June 28, 2024

Washington High Self Defence Class, chapter 12

Chapter 12 - Tommy Visits Nurse’s Office

Tommy went into school early on Monday to go make an appointment with Miss Spalding, the school nurse, so he could talk to her about his situation. When he got there, her door was open so he just went in. She was sitting at her desk when Tommy entered.

“Tommy Shaw!” The nurse greeted the young man. “Great to see you! Are you here for your nut test?”

“My what?”

“Your nut test, silly,” the nurse said looking at the schedule on her clipboard.

“Um, I just got out of the hospital this weekend and I had a few questions for you about my nuts,” Tommy said, still not used to using the singular to describe what was in his sack.

“Oh, the hospital. You poor dear. Step over here and disrobe please.”

Tommy was really confused, but didn’t want to miss this opportunity to speak with the nurse. The sooner the better, he thought.

When he was down to just his T-shirt and nut cup, the nurse’s eyes perked up.

The words “ONE NUT” were clearly written across the waistband of his branded jockstrap.

“Oh, hey!” The nurse exclaimed, “Is that one of those One-Nut cups I’ve been hearing so much about?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The nurse got out from behind her desk and knelt in front of her patient to get a closer look.

“Would you look at that, a One-Nut nut cup. It’s a marvel of modern science, if you ask me,” she said as she reached out to get a feel of the cup.

“Can I ask you something?” She said, her hand still on the large plastic device. “Why on earth would you come in here wearing one of these when we both know that just a couple days ago I clearly saw you with two nuts?”

Tommy froze, too shocked at her stupidity to get any words out.

“Would you mind taking it off so I can start your test? And this way I can see how this new nut cup works - it’s a two-for-one deal!”

Having flashed an entire sporting goods store only the day before, Tommy reluctantly put his thumbs into the sides of his jockstrap and started pulling it down. As he got the strap to his knees, Nurse Spalding couldn’t help but blush at Tommy’s size. She had seen many penises in her fairly short career, but nothing like this. Tommy stepped out of the jock and held it up for the nurse to inspect, but her eyes were glued elsewhere for the time being.

“Umm, Tommy what’s up with this scar on your scrotum? That doesn’t seem normal to me.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” he said.

Suddenly, there was a light knock on nurse’s door and leaving no time for her to answer, a beautiful young lady walked in holding a stack of papers. “Here’s the paaa-a-a-aaaa-per-worrrrrrrrrrrrk,” the stunned female got out before stopping in her tracks, staring straight at Tommy’s crotch.

“I’m sorry, I can leave,” she said turning bright red. “Oh, nonsense,” Miss Spalding retorted as the girl was attempting to leave. “Tommy’s here for his nut test. Get in here!”

The girl shuffled her way over to the young man and nurse, oblivious to the door behind her that was now wide open.

“Tommy, this is my new assistant Gail. Gail, this is Tommy Shaw, he’s a senior here at the school.”

Gail reached her hand out to shake Tommy’s. As eye contact was made and hands touched, a small jolt of electricity went through the two of them. The handshake lasted an awkwardly long time. To break it up, the nurse called to Tommy. “Hey kiddo, why don’t you take off that T-shirt so we can start your test.”

We? Tommy thought, SHE is going to stay in here for this? She seems just a year or two older than me. And what is this test she keeps talking about?

Sensing his trepidation, the nurse chimed in, “Gail is studying nursing down at the University and will be my assistant for the rest of the school year. Isn’t that wonderful?”

“Sure,” Tommy said pulling his shirt off. Both ladies paused and admired the sight before them as Tommy’s abs and pecs came into view. Gail felt a slight tingle in her groin. This kid could be a model, she thought to herself.

“I was just inspecting this unusual scar on Tommy’s scrotum when you came in. What do you make of it?”

“Well, Miss Spalding, I don’t really have any experience in male genitalia, but it appears to me that this young man is missing a testicle. Most likely, surgically removed.”

Nurse Spalding reached her hand out, grabbed the scrotum, causing Tommy to flinch, and proceeded to palpate the entire sack.

“I think you’re right, Gail!” The nurse said excitedly. “Did you know you were missing a nut?” She asked Tommy who was now wincing considerably, considering what he had just been through the past few days.

