June 7, 2024

Popping the brash boy's balls

I help my classmate pop the brash boy's balls

By Emily Perry

I just remembered that I forgot something back at our classroom, so my best friend and I went back to retrieve it.

I open the door to my classroom to see a burly guy laughing near the far corner of the classroom. At the far corner of the classroom is my classmate, who runs to me and says that she was being harassed by the guy.

The guy is my classmate who is notorious for being a bully. I have always wanted to pop his balls to teach him a life-lesson, but never found an opportunity.

But today was my opportunity.

I tell the bullied girl what I am about to do to the bully (her face lights up) and ask her to guard the entrance of the room. I told my friend to ready the cable-tie and duct-tape from my bag (the usual procedure).

We start walking toward the bully.

"How are you doing, big guy?" I say.

The bully smirks and is about to speak, but before he is able to utter a word,


I thrust my foot and kicked him right in the balls!

The bully is taken by surprise and crumples to the ground, emitting a high pitched shriek.

I pull his legs on either side of me and,


I forcefully stamp in between his legs, crushing his balls mercilessly against his pelvis.

I start




my foot on his balls and


my foot even more until he is shrieking louder than ever.

I have never heard him shriek this loud before, which is reassuring, he deserves this. But I decide that I'm tired of his shrieking, so I use the duct-tape that my friend hands me to tape his mouth shut.

My friend helps me strip him naked, and I tie his hands tightly behind his back using the cable-tie while he is still on the floor.

Now that he is exposed and defenceless, all that is left to do is pop his balls. I ask my friend to switch places with the bullied girl. To make this life-lesson extra special, I am going to make the bully lose his balls to the very girl he was bullying! How fun!

The bullied girl is very shy when I tell her that she is going to be popping both his balls to teach him a lesson. She obviously has never popped any balls before (I remember being shy before popping my first pair of balls, too).

Since it's her first time, I give her an easy task first. I ask her to stomp his balls. Since he was already on the ground, all she really had to do was position her foot on his balls and


his balls against the floor. She is putting a lot of pressure on his balls. I ask her to put even more weight. She is now absolutely


his balls. Now I ask her to put ALL her weight on his balls! She is


with so much force that a little cum starts dripping from his penis. How funny!

I ask her to continue


his balls until all his cum is drained. Then I wipe the cum with tissues. I will burn the tissues later, although it seems like a very absurd precaution, I must do it to ensure that this bully's genes are not passed on.

I was getting bored with the plain stomping, so I decide to spice things up. I help the bully stand and tell him, "you get to keep your balls while you stand. If you fall to the floor, you will lose BOTH your balls IMMEDIATELY!"

And then I tell the girl, "You have to get him to fall down as quick as you can. You are only allowed to target his balls."

I'm so excited to see how this works out!

The bully starts running away from the very girl he was bullying. I am loving the role reversal!

The bully was doing quite well at avoiding the bullied girl, being more physically adept (even with his hands tied behind his back) than the bullied girl, but he made the fatal mistake of trying to escape the room by trying to get past my friend who was guarding the entrance to the room.


My friend guarding the entrance punches his balls so HARD that he was airborne for a while! If he wasn't duct-taped, I'm sure the entire school would have heard him scream.

My friend continues with a kick,


and another,


until the bully gets the message that he should get away from the entrance, and he gingerly walks away from the entrance.

Damn! I'm surprised this guy still has both his balls intact! I love popping tough balls, I wish I could be the one to pop him.

The bully unknowingly walks right into the bullied girl!

The bullied girl wastes no time, she roughly pulls his balls to the same corner in which he was harassing her.

She will now pop his balls in the same place he was bullying her! What a wonderful idea! Truly!

The bullied boy is trapped at the corner and is almost at the verge of falling to the ground from the fatal blows he received from my friend guarding the entrance.


The bullied girl gives a killer punch to his balls.

He should definitely crumple to a heap on the floor from that blow, but he doesn't... Because he is being held up by the bullied girl's knee which comes up with a sickening


to stop him from falling. Not only does she knee him, but she uses the same knee to


his balls to the wall behind him!

