Brother’s Christmas Nightmare
Sean D.’s seasonal ballbusting lark, and sequel to:
A Sister’s Awakening, a Brother’s Nightmare
Pt. I
“Doug… Doug…”
“Wake up… Doug…”
Doug was pulled from the blackness of sleep by a girl’s voice. Light started flooding into his vision.
“Doug, Doug, are you awake?”
He hadn’t yet opened his eyes but recognized it as his sister, Sarah’s, annoying voice.
“God, why is she waking me up?” He thought.
“Whaat…” he started groggily mumbling.
He finally opened his eyes to look at his sister. He saw her face beaming with excitement. She had a red Santa hat on. He opened his eyes more and started taking in his surroundings.
Sarah was sitting at the bottom of his bed, facing him. Her knees were hugging her chest and the length of her feet and shins was covered by candy cane striped knee-high socks.
In the next moment, Doug realized exactly where she was sitting. Directly in the middle of the V opening made by his feet. He was laying on his back with his legs splayed comfortably apart. He had only tight-fitting boxers on. The bulge of his junk was completely visible.
The imminent danger of his situation just began dawning on him as he looked Sarah in the eyes with a flash of fear.
Sarah soaked it in. This was the perfect moment, she thought.
“Merry Christmas, brother!”
There was a blur of white and red as she shot her right foot out like a piston. Sarah smiled widely as she felt her heel connect directly with the soft “cushion” created for her foot by his ballsack. It just felt so cozy, she thought, and made her feel in the Christmas spirit even more.
But as her foot reached the apex of its extension, Doug’s body, with nowhere further back to be pushed, stopped firmly against his bed frame. This meant her candy cane heel now pushed even harder, and Sarah could now feel his two hard orbs. They had such a weird hard but also squishy consistency she thought.
Would she hear a crack? Doug and her locked eyes for a moment as the force of her kick reached its apex. They were both aware of what could happen…
There was no sound. Just a loud shriek from Doug as his body started reacting to the intense pain shooting from between his legs. Sarah kept her foot there for a minute, rolling his balls around, squishing them, as he held on for dear life to her foot, trying vainly to remove it.
Finally, she withdrew her foot to its original position and Doug started rolling and writhing on the bed. Sarah took it all in for a few minutes. It was so much fun to see him making all those sounds. And his facial expressions were to die for.
This Christmas was getting off to a good start, she thought.
After a few minutes, the immediate pain was gone and Doug had settled into the excruciating nausea inducing pain coursing through his abdomen. He was sobbing. He now had some vision back, and he looked to his sister at the end of the bed.
She had her knees curled up to her chest. She was wearing very short boy-shorts. Red, of course, for Christmas. He couldn’t help but notice the smooth V shape between her legs. No hanging balls. She was well protected from his kind of misery.
It’s not fair, he thought. Or actually, in his delirious pain, he didn’t realize that he was saying it, over and over. “It’s not fair, it’s not fair…”
Sarah saw where he was looking as he was saying it. It took her a moment to connect the dots.
“Ahahaha” she laughed at him.
“Oh, poor brother. Wish you didn’t have your little ballsies? Wish you had been born a girl?”
“Well, if you’re a good boy, maybe Santa will take away your little peanuts, hahaha. Well, no probably it would be Mrs. Klaus.”
Imagining a mythical Mrs. Klaus crushing her brother’s nuts was so funny and she couldn’t stop laughing.
Finally she heard her mom calling for them to come downstairs. She went to the door.
“You had better come down, Dougy, you know what happens when you make mom wait.” She smiled widely and left the room, skipping.