Through the pain, Tommy looked over to Gail and the two shared a Can you believe this woman? moment.

“Yes, I did know that, Miss Spalding. It’s what I came here to talk about,” Tommy said while gritting his teeth.

Then it dawned on her. “So THAT’s why you came in here wearing a One-Nut, nut cup! It all makes sense now!”

Tommy now could only chuckle.

“So what did you want to know?"

Tommy hesitated. It was hard enough to discuss this with the nurse, but now this beautiful assistant was in the room as well. Nurse Spalding could sense the hesitation and piped up.

"Let me guess. You want to know If you could still function if you have a nut removed?” The nurse said, directing Tommy over to a bed in the office.

Relieved to hear that she actually guessed his concern and that she might actually know something about this, Tommy shook his head yes and said, "How did you know?"

“Oh, dear, I get asked that a lot. And you have nothing to worry about. Many men have had a nut removed and have gone on to live normal, healthy lives with completely normal sexual function. Now, step into these,” she said, securing Tommy’s ankles to the base of the bed, which had velcro straps at the bottom, causing his legs to be spread quite a bit.

Tommy let out a large sigh, “Oh, that’s so great to hear. I was little worried,” he said looking at what the nurse was doing with is feet.

“Now give me your hands, honey,” the nurse instructed, strapping each hand to the posts at the end of the bed. “Oh, nonsense! You have nothing to worry about!”

“So if I had this nut removed, say, later this week, I’d still be able to function just fine?”

“I guess so?” The nurse said. “Like my medical journals say, as long as you’re only removing the one nut, you will be just fine. It’s just this one nut, right?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he answered, now concerned about why he was strapped to this hospital bed standing up and completely naked.

“Then you’ll be fine - why so worried?” The nurse said gripping his one nut very firmly. 

Tommy again looked over at Gail as if to say, is this right? And the young nurse-in-training merely shrugged her shoulders and said, “It makes sense to me.”

“Let’s start the test, Mr. One-Nut.”

“What test?!” Tommy raised his voice, “And why am I strapped to this bed?”

The nurse looked at her assistant and they both shared a smile.

“You know, you can be really scatterbrained sometimes!" Nurse Spalding said without a shred of irony. "We’re testing all of the boys’ nuts this week, to be sure it’s safe for the girls in your self defense class. You missed the testing yesterday so I assume that is why you came in here today?”

Dumfounded, Tommy just gave up. “What testing yesterday?”

“Oh, you didn't hear? Miss Brown called for all boys in the self defense class to have their nuts tested to be sure none of them would rupture in the class. You missed a very interesting day at school yesterday, right Gail?” The nurse said to Tommy.

“Interesting to say the least! I’ve never seen so many nuts getting kicked.” Gail responded, causing Tommy to squirm a bit.

What have I gotten myself into here, he thought to himself.

“Yeah, well, at least we know whose nuts can take a beating. And most guys kept both of theirs!” Nurse Spalding said with glee, now squatting in front of Tommy’s sack.

“We are going to have to modify our nut tests today, but I think we’ll get a good idea of just how much your remaining nut can take,” the nurse said looking up at Tommy. “Come down here and get a good look, Gail." The protege crouched down next to Nurse Spalding and looked intently as her mentor took hold of Tommy's lone nut.

"I like to start with driving my left thumb directly to the center of the nut - see how far I can get it in there," the nurse said matter of factly. "Boy, this one looks swollen already.”

With her assistant concentrating on what her mentor was doing, the nurse didn’t waste any time and plunged her thumb deep into Tommy’s nut.

He was caught off guard a bit by the severity of the probing thumb and was actually kind of relieved that he was strapped in as he might very well have fallen to the floor if he wasn’t.

“Sometimes I like to see if I can feel my thumb on the other side of the nut,” Nurse Spalding said, concentrating on the lone orb in front of her. “It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does, it’s exhilarating,”

Both Gail’s and Tommy’s eyes grew wider. After holding her thumb there for over 30 seconds, the nurse removed her hand and invited Gail to try. Tommy let out an audible sigh, sweat starting to form on is brow.

“Don’t be shy. Really get in there,” she encouraged.

Gail stepped in front of Tommy, knelt down and reached out to grab his nut.

