The Helpful Sister, part 1 by BTJ882, part 2-4 by mickeybb.
"I'm going to start this by ranting a bit about stuff that probably means much more to me than to anyone else So before I get too deep into that lemme say that this is a bro/sis bb story. If you don't like that then you won't get anything out of reading this.
With that out of the way...let me start by saying that I'm probably going to regret making this post shortly after it's sent lol. I write ballbusting stories purely for my own amusement, and it's a lot easier this way because then I don't have to worry about what people like or dislike. More importantly, I don't have to fear showing people something they'll strongly dislike or, worse, ultimately think less of me for (not that these theoretical people would otherwise know me in the first place).
I'm only sharing this one now because...I don't know, I guess I do want to do something within this community even if I fear it on equal levels. Ultimately I feel the need not to talk about this sort of thing to people I know, but I guess I want some interaction with someone.
Anyways, this story is the one I feel the most comfortable sharing because it's the only one I ever wrote with the intention of sharing. It's also the first one I ever wrote. Caligula was doing some story exchange thingy and, wanting the story, I decided to try my hand at writing one to get it. I wrote it, sent it to him and got a nice reply back so that gives me a small amount of confidence here"-btj882
"Repost of one of my favorite stories with a sequel by me. BTJ882 is the original author of pt.1"-mickeybb
"I fixed some spelling and grammar and extended the incest-denial theme."-JJA122
PART 1 - Wednesday, by BTJ882
John loved math class. No other time throughout the day offered the chance for him to take a small nap. The only drawback was that he could be disturbed at any time.
"Sorry miss Daly", John said instinctively, still half-asleep. It took a second poke to his side before he realized that it was not the teacher that had woken him in the first place. He looked to his left. A girl sitting next to him rolled her eyes and placed a note on his desk. Her name was Sally and she was only important because she was friends with Julia, the shy redhead that he had a crush on since, well, since he could remember.
He glanced at the note, 'Meet me in the school library after class', before shoving it in his pocket. He must have dozed straight through a homework assignment or something. He would ask Sally about it later.
In the meantime, he placed his head back in his head and gazed towards the front of the classroom, straight at Julia who was listening to whatever the teacher was saying. He should make a move but deep down he knew it was a match made in hell. He was just as shy as she was. He knew neither of them would make the first move and as much as it pained him to realize it, he was more comfortable this way. Julia was prim and proper and he had a deviant side to him that he knew she could never like.
After what seemed like an eternity of just gazing at Julia, the class was over, and John dutifully made his way towards the library with Sally following from behind.
"You know whatever it is, I wish it could wait until tomorrow," John said as he pushed one of the double doors to the library open, "I'm tired."
"You're always tired," Sally said, batting him on the back of the head with her palm, "And I'm the one that gets stuck helping you because I feel bad for the slow and dimwitted."
"Whatever," John said sitting down at one of the many empty tables. Even though the library was open well past the end of school, it was barely in use after hours unless some class had a major project due.
"Lucky for you, you didn't miss anything today," Sally said, "Just some boring review stuff."
"Okay," John said, "Can I go now?"
"No," Sally rolled her eyes at John, "Think man, why would I waste my time with you here just to tell you that nothing happened?"
"Dunno," John said rubbing his right eye, "Maybe you have nothing better to do."
"You like Julia right?" Sally said.
John just blushed. Somehow he never thought that Sally would know, but now he just felt dumb and embarrassed for thinking that it was his little secret. It took him a while before he could even look at Sally again and when he did he was confused to find her blushing too. That only made him more embarrassed. It had taken years but he had built up a comfort level with Sally that allowed him to talk to her freely like a friend, but now talking to her about his love life felt like that comfort was slipping away.
"Well…" Sally bit her lip and stayed quiet for a few moments before going on, "You know Julia's pretty self-conscious and she lacks confidence. Me and some of her other friends…we want to get her out of her shell, you know, help her feel freer. So we were thinking that maybe if we exposed her to something…"
"You, um, mean take her on a rollercoaster or something?" John said, pretending to be oblivious, he thought he knew what she was asking and it scared him but also made him feel a little excited.
"No, I was actually thinking, there's no confidence builder than beating a guy up, you know, down there," Sally said finally.
"You mean..?"
"Between the legs, where it counts. Well, *your* legs anyway!" She said laughing nervously.
Everything at once seemed unreal to John. That was not what he was expecting Sally to say. John had heard about girls at his school hitting guys in the testicles as payback or just for fun. But he never imagined he’d be asked to be a willing participant.
"I mean you don't have to," Sally spoke quickly and dismissively, "We just thought, you know, if a boy would volunteer, it'd be the guy who's had a crush on her forever. But it was a stupid idea, right? Course it was. Can't believe they actually got me to even ask you. I'm just going to go tell them no-"
"I'll do it," John said, surprising him even more than Sally. Even though he volunteered for it, he did not actually think he would go through with it. He just wanted any chance to be intimate with Julia and to be honest, the idea of his privates being at her mercy turned him on.
"Really?," Sally said, "Wow, you're a good friend. It's going to double as a birthday present at her party so it won't be for another week. One more chance to back out though before I tell her friends…"
"Nah," John said, trying to sound tough but his voice took that inopportune moment to crack, "I'll be fine. How bad could it be?"
"Right," Sally said looking at John sceptically with a slight smile, "Well then, I'm going to tell them the good news, cya!"
John watched Sally leave in silence before standing up. He immediately felt dizzy and sick to his stomach. It is okay, he lied to himself, this is no big deal.
* * * *
"Hey, do you have any dirty dishes in here,"
John's younger sister, Jess said, walking into his bedroom and taking a look around. Jess was popular at school, unlike John who was much more of a bookworm.
"I don’t have any dishes," John said lying on his bed and staring at the ceiling, "Haven't been hungry."
"Okay," Jess said, turning around.
"Wait," John said.
"What?" Jess spun back around to face John. She was not fond of her big dorky brother.
"If you wanted to help out a friend would you do it even if it was painful," John asked.
"Sure," Jess mumbled, turning to walk out again.
"Wait," John said.
"What?" Jess asked, spinning back around again.
"What if it was really really really painful?" John asked.
"I dunno, sure," Jess said, "Why, what do you have to do?"
"Nothing," John responded quickly.
"Well then just do it," Jess said, sounding irritated, "Geez, it's not like you're going to break your arm or something."
"Well I might break something," John said, blurting the words out of his lips before he had a chance to regret it.
"Wait, what?" Jess asked, taking some interest in this for the first time.
"They um, want to attack me," John said.
"Yeeeeees?" Jess said.
"Attack me…well, you know."
"No, bro, no I really don't," Jess assured him.
"In the balls," John said, again regretting the words coming out.
Jess just stared at him for a moment before bursting out laughing. It took her a minute before she could even compose herself enough to say, "Doesn't that hurt?"
"I should think," John said.
"Doesn't that hurt, like, a lot for you guys?" Jess asked, still giggling between words.
"From what I hear," John said glumly.
"From what you hear, you mean you've never been kicked in the balls," Jess asked, sounding surprised.
"Don't make it sound like I just told you I never kissed a girl," John said, sitting up and for the first time actually looking at his sister.
"But that's just it, you have never kissed a girl either," Jess teased.
"Yes but don't make it sound like that is equal to the latter," John retorted, not sure if there was anyway that he could be made to sound more inexperienced right now.