Doug knew well indeed. The past month and a bit had been a waking nightmare for Doug. Ever since his mom had watched that movie and let Hailey and Sarah kick him in the balls, she had fully started embracing her new worldview. Doug now lived in a ball-busting family where a kick to the balls from his mother and sister became routine punishment for even the most minor signs of disobedience. Taking too long to finish his chores, not finishing his homework, talking back, watching porn etc. The worst, though, was how his sister knew she could so easily make up reasons to kick him in the balls. She would say that he called her a bad name or was rude to her. Even saying that he wouldn’t hand her the TV remote when she demanded it had become legitimate grounds to inflict terrible pain onto him. And sometimes, according to his mom, it was ok for a girl to have some fun and kick a boy in the balls for no reason.
As such, despite the excruciating pain, Doug wobbled downstairs. With every step, he thought he may fall over. The only thing that kept him moving was fear of the terrible ball-kicking session he would receive from his mother if he kept her waiting.
Doug heard laughing as he entered the living room. His mom and sister were sitting by the large Christmas tree.
His mother looked over at him, giggling. “Merry Christmas, Doug. I heard that your sister already gave you a present." She looked down to his crotch, which were covered by his hands as he hobbled into the room.
She looked to Sarah. “Tisk, tisk my daughter. You know that gift-giving has to be a family affair.”
Sarah was also giggling. “Sorry mom, it won’t happen again.”
Doug sat down on the couch. His sister had her Santa hat on, boy shorts and candy cane knee highs. His mother had an elf outfit. A green hat, a form-fitting green shirt, and green tights. Over the tights were short nylon black shorts.
“Well.” Said Jen. “Let’s start with the stockings.”
The two females of his family both grabbed normal stockings. Doug looked for his.
“Oh, we’ve decided to change your stocking this year, hun,” said Jen. From behind the tree she pulled a knee high black leather pointed toe heel boot. Doug’s eyes went wide. He just wanted to have a normal Christmas, but he was quickly realizing he was going to suffer this Christmas .
“Uh, thanks” he said. He took the boot in his hand.
As had become custom, the ladies went first. He watched as they took out sweets, makeup and other small things. Finally, they turned to him.
“Now you can open yours, honey,” said his mom.
Doug reached into the black leather boot. He felt some fabric and pulled out red spandex. He unfurled it and saw it was a small-sized pair of spandex briefs. He looked wide-eyed at his mom and sister.
“Keep going hun.”
He reached in again and pulled out an elastic. He was confused, but knew it couldn’t be good. His mom and sister shared mischievous glances.
He reached around, the boot was empty. That was it. “That’s it” he said.
“No,” replied his mom. “You’re forgetting the biggest thing. The “stocking” itself. It’s also a present.” He looked quizzically. She handed the boot to Sarah, who put it on. Oh no, he thought.
“Now Doug,” his mom took the elastic. “You're going to wrap this around your balls, ok dear?”
She held invisible balls in her hand to demonstrate. "You just slip it over your testicles to where your ballsack touches your body. Then repeat that two times. Get it nice and tight. Then put on the briefs and come back out.” Doug had such fear of his mom that he immediately complied.
He took his pants and boxers off and wrapped the elastic around three times as his mom had shown him. His scrotum was now taught against his balls. It felt uncomfortable. Even more so once he struggled to get on the tight spandex briefs. They pushed tightly in against his body. Doug winced with pain as he walked back into the living room. The tight elastic and spandex were pressing so tightly against his already aching balls that his sister had recently kicked.
His sister pointed at him and laughed. His mom looked pleased. “Now, Doug, I want you to spread your legs and keep your hands behind your back.”
Doug did so. Sarah had put on the other boot and came to stand in front of him. His mother approached him as well. They both bent down to crotch level. His mother reached out and grabbed his balls, which were bulging out of the briefs. He winced in pain as her cold hand pressed firmly around each ball. She felt the base of the elastic. She wanted to make sure he had done it tightly enough and she concluded he had. Now it was his sister’s turn to feel. “Oooh, sugar plumbs” she joked.
His mother explained. “You see, normally Doug’s ballsack provides lots of room for his balls to move around and escape when you hit him there dear.”
“That’s no fun!” Said Sarah.
