte had instructed, missing somewhat wildly in her discomposure.

"Okay, good," Charlotte said. "This is a good learning moment. Emma, it seemed like you became a little panicked; is that right?" Emma nodded sheepishly. "That's a really natural reaction. When a guy who's a lot stronger than you grabs you, and you can't get loose, it can be scary. That's why it's so important to practice. The best thing you can do is remain calm, and remind yourself that, even if your strength is no match for his, as long as he's left his balls vulnerable, you actually have much more control over the situation than he does. Let's try again with that framing in mind."

This pep talk from Charlotte made Emma feel considerably more confident. She took a breath, waiting for Colin to approach again. He came just as forcefully, and this time when he grabbed her chest-- Emma wasn't sure if it was intentional or not-- his hand landed on her breast, gripping firmly. Emma was a bit taken aback, and gasped softly to herself. Partly due to Charlotte's advice, and partly due to the adrenaline rush from this hot guy having his hand on her breast, Emma felt much more focused. She visualized what the front of Colin's underwear looked like, the amply-filled pouch that was her target, and kicked her leg up forcefully behind her. She felt her heel connect with a surprisingly soft and yielding area, and then felt Colin's body jolt behind her.

"Ooooo," he moaned in a low tone, bending at the waist. "Ohh, my balls." His voice was pained as he squatted down and held his nads through his underwear.

"Excellent!" Charlotte cooed. "What an improvement! Great job Emma. But just like Kim, I want to push you even further. The way I see it, the fact that he was able to stay on his feet means there's room for improvement." Emma noticed with mild disappointment that Colin was already tenderly standing back up, which seemed to show that she hadn't gotten him as good as Kim had.

"Let me jump in to demonstrate this technique, and then you'll go again," Charlotte said. Emma stepped to the side, waiting keenly to see Charlotte perform the heel kick. Charlotte nodded to Colin, who took a breath and then came up on her forcefully. Emma noticed with interest that just like with her, he had grabbed one of Charlotte's breasts, which were substantial, much larger than Emma's. Charlotte waited for a moment, allowing Colin's hand to softly fondle her breast, before she snapped into action. "Ee-yah!" she called out as she rocketed her heel back, absolutely smashing it into Colin's nuts, which, due to the tight confines of his underwear, were held perfectly in place and had nowhere to escape to.

Colin let out an agonized sound and immediately crumbled to the floor. It was like Charlotte had hit a reflex point, like when the doctor hits your knee with her little hammer-- but instead of causing his leg to kick out, this one caused Colin to curl up into a ball and rock back and forth, whimpering softly in a high-pitched voice. The difference in effect between Emma's kick and Charlotte's was evident. After Emma's kick, it was obvious that Colin was in an enormous amount of pain, his face twisted up by the ache in his testicles. But Charlotte had absolutely devastated him, such that he was completely debilitated by the agony.

"This speaks to the same point I was making before," Charlotte said to the class. "Don't get me wrong; Emma's kick got Colin's balls plenty good, and if that were a real-life situation it would probably have done a good enough job. But as we practice, we should be striving to truly incapacitate our opponent, like my kick did. That's one of the main reasons we brought a boy into class today, so we can gauge things like that."

Charlotte looked over at Colin, who was still on the ground whimpering softly and clearly still in a tremendous amount of pain. He had adjusted his position so that his arms were folded underneath him, his forehead pressed into his forearms, and his butt was raised into the air, facing Charlotte and the other girls in the class. The outline of his balls was very clearly visible through his underwear beneath his butt, as they bulged out slightly from the rest of his body. Charlotte turned back to address the girls in the class.

"This is a good opportunity for a teaching moment," she said, looking back at Colin, who couldn't see anything with his face buried in his arms. Charlotte took a step towards him, leaned down, raised her arm and held it there for a moment, and then slapped his exposed balls very hard with an open palm. A loud 'smack' sound rang out on impact.

"Ahh!!" Colin shrieked, immediately collapsing back to the floor and covering his balls again with his hands, but too late to protect them. "Ohhhh my God," he croaked, his voice hoarse with tears. "Ughhh, fuck. Holy fuck."