"When is it happening?" Jess asked.
"In a week for her birthday," John said, "So you think I should go through with it?"
"I have no idea!" Jess paused for a moment and then started grinning from ear to ear, "What we need is a dry run."
"A dry run?" John asked not in the least bit liking where this was going.
"A test run, we'll do some of the things that might get done to you in this event, and we'll see if you can actually handle it or not," Jess said.
"…And you'll do these things with me?" John asked skeptically.
"Bust Your balls until you can deal with the pain? Yeah, somehow I'll summon the strength," Jess said sarcastically, "After all, we're family. Family helps family out."
"Thanks," John said, finding it not the least bit comforting that his sister would so eagerly attack him in such a tender area.
"If you think about it you really have no choice," Jess said, "You can either do it here with me in a safe environment or you can do it totally unprepared with whoever wants to take it out on your balls."
"I don't know," John said hesitantly.
"Plus you want to be strong and impress your friends' right? Well, everything requires practice," Jess insisted, "the more the better."
"What part of this would get better with practice?" John asked.
"You'll be able to handle the pain better, people get used to everything after a while," Jess said.
Jess had always been curious what it would feel to nail a guys in the balls, but never got a chance to do so. So the chance to trick her brother into going along with this willingly was too much to pass up.
"I have heard that before," John said realizing that he did feel safer experimenting with this at home before he risked humiliating himself in front of his crush, "Alright, let's try this out."
"Great!" Jess said, stopping herself from jumping with joy, "Now take off your clothes."
"What?" John said in shock, "That's gross."
"No it's not," Jess said, "Look I've never done this before. If I'm going to do it right, I have to actually see what I'm aiming at. I'm sure your friends will be expecting you to do the same and present your balls too."
John turned bright red. He had already essentially agreed to let his sister have her way with his balls. From here could any request really be considered unreasonable?
"Alright," John said, standing up and unbuttoning his jeans, and dropping them, "But I'm leaving my shirt on."
"Whatever you got to do to maintain your dignity," Jess teased, doing some exaggerated stretches as John took off his jeans and socks throwing each item on his bed. "So what do you want to try first?"
"Err... What's... the least painful?" John wondered out loud.
"I don't have a guidebook with me. Kick, punch, knee, slap... squeeze" she said, softly pinching a testicle for emphasis. Jess added jokingly, "I could try poking one with a pencil, would you like me to poke one with a pencil?"
"Uh, no," John said, actually thinking that his testicles being poked with a sharpened object would be the least pleasant of the options, "Can you try a kick, that's the norm right?"
"Sure, it's the norm," Jess said, standing up and letting go to do a practice kick in the air before facing John, "Okay, now spread your legs."
John developed a cold sweat as he did so. He felt exposed. Jess took two steps backward, and then two steps forward before lifting her leg and-
"Wait!" John said
"What?" Jess rolled her eyes and stopped her foot only inches from John's testicles.
"Not too hard right?" John asked.
"Of course, not too hard," Jess said in the most comforting voice she could fake.
"Okay," John said and nodded, "Okay, I'm ready now."
Jess backed up again before again moving forward and in one swift motion-
"Wait!" John yelled again.
Jess did not wait. Instead, she lodged her foot into her brother's testicles with as much force as she could muster. She smiled, relishing the feeling of her toes pushing his nuts against his pelvic bone. It only lasted for a second before John started to hunch forward and Jess had to move out of the way before he fell down, but it felt so much longer.
It felt like a long time for John too, but he was not relishing any part of it. John had expected it to feel much like a kick to any other part of his body. It would hurt, sure, maybe more than normal because this was such a sensitive area, but it would still feel like a sore. But this, this felt like every form of bad feeling he had ever experienced at once. He hated throwing up more than most, and for a few horrible minutes he thought for sure he was going to puke.
When the pain finally subsided enough that he could talk, he said in a squeaky voice, "I said wait."
"And I did once," Jess said, "But if I kept waiting every time you said it, we would have never gotten it done. You should be happy that you have such a caring sister that knows when you need a nudge."
John rolled onto his back, both of his hands quickly around his groin, "I never want that to happen again."
"Oh don't be such a baby," Jess teased walking around him until she was standing in between his legs, "I'll bet the first time is always the worst."
Jess then bent down and grabbed John's hands, removing them from his balls. He tried to resist but all the strength was sucked out of him. Jess lifted her foot up and let it hang over John's unprotected bare balls for about a minute, sapping up the look of terror in John's eyes, trying to memorize it for later.
Finally, she stomped her heel down onto his balls, driving them into the hardwood floor. Jess had half expected them to cave under the pressure, but was delighted to find out these things could take quite a bit of abuse. Slowly she rolled her foot and his testicles back and forth, grinding them into the floor.
John’s eyes rolled back and wished he would pass out. He wished that he could create a mental wall between him and the pain, but that was his entire life now and he had no way of separating himself from it. He could not even tell Jess to stop anymore, his lungs seemed to be failing him and he could just barely find the strength to keep enough air in him. Meanwhile, Jess was getting more and more confident, putting more and more weight onto his balls. She started lifting her foot up and stomping down, enjoying the feeling of his soft squishy scrotum and hard balls mashing against her feet, It felt like a nice foot massage as she rolled his nuts between her heel to her toes.
Jess wondered how women resisted the constant temptation to do this to a man, it just felt too good to ignore. And the expressions John was making were priceless. Noticing his balls were starting to badly swell up, Jess lifted her foot off of them and knelt down between his legs. John tried to take the opportunity to shield his balls with his hands but Jess batted them away.
"Stay still now, you want me to check to see if you're injured right?" Jess said as if John did not already know that he was injured.
Jess gingerly wrapped her soft palms around one testicle each and rubbed them gently, "well they feel like... Oh yes, they do seem to have gotten pretty big. That's not good, but I bet I can get them back to their original size for you."
John was beyond understanding what she said, but he liked the feeling of her cool hands encompassing his burning balls. It did not take the pain away but it did make it that much closer to endurable. His break was short-lived though, with no further warning, Jess started squeezing the trapped balls with all her might.
John opened his mouth wide as it would go into a silent scream. This was the worst pain yet because his sister had somehow managed to completely surround each testicle with one small hand, they had absolutely nowhere to go. They were being attacked from every angle, in every area, slowly caving in against the might of his sister. John lifted his head up and through teary eyes looked at his sister, hoping that somehow he could communicate with her one final plea for mercy.
But Jess was completely focused on the task at hand. Her face was scrunched up and every muscle in her body seemed to be tightened as if this was the hardest task she had ever had to undertake. She closed her eyes, she wanted to take nothing away from the feeling she had now. The exhilaration of it all, the power she felt having her big brother completely at her mercy, completely helpless with his precious balls in her hands.
She did not take a break, she just kept squeezing harder and harder, feeling his balls contract small and smaller. Finally, it began to feel like they were losing their density altogether. She could do it now, with only a few more moments of squeezing these things, she could break her brother forever…but, no. She wanted to, it took every fiber of willpower in her to ease up on them, to let go of her new favorite toys, but she did. It was not out of compassion that she did so, or a love of her brother, or any worry over the consequences that might be involved with popping her brother's balls. It was only a greater appreciation of what the future might bring that convinced her to let go. So long as she kept her brother's balls alive, just barely, she could do this whenever she wanted. Feel like this whenever she pleased. These balls were her new favorite toys, and you do not break your favorite toys the day you take them out of the box.