“But with this elastic tied around, his balls have nowhere to go.” Indeed, Doug has never seen his own balls so clearly. He could see their exact oval shape jutting out from his body. The elastic and tight shorts caused them to bulge out.
“This is going to really hurt, isn’t it Dougy?” Sarah did a mock frown and put her hands between her own legs, as if in pain. Then she laughed.
“Oh yes, it is going to hurt him a lot,” said his mom. “But more than that, you will have a serious possibility of causing one or both of his balls to rupture.”
“Really!?” Sarah replied. Doug winced at the loud sound of her boots clacking on the hardwood as she jumped up for joy and landed hard on the ground.
“Oh yes. If you kick as hard as you can and aim well… well I don’t see how your brother's balls could survive.”
Doug unclasped his hands and covered his crotch and started backing away. Not even the fear of his mom could cause him to stay put. He was on the verge of being castrated by his sister! What worse could she do to him?
Realizing this, Jen grabbed her son’s arms and came around behind him, holding both arms painfully backwards. “Now, now, Doug, you wouldn’t want to deprive your sister of her Christmas present, now would you?” They both laughed.
“No, please, please, please!” With each please, his voice became more shrill. His sister only laughed harder. “Soon you’ll be talking in a high-pitched voice like that all the time brother!”
Doug started crying. “I… I… don’t want to lose my balls! Please. I don’t want to lose my balls!”
Jen was laughing so hard that she almost lost her grip. She nodded to Sarah, who understood that it was time. She should do it. Jen pushed her knee into her son’s buttox, forcing his crotch out and forward. His legs spread wide apart.
While she did that, Sarah put her foot backwards and eyed her targets. As soon as he steadied for a moment and stopped moving, she kicked.
She lost her breath as she watched the tip of her hard leather boot about to make contact with her brother’s exposed balls. She felt a surge of power and exhilaration. She so badly wanted to hear a loud POP.
She angled the boot so the top of it smashed into his balls and crushed them into his pelvic bone. Jen could feel his body start to move upwards. For a moment, she considered pulling him down, so that all the force would be concentrated into his balls. She didn’t though.
There was a loud THWAP as the boot made contact with spandex and his vulnerable organs barely concealed.
There was silence. Doug’s mind went blank. Then he realized he hadn’t heard a POP! He hadn’t felt his balls explode! For a split second, he was so overjoyed that he smiled. But then a split second later the intense pain kicked in. This may not have ruptured him, but it was the worst kick in the balls he had ever experienced. His vision went white and he collapsed to the ground. He was shaking uncontrollably.
“Wow, you got him good honey. He’s gone into shock.”
His sister high fived his mother. “It was so nice of you not to castrate him, dear.”
“Well, I thought about it” said his sister. “But then the fun would be over! You should have had more boys, but alas I only have one brother.” They laughed.
“Hear that Dougy? My Christmas present to you is that you get to keep your little ballsies for us to torture a while longer, haha.”
The part of Doug that could even think at all was both relieved and super upset at what was being done to him. But that part was a little boat in a tempest of pain that was his body and mind at the moment. He heard this loud sound and realized that his teeth were chattering from the shock. He also didn’t even realize he was moaning loudly and pathetically.
Doug’s mom and sis went and started opening some presents while he lay there in agony. About 20 minutes must have passed and his sister was prodding him. He looked up and saw she was shoving a wrapped Christmas gift in front of his face. “It’s for you, Doug, from me.”
Doug was so mad at her that he turned away, but he heard his mom’s foot tap on the ground. “Doug, how dare you be so rude. Get up and acknowledge your sister’s present.”
Doug got to his knees, got dizzy, and fell back down. They laughed. He tried again and managed to pull himself onto the couch. He opened the present. Finally, he thought, maybe he could get on with a normal Christmas.
He opened it up… and his heart sank. Staring back at him from the box was a nutcracker doll. And not the classic one either. This one was a girl in a tutu.