Charlotte turned to the class and smiled. "This is an important principle. When it comes to self-defense, you should never take anything for granted. It's great if you land an effective strike that gets you out of immediate danger, but if your opponent presents an opportunity to easily hit his testicles again, you should absolutely take it. While I'm confident Colin would have been thoroughly incapacitated by the kick alone, it never hurts to be thorough. Well, it doesn't hurt me in any event," Charlotte said with a wry smile, looking down at Colin. "Plus, you're all still training, and you can't be as confident in the force of your strikes as I can, so you shouldn't leave anything on the field."

Charlotte continued speaking to the class, giving Colin time to recover. After some time had passed he was at least able to stand back up, and did. Charlotte looked over at him and smiled. "That's one of the advantages of having a younger guy to practice with," she told the class. "They recover much more quickly. Guys my age, they feel it for way longer. You good to keep going Colin?" Colin nodded reluctantly. "Okay, great. Emma, sorry for the diversion, but why don't you get up here and try that heel kick one more time."

Inspired by Charlotte's example, Emma stood back up feeling confident. She waited for Colin to grab her. He came up behind her and threw his arm around her, and again his hand landed firmly on her breast, his thumb digging into her nipple. More composed than before, Emma took a breath, visualized the pouch that held Colin's testes, and thrust her heel back, connecting solidly with the soft contents of his boxer-briefs.

She could tell that she got him better than her previous kick, and he groaned painfully, but he fell forward onto her, so that she was supporting his weight, and his hand grabbed harder, more desperately, at her breast. Emma was zeroed-in, and she reacted instinctively without conscious thought. She reached back with her hand and grabbed onto the pouch in Colin's underwear. She started to squeeze, but she soon realized that she was latched onto his penis, so she quickly worked her fingers down until she felt that they were grasping his testicles. She calmly gathered them in her hand and squeezed, not quite applying the maximum amount of pressure she could, but coming fairly close.

"Eeeeeee!" Colin squealed as Emma's fingers closed around his babymakers. "Oh oh oh oh oh oh!" His voice was high and desperate. His one hand remained clamped to her chest, which seemed to be the only thing keeping him up, and with his other he pawed futilely at his own crotch, trying halfheartedly to dislodge Emma's grip.

"Let go!" Emma yelled, squeezing a bit harder. "Let go of my chest!" Colin did as he was told, taking his hand away and sinking slowly to the floor. Emma kept her grip on him as he went down, pulling his balls up away from his body so that he couldn't fall as quickly as he would've like to, lowering him down to the floor at her own pace, squeezing hard the whole time. Finally his back hit the floor, and he looked up at Emma with pleading eyes. She kept squeezing for one more beat and then let go, and then as soon as she did she slapped his balls with her hand-- not as hard as Charlotte had before; it was meant to be mostly symbolic, but Colin's testes had been made so tender that the slap caused him another wave of agony and he cried out miserably.

Charlotte looked stunned for a moment and then broke into a huge smile. "Holy smokes!" She yelled excitedly. "Emma-- fantastic job!" She turned to the rest of the class. "I can't begin to say what a good example that was. Emma knew that she wouldn't be able to generate as much force with her kick as I can, and so she improvised-- and that's exactly what you have to learn to do in these situations. And even though we haven't covered squeezing techniques yet, she did a terrific job on instinct alone. Let's all learn from this example." The girls all clapped and called out words of encouragement. "Way to go Emma!" "You owned him!"

Charlotte continued to lecture the class about the merits of hitting a boy's sack while Colin remained whimpering on the ground, trying to cope with the agony in his. It took a while, but eventually he was able to stand back up and continue. Charlotte had a few more girls practice the heel kick. With her encouragement and instruction, they were all able to land at least one debilitating strike after a few tries.

Charlotte looked at her watch. "Okay everyone, we're nearing the end of today's class. There's just one more thing I want to show you before we wrap up for today. Colin, you can put your shorts back on." Colin was happy to hear this, assuming it meant he wouldn't be getting it in the balls for the remainder of the class.

"This trick I'm going to show you isn't especially relevant to self-defense," Charlotte explained. "But it's a lot of fun, and a personal favorite of mine. I wouldn't say it's really part of your arsenal for a dangerous situation where you actually have to defend yourself. But if your boyfriend or one of your guy friends is ever being annoying, or if you just want to play a prank on them, this is a great way to get them good. Colin, can you come over here and stand facing the wall?"

Colin walked over to where Charlotte indicated, feeling much more at ease now that he had his gym shorts back on. He was standing in profile to the girls in the class, looking at the wall.