She stood up and walked around her brother until she was looking down at his face, she knelt down so she could whisper in her ear, "That was a good start, but we’re definitely going to experiment with this more tomorrow."
She soaked up one last look of terror from John’s eyes before standing up and walking out of the room. Tomorrow would be another good day of training her big brother.
PART 2 - Thursday, by mickeybb
It was early in the morning and John was tossing and turning in his sleep. He still felt tender In his testicles from the abuse he took from Jess the other day. John was having a dream about Julia’s party, It quickly turned into a nightmare where Julia was violently kicking his balls, with a commitment that matched his sister’s, probably even more. His sleeping pain increased with the joining of 7 other girls at Julia's party, taking it in turns racking him, including Sally who had metaphorically started the ball rolling, not to mention his own balls. As it were, John rolled onto his back.
The weather was cool, but John had kicked off his blanket as he worked up a sweat in his uncomfortable sleep. It was almost 6:20 am and John, despite his unpleasant dreams and painful night, was sporting some morning wood stretching the front of his boxers.
Jessica had a restless sleep as well, but more from excitement for the day ahead than pain or fear. Jess snuck in John's room to find him still asleep, she had to stifle a laugh at how exposed he was. She stood between his legs on the bed staring at John’s genitals, contemplating whether to make some whine from these grapes. Actually, she had already decided to do it but was savoring the buildup of waiting. Their mother was down the hall but usually slept until 9:30 after they had already left for school, as she worked the afternoon shift and wasn't home until 11:30 or so each night. Jess had decided not to take a chance on waking mom so she removed her ankle sock she was wearing and gently placed it in John's mouth which was slightly open. She giggled to herself as he seemed to twitch a little as he was treated to the taste.
The moment of truth had arrived and if Jess wanted to help her brother, and in this case she most assuredly did, she would have to help toughen him up for the party now only 6 days away.
STOMP!!!!!!! Her right foot crushed into his nutsack at slightly less than maximum power, as she now put all her weight on that foot so she could put the other over his mouth keeping the sock in place and maintaining radio silence.
John awoke with a startling speed and clarity as he was in tremendous pain. His clarity and awareness didn't help explain why Jess would do such a thing. Surely she knew how much pain she had caused him the night before. John finally made eye contact and saw that Jess was aware of the pain she was inflicting and seemed to enjoy it with a wide grin. After another painful stomp that knocked the wind out of him, she stepped off his testicles and onto his upturned face with both feet now.
"Good morning bro, how's it going? Just thought we should get a little action in before school. I see you not only survived last night but in working order. That's quite the boner you’re sporting so obviously our nut training yesterday wasn’t too bad. So I'm sure this morning's wake-up stomp didn't do anything to a big strong guy like yourself."
John couldn't help but feel a sense of pride that his sister was impressed by the size of his boner and calling him strong. With Jess’s foot in his mouth, he tried to mumble something causing Jess to smile and giggle again.
"Oh sorry I didn't want to wake mom up so that’s why I covered your mouth," she said as she looked down on him with a smile. "Hi John it's me, Jess, your sister and I'm standing on your face. HA HA." She stepped off. "But maybe that should be part of our nut training routine too. That way you won't make enough noise to wake mom or scare the neighbors if I get too carried away. Plus the humiliation will get you ready, I'm sure you'll feel real humiliated being kicked and stomped and kneed or whatever else those girls have planned for the party. You know me, the helpful sister."
John sputtered and spat as he swatted her foot off his face grimacing at the salty taste in his mouth. "You sick bitch you're getting off on this."
Jess stuck her tongue out in mock disgust at her brother's comment. "Well, I will say I enjoy it in the way it's funny to watch a guy hit in the balls on funny videos or whatever," she said. "But the best part about it is I can inflict pain only a boy can feel, especially to a brother because we are the main part of your sexual identity. But to me your sister you have no sexual identity. She continued. "And by chance that you're the one who enjoys it, well maybe I should break your balls in enough to straighten you out. If you were to end up a eunuch it wouldn't matter to me. I'd love you just as much if you had no balls or four."
"Okay fine, whatever. It's nice to hear that you love me, but I still really hurt from last night, if you do that to me again I'm telling mom if she wakes up or not."
"I don't think so" Jess responded angrily. "I would have to tell mom how her son asked his sister to kick his balls so he would impress some girls at Julia's party. If she found out about that it'd be off, you wouldn’t be allowed near Julia or Sally and you'll be chickening out on them but still be humiliated for agreeing to it."
"Plus I enjoy kicking your balls so I may end up breaking them and tell mom you attacked me and begged me to kick your balls because you are a pervert. So what would you tell mom exactly?"
"No, I won't, please, I won’t tell mom, but please don't destroy my balls." He begged.
"I don't want to but we will have to practice our nut training as much as possible."
"Nut training?"
"Yeah! I’m training your nuts to cope on the big day so that’s what I thought I’d call it, nut training! You're already better at it now than last night and you can still get it up so it's all cool. I'm going to shower so you rest up those balls 'cause you're getting three more kicks just before your shower. Then we'll have some more fun later on this afternoon. I do think Julia and Sally and the girls will be impressed."
"Thanks, and sorry about calling you a bitch I was the one to ask you to do this to me and I appreciate you trying to help."
"Any time bro. Maybe tonight I'll try standing on your groin for like fithteen minutes straight no kicking or jumping." She starts her little giggle again. "Okay, maybe just 1 jump. Oh and your welcome bro. I love you and I'll kick your balls all day, and every day to prove it!"
"That won't be necessary, but sweet of you to offer. I'll try not to make it too much work for you."
"Now that you mention it, it is work. So as pay I want your t.v. and 50 dollars a week out of the money you saved up working last summer."
John knew he was in trouble here. "I can't afford that, plus you said you loved doing this".
"And YOU can't afford for mom and every girl at school to know you begged your sister to kick your balls." Jess was still standing on his bed as she looked down on him knowing the blackmail would work but she might have to accept less.
"Okay, my t.v. and 50 dollars flat fee not per week. The party is 6 days away anyway. And I don't want to hear this threat every time you want something."
Jess smiled a sweet innocent-looking smile, "Deal, but after the party, we will talk about what happens then. You're just lucky I like kicking your balls, but it is still work for me. 'Do what you love' that's what they say, right?"
After her shower, Jess treated her brother to 2 more simple front kicks. Then she turned around to the bathroom sink facing away from him looking back over her shoulder-length light brown hair. She smiled as she caught her brother checking out her butt in her almost too-tight jeans. With her radiant smile still in place, she shot her right foot back at near lightning speed into John's again pulverized nuts. This kick caught him by surprise and seemed to focus his every thought and every bit of electric energy in his body on his right testicle. He immediately collapsed on the floor, not so much in a ball as a pile of defeated male flesh and bones.
"Wow I'm getting good at this," Jess said with delight "You know how a baseball player says when you hit a ball right it's like you didn't even make contact it's like swinging and missing. That is what that felt like, I guess when you hit a ball really well it almost feels like you missed."
"YOU DID NOT MISS!!!" John screamed in a whisper.