“Nurse Spalding!” Principal Brown yelled out as she poked her head in the door. “Are you busy?”

Surprised by the visit, Gail spun around, pulling hard on Tommy’s nut causing him to cough loudly. Gail, sheepishly shrugged her shoulders and whispered, “Sorry,” to Tommy, but for some reason, didn’t let go of his nut.

“Hello, Principal Brown,” Nurse Spalding said somewhat surprised.

Tommy’s nudity didn’t really bother the progressive administrator, so instead of high-tailing it out of there, she briskly walked over to their patient and put her hand out, “Tommy Shaw, how are you doing, young man?” Taking a quick glance down at his large member, then realizing he was strapped to the bed and couldn’t shake her hand.

“Umm, good, I guess,” the boy managed to squeak out, despite his nut being gripped even harder at the moment by Gail.

"Sorry we missed you at yesterday's testing," The principal said. "But I'm glad to see you're here bright and early to get tested." Then the principal reached out and gently put her hand on Gail’s and calmly said, “You can let go now dear.” Gail blushed and withdrew her nervous hand from Tommy's sore nut. Tommy breathed out a sigh of relief.

Seeing the scar on his sack, the principal piped up, “Don’t tell me you’re missing a nut, too! Please tell me this didn’t happen in our self defense class.”

Still embarrassed, Tommy could only shake his head, no.

“Okay good. Just be careful with this one," She said as she cupped his nut in her hand. "I’ve heard once a boy is down to one nut, the odds skyrocket that he’s going to lose the other one!” And she gave it a little tug. “Sorry you weren't there yesterday, Tommy, it was quite a success,” the principal said, now rolling around Tommy’s nut in her hand. “But I see these ladies are taking care of that this morning. I’m glad you came in. We can’t be too careful,” she said as she let his nut plop out of her hand and left the room, inexplicably leaving the door open as she left.

With the principal gone, both nurses turned and looked at Tommy still strapped to the bed in a standing position, legs spread far apart. Again, both ladies paused and took in the glorious sight before them. He looked like a one-nutted Greek god.

“Gail, I’ll have you do the honors of inspecting his remaining nut. Come over here, dear.”

The young assistant shyly made her way over.

“It’s easiest to inspect this area with his hands strapped to the bed and everything else hanging freely, if you know what I mean?”

Gail nodded.

“So, let’s have you squat in front of our patient, take a hold of his left nut and give it an exam.”

“Um, his left nut is gone, ma’am,” the young apprentice explained to her boss. Looking up from her crouch.

“Oh, I always get that mixed up. ‘Cause we’re facing him it’s on our left, but I think you’re right. Yes, yes, you’re right,” she said turning to face the same way Tommy was and touching herself where her right nut might be, if she had one. “It’s his right nut. She’s a sharp one!” She said looking Tommy in the eyes.

Gail reached her left hand out and tried to get access to the nut, but Tommy’s huge member was clearly blocking her path. “How do I, um do this? His, ah, penis is now in the way.”

“Well, I normally don’t run into this problem,” the nurse said a little frustrated. “How about you hold his penis out of the way with your right hand and grab the nut with your left? Yeah, that should work, right?”

She slowly reached her right hand out, looked up to make eye contact with the young patient, and methodically lifted the large member up and to the right. Both patient and practitioner were now in another world of lust.

“That’s great dear, now grab the nut with your other hand and check for any abnormalities,” the nurse instructed her young helper.

Gail could feel Tommy’s cock slowly filling with blood. It was definitely getting firmer, hotter and even bigger than before. Then she reached out and grabbed a hold of his right - and only - nut. Not really knowing what she was doing, she grabbed a hold of it firmly. She even started to squeeze it a bit. Miss Spalding was getting a bit flustered.

“You need to get this thing out of the way first,” the nurse said reaching for Tommy’s now rapidly growing cock. “Move your hand, I can do this part while you check his nut!”

It was starting to look like a game of Twister with Miss Spalding’s legs intertwined with Gail’s.

“I think I can do it myself,” the young lady said, attempting to wrestle the cock back out of the nurse’s hand. Tommy’s cock was now probably over 12 inches and hard as a rock as the two ladies fought over possession of it. The more they fought, the harder it got. Tommy was swirling in pain and pleasure, as Gail also refused to let go of his nut.