Charlotte came up behind him and smiled to the class. "There isn't anything complicated about this technique, so any of you should be able to do it easily without any practice. You could try it as soon as you get back to your dorms if you wanted to."

Suddenly Charlotte reached out and, in one quick motion, pulled Colin's gym shorts and underwear down to the floor at the same time, leaving his bottom half fully exposed. Even though this group of girls had already gotten a long view of him naked, he was caught by surprise at being suddenly pantsed, and, blushing in embarrassment, he bent over to pull his shorts back up. Charlotte was waiting behind him with a smile on her face. As he bent over, his butt jutted out, and his dangling balls became extremely accessible right below it. Charlotte calmly reached out and took his easily grabbable nuts in her hand, and started squeezing with moderate pressure.

Colin gasped when he felt her hand close around his boys. He still had his hands on the waistband of his shorts, which were around his ankles, but he had no way to pull them up anymore. Because of Charlotte's grip on him, he had to remain bent over, his head nearly touching the floor. He was making tiny little whining sounds, both from the pain and from the fear of being at Charlotte's mercy.

The girls in the class were giggling pretty openly at his predicament. He did look fairly silly, naked from the waist down, pants around his ankles, his butt thrust into the air and his testicles firmly in the grip of a woman with a smirk on her face. Charlotte herself had trouble not laughing.

"This is such a satisfying way to get a guy," Charlotte explained, giving a short sudden hard squeeze, eliciting a yelp from Colin. "And in my experience, they fall for it pretty much every time. It's a very natural way to react-- you're so worried that you're suddenly naked, you don't think to protect what really needs protecting. It's a classic example of misdirection." In addition to the pain, Colin was clearly also very embarrassed, his cheeks burning bright red.

"As I said, it doesn't really factor into self defense much," Charlotte went on. "But it's a lot of fun. You can hurt his balls by squeezing them, plus it's humiliating for him. That makes it a great trick for a group setting, like a pool party or hanging out with your friends on campus. The other girls there will love it, you can be sure of that."

One of the girls raised her hand. "Is there anything else you can do to his balls from this position besides squeezing?" she asked earnestly.

"That's a great question," Charlotte answered, with Colin still bent over awkwardly in front of her. "It really depends on what your intention is. If you're just being playful, and are mostly looking to embarrass a guy or give your girlfriends a good laugh, some solid flicks will do nicely."

Still holding tightly to Colin's ballsack, Charlotte demonstrated by bringing her other hand down and giving two hard flicks to each testicle. 'Thwack thwack! Thwack thwack!' Colin jumped a bit with each flick, the relatively soft impacts clearly causing him a lot of pain.

"On the other hand, if what you want is to really make some waves-- maybe your boyfriend or your brother did something that you found really annoying, and you want to teach him a lesson he won't soon forget-- a good strong punch will have an excellent effect."

Charlotte unceremoniously brought her fist back and punched hard into Colin's nads, which were still being held in place by here other hand so that they absorbed the full impact of her fist dead-on.

"Ahhhh," he groaned, the agony evident in his voice. "Ohhh, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck."

"Another thing that's relevant to note in this context," Charlotte continued, "is that the flat, bottom part of the testicles is by far the most sensitive. That's where most of the nerve endings are. This is a more advanced concept, and we didn't talk about it today because I didn't want to distract from the important fact that any kind of hit that gets the testicles solidly is going to do a world of good; but in a context like this, where you're in total control and there are no external pressures, it's much easier to focus on a detail like that. So if you're in a situation where you have a guy's balls under complete control like this, and for whatever reason what you want is to really devastate him, you could consider a punch aimed at that part of the testicles."

Charlotte shifted Colin's balls in her hand so that the bottoms of them were more exposed, facing back towards her. "Just keep in mind, this will hurt really, really badly," Charlotte told the girls. "Normally I wouldn't do this in a class setting for the purposes of demonstration only, but since the question came up I suppose it makes sense to."

Charlotte reared her fist back, and after holding it there for a moment, unleashed it with what seemed like all the force she could muster into Colin's trapped testes. She hit them significantly harder than the first punch, even though she had just finished explaining that a guy would be considerably more vulnerable to a punch aimed to this specific spot. Colin's entire body was clearly racked with anguish upon impact.