"Well that workout was so simple I didn't work up a sweat, but you seem to be sweating out every bit of liquid in your body." She used her left foot gently on his side to roll him over as she contemplated a goodbye ball-stomp before school. "Oh my God, you peed yourself! That saves you from a stomp I was going to give you as a bonus. Well, I guess it is a good thing I decided to save your shower for after the practice. I am grossed out what if you did that while I was standing on your nuts, my feet would be covered in your piss! you need to learn to control yourself."
"Jess, you woke me up by stomping my balls. Guys wake up with a hard-on often called a piss hard-on, because it goes away as soon as you pee. I had to pee as soon as I woke up but you were standing on me and blackmailing me so I waited. It's not my fault. I'm sorry." John didn't know why he was apologizing to her when she was assaulting his most sensitive parts, but she was right it was gross. He imagined what Julia would think if he wet his pants.
"Please Jess, help me, I can't do that at the party, I'll be a joke. I need more practice, you said it yourself everything gets better with practice. I won't do that again I promise."
Jess started to think. She paused dramatically and tried hard not to smile or laugh at her brother begging her to continue her assault on his tender balls. She wondered how to best take advantage of him.
"Okay I'll keep helping, but if you really want to impress Julia we're both gonna have to work hard, and if I have to work that hard I'll need more. 50 dollars per DAY for the next 6 days. Plus You'll do everything I say, do all my chores, and rub my feet for 10 minutes as soon as I get home everyday from school. That will last until my birthday 5 weeks away, then after the 5 minutes, you kiss my feet, kneel and ask me to kick your balls, and let me do whatever else I want. Also, we will find a way for me to kick your balls in public at least once a day 'til the party."
"And two or three times right in front of mom," she continued. "It can be accidental but once she sees you ask me to kick your balls, which I will oblige of course. You can either tell mom you lost a bet or you are curious or for a class project, you can make up why. If you agree to all the conditions I will help you learn to be tougher and to pretend to be a real man, with big strong balls to prove it! So what do you say?"
John lowered his gaze, already accepting his fate. "I say yes, whatever you want from me. I'm already humiliated and blackmailed. I say I want this all to be worthwhile, I want Julia to respect me and enjoy my body. I say I may have created a monster in my younger sister, who will most likely make a great dominatrix someday. I say yes to all your terms."
John knew giving his sister everything she wanted would change his life, but his life sucked so he was willing to take a chance that Jess will help him be impressive enough to win Julia's respect and maybe have a chance to date her.
"Wow if I had known you would agree to everything I would have asked for more. Okay, one more thing I want to ask Carrie to join nut practice tomorrow."
"Please Jess, can't we just keep it between us. This is not my proudest moment, but if you think it will help I guess it will be okay."
Jess thought for a moment. "Okay I'll tell you what I'll come up with a way to make it look like a prank to get Carrie a kick in, then one from me. She won't know about kickball practice. Remember to act like it hurts whenever she kicks you though, we've been toughening them up, you don't want people to know you have been practicing. Plus Carrie only weighs 100 pounds you might not even notice when she kicks you." She laughed.
* * * *
John was feeling better after lunch and sat down by his locker. He had about 20 minutes untill his next class, and sleeping through as he had been doing wasn't going to cut it. He picked up his economics book and actually started to read and review for an upcoming test. For the first time in his life he had a goal: impress Julia. Whatever it took, if it meant reading and paying attention it would be worth it. If it meant letting Jess play hacky sack with his nuts he would do it. Hell, he had not actually used his nuts except to jack off while thinking about Julia.
John was focused on studying in the library and starting to understand economics when suddenly he felt a shoe stomp between his legs, when he looked up and saw Carrie and Jess he realized Carrie had just stomped on his balls, while he sat their legs spread. It hurt badly but he realized not as bad as it should so he played it up, rolling on his side and letting out a squeal.
"Why would you do that, Carrie?" John asked, knowing Jess was behind it but curious at how she had talked her into it.
Carrie was still laughing like a kick in the balls was the funniest thing ever. To a girl it really was. "Well, your sister told me you liked scrambled eggs for breakfast, so I thought I would help." She answered while still laughing.
He thought I knew where this was going. "But it's not breakfast!!"
Jess took the bait she had planned and stomped his balls against the seat of his chair.
"Well here, lunch is on me." She said giving him a second stomp this time holding nothing back.
"Scrambled eggs, not just for breakfast anymore." Jess was laughing quite a bit too. He wondered if it was for show or if having a friend kick his balls too really made her enjoy it more. He lay on my side in pain that he didn't have to fake for Carrie's sake.
"Call me if you need help with dinner." Carrie joked holding her hand to her ear like a phone, as she walked away. "The only thing I can make is scrambled eggs, but if you want ice cream as dessert I'll try crushing some nuts for you!"
Luckily, there was no one who saw what happened. He didn't want anyone knowing about the arrangement with Jess, but admittedly it was exciting having another girl attack his privates. He didn't know if she has as many ideas as Jess, but another set of feet, knees, and hands could only help prepare him for the party.
* * * *
It was 3:45 when John got home. Jess was already sitting on the couch having caught a ride home. She looked hot and sweaty, maybe she hadn't showered after volleyball.
"Hi John, I hope you're ready."
John had a defeated look on his face as he went to the couch sitting down only to have his sister's size 8 nikes placed with just a touch of force on his lap nudging her heel into his waiting nuts.
"Does this really have to be part of our ritual? Your feet are probably sweaty and smelly. Do I really have to rub them for 10 minutes?"
"'Oh yes, whatever you say, Jess, I promise.'" She replied, and her mockery was noted. "Yes you have to and since I recruited two more feet for my kickball team you owe me double. 10-minute foot rub, kiss both feet, kneel, beg for a kick in the balls, receive one, repeat."
"Okay, you're right."
The ritual started with removing the shoes and socks, the smell from her feet was strong, but not entirely unpleasant, he slowly started kneading with both hands on her left foot. Four fingers on the top of her foot and both thumbs strongly rubbing starting at the heel and moving up to her nice high arch, then the ball of her foot and rubbing more gently on her precious toes which she had painted metallic blue but the paint was coming off in spots, John made a note to ask her later if she could teach him to paint toenails properly, Julia would like that maybe a pedicure. As he rubbed her toes and thought about painting them he was mesmerized and lost track of time.
BAM, her right foot came down on his lap causing him to jerk back to reality.
"Okay, now time for kissing, since we're repeating this later you can rub the other foot next time, you lost track of time. If it happens in the future there will be punishment doled out at my sole discretion. Now kiss both feet, LIKE YOU MEAN IT. Then you can kneel subserviently and beg me to kick your balls. Now kiss away!" Jess said.
It occurred to John once again that she would make an excellent dominatrix, perhaps as she was training him, he was training her. He kissed the top of her left foot and got a little turned on by it and realized this might be going too far. He enjoyed the salty taste and turned it sideways to also kiss the sole of her foot.
"Hey you're supposed to kiss both feet not just one foot twice, maybe I'll make you lick between my toes how gross is that?"
"Jess maybe we're going too far this is bordering on incest."
"Bullshit, you'll never fuck me." She lashed out, angry that he would try and end this great power trip she was having. "If I can help you, you can honor your word and kiss my feet and rub them. It's your way of thanking me. and my feet. The only reason you are doing this is the hope to be a better man and get Julia. If you have any balls left when we're done you can use them on her.