“I always thought that Clara should have been the nutcracker,” said Sarah, referring to one of the Nutcrackers main characters. “Turns out other people think so too.”
“Thanks,” said Doug awkwardly.
Sarah looked at him. “Well, that’s not it silly.” She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t just get it for it to sit there on a shelf. We need to use it.”
She looked around. “I mean, it’s a nutcracker after all.” She looked around the room some more. “And I don’t see any nuts…”
She looked down at his bulging gonads resting on the couch. She smiled. “Ah, there are some nuts, between Dougy's legs!”
Doug pushed himself up and tried to stagger away. He was walking like a drunk sailor, still incapacitated by pain.
“Now Sarah,” said Jen. “You weren’t looking hard enough.” She passed over a bowl with a few walnuts in it.
“Aww, but Dougy’s nuts would be so much more fun to crack!” Said Sarah.
Doug looked pleadingly at his mother to save him from his demon-obsessed sister. He was frantic. She wouldn’t rest until she had obliterated his testicles! He thought.
Jen gave her son a warm smile. “Ok, Doug, just calm down. Why don’t I open a present now?”
Sarah couldn’t disagree with that and she moved back to the couch. Doug made a sigh of relief. As Jen went to the tree to get a present, Sarah grabbed a walnut and put it into the mouth of Clara the ballerina. She looked at Doug with a wide smile.
CRACK! Doug shuttered as he heard the sound and watched the walnut shatter into a hundred pieces. Sarah kept pressing as hard as she could. Nut pieces continued falling all over the floor. Sarah pressed it a few more times and laughed as the remaining bits of the nut were ground up into tiny pieces, until nothing was left. “Oh, poor little nut,” she said mockingly. “It’s all broken.” She put her leather boot on top of the remaining bits and pressed down. “I just looovvee the sound of a nut being crushed under my foot!”
“Alright, I’ve got one” said Jen. She unwrapped a present. She pulled out two candy cane red high heel pumps. “Oh darling,” she said to Sarah, “you know my type. They’re my favourite. A nice rounded toe. Comfy on the toes but still very effective when I want to give a guy's nuts a good kick. In fact, why don't I try them out on Doug's nuts right now.” They both laughed, looking over at Doug and his exposed nuts. Doug felt so embarrassed and covered himself.
Jen looked at him for a moment and then said, “Well Doug, you have a choice. You can choose that nutcracker,” she looked over to Sarah’s nutcracker, “or…” she slipped on her candy red high heels. “You can choose mommy’s nutcrackers.” She clicked her heels together.
Doug gulped. What a terrible choice, he thought. He wanted to cry. He heard the clack of his mom’s shoes as she walked on the hard wood and tried them out. Sarah was looking at him, chomping up and down with her nutcracker in a taunting way.
Doug had seen what that nutcracker did to a really hard nut. He knew his own precious jewels were not nearly as hard as that. If his nuts ended up in that… it would be game over.
He looked to his mom’s heels and sighed. At least with those, he had a chance of not immediately becoming a eunuch? He pointed feebly at her shoes. “Those…”
“Great!” Said his mom enthusiastically. He shuddered as he heard the loud clacking of her heels. It hit home how insanely hard they were.
“Sarah, would you help your mummy out?”
“Sure thing!” Doug’s sister eagerly went behind him and grabbed his arms, pulling them back in a tight grip. He was so weak now from the pain that she could easily overpower him. He could barely even stand.
Jen took position in front of him and measured the distance by taking a slow practice shot.
“Ooooh!” Yelled Sarah. She was looking around him at her mom. “Seeing it from this angle really lets me see what poor Dougy is seeing! You must be so scared brother,” she laughed. “I mean, if I had to stand and take a kick from her anywhere on my body, I would be so scared! And you’re going to get it right into your ballsack! Ouch!!!” She laughed hysterically.
Doug felt nauseous. He was so scared he thought he may throw up.