"Oooooooooooooo," he groaned in an awful voice. It was apparent from his reaction that this punch had hit much deeper, and caused him much more pain, than any of the previous strikes, even though up until this point, based on those previous strikes, the girls in the class had already been somewhat shocked that you could hurt someone so much just by hitting one specific part of their body. "Wow," one of the girls said, almost to herself. "That's pretty cool."

Colin obviously wanted to curl up into the fetal position, but Charlotte's hand was still wrapped around his balls, making it impossible for him to go anywhere.

"Now, keep in mind," Charlotte continued nonchalantly. "These various kinds of strikes are all well and good, but the real advantage of this position is very simply that you have his balls in your hand and he has absolutely no way to do anything about it; he's completely paralyzed. We talked a few weeks ago about how to make chokeholds as unbreakable as possible. But I think it's safe to say no hold could ever be as unbreakable as this one." There were some giggles from the class at this remark. "So while you do have good access to administer flicks or punches," Charlotte continued, "what I think is really the best part of it is that you have complete control; you can hold on as long as you want to, and he can't do anything to make you let go until you decide to yourself." The girls nodded in appreciation at this point.

"And don't underestimate squeezing," Charlotte said with a knowing look. "Remember that this little trick is mostly for the purpose of having fun, and I think in some ways squeezing is the most humiliating way you can hurt a guys' balls. From an observer's perspective, it doesn't even really look like you're doing anything, but from the guy's perspective-- and from his reaction-- it's obvious that you are." Again the girls laughed at this comment. The mood in the class had lightened up a bit; the students didn't need to focus on learning techniques anymore, and felt freer to enjoy themselves.

"Now, since I'm sure his balls are really, really aching from that last punch, I'll only squeeze Colin with medium strength to demonstrate," Charlotte said. "But it goes without saying that you could squeeze as hard as you wanted to, especially if you had a good reason to."

Charlotte started squeezing. Even though she said she would only use medium strength, you'd be hard pressed to tell from the way Colin reacted. A look of panic came into his eyes and a high-pitched squeal escaped from his pursed lips. Charlotte pulled his balls further up behind his butt, forcing him to get up on his tip-toes and bend even more at the waist. The girls in the class were laughing freely now, delighted by how easily Charlotte could turn Colin into a pretzel, with just one hand, touching just one part of his body. Finally, she let go. Colin was so surprised that he didn't even fall down right away, remaining paralyzed for a moment in the same position, bent fully over at the waist, his butt thrust high in the air, his nuts dangling invitingly and very accessibly behind him.

Charlotte saw how he was paralyzed in this position, and-- even though it was only a moment-- took advantage. With her mouth twisting slightly into a smile, she reached her arm way back and then shot it forward, slapping her palm incredibly hard into Colin's exposed balls. A cartoonishly loud "splat!" sound ricocheted off the walls, the skin-on-skin contact of Chalrotte's bare hand striking Colin's naked ballsack ringing in his ears as he immediately felt the sting of her hand followed by a deep, awful ache in his testicles. He immediately fell into a squat and then rolled over onto the ground, kicking his legs out wildly and gasping in torment. Though Charlotte hadn't even realized it, her slap had inadvertently struck directly on the flat bottom part of Colin's balls again, the part that she had recently explained was an especially painful place to get hit. While she had, of course, intended for her slap to cause Colin a tremendous amount of awful pain, it had in fact landed with significantly more than even she had bargained for. But she remained unaware, as did the girls watching from their semi-circle. The only one who realized what had happened was Colin, because the pain of the slap was especially white-hot and unbearable.

"That one wasn't to demonstrate any technique," Charlotte said with a smile, laughing softly despite herself. "That one was just for fun."

In the last few remaining minutes of the class, Charlotte and the girls talked casually, and with some excitement, about how funny and useful this trick Charlotte had demonstrated was, with some of the girls saying how eager they were to try it for themselves, while Colin remained completely incapacitated on the ground, his face smushed to the floor and his whole being subsumed by unbearable torment.

Charlotte looked at her watch again and saw that class time had ended. "Okay everyone,' she said. "Thanks for all you hard work. This was a great class. I know we didn't cover the entirety of this subject today, but Colin will be back for the next few weeks so that we can keep learning and practicing techniques on this important topic." The girls shuffled out of the class, feeling great, talking excitedly with each and looking forward to next week's class.

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