Now if you are getting aroused kissing my feet and being kicked in your most sensitive boy parts, that's your problem, but it is not incest. Once again I tell you, your nuts and penis mean nothing to me. They make you my brother instead of sister but that is it. If you piss me off again I might burst them by kicking too hard, too many times, stomping too hard, and maybe dancing on your nuts until I hear them pop. So just honor your agreements and kiss my feet."
After hearing that John took to kissing and licking her feet for the rest of the agreed time in silence. After kissing, John got on his knees and said with fear "Will you kick my balls please Jess?"
"Sure John, let's not fight, let's get along."
John was knocked over by three of the most powerful kicks he had ever endured or seen or even heard of. He just lay on his side in the fetal position gasping for air.
"See not like incest at all is it? Sisters have been kicking their brother's balls since forever, it is tremendous fun and I’m not stopping now. Quite surprising that I had never kicked yours before but now you practically begged me for it. I don't think I could go more than two or three days without kicking, or stomping, or squeezing your balls now. If you get married and move out of state, I'll still have to find a way to kick you when we meet, and I wouldn't be surprised if you begged me for it either with the way you enjoy it. It’s so much fun, and not incest."
PART 3 Friday, by mickeybb
John was sleeping more peacefully tonight. Jess stood on his bed between his legs wondering the best way to wake John this time. He was once again sporting a nice erection. Her work was paying off as they seemed to have swelled 20% or so in size, and she hadn't kicked him since 9:00 pm last night, before mom came home. Jess decided with his dick sticking straight up she could try something new, a knee drop onto his still swollen balls. She stood on one foot lining up her shot, then leaned forward until gravity pulled her bony knee right on her brother's balls with a splat.
"HHHRRRMMPPPHHHHHH" John screamed into another of his sister's socks that she had deposited in his mouth to keep his screaming to a minimum.
"Good morning bro, how's it hanging? I thought I'd try something new, that was great. Can you feel that?" Jess asked rhetorically, knowing with the combination of her dirty sock and the searing pain in his balls he would not be able to answer. She removed the sock while keeping her right knee balancing on his balls.
"Oh my God, Jess that hurts like hell, please get off," he cried.
"Well, your hard-on is still there so it can't be that bad," Jess responded wiggling her knee a bit, but she did sit up allowing John to recover at least for a moment.
"Okay spread your legs just ten thrust kicks then you can go pee. DO NOT PEE ON MY FEET!! If you do your balls will make it to Julia's party inside a bottle, or maybe I could fashion a toe ring or something and step on them with every step I take. Ha, that would be cool." Then while still sitting in between her brother's legs she started straightening her legs thrusting one foot then the other into his waiting and rapidly swelling nuts.
John lay there whimpering and with tears in his eyes as Jess decided to use a little more psych 101 on him.
"You are getting really good at taking these kicks. I think Julia will be very impressed. As a matter of fact, she may take it as a challenge to make you feel pain, if she thinks you don't, so you'll have to hold out as long as possible so practice, practice, practice! Oh, and remember tonight you have to ask me to kick your balls in front of mom."
John took the opportunity to quickly shield and nurse his sore balls with his hands after Jess was finished.
"I don't know about that part. I know I agreed to it before but I don't want mom thinking her son is a freak, maybe we shouldn't do it." John said hoping Jess would be reasonable, but he could already tell her answer from the look in her face.
"Bullshit, you are a freak, and if you don't I'll tell her about everything that’s happened, then you will have just let me bust your balls dozens of times over three days for nothing. Although don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, but if you can't even go to the party you'll be too embarrassed to ever talk to Julia, and I'm sure Sally will tell everyone you chickened out after agreeing to it. Now I've kicked, stomped, kneed, and squeezed your nuts for days, surely you can find some excuse for me to kick you in front of mom. You just think about it. Mom gets home at 9:30, if you don't ask me by 10:00 I will let the cat out of the bag. See you at school."
John knew Jess was right. He had to try and find a reason to let Jess kick him, no, ask her to kick him. He was thinking about it as he showered and noticed the size of his swollen testicles had increased dramatically. After he got out of the shower and got dressed. He decided to concentrate on school and worry about his balls after class.
John actually answered some questions in math class, prompting Sally to ask Julia what had gotten into him. He couldn't hear the rest of the conversation but they were snickering and he was sure it was about him. John got the results of two tests he had taken yesterday and after only a little review and paying attention his scores had improved a lot.
John got home a little before 4:00 and Jess was already home lying on the couch watching television. She smiled without looking at him as John sat don on the other side, ready for their ritual foot rub. John was getting good at this, if he ever got the chance to give Julia a foot massage he would surely impress her. Jess noticed his new enthusiasm and proficiency and absentmindedly rubbed her other foot on his groin as she took great pleasure from his strong hands on her soft sweaty feet. John got up to kneel in front of Jess and kissed each of her feet up and down for a full minute.
"Please kick my balls, Jess," he asked with sincerity he was beginning to notice. It was still extremely painful but somehow he needed it now.
BAM! BAM! BAM! Jess blasted him with three solid kicks, but he barely flinched.
"Thank you, Jess, for everything you've been doing for me."
"Hey, no problem. I think it's time to turn it up a notch though. You almost didn't even notice three hard kicks to your balls. I'll come up with something new for tomorrow. Did you come up with a plan for tonight?" She asked, honestly curious of how John could come up with a plan to ask her for a kick in the balls in front of their mother.
"Yes, but to get your real reaction you'll find out when I ask you after mom gets home," John said knowing his sister was curious to know his plan.
Jess kneed him as hard as she could. John collapsed on the floor. "I guess you noticed that one. I'll be ready, hopefully, you'll be ready by then too." She walked away laughing, but still wondering what John's plan would be.
At 9:15 Jess came down to the living room. She was wearing a short t-shirt that revealed her belly and some tight nylon gym shorts she often wore around the house. Usually, Jess walked barefoot around the house but on this occasion she chose to wear cotton socks and the pink pumas she worked out in. She looked casual but still cute.
At 9:30 Clarissa, their mom came home and sat next to Jess on the couch. Within 5 minutes John sheepishly walked up to them.
"Jess, can I talk to you upstairs for a second?" John asked.
"Nope, you can talk to me here or leave me alone."
"Okay, but this is kind of embarrassing." John shifted his weight from foot to foot as he slowly continued. "I need your help with a school project."
"You know me, the helpful sister. But I am not doing your homework for you."
"Don't worry, Jess. Somehow I think you'll summon strength. What I need to ask for your help with is a social studies experiment. Mrs. Turner asked us to put up a blog and find out what kind of things might get the most hits. The person with the most hits gets bonus points, it could mean a whole letter grade."
"What do I have to do?" Jess asked, knowing full well what she would have to do, but still wondering how he would get there.
"Well, you know how on those funny videos guys are getting hit or kicked in the balls, or falling on a railing or bike bar? Well since people find it funny, I thought I would get lots of hits showing a guy getting hit in the balls."
"So what exactly are you asking me?"
"Jess, will you kick me in the balls on video so I can post it online?" John asked.
The reaction from the two women was laughter from Jess and Clarissa. And Jess wanted to continue John's humiliation.
"Oh my God. I'll kick your balls for you, but I don't want to hurt you." Jess said with a wink and smirk that let John know that she really did like to hurt him, what fun was it for her if he didn’t feel at least a little pain.