Having taken her aim, Jen put her heel far back. She was ready. “Are you ready for your nutcracker Doug?” She smiled. He looked back, wide eyed in fear. “Merry Christmas honey.”
Doug saw the flash of her leg and nearly passed out from terror. He instinctively moved his pelvis backwards to try to avoid her kick. Sarah wasn’t fully prepared for that. She managed to basically hold him in place but he moved his pelvis back several inches. This was important as Jen had aimed so that the top of her toe, several inches in, would connect with his tightly packed balls. He moved back only a second before contact, and as a result, he suffered a direct toe punt from her very hard high heeled shoe. Even through the shoe, Jen could feel the soft cushion created by his balls. Although she quickly felt his cushion being crushed against his pelvis. She realized that if she continued letting her foot sail upwards at that strength, his balls wouldn’t stand a chance. The elastic and tight shorts were serving their purpose. His balls had nowhere to go. They would explode in spectacular fashion.
Her heart raced. She sooo wanted to feel his orbs explode under her foot…
But after a split second she decided to pull back on the force of her kick. Doug still went on his tippy toes but he was saved behind fully launched into the air and having all of his weight onto his balls.
Jen had never seen a boy collapse so quickly. Jen lost control of him and Doug rolled like a bolling ball across the floor. Jen even had to move out of the way from being taken out. Over the next two minutes, Doug covered every inch of the floor as he rolled and writhed uncontrollably. Her and Sarah could do nothing but laugh sooo hard. Well Sarah also took a video. And before Doug had even stopped rolling, she had posted it online. The title was “Brother meets nutcracker - brother loses.” Jen laughed at her title. She actually liked that the video was just the aftermath of him being kicked in the balls. It let all the females who would watch imagine for themselves all the ways he could have been kicked in the balls.
“Why is he doing that?” Asked Sarah.
“Well, I read that it’s a coping mechanism. A way for his body to attempt to lessen the absolute agony he’s in.”
BANG, BANG… Jen looked over and saw Doug smashing his head against the hardwood. Sarah kept the video rolling.
Jen walked over, her heels clacking and grabbed his head and held it steady.
“What was he doing?” Asked Sarah.
Jen thought for a minute. Doug was pleading, “Make it stop, make it stop! Mummy, please!”
He kept repeating those lines over and over. Sarah, with this on video, could barely contain her laughter.
“Well honey, he’s in so much pain that I think he was trying to knock himself out. That way he would be free of the pain.”
Jen felt a surge of power and sadistic pleasure go over her. In any other situation, she would be filled with maternal concern, but she had zero sympathy for pain related to a male and his balls. It made her feel so happy to be a woman.
She was glad she hadn’t castrated him. She looked forward to having more fun.
After an hour, her and Sarah came back into the room. Doug was still laying there. Get up Doug, we have more things to do today…
Her Christmas nutcracking plans weren’t finished yet.
Brother’s Christmas Nightmare, Pt. II
All credit to Sean D.
Doug sat nervous as hell in a chair as the neighbourhood girls filed into the living room. He was so embarrassed. He shuffled the pillows underneath his Santa jacket uncomfortably. He tugged at his fake Santa beard. He couldn’t believe his mom was making him play Santa for the neighbourhood girls.
Well, at least it had been more than an hour since he had been kicked in the balls. If this was all else he had to do today, then at least his swollen balls could recuperate from the savage kicks he received earlier. It was so hard for him not to reach down between his legs and coddle his nuts. He instinctively wanted to keep checking that they were still intact.
The tapping of his mother’s new high-heels got his attention. He got to his feet. “Uh, ho ho ho, girls! Merry Christmas!”
The event was for less privileged girls from the neighbourhood. Jen was part of a community association that raised money for presents for the girls. She thought it would be nice for them to get the presents on Christmas from none other than Santa himself. Jen wasn’t a big fan of the patriarchical myth of Santa, but she couldn’t change the entire world at once.