Wow! That was a killer move!

Naturally, the bully collapses to the floor after the bullied girl releases her knee from his balls.

I quickly come to the corner where the bully is lying. As promised, his balls must now be popped. But since this is the first time the bullied girl will be popping any balls, I want it to be special. I want to make it special, like my ball-popping teacher had done for me for the first pair of balls I had popped.



his balls with my foot and,


stamp his balls with brutal force and continue


his balls OVER AND OVER, just the right amount so that his balls don't pop, but they are close to it.

Now his balls are exactly one touch away from popping! This is necessary to give the loudest popping sound. My ball-popping teacher had done this for me, and now I did this for the bullied girl so that she can have a better first time ball-popping experience.

I hope she appreciates my gift. I move away from the bully, smiling, and motioning my hands toward the bully, as if offering a gift to the bullied girl.

I say while smiling, "jump on his balls! The time has come to pop his balls!"

The bullied girl is absolutely delighted. She takes a big running start and jumps on his balls!


both balls explode at the same time!

Damn, these pops were even louder than the first pair of balls I had popped. Lucky girl. Must be because of his tough balls, tough balls always give the best pops.

I can't refer to her as the bullied girl anymore, not after that awesome pop, I will refer to her as the ball-popping girl.

The ball-popping girl starts crushing every last bit of ball left in his sack, making sure nothing can be put back together. Damn, she's a natural!

The ball-popping girl is very happy, we embrace. She will probably pop many more balls after this. I am happy to know that.

My friend who was guarding the entrance comes to us and congratulates the ball-popping girl on popping her first pair of balls; the three of us start discussing about ball-popping. We wonder who we will pop next.


My mother recounts: ball popping trend in her school

This happened the day after I helped my classmate pop a bully's balls. I was telling my mother about how my classmate had completely transformed after popping balls.

"Good for her!" said my mother. "I'm proud of you for making her first ever ball pop extra special!"

"Speaking of first pops," said I, "you've never told me about the first time you popped a pair of balls, mom! I know you've popped many, but you've never told me about the first ever time you popped balls!"

"Oh Emily, you have grown so much! It feels like it was just yesterday when you were this little girl who didn't really want to talk about the various ways of popping balls, but now you have transformed into this girl who has nutted many boys (and men) completely on your own, helped your girlfriends nut their own boys, and even want me to tell you about my experiences!"

"Couldn't have done it without your training, mom!" I smiled.

My mom chuckled. Indeed, my mother had given me plenty of training; whenever we were catcalled (which happened often and still does), she would restrain the catcall-er and allow me to experiment with his balls (always ended with POP POP, of course).

"Well Emily, now that you have asked me so sincerely, I will tell you all about my first time. It was at school. Nutting guys had become really popular in school (you had to pop both balls for it to count), and I really wanted in on the fun."

"Were there any girls who popped more balls than you have?" I ask eagerly, imagining my young mother nutting every guy on the street.

"Emily, you are talking to the woman who has the record for popping the most balls in high school! I've probably also got the record for popping the most balls in college! Although I'm afraid that you might break my record soon!"

I giggle. I'm so proud of my mother for being so awesome. And I will try my best to break her record... by breaking balls.

My mother adjusts herself to become more comfortable in her chair, and then begins,

"So as I said, I really wanted in on the trend, it was something every girl in our school seemed to be doing. Olivia and Emma were the ones to start the trend.

Boys shuddered and covered their groins at their presence. Direct eye contact was all they needed to do to terrify the boys."

"Just like me!" I said, beaming.

"Yes, Emily, just like you.

At the beginning, Olivia and Emma were just two girls who helped stop quarrels and confront bullies. As they began having to confront more and more bullies, they took a different approach. Instead of confronting the bullies themselves, they started instructing girls to go for the balls and teach the bullies a lesson themselves.

Soon every girl was kicking and punching boys in their balls. Sometimes, even just for fun.