"John, have you ever been kicked in the balls before?" His mother asked between giggles. "I've never heard a man ask to be kicked in his balls before. Maybe it doesn't hurt as much as you guys lead us to believe. Maybe it feels really good and you guys just play it up for sympathy. If your sister does this for you, you'll owe her a favor. Hey, I could kick your nuts too! maybe you'll get more hits if you have multiple people kicking your nuts. HEY I know we could try a kick, then a knee, then I’ll try the same thing too, and maybe your sister and I could stand on them if you can take it."
John was taken aback by his mother's excitement. "Let's not get carried away mom, I just want to record a kick or maybe two to post on a blog to see if people click on it."
Clarissa seemed a bit disappointed but still excited at the prospect.
"Well, mom's right John, the video will be more successful if it has both of us kicking you down there. And it's not all about what you want, mom and I might just pop them as payback for our efforts. Don't worry mom, if we accidentally crush or pop John's balls I can still give you grandchildren. I hope they are girls so they don't have to worry about their balls. But If John does survive our blog of ballbusting, maybe he could have a son, and my daughter could crush her cousin's balls."
"Jess, you're a little sadist I love it!" Clarissa said. "John, I'm not sure about your sister, but I’ll at least TRY and not crush your balls. I do think it would be great fun kicking them though. I haven't kicked any balls since college.
Oh my God! I just thought about it, I kicked your uncle Dave all the time when we were teens. He was such a jerk to me, and every time he pulled a prank or did something to annoy me I'd kick him in the nuts. Maybe he really did enjoy it with the way he never kept his legs closed or shielded himself, although I did not think so at the time. Once he put my panties on the flagpole at school so I kicked him three times as hard as my little size 8 mary janes could kick and those shoes had a hard sole. That was enough to make him sore for days, but then I stomped on them while he was sleeping in the middle of the night. He passed out and I sort of feel bad telling it now but I marched on his baby-makers barefoot for about 5 more minutes. Nothing beats the feeling of testicles squishing under your bare feet. He was annoying me again in a week or so, and I kept on kicking them whatever chance I got. So If you plan on crushing them Jess, you'll really need to work up a sweat. Just kidding John we won't crush your balls... at least just not yet." Clarissa laughed as she talked about castrating her own son. She knew she probably wouldn't do it, but it was fun to think about it.
"Mom," John began, "you said since college. Other than Uncle Dave, who else did you kick?" He was aroused thinking of his mother, still hot at 40, kicking balls and loving it.
"Well I had a boyfriend in my early highschool years and he drank a lot. He got out of control at a party and grabbed my ass in front of like 10 people. I was shocked and reacted without thinking and I kicked him with my pointy-toed stilettos. I must have caught him square on the left nut it swelled up so much it was sickening. Did you see that boxer with that huge welt that formed almost instantly from a head butt? well, his nut quadrupled in size making a gross lump in his pants. I felt bad but left him passed out there. That's twice I've made someone pass out by attacking their sensitive dangling boy parts," she said." John, if you ever need a good night's sleep mom’s prescription is a kick in the nuts, take 2 or 3 and call me in the morning. Sorry Jess, you still have to take a sleeping pill, although, being the ballbuster is a great stress reliever that leads to a great night's sleep. Okay enough talk let the games begin."
John set up the camcorder, spread his legs a few inches, and waited for his sister to kick him in the balls. Jess smiled as she shuffled her weight from one foot to the other. She stepped about 4 feet away and charged, two strides and one flying foot lifted John 6 inches off the floor. John exaggerated his reaction to the pain a little bit but most of his reaction was real and the pain kicked in.
"Are you ready for some foot-ball." Jess sang in a mocking style at her brother's pain. John wanted to seem tough so he straightened up only to be greeted by his sister's knee flying into his nutsack. "If you kneed me now." Jess singing another song on ballbusting karaoke.
"Nice one Jess, It looks like ballbusting runs in the family!" Jess did a little bow in front of John who was now kneeling on the floor.
"My turn," Clarissa said, a little too excited for John's sake "Get your balls up or I'll just stomp them into the floor, your choice."
John stood up and looked into his mother's sparkling eyes. She was a more experienced ballbuster than Jess, so he was a little nervous. She looked into his eyes then relaxed and stepped back.
"Did you really think I was going to kick your balls?"
John breathed a sigh of relief, which was the red flag to the bull, as soon as he relaxed she launched her pink painted toes at full speed into her son's tenderized balls. He collapsed on the floor and didn't pass out which was no comfort to him. Perhaps his sister’s attempts to toughen him up just let him remain awake when his body would want to shut down to save his sanity.
"John get up and load the video so we can watch it," Jess demanded.
"I don't have the blog layout done yet so it will be a day or two." John managed to respond.
"Nevermind we'll just upload it on our computer's hard drive so we can watch and plan our next attack."
Jess was very computer savvy and would be watching the video with title cards and slow-motion effects. John could just imagine a still video capture of his sister's dirty pink puma at the point of impact with his miss-shapen balls, he had to hope the pictures and video wouldn't get out. In his panic, he forgot that he left the lens cap on so the video would not get out.
"Dammit John, the video lens cap is on we'll have to do it again," Jess said, sounding angry, but thrilled to relive it. She really was disappointed to not have a video to watch.
"I can't do it again tonight. Can we do it tomorrow? Please?"
"Jeez, John you don't have to ask again. We'll be happy to bust your balls again tomorrow and maybe the next day. And all next week, all next month, next year, till infinity or we bust them permanently." Jess was really starting to enjoy this.
"I'm going to bed now see you in the morning." John slinked away with his sore balls.
PART 4 - Saturday, by mickeybb
Jess slept in till about 9:00 am Saturday. She had assumed John would still be in bed awaiting his wake-up stomp. She kept the same socks on since yesterday morning and was looking forward to sliding one in her brother's mouth again. When she walked into his room she was shocked to find him gone, with his room straightened and bed made.
She didn't know what to do with herself. She and John had not been extremely close and went their own ways as often as possible, but in the last 3 days they had forged a new and improved relationship. How could he just leave her here awake and primed without his balls for her to kick? She decided to go downstairs and fix some cereal for breakfast.
When Jess got downstairs she found her mother already awake and lounging on the couch drinking coffee and quite content, unlike herself. Perhaps she and her mother were getting a sexual charge from kicking her brother's balls. Jess started thinking the adrenaline and desire that had been stolen from her this morning was the female equivalent of getting blueballs.
"Where's the dork?" Jess asked Clarissa, sounding more than a little annoyed.
"You're not going to believe it but he got up early and washed last night's dishes, and seemed energized so he said he would go to Garner's and get you your favorite broccoli ham and cheese omelet. Of course, he's getting one for me too, it's his treat. He never wanted to spend a nickel and now he's buying us breakfast, and cleaning things around the house. As funny as it sounds, I think he feels guilty about leaving the lens cap on after we helped him out with his project. So I told him we'll try filming you and I kicking him in the balls again when he gets back if he can take it. The way you two used to fight sometimes I figured you would be up for more ballbusting, am I wrong?"
"No, mom you’re correct. I wanted to pound his balls for him all last night and I still do, you know, for his school project. I had never kicked him before, even when we fought all the time, I hadn’t kicked him until he asked for it, but now I will happily do it as hard and as often as he can take it." Jess said being careful not to mention to her mother that not only had she happily pounded her brother's balls last night, but constantly and lovingly for three days straight.