Doug had a list of the girls’ names. As each came up, he called them by name, as if he knew them (because he was Santa) and gave them their designated present. They all opened their gifts.
Doug gulped as, one by one, the girls all unwrapped shoes. High heels, boots, soccer cleats, steel toed shoes, velvet shoes… there were all types. Why was he surprised?
Doug saw his sister and her friend Hailey chatting with one of the girls. They were pointing over towards Doug and giggling.
All the girls were trying on their new shoes. Doug wanted to cover his balls. He was instinctively afraid of all girls now. Why did all girls’ shoes seem specially designed to kick balls? He thought.
He felt at tap on the shoulder. It was the girl who had been chatting with his sister. She wore her hair in a pony tail. She was wearing a red skirt and green stockings. She had already put on her new shoes - a pair of pointy white leather boots that went up past her ankles. They had a steel toe on their tip.
“You’re not Santa!” She bellowed.
All the girls went silent. Everyone looked at him.
“You’re not Santa!” She said again, pointing at him in an accusing way.
Doug put on his best Santa voice. “Well of course I am, hohoho! I… uh… got you those shoes.”
The girl looked at him like she had him trapped. “Yeah, well what colour shoes did I ask for?”
“Uhh, white,” he replied, smiling.
“Wrong!” She yelled. All the girls were looking at him with angry glares now. “I asked for purple shoes! These are the wrong colour!”
“Well, uh…” Doug was trying to think of what to say.
He didn’t have anymore time to think though. The girl grabbed at his beard and pulled it off. All the girls gasped. “He is a fake!” They all screamed.
The calls came from different parts of the room. Doug was in panic. He didn’t know what to do. He was looking around, distracted, and this left him wide open.
The girl with the pony tail took a swing back with her foot. She looked at the loose V made by his Santa pants and she kicked as hard as she could.
Her pointy steel toe connected directly with his right nut. All the breath went out of him. It felt like his right nut was being sliced in half!
“Eeeeehhhh” squeeled Doug. He sounded like a squeeling pig. He immediately fell to his knees. Meanwhile, the girl with the pony tail’s blue eyes widened with amazement at what she had done. She had felt her pointy toe feel something “down there” between his legs, and she hadn’t in a million years thought she would see him drop to he knees like that. And his screaming!
Doug continued screaming. “My ball! My ball!” He was frantically feeling it to see if it was still whole. He couldn’t get a good feel because of the baggy pants.
The room was silent. The only male in the room, he had a room full of girls staring at him being hit in an organ that they did not possess. There was silence, except for his screaming.
Then the girl with the pony tail and pointy shoes, her mouth widened into a large smile. She started giggling. Then all the other girls started giggling. Then it became full on laughter.
Doug collapsed to the floor, rocking back and forth and crying loudly. He kept repeating “my ball! My ball!” The girls all gathered around him in a circle, pointing at him and laughing. Soon their laughing was drowning out his screaming.
The girl looked over to Sarah, Doug’s sister, and gave her a thumbs up. Sarah’s plan to continue her brother’s Christmas torment was succeeding.
Jen hadn’t actually expecting this situation, but she found it halarious nonetheless. And then she had an idea.
“Girls. Indeed, this is NOT Santa. He tricked me too.”
The girls all booed Doug, who was still rolling back and forth.
“This should be a lesson to all of you girls about strange men. They may lie to you and try to take advantage of you.”
“Do you girls know how to defend yourselves against boys and men like that?”
A girl raised her hand.
“You kick them between the legs!” A lot of the other girls giggled.
“And do you know why you kick them between the legs?”
“Their nuts!” Said a girl.
Another girl asked her. “Do they make a CRUNCH sound?”
They all laughed. “Well I don’t know. I suppose they could. I suppose they could make all kinds of funny sounds. Maybe someday you’ll find out, if a bad man tries to hurt you.” She winked at the girls.