The kicks and punches escalated, and soon girls were aiming not just to deliver pain, but to destroy the bully's balls entirely. It started with popping just one ball to teach the bully a lesson, but it was soon decided that the bullies didn't deserve second chances, so it was made mandatory to pop both his balls on the spot."

"You'll be happy to know that we treat bullies in the same way even today!" I said.

"I'm happy to know that indeed," said my mother, "it is as it should be."

"It started with bullies, but soon there were no bullies left to pop. So the girls in our school started finding absurd excuses to pop balls, and sometimes complete lies.

Boys would often get their crotch groped by us girls to check if they still had a full ballsack, if he did, his name was put on a list of balls up for grabs.

The list of course, had names crossed off of it every day as boys got their balls turned into mush. Usually as punishment, but sometimes by the more sadistic girls to increase their own ball popping record."

"What if it was found that a boy had only one ball left? Would he be considered for the balls up for grabs list?" I ask.

"Ah, that's a good question. Such boys were to lose their last ball on the spot, because they probably escaped unfairly from an incomplete punishment. But what happened was that girls that felt like popping a ball would pretend to find only one ball in their sack and crush it, and well, you can guess what happened to the boys actual last ball after that..."

“You mean…”

“Yes, It’s possible your mother has taken the last ball from boys that did nothing wrong” she said with a shrug and a smile

"Damn," I said, That must have been fun! We generally don't pop innocent boys, but I do occasionally pop particularly annoying boys just to increase my tally. Hehe."

"You naughty girl! If you ever need help increasing your tally, I could help you find some more targets!" my mother winked.

"Hehe." I might take my mother up on that offer later.

My mother continued the story,

"So that was the situation at our school at the time, and I had the fortune of having a genuine bully in my class. He was the perfect target to pop. I had to act fast because he was surely going to lose his balls within the next week. The poor guy was new to our school and didn't know how a boy should behave in order to keep his balls.

After school, I went to speak with the legendary Olivia and Emma. I was very shy because they were much older than me, but we had the same mindset when it came to dealing with bullies.

Olivia and Emma explained that they preferred not to give second chances to bullies, and agreed that the bully was going to lose his balls no matter what.

So they agreed to help me. I was overjoyed. The girls, being much older, were easily larger than the bully and could easily overpower him…"

At this time Robert walks into the room. "What's up? Your door was unlocked, so I just allowed myself in, I hope you don't mind."

Robert is my cousin, sent to our home by his mother to be punished for breaking an expensive vase. My mother is of course, the perfect person to send your son to for correction; as my mother can deal all the right spanking to your son's balls while not exceeding their physical limits (my mother has never unintentionally popped a ball till date).

"Hello Robert," said my mother. "Emily, I'm sure you would like to see some live demonstrations of what happened that day, wouldn't you?" She winked.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I love live demonstrations!" said Robert.

My mother and I both looked at each other knowingly giggled.


My mother sat my cousin Robert on the couch. "I was just going to tell Emily about the first pair of balls I popped," she said, giving a wide grin. "Your mother must have told you about my reputation with balls, I expect?"

Indeed, my mother's reputation with balls is the reason Robert is at our home at this very moment. He is here to have his balls punished for breaking his mother's expensive vase. My mother is the perfect woman to approach when you want your son harshly punished but not broken; she knows the limits of a guy's testicles as she knows the back of her hand; she has never (till date) popped a ball unintentionally (she has popped plenty intentionally, but that's another matter).

"Yes, she has," Robert said, nervously.

In fact, Robert's mother has always threatened to send Robert to my mother when he's done something wrong. She would tell him about how many balls my mom has popped (and how mercilessly), and threaten sending him to my mom for correction. Well, today, she finally made good on that threat.

"And, I hope you know the reason your mother has sent you here today."

Robert nodded his head gravely.

"Robert, I am going to punish your balls while I narrate the story I was about to tell Emily. You must listen carefully and understand how vulnerable your balls are. A lot of boys lose their nuts prematurely, and I don't want that to happen to you.” (I like how my mother said she doesn't want him to lose his nuts prematurely; she never said she doesn't want him to ever lose his nuts).