"Have you noticed John's changes in the last few days? He seems different somehow, doing homework, cleaning the house, fetching breakfast, and being polite, he is almost subservient. I think there is a reason he asked you to kick his balls and maybe he left the lens cap off on purpose. I think maybe he's become one of those guys that are submissive and worships women. Do you know if anything happened in the last few days that could change him in this way?"
"No, mom I have no idea. So maybe we shouldn't kick him if he's turning into a freak, even if we ourselves enjoy it. I didn't want to change him. I just thought it would be fun to kick his balls." Jess responded, sounding upset at what had happened to John.
"Honey, it's okay. It's not your fault, it's not like his whole life changed just to accommodate your pretty foot kicking his balls. These changes happened a couple days ago, I don't think kicking his balls is the reason, I think it's the result of some other change, a symptom of something, but not the disease itself. Also, I didn't say this change was bad, maybe we can take advantage of the situation. If he worships us, as a show of his submission, let us kick and knee and stomp on the very thing that makes him a man, then he is showing us the respect we deserve and have been waiting for for a very long time. We deserve that and I think he wants us to help make him a better man, or not one at all, if we overdo it. So let's continue this and see where it goes. You shouldn't feel bad, you are actually doing what he wants, and he may want even more than he can admit, even to himself, so keep it up and push him to the edge of his limits if you want. I know that you two haven't always seen eye to eye, but instead of fighting bring him around to your way of thinking. Hell, if he wants his balls kicked, and you want to kick them, go ahead, but remember you are in control he gets nothing if you do not give it to him."
"Thanks, mom that makes me feel better."
Jess gave her mom a hug and really did appreciate the encouragement, but still felt bad not telling her mother the truth about her extra days of ball-kicking her brother that might have led to these changes, even if they did seem for the better of the family.
"I'm home!!" John exclaimed, bringing in the breakfast he had gone to get them. He seemed to be disappointed to see Jess there.
"Sorry, Jess I was hoping I could wake you up with breakfast in bed. It was going to be a surprise and I wanted to thank you again for your help." He seemed sincerely sorry for something. "Mom here's yours, and Jess if you want to go back to your room I'll bring your breakfast up on a tray for you."
"Okay, I'll be waiting," Jess said, sounding a little bitchy. John realized his sister must have missed their new morning ritual, but he hoped he could make it up to her.
John got the tray and put the food on it and some orange juice from the fridge. As he walked into her room she was sitting on her bed, which was rather high off the ground, with her feet dangling just above the floor.
"If I have to eat in my room off a tray because you won't let me eat off the table I need a footstool to steady my legs while I eat," Jess said sounding bitchy again, confusing her brother who had actually planned to make this such a nice morning for her. "Sit down, better yet lay on your back with your but against my bed frame then have your legs spread apart coming up the side of the bed." John was assuming the position as he was told wanting to do anything to please his sister and knowing placing his balls basically as her footstool would be a good first step.
As soon as he spread his legs Jess pressed down directly on his balls with both heels. She had said she wanted a footstool to keep her tray still, but she was rocking it from side to side as she shifted the weight on one heel then the other. John was definitely tougher than when they had started this a few days before, but heels pressing on your balls still hurt however he was able to take it with only a barely audible groan.
"Do you need something to keep you from making so much noise?" His sister teased him, knowing she was still going to get the chance to stick her sweaty white socks with lace trim around the tops in her brother's mouth.
"Yes, thank you I would be honored if I could have the privilege of your personally scent-enhanced socks in my mouth, so as to keep from making noise that might disturb you," John replied, surprising himself, as well as Jess with his answer and his reverent tone.
"You may remove my socks and withdraw their essence to help you remain a quiet and useful footstool."
John removed both socks and with a small almost unnoticed smile took them into his mouth to begin their worship. Once he had them in place Jess forcefully stomped her naked sweaty feet back on his balls.
"That's better. Now we can relax and enjoy breakfast." As she spoke she continued to grind her feet into his balls causing a significant amount of discomfort to her brother's nuggets which seemed to have permanently swollen 20% or so. Jess made a mental note to try squeezing again later she hadn't done that for a few days and wondered how they had changed in density and shape as they seemed to have become a little flatter and wider, had she really stomped them into a new and improved shape. She giggled a little at the thought.
After breakfast was done Jess set the tray to her left and stood up causing John to squeal even through the sock in his mouth. She had stood on them before even stomped on them, but this position left his penis against his belly and his testicles resting against the pelvic bone with nowhere to go as her precious little heels transferred her 110 lbs. directly to his nuts.
"This is awesome, after all the stuff I've done to your stupid balls I can still do something new, nice to hear that you can feel it too. You always want your work to be appreciated."
Then without warning, she started marching in place, bringing a new level of pain to her pathetic worm of a brother, worthy only of scorn and pain administered by her sexy little feet to his battered balls.
Jess and John both looked up in shock as Clarissa walked in to get the dishes, only to find her son lying in an extremely vulnerable position, while his adorable little sister was still marching on his ballbag with a look on her face like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, rather than with her feet marching on her brother's baby-makers.
"Oh, uh, sorry, I, uh just wanted the dishes." Clarissa knew now that she was right about her son’s submissiveness but she had vastly underestimated her daughter's playful sadism. It seemed everybody was now happy with the new family arrangement.
"Jess, that's a great way to thank your brother for buying you breakfast. I'll have to thank him myself later. Hey, when is your driving test, next week, or the week after?"
It seemed she and John should not have been so worried, mom was taken aback a little, but was taking the situation pretty much in her stride.
"My driving test is in two weeks, I'll have to practice when I get the chance," Jess said continuing her casual conversation with her mother, while absentmindedly still marching on John's balls.
The shock of his mother seeing him in this position and barely reacting confused him, so much so he was more worried about how life with his family will change now that his mom and sis had become enthusiastic ballbusters, rather than the 110 pounds of female flesh that was already pounding his life producing testicles.
"Hey, mom can John help me practice?"
"Sure, honey whatever you want. If you can somehow use him for practice then go ahead, just don’t wear him out too much."
Jess had a great idea and told John to wait right there while she got something. When she returned she had a steering wheel from his video game system and a folding tray table which she placed over John's chest. She asked him to remove the socks so they could talk if he had any wisdom for her on driving. She placed the game steering wheel on the table and sat down. She instructed him to scoot back some and stretched her right leg out until she pressed on his left testicle
"This is the gas pedal" She switched her foot onto his right testicle to indicate the break. "And this is the break. See? Now, this is what I call real gas-pedaling!"
John had heard the term gas-pedaling meant pumping their feet into someone’s balls but didn't think it actually meant pretending to be a gas pedal.
Jess began to practice driving while playing the game. Since she wasn't using the pedals that came with the game it wasn't controlling the speed or braking on the screen.
"Okay John, when I step on the gas pedal I need you to make a ‘vrooom’ sound.
And make a break sound when I use the break."
When Jess stepped on the gas he would make a vrrrooooooom sound and when she slammed on the brakes he would go eeerrrrrttttt; of course, making the noises louder when she pressed harder which would be easy, but he would have to figure out which nut was being pressed on and what noise to make. Much like bowling, Jess gave him a free game to warm up. It didn't seem like a free game to John, Jess would floor it on the gas pedal (John's left ball) and he would make the vroom noise escalating the more she pressed. Then she would suddenly slam her foot on the brake (his right ball, and please don't say break) eliciting an eeeerrrrrtttttttt squeal from her brother, who despite all his nut training the last three days was not faring too well.