“How many of you girls have learned how to defend yourselves from boys who want to bully you, or men who may attack you? How many of you have kicked a boy in the balls before?”
Only a few of the girls put up their hands. “Well, well, that won’t do. Every girl should be prepared for the worst!” Said Jen.
“Well girls,” she pointed to Doug on the ground. “We have here a bad guy who tried to trick you by pretending to be Santa. Why don’t we show him what happens to bad guys?”
All the girls cheered. Jen and Sarah pulled Doug to his feet. “Ok girls, now line up.”
The girls all lined up in front of Doug, who was held up by his mom and sis. “This Christmas keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it Dougy boy!” She winked to him.
Doug thought for sure his balls couldn’t take one more kick, after all they had already suffered. He just prayed that the girls’ kicks would miss or not be too hard.
A girl with a white dress and pink velvet boots went first. WHAM. She missed. Doug gave a sigh of relief. The girl looked at him, waiting for the reaction that didn’t come. Sarah realized she had missed. “Try again dear.” The girl wound back and let loose with all she had. This time, she connected dead centre in his sack. Doug bowled and tried to collapse, but was held up.
The girl stood there for a minute watching all the funny expressions and sounds he made. Then the next girl was up. Doug looked at the line of girls, specifically the line of hard, and many pointy, shoes. Then he looked up to all of their smiling, beaming faces. All so excited to kick him in his most painful spot. All wanting to see him cry! “No, please!!!” He begged.
The next girl up was an aspiring ballerina. She had hear tights on and had just received brand new ballet flats. Oh no, he thought.
The girl looked so elegant as she gracefully kicked her leg upwards. WHAM.
Doug’s eyes bulged out. His face went beat red. He couldn’t breath. He fell to his knees. Jen could see that he was struggling to breath but couldn’t. The girl who had just kicked him was amazed at what she had done to him. The other girls were all laughing.
Doug pointed down between his legs in panic. He looked up at Sarah and pointed frantically. He was motioning her to do something. “What?” She asked. He grew more frantic. “What?” She approached him.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Doug caught his breath. He coughed and gasped. He managed to say “My ball. Check my ball.”
Sarah smiled widely. Was this it? She thought. Had he lost a nut? To some ballerina shoes? She giggled at the thought but felt a twinge if jealousy as well. Excitedly, she reached down into his pants. And she only felt one ball. She looked at him in amazement. He shrieked with fear based at the look on her face.
“But wait…” “there should be something left…” she felt around the left side of his sac and felt nothing, no remains or anything.
Jen came and felt. All the girls were pressed closely in now, watching Doug’s most painful and humiliating moment, and they were all laughing at him.
“It seems that she kicked one of his balls into his body,” said Jen. The girl who did the kicking jumped up and down in her ballerina shoes. She was so excited.
“That is extremely painful,” said Jen. “And what’s worse for poor Doug, it’s even more painful to get it back down.”
Doug’s eyes widened. His mom has been feeling his pelvis and thought she found a bump that must be his nut. She pushed down, HARD.
Doug screamed at the top of his lungs for what felt like an eternity. He just wanted to die. Finally, Jen felt the stuck nut move downwards. She felt into his sac, and there it was. She felt to see if the spermatic cord seemed twisted, which could lead to his testicle dying in only minutes. It felt ok. She wasn’t 100% sure but shrugged, well she guessed they would find out. And after all, this would be a valuable lesson to these girls.
“All right girls, back in line.”
“No!!” Doug yelled. He couldn’t believe they were continuing.
One by one, Doug took the most agonizing kicks of his life on his already battered balls. There was a pair of Mary Janes, clogs, high heel pumps, ug boots, sandals, flats, and the worst, steel toed dockers.
The girls all ate pizza and chatted while Doug continued whining on the floor from all his kicks.
Sarah cam over and knelt down beside him. “Well, it seems your balls survived another day, brother” said Sarah.
“It’s a Christmas miracle.” She laughed. He kept crying.
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