Robert looked terrified at the casual tone in which my mother was speaking about the fate of his manhood.

"And Emily, I want you to pay close attention to Robert's balls. I know you have already popped plenty of balls yourself” (believe me, she isn't exaggerating), “But there is an art to pushing the limits of testicles without popping them, and it is a skill that you will find handy in the future. You may want to keep a pair for later use”

I doubt this, why would I ever need to abuse a boy’s balls without popping them? Where's the fun in that? But I nodded my head anyway, eager to get on with the story.

As usual, like every bad boy my mother has punished, my mother strips Robert out of his clothes, any resistance is of course met with a firm slap to the balls. He is now naked and his balls have nowhere to hide.

My mother calmly seats herself right beside Robert (me being on the other side of Robert so that Robert is between us) and scoops up his balls with one hand.

The sudden hostage situation of his balls sends a noticeable shiver through Robert. I smirk. I love the moment the boys realize that the fate of their balls is fully in the hands of a lady (she could easily turn them to mush if she wanted to), and there's nothing they can do about it (try resisting and your balls are done for).

“Now Robert, if you try to escape, just know I have enough strength and experience to pop your balls on the spot. Understand?”

“Yes Auntie”

My mother began the narration:

"So I had finally convinced the legendary Emma and Olivia to help me pop the bully's balls. We waited after class and intercepted the bully immediately. We convinced him to follow us into an empty room, which we locked as soon as he was in.

It was almost too easy. We were lucky; any other boy would have immediately recognized Olivia and Emma, and run for his life (more like, run for his balls)."

"Kind of like how every boy runs away from me!" I giggled

I add for Robert's knowledge, "Because I've popped so many balls in my school!"

Robert looked absolutely terrified, and he should be, sitting naked with his balls in the hands of a woman, and in between two females who have both popped plenty of balls mercilessly.

Looking at his terrified face, I smirk and say, "Don't worry, I don't usually pop balls just for fun, there is usually a motive. Usually."

"Once we had the bully inside the room," my mother continued, "the hard part was done. All we had left to do was pop the bully's balls.

The bully hadn't really realized the grave situation he was in. He probably thought that the girls had got him there so that they could privately confess their feelings for him.

But all speculations about the girls' intentions were clarified when Olivia gave the bully a powerful knee to the balls. It went WHAM! The kick was so forceful that it lifted him off the ground!"

"Damn," I said. "That must have been a solid knee. How did the bully react to it?"

"I’m glad that you asked, he sounded kind of like this," my mother said, and she unceremoniously brought her solid fist to mash Robert's balls against her other hand.

Robert's yelps only got louder and louder as my mother crushed his balls with her hands more and more. Eventually she felt that his yelps had reached the appropriate loudness and eased off the pressure.

"That was what the bully sounded like," my mother concluded.

"The bully collapsed to the floor. Olivia and Emma used the opportunity to completely strip the bully. Their mastery (of popping balls) was apparent with the speed in which they undressed the bully.

The bully, after a few moments of cradling his balls, finally managed to focus his gaze on the girls. He asked what they were doing to him.

And to that I explained, quite proudly, that we were going to pop his balls."

"That's crazy!" Robert squeaked.

My mother narrowed her eyes at Robert, and he immediately knew that he fucked up.


My mother used both her hand to crush Robert's balls mercilessly. Robert started squirming around and yelping, but I steadied him by his shoulders.

"Don't interrupt me ever again, Robert."

"Where was I? Right. I told him that we were going to pop his balls. Hearing this, the bully probably realized that he better get out of there. But before the bully could move even an inch, Emma and Olivia were at his sides. They restrained him so that he couldn't move from his position.

But why! he squeaked.

To teach you a life lesson, of course, I said.

Fuck your lesson, he said.

I used my bare feet (I really wanted to feel the first pair of balls I popped) to crush his balls against the floor. "Oh your balls are definitely going to pop today. But if you don't behave, we'll make it hell for you."

Olivia and Emma were impressed with my natural dominance. They nodded approvingly.