While John wasn't doing well Jess was having a ball. Driving was fun slamming down the gas pedal then stomping on the brake, then punching the gas again, then slowly braking with a gradually increasing pressure until she was almost standing on him.
John was unable to figure out which foot was slamming or stomping which nut anymore. His noises sounded less like a car and more like a surgical patient crying out in pain that someone forgot to anesthetize before a brutal surgery. Brutal surgery was a good way to describe it, imagine if someone was stepping on your kidney, slamming their pretty foot on your heart, well John had two of his precious organs exposed where his sister could step on them, or stomp on them to her content.
"Okay free game is over now it's for real," Jess said casually as saying 'hi'.
To John it was heartbreaking knowing he had to sit down and take even more abuse. Really her driving was questionable at best, like a t.v. star turning a steering wheel drastically right and left which would drive off the road in real life. She would be going 0 to 60 in 5 seconds then slam on the brakes, then speed up again then slam on the breaks. She didn't know if the car had anti-lock brakes, so perhaps she could try pumping the brakes in case she was on ice or something. She pumped her barefoot into her brother's right testicle, pump on, ease off, pump on, ease off, pump on, ease off. Jess started to laugh as she forgot she was stomping on her brother's balls, she had been so into it just playing a video game and didn't even get to enjoy it. She made it a point to focus at least some of her attention onto the balls she was stomping, how silly that in the 4 days she could almost sterilize her brother and be unaware she even was doing it. Pump on, ease off, pump on, ease off...
John was almost catatonic and since he almost passed out he stopped making noise, but Jess wanted her sound effects and was going to get them. "Maybe it just needs a jump start." She said, amusing herself as she reached down to fondle his large purple gas pedal and matching brake pedal. Then she got an idea she wiped the sweat from her foot on her brother and then stepped on his face on her way across the room. She got to her dresser and pulled out her fuzzy toe socks. They were purple and pink striped and looked very cute on her. Then she shuffled across the floor around the room three times, careful not to touch any metal. After the third time, she approached John's still body and flicked her middle finger into his right nut. The spark actually made a loud crackle and John looked at his sister as if to ask what happened.
"Are we done practising driving yet?" He asked with more than a hint of desperation.
"Okay you big baby, but I want a minute of squeezing, it’s been way too long since I’ve squeezed them."
"Okay, do whatever you want just no more stomping on my ‘brakes’. You know when driving a real car you don't floor it or slam on the brakes that often." John thought he should give her some real advice just in case.
Jess didn't respond audibly but knelt down next to him and fished into his shorts his abused ballbag, wrapping her fingers around a testicle each. John’s breathing became heavy as he braced for the pain he was about to receive.
"Oh come on, I’m only feeling them right now, what’s Julia going to think if you react like this?"
"Please Jess, maybe we should stop, I’ve already been through enough, and I don’t want you to pop them," John pleaded with genuine worry.
"Not a chance! Do you remember what mom said about the chances of popping them? I would really need to on trying to making that happen. And anyway, I don’t think you have any say in this, you know, since I now own your balls, don’t I?"
John gave up arguing and awaited the inevitable. Then with a warning, she said, "Ready" and began to squeeze his testicles in both of her fists like she was squeezing a lemon for its juice causing John to wail mournfully. The lemon started to flatten out but otherwise withstood the pressure and gave no juice. Jess has to marvel at their versatility. Jess began to daydream a bit and had to shift her grip to maintain her attention on the task at hand. John squealed like a wounded animal every time she loosened and retightened her grip. Jess thought that was funny and found herself looking at the reaction on John’s face.
After a full minute of squeezing she let go, and John let out a sigh of releif. As he lay there defeated she said "What's for lunch?" STOMP "I didn't get scrambled eggs, but there's some for you. HAHAHA!!"
John had about an hour to recover before Clarissa and Jess came into the room together, making him more than a little nervous.
"Jess has informed me of your arrangement and I don’t know if I approve of you submitting your testicles up for some girls you barely know. However, if you want to risk your chances of ever being a father, we don’t really mind. Your sister also told me all about what she’s been doing to you this week, how she is training you to be better at taking a hit, or kick, or squeeze, and training you to worship her feet. Since you seem to love your sister's feet and your inferiority to us, I think I could help teach the both of you a few things as well to remind you of it in whatever ways I can."
John didn’t know how to respond. "Uh, thanks for understanding mom. I don’t understand what I’ve been feeling, or what is going on. I just have focused on impressing Julia, but I think this goal, even such a bizarre one as being able to take a kick to my balls, has helped me appreciate having such a helpful loving sister and to become someone better, something stronger." Saying this all out loud made John realize he had changed in ways more than just toughening up his balls.
"Well I know I’ve never gotten along with him better," Jess said with a hint of a laugh, even though she meant it sincerely. "Just marching on his nuts while he is writhing in pain, and then seeing him look up at me and thank me for it, it is so hard to fight with John with him like this."
"Now, Jess, you should be nicer to your brother. He wanted your help and got what he wanted, and I’m sure something significantly more. Since I’m not as creative as Jess I want to try something simple. John, stand up in front of me and I’ll give you 10 hard kicks to your balls. If you can survive that and the next few days with us, I guess you can go offer them up for more pain at this party. But if the girls pop one of your nuts I’ll make sure you wish you were a girl by popping the other one."
John assumed the position his mother asked, spreading his legs, and awaited 10 kicks to the groin from his mother. She was wearing black cotton socks that were well worn having almost see-through thin spots on her heels and the balls of her feet. Clarissa just reared back and kicked as hard as she could.
Practice makes perfect, and John has gotten a lot of practice lately, but not enough to be perfect. He didn’t collapse on the first kick as he had just a few days before when his sister had first kicked his balls, but it still hurt, and the pain only increased exponentially as the kicks mounted...3...4...5...6.
John tried to remember how this all started, he just wanted to impress a girl and maybe get a kiss, or maybe even touch her breast, somehow that all led him here to his mother trying to convert him into another daughter. 7...8...9...
He couldn’t stand any longer and fell at his mother's feet. His nose rested on the top of her right foot, and he slowly breathed in her foot scent. It was a little stronger than his sister’s but not bad. His breathing returned to normal quickly this time and Clarissa pulled her foot out from under his face.
She walked around to his side and kicked him over on his back. Then she slowly walked down to his feet and lifted both of his feet in the air and smiled down at her son, only to slam her right foot down on his genitals to grind them with a twisting motion like she was putting out a cigarette.
"Well maybe that is enough for today, Jess, you and I can take up his nut training again tomorrow. He will be representing our family at this party and as the only balls left in this family the family name will die with his balls if they can’t survive the ordeal. We can’t have that so we’ll have to step up ourselves."
At this comment, she stepped up on John’s sore balls. Jess grinned and nodded in agreement.
John was still laying on his back supporting his mother’s full weight on his balls. He wondered if the women in his family had any idea how much pain it caused. He sensed that they didn’t care if he was willing to let some girls from school bust his balls his mother and sister felt they had the right to dance an Irish jig on them if they wanted.
"Okay You rest up and Jess and I will see what we can come up with to improve your training tomorrow, so let those balls rest up, who knows if they’ll last until your party."
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