“No, honey. Not so firm. You need to…”

“Is that Tommy Shaw?!” A yell came from the hallway. It was three senior cheerleaders who had a clear view into the nurse’s office as the door had remained wide open. They were pointing and screaming at the sight before them.

Miss Spadling panicked as she tried to hide Tommy’s nakedness. She did a quick spin, which lifted her skirt and as she backed into Tommy’s crotch, his dick went between her legs and jutted out from between her legs. As her skirt came down from the spin, it left an hilarious sight. It looked like Miss Spalding was sporting a huge erection which was tenting the front of her skirt.

Gail was so startled by the girls coming to the door that she had fallen to the floor, not realizing she had a death grip on Tommy’s poor nut.

“Is that Tommy Shaw hiding behind you?” One of the girls asked, trying hard to not to burst out laughing.

“There’s no one behind me,” Nurse Spalding said, trying to save Tommy some embarrassment.

“Oh, so that’s YOUR cock sticking out from your skirt?” The young lady said smirking.

Looking down on her skirt, the nurse couldn’t believe what she saw. It looked like she had an 8-inch erection sticking out under her skirt. Instinctually, she grabbed the offending appendage and pushed it down as hard as she could. A moan could be heard behind her, causing all three girls to twitter. The dick quickly sprang back up, forcing the nurse’s skirt up and nearly slapping against her belly. The girls broke into hysterical laughter.

Even more flustered, Nurse Spalding quickly spun to her right to hide the erection, paying no mind that Tommy’s cock was wedged tightly in-between her thighs.


The sound could be heard loudly in the small office. All three girls’ faces immediately showed looks of horror. Gail, who was still hanging onto Tommy’s nut below Miss Spalding, could see the cock bent over to the right side. It did not look good.

“Did she just break his cock?” One of them asked incredulously as Tommy seemed to have passed out behind the nurse.

“No way!” Another yelled out, shoving a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing harder.

For the moment, Miss Spalding could only stand there, frozen in terror at what just happened between her legs. She eventually carefully lifted her left leg high in the air and stepped out and away from Tommy, his cock noticeably leaning to the right.

“OOOOOH!!” The cheerleaders cringed. “That HAD to hurt,” one of them yelled pointing at the huge appendage.

When Miss Spalding made it to the door one of the girls asked, “Did you - um - just snap his cock?”

The nurse had a hold of the door and was about to close it when she said to the girls, “As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, we are conducting nut tests all week and…” she paused and looked down on Gail who was still holding Tommy’s lone nut, “And I think he passed, right Gail?”

Just then Gail slowly let go of Tommy’s nut and looked up at the girls, “Umm, yes, it looks as though he has passed.”

“And are you testing their cocks, too?” One of the cheerleaders said giggling.

“That’s quite enough ladies,” the nurse said, pushing them out the door. All three girls laughed hysterically and pranced down the hallway.

Once the door was closed, Nurse Spalding rushed over to Tommy who was obviously passed out. She gently lifted his still-hard cock up away from his body and started to palpate it at the base. Gail looked on in shock, not only at seeing its size, but that she may very well have witnessed a young man have his cock broken.

“How…how is it?” Gail asked the nurse. “Can those really break?”

“They can,” the nurse said inspecting Tommy’s dick. “I can’t believe it’s still hard,” she said, mesmerized by the meaty object in her hands. “But I’m not sure it’s actually broken.”

“Really?” Gail said, hoping for the best.

“There is a little swelling here at the base, but I don’t think it’s that bad. We better do a quick X-ray to make sure.”

Gail reached down and took a hold of Tommy’s nut. She started rolling it around in her fingers when Nurse Spalding asked, “How’s it feel?”

After a few more moments of inspection, Gail looked up and said, “I was so startled by the girls coming in that I think I may have squeezed it pretty hard - for a while,” the assistant said sheepishly.

“And is it still whole?” Nurse Spalding asked.

Giving it one last feel, Gail was happy to report back that it was, indeed, still intact.

“So I guess he did pass the nut test after all!” Nurse Spalding said cheerfully. “You can mark him off the list. Now, let's go get him X-rayed."

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