The bully tried to say something, but his words came out gibberish. I don't blame him though, with the amount of pain he must have been feeling, I doubt he could have phrased even a simple sentence."

"Wow mom, so you're saying that if we lie Robert down on the floor and have you crush his balls with your foot like you had that bully, Robert won't be able to utter a single sensible sentence?" I say, my eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Indeed. Robert why don't you lie yourself down on the floor so that we can demonstrate this to Emily?" My mother smiled.

Poor Robert lied himself down on the floor, knowing that he really did not have a choice.

"Robert, I want you to say that you will be more careful with your mother's property and that you will never break anymore expensive vases. And you shall say this while I crush your balls. Oh, and to incentivize it, you get a solid kick from Emily if you are not able to complete the sentence."

"Yay!" kneeing balls is at the top of the list of things I love to do. Maybe I can get Robert airborne like Olivia did with the bully.

Without any warning my mother took her bare-foot and started


Robert's balls.

Robert was doing a good job. He was getting close to finishing his sentences. But it was clear that my mother never meant for him to be able to finish the sentences because she kept increasing the pressure on his balls more and more as he got closer to the end.

By the time he was at the last word, the pain was unbearable and he gave up trying to finish the sentences. His body preferred screaming senselessly instead.

Robert's balls were probably throbbing with immense pain, but he knew to obey my mother when she asked him to stand up for my knee.

I have plenty of experience with kneeing balls, so I didn't have to bother aiming my knee. My knee met its target naturally, as though it was something it was engineered to do since the beginning.

But Robert didn't go airborne. He was held down by my mother, who was holding him from behind to prevent him from avoiding my knee. This meant that the force his balls felt was double the force it should have felt.

Poor Robert. He was visibly crying while he was cradling his balls. We decide to give him a little break; my mother continued the story.

"After grinding the bully's balls for a while, we asked the bully to apologize to all the girls he had bullied (standard Olivia and Emma procedure).

But the bully, being the dumb ass that he was, just flicked us a finger wordlessly.

Pop a ball, it should bring some sense into him, Olivia suggested.

It was a good idea. I isolated one of the bully's balls using one foot. And using the other, can you guess what I did?"

"What do you think she did, Robert?" I ask, mischievously.

"you popped his ball?" Robert said. He was still cradling his own balls.

"Indeed!" my mother said. "I started applying pressure with my other foot. I looked into the bully's eyes and smiled. He started squirming like crazy (but of course was firmly restrained by Emma and Olivia). His efforts were in vain as his ball exploded with a wonderful POP!

Do you want to know what he sounded like when he lost his ball?"

"Yes!" I said. But this time, I didn't wait for my mother to demonstrate on Robert's balls. I ran towards Robert and dropped an elbow on his balls myself. He screamed. He probably screamed louder than the bully had when he lost a ball.

My mother was angry at me. "You could have popped Robert's balls with that blow!" but luckily Robert still had two intact balls.

"So after we popped one of the bully's ball, we got him to give us a list of all the girls he had bullied, we recorded a video of him and made him say that he was sorry for being a bully. Then we said to the camera that we were popping both his balls to teach him a life lesson. For his final ball, I jumped on his ball mercilessly, popping it immediately. Of course, we made sure there was nothing sizable left in his sack by crushing his popped balls to mush.

And we sent the video of his balls being popped to every girl the bully had ever bullied (which of course, they forwarded to their friends, who forwarded to their friends, etc; eventually every girl at school had a copy of the video)."

"He gave you the list girls he had bullied after you popped his ball? Even though he knew you would empty his sack no matter what?

"Yeah you can get guys to do pretty much anything after they lose a ball. I guess it's because they want to please you by doing whatever you ask them to, hoping that you spare their final ball."

"Mom... I would love a live demonstration of this." I looked toward Robert.

But Robert was already running away. The adrenaline pumping through him made him clumsy, but he managed to flee along with his clothes before any more demonstrations could be performed on his balls.

"I guess we'll have to postpone that demonstration for when Robert breaks another vase."

My mom and I laugh. 

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